How to narrow leather sandals. How to reduce your shoe size? Simple ways to reduce size at home. Ways to change boots

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Considering the fact that not many people have the opportunity to frequently update their wardrobe, the question is: is it possible to reduce shoe size is becoming quite relevant.

Since the foot contains a large number of nerve endings that are directly connected to all systems of the human body, uncomfortable products that injure the foot when moving cause significant harm to the entire body. In addition, calluses and various foot deformities that occur due to shoes that are too wide can cause serious illness. Comfortable and comfortable shoes are the key to long life and good health.

Possible ways to reduce shoe size

Sometimes, having bought new clothes in the evening, you discover in the morning at home that the shoes are too big and cause some inconvenience while walking. And during use, even expensive leather products stretch, despite the fact that at the initial stage they fit quite tightly. It won't help here.
To qualitatively reduce the size of the product, you should contact a shoe repair shop. An experienced specialist, using special tools and devices, will quickly and professionally relieve you of this problem. After the repair, your feet will feel comfortable, and those around you will not even notice any changes.

To reduce the size of a leather product, you need to hold it in a container with a fairly hot soapy solution for several minutes and dry it. Then the shrunken product must be treated with a special product designed to soften and break in shoes. As a result, your shoe size may decrease by an entire size.
Knowing whether it is possible to reduce the size of shoes, you will, without hesitation, purchase such products.

Can silicone insoles reduce shoe size?

Modern manufacturers produce special silicone (gel) insoles for shoes that help reduce their size. Such transparent inserts with a silver surface are perfect for open-type summer products or shoes whose size is expensive or difficult to reduce (suede, husky, etc.). They are absolutely invisible and do not stick to the leg. To avoid hypothermia of the feet, such insoles are not used for winter shoes.

For closed shoes, latex insoles are available, which help reduce the product by about half a size. The insoles prevent rubbing of the feet, soften the load on the pads and toes, and also provide comfort when using the shoes, since the foot is securely fixed inside the product. The use of such inserts is a modern way to solve the problem of worn-out products. Thanks to such devices, your gait will become graceful and painless.

It often happens that boots that fit perfectly on your feet suddenly begin to wobble. Most often, this problem occurs with shoes made from natural materials and in models with long toes. The leather stretches as you wear it, creating more leg space. It is impossible to change the length of the bottom of the shoe at home: such a procedure requires certain tools and special skills and is carried out only in shoe workshops. It is easy to correct the completeness of the model yourself.


You cannot change your foot size, but you can reduce the fullness with the help of insoles. For winter shoes, it is recommended to choose additional felt ones. They reduce the internal volume of the shoe by more than a centimeter and retain heat better.

Heel pad

For demi-season and summer shoes, it is better to use silicone insoles or liners. They are sold as related products in shoe stores. Special insoles with high heels are also available. They reduce fullness on the instep, while the leg stops falling forward.

If you were unable to buy the necessary inserts, you can make insoles that reduce the size yourself. For this you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • pieces of fur from an old fur coat or felt from a felt boot;
  • glue Moment.

Insole blanks

The operating algorithm is as follows:

  1. 1. Remove the insole from the shoe and use it as a sample.
  2. 2. Cut out 2 cardboard blanks and the same number from fur.
  3. 3. Coat the core and cardboard with glue and connect.
  4. 4. Leave until completely dry.

Felt insoles do not need to be glued to cardboard. They are dense and hold their shape well. When cutting out felt liners, you need to reduce their width by a couple of millimeters around the entire perimeter.

In-ear backs

For summer shoes, boots and sports sneakers, you can use inserts installed on the backs. Made from silicone and other wear-resistant materials, they are comfortable and durable. You can buy them at a shoe store. According to the instructions, the backs are installed in place of the shoe pocket. If necessary, you can secure them with glue and quickly change them when worn.

Similar devices can be made at home. You will need some old leather, scissors and glue with a brush.

Work algorithm:

  1. 1. Make a basic pattern on paper. This can be done by wrapping a sheet of paper around the heel of the shoe and making marks with a pencil.
  2. 2. Check the accuracy on the inside of the heel.
  3. 3. To set the required thickness, cut out several parts according to the leather pattern. Each subsequent pair should be 2–3 mm smaller around the perimeter than the previous one.
  4. 4. Apply glue to the cut out parts one by one - from largest to smallest.
  5. 5. Assemble each liner, checking the thickness regularly.
  6. 6. Lubricate the leather insert and the inside of the heel of the shoes with a thin layer of glue and install in place.

