Maslenitsa barkers. Maslenitsa tunes! We invite Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa quotes about pancakes

home / Rest

Wide Maslenitsa
We won't praise you enough
Come visit us
To the wide yard
Play with the children
Ride the roller coaster!

And we are waiting for Maslenitsa,
We wait, dear soul, we wait.
We'll see cheese and butter in our eyes,
We will see, soul, we will see.
Like a green oak tree on a hill,
Greenie, soul, greenie.
And Vanyusha, my friend, is young,
Young, young soul, young.
Our Maslenitsa, be happy,
Be happy, soul, be happy.
Our little pea be rolling,
Be rolling, soul, be rolling.

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,
Our annual guest,
On painted sleighs,
On black horses.
Maslenitsa lives
seven days.
Stay, Maslenitsa,
seven years old.

How early I got up,
Cleaned up quickly:
Maslenitsa has come to us,
I brought pancakes and butter!

Like during Shrovetide
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for parties:
They sang and danced songs,
We happily welcomed spring!
We greeted spring joyfully,
They bid farewell to winter for a year.
We stood together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

The annual Maslenitsa has arrived,
Our dear guest!
She doesn’t come to us on foot,
Everyone arrives on horseback.
Her horses are black,
They have golden manes,
And the sleighs are painted.

Maslenitsa brings winter to a close,
Spring invites Krasna!

Oh, Zimushka-Winter!
Go to sleep, rest!
Spring is Red!
Come to us again!

Stand in a circle, all the people!
Harmonist, start the round dance!

They came to you with good news,
They brought fun and joy!
Winter is ending
Maslenitsa begins!

Maslenitsa quotes about pancakes

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

Shrovetide week has come, -
Godfather Emelya invited me to visit.
Well, godmother's sister
She's a master at baking pancakes!
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Give my darling space,
We looked at each other
And... everyone ate pancakes!

Have fun, people:
Maslenka is coming to visit
With pies and pancakes, -
Spring is at your fingertips!

We will sing, walk, -
Welcome Mother Spring!
Ride on a sleigh
indulge in pancakes!

Shrovetide week has arrived.
Was at my godfather's for pancakes.
The godfather had a sister.
She's a master at baking pancakes.
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Give my darling space,
We looked at each other
And... everyone ate pancakes!

Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday!
Oil pan!
As has been the case since ancient times -
We're going to... (mother-in-law for pancakes)!

Maslenitsa is walking on the ice,
Carrying pancakes in a frying pan.
Take the young -
Take it apart!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
Seven years old
And everything about Maslenitsa
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a deceiver!
Deceived, deceived,
She didn’t let me go for a walk!
Maslenitsa is walking on the ice,
Carrying pancakes in a frying pan.
Take the young -
Take it apart!

Maslenitsa, climb the hill,
Call us to the clear dawn.
And at dawn - a nightingale,
For a day, for a week.

Calls for burning a Maslenitsa effigy

Goodbye Maslenitsa!
She fed us well and hungrily,
She gave me wort and mash to drink.
Goodbye Maslenitsa!
And we saw you off
They ritualized matting,
Goodbye Maslenitsa!
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!

Maslenitsa is tanned,
The whole world is tired of
Deceived, deceived,
Didn't live to see a year old
Brought it to the post.
She walked sideways towards us,
Through the back streets, back streets,
She carried cast iron pancakes,
I tore my bellies out!
I baked pancakes
She devoured everything herself,
And we have a radish tail
Gave me a post!
I was walking happily
Played songs
Stretch it to the post, -
Burn, Satan!

So that it doesn't go out!
So that all the snowstorms
They flew away together
For the birds to sing
The grass was turning green
The skies are chenille
And the ears of corn ripened!
So that all adversity,
Winter frosts,
Failures, tears -
Let them burn, let them burn,
They're flying towards the sun!
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Burn, burn brighter,
Summer will be hotter!

Maslenitsa is tanned -
The whole world is tired of it!
I was walking happily
She sang and played.
Hello, goodbye
Come next year!
Spring is already at the door,
So burn, burn quickly!

Spring calls for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa - wet tail!
Get out of the yard
Your time has come!
We have streams from the mountains,
Play the ravines
Turn out the shafts, adjust the plow!
Spring is red!
Our sweetie has arrived!

Mother Maslenitsa
gave us a holiday!
Serves pancakes
sons and daughters!
She brought Spring with her, -
Now I have freckles on my nose!
Have fun, go out people,
to live well for a whole year!

