Keratin hair straightening: I want the PANTENE effect! Keratin hair straightening Inoar - “If your hair is burned, it won’t help” I burned my hair with keratin straightening, what to do

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Hair loss after the procedure can be caused by several reasons:

  1. weakening of the bulb: it becomes difficult to hold very heavy hair;
  2. the product applied to the hair contains chemical compounds, such as the carcinogen formaldehyde, which over time destroys the hair’s own keratin layer, causing it to become depleted;
  3. improper care, in particular, too frequent washing (more than once a week) with sulfate-containing shampoos, the use of “brute force” - curling irons and flat irons, elastic bands, hair clips, visiting a bathhouse;
  4. ending up with an unqualified specialist who burns your hair with an iron and uses cheap products. A high-quality product should contain at least 40% sheep wool protein, which can saturate and strengthen hair, while inexpensive analogues include artificial keratin, which dries hair, and even then in tiny quantities - 5-10%, but they are replete with chemicals;
  5. hair fell out initially;
  6. The patient had scalp diseases.

Attention! The amount of formaldehyde should not exceed 0.2%, as it causes irritation to the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, even possible damage, severe skin irritation, and difficulty breathing. For this reason, keratin straightening cannot be done during pregnancy.

What to do if hair falls out after keratin straightening?

If your hair begins to fall out significantly, you should consult a trichologist who will conduct an examination and recommend care.

You can try recovery yourself, but You need to follow some recommendations:

  • avoid using previously unused medications, as the skin is extremely sensitive during this period and may react with even more hair loss;
  • after consulting a doctor, take vitamins;
  • Healthy food;
  • Do not injure yourself with elastic bands: it is better to wear your hair loose.

How to consolidate the result?

Finished goods

Pharmacy cosmetics will help consolidate the effect of keratin and maintain hair. It is possible to use shampoos, the range of which is significant. The most famous:

  1. Natura Siberica– for tired and weakened hair, Protection and Shine for colored and damaged hair, Neutral for sensitive scalp – have mainly plant components and, in particular, Altai sea buckthorn extract, rich in vitamins; The brand has received ICEA certification.
  2. Estelle, restoring strength and shine to hair; The downside is that it hardly forms foam and is quickly consumed.
  3. "Grandmother Agafya's Recipes"– Black anti-dandruff shampoo, Homemade shampoo for every day, Anti-hair loss shampoo based on five soap herbs and burdock infusion.
  4. Logona– with bamboo extract, volume with honey and beer, anti-dandruff with juniper oil.
  5. Macadamia Natural Oil Gently cleanses and vitaminizes the epidermis and cuticle.

When choosing a shampoo, you need to make sure that it does not contain sulfates that wash out the keratin. In addition, sulfate-free products are easier to wash off with water, so the hair is less damaged and does not cause allergies.

The names of these substances:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Ammonium Laureth Sulfate).

They are usually 2-3 on the list of shampoo ingredients. Instead, they are allowed to have:

  • sarcosinates;
  • acylglutamate;
  • cocoglucoside;
  • lauryl glucoside;
  • coco sulfate.

Such shampoos cannot be supplemented with other products.

It is also possible to purchase balms, for example, the Mulsan brand, which do not contain preservatives and have a pleasant smell.

Another option is masks that strengthen hair, for example:

  1. LOreal Professionnel mask and oil.
  2. Fiber Force from Schwarzkopf for the restoration of severely damaged curls.
  3. Curex Therapy by Estelle.

All of them have many positive customer reviews.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine also offers ways to preserve hair after keratin straightening. Among them:

Master's hands

You can also improve the condition of damaged hair in a beauty salon.

