Accessories for sewing machines. Adaptations for stitching sewing machines Presentation of new material

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Lesson 20-21

Subject: Sewing machine accessories. Using attachments for a sewing machine

Lesson objectives: 1. To familiarize students with sewing machine accessories and their purpose; with safe work rules; teach how to sew buttonholes

2 Develop practical skills in operating a sewing machine;

3. Contribute to the formation of neatness, aesthetic taste and practicality

During the classes

I Organizational moment

II Repetition of what has been learned

- Classification of textile fibers (on the board)

What are the raw materials for the production of artificial fibers? Synthetic fibers?

III Psychological preparation

Work in pairs (using cards)

Solve anagrams

gail, viodpr, hokivma, stick, gutalorre. (needle, drive, flywheel, presser foot, regulator)

What do these words have in common?

Topic message

What do you think we will do in class?

V Learning new material

    When did the sewing machine appear?

The first sewing machine project was proposed at the endXVcentury Leonardo da Vinci. But the machine was imperfect; it copied the principle of manual stitch formation. Inventors experimented for a long time with the location of the eye on the needle. And only in 1834, the American Walter Hunt invented a needle with an eye on the pointed end of the needle and a shuttle device. The most famous company producing sewing machines is Singer. The car has changed a lot since then. Now there are sewing machines with program control, they connect to the Internet. They configure themselves and perform a lot of different operations.

With the help of modern sewing machines, you can not only grind down pieces of fabric, but also overcast frayed sections, sew on buttons, make buttonholes, etc. Small-scale mechanization devices are available for household machines. Each sewing machine comes with a set of additional feet and accessories for performing various stitches and seams.

    Work with text

Read the text, look at the different paws, read what they are for.

    Group work

Determine the names of the available legs from the picture.

4 Rules for installing the device

Place the needle bar in the upper position.
- Loosen the adjusting screw and remove the presser foot.
- With your right hand, move the foot to the pin of the foot holder so that the groove of the fastening screw fits under the adjusting screw.
- Tighten the adjusting screw.

3. Rules for safe work.

    How to organize your workplace correctly?

    What safety rules must be followed when working on a sewing machine?

The rules for installing small mechanization devices and working with them are the same as when working on a sewing machine. However, we must remember:
1. When installing accessories, do not keep your feet on the pedals.
2. Before work, check that the device is installed correctly. (Does the adjusting screw hold the foot well? Is it parallel to the teeth of the engine rack
fabrics? Does the needle go through the needle hole?) .
3. When installing and removing small mechanization devices, you need to use a screwdriver to better secure it to the claw holder.


Practical work (some students perform hand stitches)

Reviewing safety rules

1 “Buttonhole sewing” (according to instruction cards)

    Install a special buttonhole foot. Thread thin threads into needle No. 70 - 80.
    - Set the dial switch in a zigzag stitch: length 1 mm; width 2 mm.
    - Place the needle in the left position and sew stitches along the left half of the loop.
    - Return the needle to the middle position, increase the stitch width by 2 times and make 3-4 stitches for the paperclip.
    Set the previous stitch width and place the needle in the right position. Sew stitches along the second half of the loop.
    - At the end of the stitching, sew several double-width stitches for the second bartack

2. Using a zigzag stitch.

To protect the sections of the product from fraying, overcasting with a zigzag stitch is used.

The choice of stitch length and width depends on the type of fabric: for very loose fabric - wide stitches and a small distance between them; for not very loose fabric - the stitches are narrow, and the distance between them increases.

When processing thin fabrics, a zigzag stitch is laid at a distance of 5 mm from the cut, and then the seam allowances are cut off close to the stitches.

    Blind stitching

    Sewing on buttons

VI Lesson summary

VII Homework § 17 answer questions. Bring scraps of fabric 10x10 cm

MBOU "Secondary School No. 43"

Technology lesson notes
in 8th grade
"Accessories for sewing machines"


technology teacher

Medvedeva Vera Viktorovna


Date: ____________ Class: _____________ Subject: technology. Lesson number _______

Topic: “Accessories for sewing machines.”

Purpose of the lesson: to teach students to distinguish between accessories for a sewing machine, to teach students to work with devices


educational:familiarize students with the classification and purpose of special machines; repeat the PTB when working on a sewing machine;ensure the assimilation of material on the topic;

developing:instill skills and abilities; develop the ability to set yourself a goal to remember material; develop a culture of oral and written speech; develop the ability to work rationally with instruction cards; teach studentsanalyze and determine the features of accessories for sewing machines;

educational:develop discipline in work;to develop in students a love of work and a willingness to work conscientiously; teach how to maintain the material and technical base of the school; develop the ability to comply with the rules of occupational and household hygiene; develop basic housekeeping skills; cultivate feelings of mutual assistance;

Lesson type:combined.