Oh, Mother Maslenitsa,
bring red spring!
Bring the warmth and the long day,
drive Winter beyond the fence.

Wake up the people, stir up the blood,
give the fellows some warm love,
Reward the girls with blush and beauty,
and may life bloom with a bright streak!

So that the fields are full of grain, so that the cattle are darkness!
So that you have enough strength and intelligence for everything.
And so that joy does not leave the house!
We welcome you with beer and pancakes!

Goodbye, snotty winter!
Come, red summer!
Plow, harrow -
And I’ll go plow!

Calls for farewell to Maslenitsa

Farewell, farewell, our broad one!
You came with goodness: cheese, butter and egg
With pancakes, pies and pancakes.
Buttered pancakes, greased shangi.
We ride down the mountain from dawn to dusk.
And today on Sunday our fun will end
Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa!

And we saw off Maslenitsa,
They sighed heavily for her:
-Dear Maslyana, come back,
Reach out to the red summer!
Maslyana, Maslyana,
Where are you going?
Lost my paws -
You won't find it!
Pancake-eating Maslenitsa
The whole world is tired of
Deceived, deceived,
Didn't make it to one year old.

Emilia Belan
Maslenitsa tunes! We invite Maslenitsa!

Song: "Oh, yes, Maslenitsa"

1. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes,

Oh, yes Maslenitsa!

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes,

Oh, wide!

2. Oh yeah Maslenitsa!

Oh yes, beautiful girl!

Come out, show yourself

Yes, guests, bow!

3. Oh yes, Maslenitsa!

Oh yes, a beautiful girl.

Oh, the pancakes are good

We eat from the heart.

4. Oh yes, Maslenitsa!

Oh yes, beautiful girl!

We praise you

Kids are having fun!

Poems for Shirokaya's entertainment Maslenitsa

1. We praise Maslenitsa

Let's eat pancakes

And with blueberries, with dried apricots

With condensed milk and halva.

2. I woke up early in the morning,

And I made some pancakes.

Help yourself Vanya, Masha,

Maslenitsa has come to us!

3. Hey girls, hey boys

Come out honest people.

Let's start the fun

Let the accordion sing now.

4. Now we call for spring,

We are seeing off White Winter.

We dance and sing

And we drink tea and pancakes.

5. I baked pancakes all day,

Not at all tired

Play the accordion "Quadrille",

To make it warmer.

6. I don’t sell pancakes

I'll give the kids a treat.

Come and swoop in

Choose as many as you want!

Barkers for Maslenitsa

1. Barker: Children and adults,

You are welcome!

Come in, don't be shy,

Everything is ready for guests!

2. Barker: Everything is ready, everything is for you!

Jokes, games, dancing!

Pancakes, just out of the oven,

Come on, potbellies!

3. Barker: Begin! Begin!

We celebrate Maslenitsa,

Maslenitsa, we meet,

Let's see off winter!

4. Barker: Say goodbye to winter,

Let's call on spring!

Well, guys, don't yawn

And let the fun begin!

Publications on the topic:

Targeted walk through ecology: “Russian birches” Goals and objectives: To teach children to see the beauty of the nature around us; Develop skills.

Physical education and musical entertainment for senior and preparatory groups “Maslenitsa festivities” Purpose of entertainment: introducing children to the celebration of Russian folk holidays Objectives: 1. To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.

“Barely, barely, barely. The carousel spun, And then around, around, Everyone ran, ran, ran." "Hush, hush, don't rush! Stop the carousel.

Concert program, “Flower Tunes” Scenario of the concert program “Flower Tunes” Purpose: 1. Creating a joyful festive atmosphere. 2. Formation of the desire to manifest.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Maslenitsa festivities” Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Sharifullina T.V.

Summary of direct educational activities for children of primary preschool age “Maslenitsa pancakes” Goal: To introduce children to the traditions of the folk holiday “Maslenitsa”. Objectives: To introduce the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa, its meaning.

Summary of educational activities on artistic creativity in non-traditional drawing techniques (poking) “Winter tunes” Theme of educational activity: “Winter tunes.” Objectives: to evoke in children an emotional response to the artistic image of a winter landscape.

Holiday goals:tell schoolchildren about the history and traditions of Maslenitsa, celebrate the farewell of winter and the welcome of spring.

