Interview about fashion by Evelina Khromchenko. Chronicle of personality development. Stop buying dozens of cheap T-shirts with funny slogans. They only seem funny to you

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will take several hours. And she took nothing with her except a pair of freshly ironed trousers. But I had to stay in Paris for four days. The shoes were also the same, with high heels, and all this time the girl was running around in them. “When I arrived home, it seemed like I had no legs anymore. But since then the heels seem to have grown on them!” - Evelina smiles. But before this incident, she had big problems with heels and tried not to wear them. As well as short skirts, which Evelina avoided for reasons of principle. “Like many young creatures, I was sure that people should value me for my intelligence, talents and hard work. If only I knew then that miniskirts and a sharp mind do not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, help. “However, the idea that with the help of clothes, it turns out, you can achieve the desired effect, came to mind even then.

So, as a first-year student at the journalism department of Moscow State University, she went for an interview with a famous journalist with a very specific goal - to get a column in the most popular youth weekly. For the meeting I wore a very fashionable silk blouse, a maxi skirt the color of a faded rose, and designer boots to match, which was a rarity at that time. "I

She made an impression by appearing on time, which he clearly did not expect from the young maiden. And, naturally, with the way my skirt fluttered as we walked along the corridor, he even decided to treat me to coffee. And I even got a section about fashion.”

send the maestro the number with his interview. According to her order, an envelope made of mink fur was made for the magazine. It was fastened with hussar carabiners made of twisted braid, which Evelina bought for the occasion in a vintage store in San Francisco.

This fur object was placed in several layers of cream wrapping paper soaked in Christian Dior perfume. The finished bundle was tied with a matching satin ribbon and packed in a large paper bag. The courier was Khromchenko’s assistant in Paris. He personally delivered the valuable parcel to Galliano’s office... John liked the article. When the couturier is later asked what Russia means to him, he will answer: “Red Square, caviar and Evelina Khromchenko.” Since then, every time Evelina

arrives in the capital of fashion, a bouquet with greetings from John will certainly be waiting for her at the hotel.

Prada high-heeled shoes in gray suede. Imagine her amazement when an elegant brunette of her build, wearing glasses, dressed in gray wide trousers, a matching cashmere sweater and exactly the same shoes, stood up to meet her. Since then, working in different parts of the world, the Parisian and Moscow editors-in-chief with enviable consistency, without saying a word, have been replenishing their wardrobe with similar things.

plastic bag. There I was surprised to find the same couple! She bought me sandals just like hers as a gift! Can you imagine what a feat this is for a woman?” - Khromchenko laughs.

“I try to make sure that the basic things - trousers, sheath dresses, skirts, shoes - are easily combined with each other and with the evening group,” explains Evelina. “The wardrobe for the day is the backdrop against which accessories work well, so I take several day bags with me, and in an evening set the bag cannot outshine the dress, so two evening bags are enough - one with gold and the other with silver metal.” . All this easily fits into one suitcase. Some hotels in Paris have a special service: they unpack the suitcase, put the clothes in order and hang them in the closet - this greatly saves working time.

jewelry accessible to everyone,” says the TV presenter.

If you want to be a real man, of course..."


respect and admire

I support I enjoyed listening to her advice

Stylish woman. It’s a shame that she was fired from her post as editor-in-chief of L’Officiel magazine (if that’s true).

Interview with Evelina Khromchenko

April 10th visiting Alexandra Generozova and Lena Rodak visited by a real expert in the world of fashion, a popular TV presenter, journalist and writer, as well as the main critic of the talk show “Fashionable Sentence” - Evelina Khromchenko.

Missed the show Week & Star on Sunday from 17:00 to 18:00? Read the interview with Evelina Khromchenko on the website Europe Plus, and you will learn all about the latest trends in the fashion world!

Sasha: On a warm spring Sunday evening, it’s so nice to say hello, hello, hello to Lena Rodak, everyone who listens to Europe Plus and, of course, our guest! Spring explodes with bright greenery, birds spread their feathers, and we, having thrown off our down jackets and UGG boots, look at our wardrobe, sigh and go shopping! Let's talk about how to refresh your style, how to be relevant in the spring of 2016 and still remain yourself with our guest - the most stylish, most famous and, perhaps, the most dangerous woman in the fashion world - the unique Evelina Khromchenko! Good evening! A year ago, when we asked about the fashion trends of the season, you noticed a little white dress and a pink and blue checkered pattern. At the risk of being unoriginal - what's trending now?

Evelina Khromchenko: There is consistency in trends. Fashion responds well to a crisis and allows us to save money, so if you bought a little white dress last season, you did the right thing, because the little white dress is always in trend. A little white dress is just as good an investment as a little black dress. Moreover, white trouser suits, various outfits that imitate white paper, as well as white evening sets, mainly huge flowing dresses - all this has never been more relevant.

Evelina Khromchenko: In fact, a tight-fitting little black dress makes a plump girl look even fatter, don’t delude yourself. If a plump girl wants to wear a little white dress, she can afford it, only the proportion must be correct in relation to her plumpness.

Lena: Everyone says that fashion is individual, and you have to choose your own style. And this doesn’t lead to the fact that I took it, put trash on myself, added horror - and it doesn’t matter, am I like this or am I fashionable?

Evelina Khromchenko: For example, in the 90s I was at the presentation of the opening boutique of a Parisian couturier. The wife of a rich oligarch came there, everything about her was beautiful. In addition to her high hairstyle, her hair was adorned with a diamond tiara and, for some reason, suddenly living gerberas of different colors. She was wearing some kind of couture dress, very short, very shiny, very embroidered, I suspect with natural precious stones. She was wearing tights that glittered. The structure that was on her legs is difficult to describe. Then for the first time I realized that very bad is even good.

Lena: We prepare a certificate for all guests. Here's what we got for you.