  1. Hair elumination involves staining with Elumen with restorative properties that strengthens the roots. The effect lasts up to 2 months.
    • Pros: hair is shiny, protected from bad weather, volume increases.
    • Minus - impaired breathing of the hair due to the formation of a film, there are contraindications - damage to the scalp, allergies, long hair (due to weight).
  2. When glazing, glaze with ceramides is applied to the hairs., which makes them smooth and light. Disadvantages – after applying the product you cannot dye your hair, it itself is quickly washed off.
  3. Shielding– creating a thin film that nourishes and moisturizes dull and unruly hair. True, in a month the carriage will turn into a pumpkin again.
  4. In the case of biolamination, the head is covered with a cellulose-based product, protecting from the sun, wind, moisture, sea salt.
    • Other advantages are safety due to the absence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
    • Cons: fragility, price.
  5. Lamination will help quickly restore hair, when, as a result of applying proteins, vitamins, and minerals to the hair as part of medicinal products, they are strengthened, and a thin film eliminates minor damage and unevenness and protects from the external environment.
  6. Another option is collagen restoration, as a result of which the hair receives collagen protein, which recreates and improves its structure.

Thus, the causes and methods of eliminating the problem of hair loss after keratin straightening are varied, but when choosing treatment you need to rely, first of all, on the advice of specialists.

Posts “about keratin” appear with enviable regularity, I participate in discussions with pleasure, but still complete information is not collected in any of them (and there was no such goal there). But some people don’t even know about keratin) In general, I will try to answer all the questions that usually arise. If I forget something, ask, I will add to the post.
All of the following is based on my three years of using keratin, primarily on myself. But I also take into account the experience of my friends and acquaintances.
I want to say right away that I have not tried all the ingredients on myself. I chose the best of the known ones. How then can I judge others? All I had to do was look at the hair of those who tried it. You don't have to try drugs to understand that it's bad, do you? Here also.
And one more thing - in no case do I set myself the task of convincing those whose position is “I haven’t tried it, but I condemn it.” We are all adults here, and everyone is free to do with themselves what they want. Or not to do it)))

Myth 1. “Keratin ruins hair”
Yes, there are cases when, after the straightening procedure, girls’ hair deteriorated, but the point is not that the procedure is harmful in principle. Hair can deteriorate for two reasons.
Firstly, if the master stupidly regretted the composition and did not coat the hair completely, and then began to use the iron. Naturally, after this the hair will be burned - it was not protected by keratin, and at such a high temperature as required for the procedure, the hair simply does not have a chance.
Secondly, if a cheap/dubious composition was used. A good composition cannot cost a penny! You'll be lucky if the chemicals, which cost just one ruble a bucket, don't harm you - neither your hair nor your health in general. Consider then that you got off cheap. Such compositions are used only by those who take quantity rather than quality. These people don’t care whether the client is satisfied or whether he will come again. He won’t come, but that doesn’t matter. There will always be a hundred new ones who want to become princesses for pennies.

Myth 2. “If you stop doing keratin, your hair will get worse”
With rare exceptions, girls who have keratin treatment have hair that is initially porous, fluffy, does not shine on its own, and has no idea what shape it is. Then they do keratin and the hair becomes smooth, shiny, like from the cover of a magazine. And then for some reason the girl wants to go back to curls. And then “strange” transformations begin. The hair becomes porous, fluffy, I don’t know what shape it is... You quickly get used to good things. For some reason, some people begin to have memory lapses, and they completely forget what their hair was like before keratin. But they are exactly the same as they became after! Consciousness simply refuses to perceive reality. Keratin is not a magic pill that you take once and change for the rest of your life. The beauty of hair must be maintained. It's like washing your face - you can't wash your face for the future, you won't become clean for the rest of your life.
A friend of mine who did keratin to get rid of the fluffiness effect, and then decided to wait until it was all washed off to try a different composition and decide for herself which one was better for her, turned out to be very objective in this regard. The fluffiness returned, the hair became thin, as it was BEFORE. She just remembered the feeling. Some people absolutely do not want to remember.

