Presentation on the theme of Christmas. Presentation “Holidays”

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Nomination "Presentation in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

Presentation about the holiday of Christmas and holy days in Rus'.

Target: introducing children to the culture and traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to ancient traditions, nurturing a sense of collectivism, friendship, and the joy of communication.

The New Year holidays are over, but our middle group has developed its own, in our opinion, interesting, good tradition - celebrating the Christmas holidays.

For example, on Christmas Eve, the children acted out the fairy tale “The Christmas Tree.” Children, despite their age, happily dressed up as fairy tale characters and took on the main roles. Thanks to this production, the children learned why the humble Christmas tree became a symbol of Christmas.

The children's parents also took an active part in the celebration. With great interest the children listened to the speech of the mother of the Unmarried Roma, who spoke about Christmas in a very interesting and accessible way for the children.

Christmas has passed, but the spirit of festive mood is still in the air of our kindergarten. Christmas time! It’s not for nothing that from January 7 to January 19, people walked, went to visit, congratulated and treated each other, had fun, amused the people with carols and believed: “How you spend Christmas time, so will the whole year.” The magic word “Carols” is a holiday where everyone becomes both a participant and a spectator.

During caroling, the villagers walked around the courtyards, stood under the windows, and sang special songs of praise, called “carols” after their chorus. Caroling is, first of all, a wish for unprecedented, fabulous prosperity and wealth to families. The most fun entertainment at carols was “massing”. The mummers caroled with songs and funny scenes. Favorite characters were the Bear, the Gypsy and the Goat. Gift giving during caroling is not just payment, but a ritual that ensures good luck for the family in the coming year.

We prepared seriously for Carols in kindergarten. Children were introduced to the history of the holiday, the traditions that accompany it, and learned carol songs and poems. Parents took an active part in preparing attributes and costumes for the holiday, which contributed to the emotional perception of the holiday and made an unforgettable impression on the children.

On January 18, our children, together with teachers and parents, in elegant costumes and singing, walked around the entire kindergarten! The “Carolers” put on a real performance. Children sang carols with wishes for health, prosperity, wealth, danced in circles, solved riddles, played with the Goat, and the owners presented the carolers with gingerbread, pies, sweets, and small money.

This Christmas day ended with a festive tea party near the Christmas tree, and watching a presentation about the holiday of Christmas and holy days in Rus' in an atmosphere of magic, peace and goodness.

Presentation “Holidays”

Christmas time has arrived. What a joy! Windy youth wonders, For which nothing is sorry, Before which the distance of life Lies bright, boundless; Old age wonders through glasses At its gravestone, Having lost everything irrevocably; And all the same: hope Lies to them with baby talk. A.S. Pushkin. Christmas holidays Christmas holidays are the days from January 6 to 18, when people congratulate each other on the birth of the Child God: “Christ is born - praise!”

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, January 6, Christmas Eve, children were instructed to collect and bring the purest and most fragrant hay to the house. The children laid this fragrant hay on the pokuti - under the images (icons) in the red corner of the hut. This place was supposed to resemble the manger in which the baby Christ was born. Postcard from the 19th century Hungry Kutya. A generous evening. Rich supper.

On the very eve of Christmas - January 6 - they cooked hungry (lenten) kutya in water - a wheat broth with honey - “sochivo”. The porridge was placed in a deep plate, a cross of cherry or other jam was made in the middle, the edges were decorated with dried fruits and raisins, then the plate was tied with a scarf and the children brought the supper to their godfather and mother. The godfathers and mothers gave gifts to the children. Hence the name of the evening – “generous”. The rich supper - the gala dinner - began early, even before dusk, with the appearance of the first star in the sky, symbolizing the birth of Jesus Christ. They dined decorously and calmly, strictly maintaining silence. Christmas star 19th century postcard

Christmas carols Previously, these Christmas holidays were solemnly illuminated by pious deeds. The church fathers instructed to sanctify the feasts of the Lord with godly offerings. The sovereigns freed the people from various arrears, reduced taxes, generously distributed royal favor in the form of money and treats, and released criminals from prison. These days, which were known as Christmastide, or Saints, the people turned into their own amusements. The word carols has its root in the Latin word calenda, that is, the first in the month or the first in the year, from where the word calendar appeared in European languages.

Christmas carols Caroling is an ancient custom of going from house to house singing congratulatory songs. The songs that were sung were called carols and their meaning boiled down to wishes for health, a bountiful harvest, and prosperity. The carol always consisted of a request for alms. Carols were sung on Christmas Eve, on the Old New Year, which in the past was timed to coincide with the winter solstice. Caroling is a song, glorifying the Nativity of Christ.

Sowing for the Old New Year The morning of the New Year (January 14, new style) begins with the arrival of the sowers. It is believed that well-being and good luck throughout the year depend on the first New Year's day. Boys and boys went to sow and at the same time told the girls: “All your power is over!” Sometimes one of the guys dressed up in a woman's dress. This ritual was called “leading Mylanka.” The guys put large canvas bags over their shoulders, full of cereal seeds, sunflowers, peas, and beans. They appeared on the doorstep and said: “Hello, owners, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!”

