Isonit schemes for beginners heart step by step. Master class “Valentine” using isothread technique. Materials and tools

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Many interesting types of needlework were known several centuries ago. So it is with isothread - it is believed that the technique of creating designs on a solid base using threads first appeared in England quite a long time ago. English craftsmen hammered nails into wooden planks and wound multi-colored threads around the nails, creating a specific pattern.

Today, string graphics have again become widespread. Only to make work easier, thick cardboard is used instead of wood.

Isothread: materials and tools for work

To work you will need:

    Base (wooden or cardboard board),

    Threads (can be completely different, from thick wool to bright floss),

    A needle with an eye of sufficient diameter (to fit your thread),

  • Styrofoam.

In addition to the basic ones, you may also need auxiliary tools and materials, including a beautiful backing (plain fabric, leather, etc.), glue, tape, an awl, safety pins, and additional accessories that can be used to decorate the finished panel. Sometimes a thread pattern can be formed around a base in the form of a brooch, a wooden house, several animal figures, etc.

Cardboard- the simplest foundation, ideal for beginners. It is not necessary to look for any special types of cardboard; you can buy regular colored cardboard at a regular stationery store or hypermarket. Take several packs of cardboard of different densities (indicated in grams per square meter). The thicker the cardboard, the thicker the needle and thread you will need to use.

You can experiment with velvet backings (there is even velvet cardboard), but if the material is too thin, it will be awkward to work with. In this case, ordinary PVA glue will help you out, which can be used to glue a sheet of ordinary white cardboard to the base. This will make your work much easier.

Similarly, you can glue fabric onto cardboard.

Threads can be not just different, but different even within the same panel. For example, you embroider a spruce with thick fluffy threads, and snowflakes with thin ones. Please note that in this case you will need several different needles, with different eye sizes.

You can even start embroidering with ordinary threads sold on spools. But usually craftswomen stop at “Floss” or “Iris” as the main ones, using other varieties as necessary to complement the image.

Ruler and compass in work they are needed in order to apply isothread (schemes of future images) to the base of the picture. The most popular schemes are based on a circle, square, and angle.

One of the main activities that make up the work of a craftswoman is piercing holes in the base. Despite its apparent simplicity, this requires skill and caution; there is a chance of pricking your fingers or damaging the surface of your desktop. This is where the sheet comes to the rescue foam plastic. It is desirable that it be the size of the future painting or a little larger. It is placed on the base. You can also use a towel folded several times. But dense (extruded) foam is still the most convenient option.

Scotch useful for securing threads on the wrong side. Not every knot will stick well to the cardboard and there is not always enough thread left to tie it. Scotch tape (good, sticky tape) does the job just fine.

Awl will help pierce thick cardboard or leather. It is not always convenient to do this with thread, especially if you decide to use thin threads and choose a needle to match them.

Basic techniques in isothread technique

Actually, over the centuries of the existence of this technique, only two basic figures and two methods of filling them were invented - a circle and a square (right angle). Let's take a closer look at them.

We use a compass. Using it, we draw a circle of the diameter you need on the base. It is better to let it be a small circle if you are just getting acquainted with the technique. Next, imagine that this circle is a watch dial. Place marks in the places where numbers are usually placed on the dial. In total, you will have 12 marks. Make holes in them with an awl. Number them.

So, we thread the needle through hole number one from the wrong side.

Important! You can connect any points of the circle in accordance with your (or someone else’s, if you use a ready-made diagram) idea, but so that the distance between the two connected points is always less than the diameter of the circle. That is, using our picture as an example, you cannot connect the numbers 12 and 6, 3 and 9, 11 and 5, etc.

This technique is used as the basis for many beautiful embroideries. See picture below.

Or like this:

Here you will need a ruler. With its help, an acute, right or obtuse angle is drawn. As with a circle, its sides are divided into equal sections where holes are made. They must be paired, even if one side of the corner is longer than the other.