Sasha: Evelina Khromchenko is a style expert. She seems to know everything about brands and fashion houses, what she does and where style and gloss are heading. But this, oddly enough, is not the most important thing! The main thing is that she knows how people work, how we see each other and what we don’t see in ourselves! We can probably become just as good experts. All you need is nothing: graduate with honors from the journalism department of Moscow State University, head a fashion magazine and become a judge in a top TV show. If this works out, believe me, there will be no problems with the rest! But still, where to study to become a fashion expert? At the textile institute? As an assistant to a couturier?

Evelina Khromchenko: You know, this is what life teaches. If you want to get something, be sure to look around you, and you will succeed. Even before I found my specialization in journalism, I followed the same direction: fashion, beauty, love. Ultimately, I gave beauty and love to other specialists, and kept fashion for myself.

Lena: Last year, unexpectedly for us, you praised domestic designers. How did they live during the year, did any new names appear?

Evelina Khromchenko: A lot of them, these new names, have appeared. Not only did everyone survive, but many new clients appeared, I mean international well-known multi-brands. The presence of brands in which this is already a medal on the lapel of a designer jacket, it really inspires great respect. All these young creators, whose names perhaps not everyone knows, but will soon know, from Andrei Artemov to Vika Gazinskaya, are today spreading around the world like wildfire. The fashion for what they do is very big, these are current names.

Sasha: Is there a crisis of new ideas?

Evelina Khromchenko: I wouldn’t say so, because now is the time of style rather than the time of new ideas, revolutionary, impossible. How the set is stylistically decided, how different trends and different reincarnations of the past can be compared within one set, this is what comes to the fore and becomes the most important thing. But the base - it does not change, the same 8 fashionable styles that I talk about on April 14 in the GUM showroom, they are the same as 100-200 years ago, as they are today and in 100 years - will definitely be relevant.

Sasha: Evelina, you are holding an event on April 14th. Tell me what it will be? "8 fashionable styles. How to choose yours”, Red Square, GUM ballroom at 18:30.

Evelina Khromchenko: The master class is given by the “Evelina Khromchenko Fashion School” in Moscow and other cities. We quite often travel to cities at the invitation of local organizers or organize local master classes ourselves. It works on the principle of edutainment: entertainment and education at the same time, i.e. it's wholesome entertainment. In the first part of the master class, I give a lecture on “8 fashion styles. How to choose yours." During the break, the listeners drink coffee and eat ice cream to cheer themselves up. And then they receive answers to their questions, which they write on pieces of paper. Then we all take selfies, and whoever wants one gets autographs.

Sasha: 8 styles. What are these styles, why 8?

Evelina Khromchenko: Because during the day, any woman necessarily performs at least 8 roles. Consider for yourself: firstly, any woman is a fashionista, no one will argue with that. Further, at work, any woman needs a style called business chic. When she leaves work and becomes a wife and mother, she chooses Lady Like. At night, any wife becomes a mistress, wow, here, too, specific clothing is needed. Every woman is a princess at heart, so the thought of a big skirt, pinkish shades, tulles and tutus is in every woman’s head, even if she is 76 or size 68. Then they are quite brave, they get tired of the constant picture in the wardrobe, they love the avant-garde. Avant-garde women await us at every step. And finally, we don't forget that there is sporty chic and casual chic.

Lena: Should every lady really have 8 styles in her wardrobe? Sometimes there is not enough money for one style.

Evelina Khromchenko: In my other lecture, “25 Fashionable Investments in Your Wardrobe,” I talk about how you can lead in any of these 8 styles only with the help of 25 correctly selected items. Believe me, you don't need too many things. Fashion applies absolutely equally to any wallet. If white is in fashion, then it is in fashion both on Avenue Montaigne and in the passage on Pushkin Square.

Lena: Blitsopros on Europa Plus. Short question - short answer.

Which brand will you be the last to part with?

Evelina Khromchenko: Now it will no longer be a shame to say that this brand is called “Evelina Khromchenko”.

Evelina Khromchenko: Sometimes, in order to get married, a woman does not have enough of a skirt.

Are you lenient towards human weaknesses?

Evelina Khromchenko: Very.

Do you believe in horoscopes?

Evelina Khromchenko: It depends on who composes them. If we take horoscopes as science, and not as nonsense. You can't argue with facts.

Feminism in the 16th century of the 21st century - isn't it too much?

Evelina Khromchenko: It seems to me that this is already the norm.

Evelina Khromchenko: Yes. But, actually, it depends.

Healthy sleep - how many hours?

Evelina Khromchenko: How much will they give?

Did you get depressed?

Evelina Khromchenko: Well, still people, of course. It just can't be done for long. I enjoyed the depression, that’s enough.

Are you ready to send yourself an SMS to the past?

Evelina Khromchenko: I would, of course, support myself. I would tell myself: “Hold on, you’re doing everything right, little one!”

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Evelina Khromchenko: No.

There is a time machine in front of you. Name the place and date!

Evelina Khromchenko: I would go to the famous Christian Dior show, at the end of which Carmen Snow, editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar magazine, said: “This is a real “new look”, Christian!”

Sasha: Will vintage items be in trend this summer? What vintage wardrobe would you recommend to a fashionista in 2016?

Evelina Khromchenko: In fact, this is a very dangerous direction. Vintage is different from vintage. Vintage is something that was 25 years ago, and you need to know how to use it. If you mean things from last season, then it is absolutely not necessary to change your entire wardrobe, even if you have a lot of money. It is necessary to form a wardrobe. A high-quality wardrobe is the same work that requires time and effort, and not just money, and it lasts throughout your life.

Sasha: Coco Chanel said that fashion is what goes out of fashion. This is true? Or are there things that will never go out of style?

Evelina Khromchenko: Absolutely real. Moreover, I talk about this in great detail on May 26 in the GUM gym at the lecture “25 fashion investments.” Come, I'll tell you everything.

Lena: Evelina, for those who will not be able to attend your master classes, please tell us the color trends for the coming summer. What colors should I wear?

Sasha: Let's go back to your master class. Do listeners in Russian cities have hope that the master class will come to them too?

Evelina Khromchenko: Certainly. We are currently forming our travel schedule for the second half of 2016. I inform you about all my news on my social networks.