The liner should face the inside of the leg. This will protect your skin from excessive chafing and calluses.

You can use the shoes within a day. By varying the thickness of the liner, the shoe size can be made smaller by a whole size.

How to reduce your boot size

Genuine leather tends to stretch when exposed to moisture. Don't throw away your boots if they are stretched. You can try to “plant” natural material. It is known that when skin dries, it shrinks. This quality is worth taking advantage of to reduce the size.

For this operation you will need a household hair dryer, a paraffin candle, a piece of soft cloth and old newspapers.


  1. 1. Shape the shoes by stuffing them with crumpled newspapers, not too tightly.
  2. 2. Rub the toe of the boot or shoe generously with dry paraffin.
  3. 3. Heat with a hairdryer evenly until the paraffin is completely absorbed.
  4. 4. Remove excess paraffin with a cloth.
  5. 5. Allow the boot to cool.
  6. 6. Try it on. If necessary, you can repeat the process several times.

It is important to ensure that the skin tightens evenly.

For natural suede and nubuck, you cannot use paraffin or any other oily liquids.

You can also reduce the size of shoes made of natural suede by using a hairdryer. The sides of the product must be moistened with water and heated until completely dry.

How to narrow your sandals

It is more difficult to deal with large open summer shoes at home. Any liners spoil the appearance. The problem is solved by reducing the length of the straps. If the shoes are expensive, then it is better to contact an experienced specialist. In other cases, you can try to cope with the task yourself.

To reduce belts you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • polyurethane glue (Desmokol, Moment);
  • brush;

If the sandals have plain, simple straps, you can shorten only one side. If there is a pattern or decoration, then you need to remove the length on both sides of the strap.

Operating procedure:

  • Use a screwdriver to carefully separate the strap from the sole and insole.
  • Measure the required length, taking into account the gluing locations.
  • Use sandpaper to remove old glue from the sole and clean the gluing areas on the straps.
  • Using a brush, apply a thin layer of glue to the sole and outer part of the strap.
  • Leave for 15–20 minutes and repeat the procedure.
  • Heat the surfaces requiring gluing one by one with a hairdryer.
  • Place the straps in place and press down.

Once all the straps are in place, apply glue to the underside of the insole and the entire inside of the sole. After waiting twice, install and press the insole. You can use the product no earlier than 24 hours later.

Rules for using glue may differ depending on its type. You should study the instructions.

This method is suitable for any material and helps to narrow the fullness of the sandals.

Cabbage juice is a healthy life-giving drink that can provide our body with many necessary and beneficial substances. We’ll talk about the beneficial properties of cabbage juice and how to drink it correctly in our article. Cabbage is one of the most useful vegetable crops because it has very valuable properties. This product is tasty and nutritious, moreover, it is an affordable medicine that anyone can grow in their own garden. By eating cabbage, you can eliminate many health problems. Although everyone knows that due to the fiber contained in cabbage, this vegetable is difficult to digest, causing gas formation. To avoid such problems, it is healthier to drink cabbage juice, receiving the same beneficial substances contained in the vegetable.

Freshly squeezed cabbage juice contains vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to infections. Scientists have calculated that in order to satisfy our body's daily need for vitamin C, you can eat about 200 g of cabbage. In addition, the vegetable contains the vitamin K we need, which is responsible for the full formation of bones, as well as blood clotting. Cabbage, and therefore cabbage juice, contains B vitamins and a very rich set of minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other elements.

What is very nice for people losing weight is that cabbage juice is very low in calories (25 kcal per 100 ml). This is a diet drink that will help you lose excess weight. Cabbage juice has wound-healing and hemostatic properties. It is used externally, to treat burns and wounds, and for oral administration (to treat ulcers). Effectively use fresh cabbage juice to treat gastritis and ulcers. The effect is ensured by vitamin U contained in the juice. This vitamin helps regenerate cells in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The juice is used to treat hemorrhoids, colitis and inflammatory processes occurring in the stomach and intestines, as well as bleeding gums.