Methods of conducting the lesson:

- explanatory - illustrative (story, conversation, work with didactic material, demonstration),

- reproductive (instruction; practical work, independent

Means of education:

subject-natural objects, visual aids;

practical - labor activity;

emotional - creative interest, satisfaction in work;

Equipment and visuals: textbook "Technology" 8th grade; visual aids (tables, instructions for small-scale mechanization devices for sewing machines); machine, thread, scissors, cotton rag, ruler, chalk.

Object of labor:sewing machines, small mechanization devices

Material and technical equipment:

Equipment for student workshops:student desks, chairs, tools and equipment.

Routing:"Accessories for a sewing machine."

TSO: computer, screen, projector, C D– disk (lesson compiled in Power Point)

Safety precautions:« Safety rules when working on a sewing machine."

Literature for teachers: methodological guide 8th grade, didactic material

Literature for extracurricular reading for students:school encyclopedia, textbook technology 8th grade

During the classes:

    Organizational part.

    Preparing students to start working in class


    Checking work uniform.

    Mark those who are absent.

    Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

    Repetition of PTB.Students review safety rules when working with sewing machines. The teacher asks questions:

    What safety regulations must be observed when working on a manual sewing machine?

    What safety regulations must be observed when working on an electrically driven sewing machine?

    List the CHT when working on a sewing machine?

    Presentation of new material.

Modern sewing machines have a set of accessories that allow you to quickly and efficiently perform many operations. Attachments to sewing machines can increase labor productivity and improve the quality of product processing. With their help you can overcast buttonholes, sew on buttons, hem hems with blind stitches and , sew on a zipper braid, edge the cut of the part with bias tape, embroider. The industry produces a large number of different devices. Small mechanization devices are also produced for household sewing machines. Each sewing machine has a set of additional feet and accessories for performing various stitches and seams. The accessories include: a cord stitching foot, a sewing foot, a gathering foot, a blind stitch foot, a buttonhole foot.

Foot for stitching cord.
Used for finishing women's and children's products. The cord should not be stitched to the material. The worker bends the material with his hand and guides the cord (Fig. 1).

The foot is a stitcher. Slide No. 3

It is used for sewing cuts and sewing closed seams in linen. The stitching foot is hinged (Fig. 2). Its left horn has a process with a groove for bending the material. Right horn is a ruler - a guide.

Rice. 2

Gathering foot. Slide No. 4

L apka-assembler (Fig. 3) is used for finishing women's and children's products. Paw rigid and has a short sole with horizontal slot From the left side. The foot can be used for uniform gathering, used as a finish on a product, and for simultaneous joining of two layers of fabric with gathering of the bottom layer. The material gathers as a result of the back of the sole just behind the needle hole being cut off and the thread tension being higher than normal. Place the edge of the fabric under the gathering foot, set the stitch length with the adjuster lever and begin to sew. With a stitch length of 4 mm, large gathers are obtained, with a stitch length of 2 2.5 mm smaller ones. When working as an assembler, you get uniform assemblies that do not shift or get confused. The gathers will not work if the thread tension on the machine is very low. The tension should be the same as required for sewing products from chintz, satin, and linen. Rice. 3

Blind stitch foot.
Using the blindstitch foot (Fig. 4), you can quickly hem the product. In order for the work to turn out neat and the stitches to be truly hidden, you need to practice on a piece of fabric.
1. You need to install a blind stitch foot on the machine, a 70-80 needle, thread thin sewing threads to match the color of the fabric, and slightly loosen the top stitch.

2. Set the appropriate type of seam, stitch length - 3-4 mm.
3. Baste the bottom edge of the product into a closed hem. At the same time, lay a line of straight stitches so that when you fold the hem to the right side, a 10 mm wide edge protrudes.

4. Place the prepared edge of the fabric under the blindstitch foot. In this case, the fold of the upper fabric runs along the stop of the blind stitch foot.
5. WITH Using the adjusting screw, move the stop to the left so that the needle, when piercing the upper material to the left, hits the very edge. Rice. 4

Foot with limit ruler.

L app with ruler used when sewing, when the next line needs to be made parallel to the previous one (Fig. 5). In this way, you can sew rows and squares of the same width, and quilt cotton products (for this, cotton wool is placed between two layers of fabric and stitched evenly). This foot can be used to sew on a zipper.