Myth 3. “You need to use only branded shampoos, but this is expensive and inconvenient!”
Of course, keratin manufacturers want to make money on additional products, this is quite normal. But the fact is that it doesn’t matter to your hair what kind of shampoo you wash it with - for 2000 or 500 rubles. The main thing is that the shampoo is sulfate-free. There are not very many of them, but still enough not to worry about it. By the way, you can take your own shampoo with you to the hairdresser - I personally have never been refused to wash my hair this way. It’s more profitable for them)

Myth 4. “Straightening lasts 4-6 months”
It's holding on. In fairy tales and dreams. And after another one and a half to two years of regular procedures. When a master promises “4-6 months” the first time, he is luring and blatantly lying. The first time straightening will last one and a half to two months. Then volume and wave will appear. The shine will last much longer, yes. But there is no need to expect miracles. Keratin is washed out gradually, so you won't wake up overnight as curly as before. But, nevertheless, the effect will not be the same.

Myth 5. “What if I do keratin and then don’t want to continue, my regrown roots will be visible!”
I once did Japanese straightening chemistry. That's where the trash was - straight, like sticks, hair at the ends, and tight spirals at the roots. But keratin is not a chemical, it does not change the structure of the hair and is washed off gradually. No difference will be visible.

Myth 6. “I can’t make curls if I want to”
You can. Hair after keratin is alive, soft, it’s not chemicals. You can curl them with curlers or tongs. The only thing you need to be aware of is that if you go outside with these curls in humid weather, the hair will tend to become straight. If you wanted to get the rights of girls who were born with straight hair, you will also get their responsibilities, as they say)))

Myth 7. “Keratin is harmful! In general!!!”
Living is also harmful. At all. They even die from this.
During the procedure, of course, not the most beneficial substances for health evaporate, BUT - firstly, the master inhales the muck, not you (light gas tends upward, not downward), and, secondly, the problem is solved by a slight draft or installation next to a household fan. There's too much gas mask here.

Myth 8. “All ingredients are the same”
But no. Let's omit the malicious cheapness that I already mentioned above. Even good expensive formulations are different. Some straighten perfectly and suit everyone. Others straighten so-so, but give the hair nutrition, make it thick and shiny - these are suitable for thin, dry and fluffy hair that does not need straightening. Still others straighten so-so, add shine, but make the hair soft and, sorry, “snotty” - these are good for very thick and hard fluffy hair, where you need to remove volume. Even the same manufacturer has different compositions in its line.
Here I want to talk about keratin manufacturers. The best is made in Brazil. It's like the best pizza in Italy, the best jamon in Spain, etc.

Myth 9. “Keratin treatment makes hair fall out”
Hair loss has nothing to do with keratin. Keratin is applied to the hair, not the scalp, does not enter the bloodstream, and does not affect the hair follicles. If your hair starts to fall out, remember the possible stress that occurred about 3 months ago. Hair reacts to stress by falling out just after this period of time. During times of stress, the body takes zinc and iron from the least strategically important parts of the body - from the hair. Replenish the lack of vitamins in the body - and the loss will stop. Well, refrain from worrying as much as possible. But don’t blame keratin) Just like don’t expect that you will do keratin and your hair will stop falling out. Keratin provides only a cosmetic effect, although it is quite impressive. But it will not heal your body.

Myth 10. “After the procedure, you can’t wash your hair or pin your hair for 3 days.”
Keratins did not appear yesterday, and the first formulations were exactly like this - after them you could not wash your hair for 3 days. Progress does not stand still - “one-day” keratins have already been invented, after which you can wash your hair and pin up your hair immediately (if you see any sense in this))), the effect will not disappear. Why do some masters convince clients that their “three-day” formulations are the best? It’s very simple - they invested money in it, don’t throw away the good stuff now! They will try to use it - at your expense, if you allow them)))

Myth 11. “Some keratin formulations contain formaldehyde, some do not, so you need to choose those that do not contain it”
If they tell you that there is no formaldehyde in the composition, they are not technically lying. Formaldehyde is released when completely different chemicals are heated. The trick is that if these substances are not included in the composition, straightening will not work.
As I already said, during the procedure you can create a draft or use a fan. In any case, the number is not so large as to panic. And since the released gas tends to rise, the amber will be felt more by the master than by the client.

Recently, hair keratization has become one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. All owners of curly locks want to transform themselves and make their hair more manageable, shiny, smooth and elastic. This is why they resort to straightening to turn unruly hair into perfect hair.

