The best children's snow scooters. How to choose the right snow scooter for a child: useful tips Which snow scooter is better to choose

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A children's snow scooter is not just winter fun. Many parents use it instead of a sled to quickly get their child to kindergarten. There are snow scooters with a removable handle for the parent, as well as with retractable wheels for moving around the store or the road without snow. And, of course, it’s fun to walk and ride down the slides with a snow scooter! In high-quality models, all skis have a large degree of bend, which makes it easy to ride even in snowdrifts.

Manufacturers recommend buying snow scooters for children over 3 years old, but there are models for the youngest – from 1.5 years old. The upper age limit is usually 10-12 years, but basically the limit is calculated based on the weight of the rider. Therefore, when choosing a snow scooter for an adult child, look at the maximum permitted weight of the model.

Popular brands of children's snow scooters

Inexpensive models:

Premium models:

Non-standard models

How to choose a children's snow scooter

Usually, when choosing a children's snow scooter, parents pay attention to the cost and name of the manufacturer. At the same time, the price is more favorable for Russian brands, and the brand recognition is more favorable for foreign brands. But it must be said that many domestic models are not inferior in quality to foreign ones.

But besides price and brand, there are other points that you should pay attention to when buying a children's snow scooter.

Frame. Choose steel frames. They are more durable and can withstand up to 100 kilograms or more. With such a maximum load, you can ride two kids or an adult with a child.

Skis. The plastic of skis must be frost-resistant so as not to crack at sub-zero temperatures. An important point is the flexibility of the skis. Try to press on them; if the skis do not bend, you should not purchase this model. The wider the distance between the runners and the lower the landing, the more stable the snow scooter will be. But with a low seating position, it is not convenient for children over 7 years old to ride.

Steering wheel. It should easily turn to the sides, but at the same time have stops so as not to rotate around its axis.

Brake. Usually this is a foot brake in the form of a pedal. It is better if there are two of them or one wide one. This makes it easier to press the pedal during an emergency stop.

Seat. The seat length is on average 40-60 cm, width 15-30 cm. Two babies or a child and an adult can fit on the extended seat. For the safety of the little ones, snow scooters are equipped with a backrest. The most convenient option is when the backrest can be removed.

Tow rope. This is a rope that parents can use to pull the snowmobile with their child. Check how the cable is pulled out and twisted back into the spool.

Additional wheels. Not available on all models. The wheels are extended by pressing a special pedal. They are convenient when moving on roads cleared of snow.

Handle for parent. Not available everywhere. If you have such a handle, you can use a snow scooter instead of a sled or stroller. The handle is usually removable.

10 popular models of children's snow scooters

Classic models

1. ABC Academy Bars. For children from 3 to 8 years old. A classic model made of steel and frost-resistant plastic, which is designed for temperatures down to -20 degrees. The model can withstand weight up to 100 kg. The seat height is 27.5 cm from the ground, which is comfortable enough for a child. There is a tow rope on a reel at the front.

2. Nordway. For children 3-10 years old. The steel frame and soft, extended seat allow you to ride two children at the same time. Maximum load 100 kg. with the snow scooter itself weighing 7 kg. The spring shock absorber smooths out snowdrifts while driving, providing a soft glide. The plastic of the skis can withstand temperatures down to – 30.

3. Winter scooter Shustrik. A new product of recent years for children aged 5 – 10 years. A winter scooter is a wide ski with a scooter handlebar. If your child likes to ride a regular scooter, Shustrik will completely replace it in the cold season. It is lightweight (less than 2 kg) and easy to operate. The footrest is made of frost-resistant plastic with an anti-slip coating. The winter scooter can withstand loads of up to 90 kg.

4. Nika-Kids Snowpatrol. For children 3–12 years old. The sporty motorcycle design distinguishes this model from others. The frame consists of steel pipes that can withstand weights of up to 100 kg. The shock absorption system and wide skids provide a comfortable ride on steep hills and make the snow scooter more stable. Improved wide brake is effective on icy surfaces.