Introductory music

Alyona: Hey, have fun, get ready, people! Today Maslenitsa is coming to visit!

Hurry, hurry, hurry, take your friends with you!

Hurry up to our holiday, see off the snowy winter,
Have fun and play!
Show your skill and dexterity and patience,
We invite everyone to the holiday, come, we are really looking forward to it!

Regina: Boyars and noblewomen!

Sirs and ladies!

Hurry up to our holiday!

Sing and dance with us!

Alyona: Maslena We are waiting for Maslena, we will greet you with a fried pancake.

Come Maslenitsa, dear, our annual guest.

Yes, on painted sleighs, and on black horses.

Regina: Empress, Maslenitsa, your time has come.

Make us happy.

Feed them pancakes and treat them to pies.

Is everyone here? Well, now, let's start this holiday!

Alena: But first we need to play a shouting game.

Outdoor game “Pancakes”

For this all the assembled spectators (guests) are conditionally divided into two teams, the movements mentioned in the text of the chant will be common to everyone, and the first team (at the signal from the leader’s left hand) should shout loudly and unanimously: “Pancakes.” The second team, following the signal made by the leader’s right hand, shouts: “Cakes”

Chant text

It was a good winter, we are seeing it off,

And we joyfully welcome the warmth of spring.

We bake with baking(sign with left hand)… Pancakes!

And delicious(right hand sign) ... Flatbread!

And we clap our hands cheerfully and together(everyone clap)

The long-awaited oil week has arrived,

And no one will count how much we ate.

We ate and ate(sign with left hand)… Pancakes!

And further(right hand sign) ... Flatbread!

Now let’s spin around ourselves a little(everyone is spinning)

There are songs, dances, laughter, noisy parties around,

In every house, efforts were appreciated,

They are on the table(sign with left hand)… Pancakes!

And next to(right hand sign) ... Flatbread!

To get more into us, we jump on our legs(everyone jumps)

Another circle around you(everyone is spinning)

And we clap our hands(everyone clap)

Not for fun or decency,And according to Russian customEveryone is invited to gatherFor a walk and a game!Regina:

Lead streams in round dances,Have fun, play,Sing sonorous songs -Maslenitsa, and welcome Spring!

Exit of the doll - Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, pancakes. They do a victory lap. The doll is placed in the center. To the music.

Maslenitsa (Diana)

Hello, kids, girls and boys. Thank you for calling me and calling me.


Hello, dear guest of Maslenitsa, Avdotya Izotyevna!

Long braid, a newfangled cotton scarf!

You came to our “Rainbow” and brought fun!


Shrovetide week flew to us, sat on a stump, ate pancakes.

Maslenitsa (Diana) :

I didn’t come to you alone, I brought my children - seven days of Shrovetide week.

Game "Search for pancakes" with music


1. I am Monday. My name is "Meeting". I'm celebrating Maslenitsa.- Sasha

2. I am Tuesday. They call me “Zigrysh”. I start the games, take the mummers around the yards.- Nikita

3. I am the environment. They call me “Gourmand”. On this day people eat a lot of sweets.- Erika

4. I am Thursday. They call me “Broad Thursday”. I am the most cheerful and insatiable day.- Danil

5. I am Friday. They call me “Mother-in-law’s evening.” On Friday they go to grandma's for pancakes.- Nastya

6. I am Saturday. They call me “Sister-in-Law’s Gatherings.” On Saturday they go to visit their relatives. They sit for a long time, eat sweetly, and talk a lot. - Tolya

7. I am Sunday, “Forgiveness Day.” They ask each other for forgiveness.- Sofia

And you will forgive us. (Bow).

Enjoy Sunday and see off Maslenitsa.


And what did you bring us, Empress Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa (Diana)

I have for youround dance. Get ready, kids. Don’t push, don’t rush, stand in a circle quickly.

Round dance to Russian song

Regina: And now we’ll see how the guys celebrate Maslenitsa. All our classes prepared holiday tables and class business cards. And now we want to invite our competent JURY to properly evaluate your efforts.

Alyona: Today our jury is represented by:

    Ermoshina N.A

    Kurganskaya I.D.

    Osipova Nina Alekseevna, and also our Maslenitsa

Class card.

Game “Apply water” to music

Children take turns using a tablespoon to carry water into a glass. The team that has more water in the glass and less on the floor wins)

Now I ask for your attention! New competition!
Who wants to play tug of war, young and old?

