How to express breast milk with a breast pump. Learning to choose and use a breast pump. How to freeze breast milk

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After a certain time after giving birth, most young mothers are faced with one of the reasons why they have to express milk. Many inexperienced parents do not know how to do it correctly, whether it is better to express breast milk - by hand or with a breast pump, and in general, when and why it is necessary to empty the breast in order to successfully continue feeding the baby. See the answers to these questions below.

Why express breast milk?

If the birth went without complications, the mother's lactation has improved, and the baby is healthy and sucks well, expressing milk may not be necessary. The female body has a natural mechanism for producing the amount of nutritional fluid for the child that he needs for normal growth and development. However, there are situations in which pumping is the only solution to the problem. It is necessary to express your breasts if:

  • stagnation of fluid appears in the mammary gland, leading to blockage of the ducts;
  • the child is weakened after a difficult birth, is undergoing treatment, and has not yet developed a sucking reflex (this applies to those in intensive care and premature babies);
  • after a break in breastfeeding (breastfeeding) due to illness of the child or mother, the baby refuses or is simply not yet able to latch onto the breast;
  • too much time has passed since the last feeding, the breast is so full that the baby simply cannot suck normally;
  • the mammary gland has become very full and painful, but it is not yet possible to feed the baby;
  • the mother often has to go away on business (work, study), but she wants to maintain breastfeeding and feed the baby her own milk, not formula;
  • there is a clear lack of milk, there is a need to stimulate normal lactation;
  • the mother plans to continue feeding during the forced break from breastfeeding (business trip, taking medications incompatible with breastfeeding).

Do I need to do this after every feeding?

The secretion of breast milk in the mother's body is a complex mechanism inherent in nature., the hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for its normal functioning. The baby's sucking of the breast provokes the reflex production of oxytocin by the pituitary gland, which helps the nutrient fluid to be released from the alveoli. Prolactin is responsible for the production of milk itself, the request for the next amount of which occurs after each feeding.

In other words, if breast milk is expressed after feeding, the mother’s body regards this as the child’s “request” for an additional portion of milk, and next time it gives it in reserve. Due to the constant production of secretions in large quantities, hyperlactation starts: there is more and more milk, the mother continues to express herself - the circle closes. For this reason, if you feed your baby on demand, there is no need to express milk after each feeding.

When to Express Breast Milk

There are situations when there is an urgent need to express after each feeding are:

  • congestion in the mammary gland;
  • lack of secretion produced by the glands to feed the baby or insufficient lactation;
  • the need to maintain lactation during a forced break from breastfeeding;
  • creating a “bank” of milk to feed the child during the mother’s absence.

With stagnation of milk in the breast

If during previous feedings the mammary gland was not completely emptied, one of the milk ducts is clogged, and the corresponding segment of the breast swells - lactostasis has already formed. In this case Doctors recommend urgently starting to express, so as not to provoke the development of mastitis. This will have to be done every one and a half to two hours and only with your hands. You should massage your breasts carefully, because any touch to the affected area causes pain. During stagnation, you need to express breast milk by hand until the lump decreases and the condition eases, but not longer than 25-30 minutes.

To increase lactation

If you see that the child is nervous under the breast and does not eat enough, it is worth stimulating the production of breast secretions.

Here it would be appropriate to express after each feeding and even between meals for the child. Try to empty your ducts as much as possible at least once an hour, expressing for at least 10 minutes each time. Don’t forget about warm drinks, healthy sleep with your baby and frequent night feedings - these are the best helpers in establishing a full-fledged breastfeeding.

Sometimes a young mother is forced to stop breastfeeding for a while, but she wants to maintain lactation so that after solving the problem, she can continue to feed the baby. In such cases, regular breast emptying will also come to the rescue. The number of pumping sessions to maintain lactation during the break should be equal to the number of times the baby is fed as usual, but not less than once every three hours. It is better to empty your breasts as much as possible so that the growing baby will have enough milk in the future.

For food supplies for the baby while the mother is away

If a young mother studies or works, but it is important for her that her baby eats breast milk, she should express it regularly and leave supplies in the refrigerator during her absence. To do this, you should empty your breasts every time a secretion arrives in it, so that the baby has enough food during your absence.

It is very important to maintain lactation at a normal level, so it is imperative to express during your usual feeding schedule and outside the home.

How to properly express breast milk by hand The easiest and most accessible way to empty your breasts is to express them with your hands.

  1. This must be done in the following sequence:
  2. Take a clean, sterile, wide-necked container (not a bottle) and place it directly under your breasts.
  3. Place your palm on the breast so that the thumb grabs the areola just above the nipple from above, and the other four fingers seem to support the breast from below.
  4. Using your thumb and forefinger, gently press the areola in the direction of the nipple, but do not squeeze the nipple itself. Squeeze out the milk, using your lower fingers to press the mammary gland to the chest.