Rice.5 Foot with ruler
The foot with a ruler consists of a foot and a ruler-guide. The guide ruler can be moved closer to the foot and further away from it (maximum distance up to 30 mm) or completely removed from the stand, for example, when sewing a zipper.
There is no need to mark lines on the fabric along which the stitches should go - a foot with a guide ruler ensures parallelism of the stitches and equal distances between them. But you need to make sure that the guide ruler slides exactly along the previous line.
If you need to stitch a pattern in the form of cells or diamonds, then, in addition to longitudinal stitches, transverse stitches are also sewn.

Safety regulations

when working with small mechanization devices.

When installing small-scale mechanization devices, you must follow the safety rules:

    Before starting work, you must clean the workplace.

    Comb your hair, roll up your sleeves, remove accessories and jewelry.

    Without the permission of the teacher, do not sit down at the sewing machine and do not install small-scale mechanization devices.

    To install and remove small mechanization devices, you need a screwdriver to better secure it to the foot holder.

    Tools and equipment must not be left on the platform.

    When installing accessories, do not keep your feet on the pedals.

    Before starting work, check that the accessories are installed correctly (does the adjusting screw hold the presser foot well, does the needle fit into the needle hole).

    Do not operate the sewing machine without fabric and with the presser foot down.

    Before work, check the fabric for the presence of mace and needles.

    Sit upright at the sewing machine and do not lean close to moving parts of the machine.

    Don't be distracted while working.

    The light should fall on the work surface from the left side or from the front.

    Monitor the position of your arms, legs, and body.

    After work, tidy up the sewing machine.

    Practical work. No. 1,2. Slide No. 5-6.

    Practical work No. 1

Installing accessories for a sewing machine.

Tools and materials: work box, scraps of fabric, thread, sewing machine, screwdriver, ruler foot.


Rice. 6 Foot with a guide ruler: 1 – stand; 2-groove; 3-horn; 4-groove for needle; 5-screw; 6-lever; 7- ruler - guide;

Practical work No. 2

Using accessories for a sewing machine.

Tools and materials: work box, scraps of fabric, threads, sewing machine, ruler foot, scissors, iron, ironing iron, seam ripper.

Work sequence :

Fig.7. Working with a foot - a ruler.

Self-control: The width of the seam is uniform along the entire length, the stitching is even, the thread tension is normal.

    Induction training: direct students to complete the task

    Current instruction:

    Check the organization of workplaces;

    Check the correctness of work practices;

    Check compliance with safety regulations.

    Give additional assignments to the most successful students.

      1. Fixing the material:

Work on task cards (1.2,3,4).

1. Fill out the table.

Type of device

2. Work on task cards

Write down your answer:

    What accessories for a sewing machine do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What is the ruler foot used for?


    What equipment is used to perform assemblies?


What safety rules must be followed when installing various jaws and devices? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences

Attachments to sewing machines allow ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Fill out the table

      Final briefing.

Summing up the lesson.

Analysis of typical errors and causes.

Reporting evaluation of student work.


Using such a symbol, you can determine the state of emotions, the novelty of the material, lesson, originality, etc.

    Reflection: Slide No. 7

Circle the smiley that is closest to the level of your discoveries in today's lesson

    Cleaning workplaces.

Used materials

    E.V. Ermilova, I.A. Tovchenik Technology 8th grade (for girls) M.: Mektep Publishing House 2008,

    E.V. Ermilova, I.A. Tovchenik Workbook 8th grade (for girls) M.: Mektep Publishing House 2008, g

Stitching foot. Switch foot. Foot with a ruler. Zigzag foot.

The household sewing machine is equipped with a set of accessories that expand its capabilities. In addition to the main feet used for performing straight and zigzag stitches, there are special feet for processing edges without preliminary basting, which greatly facilitates the high-quality performance of various types of work.

Stitching foot(Fig. 67). This foot is used to make the so-called backing seam, which is used when sewing linen, items made from cotton fabrics and unlined items. The seam is very durable. The left horn of the foot has an internal extension with a shallow groove for folding the edge of the fabric or side after the first sewing. The two materials to be sewn are folded with their right sides inward so that the edge of the lower material protrudes by 0.3 - 0.6 cm (depending on the thickness of the material) (Fig. 68).