We call men, guys, guys to the rope

Ten on the left, ten on the right - only the muscles crack

A game "Tug of war" to music.

Alyona: Now let’s color our holiday with a bright communal dance “Bake Pancakes”

Children's dance “Bake pancakes”

This is a wonderful entertainment for celebrating Maslenitsa, which unites everyone and charges them with a cheerful mood; moreover, it is completely consistent with the theme, so it will fit well into the program. The organizer of the idea begins by offering to bake symbolic holiday pancakes right here and now, with the whole world. It is advisable that there are active assistants in the hall or on the site who would help the audience navigate and dance with them, and someone who is responsible for the musical arrangement .

The presenter's text is:

“So, let's imagine that we have already kneaded the dough, what next? That's right - we need to light the fire, and now the logs are crackling, let's depict this with our warm applause.

Now we take the frying pans in our hands - take our neighbors by the hands, forming circles that remind us of this household item. And now the frying pan heats up from the fire to make it hotter, we dance an incendiary “Quadrille” in our circle.

Now let’s get some raspberry jam for our pancakes. Everyone ran gaping to the song “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden”

Well done! And now, for the soul to unfold, “go for a walk, go for a walk!”, Let’s get some caviar and for the filling, each caviar, all the snakes – let’s unite into one!

And now “play, play like that!”, Let’s all spin into one snowball and enjoy the blink (Russian round dance sounds).

We made some nice pancakes, didn't we? Now it's time to drink tea,

Congratulations on Maslenitsa! Let's shout in unison: “Hurray!

6th grade performance with the song “pancakes”

Regina: Let's continue our celebrations! For this we need girls.

Game "Sledge" (children are divided into pairs, one in front, the other behind, squatting, holding hands. You need to “roll” to the pin, change places there and return to your place. The winner is the one who “arrives” first without releasing his hands.)

The game is played to music

5th grade performance


We welcome Spring with you

We burn the effigy of Winter,

We sing in a round dance.

Hello, dear Spring,

You and I are neighbors

Hello, Red Spring,

We welcome you!

Hello, Red Spring,

We welcome you!

Flavorful pancakes

We will glorify Spring with you

Everything in nature comes to life,

The sun blinks slyly.

I'll warm it up more -

A stream will run down the mountain.

I'll rise higher

Hello, Red Spring!

I'll rise higher

Hello, Red Spring!

Alyona: Like people standing at our gates in disguise,

And the brave guys entered those painted gates

They run like a fast snake and bring delicious pancakes.

Game Brook to music

Regina: And now I offer you an impromptu play scene. For this I need 3 people from each class

Impromptu play scene “Pancakes”

To carry out this fun play scene, put 4 chairs and seat them in this order: GRANDFATHER with GRANDMOTHER in the middle, PANCAKE near GRANDMOTHER, NEIGHBOR near GRANDFATHER. Explain the rules to the participants: every time they hear the name of their character, they make the appropriate movements.

Characters and movements:

DAMN - runs around the chairs, as if dancing lezginka,

NEIGHBOR - slaps grandfather on the head,

GRANDMOTHER kisses grandfather,

Grandfather kisses grandmother.

Text of the skit (read by the presenter):

Once upon a time there lived a GRANDFATHER and GRANDMOTHER. One day GRANDFATHER says to GRANDMOTHER: “GRANDMA, GRANDMA, shouldn’t we bake some pancakes?” “Is it true,” says GRANDMOTHER to GRANDFATHER, “shouldn’t we bake pancakes?!? Grandfather, and Grandfather! But we don’t have flour. Go, go to your NEIGHBOR, ask her for flour, bake pancakes.” GRANDFATHER went to his NEIGHBOR: “NEIGHBOR, and NEIGHBOR, give me some flour to bake pancakes.”

THE NEIGHBOR gave GRANDFATHER......(not what you thought), and GRANDMOTHER baked pancakes. GRANDFATHER eats pancakes and praises: “Oh, yes BABA, oh yes, her pancakes are delicious. Oh, yes BABA, oh yes, her pancakes are rosy! Oh, yes BABA, oh, yes, her pancakes are fragrant!!! Go call your NEIGHBOR.” THE NEIGHBOR came, eats PANCAKES and praises: “Oh, yes, you have a BABA, oh, yes, her PANCAKES are awesome! Oh, yes, you have a BABA, oh, yes, her pancakes are stunning!!!”

This is where the fairy tales end, and well done to those who listened.