Lena: Evelina, what question do you get asked most often?

Sasha: We invite you to go through the events of the week. We will read out the news that worries us, and you will give your short comment.

In Kaliningrad there was a girl who could easily compete with Kim Kardashian with her outstanding assets. This is 22-year-old Anastasia Kvitko. Evelina, do you think the era of anorexic androgynes is over? Are “Plus-size” models becoming more and more popular?

Evelina Khromchenko: I am absolutely sure that any woman is beautiful, regardless of her body type. I’m indignant, what do you mean “only Anastasia was found”? Yes, our whole country is like this!

On April 7, the new season of St. Petersburg Fashion Week started. The special guest will be French designer Frank Sorbier. Evelina, St. Petersburg is our cultural capital, and who is more stylish in clothes - St. Petersburg residents or Muscovites?

Evelina Khromchenko: They dress completely differently in these two cities. St. Petersburg is always pastels, the absence of bright colors. Moscow is not afraid of bright colors, and will always add a drop of bright color. In St. Petersburg this is considered indecent. These are completely different tastes, which buyers of fashion stores always take into account.

Legendary shoe designer Christian Louboutin again surprised the world, introduced a new interesting novelty - nude style shoes. Monochrome, merging with the tone of the clothes, should give a woman a feeling of visual comfort. Evelina, this year in Russia “Louboutins” have become a household name. Do you use this brand of shoes?

Evelina Khromchenko: This is not exactly my last, it’s too wide for me. I prefer other manufacturers. Nude shoes are actually ballet flats. Flat sole, slightly raised heel, 1.5 cm. And they are pointy, this is a big trend now - pointed ballet flats. Their main feature is skin color, it is associated with the same factor due to which a woman chooses nude nail polish. Christian Louboutin's life and work are strongly connected to the theme of nail polish. His first red sole came about because his secretary forgot a bottle of red polish on the table. He prepared a batch of shoes to send to dancers (he served Parisian dance clubs), but realized that some of the shoes were not very interesting in design, and decided to somehow cheer them up. A bottle of red varnish went to work. Thus, Christian's red sole was born.

Sasha: Evelina, you have such an amazingly informative, lively site. Does it take a lot of time and money? An entire editorial team?

Evelina Khromchenko: There is an editorial office, but it is not whole, it is scattered in different places. My programmers are based in both Moscow and New York. My editors are based in both Orenburg and Paris. My contact manager is in Moscow, raising two children. The fashion editor is based in Paris.

Lena: Since your editorial office is so scattered, maybe it’s time to hold online meetings, master classes, webinars so that people all over the world can connect to the Internet and listen to your recommendations?

Evelina Khromchenko: I divide it into “Couture” and “Pret-a-porter”. The lecture inside the master class is haute couture, you can only listen to it in person. As for answering questions, this is ready-to-wear, we will be doing webinars on this topic. Our webinar with Facebook was a huge success. Now VK and I are preparing a new webinar, which we will announce on VK, on ​​my website and on all my social networks. I think it will also be interesting and unforgettable.

Sasha: Can I ask you for some fresh Evelinisms?

Evelina Khromchenko: Let's. I'll give some short tips that maybe someone really needs. I am sure that dressing correctly is a great art and work. I'm sure any size can be packaged beautifully. And you can’t suffer in front of the mirror that you’re somehow different. You are like that! There will be no other! Love what you have! The main thing is love! The most important criterion in the fashion world is, oddly enough, whether you like it or not. In fact, there are simply no others. For a woman who feels beautiful, there are no unsolvable problems. Therefore, your first task is to be sure that you and only you are beautiful! And when starting a new life, do not forget to first get rid of your old clothes.

Sasha: Evelina, the hour flew by so quickly! Thank you for taking the time and coming to us! Friends, our guest was Evelina Khromchenko, perhaps the most authoritative expert in the field of fashion and style.

Lena: Let me remind you that you can listen to the Week & Star show on podcasts. Download them via iTunes, and also download them via the Internet portal

Sasha: We say goodbye to you for exactly one week! We'll meet on Sunday, at 17.00 Moscow time. Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak were with you, bye!




The media outlet “Europe Plus” was registered on November 21, 2014 in the form of distribution “Network Edition”. Certificate El No. FS77-59972 dated November 21, 2014, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).

* Mediascope, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people), April - September 2017, Daily Reach (Mon-Fri, 06h-24h) of radio stations among the population 12 years and older.

We agreed to meet with Evelina Khromchenko in the “?ve o’clock” format in the lobby of the Moscow Ritz Hotel, where, over a cup of tea, various socialites like to shoot decent scenery for their meetings “in between.” Buffet, 20 euros: bite-sized cakes, brownies, chocolate, fruit, coffee, excellent tea menu and champagne by the glass. I went up to buy strawberries when one of the TV presenters, together with one of the actresses, was putting sweets into a common plate. In the corner on the right, one of the gossip columnists was talking candidly with her Apple. In another, Evelina was already saying goodbye to an Italian-looking young man, who turned out to be the designer of her Moscow apartment. “I love changing my surroundings, I need it like new shoes to feel alive.” Dressed like all fashion editors: safe, prudent, relax chic - black trousers in a men's style, an alcoholic T-shirt, a blue cotton jacket with short sleeves. This is how she looked a couple of seasons ago... “Well, tea, maybe?” - she asked. “Yes, would you like some milk?”

Y.P.: What most influenced your relationship with clothes?

Evelina with Dominico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

Y.P.: And “Fashionable Verdict”? What about endless visual consumption? As the director of a confectionery factory, do you want a pickled cucumber after work? It’s just that after a period of increased interest in fashion, many feel tired...

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Evelina Khromchenko: interview

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One of the most influential people in the fashion world, journalist, TV presenter and well-known writer in America and Europe. Evelina is included in the rating of the 25 most popular presenters on Russian television.