5. Nika-Kids Snowdrive. For children from 3 to 12 years old. Maximum load on frame 100 kg. The weight of the snow scooter itself is 8.5 kg, which is slightly higher than the average. A weighted model will be more stable. The seat size is 52x21 cm. At the same time, the clearance from the ground to the seat is 40 cm, this is quite high and will be comfortable for older children. The model is equipped with a tow rope and a flashlight at the front.

Transforming models

6. Demi Kiddy LUX. For children 1.5 – 8 years old. An amazing snow scooter that “grows” with your child. The length of the seat is adjustable as the baby grows, and the backrest can be removed if necessary. The presence of a backrest, a wide brake and a steering wheel limiter allows children from 1.5 years of age to ride this model safely. In addition, the model is one of the lightest among snow scooters - only 5.6 kg. Maximum rider weight 60 kg.

7. Small Rider transformable snow scooter. For children from 3 to 7 years old. A unique model that can be driven both on snow and asphalt. A special pedal changes skis into wheels that can rotate 360 ​​degrees. This is very convenient when crossing a roadway without snow or when visiting a supermarket. The snow scooter has a steel frame and is therefore quite heavy - more than 9 kg. Maximum load in “wheel” mode is 50 kg.

Unusual snow scooters

8. Gizmo Riders Stratos snow sled. For children 3-6 years old. another novelty in the world of winter entertainment. The sled is equipped with a steering wheel that controls the two front skis. This will help you navigate turns. For going downhill, a hand brake is provided. The snow sled has a rope for the parents, which is rolled up into a spool and does not interfere with the ride.

9. Scooter-snow scooter 2 in 1 Zilmer. For children from 5 to 10 years old. The model has wheels for summer walks and 2 skis for winter. Replacement is done manually using a hex wrench. The wheels have an average diameter of 14.5 cm and glow when driving. Skis made of frost-resistant plastic of different lengths 37.5 and 41.5 cm. There is a rear brake. The steering wheel can be adjusted from 63 to 83 cm. An all-season scooter is a way to save money!

How to choose a snow scooter for a child?

For many children, winter walks are even more interesting than summer ones, and all because in winter you can not only play snowballs, sculpt snow figures, but also sledding and snow scooter ah. And a snow scooter s have recently become increasingly popular among both children and their parents.Children like snow scooters because they can turn the steering wheel themselves and sit comfortably. And parents fell in love with snow scooters because they are quite maneuverable, ergonomic and durable.

A child can ride a snow scooter both on a flat snow surface and down hills. Thanks to the steering system, riding a snow scooter is quite simple and reliable. But experts recommend buying a snow scooter for a child only after 2.5 years. After all, before this age, a child is unlikely to be able to independently manage the skating process, and it will not be easy for him to understand the principle of control. This means that the likelihood of falls and injuries is many times greater than after reaching 2.5 years of age.

It is not recommended to let your child ride down the slides on their own until they are 4-5 years old. This age limit is associated, first of all, with the instability of the snow scooter design when riding at high speeds, which can also lead to falls and serious injuries.

To ensure that your child’s rest is safe and you are confident in the reliability of the chosen snow scooter, when purchasing, pay attention to the materials from which it is made and to the design itself.

Most snow scooters are made of polymer plastic or metal structures that are resistant to active mechanical loads. Plastic snow scooters are approximately two times lighter, which is especially important when rolling it with a rope or when carrying a snow scooter. Therefore, plastic snow scooters are often recommended for children under 4 years of age. Snow scooters with a metal frame are characterized by increased strength. They have a high sliding ability and are intended more for high-speed descents from slides.

When choosing a snow scooter, you must clearly understand for what purpose you are buying it. Consider everything: the age of the child, where you will ride (on hills or on snowy expanses without special relief), whether you will ride with your child. Depending on this, choose the appropriate snow scooter model based on the working load, the design of the skis, and the design of the steering and braking systems.