After several pressures, move to the next milk lobe, moving in a circle and carefully emptying all the ducts in order.

Pros and cons of hand expression Emptying the breast by hand is a procedure that has both its positive aspects and some disadvantages.

  • The advantages of manually expressing breast milk include:
  • Affordability – the manual method does not require any costs.
  • Additional stimulation of lactation due to the gentle impact of fingers on each milk lobe.

Safety - if you express correctly, mechanical injuries to the nipples and breast tissue will be excluded.

  • The few disadvantages of hand expression are that:
  • This procedure requires a sufficient amount of time.

It is difficult for inexperienced mothers to understand how to properly express by hand.

It is much easier and faster to empty the mammary gland using a special device - a breast pump. Even the principled Doctor Komarovsky recommends that if you need to pump, you should immediately turn to this technical device. How to properly express breast milk with a breast pump:

  1. It is convenient to sit in a chair so that the nipple is pointing down.
  2. Think about your baby and imagine that it is he who is sucking the breast, and not the device that imitates the sucking reflex.
  3. Direct the nipple into the center of the funnel and, starting with the lowest level of traction, gently express milk for 15 minutes from each gland.
  4. After expressing, thoroughly wash all parts of the breast pump with hot soapy water.

How to choose the right breast pump

The choice of a breast pump should be taken very seriously, because the health of the breastfeeding mother’s mammary glands and the amount of expressed milk will depend on the quality of the device. The modern market for such devices is filled with many models with different technical characteristics and prices. The first criterion based on which you should choose a breast pump should be the purpose and frequency of use:

  • If you need a device for expressing in rare cases, you can purchase the simplest, inexpensive device in the form of a plastic tube with a bulb.
  • If there is a need for constant, regular pumping and maintaining lactation at a high level, it is better to immediately choose a good electric model.

Advantages and disadvantages

Expressing breast milk using a special device has a number of advantages over the manual method:

  • Modern models of breast pumps are able to express both mammary glands in a matter of minutes.
  • It is convenient to express using the device; you can even empty one breast while feeding the other.
  • Expressing with a breast pump allows you to get the maximum possible portion of nutrition for your baby at one time.

However, along with the advantages this The method also has several significant disadvantages:

  • An incorrectly selected, low-quality or poorly mastered device by a young mother can seriously injure the gland.
  • The process of expressing with a breast pump itself is aesthetically unacceptable and very unpleasant for some women.

How much milk should you express at one time?

Not a single mammologist or breastfeeding expert can say exactly how much milk you can express at a time, because The amount of secretion produced in the mammary glands is influenced by several factors:

  • Pumping time. If you try to express your breasts immediately after feeding, there may be absolutely nothing there (unless the woman has developed hyperlactation). If you express before feeding, the approximate volume of milk will vary between 100-150 ml.
  • Compliance with the correct technology for manual expression. With the wrong approach or inability to express, an inexperienced mother may not squeeze a single drop out of the gland. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will be able to express from 50 to 80 ml of milk.
  • Breast pump quality. An incorrectly selected or low-quality device can injure the gland and be ineffective. A good breast pump will be able to extract almost all the accumulated milk from the breast, which is approximately 120-175 ml.
  • Mother's emotional state. If a woman for some reason experiences anxiety, is tense and cannot relax, the brain temporarily blocks the production of hormones responsible for the secretion of milk. In this state it will be very difficult to express.
  • Proper preparation for pumping: warm drinks, warming the breasts, massage. If you do not wait for the tide to flow, the portion of expressed milk will be scanty. When the milk arrives, it can be expressed to the maximum.

Rules for expressing breast milk

There are a few simple rules for expressing breast milk:

  • To stimulate the flow of secretions and express quickly and painlessly, before starting the procedure you should drink a cup of hot tea, take a warm shower or warm your chest with a well-heated diaper.
  • It is imperative to follow the rules of hygiene: before pumping, wash your hands and mammary glands with warm water and soap, dry well with a clean, soft towel.
  • To express milk comfortably, you should initially take a comfortable position in a chair or on a bed.
  • You can only express milk into a clean, boiled container, so it is better to prepare it in advance.
  • It is necessary to begin expressing as soon as the milk begins to arrive, continuing the procedure until the mammary gland remains completely empty.
  • The main thing is that during the procedure the woman should not experience any discomfort in the mammary gland. If pain occurs during the process of expressing breast milk, it must be stopped immediately until the cause of the discomfort is determined.