The fabrics folded in this way are tucked into the foot (Fig. 69). When the machine is running, the stitcher folds in the protruding section of the bottom fabric (Fig. 70). While working, you need to make sure that the fabric fills the stitching correctly. If the fabric begins to come out of the sewing slit, it must be moved with the right hand to the right; if the fabric begins to overflow the sewing holder, it must be moved with the hand to the left. The sewn fabrics must be opened face down (Fig. 71). The fabric is again tucked into the sewing machine and a second hem is produced (Fig. 72). The final seam consists of four layers: all four layers are stitched on the inside, and three on the outside (Fig. 73).
Using the hemming foot, you can process edges with open cuts in non-fraying fabrics (Fig. 74).

Switch foot(Fig. 75). This foot is used for hemming the edges of material when sewing linen, light women's and children's clothing, and men's shirts. The cutter foot has a special plate, bent in the form of a spiral, and a small pin for hemming the edges. Before starting work, the edge of the fabric is tucked into a spiral and pushed under the needle (Fig. 76). The width of the seam hem with a closed cut with a double hem, which is provided by the cutter foot, is 1.5 mm. The stitch runs at a distance of 0.5 mm from the inner folded edge (Fig. 77). To obtain a good, smooth hem, support the edge of the material with your thumb and forefinger and allow the material to pass into the tongue of the foot without tension. It is good if the material is slightly raised when hemming. If more material enters the cutter foot than necessary; then you need to move the edge of the fabric a little to the right, otherwise - a little to the left.

Foot with ruler(Fig. 78). A foot with a movable guide ruler for making parallel stitches at the same distance from each other. The guide foot can be installed from the needle at a distance of up to 3.0 cm. When sewing, you need to ensure that the guide ruler exactly follows the previous line; only in this case will the parallelism of the lines be ensured.
The foot is used for stitching lining parts and significantly reduces the time for this operation, since only the first line of stitching needs to be applied. By removing the guide rail, you can perform other operations, such as sewing on zipper tape. Using the foot with a ruler, you can also perform any finishing stitches along the edge of the product or along the edge of the part.
To sew with parallel stitches, use twin needles with a common bulb. These needles come in three numbers by three
distances between axes: No. 70 - 1.5 mm; 80 - 2 mm; No. 90 - 2.5 mm.
The needle with its bulb is inserted into the needle holder in the usual way, threading from the front, as in a regular needle. For sewing, a zigzag foot is used (Fig. 79), which has a wide slot.

Twin needles and a zigzag foot are also used to perform two parallel zigzag stitches (Fig. 80), when sewing on braid or other trim.
To perform relief stitching with cord laying, double needles and a special foot with a slot at the bottom are also used (Fig. 81).

6 - If you place the sewing machine on a soft substrate when sewing, then firstly, the machine will not damage the surface of the table. And secondly, it makes less noise because the table top does not resonate. We sew a beautiful backing ourselves and at the same time sew on it the much-needed pockets for tools and for thread trimmings.

7 - And after finishing the work, the substrate turns into a little case:

8 - Felt pin cushion - glued to the surface of the machine.

9 — An organizer for small sewing tools will come in handy on the road. This travel kit will be a great help if you urgently need to sew or sew up something.

This summer we went to St. Petersburg and stayed there for three weeks. And the lining of my backpack came off. It became so uncomfortable to walk with him - neither put him down nor take anything out. The threads from the lining began to “fringe” and cling to objects inside - a wallet, an umbrella.

Would you like to sew it up? So I have nothing with me - no threads, no needles. I had to look for and buy at least some necessary tools. But I don’t know anything in St. Petersburg - where are the handicraft stores? I accidentally bought a small sewing kit from a stall. And even then, the needle is dull, the thimble is tiny. But I don’t feel comfortable working with “foreign” instruments. Otherwise, if I had such a travel organizer with me, I would just take it out and that’s it.

11 - The following device can be tied with rubber bands to each machine - a container for cut threads is always needed. This way you will always have a collection of small garbage at hand and the room will be clean.

12 - If you have a large number of ribbons of different colors - for embroidery with ribbons, for example, then you can store such sets in bags like these, sewn from fabric on syndepon.

Syndepon holds its shape well in small-sized objects - and you can also sew bags like these from fabrics of matching colors with ribbons or floss threads, which will be stored in these containers:

13 - And here is the last idea that I have already tried and sewed myself a similar organizer.

A large number of pins and a container for cut threads are something that I have been constantly missing lately.

14 - Such devices can be carried and placed at each working machine.