Christmastide games and fun Winter Christmastide has always been and remains very interesting, exciting and fun holidays, where a huge number of participants and spectators of various ages participate. In ancient times, sledding down the mountain even had magical meaning. It was believed that the one who descends the farthest from the mountain will have long stems of cereal crops in the new year and the harvest will be good.

Yuletide fortune-telling "Vasil's Evening" (January 13) and the last day of Yuletide (January 18) were very important days for unmarried girls. These days, Christmas fortune-telling was in full swing. Our great-great-grandmothers believed that Christmas fortune-telling on Vasilyev’s evening always comes true and whatever happens according to fortune-telling that evening will definitely come true. Christmastide ended on January 18, on the eve of the Epiphany. Christmastide lasts twelve days, the fun continues. But everything comes to an end. Those who caroled and told fortunes on Christmastide, and therefore sinned, with the end of Christmastide had to undergo cleansing - swim in an ice hole carved in the shape of an Orthodox cross (Jordan), or at least wash themselves with Epiphany water. Thus, at Epiphany, Christmas pranks and follies were atoned for. Baptism of the Lord On January 19, our Lord Jesus Christ received Baptism at the age of 30. Before He went out to His service to save the world, God sent the great prophet John the Baptist (i.e., predecessor) to prepare people to accept the Lord. John the Baptist baptized our Savior Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River. The Church calls these waters a great shrine and calls on us to have them in our homes in case of illness, in case of spiritual sorrow, in case of sin, for purification and renewal, for introduction to the newness of purified life. Holy Epiphany. Baptism of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Epiphany ends the twelve-day Christmas cycle, otherwise known as Christmastide. Just like in ancient times, today on the feast of Epiphany and Epiphany there is a tradition of swimming in ponds. To do this, a special ice hole in the shape of a Cross is made on rivers or lakes - Jordan, into which believers plunge three times - in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A presentation on the topic “Yuletide Christmas fortune-telling” talks about those wonderful customs that have existed in Rus' for many centuries and have survived to this day. At all times, people wanted to know their fate, and Christmas evenings were considered sacred, so with the help of special rituals it was possible to predict love for oneself and find out where the betrothed lives. You can download the presentation for middle and high school students.

There is a lot of interesting material on the pages of the electronic resource. Students will be able to learn:

  • how to tell your wish for Christmas;
  • Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed before bedtime;
  • casting a spell on a guy using cards;
  • Christmas fortune telling with a ring for children and future marriage;
  • determining fate with wax.

A presentation on the theme “Christmastide” will tell elementary school students or kindergarten students about how they used to have fun in Rus' after the Nativity of Christ, timed to coincide with this celebration. The work was completed by a 4th grade student. Adults helped him collect the material, so the design of the work is perfect. You can download the electronic resource for classroom lessons in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 or to accompany lessons on the surrounding world for preschoolers.

The development was completed on 11 slides. First, the author talks about what Christmastide or holy evenings are, and then describes those customs that are characteristic of different regions of Russia. Those who watch this multimedia resource will learn about caroling, fortune telling, mummers going from house to house, the tricks of evil spirits, and much more.

A presentation on the theme “Kolyada” will tell children about the long-standing Russian traditions of carols, which existed mainly in villages and were an obligatory part of Christmas celebrations. Today, city schoolchildren cannot imagine such an unusual journey from home singing, wearing costumes, and wearing holiday attributes. So that our history is not lost in time, and traditions continue to live or are renewed, we suggest downloading a ready-made manual and conducting an interesting class hour for elementary school children.

From the presentation, primary schoolchildren will learn:

  • what are carols?
  • customs of caroling;
  • carolers and carolers;
  • poems for the holiday.

The material contains the script for the class hour "A Holiday Promising a Miracle." The event is held in 8 classes. The class hour is held with the goal of telling students about what Christmastide is and how this holiday is celebrated.

The material contains the script for the class hour "The carol has come - open the gate." The event is held in all classes of the school. The class hour is held with the aim of awakening children's interest in folk traditions; contribute to the formation of cultural identity, strengthening of national feeling; Encourage children to participate in traditional Yuletide celebrations.

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Work by 4th grade student “A” Zalutsky Danila I.M. Lvov. Christmastide festivities.

Compiled by: Shchekova Irina Lvovna Musical director (highest qualification category) Elena Borisovna Markovskaya Educator (highest qualification category) GBDOU No. 38 2016

Objectives: 1.Explore the concept of “Christmastide” 2.Customs and rituals accompanying “Christmastide”

Christmastide (holy days) - twelve days after the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, before the Feast of the Epiphany. They are also called St. in the evenings, perhaps in memory of the events of the Nativity and baptism of the Savior, which took place at night or in the evening. The church began to sanctify the twelve days after the Feast of the Nativity of Christ in ancient times.