How to pump your breasts for the first time

Immediately after childbirth, colostrum begins to be released from the mother’s breast in small quantities, which only after a few days turns into full-fledged milk. In order to properly start the lactation process and ultimately feed your baby for a long time, it is very important to successfully pump the first time. To do it right you need to know basic rules for first straining:

  1. The first pumping of breast secretions is possible only a day after delivery.
  2. In the first days, do not pump more than two or three times a day.
  3. You can then partially empty your breasts several times a day between feedings.
  4. Squeeze out the milk until you feel relief, not until the last drop.
  5. Do not pump after 10 p.m., because more prolactin is produced at night, which stimulates the secretion of breast milk and can trigger the process of hyperlactation.

Features of the procedure for stagnation or mastitis

Often nursing mothers suffer from such an unpleasant problem during breastfeeding as lactostasis, which can quickly develop into mastitis. Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk duct and stagnation of milk, and mastitis is an inflammatory process in the breast tissue. To properly drain your breasts during stagnation, you must:

  • Stimulate the production of oxytocin and properly prepare for pumping: take a warm drink or shower, calm down.
  • Carry out a warming massage, lightly rubbing the glands in a circular motion with your hands.
  • Express milk by hand or with a breast pump until your breasts are relieved and soft.
  • Keep your breasts open for 10-15 minutes after pumping to allow a new portion of secretion to enter the ducts.

Is it possible to store expressed milk?

Mother's milk is not only the most delicious, but also the healthiest food for a baby, because with it the child receives immunity for life. To ensure that your expressed milk brings maximum benefit to your baby, store it correctly. Here Some important points regarding storing breast milk:

  • Milk can only be stored in sterilized, hermetically sealed glass containers.
  • Freshly expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for eight to 12 hours.
  • In the refrigerator, breast secretion remains suitable for feeding the baby for 7-10 days, but it is better to keep jars of milk in the back of the shelves.
  • Regular freezers keep breast milk fresh for up to three months, while deep freezers keep breast milk fresh for up to six months.

How to feed your baby

After exposure to low temperatures, mother's milk loses some of its nutrients, but still remains the best food option for a baby. If you need to feed your baby expressed milk, it is important to know:

  • Breast milk contains a large amount of fats, which over time can break off and sit on top of the nutritional fluid. Shake the bottle well before feeding to ensure uniformity of the product.
  • Even if the recommended “expiration date” of the milk has not yet passed, smell and taste the baby’s food before feeding it. It should not be bitter, sour, or have foreign odors.
  • To preserve maximum nutrients and a homogeneous liquid structure, defrosted milk should first be kept in the refrigerator for a while and then heated.
  • Milk for feeding and the baby’s body must have the same temperature - 36 degrees, so the product must be heated before feeding the baby. Under no circumstances should you use a microwave, as it heats the milk unevenly, which inevitably leads to the destruction of a large amount of nutrients. It is better to bring your baby's breastfeeding to the desired temperature using a cup of hot water, a water bath, or a special electric heater.


Breast milk is the key to strong immunity, proper growth and age-appropriate development of the baby. However, situations arise when the mother needs to leave, she gets sick, or maybe the milk even starts to disappear from the breast. In this case, it is better to express the milk in advance and leave it for storage. Previously, girls pumped by hand, but with the advent of modern devices, the process has become easier. It remains to figure out how to properly use a manual breast pump.

A manual breast pump is a simple, inexpensive and silent device that allows a woman to express milk without discomfort or pain. Using the device, you can independently control the force of pumping, changing the intensity, and increase/decrease the force of hand pressure.

The device itself is easy to use, easy to assemble, transport, store, all parts are sterilized. In this case, you can use the breast pump as needed, and then wash it and put it away until next time.

The device may include bottles of different sizes and nipples for feeding the baby, as well as containers for subsequent freezing of milk.

Why pump at all?

The need to express milk may arise in a number of cases:

  1. Biological features of the mammary glands. Otherwise, the problem is referred to as tight breasts. A breast pump will help to “unpump” your breasts and maintain breastfeeding.
  2. Mom and baby are temporarily separated, for example, the mother is in the hospital or has left. In this case, relatives or a nanny can feed the baby using the prepared milk.
  3. A lot of milk is produced in the breast, some of which the baby does not eat, and stagnation occurs.
  4. The mother is forced to go to work, but wants to breastfeed her baby.
  5. The baby refused to breastfeed, preferring the easy option - mommy's milk from a bottle.
  6. Insufficient amount of breast discharge in a woman. Additional pumping and thereby stimulating the mammary glands using a breast pump will lead to the appearance of more milk.
  7. Painful sensations when feeding a baby, caused by the presence of cracks or wounds on the nipples or improper latching of the nipple.
  8. The mother is taking medications that pass into milk. In this case, having a supply of breast milk at home, you can feed the baby from the nipple, giving the baby the best and natural nutrition.

Therefore, in these cases, a breast pump will come to the rescue as an alternative to manual expression.