MITROFANOVA: I am very pleased to welcome Evelina Khromchenko to the studio. Evelina found time in anticipation of her master class, which will take place on June 24 at 19:00 in the GUM gym and will be called “Fashion season autumn-winter 2015-2016”. Evelyn, well, let me say it once in my life, Evelina Leonidovna Khromchenko.

KHROMCHENKO: Oh, mother of God. Hello, dear friends.

MITROFANOVA: Evelina Leonidovna. And, by the way, it’s beautiful, it fits, it’s very melodious.


MITROFANOVA: Well, they definitely rarely call you by your patronymic.

KHROMCHENKO: Almost never.

MITROFANOVA: Unlike me. I am Margarita Mikhailovna, your age, I am a year older than you, but all my life they have been calling me Margarita Mikhailovna. Maybe it’s because I wear glasses, like you, I don’t know why. Well, it's fate.

KHROMCHENKO: Why are you suddenly hooked on your middle name, I can’t understand?

MITROFANOVA: And for the patronymic, it’s just rare, you know, you’re so media, popular, businesslike and, most importantly, a popular person in fact, that sometimes you can be called by your patronymic for respect. But I won’t, because I respect you and love you for a very long time. And, by the way, in a certain way, with a white bob and cat-like glasses, it seems to me that we, our image is a little similar, and when I see you on the covers of magazines, I always say that it’s me. And I am very pleased with this, because you are a serious, thoughtful person and journalist. Please tell me, is your career so serious, when did you move from Ufa to Moscow, when did it start? Or just becoming?

KHROMCHENKO: Well, listen, we moved from Ufa to Moscow when I was 10 years old, neither my formation nor my career can begin at that moment, it all begins a little later. I simply obeyed my parents; in general, it seems to me, I didn’t cause them much trouble.

MITROFANOVA: Well, I’m not asking you whether you were a difficult child or not. Just move to another city, then school, anyway, parents, apparently, choose the child’s fate at first. This is a school, then this is a university. Tell me, now the biggest problem between children and parents is that parents know better where their child should go.

KHROMCHENKO: Well, in my case, of course, they knew better. If, for example, I followed their offer from a higher education institution, I would probably be talking to you today, say, on the topic...

MITROFANOVA: Nuclear collider?

KHROMCHENKO: No, on the topic of environmental protection, firstly, as an option on the topic of how to wean a child from burring more correctly and quickly, we could also talk to you about dentistry, and also about what kind of fur is fashionable this season .

MITROFANOVA: However. So what was the profession they assigned you?

KHROMCHENKO: These were four different ones.

MITROFANOVA: Who did they see you as?

KHROMCHENKO: They saw me as a student of Gubkinsky.

MITROFANOVA: This is oil and gas.

KHROMCHENKO: Yes, the Environmental Protection department of the Oil and Gas Institute, they really wanted it.

MITROFANOVA: I could take big bribes now.

KHROMCHENKO: Well, I don’t think so, it’s unlikely, I definitely wouldn’t have succeeded, I can’t imagine how people do it in general, what an amazing talent.

MITROFANOVA: Well, it depends on the amount.

KHROMCHENKO: No, it doesn’t depend on the amount, it depends on the person’s internal settings.

MITROFANOVA: Yes, perhaps you’re right, I won’t argue with you. Well, okay, then other options for parental dreams?

KHROMCHENKO: Then my mother really wanted me to become a speech therapist, because she believed that this was a wonderful profession for a woman.

MITROFANOVA: You will never be left without a piece of bread.

KHROMCHENKO: Of course. But you can also pay attention not only to other people’s children, but also to your own. Then there was another topic related to dentistry, but somehow it died down very quickly. There was also such a short-lived topic of merchandising, as it is now called.

MITROFANOVA: Commodity expert.

KHROMCHENKO: No, this is the design of shop windows, halls, artistic design, here my mother finally decided to meet my talents and gifts and wanted to promote this idea. And there was something else.

MITROFANOVA: But did you choose the university you entered?

KHROMCHENKO: Well, how can I say, actually, I was going to enroll in easel painting, but then, of course, my mother stood up.

MITROFANOVA: As in Zoshchenko’s stories: “I won’t let you in.”

KHROMCHENKO: Something like this. Then I decided that good foreign languages ​​won’t hurt anyone and I’ll probably become a translator from several foreign languages. However, the university didn’t get me at the Romherm that year, but got me at the journalism department, simply because the commission that was sitting on the Romgerm at that moment changed its mood. There are different practices in English grammar and my teachers recommended that I wait a year until there would be a more loyal attitude to the practice that my teachers demonstrated.

MITROFANOVA: Was it a drama?

KHROMCHENKO: In general, there was no drama, just think, I’m not a boy, I can wait a year, and I decided to try my hand at the Faculty of Journalism, this is what I’ve always been interested in. Here, too, the parents said: this number will not work. But since they understood that, in principle, I was waiting for the “romgerm,” they somehow carelessly forbade me from this action. I went and entered the full-time department without any tutors, on a budget.

MITROFANOVA: There was a big competition at that time.

KHROMCHENKO: Huge. There was also a creative competition there, which I think is right.

Listen to the entire interview with the guest in the audio file.

1 year ago

Velina Khromchenko told BeautyHack about raising her son, the main people in the beauty industry, workaholism, as well as her favorite lip balm and the best nail wax.

- You are the mother of an adult son - a handsome man and a student at a Western university. What do you think is the most important thing in raising a boy?

It seems to me that children should be as busy as possible, and this does not depend on gender.

In raising a boy, I think it is true to have a good example in the form of older men in the family. That is, the main task is to make the father the way you want your son to be.

Mom should clearly convey her feminine wishes to the men in the family and demonstrate their high-quality implementation. You need to praise your dad, grandfather, uncle for your work in front of your son, brag about the gifts you received from the older men in the family, and so on. If dad gives mom jewelry on her birthday, New Year and wedding anniversary, believe me, from childhood the son will figure out how he can earn emeralds for his mother and subsequently his wife.