Cabbage juice is used as an antimicrobial agent that can affect some pathogens of dangerous diseases, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Koch's bacillus and ARVI. Cabbage juice is also used to treat bronchitis; in particular, it can thin and remove mucus. For this treatment, it is recommended to take juice with honey to enhance the healing effect. Cabbage juice is also used to restore tooth enamel, improve the condition of nails, skin and hair. For diabetes mellitus, drinking cabbage juice can prevent the occurrence of skin diseases.

Cabbage juice should definitely be included in the diet of those wishing to lose excess weight, due to its low calorie content and high biological activity. At the same time, cabbage juice can fill you up very quickly without getting extra calories, and it also prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat deposits. Cabbage juice can normalize intestinal function by removing bile that has stagnated in the body, fights constipation and helps remove harmful substances from the body.

Since the juice contains folic acid, which helps conception and full development of the fetus, it is useful for expectant mothers to drink. The vitamins and minerals contained in the juice protect against infections and colds.

When consuming cabbage juice, you should follow the rules. Juice has contraindications and restrictions. The drink is capable of dissolving and decomposing toxins accumulated in the body, causing severe gas formation in the intestines, so you can drink no more than three glasses a day. You should start drinking it starting with one and a half glasses. For the reasons listed above, cabbage juice is not recommended in the postoperative period, if operations were performed in the abdominal cavity, and during breastfeeding, with gastritis with high acidity, with kidney disease and problems with the pancreas.

The world we live in often affects the state of our nervous system, as it is full of various stressful situations, chronic fatigue and systematic tension. However, the nervous system should be constantly monitored and not overstrained. To do this, you need to streamline your daily worries, for which you need to create and adhere to the correct daily routine, and, if necessary, attend a course of psychotherapy, yoga, auto-training and other activities. But the easiest way to relax is a simple cup of herbal tea, aromatic and warm. An excellent natural remedy for calming, which has a gentle effect on nerves worn out during the day, is drinking tea in the evening. Teas that relax the nervous system help eliminate irritability, nervous exhaustion and relax before going to bed, overcoming insomnia. We will talk about how tea calms the nervous system in our article.

Tea from a collection of fragrant herbs

To prepare this wonderful tea, you should take plants such as St. John's wort, peppermint, chamomile and hawthorn flowers in equal proportions. Grind the ingredients, then tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the mixture in a cup and leave for 30 minutes, covering with a lid. Strain the cooled infusion and add a small amount of honey. Drink while sleeping. This tea will easily calm your nerves, but it is recommended to drink it for no more than two months.

Lime tea

To prepare tea, mix dry linden and lemon balm flowers in equal parts, add a glass of warm water to the mixture, and boil for about five minutes. The broth is infused for 15 minutes, filtered, a spoonful of honey is added and taken for tea drinking. If you take this tea regularly, your nervous system will react more calmly to various unpleasant stimuli.

Peppermint tea with motherwort

Mix chamomile and motherwort herb 10 g each, add chopped mint 20 g, linden blossom, lemon balm and dried strawberries. Three tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for up to 12 minutes. You need to drink the infusion throughout the day, adding a little jam or honey if desired. This infusion is designed not to completely suppress the nervous system, but only to gently calm it. This tea should be drunk for a long time, without the risk of adverse reactions that are harmful to health.

Simple soothing teas

Mix 50 g of hop cones and valerian roots, then brew a dessert spoon of the mixture with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Drink in small portions throughout the day. It is better to drink a whole glass of this tea at night. The product quickly calms the nerves and helps in the fight against insomnia.

Mix peppermint herb and valerian roots in equal parts, then pour boiling water over a dessert spoon of this mixture, leave for half an hour and filter. We drink this tea in the morning and evening, half a glass. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little anise or dill.

Melissa, valerian root and motherwort are taken in equal proportions and brewed in a cup. Then infuse and filter. You need to drink a dessert spoon of tea before meals.

Drinking half a glass of tea before meals, prepared according to the recipe below, can calm your nerves and improve digestion. To prepare it, you need to place 1 tsp in a half-liter jar. motherwort, hop cones and green tea, pour boiling water, leave for 12 minutes, strain. Add honey to taste.

Complex soothing teas

Mix peppermint, oregano, St. John's wort and chamomile in equal parts. Then brew a dessert spoon of the mixture in a cup, leave, strain and add honey. Drink a glass of this tea in the morning and before bed.

Mix peppermint, valerian root, hop cones, motherwort and ground rose hips in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture should be brewed as tea, steeped and strained. This sedative should be drunk throughout the day.