There is no hole made at the top of the corner. The holes are numbered starting from the top. The thread is threaded from the wrong side. Next - according to your scheme.

The easiest option for beginners:

Again, filling a corner using the isothread technique cannot be done in such a way that opposite points located at an equal distance from the top of the corner are connected.

If you embroider flowers using the iso-thread technique, then you cannot do without this technique. The fan consists of a segment over which an arc is drawn at some distance. The purpose of the technique is to connect the holes on the segment with the holes on the arc, obtaining a beautiful petal. For an example, see the diagram:

The holes on the arc are made at an equal distance from each other. They begin to pull the thread from the first puncture in the arc (number 1).

This is how not only leaves are formed, but also petals and buds.

You can also use an arc-shaped pattern for floral ornaments. A part of a circle is drawn for it. Next, the holes are connected with thread so that the distance between them is less than half of the embroidered arc. Look at the diagram:

As always, the distance between the holes should be equal.

A spiral is embroidered using a similar pattern:

It is important to embroider it in one direction.

And this is how a droplet is embroidered using the iso-thread technique:

The basis for this is an arc and two segments. Embroidery begins at one end and ends at the other.

Isothread technique: some secrets of needlework

    If the chord (the distance between two connected points in a circle) is made as large as possible, then the circle will end up being maximally filled with threads.

    An interesting pattern is obtained if the circle is sewn twice - with one color of thread with a small chord, and the other with a large chord.

    When embroidering a circle from the front side to the back side, we get a star.

    If you want to get a corner embroidered with strokes, embroider it from the wrong side. Then the front one will look the same, but shaded.

    To secure the knots and the entire design as a whole, after finishing the embroidery you need to seal the base from the wrong side with a thick sheet of paper.

Picture using isothread technique step by step with numbers: goldfish. Step-by-step master class for children

Even a child can do such a simple drawing. In general, the isothread technique for children is extremely useful: it develops fine motor skills, imagination, and perseverance. Of course, you can embroider a complex fish. But for kids, we recommend using this simple scheme:

What you will need

From tools and materials you will need:

    Medium density colored cardboard,

  • A simple pencil.


Step 1. Place dots on the cardboard as indicated in the diagram.

You will end up with something like this:

Step 2. Use a thin awl to make holes in the cardboard, according to the drawn diagram.

Step 3. Using a thread of the same color, sew the lower ornament (sea waves) according to the pattern.

In the end it should look like this:

Step 4. Let's start embroidering the fish. To do this, we sew a circle using the standard technique. Like this:

Step 5. In the final stage, sew the tail, mouth and fin of the fish:

To make it look more natural, don’t forget to draw an eye on the fish.

There is nothing complicated about the Easter theme. The main thing is to choose the right patterns in the isothread technique, some of which are so simple that you can use them to create isothread crafts, which are often asked to be made for kindergarten or school.

    Panel “Chicken and Egg”

The finished image looks like this:

    Postcard for Easter “Lukoshko with eggs”

Embroidery pattern:

    You can make isonite on disks. There is this cute Easter themed craft:

The diagram (chip) looks like this:

Embroidering a heart on cardboard is easy, and the result can be a unique DIY valentine.

The finished image will look like this:

You need to embroider according to this pattern:

As you can see, the numbering of holes in the upper part of the heart starts from the center, and at the bottom we bypass the corner element - there the holes diverge to the sides from the center, the center itself is not numbered.

Overall, you should have an even number of holes to be able to connect them in pairs.

We start stitching from the inside out, threading the needle through number 1 (see diagram).

As you continue working, your valentine will look like this:

When you are done with this diagram, you will need to do the following to complicate the drawing:

    From the wrong side, where the thread will be at the end of the work, thread it into the hole numbered 47. From there - to 48. Then to 49 and so on until the end.

It will turn out like this:

Another version of the scheme

What’s good about a heart is that if you cut its edges using curly scissors, you don’t have to use a needle, wrapping the part with threads. It is simpler, faster and more convenient than the classic iso-threading technique.