Christmastide began with the march of the celebrants. On Christmas night, children or teenagers went home with the star to glorify Christ, i.e. sing Christmas prayers under the windows. The period from the evening of Christmas Eve to Epiphany (December 24 - January 6, Old Style) was popularly called Christmastide or Holy Evenings.

Calendar. Nativity Fast - from November 28 to January 6. Christmas Eve - (the night before Christmas) from January 6 to 7. Christmas time - from January 7 to January 19. Nativity of Christ - 7. Epiphany - January 19. From January 7 to 14 – “holy evenings”. From January 14 to 19 – “terrible evenings”. There is not a single holiday in Rus' that is accompanied by such a rich selection of customs, signs, and rituals as Christmastide.

Mummers are the most important characters of Christmas. Young people tried to dress up in such a way as to change their appearance, make themselves unrecognizable, fool, amuse or frighten others with their appearance. Very often they dressed up as a goat and a bear, a crane, an old man, an old woman, a gypsy.

There are many customs and rituals that accompany Christmastide. One of them is caroling. Kolyada was once one of the main and highly revered pagan gods. In his honor, games and fun were organized at Christmas time. Kolyada was considered the god of fun.

Carolers were a group consisting of either children and adolescents, youth, or adult members of the community. Sometimes carol singers walked around the village with a star, like singers of praise.

Caroling was carried out three times: on Christmas Eve (that is, on the eve of Christmas), on Vasily's Day (on the night of January 14 according to the new style and on January 1 - according to the old style) and on Epiphany Christmas Eve (the eve of Epiphany). Walking along the streets of the village, carolers came to the windows of houses and sang: Christ's Nativity. We walked, we looked for Koledoshenka, We went to Kolyada To Pavlov's yard. There is silk grass, damask steel, iron gates, In the middle of the yard there are three towers: the first is a red sun, the second is stars. A cup of cereal or money. We don’t have any money, not half a dime, One piece of money with a spear, Stay with the goods yourself.”

With Christmastide, as a period of transition from the old to the new, that is, a period of timelessness, fortune telling about future fate was associated. Girls usually did the fortune telling.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of entertainment in the senior/preparatory group “Adventures on Christmastide.”

Goal: - expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the various traditions of the Russian people, their culture. Program content: - consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales in a playful way; - maintain interest...


"Christmas time", winter fun....

Every season is good in its own way. Spring delights the heart with cheerful splashes of sunbeams and clear blue skies. Summer fills our soul with the aroma of herbs. And winter is always an expectation of a miracle. The most magical, dazzlingly festive, fabulous time of the year.

This is how it has always been. In times distant from us, villagers, some older ones, gathered for conversations and gatherings, and young people and children, dressed as mummers, walked around the courtyards, sang carols, praised the owners, wishing them good health and abundant bread. The owners presented the carolers with gingerbread, sweets, and pies. Everyone was happy and mentally happy.

In our time of intense technological progress, the traditions of the Russian people are moving further and further away from us, and are beginning to be forgotten. This cannot be allowed. It is impossible to interrupt the connection between time and generations, so that the soul of the Russian people does not disappear, does not dissolve in the vast Universe, so that, just like in the old days, our children will be participants in the traditional holidays in Rus', called Christmastide, singing carols, leading round dances, playing folk games.

Not in theory, but in practice, through personal participation in the holidays, to feel the emotional and spiritual state of a person that appears during the action of caroling. Feel in your soul a feeling of nobility and kindness when wishing others happiness, well-being in life and feel the mutual return of gratitude and kindness.

How wonderful it is to feel the general joy that gives the soul peace, optimism, inspires bright thoughts, the desire to do good to people.



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Winter Christmastide Spring - delights the heart with cheerful splashes of sunbeams and a clear blue sky. Summer fills the soul with the aroma of herbs. And winter! Winter is always an expectation of a miracle. The most magical, dazzlingly festive time of the year. Every season is good in its own way. – The work of the teacher of the GPA GOU Secondary School No. 175 Kazakova S.S. And music teacher Bulgakova T.V.

Distant past In times distant from us, older villagers gathered for conversations and gatherings. And young people and children, dressed as mummers, walked around the courtyards, sang carols, praised the owners, wishing them good health and abundant bread.

In the distant past, the owners gave carolers gifts of gingerbread, sweets and pies. Everyone was happy, sincere and happy.

That was a long time ago. In our time of intensive technological progress, the traditions of the Russian people are moving further and further away from us. The connection between time and generations cannot be interrupted; the soul of the Russian people has not disappeared.

We draw Just like in the old days, our children should be participants in the traditional holidays in Rus', called Christmastide, sing carols, and lead round dances.

We do it with our own hands How wonderful it is to feel the common joy that gives the soul peace, optimism, inspires bright thoughts, the desire to do good to people.

The carol has arrived, open the gates! Open the gate! Receive guests! Generous day, Good afternoon! We sow, we weed, we sow! Happy New Year!

So that the ear is as big as a log, and the grain is as big as a bucket. To whom we sing songs, It will come true, To whom it will come true, It will not pass!

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