Like any other procedure, this one also has positive and negative reviews, and all because each representative of the fair sex reacts differently to the straightening process. So is it harmful to hair? The opinion is ambiguous. To ensure the usefulness of this procedure, it is worth studying as much information as possible and drawing certain conclusions for yourself.

Harm or benefit?

When the keratinization procedure appeared in beauty salons, the preparations contained harmful substances. Due to the presence of formaldehyde in it, the human body received not benefit, but harm in the form of hair loss and asthma. Some of the most terrible consequences were vision problems and cancer. Today, some beauty salons also contain formaldehyde, but there is much less of it. So is it harmful to have hair done, and how to avoid using low-quality products during the procedure?

The ideal substances for keratization are those that do not contain harmful components. The result of the procedure will depend only on the quality of the specialist’s work, since many unscrupulous specialists hide from their clients that they use a harmful product to achieve beauty. In many countries, products containing such substances are prohibited, but there are also states where such laws are not written. Therefore, when choosing a specialist, focus on what hair straightening products he uses, because the condition of your locks directly depends on whether the specialist will use formulations with formaldehyde.

Beauty without harming the body

To ensure that the keratinization procedure is harmless, it is worth remembering the following nuances:

  • Read reviews from clients of the specialist with whom you are booked for the procedure.
  • Familiarize yourself in advance with the tools that the master will use.
  • Do not skimp on the procedure; most often, formaldehyde-based preparations are much cheaper than their analogues.
  • Do not carry out the keratinization procedure yourself, since you most likely will not be able to calculate the dose of the composition and apply it correctly to your hair if you have not done this before.
  • Ask the master questions; the more knowledgeable you are, the more painless the result will be for you.

Each girl decides for herself individually whether she should undergo keratization. This procedure is indispensable for those who want to get gorgeous locks without constant care. If you are still tormented by the question of whether keratin hair straightening is harmful, reviews and the consequences of manipulation will help you put this complex puzzle into one perfect picture. Before you decide to undergo keratinization, it is worth understanding that this procedure has both pros and cons. But fortunately, there are many more advantages:

  1. After keratinization, hair damaged by a hair dryer becomes more well-groomed and shiny.
  2. Kerating helps you forget for a while what split ends are.
  3. This procedure gives smoothness, silkiness and shine to unruly hair.

Beauty during pregnancy

Once upon a time, our mothers and grandmothers limited themselves in everything during pregnancy. Today, all expectant mothers try to look no worse than young and carefree young ladies. What to hide, beauty is a terrible force, and you really want to look perfect in any position. Many expectant mothers are interested in whether keratin hair straightening is harmful for pregnant women, and they can be understood. After all, doctors often limit their procedures so as not to harm the child. But everything is so individual that there is no consensus on this matter. Many expectant mothers visit beauty salons until the last moment: they get manicures, cut and dye their hair.

It is difficult to say how the body will react to the intervention of certain drugs, because the hormones in a woman’s body “live” their own lives! The only thing that is harmful to the female body is inhaling formaldehyde vapor, so during pregnancy the use of masks with this substance is prohibited. If the master carries out the procedure without the presence of this component, then keratization will not harm the female body during the period of bearing the baby. It all depends on the naturalness and harmlessness of the substances used in the procedure.

Types of keratization

There are several types of keratinization:

  • Brazilian - this is a common method using masks that contain formaldehyde.
  • American - the products are used without formaldehyde, but the effect will not be as long-lasting as we would like.
  • Japanese - using cystiamine, which is prohibited during pregnancy.

Anyone who is in this situation can afford to undergo keratinization, but it is worth opting for the American version, which is more gentle on their body. It is worth considering that all pregnant women have hormonal changes, so the hair reaction may be ambiguous.

But if you really want to do this procedure, you need to study in detail all the available information and determine for yourself whether keratin hair straightening is harmful. Reviews of the consequences, photos of the results will help you with this. Before you make an appointment with a hairdresser, you should understand how important keratinization is for you during pregnancy, because it is possible that after the procedure your hair will not become smoother, but, on the contrary, will acquire fluffiness and become softer and unruly.