As a result, you will get a heart like this:

Required tools and materials:

    Red and white cardboard,

    Threads of medium thickness red, pink and black,

    Curly scissors for cutting out the edges of a Valentine card,

    Regular scissors

    Simple pencil,

  • Accessories for decoration (rhinestones, beads, beads, satin ribbons, etc.).


To make the heart even and neat, it is better to cut it out using a ready-made template, of which there are plenty on the Internet. You need to cut out the outlined template using curly scissors.

Now, with ordinary scissors, in the places of the “wave” we make cuts with ordinary scissors. See picture.

We turn our workpiece over to the wrong side and secure the thread there with tape.

We transfer the thread to the front side. We begin to wrap the heart, threading the thread through the notches. We work according to this scheme:

When the work according to the pattern is completed, turn the heart inside out again and secure the end of the thread there. On the front side you can decorate the heart with rhinestones and other decorations.

You can do the winding like this:

Fantasize, and the result will certainly exceed your expectations.

Dear CM readers, I wanted to share with you again my next hobby and MK. About 3 years ago I was given a book on Isothread, and I really liked this technique and started trying embroidery. Since I don’t have enough patience for large objects (paintings), I embroidered small ones and made postcards from them. But embroidery takes a lot of time, and now I don’t have much of it. Therefore, I began to use a simpler method, simply wrapping the parts. It turns out quickly and beautifully.

In this MK I’ll tell you how to make these valentine hearts.

We will need
Cardboard (red, white)
Iris or floss threads (can also be sewing threads but a little thicker)
Curly and regular scissors
Heart template
Pencil, tape
Various decorations (rhinestones, ribbons, etc.)

We trace the heart according to the template, since I didn’t have a template, I used a cookie cutter. Then we cut out a heart with curly scissors (zigzag or small wave).

On the cut out heart we make as shown in the photo, making notches all over the heart blank. The notches are needed so that the thread holds better. Then we fasten the tail of the thread from the inside out.

If you don’t have curly scissors, you can make notches all over the workpiece, but then there should be an even number of them and the distance between the notches is the same, for example. on the left 20 from the middle and on the right 20 and even 40 with a distance between notches of 3 mm.

We turn the heart blank over to the front side and the thread too, placing it in the middle of the blank. We begin to wrap the workpiece as shown in the photo and in Fig. 1. or Fig. 2. hooking the thread onto the notches.

When the entire workpiece is wrapped, turn the workpiece inside out and secure the end of the thread with tape, cut the thread. We turn the heart blank over to the front one and admire the result.

We decorate the finished heart with sequins, rhinestones, etc.

"Isothread- no less exciting and entertaining needlework technique. You can also find other names: thread graphics, thread image, embroidery on cardboard, thread design, isographics. The main thing is an openwork pattern on clear geometric lines.

When you look at the finished works, in which the threads are intricately intertwined, you might think that it is very difficult to repeat. But when you master the basics of embroidery on thick paper or cardboard, then any complex pattern can be done. Beginning craftswomen should hardly take on complex compositions; it is important to learn how to make basic motifs; there are not so many of them compared to other techniques.

Main motifs of isothread

The first motive is corner filling .

To begin, take a sheet of cardboard and draw a right angle. The length of the sides is 8-10 cm. Place a dot every centimeter and make a hole with an awl. Beginners are advised to immediately enter the numbers along which the needle will move.

So, the first round! The needle enters the cardboard from the wrong side (the knot remains there) at number 1, and moves along the front side to number 2.

Then from the wrong side go to number 3.

Go along the front side to hole number 4.

Move from below to 5 and make a turn into hole 6.

Next you can see segment 7-8.

And using the same principle, you must fill in all the segments in the graphic drawing.

When the principle of filling is clear, you will not need to draw numbers; you will start working from memory.
Angles can be of different lengths and any degree, but the principle of filling them is the same, but the result is different.