This is important when choosing a snow scooter:

Pay attention to the presence of shock absorbers; a high-quality snow scooter must be equipped with them. There should also be a cushioned seat so that all the bumps are smoothed out while driving, and the child can ride comfortably.

Independent brakes will be convenient if one of them breaks down.

A hand brake or stopper will make the snowmobile even more controllable and the ride more predictable.

Additional side handles will be very useful if you plan to ride the snow scooter with two people.

Pay attention to the color of the snow scooter: a light color will be invisible on white snow, and you will not be able to observe your child from afar, for example, when skiing from the mountains.

The weight of a snow scooter can vary from 3-5 to 7-9 kg, and the working load of the model reaches up to 110 kg.

Snow scooters in the store are represented by a wide range of models, both Russian and imported.

Good luck with your choice and great winter walks!

If the summer months are an ideal time for cycling and football “tournaments”, then in winter the entertainment is completely different. For example, sliding down a hill. And here the question arises, how to choose a snow scooter. After all, it was this improved device that replaced the ice skates and sleds that were familiar to us.

In order to choose a truly high-quality and, most importantly, safe winter “transport” for a child, it is necessary to study all the most important parameters and characteristics of snow scooters. The opinions of experts and experienced parents will help us with this.

During your winter walks, you've probably noticed an unusual vehicle that resembles a mini snowmobile. But if the latter moves thanks to an engine (it doesn’t matter so much - gasoline or electric), then the snow scooter (which is what we are talking about) cannot boast of such luxury.

The direct “relatives” of snow scooters are ordinary sleds. But only if the “progenitor” has a very primitive design and a minimum number of parts, then a manual snowmobile can boast of a steering wheel, a brake system, durable runners, seat adjustment and a towbar.

Such design features give the children's vehicle more maneuverability, lightness, and safety. The last parameter is extremely important, since a child rolling down a snowy mountain will be able to slow down at any time using the hand or foot brake.

Another name for snow scooters is argamaki. In Soviet times, domestic improved sleds with a steering wheel and three wheels were produced under this brand. Such a toy was the dream of all Soviet children!

Advantages and disadvantages of snow scooters

This type of winter transport has recently become more and more popular. Scooters seem to have no weak points. But is it? Let's look at the main pros and cons of the device.

Advantages of the device

  1. Excellent maneuverability and controllability. Manufacturers have achieved good maneuverability thanks to the front movable skid and steering.
  2. Increased security. The presence of a braking system is an important feature of a snow scooter, which significantly increases the safety of sliding down a snow hill. The little rider can now slow down in front of an obstacle in the form of another child or a pole.
  3. Convenience. Most modern snow rolling devices are equipped with a shock absorption system. And this directly affects the comfort of movement (there will be less shaking on bumps and holes).
  4. Towing. Models are also equipped with a tow rope. Thanks to this detail, personal transport can be easily transported in the snow or climbed up a hill with it.
  5. High load capacity. The maximum load of some snow scooters, thanks to the steel base, is about 100 kilograms. Consequently, parents can ride together with their child or seat two children on the seat at once.

Another important plus is the attractive design. Manufacturers offer various design options and a rich range of colors. Therefore, parents will be able to purchase a bright pink device for a young lady or a “brutal” model for a little tomboy.

Disadvantages of transport

Of course, like any product, a children's snow scooter also has certain negative qualities. You need to remember them when choosing the best winter transport.

  1. Impressive weight. The average weight of a snow scooter is 8 kilograms. For an adult, this is a trifle, but for a child, daily towing of such a bulky device can become quite a serious problem.
  2. Age restrictions. It is recommended to purchase a manual snowmobile for children over four to five years old. Very young children cannot drive a vehicle. And this is fraught with various troubles, “accidents” and even injuries.