  • After the procedure, you cannot wash your hair or braid your hair for three days.
  • When creases form, you must use an iron.
  • After the procedure, you cannot dye your hair along the entire length.
  • The choice of care products must be careful, since many products can wash out all the keratin from the hair.

Everyone who signs up for a hair straightening treatment expects certain results. And they really bring joy to many who decide to undergo hair keratization. The reality will be no worse than the results of the procedure of your expectations, namely:

  • Health and strength of hair.
  • Ideal for styling.
  • Elasticity and obedience.
  • Easy combing.
  • Elimination of dryness and brittleness.
  • The voids in the hairs are filled from the inside.
  • Improving the condition of hair ends.
  • Softness and manageability of curly hair.

The nuances of keratization: yes or no

With proper care, your hair will always make you happy after the procedure. The effect lasts for a long time, most often six months. If you have dull hair, you can revive it using a keratinization procedure. You should not spare time and money, as young ladies with curly and fluffy strands can make their lives much easier if they use this procedure. Doctors also have opinions on hair straightening.

Doctors' opinion

Some doctors say that this procedure is harmless, others do not advise doing it. However, there are so many people, so many opinions. Until you try, you will not understand whether this procedure is right for you. But do not neglect the opinion of specialists; they will not give bad advice. So is keratin hair straightening harmful? The opinion of doctors is ambiguous; it all depends on the general condition of the body. If there are no contraindications from doctors, there are no chronic diseases, then why not use this procedure and become closer to your standard of beauty?

There is always room for controversy

How often do girls with curly hair want to straighten it, and ladies with straight hair want to curl it? The fair half of society is characterized by inconsistency, and this is normal! It is for the purpose of transformation that special procedures have been created that will appeal to all representatives of the fair sex. For owners of curly and unruly hair, a procedure was created - keratization. For a while they can forget about ironing, styling and other worries. Their hair will now always be straight and delight with its beauty and smoothness. Like any other procedure, keratinization has its advantages and disadvantages that you need to be aware of.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of hair straightening:

  • Smooth and silky without using an iron.
  • Kerating is done even on colored hair.
  • The composition that is applied to the strands has a healing effect.

Cons of hair straightening:

  • The procedure is not cheap, if we talk about the work of a good master.
  • Bad chemical composition can cause damage to hair.
  • For three days, hair should not be tied in a bun, washed or tucked behind the ears.
  • You need to use only special shampoos and masks, which are not cheap.
  • Pregnant women are not recommended to do this procedure in the last trimester, as the hair may “reject” the chemistry.

Some argue that already on the second day after the procedure, the hair may “forget” that it was performed and will again look slightly wrinkled. The only thing that the strands can be true to is that it is easy to comb. Within a month, the hair can return to its previous state, and a light wave will not be long in coming.

Experts' opinions on the procedure

How many people, so many opinions. But you shouldn’t neglect the advice of experts, because before going to a specialist you need to be prepared for anything. It is impossible to say for sure whether keratin hair straightening is harmful, based on reviews from doctors, because the structure of the strands of each person is individual, like the entire human body. Experts promise that after the procedure, the hair will be smooth and silky, and it will not require any additional care. But not all hairstyles can withstand this keratin test.

Doctors, like good professionals, should always report the harm of this procedure to the body and general well-being of a person. But everything in this world is individual, and it is difficult to say that manipulation has a negative impact on health.

Myths or reality

Today there are many myths about hair keratization:

  • Myth No. 1 - hair begins to fall out a lot after the procedure.
  • Myth No. 2 - keratin releases dangerous substances when it comes into contact with hair.
  • Myth No. 3 - after using keratin masks, hair becomes worse.
  • Myth No. 4 - after straightening, you cannot return your hair to its previous condition.

Myths are just myths to be dispelled. But the fact remains that keratin hair treatment provides improved appearance, shine, smoothness and easy combability. Hair becomes more pleasant to the touch, manageable and resistant to negative environmental influences. Whether keratin hair straightening is worth doing is up to each individual to decide. But until you try, you won’t know all the pros and cons of this procedure. And fortunately, there are many more advantages in this case!