Soothing teas for children

To prepare a soothing tea for children, you need to mix chamomile flowers, peppermint and fennel in equal parts. Then pour boiling water over a dessert spoon of the mixture and keep in a steam bath for about 20 minutes, strain. It is recommended to give this tea to small children in the evening before bedtime, a teaspoon, as it can soothe, relax, and normalize a healthy alternation of sleep and wakefulness.

The teas that were described in our article can calm the nervous system and normalize blood pressure. Such daily tea drinking helps improve sleep and skin condition. The medicinal plants included in these teas help eliminate dark circles under the eyes, improve vision, and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Previously, people could not imagine that a person’s breakfast could consist of various crispy balls with dried fruits, cereals and milk. But these days such food does not surprise anyone, because such a breakfast is very tasty and also easy to prepare. However, such food opens up a lot of controversy and discussion, since it is important for people to know the benefits and harms of breakfast cereals for human health. The very concept of dry food appeared in 1863, and it was introduced by James Jackson. The first food was compressed bran. Even though it wasn't very tasty, it was healthy food. The Kellogg brothers supported the idea of ​​dry food already at the beginning of the twentieth century. At this time, both Americans and Europeans were embraced by the idea of ​​proper and healthy nutrition. At that time, the brothers produced breakfast cereals made from soaked corn kernels passed through rollers. These breakfasts were more like raw dough, torn into pieces. They were helped by an accident in which this body was placed on a hot baking sheet and forgotten about it. Thus, the first breakfast cereals were created. This idea was picked up by many companies, and the cereal was mixed with nuts. Fruits and other products.

What are the benefits of breakfast cereals?

In the last twenty years, ordinary breakfasts, which consisted of sandwiches and cereals, began to be replaced by dry ones. The main advantage of dry food is, first of all, saving time, which is very important in our time. Few people can afford a complete and proper breakfast these days. That is why the main benefit of breakfast cereals is their simple and quick preparation. Such breakfasts are prepared simply. All you have to do is pour milk over the cereal. In addition, milk can be replaced with yogurt or kefir.

During the production of breakfast cereals, all the beneficial substances of cereals are preserved. For example, corn flakes are rich in vitamins A and E, while rice flakes contain amino acids important for our body. Oatmeal contains phosphorus and magnesium. But, unfortunately, not all breakfasts are good for the human body; some of them can be harmful.

Dry breakfasts include snacks, muesli, and cereal. Snacks are balls and pillows of different sizes made from rice, corn, barley, oats and rye. These cereals are steamed under high pressure in order to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial microelements and vitamins. However, with additional heat treatment, for example, by frying, the product loses its benefits. When you add nuts, honey, fruits, and chocolate to the flakes, you get muesli. For the production of snacks, ground flakes, as well as various additions to them, are fried. Children often love snacks, so they are produced in the form of different figures. Some manufacturers add various fillings to snacks, including chocolate. However, after adding sugar and various additives to breakfast, it will no longer be very useful. In this regard, to maintain health and figure, it is better to choose unprocessed cereal or muesli with fruit and honey.

Why are breakfast cereals harmful?

The most harmful product is snacks, since their preparation destroys a large amount of beneficial substances. One serving of such breakfasts contains only about two grams of fiber, while our body needs up to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. It is healthier to eat unprocessed flakes that have not undergone heat treatment. This product will fill the body with the necessary amount of fiber. Snacks are harmful due to frying as they become high in calories and fat.

It is necessary to take into account the high calorie content of breakfast cereals. For example, the calorie content of stuffed pillows is about 400 calories, and chocolate balls are 380 calories. Cakes and sweets have a similar calorie content, and this is not healthy. Various additives included in breakfast cereals cause more harm. That is why buy raw cereal for children, without various additives. Add honey, nuts or dried fruits to your breakfast cereal and avoid products that contain sugar substitutes.

Wheat, rice and corn flakes are very easy to digest because they contain simple carbohydrates. This fills the body with energy and provides nutrition to the brain, but excessive consumption of these carbohydrates leads to excess weight.

Heat-treated breakfast cereals are very harmful. During the cooking process, the fat or oil used in the cooking process can lead to cardiovascular problems and increased cholesterol levels. Breakfasts often include flavor enhancers, leavening agents and flavorings. Avoid purchasing products with such additives.