To reinforce your learning, watch this video lesson:

The second motive is filling the circle .

There are also some nuances here that beginners should know about.

You need to draw a circle and put points on equal segments. The more dots, the denser the pattern. Then everything depends on the distance at which the turns of the threads will lie. The examples in the photo show the options!

The longer the piece of thread, the closer the filling is to the center of the circle. If the turn lies shorter, there will be interlacing threads near the edge of the line.

When working with circles, you also need to write down the thread stroke in numbers at the first stages.

The oval and drop are filled according to the principle of the circle or angle motif. You will understand everything in practice.

Another principle of the iso-thread technique, when all the work is done from one point . For example, a graphic drawing is a heart. There are two options for filling it out.

The movement takes turns.

Here the turns are laid back a step.

These fill options can be used for any design. When you master the basic motives, then you will combine and combine them at your discretion.

Helpful information

Beginners will be interested in some tips and subtleties of the iso-thread technique . Let's look at them in more detail.

For the base It is better to use thick paper or smooth cardboard; works on velvet cardboard are less common.

— To draw a drawing, you need a simple pencil, preferably hard and well sharpened, so that the line of motifs is thin.

- You will also need a ruler for drawing lines and angles, and a compass for forming circles of different diameters.

Awl It is better to use short but sharp. They need to pierce the cardboard from the front side to make the work look neater.

Needle It is recommended to take one with a large eye so that the thread can pass through easily.

Threads You can use any, but floss and iris are considered the best for this technique. Works made with woolen thread look great on velvet paper.

— Holes should be pierced on the backing so as not to damage the table covering. It is recommended to use a piece of cardboard from a packaging box or thick foam.

To secure the thread on the reverse side you can use narrow tape or PVA glue.

— To prevent the thread from getting tangled while working, cut off a piece that is not too long.

The isothread technique is used to make postcards, panels, paintings, notebook covers, and bookmarks.

— At the initial stages, it is important to monitor the density of the embroidery. If you pull too hard on the coil, you may tear the cardboard. A weak thread clamp will sag and look sloppy on the finished work.

— To hide flaws on the reverse side, the work must be glued to cardboard or placed in a frame without glass.

Painting “Butterfly” using isothread technique (master class)

Now let's move on to practical work. When all the basics of the technique are clear, you can begin embroidering a separate item. For example, butterflies. It will consist of the simplest patterns, when the entire image is completely filled.

For work you need the following materials:

  • set of colored cardboard;
  • graphic image of a butterfly (in which all the points are drawn);
  • floss threads of two colors (yellow and green);
  • awl;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • thin tape.

Step by step

Take colored cardboard of such a shade that the threads you have chosen are clearly visible. For example, purple if the embroidery is with yellow and green threads.

Place an image of a butterfly on the cardboard and make holes with an awl. Don't forget about the backing so as not to spoil the work surface.

In the graphic drawing, use numbers to indicate the direction of movement of the needle.

This is the base with holes you need for work.

Take a needle, insert a thread into it and start forming segments.

This is what the openwork weaving should look like.

Do not forget to secure the edges of the threads with tape on the wrong side of the work.

The second yellow wing needs to be made symmetrically.

When you embroider the lower wings, you can change the color of the threads to make the work more vibrant.

You can even embroider the base in one color, and then add a different shade from shorter sections along the edge.

To form the body and antennae of the butterfly, you just need to sew the sections in a straight line and return.

This is what the finished work looks like.

It is better to cover the reverse side with a white sheet of paper to hide embroidery errors.

Agree, it will be nice to receive such work as a greeting card.

I hope that my detailed story about the iso-thread technique and a successful example of work will inspire you to come up with original ideas and soon beautiful embroidered items will appear in your home.

Regards, Tatiana!"

When you master the iso-threading technique, you will be able to create such beautiful paintings as in this video with your own hands:

Schemes and templates

For beginning needlewomen, ready-made diagrams and templates with numbers may be useful. You can print pictures from the Internet and embroider by numbers.