Gwyneth Paltrow, Megan Fox, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore, Halle Berry, Salma Hayek - this is not a complete list of Hollywood stars who turn to keratin hair straightening. The effect of the procedure is amazing: the hair becomes manageable, soft, smooth, elastic, silky, stops curling... But keratin straightening has another side to the coin, and more than one. We'll tell you what's what.

What is keratin straightening?

Our hair consists of 80% keratin (a natural protein responsible for the structure and condition of hair). It is this component that determines whether the hair will be straight or wavy. Keratin has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, restores it, and improves structure. Using the procedure, the hair is saturated with keratin, thereby acquiring an attractive appearance, becoming shiny and silky. Under the influence of keratin, hair begins to resist adverse environmental influences.

During keratin straightening, the master applies a special composition to the hair, which penetrates its structure, fills voids and cracks, restoring the hair to its former condition. Everything is quite simple and sounds very tempting, but everything is not as rosy as the masters in beauty salons tell us.

CAREFULLY! Keratin straightening

It is important to distinguish between the natural keratin that our hair is made of and the one that hairdressers use for the procedure.

Even the most expensive and professional products for keratin straightening may contain a synthetic analogue of natural keratin, which only “pretends” to restore hair, but in fact its effect is only to create a “beautiful wrapper.”

As a result, your hair will actually become shiny and soft for a while, but when the effect ends, your hair will begin to look like a bird’s nest. The curls will be hard, brittle, straw-like, and it will be very, very difficult to restore them.

Even if the master uses exclusively natural keratin products for the procedure (yes, there are those too, but they are VERY expensive, their use is unjustified and does not pay off, so they are often replaced with cheaper chemical analogues), this does not mean that it is safe. Natural cosmetics with keratin contain formaldehyde, which is aimed at retaining protein in the hair. Only formaldehyde is a very toxic substance that has a negative effect on the respiratory tract. A client with an allergy to this substance runs the risk of pulmonary edema, and then no one will care about his hair, no matter how cynical and sad it may sound.

In one of her interviews, Jennifer Aniston once complained that after frequent use of the keratin straightening procedure, her hair turned into a washcloth and not a single mask or salon procedure helped her

What was the matter? Substances contained in professional cosmetics, in addition to keratin, destroy the hair structure, leaching useful substances from it. No protein will help here; you will have to restore your hair for a long time and painfully through proper nutrition, mesotherapy, a course of vitamins and hair treatments.

During keratin straightening, hair is treated with a special iron heated to 250 degrees Celsius. For what? Under the influence of high temperature, hair scales open, beneficial substances penetrate deeper and act from the inside. High temperatures can destroy hair, especially if you do not use thermal protection and regularly expose your hair to heat.

Keratin straightening does not give a permanent effect. Even if you follow all the care recommendations and use special hair cosmetics, the effect of the procedure will stop after a month and a half (sometimes, however, it lasts for three months). In addition, keratin straightening is not aimed at improving hair health, but at improving its appearance.

The procedure of hair straightening with keratin is a huge stress for the hair follicle. The longer the hair, the heavier it becomes under the influence of the straightening agent, which can lead to merciless hair loss. In addition, the hair may look well-groomed, but very sleek; the hairstyle loses volume and fluffiness. Not everyone suits the “cow licked her tongue” style.

Due to the fact that after keratin straightening the hair is closer to each other, it gets dirty faster than usual. You have to wash your hair more often than you are used to. As a result, the keratin is washed out and the curls quickly return to their normal state. Then you have to repeat the procedure, which is not cheap at all. It is especially difficult for girls who have naturally oily hair: very frequent hair washing is guaranteed.

If you want your hair to radiate shine, beauty and health, it is better to take a course of deep moisturizing of your hair, use homemade masks, take a course of vitamins and undergo several meso- or plasma therapy procedures.

Nature has gifted me with gorgeous thick oriental hair, but life without experiments is depressing, and my unfortunate mane suffered the most.