It is also useful to position the boy as an adult from childhood. No cooing, no external condescension (he’s five years old, but let him carry his own suitcase, wash his own plate, eat with a fork and knife on a clean tablecloth, wear an ironed suit, a fresh shirt, clean his shoes).

- A phrase that you have never uttered to him?

- “You can’t do this.”

- What are your three healthiest habits and one bad one?

My main bad habit is to work constantly. And the useful ones... I don't smoke. I prefer proper nutrition. I am able to delegate powers.

- Three main people for you in the beauty industry, and why exactly them (makeup artists, stylists, colorists, etc.)?

This is an easy question: my hairdresser Alexander Todchuk, my dermato-cosmetologist Jean-Louis Sebag and my trainer Soslan Varziev. There is no need to even explain why they are. Just looking at me is enough.

- What beauty products are in your purse right now?

Moisturizing lip balm Lucas "Papaw Ointment, hand cream L" Occitane, nail wax P2 with mango extract.

- A beauty mistake that you regret and a beauty achievement that you are proud of?

The mistake is that I “didn’t put a band-aid on my mouth” this New Year - I’m usually more careful. And the achievement is that on January 2 I was already in the gym.

- Three of your favorite restaurants in Moscow, where you can eat deliciously without compromising your figure?

- “Pinch” - order tuna tataki there, “Receptor” - they have excellent vegetable soups... Yes, in general, in any restaurant they make me what I want, promptly adjusting the menu.

- What is the best beauty advice you have received in your entire life?

I do not remember. But I can give advice that really works. A woman is obliged to take care of herself, whether she likes it or not, wants it or not, is tired or not. Because being unkempt is indecent.

- Who inspires you and who annoys you on social networks?

Not "who", but "what. I am inspired by the fact that not every famous publisher has the number of subscribers that my Instagram alone can boast of. But I also have Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, and YouTube...

What irritates me is that some media outlets brazenly and openly steal the content of celebrities’ social networks, profiting from other people’s traffic and saving their editorial budget. And that would be fine, but at the same time they come up with modest news that, for example, a star has cut her hair, or, conversely, has grown her hair, with yellower headlines (such as “Scandal: the star cut everything off!” or “Sensation: you can’t even imagine it could be that the star’s hair has grown”), and they also put trolls in chats to increase the amount of nasty things in the comments - for them, poor people, this kind of traffic boost is good. I am ashamed of them: in their case, one of the two oldest professions, journalism, is degrading into the other - prostitution.

- What will you answer to those who gossip that you allegedly had rhinoplasty?

Do I need to answer something?! Well, okay, if necessary. On my Instagram you can look at a photo of me at 17 years old and be convinced that then my nose was clearly smaller than now... In short, I once unsuccessfully entered a closed but completely transparent glass door: the pain was hellish, but since it happened I was on a business trip abroad and the matter didn’t reach the doctor. It’s a pity: the septum was damaged then, and sinusitis simply tormented me. Turn on your brain: no one does rhinoplasty to enlarge the nose.

- The first thing you do early in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed?

I will disappoint you now: I am looking at my email at these moments.

- The main rule of your mother when raising you?

Oh, she had a lot of rules.

- Win-win beauty code: red lips or arrows?

It depends on who we are coding.

- You are an exemplary blonde: what is the most important thing for you in makeup and wardrobe, taking into account hair color?

These points have nothing to do with hair color. In eye makeup, I do not accept warm brown, beige, peach shades - in my case, they make my look tired. And in clothes I am extremely careful about floral prints. I love flowers on others, but with rare exceptions they look dissonant on me.

- What advice would you give to mothers of young boys? And girls?

Your child should be absolutely sure that he is the most beautiful, smartest, kindest and most successful person in the world. And he must be able to maintain this confidence in others. And you must instill this confidence in your child.

- What is your credo in work and in your personal life?

In work and in life: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” Theodore Roosevelt. In my personal life: “I’m a girl, I don’t want to decide anything, I want a new dress.”

- What should a person do for you to cross him off your list of acquaintances?


- The main myth about gloss from your point of view? And the main one is about you personally?

About gloss: “What an easy, beautiful and pleasant job!” About the trip to Fashion Week: “Have a good rest!” And the most idiotic myth about me is that supposedly I won, in a difficult battle with the editors-in-chief of various glossy magazines, the right to voice Meryl Streep in the Russian release of the film “The Devil Wears Prada.” I actually just called 20th Century Fox and said I wanted to do this dubbing. And the studio approved my idea.

- How many glasses are in your collection and which are the oldest and favorite?

Great question! Don't know. It will be necessary to recalculate.

Interview: Ksenia Vagner Photo: Dmitry Iskhakov for #EvelinaKhromtchenkoAndEkonika

Petrovsky Passage successfully hosted an exhibition of personal jewelry by Evelina Khromchenko, which the fashion expert, TV presenter, and writer had been collecting for many years. Taking this opportunity, the site’s correspondent talked with Evelina about her collection, female and male beauty and the education of taste.

Please tell me, Evelina, what made you start collecting jewelry?

Undoubtedly, my interest was sharpened by participation in the “Fashionable Sentence” program on Channel One - after all, I am mainly shown in half-length shots when I am sitting at the table. Jewelry changes every day, because it is visible to the viewer in most of my appearances on the screen - the picture needs to be diversified. I already came to the project with a large collection of costume jewelry, but subsequently the number of jewelry increased wildly. When walking around the house became quite difficult because of all these boxes, I realized that I needed to do something. What finally opened my eyes to the fact that I was already a collector was the owner of a vintage boutique, Victoria Shamis, who offered to hold an exhibition and sale with her. There was an exhibition, there was a cocktail party on the occasion of the opening, but I refused to sell it all.

That was the first time I announced that I had a collection. Thanks to this information, I received an invitation from Ekaterina Moiseeva to exhibit her collection of jewelry in a larger volume. It turned out very nice, people liked it. Bosco and I also made a beautiful catalogue, actually a book – publishing houses were already very interested in it... My collection began to live its own life. But this does not mean that I stopped wearing these things; from time to time I use them for different occasions, including for filming “Fashionable Verdict”.