How to make something original panels made of threads and nails

And another story from Tatyana about the practical application of this technique:

“We have creative people working in our office, both boys and girls. Our department is located on the second floor. You have to climb one flight of stairs. And he is so dull and monotonous. On a rainy morning, my co-worker suggested we “revive” the wall on the stairs. We did not risk painting on it, since our office rents this room for rent. Therefore, it was necessary to make some kind of large panel or, as a last resort, paint a picture.

We found some interesting technology on the Internet. string art. It is based on the use of nails and threads. An image is created when the turns of threads are intertwined in a certain pattern between the heads of the nails. Everyone appreciated the idea and began to implement it.
After the renovation, there was a piece of drywall measuring 1 by 2 meters in the pantry. We decided not to cut it into pieces, but to use it whole. The girls drew a bird of happiness (essentially an ordinary peacock) in the center of the base, two trees on either side of it, and improvised bushes of grass at the bottom of the work.

The guys bought large nails with wide heads and drove them at a distance of about 2 cm from each other throughout the graphic image. Moreover, the carnations on the bird itself are dotted very densely, about 0.5 cm thick. This is so that the pattern is filled out and the turns of the threads fit well.

When all the men's work was completed, it was again the girls' turn to show the dexterity of their hands. We have selected amazing threads for all elements of the work. Lilac on the feathers and red on the body are thin threads of the “iris” series, and thick threads on the circles of the tail and tree crowns are textured threads for knitting.

The weaves had to be done in isothread technique, strictly according to the drawing. What a gorgeous bird!

The trees were easier to form, since it was only necessary to hide the base a little, so the turns of threads were intertwined in a chaotic manner. Notice how the threads on the trunks are shaded and how the textured ones look good on the crown.

Then the guys suggested making a frame for the panel to make the work look more interesting. They nailed a piece of wood around the edge of the base.

The work was complex and painstaking, but the result was worth it. The result was a beautiful and bright panel made of threads and nails.

Now our stairwell is the most colorful in the entire building. And if fate takes us to a new place of work, then the picture will go along with our team.”

We will be glad to see photos of your work!

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The “isothread” technique is a very original embroidery. Embroidering is usually done on fabric or linen. And isothread is embroidery on a dense material (cardboard, plastic, etc.). There are few embroidery techniques, but there are many composition options. This time we’ll try to embroider a postcard for Valentine’s Day. You've probably already tried to make one. Perhaps it was fashionable or...

But no one will have a valentine card. Your loved one will surely appreciate this masterpiece.

For work we will need materials:

sewing threads: burgundy, pink, red, orange, light orange, yellow;

velvet paper (blue);

a sheet of white cardboard;

glue stick;

a sheet of colored office paper (matching the velvet paper);

a couple of sheets of thin paper;

copy paper.


sewing needle;

a pin with a ball at the end;

graphite (simple) pencil;

curly scissors.

Valentine: heart using isothread technique - description of work

First, let's make a template for the valentine so that it turns out smooth and symmetrical. On a piece of writing paper, draw only one half of the heart. Fold the sheet in half and cut it out. As a result, we get a heart with identical halves.

Let's fill the heart completely with floral patterns.

Transfer the design using carbon paper to the back of the velvet paper.

Now let’s look at the diagrams in detail on how we will embroider a floral pattern on a heart using the isothread technique.

The entire ornament consists of wavy lines: flowers, stems, and leaves. They should be embroidered using the isothread technique in this way: on the reverse side, we divide all the lines into parts 0.2 - 0.3 cm long. We pierce them at the marked points with a pin. We pass the needle and thread from the wrong side to the front side, the knot remains on the wrong side, division 1. In the first case, one stitch takes 6 divisions, between the beginning and the end of the seam - 4 divisions. In the second case - 1 division. At 2 we thread the needle back to the wrong side, at 3 – to the front one, at 4 – to the wrong side, etc.