Types of manual breast pumps, their pros and cons

Manual breast pumps are divided into several groups:

  1. Piston.
  2. Syringe.
  3. With pear.
  4. Pump or vacuum.

Each device has pros and cons of use. The positive aspects of a manual breast pump are:

  • quiet operation;
  • no need to constantly recharge the device, batteries or accumulators;
  • the ability to regulate the force of pumping;
  • painless pumping;
  • The breast pump and its parts can be easily washed with soap or soda solution and sterilized.

Some mothers also noted the negative aspects of the device:

  1. The device works efficiently, but slowly. You have to pump your breasts for a long time.
  2. Feeling tired in the hands after intensive use.
  3. Not durable parts, lack of spare parts.

However, when choosing a suitable breast pump model, you need to be guided by your own feelings and comfort when expressing.


The easy-to-use device is equipped with a special piston, thanks to which milk is released. The device operates silently. The disadvantage is that after intensive and long pumping, the mother becomes tired or feels pain in her hands.


The device consists of two cylinders located one inside the other. The first cylinder is applied to the breast and nipple. And the second cylinder makes rhythmic movements. Thanks to this, a vacuum is formed inside the device, which promotes the release of milk or colostrum from the breast.


The device consists of a pump, nozzle and bottle. Due to the formation of a vacuum, expression occurs. The disadvantage of the device is the inability to sterilize all parts.


The device includes a rubber bulb and a nozzle. A breast pump with a bulb operates on the principle of a pump device. Suitable for mothers who rarely have to express, as it requires special skill when working. Can be sterilized.

Which type should I choose?

It is impossible to say for sure which breast pump is the best. Each model has different characteristics and functionality. The undisputed leader in popularity is the Avent device, which is distinguished by wear-resistant parts and ease of use. At the same time, the Avent piston manual breast pump is not inferior to electric devices, but the price of the device is quite high.

In addition to Avent, you can look at budget models with less functionality, which are also considered the best on the market:

  1. Pigeon two-phase 16733. High-quality Japanese breast pump, characterized by a two-phase operation system.
  2. A two-phase manual breast pump that stimulates the amount of breast discharge and expresses slowly, gently.
  3. Canpol Babies Basic is a device from a well-known company producing children's products. It has good quality and a decent reputation among mothers.
  4. Products from domestic manufacturers - “Kurnosiki”, “World of Childhood” - pump-action devices with a bulb at an affordable price.

How to assemble the device

How to assemble a manual breast pump is discussed using the Philips Avent device as an example.

Before assembling the device, you need to:

  1. Check all parts, wash, sterilize.
  2. Wash the hands.

Attention! It is more convenient to assemble the device when the parts of the device are still wet.

Assembly of the device:

  1. Insert the white valve into the device body from below so that the side with the star image is on top. Press the valve all the way.
  2. Place the breast pump body on the bottle included in the kit and turn clockwise until it stops.
  3. Insert the silicone diaphragm with the rod tightly into the device body. It is important that the part fits tightly and hermetically along the edge of the case, otherwise the device will not work.
  4. Place the forked end of the handle on the diaphragm rod. Press the handle until it clicks.
  5. Place the massage pillow into the funnel of the device. Check the tightness and tightness of the fastening.
  6. Close the top of the device with the lid, inserting it until it clicks.

After use, disassemble the device into parts, wash and sterilize.

How to properly express breast milk with a manual breast pump?

To learn how to pump correctly and quickly, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Before using parts of the breast pump, boil and dry. Assemble the device itself. Disinfect your hands by washing them with soap. It's comfortable to sit down.

To increase lactation, drink a cup of warm tea or milk or take a warm shower.

  1. Place the nipple in the middle of the massage nozzle of the device. Fix the chest position with your right hand. There should be no pain or discomfort.
  2. Gently begin to press the lever or pear, gradually increasing the intensity of the presses. First, the first milk droplets will appear, and then the milk will flow in several streams. How long you need to pump depends on many factors, but it is advisable to pump each breast for at least 15 minutes. However, it is not recommended to completely rid the mammary glands of milk.
  3. If discomfort or chest pain occurs, adjust the position of the funnel.
  4. After receiving the required portion of milk, wash the breast pump and place the filled container in the refrigerator.

How and for how long can expressed breast milk be stored?

How long it is permissible to store breast milk depends on the appropriate storage conditions:

  1. At room temperature, expressed milk can be stored for no more than 3-4 hours. If the room temperature is less than +18 degrees, the shelf life of the dairy product increases to 6-8 hours.
  2. If you place expressed milk in the refrigerator, the product will remain fresh and suitable for feeding the baby for 3-5 days.
  3. Breast milk can be stored in the freezer compartment for 3 to 6 months, in a separate freezer for 6-12 months. At the same time, after defrosting the product, it must be used within 24 hours and stored only in the refrigerator during this time.