The shape of the pin cushion can be different:

15 - The important essence of such a device: it is easy to place it both on the table and on the back or armrest of the chair where you work - in front of the TV, for example. After all, many embroiderers like to turn on their favorite TV series and calmly listen to it while doing their work.

So, to the point: I sewed myself such an organizer from chintz and syndepon. But the most important thing was revealed at the end of the work - such an organizer slides and slides off the table. You will find out what I did to improve the product at the end of the master class. Now it lies perfectly on the smoothest surface of the table and does not move.

So, I cut out blanks from chintz:

1 - Two rectangles for the pillow - approximately 8cm by 16cm

2 - The very basis of the organizer is a rectangle of about 30 by 20 cm - see for yourself which one you need. With lining - that is, 2 pieces

3 - Straight strip of fabric 45 cm long, 3.5 cm wide - for a loop - 1 pc.

4 - Rectangle for the box - bag: approx. 50 cm by 30 cm - 1 piece

5 - not shown in the photo. But this is a detail of the lining for the bag - I have it pink and a little smaller in height than the bag itself. Therefore, you will learn about it later

Parts 2 and 4 are duplicated with syndepon.

For part 2, I placed syndepon between two layers, and pre-coated the fabric with textile glue - this makes it easier to quilt.

Sindepon, by the way, can be layered and a thin layer can be used - this way the substrate will be thinner.

We coat the fabric with glue and apply the trimmings of syndepon - waste-free production:

We start with the bag, which is attached to the backing of the organizer:

Adjusting the fabric for syndepon

We make - we sew the lining - it is the same size as the box itself, but the height is 10 cm lower. Why: I simply chose this method of processing the top of the box - the bag.

Now we sew the sides of the box and sew up the corners

Cutting corners:

We put the lining in the box:

A little trick: the parts are small and fiddling with the lining is inconvenient - the syndepon prevents you from inserting the lining evenly and correctly distributing it in the corners of the bag. I did this - I first sewed the corners of the lining to the corners of the top of the box:

And after unscrewing the box, the lining fit as it should - easily and simply:

I swept the top edge of the box and turned it inward by 5 cm:

I hemmed the top edge of the box with hidden stitches, turning it inside out for convenience:

We sew the pillow and stuff it with syndepon:

The backing is made simply: quilt it, sew on a loop to attach the bag, and edge the entire backing. Then we attach the bag and the pin cushion to the backing. The pad can be sewn or glued. Or you can adapt a kakue - some kind of box of similar size - there will be an additional container for threads, for example.

To attach the spool of thread, I sewed two buttons and stretched a rubber band between them:

Sew a button inside the bag and fasten it to the loop of the organizer.

But the backing began to slide off the table as soon as I fastened the bag.

I took a glue gun

and placed a few drops of glue the size of a 10-kopeck coin on the underside of the backing.

It turned out to be 12 points.

Modern sewing machines are equipped with devices and various presser feet that allow you to quickly and efficiently perform many operations, such as overcasting buttonholes, sewing on buttons, hemming hems with blind stitches, sewing a zipper, edging a piece with bias tape, as well as performing darning, embroidery, knitwear seams.

Buttonhole sewing

The latest generation of sewing machines can automatically produce not only linen buttonholes, but also buttonholes with an eye. However, you can also sew buttonholes with a zigzag stitch on a regular sewing machine.

Before you start sewing buttonholes on your project, it is recommended to make a sample on a scrap of fabric. This is necessary in order to select the required thread thickness, adjust the stitching, and set the length of the loop. The flap remaining from cutting is folded in half along the lobar thread, a spacer is placed or glued inside and the location of the loop is marked. Then install a special buttonhole foot on the sewing machine and slightly loosen the tension of the upper thread. Moreover, to make loops, only thin threads and needles No. 70, 80 are used. If there is no buttonhole mode, then the stitch selection switch is set to the zigzag stitch position. Select stitch parameters: length about 1 mm and width about 2 mm.

The needle is placed in the left position and stitches are made along the left side of the loop (Fig. 28, 1). Return the needle to the middle position, double the stitch width and make three or four stitches for the first fastening (Fig. 28, 2). Set the previous stitch width and place the needle in the right position. Place stitches along the right side of the loop by pressing reverse or unfolding the fabric (Fig. 28, 3).

Rice. 28. Making a loop with a zigzag stitch

At the end of the line, several double-width stitches are made for the second fastening (Fig. 28, 4). The switch is set to the straight stitch position. Make several securing stitches.