Maybe some of your exhibits have an unusual story?

The Maison Martin Margiela necklace has an interesting story. I bought it when Martin just started releasing his first jewelry collections. His first line of costume jewelry had two plastrons, the smaller of which I purchased. The large plastron was insanely expensive, and also heavy. And I myself am small, and therefore buying a small plastron was more profitable from all points of view. Subsequently it turned out that I made the right choice. When Maison Martin Margiela, already owned by Renzo Rosso, became involved in the H&M project, this necklace was chosen for a reprint. It was very pleasant, because at one time I made a choice in favor of a cult item.

The butterfly from Alber Elbaz came to me when I was serving as a guide and helping Alber in Moscow. I showed him Red October, that part of the Bolotnaya embankment where newlyweds release pigeons. He looked at the brides' dresses and was surprised when they came up asking to take a photo with me. It was a beautiful day, we bought a gift for his friend (Albert never buys souvenirs for himself). These were antique Christmas tree decorations from the Rose of Azora gallery. At the end of this trip, he gave me a butterfly, which was sent to him for approval. It was never put into production, so it exists in a single copy. True couture. I often give lectures in this bowtie because it is ironic. Like a smile for a formal suit.

As far as I could understand from your statements, you are convinced that a woman’s appearance is more important than anything else. Is this really true?

It all depends on where you are. Judging by my experience working in the “Fashionable Sentence” program, external data is of great importance - not even physical, but acquired. I have witnessed a huge number of cases where “just” because of an ugly housecoat or an idiotic plush suit with ears, nice unions collapsed. In our cases, the danger was eliminated, but still! Hundreds of people step on the same rake. It seems that a rake is an integral part of a woman’s wardrobe, an important accessory. Other people's mistakes and other people's experiences teach women absolutely nothing! But, one way or another, many married couples find happiness when one or both of them change their appearance. This is not about them losing weight or having plastic surgery. The point is that they get a new haircut, new makeup, buy new clothes and look at each other completely differently.

Well, as for not such close connections: for example, you are walking down the street, and you absolutely do not care about the inner qualities of passers-by. I just want to be in a nicer crowd. A little selfish reasoning - the desire to be surrounded by nice people. Surely you have noted that you feel much more pleasant in the European crowd. Because there are more beautiful people. This is strange, because we live in a country where the most beautiful people in the world are born! So where do they go?

The external manifestation of a person, his boundaries with the surrounding reality are very important. Let's say you board a plane, and next to you is a man with an unbearably strong smell of perfume. They may be expensive and belong to a great brand, but he has poured so much of them on himself that it is impossible to sit next to him. But you can’t do anything, you can’t get off the plane! And at such moments you begin to understand that we simply must be respectful of other people’s feelings. And this applies not only to smell, but also to vision. Why insult others with your appearance if you can please?

Are there certain minimum requirements that a woman must fulfill in order to be attractive?

Certainly. First of all, she must keep her body toned and clean, she must have well-groomed hands, hair, and skin. For example, imagine a beauty with acne. Unpleasant. Nowadays, you can quickly get rid of all skin problems. Or, for example, a beautiful girl is homeless. Yes, yes, this happens. Dirty, drunk. Does her beauty help her? No, no way. She herself changed her life and her appearance in such a way that what God gave her not only did not help, but probably even hindered her. And quite often there is a situation when a woman in the physical sense is far from beautiful. And there is a whole crowd of fans, men look at her with interest. What is this? And this is a certain connection of internal and external. Such women are never dressed inappropriately and do not leave the house with a dirty head. And this is very important when it comes to gender relations. Of course, each of us, dressing for ourselves, dresses for society. “What will people say?” – this idea is inherent in the Russian character. It is also important what acquaintances, friends, and relatives say. Each of us arranges a fashionable verdict for ourselves.

Without straying far from the topic of our conversation, I would like to ask one more question. You probably know that feminism in our country takes some form of “non-attractiveness.” I'd love to hear your comment.

I find no connection between women's desire to be liked by men (and vice versa) and the feminist struggle to give women discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, orientation, age, ethnicity, social status, full social rights. A woman holding a certain position should receive the same amount as a man in the same position, she should have the same rights as a man in everything - this is obvious. But you should not, hiding behind the sonorous term “feminism,” replace concepts. A feminist does not at all give up the desire to please a man, she simply does not want to be dependent on a man financially or socially, she does not want society to believe that a woman is a second-class creature and laugh at flat “jokes” like “A woman is a man’s friend.”

But any person has every right to look the way he wants to look - be it a man or a woman. Both men and women can ask questions about their own appearance and receive competent answers. Both men and women can choose different styles and strive to improve their appearance with the help of clothes, accessories or hairstyles. What does feminism have to do with it?!

Does a woman play fair by using her looks and attractiveness in business? If she performs on a male battlefield?

Each person, when doing business, uses his trump cards. Image is one of the important tools in achieving success. When going for an interview, both men and women think about how they will look. It's strange not to think about it - it's a big mistake. When people thoughtfully build their image, they invest in their business and success. And if you mean cases where female secretaries receive higher positions because of “connections” with their superiors, then this is not a question for me. I'm concerned with clothes, not the lack of them.

What I meant was that female attractiveness is a powerful weapon when it comes to business.

Isn’t a man’s attractiveness his weapon? So you think that a man who looks and smells bad can get promoted by beating someone with the same level of skill who also looks and smells good? Yes, under no circumstances! It doesn't depend on gender.

Do you think Russian men look worse than men in Europe?

Every man to his own taste. Obviously, if we talk about the taste of Russian women, then, I think, they like their men if they let them out on the street in this form. Sometimes you look and wonder where your wife or girlfriend was looking? And the thought creeps in: maybe she’s deliberately disfiguring her man so that someone won’t steal him away?

I believe that plumpness suits many women, it decorates them. Because rounded lines are inherent in feminine beauty. A woman with sculpted shapes always looks attractive and a priori all these curves are considered feminine. Many masterpieces of fine art and sculpture are examples of this. Female fatness is perceived by society, if not as a plus, then certainly as the norm.