So, the first option: stitch through four divisions. Second option: stitch through one division. In our work we will use both.

We begin to embroider with burgundy threads. Stitch – every 4.

We embroider the same element with the same burgundy threads, but the stitch is through 1. photo 6

The following elements are made with burgundy threads. Stitch – every 4.

We embroider the next element with burgundy threads. Stitch – every 4 divisions.

We embroider the same element using stitch 1.

We embroider the next element first with a stitch through 4 divisions, and then through 1.

We embroider the next element using stitch 4.

We embroider the same element using stitch 1.

We embroider the following elements first through 4 and then through 1 division.

The next element is after 1 division.

The next element is after the 4th division.

We embroider the following elements in the same way, but with red threads.

We embroider the stems in orange using a stitch every 4 divisions.

The next stalk is also stitched in 4 divisions.

Leaves - with orange threads - stitch through 4 divisions. Short twisted stems - stitch through 1.

The next leaves are in light orange - stitched through 4 divisions.

Leaves - stitch through 4 divisions.

We begin to embroider the stem with sepals in light orange using a stitch every 1 division. We finish with yellow threads.

Leaf - yellow thread - stitch every 4.

A leaf of a complex shape - first stitch through 4 divisions.

And then stitch through 1 division.

We sew the remaining leaves in the same way.

Cut out a heart from velvet paper using curly scissors.

Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half crosswise. Glue a heart on the front side of the future postcard, stepping back 0.5 cm from the edge.

After this, you can let the heart stick well using the isothread technique by placing the card under a press (a stack of books) for a couple of hours.

Cut off the excess cardboard.

The card needs to open, so be careful when cutting off any excess cardboard.

The postcard is almost ready. All that remains is to sign it. To do this, glue a sheet of colored paper inside to match the velvet paper and sign it. Such cards must be signed by hand.

Magic month -

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On Valentine's Day, you want to give your loved ones the most beautiful and original gifts, compose touching declarations of love and arrange the most unforgettable evening in a romantic setting. For example, decorating a room will not be difficult for you if you know how to create at least a little with your own hands. After all, so many beautiful things can be created for this celebration from scrap materials.

Heart symbols are especially popular, so you can create a picture with a heart and complement the interior with it.

To create a heart using the iso-thread technique, we will need the following materials:

  • sheet of plywood measuring 20 x 20 cm
  • red acrylic paint
  • art brush
  • small carnations
  • hammer
  • white tailor's thread
  • white iris threads
  • crochet hook No. 1.5
  • scissors

Picture of a heart. Isothread. For Valentine's Day with your own hands - master class with photos:

Take a sheet of plywood, paint the plywood red with acrylic paint and wait until the board is completely dry.

Draw a heart on a piece of plain white printer paper. Cut out the heart with scissors and apply it, distributing it exactly in the center of the board. Using a button, we will make markings along the entire contour of the heart, piercing holes at a distance of about 1 cm from each other.

Next, we hammer small nails into the holes with a hammer, but we do this carefully - we do not drive the nails all the way in (we drive them in so that the ends do not stick out from the board) and place a rubberized mat under the board so as not to inadvertently damage the working surface of the table.

As a result, we get this heart made of carnations.

We also make markings along the entire perimeter of our picture and drive in nails at the same distance of 1 cm.

Remove the paper heart from the board.

We tie a white thread to a nail located in the very corner of the board.

Next, hooking a thread onto each nail, we make one loop around it, continuing to weave in this way from the edge of the picture to the heart one by one.

Thus, we go through one row and get this view.

Having walked 3-4 rows in a circle, such a wonderful picture emerges, the heart, as we see, seems to stand out on the entire plane.

We take Iris threads and a crochet hook, knit a chain of air loops of the required length to hang the picture, for me it is 25cm.

We fasten the chain on the back of the picture at both upper corners. To secure, you can use pushpins or Moment glue, whatever you have on hand.

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