Cut the loop in the middle with a special knife-ripper (Fig. 28, 5). To avoid accidentally damaging the bartack, a pin is inserted across the seam at the end of the loop. Test loops should be performed until you achieve good quality.

To learn how to make cut-out buttonholes on an automatic sewing machine, you must carefully read the instructions.

Sewing on buttons

Using a modern sewing machine you can sew buttons quickly and firmly. To do this, you need to lower the conveyor of the machine (so that the teeth of the rack do not push the fabric), replace or remove the presser foot (this depends on the type of machine) and thread thin threads. Set the switch to the zigzag stitch position.

If the fabric is thin, the buttons are sewn tightly to the fabric. The button must be placed on the fabric in a pre-designated place and placed together with the fabric under the foot holder of the sewing machine. Lower the presser foot holder and lower the needle into the right hole of the button. Set the zigzag width so that the needle, when rotating the flywheel, enters the left hole without touching the button. Make 6-8 stitches. Set the stitch selection switch to the straight stitch position and make several securing stitches (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29. Sewing on a button

Large buttons on thick material are usually sewn on a stand. To do this, lower the needle into the right hole of the button. Place the match in the middle of the button (Fig. 30, 1). Lower the foot and make a few stitches, then raise the foot, pull out the top and bottom threads by about 15 cm (Fig. 30, 2) and wrap them around the stand (Fig. 30, 3). Hand tie the threads into a knot and trim.

Rice. 30. Sewing a button on a stand

Blind stitching

The blind hem foot allows you to quickly hem your garment. In order for the work to turn out neat and the stitches to be truly hidden, you need to practice on a piece of fabric.

You need to install a blind hemming foot on the machine, a needle No. 70 or 80, thread thin sewing threads in the color of the fabric, and slightly loosen the tension of the upper thread. Set the appropriate type of seam, stitch length 3-4 mm.

Baste the bottom edge of the product with a hem seam with a closed edge. At the same time, lay a line of straight stitches so that when you bend the part, the edge of the hem 10 mm wide protrudes (Fig. 31, o). Place the prepared edge under the blind stitch foot, with the fold of the top hem running along the stop of the blind stitch foot.

Rice. 31. Hemming with a hidden seam: a - preparing the edge; b - machine stitching

Using the adjusting screw, you need to move the stop to the left so that when the needle punctures the top layer of material to the left, it hits the very edge (Fig. 31, b) and captures no more than one thread of the main fabric, otherwise the thread will be visible from the front side.


There are situations in life when it is necessary to mend torn clothes, and this must be done in such a way as not to spoil its appearance. This repair can be done by hand using a regular sewing needle. This is where your skills, perseverance and resourcefulness are required. Of course, if you nailed a new skirt made of thick fabric, then mending it will be relatively easy. On drapery, cloth and other thick fleecy materials, longitudinal tears are sewn up and patches are “implanted” end-to-end.

This operation can be performed either manually or using a sewing machine.

The sewing machine kit usually includes a special darning foot. You can use it to repair clothes.

You need to install a darning foot on the machine, a needle No. 70, thread thin embroidery threads, and slightly loosen the tension of the upper thread. Set a straight stitch, select the stitch length as you work.

Bring the bottom thread up. When starting to sew, keep the top and bottom threads together. Make parallel lines, making rounded turns in the form of a serpentine (Fig. 32, 1). When the damaged area is covered with even stitches, turn the material 90° and similarly darn over the stitches until the darning area is completely covered with stitches (Fig. 32, 2). This is the simplest darning technique performed using a sewing machine.

Rice. 32. Darning the damaged area Practical work No. 12

Using attachments for a sewing machine

Tools and materials: working box, scraps of fabric, thread, buttons, sewing machine, accessories for a sewing machine.

  1. Study the materials in paragraph 17.
  2. Use a sewing machine to sew the welt buttonholes using a zigzag stitch (see topic “Buttonhole sewing”).
  3. Sew a button on a sewing machine using a button sewing foot (see the topic “Sewing on Buttons”).
  4. Hem the garment using a sewing machine using the hemming foot (see the topic “Blind hemming”).
  5. Darn the damaged area of ​​the fabric using a sewing machine using a darning foot (see topic “Darning”).

New concepts

Accessories for a sewing machine: feet for buttonholes, for sewing on buttons, for blind hemming, for darning.

Control questions

1. Why do you need accessories for a sewing machine? 2. What do you see as the advantages of making a pierced buttonhole on a sewing machine compared to doing it by hand? 3. What is the difference in choosing the color of thread when making a buttonhole and sewing on a button?

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