I'll tell you in detail how I killed my hair. read and be horrified : My hair color is dark chestnut (almost black), it was lightened, and then successfully dyed pink (at first the bangs were left and dyed several times, and then the entire length), before that, the bangs were red and blue (before each dyeing they were lightened with dye from sess), then I washed my hair and tinted it with lightening dye from L'Oreal Preference "ash blonde" - it was beautiful, but not light enough, as it seemed to me. I went to the store and bought dye from Garnier, after which my hair turned into an unspeakable horror - it completely deteriorated, it felt like a wig, and what’s worst is that it didn’t become lighter, but turned yellow, because this nuclear mixture washed away the noble ashes from Lorial Preference. I think, well, since it didn’t work out blonde, I’ll probably dye it blue, I’ve been dreaming about it for so long... I took out tonic and dyed it. But sapphire blue, which I had dreamed of all my life, did not make any impression on me; I regretted this paint job. What did I do next? I went to the bath, and all night I washed my hair with all kinds of shampoos, and then rubbed my hair with laundry soap. The color is firmly ingrained into the hair. And in the morning, with blue lifeless hair, I went to the hairdresser. The hairdressers were shocked. As far as I understand, they did not have a wash, and the blue color had to be lightened again, this time with a brightening supra. Since blue is lightened and green, I had to tint it red. In the end we got this beauty:

But this was not enough, because the goal was originally blonde! As a result, another trip to the hairdresser, another lightening and toning.

But every day, the condition of the hair worsened even more. I had to give up using a hair straightener, and also, for some reason unknown to myself, I gave up using hair oils. In general, my hair took on a completely expected look:

Irreversibly burned, killed, weakened, extremely thin, eternally tangled hair that gathers in tangles that cannot be combed without tears.

Light color was my dream since childhood, and I liked it like no one else (of course, when my hair looked healthier), so I didn’t want to dye it dark. But the hair was very dry, unruly, fell into tangles, it was impossible to comb without tears (to be honest, it has always been like this, because the hair is curly, but now it is a thousand times stronger).

It was decided to try the keratin hair straightening procedure. I found a specialist; at that time she was working on “cocochoco” products.

What does this procedure promise us?

Sealing hair scales, sealing split ends of hair;
Eliminates dryness, brittleness and split hair;
Provides hair protection after dyeing;
The color is fixed on previously colored hair, as well as the durability of the coloring;
Prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth;
Hair gains shine and elasticity;
100% Hair straightening ensures easy combing and styling.

The procedure is done as follows:

  1. The hair is washed well with deep cleaning shampoo to wash away the remnants of all kinds of products that were previously applied to the hair, for more intense penetration of keratin into the hair structure.
  2. Then the hair is dried with a hairdryer.
  3. The composition is applied to the hair, the head is wrapped in polyethylene and wait 30 minutes.
  4. Hair with the applied composition is dried with a hairdryer.
  5. Then the master, starting from the bottom of the back of the head, straightens each strand with a styler.


COCOCHOCO rectification poles:

  • after the procedure, the hair is extremely smooth and soft;
  • look well-groomed and neat;
  • do not stick out in different directions;
  • the comb and fingers do not get stuck in the hair;
  • easy and quick combing;
  • the shine was noticeable even on my blond and damaged hair;

Disadvantages of COCOCHOCO straightening:

  • volume disappears for a week;
  • The cocochoco composition is a composition of the previous generation, since after straightening it is necessary to avoid getting any moisture on the hair for 3 days, sleep only with loose hair for 3 days and do not use hairpins, elastic bands, hair clips, etc. (Compositions of the new generation, for example "Inoar" - review, allow you to wash your hair within an hour after the procedure, and you can also braid, curl, pin your hair on the first day);
  • on bleached hair the straightening effect does not last, the hair is actually restored, does not frizz in different directions, but does not remain straight;
  • I had to wash my hair more often because the hair roots quickly became oily;
  • wash only with sulfate-free shampoos;

Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos immediately after the procedure. But I want to show you photo after 3 weeks:

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