However, no one is stopping you from buying a product for growth. At first, you can take your child to a preschool institution on a snow scooter, and after 2-3 years the child will independently tow it and ride it down a snowy mountain.

How to choose snow scooters for children over 3 years old - basic parameters

You can find many different models of snow scooters on sale - with and without a headrest, with a special steering wheel design, and with additional accessories. But what should you pay special attention to? We choose winter transport wisely and correctly, taking into account the basic requirements and characteristics.

Housing material

Since the device is intended for active pastime, you should worry about the reliability of the design in advance. This parameter is directly related to the material from which the case is made.

  1. Steel. It is the steel frames that ensure the stability, strength and durability of the snow scooter. This type of transport can easily support a mother and baby or two children. However, the metal base makes the product significantly heavier.
  2. Plastic. To make it easier to move the product, manufacturers use plastic. The result is obvious - a manual snowmobile becomes lighter and more “obedient.” However, the plastic casing may crack due to an unpleasant accident. And in general, this material is not very durable, especially when it comes to small fidgets. In addition, repair and replacement of plastic parts is impossible.

This characteristic directly stems from the previous parameter. Argamaks for very young children can withstand a 50-kilogram load. Typically, such devices have a plastic body and more compact shapes.

If you plan to ride a snow scooter together with a child or are purchasing it for a teenager, then take a closer look at products that can withstand up to hundreds of kg. This option is ideal for an active family vacation.

Product weight

Everything is logical here: the lighter the snow scooter, the easier it will be for the mother to carry the baby and the more dexterously the grown-up child will be able to lift his vehicle up the slope. But, as we said above, a lightweight product is usually made of plastic, and it has many disadvantages.

So decide for yourself what is more important - low weight or reliability and durability of the structure.


This parameter includes several elements at once. And each of them is important for safe driving and transportation of the child.

  1. Snow scooters are equipped with a braking system. Mainly foot type. Reviews show that you should prefer a product with 2 brake pedals. If one fails, the second one can be used. The hand brake is more convenient in its location, but is still considered a backup for the foot stop.
  2. The backrest is placed on the seat not only for the convenience of the young rider, but also for safety. Such a part can be foldable. Some manufacturers additionally equip the seat with removable sides and even standard belts.
  3. Sustainability is another important parameter. The low landing and wide arrangement of the runners gives the snowmobile stability and prevents overturning. However, in this case, the argamak becomes more sensitive to bumps and less maneuverable.

Ski features

Typically, runners are made of flexible and high-strength plastic material. It is important that these elements (both front and longitudinal) are removable so that you can replace a broken ski with a completely new one at any time.

Convenient models are snow scooters with 3 skis. The front skid is capable of rotating during steering and makes the vehicle more maneuverable. As a result, the child will be able to avoid collisions when rapidly descending a slope.

Seat Features

The best option is a soft seat covered with anti-slip material and equipped with a shock-absorbing system. It will be comfortable for the child to sit on it, since he simply will not feel numerous bumps and potholes.

Pay attention to the dimensions of the seat. If it is too short, then it will not be possible to accommodate two people. The optimal length of the seat for the movement of two people is approximately 50 cm. It would be good if the seat is equipped with handles. Then the second rider will not fall during a sharp turn or push.

Product color

The brightness of winter transport is not a whim, but a necessity. An intensely colored snow scooter is better visible to car drivers when driving along city streets. In addition, parents will always be able to “identify” their child among frolicking peers by the bright colors of the vehicle.

Types of vehicles

Today, parents can choose not just a classic argamak, but also a snow scooter. What kind of “beast” is this and how does it differ from traditional winter transport? We will talk about this further, and at the same time we will present reviews of two popular models of snow scooters.

In principle, it makes no sense to describe this type of argamak in detail, since all of the above applies specifically to this design. The main feature of such models is the presence of a seat and usually three skis: front and longitudinal. But it’s really worth considering one of the brightest representatives of this class.