As for men, we are initially talking about completely different shapes and lines. In the history of art, men are straight lines. Nice exceptions only confirm this rule.

You are considered the standard of style and taste for millions of people, both in Russia and abroad. Do you have your own stylist?

My agency Chrome Media has a whole team of stylists, they perform a variety of tasks and lead a lot of projects. “Fashionable Verdict” also has stylists who take care of the presenters’ wardrobes. The program comes out every day, I wear different costumes every day, and it would be strange to think that all these clothes belong to me personally. There are press showrooms that work with stars all over the world, providing clothing for filming. Someone must collect all this from different addresses, without making a mistake in either style or size, and bring it to the set. No matter how much I want, I can’t do this - I don’t have time. This is a separate job. The girls bring clothes and offer me sets. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I repack... I look for new brands, interesting models from new designers, costume jewelry, and send it to my assistants. Then it’s up to them to contact the designers and rent things for filming.

The function of stylists working with me is always performed by clothing designers. After our cooperation ends, they become good specialists in their field. For example, Maria Golubeva and Olya Shikhova, in the recent past my stylists on the “Fashionable Sentence” project, are not the first time participants in Russian Fashion Week. Milena Ziyatdinova went to Paris and works there at the Jay Ahr House. Many young designers who worked for me are currently successfully promoting their fashion brands both at the Russian and foreign levels. I help people “get on the rails” while their creativity is “overflowing.” At this moment they achieve a lot.

Can a woman look perfect without the help of stylists and makeup artists?

We all once did not know a foreign language. But we are gradually learning. And everyone does it differently. It's the same with style. Girls traditionally learn this from their mothers, grandmothers, older sisters, and aunts. Sometimes it happens that the family cannot teach this, so some acquire these skills in schools, universities - in society. In Russia, it is believed that a woman’s success is determined by a successful marriage and the qualities of her husband. Often families try to make girls into modest gray mice, so that men will not pay attention to them for some time. This is wrong, femininity needs to be trained and developed. And if mother or grandmother do not help with this, then women end up, sooner or later, in a difficult life situation and, as a result, do not even receive what our patriarchal Russian reality ascribes to them - that is, a happy family life with a good husband.

I believe that wife and mother are a wonderful purpose for a woman. Moreover, a woman who has the opportunity in our time to devote herself only to raising children is a woman living a luxurious life. Complaints from the mother of the family about how tired she is of raising children while sitting at home... such stupidity! At the same time, she complains that there is no time at all. How not?! From the very beginning, a child is an independent creature! According to the old Russian tradition, if a child is doing something - looking at pebbles on the ground, picking flowers, pestering people in a cafe with introductions and conversations - the Russian mother jumps up, starts getting nervous and screaming, scolding the poor child, taking away the pebbles and flowers, wiping He handles with antibacterial wipes. The European mother does nothing. Everyone is equal, and there is nothing wrong with a child communicating. There is always more noise from a Russian mother in a cafe than from a child. A Russian parent is trying to meddle in all of his child’s affairs. And children should have their own personal space. If you free up this space, the mother will have free time and the baby will have the opportunity to become an independent person.

I hope that the situation will change for the better soon.

Don't know. We have either everything or nothing. Looking at my son’s classmates, I note that some parents are calm about excess weight, skin problems, and the fact that their children eat junk food and a lot of sweets. These things amaze me. Well, how can this be left to chance?

Or, for example, when my son and I were at the Moscow International Film Festival, my boy met his friends in the crowd of guests, and they were... in shorts and T-shirts! It was summer, hot. But my son did not question why his mother should be accompanied in a tuxedo. He understands that the way he looks is the norm, but the way his friends look when they come to a formal event in beachwear is not. He, of course, excuses this to them because they are his friends, but he understands that this is not normal. And what’s more, they understand it themselves! I have a question: children don’t get their own tickets to the MIFF, especially for the opening and closing ceremonies, so why didn’t their parents tell them how to look right so as not to compromise themselves by giving them these tickets? Yes, maybe children don’t like wearing a jacket and tie, so you need to either explain to them that this is a necessity, or leave them at home! Maybe now they will be upset, but then they will be grateful to their parents, because not now - but later life will certainly put them within a certain dress code! People may object to me that clothes are sheer nonsense; we need to prepare our children to solve other, more important problems. But excuse me, if you can’t deal with “sheer nonsense,” how can you make the right decision in more complex issues?!


The hottest news in fashion-biz: Evelina Khromchenko gave up the chair of editor-in-chief of L’Officiel magazine to her publisher’s wife, who recently retired from her modeling career. Miroslava Duma receives information from official sources - in an exclusive interview with OK!

Photo: Dmitry Abaza

I will not hide that for all of us and, it seems, even for the editors of competing magazines, the news that you are no longer the editor-in-chief of L’Officiel magazine has become something outrageous and even frightening. Probably everyone thought to themselves: is it worth continuing to work in this industry, spending so much time and effort on it, if after 12 years of hard work everything can end like this and pass into the hands of the wife or mistress of the management of a publishing house or a person who does not have sufficient experience? Tell us about your path, how and where did your professional activity begin? What got you into fashion?