Cleaning and sterilization

Parts of the device must be cleaned/sterilized after/before each use. Be sure to disassemble the device before cleaning the parts. Then it is very easy and simple, at home, to wash, sterilize, dry and put away the parts of the device until the next use.

How to wash a breast pump

The device must be washed immediately after use by disassembling the device into parts according to the instructions included in the kit. Wash containers, silicone breast attachment, valve and other parts that interact with milk in hot water with added soap or soap solution in a separate bowl, using a soft cloth for more thorough cleaning.

After this, rinse the parts of the breast pump with running water and dry them by laying them out on paper towels. It is enough to rinse the remaining parts with warm water and dry.

Parts of the appliance can also be washed in the dishwasher on the top rack using baby detergent.

Using a sterilizer

After cleaning the device parts (except silicone parts, tubes and caps), sterilize using a steam sterilizer for 5 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, the parts will be hot, so you need to cool and then dry the parts of the device.

Sterilization in boiling water and steam

You can also sterilize parts of the device in boiling water. To do this, boil silicone parts for 2-3 minutes, plastic parts for 5 minutes. It is important to monitor both the sterilization time and the amount of water in the container.

When should you not pump?

Using a breast pump is not required when:

  1. Breastfeeding is established, the baby takes the breast correctly.
  2. The mother is not separated from the child for a long time.
  3. You can replace a missed meal in the form of breast milk with complementary foods or formula.

Contraindications for children

You should stop using a breast pump and bottle-feeding your baby if the baby gets enough milk from the mother’s breast and grows and develops appropriately for his age. And if the mother is absent for a short period of time, you can replace the expressed milk with other products suitable for the baby.

Also, if a child has an allergy or lactose intolerance, there is no need to use a breast pump and feed the baby with breast milk.

Mother's side

Contraindications to using a breast pump are cracks and damage to the nipples and mammary glands. In this case, when using the pumping device, the mother will experience pain and discomfort.

Expressing during lactation sometimes becomes a necessity. A modern breast pump will help do this faster, save energy, and preserve the sterility of the milk. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly in order to make the most of the device’s capabilities.

It’s rare that you can do without pumping, especially at the very beginning of lactation, but sometimes you need to resort to the procedure constantly:

  • the woman has a lot of milk, and the baby is still small, after feeding the breasts are full, you need to express so that the amount does not decrease and lumps do not occur;
  • sometimes the child is “lazy”, sucks sluggishly, the device is necessary to develop the nipple;
  • breast milk is not enough, pumping will help increase lactation;
  • when the mother needs to leave for a while and leave a portion of the product for the child;
  • The baby does not take the breast, but readily sucks from the bottle.

Ekaterina, 25 years old: The breast pump came in handy for me, the child ate little, but the milk came in quickly, pain and some kind of lump appeared in the chest. I couldn’t pump with my hands; it hurt. I tried a breast pump, everything worked out, and I started using it all the time.

How to care for your breast pump

In order for a valuable product for a child to remain of high quality and the device to work well, it is necessary to properly care for it:

  • After purchasing a breast pump, you should carefully read the instructions.
  • The new device is disassembled and sterilized.
  • After expressing, the breast pump is completely disassembled, including all the smallest parts, to be sure that not a drop is left in them.
  • It must be thoroughly washed using special detergents and sterilized.
  • Then it is well dried in disassembled form on a clean towel.
  • The bottles in which breast milk is stored are also washed and sterilized.

How to prepare

For the process to be effective, it is important to prepare for it correctly in order to increase milk separation:

  1. Before pumping, it’s good to drink a cup of warm liquid; green or black tea, but with milk, has a good effect;
  2. A warm towel is applied to the chest for a few minutes.
  3. It is useful to take a warm shower, a temperature of 38 degrees is enough.
  4. If there are assistants, you can ask for a light back massage, paying special attention to the thoracic region.
  5. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.
  6. It is advisable to wash the nipples with warm water.

The process itself

Before pumping, you need to get comfortable, it is better if no one distracts you during the process, this will release the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the supply of breast milk to the nipple, more actively:

  • It is better to sit slightly leaning forward, this makes it easier for the milk to drain.
  • The breasts need to be shaken a little, massaged, and the nipples gently stimulated by twirling them between the index and thumb.
  • The breast is raised, the funnel is pressed against the nipple so that the connection is tight, the skin is moisturized.
  • If the device is mechanical, it will start working when you press the lever or pump; with an electrical design, you simply press the button.
  • There is no need to put additional pressure on the chest; at this moment you can cause injury.
  • When pain appears, you need to look at how the funnel is applied; the nipple should be strictly in the middle.
  • If discomfort occurs, it is better to pause the manipulations, at which time you can try on the other breast.
  • You need to express until the breasts are completely emptied, the breasts will become softer, and the lumps will not be felt.
  • If, at the time of collection, the other nipple also leaks, a milk collector is placed next to it, then it is also poured into a bottle.
  • Before finishing, the breasts are massaged again, from the periphery to the center: from the collarbone, armpits, from below, so that the remains come out of the lateral lobes.