Regina : Don't hold grudges in your heart,

Let no one see your tears anymore,

Ask for forgiveness yourself

Smile with a spring smile!

Game "Ask Forgiveness"

(each participant must approach all other participants, bow and ask for forgiveness"

Alyona: The time has come for you and me to dance. We invite everyone to a fun and mischievous dance. We repeat everything after us.

Whole school flash mob

Alyona: - Time is up, the time has come,Winter served its time honestly,The clock has struck, the calendar has been flipped through,So it was forever, so it was in the old days,And I complete the Winter flight,And I will melt the ice around her.Maslenitsa - go for a walk people!

Now boys and girls, let's give the floor to the jury so that we find out which class celebrates Wide Maslenitsa the best.

Class awards

Regina: I light the Maslenitsa bonfire,

I announce a round dance around the fire!

All the bad things of the past year

I burn it along with this effigy!

( Burning an effigy. Music sounds and there is a final round dance around the fire.)

To the music "Burn, Burn Clear"

“Barkers” for Maslenitsa

Come honest people,
There will be a groovy holiday,
And today we have dancing,
Songs, fables, fairy tales for children.

Maslenitsa has arrived
So that winter loses its strength,
Dissolving in this day,
I gave the place to spring.

Hurry up everyone! Hurry up everyone!
On our holiday in all its glory.

Come, come in

For golden brown pancakes.

Today is Maslen week -

Be happy like us!

Hey hey! Honest people

Hurry to us, don’t wait!

Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!

Come, mash your bones!

Drop everything you're doing,

Hurry up for the holiday!

Come, honest people,

The second "G" class is calling you!

What's that noise, what's that scream?

This fair is noisy

It makes noise, it calls,

Invites you to visit.

Quickly walk through the rows,

Marvel at any product!

If you like it, take it.

Come, people, into the ranks,

There's so much beauty here:

There are pickles and jams,

Lots of sweet treats

There are vegetables and honey...

Don't skimp, take it, people!

Our fair is rich.

Buy it quickly, guys!

Hey people, people, people!

The fair is coming!

The fair is coming to visit,

He calls and sings!

Invites, amuses,

Tells everyone to smile!

Carousels, booth

And products for different tastes:

There are both vegetables and fruits,

And great products.

Open your wallets

Get the money!

The fair is rich

Come on in, guys!

Like during Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the oven:

We caught them with our mouths,

Thank you! - they said.

I ate a hundred pancakes with my friends,

We sang songs together!

Soon, February 24 - March 1, 2020, we will celebrate Maslenitsa. This means that we will have a wonderful reason to have a good rest and have fun by taking part in interesting games and competitions.

Short chants for Maslenitsa will lift the spirits of everyone present at the holiday and help create a joyful atmosphere. This page of our website presents the texts of Maslenitsa chants that you can learn with your children.

Calls for the Maslenitsa meeting for children

Maslenitsa has arrived,
Madam-Boyarina Maslenitsa!
With cheese, butter and pancake,
Yes with a rosy pie!

Wide Maslenitsa,
We can't praise you enough!
Come visit us
To the wide yard
Play with the children
Ride the roller coaster!

Hey, have fun, get ready, people!
Today Maslenitsa is coming to visit!
You'd better hurry to see us
And call your friends!

Have fun, people:
Maslenka is coming to visit
With pies and pancakes,
Spring is at your fingertips!
We will sing, walk,
Welcome Mother Spring!
Ride on a sleigh
Indulge in pancakes!

We congratulate you on the tender Maslenitsa,
The time has come to enjoy pies.
Without pancakes, farewell to winter cannot be enjoyed.
We invite you to song, to jokes, to joy!

Texts of short chants for Maslenitsa

Cool Maslenitsa barkers are easy to learn by heart - just read them several times. We offer short texts of chants for Maslenitsa, which even the youngest guests of the holiday can easily remember.

Come, honest people,
Come to our show.
A mischievous holiday awaits you
To everyone's surprise!
We gathered today
Here to see off winter.
Everyone without exception
We invite you to the show!

Get ready, people!
Red spring is coming!
We need to get rid of the winter,
Let's celebrate Maslenitsa together!
Get ready, old and young,
Leave the chambers.
One week until fasting
We have no time for fun there.
So sing, walk, dance
Seven days from the heart!

Hey, honest people,
Don't walk away!
Come to us quickly
We have delicious pancakes!
With honey, they are sweet!
We celebrate Maslenitsa,
We are saying goodbye to winter!