The transport is intended for the movement of children from four to 12 years old on snow or ice cover, and for skiing downhill. The body is made of metal pipes, the runners are made of frost-resistant plastic. Leather seat with print.

Many children love winter walks in the fresh air, because it is so much fun to spend time playing snowballs, making a snowman and racing downhill on a sled or children's snow scooters.

The snow scooter is especially popular among children because it is very comfortable to sit on this vehicle and you can turn the steering wheel yourself. Parents love snow scooters for the durability, maneuverability and ergonomics of these products.

At what age can you buy a snow scooter for children?

A snow scooter for children can be used both on flat snow and on slopes. The steering system ensures easy and reliable riding. However, despite this, it is not recommended to buy a snow scooter for children under 2.5 years old, since it will be difficult for them to understand the operating principle, which can lead to frequent falls and injuries.

Also, you should not let your child go down the slides on their own until they are 4-5 years old. This age limit is explained by the instability of the product design when driving at high speeds.

1. If you decide to buy a children's snow scooter, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to the materials from which it is made, and also make sure that the design is reliable. Most models of modern snow scooters are made from polymer plastic or metal structures that can withstand active mechanical loads well.

2. Plastic snow scooters are lighter, which is especially convenient when riding on a rope or while being carried. They are recommended to be purchased for children under 4 years old in a children's goods store.

3. Snow scooters for children with a metal frame are considered more durable; they have a high sliding ability and are designed for high-speed descents from slides.

4. When choosing a children's snow scooter, you need to take into account the age of the child, the terrain where he will ride, and also answer the question of whether you will ride with your child. It is these factors that will help you decide on a snow scooter model for a child that is appropriate in terms of workload, ski design, as well as steering and braking systems.

5. Don’t forget that not only the parents, but also the child should like the snow scooter, so go shopping together. The baby will be able to choose the model on which he will be most comfortable.

6. When buying a snow scooter, pay attention to individual parts of the product, first of all, its skis. The main requirement for them is a combination of flexibility and strength. To check this, try to bend the ski: if it bends, it will probably be able to withstand heavy loads when descending a hill. It would be a good idea to ask if it is possible to purchase additional skis for the snowmobile in case of a breakdown.

7. A high-quality snow scooter for a child must be equipped with shock absorbers. A seat with shock absorption allows you to “smooth out” all the bumps when driving so that the child does not experience discomfort.

8. Independent brakes on a children's snow scooter are very convenient if one of them fails. A handbrake or stopper will help make the vehicle even more controllable and the ride more predictable.

9. If you plan to ride a snow scooter together, additional side handles will not hurt.

10. One final note is about the color of the snow scooter: light colors will be hard to see on white snow, so choose dark or bright shades to help you see your child from a distance.

Having decided to buy a snow scooter for a child, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing this winter entertainment. A children's snow scooter must be reliable, comfortable and of high quality so that your child's vacation is not only fun, but also safe.

When choosing a children's snow scooter, careful study of the different options is necessary, because the child controls it independently, and skiing downhill involves high speeds and heavy loads. Let's take a closer look at safety and other important characteristics that will help make a correct comparison of different models. This information will be useful to anyone in order to make a reliable rating, taking into account their own preferences.

Defining Selection Criteria

Here are the parameters you should pay attention to before purchasing.

  1. The level of safety is determined by the quality of the materials used, responsible assembly, and other production factors. Let us note the following nuances:

In any case, the snow scooter must be appropriate for the child’s age and not create additional difficulties. We should not forget that the engine is not installed here, so moving to the hill will have to be done on your own. For this reason, comparisons should always be made taking into account the weight of different models.

Modern snow scooters and their varieties

Most of the models presented in the retail chain are created according to the following standard scheme. Two wide skis made of durable, frost-resistant plastic are attached to a metal frame. The seat is installed rigidly. The front ski, together with the steering column, is used to change the direction of movement. For transportation, a cable with a handle is built in. They do not use engines, because they are designed for skiing on slopes. As an example, you can study in more detail the children's snow scooter "Argamak", which contains all the components of the classical equipment of this type.