Natural feeding usually takes 15 minutes. for each mammary gland, so it is desirable that all manipulations last approximately the same amount. If the breasts are empty, you should not stop; after using the breast pump, it is good to continue collecting manually.

Veronica, 24 years old: For me, the breast pump became a close friend for six months. We didn’t buy it right away, we hoped that I would feed it myself, but it didn’t work out. The baby ended up in the hospital immediately after birth, and then did not breastfeed. At first it didn’t work out very well, but then I got used to it and learned.

After completing the manipulations, the bottle is disconnected, hermetically sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Be sure to write down the collection time. Refrigerated breast milk can be stored for no more than two days; it can be kept in a freezer at -18 °C for up to six months.

Possible difficulties

To avoid problems and for the procedure to be effective, a young woman must know how to do it correctly. Sometimes a mother has milk, but it is not possible to express it completely; there may be several reasons:

  • If the funnel is not pressed tightly against the chest, a vacuum will not be created and the device will not be able to perform its functions.
  • One of the reasons for poor operation of the device is the lack of tightness between the funnel and the suction part; if air gets inside, it will not work properly.
  • Sometimes stagnation leads to the problem, this can be understood by an increase in breast density and the appearance of pain when pressed. In this case, massage helps; if the process lasts more than 2 days, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • If the device pulls strongly and causes discomfort, with the electric model you can try to relieve the pressure. If the model is mechanical, the end of the finger is slipped under the edge of the funnel.
  • It is important to choose the right funnel; it is undesirable for the nipple to adhere to its walls. During its operation, friction will occur, in this case pain will occur, and the milk will be separated slowly. Therefore, if the breast is large and the nipple is large, a funnel with a maximum diameter is suitable.

Sometimes insufficiently wide milk ducts lead to difficulties; in this case, be patient and the separation time may take longer.

A breast pump is a good alternative to manual expression; by choosing a convenient model, you can significantly increase the amount of breast milk and collect it painlessly and quickly. It is worth remembering that cleanliness is the main condition. The health of the baby and mother depends on this.

In this article:

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is invaluable for a child. Mother's milk is the basis of immunity and healthy development of the baby. The mammary glands constantly produce milk and to avoid congestion, it is strongly recommended to express the remaining milk. In earlier times, due to the lack of alternatives, women expressed milk by hand. Nowadays, breast pumps have appeared, thanks to which the process of expressing has become much easier and faster. Therefore, young mothers ask the question of how to use a breast pump while still in the maternity hospital.

Manual or mechanical breast pumps are popular among new mothers. Among them, the following types can be distinguished: breast pump with bulb, piston, vacuum, syringe. In order not to harm your health, it is important to know how to use a breast pump correctly.

What is a breast pump?

A breast pump is a special device that helps express or empty the mammary glands. It can become an ideal assistant for a young mother, contributing to longer-term maintenance of lactation and breast health. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of breast pumps.

They all have the same principle of operation: the nozzle is placed on the nipple, and the mechanical or electrical part of the device creates a vacuum in it, which promotes the release of milk. Different types of breast pumps differ in technical and price characteristics.

Types of manual breast pumps, their pros and cons

A manual (or mechanical) breast pump can be presented in several types:

  1. Piston breast pump- easy to use, silent during operation. The kit includes a pumping bottle and a silicone nozzle that simulates the process of breastfeeding. Piston devices allow you to regulate the force of pumping, which is most important for novice young mothers. Disadvantages - hands get tired quickly, fragile design, more often than others subject to damage.
  2. Syringe breast pump has in its structure two cylinders, which are located one inside the other. The cylinder located inside should be placed on the nipple, the outer cylinder performs translational movements back and forth. As a result, a vacuum is created, which activates the release of milk from the breast. The syringe breast pump has pressure regulators with which you can select the desired pumping speed. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous case.
  3. Pump breast pump easiest to use compared to other mechanical devices. Its design is simple - a breast attachment, a pump and a bottle. Disadvantages - parts cannot be sterilized, there is no nozzle that simulates sucking - this can contribute to the formation of cracks and subsequent inflammation.
  4. Pear breast pump as easy to use as a pump-action one. A chest attachment in the shape of a plastic horn and the presence of a rubber bulb - that’s the whole structure of this device. The existing valve allows you to control the pressure. How to use a breast pump with a bulb? It is recommended to do this not often.