Come to the party
Have fun riding!
Don't skimp on smiles
Don't be lazy on your feet!

We'll have a great walk,
There will be games and fun.
Get ready, honest people!
Let's say goodbye to winter!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February
Let's say hello to Martha!

Hey you guests, come over!
Get some treats!
Maslenitsa treats,
Invites everyone to the holiday!
Hands out pancakes to everyone,
Everyone is welcome to visit!

Wide Maslenitsa!
We boast about you
We ride on roller coasters,
We gorge ourselves on pancakes.
Hey, Maslenitsa Kuroseika,
Give us a good ride!

Like during Shrovetide
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for parties:
They sang and danced songs,
We happily welcomed spring!
We greeted spring joyfully,
They bid farewell to winter for a year.
We stood together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,
Our annual guest,
On painted sleighs,
On black horses.
Maslenitsa lives
Seven days.
Stay, Maslenitsa,
Seven years old.

We haven't spun all week,
We were waiting for Maslenitsa,
Greeted loudly
They called me with horns,
They were expecting a visit
We met on the mountain.
The mountain was covered with snow,
Be icy!
Come, Maslenitsa, dear.
Be, little pea, rolling,
We will be happy.

Hey Maslena, come,
Treat me to pancakes!
Yes, dumplings, and butter!
Yes, a ruddy roll!
We don't care about frost.
Maslenitsa-wry neck,
We'll see you well!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!
Thank you for coming!
And warm with you
Brought spring!

Play more fun, accordion,
Maslenitsa, don't be sad!
Come soon, spring
Drive winter away from us!

Reach out just a little -
At least a week, at least a day,
At least for a day, at least for an hour.

Hello, Mother Maslenitsa!
You brought us pancakes,
Bowls full of sour cream,
Shangi, pies, bagels!
We are glad to praise you
For such joy!
Have fun, honest people,
Spring is knocking at the gate!

Maslenitsa barkers for the holiday

The fun is in full swing... Buffoons and entertainers entertain guests by telling mischievous jokes and jokes. Another of the indispensable attributes of the holiday are calls for Maslenitsa, which invite people to take part in the holiday and taste the treats.

Whatever, your guests won’t be bored! In short Maslenitsa chants, they praise the main character of the holiday, call her funny names and encourage her to stay longer.

Eat! Drink! Help yourself!
And have more fun!
Maslenitsa at the gates,
Open your mouth wider!

People are smiling
They lead a round dance together.
It's Maslenitsa,
Good Maslenitsa!

Come, come in
For golden brown pancakes.
Today is Maslen week -
Be happy like us!

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,
We met our dear guest,
The mountain was covered with pancakes,
Oil was poured on top.
The mountain is steep like pancakes,
The mountain is as clear as butter,
And they pour snow on the hill,
And our mothers are calling us home.
It's not good for us to go home,
We decided to ride down the mountain.
Oh you, Maslenitsa-crooked neck,
Give us a good ride.

You, my Maslenitsa,
Red braid, blond braid,
Thirty brothers sister,
Daughter of three mothers,
Come to my board house
Have fun with your mind
Enjoy the speech.
Come, honest Maslenitsa,
Broad noblewoman,
On seventy-seven sleighs,
On a wide boat
To the city to feast!

Wide Maslenitsa,
We boast about you
We ride in the mountains,
We'll overeat on pancakes!
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Pancake keeper,
Come early
We'll see you well -
Cheese, butter and pancake,
And a rosy pie.

Barkers for the burning of Maslenitsa

Many modern funny Maslenitsa barkers are not much different from those that were popular in the old days. Often short chants for Maslenitsa are performed on the last day of the holiday, when its climax occurs - the burning of the effigy.

And we saw off Maslenitsa,
Often, everyone sighed heavily for her!
Oh, Maslenitsa, come back,
Reach out to the red summer!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out and grab onto the white birch tree!
They said Maslenitsa is seven years old,
And our Maslenitsa has seven days!
Oh, Maslenitsa, you liar!
She deceived me, cheated her, didn’t let her have fun!

Like during Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Pancake-eating Maslenitsa
I fed him until lunch.
And herself - behind the fence,
All day, all day.
I licked the cheese and butter,
And then it went out.

Farewell to all the people
Maslenitsa will be set on fire.
Warm up quickly
May our life be more fun!

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