Let's list some changes and additions. They are used in various modifications (Russian and foreign production):

Besides the?classical? options, domestic stores offer the following snow scooters of Russian and foreign production:

  • Products with plastic cases. They are more easily damaged by scratches, but are more resistant to corrosion compared to their metal counterparts.
  • Inflatable snow scooters weigh little. If the air is released, they take up minimal space during transport and storage. Some models can be used year-round. In summer they are used as a means of swimming.
  • Scooters. This variety is distinguished by the presence of only one or two skis installed sequentially along the axis of movement.

Domestic manufacturers: the best models of equipment

With high-quality assembly, Russian snow scooters are in no way inferior to imported products in terms of reliability, stability, and other technical parameters. The depreciation of the ruble is also a positive factor for a potential buyer. Current economic trends make domestic goods more attractive, so first we will study their rating.

The cheapest. The leader in this category is ?Comet? and other plastic models made in Russia. Here, efficiency is due to the use of appropriate, inexpensive material. Comparison with other options will quickly make sure that such a snow scooter has a low dead weight, so the child will be able to use it fully without unnecessary physical effort, without needing the help of adults. The closest analogues on a metal frame cost about 30-40% more.

Russian Winter snow scooters are equipped with a folding backrest. They can be defined as the most compact. Since they are designed for a maximum weight of up to 100 kg, at the same time they can be awarded the palm in their ability to withstand maximum loads without damage.

The rating is headed by the best domestically produced snow scooter based on a combination of significant factors? Snowstorm Pro Series. Here are the features of its design and appearance that explain this decision:

The Snowstorm snow scooter is created according to a classic design in which individual components and parts are well thought out:

Rating of imported equipment

The lightest? inflatable snow scooters made of low-temperature resistant plastic. The weight of such a product is about 1 kg. For comparison, you can give the parameters of the Snow Moto model SnowRunner, which is a record holder among classic models: 4 kg. Let us note the following additional advantages of technology with air filler:

  • Inflatable snow scooters are quickly brought into working/storage position. In storage mode they take up minimal space.
  • To perform these operations, no special qualifications or special tools are required.
  • Inflatable snow scooters are well cushioned, which increases comfort, safety, and reduces the likelihood of damage due to impact loads.
  • They can be used in the summer during bathing, and also as a comfortable seat. Inflatable snow scooters? These are universal, multifunctional products.
  • The cost of their components is low, so a high-quality imported model can be purchased at a very reasonable price.

To maintain objectivity, we list the negative parameters that inflatable scooters have:

The disadvantages listed above are not present in the Snow Racer 2 model from BMW, which tops the rating in the category “plastic snow scooters”. This is one of the few vehicles released under the famous brand that does not have an engine. We present its distinctive parameters and highlight individual advantages:

Despite the truly excellent overall parameters, it is necessary to note several negative details that distinguish BMW snow scooters of this model:

The most beautiful snow scooter. This category is conditional, because each person has his own preferences. However, the first places here may well be taken by Snow Moto products (Canada). A special series of production includes products that resemble snowmobiles in appearance. Let's take a closer look at the features of the Polaris model, created using design elements of the motorized equipment of the same name:

Most versatile? This is a snowmobile with wheels. There are several models from Chinese manufacturers in this market segment. They are made on the basis of a classic design, with a backrest and a foot brake. It has a drive mechanism added that pulls out four wheels from the bottom. In this use case, you can successfully overcome areas without snow.


The example of Snow Moto Polaris clearly shows that in fact, a high-quality modern snowmobile has not only excellent aesthetic parameters. Its technical and consumer characteristics also deserve the highest marks. In order for the comparison of different models to be correct before purchasing, you should take into account the criteria mentioned in this article, as well as the requirements of the future owner and the features of the operating period.

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