As a child, like many children of journalists, I played with voice recorders. From the age of 16, I ran around with a microphone quite consciously - I was preparing to enter the journalism department, collecting publications for a creative competition. Then, at first, I thought hard: what will become my topic? My mentors told me: just do what interests you, and your specialization will be born by itself. What can attract a girl, yesterday's teenager? What topics? Well, of course, fashion, beauty and love. I made radio programs for my peers, and we had a lot of fun together - my listeners and me. The ratings have always been very high. Because of this, I was invited to create a magazine for teenage girls. Having made a product - from the name and concept to the design layout and content - I was faced with the injustice of life for the first time. The publisher, who demanded that I transfer my work book from the radio to the magazine, ultimately did not put this book in his possession - due to the fact that at the moment when I made up my mind, I quit the radio and brought him this same work book, I was pregnant, which I honestly warned the publisher about. He was afraid that I might go on maternity leave for three years. It never even occurred to me, an active girl. A charming magazine for teenage girls, whose circulation jumped 300% in its first six months of existence, fell into the hands of the mistress of the publisher's assistant. To quickly quietly disappear from the trays. And I cried, fixed my makeup and ran on. Eight months pregnant, I stood on stage and hosted a press conference for the launch of Harper’s Bazaar magazine on the Russian market. The guest of the event, Sharon Stone, paid special attention to me - at that time she was only dreaming of a child...
On the sixth day after giving birth, I was already standing near the microphone on the Europe Plus radio. I stood because it was impossible to sit after the operation. My son was born at the end of May, and in June I headed the press work at the most high-profile modeling competition in the world - Elite Model Look.
Believe me, nothing promotes weight loss more than responsibility for a large international project. At the same time as working as a press attaché, I was an active journalist and tirelessly wrote to all the media that needed articles about fashion. She was very proud of her column in Cosmopolitan and articles in Elle, and became one of the youngest authors in the entire history of Izvestia. In general, I had quite a rich media experience by the time L’Officiel appeared in my life.

This is exactly what we wanted to hear about your experience before you took the helm of an entire magazine. When did you feel that your popularity was growing thanks to a television program on the central Russian channel, that you were becoming not just an editor-in-chief, but a socially significant person? Did you realize that such popularity would irritate some people even more? Were you mentally prepared for this?
Slava Zaitsev always says that if they gossip about you, it means you are alive and disturbing someone. If you want to do something serious, important and noticeable in life, you need to understand that your business will certainly have both supporters and opponents. I constantly received all sorts of television offers and invariably refused them, although my management at the publishing house dreamed of a television project. But when I was offered participation in the “Fashionable Sentence” program, I did not hesitate, despite the fact that this was the first project in my life that was not developed by me myself. I believed and continue to believe that Channel One launched an absolutely brilliant format, which is very necessary in our time and in our country. And I take my task in this program very seriously. Since the audience unconditionally trusts me, I believe that I must, in the time allotted to me by the program, provide the most useful information for them - without humiliating discussions of a person’s physical merits or the characteristics of his personal taste. They treat me very kindly.

If at one time someone had pushed you, bought you a good place, as often happens, would it have been easier for you in your career and life? Or do you not regret the difficulties you had to go through?
These are not difficulties, these are necessary conditions for growth. Everything must be on time: as the soil is prepared, so the seed will germinate. Chance, this shining ball that God throws to you, you can only see if you are ready to catch it. Even those people who inherit power and money prepare for their mission from childhood. Pay attention to how future sovereigns were previously raised. If you read the memoirs about raising children in the family of the last Russian Tsar, you can see a lot of things that do not fit into stereotypical ideas about Tsarist life. For example, the most famous of Nikolai’s daughters, Anastasia, did not even have her own bedroom - she shared a room with her older sister. Anastasia slept on a hard soldier's bed. In order to take a bath, girls carried water themselves, without the help of servants. The morning bath was cold, the evening bath was lukewarm. The permitted luxury is a drop of perfume for an evening bath. Somehow it’s not very comparable to fairy tales about princesses, right? Or think about why Russian aristocrats, who fled from Russia to Paris, opened fashion houses and workshops that specialized in luxurious embroidery and seamstress? Because they were superbly trained in these crafts - this was part of the training program for girls from good families in Russia. And they all could skillfully do needlework. And what difficult tasks the boys faced! But when the children, who had everything and even more, were prescribed Spartan conditions, physical work, daily painstaking training in a host of subjects, no one could have imagined that a revolution would happen. They were prepared from a young age to lead the state, and they endured with honor all the difficulties of preparing for their future role. I was lucky to understand this very early, and I have always gratefully accepted any need to overcome. It always surprises me, for example, how a student can afford not to work. In addition to my honors diploma from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, during five university years I gained serious production experience in newspapers, radio, television, and PR. I visited five addresses a day. I always combined several projects and was only glad that there was something to combine. It seemed impossible to work any more. When I came to the magazine, it turned out that it was possible. By the way, I remember that my publisher was very jealous of my radio program at the time, and I had to part with the microphone that I simply adored. But I am very grateful to my former publisher for his invaluable experience. He always put me in the most difficult conditions and gave me minimal budgets. And I always accepted this challenge, because it was interesting - making a good product for a lot of money is not so difficult for a professional, but try to make something competitive for little money. Many people think that I was quite good at it. Even today I perceive what is happening exactly this way - with gratitude. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Many working women immerse themselves in what they love and, as often happens, to the detriment of their personal lives and sometimes their health. How to find the right balance?
The biggest mistake that all women who passionately devote themselves to their favorite business make is giving without reserve. It seems that wasting time on yourself is a crime. This, by the way, also applies to men. The sooner a person realizes the catch in this story, the better for him. Now in America they have come to love the so-called “life coaches”: these people get paid by convincingly telling what at one time it was customary to hear for free from older relatives in the family. But the advantage of “life coaches” is that they are outside your situation and, unlike your loving grandmother, can see you from the outside. And you also listen to their advice, because you pay them a lot. Therefore, the simplest truths that they preach truly become an effective weapon in the struggle for a happy and successful life. The main and, I believe, very correct basis of their programs is that they propose to take the following fact for granted. Your life consists of four equal, I emphasize, equal parts: career, family, yourself - your moral and physical health, external and internal beauty - and finally your social network - friends, hobbies. Your success and your sense of happiness can only be achieved through serious work on solving the problem of each of these parts. And also by maintaining a balance of equality of all these parts in your life. You see how simple it is: if you don’t do your manicure, look good, radiate peace of mind, your family, career, social network will suffer... And so on in a circle. Any woman who dreams of achieving career heights should include in her diary, as the most important things, a child’s karate competition, a trip with her husband to the market for fresh vegetables, or a social outing in the company of her best friend. I will definitely practice this doctrine in my new life.


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