Basic rules for using a manual breast pump

If you learn how to use a manual breast pump correctly, using an electric model will seem like a simple task for a young mother. Therefore, it is better to start training with mechanical models.

So, before you start using a regular breast pump (for example, Kurnosiki), you need to thoroughly sterilize all its parts that need it. Detailed information can be found in the instructions for the device. Then you need to wash your hands with soap, dry them and assemble the breast pump for further work with it. If this is your first time expressing, you need to relax and have time and patience, otherwise it will be difficult to understand how to properly use a manual or mechanical breast pump.

What a new mother should know about using a manual breast pump:

  1. The breast nipple must be inserted into the middle of the flange so as not to pinch it or rub the skin during pumping. Fix the mammary gland in the selected position.
  2. A manual breast pump equipped with a piston requires several gentle presses. Gradually, the desired rhythm and strength of optimal pressure on the chest will be determined. Having gotten used to the new sensations, in the future all that remains is to rhythmically move the lever down and up.
  3. A breast pump with a bulb works on the same principle. The nipple is placed in the flange, the hand presses the pump several times. In the first minutes, you need to press rhythmically and not with full force, then as milk is produced, you can apply more effort.
  4. Initially, milk is released in the form of drops. Then, as the rhythm of the influence increases, a thin trickle appears, after which it can flow in a real stream.
  5. You should stop pumping once the breasts become soft and decrease in volume, and milk stops coming out of the nipple. When working with a mechanical breast pump, on average, one pumping procedure takes 15 minutes.

Having finished expressing, you need to sterilize the device again, and then dry it thoroughly and leave it until next time. The container with expressed milk must be carefully closed, the date and time of expression written on it and placed in the freezer.

Advantages and disadvantages of the most famous brands

The Medela company produces various types of breast pumps - piston, pump, electric. Young mothers trust this brand. Medela breast pumps are compact and easy to assemble, easy to use. Various types of devices can operate on mains power or batteries. The Medela bottle is made of safe material that does not release toxins.

Many women, having learned how to use the Medela breast pump, appreciate the possibility of adjusting the pumping speed and the convenient stand for the bottle, with which there is no need to hold it during the procedure. The disadvantages of Medela breast pumps are their increased noise during operation, insufficient speed in electronic and electric models, and the price is about 5 thousand rubles.

Avent's piston breast pump is popular. Young mothers are attracted to this model by its design and compactness. The structure of the device allows you to avoid bending down specifically to pour the milk into the bottle. The presence of a soft massage nozzle provides a tighter fit to the mammary gland and massage that stimulates lactation.

The minimum number of parts makes this breast pump easy to assemble and disinfect. Having learned how to properly use the Avent breast pump, many women are satisfied with its choice. But someone is sure that for such a high cost for a piston breast pump (around 3 thousand rubles) you can buy an electric model from another manufacturer, which will work much faster.

What should you consider when using a breast pump?

Since feeding a breastfed baby is a delicate and serious process, it is important to exercise special hygiene and caution when using a breast pump.

So, before using the device for the first time, it needs to be disinfected in boiling water. After each use, the device must be washed with soap and dried thoroughly.

Immediately before the pumping procedure, the breasts are washed with boiled water, and hands must be washed with soap. Before pumping, a woman should be calm and relaxed; a warm compress or a cup of tea will help to better remove secretions from the mammary glands.

The breast pump funnel should be fixed on the chest so that the nipple is located strictly in its center. In addition, it is important to regulate the resulting pressure in the device so that it does not provoke the development of pain in the woman.

Each breast should be emptied completely. You cannot pay more attention to one breast and forget about the other. Frequently changing the position of the breast pump allows you to collect more breast milk and better influence its subsequent production.

How to achieve efficiency when pumping?

To increase the efficiency of your breast pump, you need to use the following tricks:

  • the procedure for expressing breast milk with a breast pump should be carried out in the same environment and in a warm room, this will help to form a clearer reflex to the production of breast milk, as a result of which it will be released easier and faster;
  • The sounds of flowing liquid also improve the secretion of secretions from the mammary glands: running water from the tap, shower, sounds of a waterfall, etc.;
  • It is recommended to massage dense and swollen breasts before pumping;
  • if there are cracks on the nipples, it is advisable to lubricate them with vegetable oil;
  • if milk is released poorly, you should move the device to the other breast, then return to the first;
  • You need to express milk at intervals of 3 hours;
  • Sometimes the secretion from the filled mammary glands is very weak, in this case the problem may be in the breast pump itself - you need to check it for serviceability.

How to wash a breast pump?

The device must be washed after each use. To do this, the breast pump is disassembled in accordance with the attached instructions. Parts of the product that are in direct contact with the skin of the mammary glands and milk should be washed in hot water and soap. After this, they are thoroughly rinsed with plenty of running water and left to air dry, without using towels.

The question of whether to purchase a breast pump is individual for each woman. But if you already have this device, it is important to properly care for it and learn how to use it. In this case, he will become a reliable assistant, and not a useless trinket.

Useful video about the Avent breast pump

Breastfeeding is accompanied not only by pleasant moments of motherhood, but also by some problems. If you do not take into account some features, you can lose milk. Expressing breast milk with a breast pump is an effective prevention of lactostasis.

I remember my first impressions of the sight of this pumping assistant. At that moment, I was horrified by one thought: what would happen to my breasts if something went wrong. At the time of use, to my surprise, everything turned out to be quite painless and effective. The milk ducts were cleaned painlessly, lumps disappeared, and lactation improved.

In order not to waste money in vain and to purchase a breast pump that you really need, you need to consider all aspects of the issue.

A little history

The first to invent a breast pump was the French surgeon Ambroise Pare in the 16th century; of course, the device was primitive and a little inconvenient to use. New changes were gradually introduced; in the 19th century, a new device patented in the USA became an assistant to many nursing mothers.

The device was mechanical, simulating a baby's sucking of the breast; the external design differed from the original appearance. You won’t find these in the market today, nowadays there are different types of breast pumps.

Types of breast pumps

To understand which breast pump is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with each type. There are mechanical and electrical models. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical breast pumps are a more budget option. There are pump and syringe types.

The operating principle of such breast pumps is the vacuum mechanism that makes up the device. Due to this, breast milk is expressed. As a rule, a container is attached to it, where the milk flows.

Expression technique

So, before you begin the procedure of expressing milk with a mechanical breast pump, it is necessary to carry out breast hygiene. Then, holding the breast with one hand, inserting it into the wide opening of the device so that, in addition to the nipple, the area around the nipple is also placed. With the other hand we press on the pear-shaped pump, creating a vacuum. In the glass tube, a stream of milk should be visible, which is drained into a specially designated container on the breast pump.

There should be no pain during the pumping process, unless you feel comfortable and you need to rule out the cause of the pain. With your index finger, apply a little pressure near the nipple area, air will penetrate inside and the breast can be easily removed from the breast pump. You cannot pull out the mammary gland!


  • This type of breast pump requires skill. Usually both hands are involved in the process, so it is not possible to perform other manipulations at the same time.
  • When using these types of breast pumps, physiological expression is not possible. Often, such devices not only make it impossible to express milk, but can cause cracked nipples.
  • Another inconvenience of operation is the inability to sterilize all parts of the device.


  • budget of the device;
  • does not require additional use of a charger;
  • compact, you can take it with you on the road;
  • Suitable for occasional pumping.

This model is expensive, more convenient to use. The woman makes no effort when using it; the device does all the work itself. Today, such devices have a number of functions, even imitating different periods of a baby sucking at the mother’s breast.

Expression technique

Breast hygiene is carried out, then the breast and nipple area are also placed in a specially designated opening of the breast pump. The device initially turns on at low speed, gradually switching to high speed. There should be no pain or discomfort during the pumping process.

If something bothers you, turn off the device. Use your index finger to press lightly on your breast so that you can easily remove it from the breast pump. Once you have identified and ruled out the cause of the discomfort, start pumping again. As a rule, the manufacturer always offers several types of breast pads in the kit that do not injure the breasts during pumping.

Inconvenient to use

  • need for chargers;
  • high price.

Advantages of the device

  • pumping is possible from two mammary glands at the same time;
  • the process itself repeats the physiological process of breastfeeding by a child;
  • cracks in the nipples do not develop when expressing;
  • all parts of the device are easy to clean and handle;
  • availability of all necessary attachments and components for easy pumping.

How to store expressed milk

Many mothers make a big mistake by simply throwing away the precious liquid. If the milk is expressed according to all the rules of hygiene, it can be stored for later use when, for example, the mother experiences a period of physiological decrease in lactation. The formula cannot replace 100% breast milk.

Shelf life of expressed milk

Milk should be defrosted gradually so that all nutrients are preserved. If the milk separates, it doesn’t matter; it’s normal.

Please note that it does not have an unpleasant odor or discoloration. This kind of milk should not be given to a baby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a breast pump is always selected individually for each woman. Before purchasing a device, familiarize yourself with each model. You choose an assistant more than once. The process of expressing, either manually or using a device, should not cause pain or discomfort. The mammary gland is a delicate organ that requires gentle handling.

Pumping is one of the preventions of reduced lactation. If you find it difficult to do it manually, try solving the problem with a breast pump. The device will be able to strain the breast, remove all lumps and prevent the development of mastitis and cracked nipples. Carefully handle all parts of the device to prevent infection of the breast or expressed breast milk.

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