A child can be given flakes from the age of six, not earlier, since coarse fibers are difficult for the child’s intestines to absorb.

Pain, which people may periodically feel for various reasons, can ruin all their plans for the day, ruin their mood and worsen their quality of life. Pain can be of different nature, but to get rid of it, people resort to using painkillers. However, few people think about the fact that by using painkillers, we can harm our health, since each drug has side effects that can manifest themselves in an individual organism. However, not everyone knows that some products can reduce or relieve pain, while being quite effective and without exposing the body to additional risk. Of course, when any pain appears, it is necessary to determine what it is associated with. Pain is a kind of signal from the body indicating that it has problems. Therefore, you should never ignore pain, and sometimes it is impossible to do so, since it reminds you of itself, sometimes at the most inopportune moment. In our article we will talk about what products can relieve pain, or reduce its manifestation at least for a while.

People who have chronic diseases that periodically manifest themselves as pain can be put on some kind of pain-relieving diet to alleviate their condition. So, here are the foods that can soothe the pain:

Turmeric and ginger. Ginger is a proven remedy for many diseases that can effectively cope with pain. For example, in oriental medicine this plant is used to relieve toothache. For this purpose, you need to prepare a decoction of ginger and rinse your mouth with it. Pain resulting from exercise and from intestinal disorders and ulcers can be soothed with ginger and turmeric. In addition, these plants have a positive effect on kidney health.

Parsley. This greenery contains essential oils that can stimulate blood circulation in the human body, including blood supply to internal organs. When parsley is consumed, the body's adaptive abilities increase, which speeds up healing.

Chilli. This is another pain reliever. In the course of research, it was revealed that red pepper can increase a person’s pain threshold. The molecules of this product activate the body's immune defense and produce endorphins, which work as a pain reliever. Traditionally, this pepper is included in the menu of peoples living in difficult natural conditions and engaged in heavy physical labor.

bitter chocolate. As mentioned above, the hormone endorphin, which is also called the “hormone of happiness,” is a natural pain reliever. The production of this natural pain reliever is stimulated by eating chocolate. The ability of chocolate to bring pleasure is known to everyone, however, this product not only gives you a good mood, but can relieve painful sensations.

Whole grain products. According to some experts, the ability of foods made from whole grains to relieve pain is excessively high. These products contain a lot of magnesium, which helps relieve muscle pain. In addition, these products help relieve headaches, as they protect the body from dehydration.

Mustard. Mustard can reduce headaches that arise from overwork or other reasons. It is enough to eat a piece of bread spread with fresh mustard.

Cherry. It is very easy to eliminate headaches by eating a few ripe cherries.

Garlic. This is another burning product that can relieve pain, and this also applies to pain resulting from various inflammations.

Citrus. These fruits have pain-relieving properties, just like other foods containing vitamin C. Citrus fruits relieve pain due to various reasons. In addition, these fruits act as a general tonic. Therefore, this is the first product to be given to patients in the hospital.

Cinnamon. Another important remedy used in the fight against various inflammations and pain. Cinnamon reduces the negative effects of uric acid, high levels of which can trigger the development of many diseases, including arthritis.

Is it possible to make shoes smaller?

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such an unpleasant situation when, immediately after purchasing new shoes, he discovered that they were slightly too big for him. You can, of course, return a pair of shoes straight back to the store, especially if you never wore them. Pack your shoes in a box, take your receipt with you, and go get a replacement. But what if the store doesn’t have the same shoes in a smaller size, but you like this pair so much that you don’t want to part with it? Below are some simple and effective tips.

Warm water will help. If a showdown with management and shoe store salespeople doesn’t seem like a good solution to you, then you can try reducing your shoe size yourself. To make shoes smaller, dip leather items in warm water, then leave to dry at room temperature. It is not recommended to dry leather shoes near a radiator or in the open sun - this may cause the material to crack.

Please note that patent leather shoes should never be soaked or dried. Using the above method you can only reduce the size of leather shoes. After the shoes have completely dried, they should be generously lubricated with cream.

Unfortunately, this procedure only reduces the shoe size for a short time, since the leather stretches again during wear. In addition, there is a risk of ruining it. There are more loyal ways to make shoes smaller.

The best solution to make shoes smaller is socks and insoles

Regular insoles can help make shoes slightly larger to fit your feet. For example, you can insulate winter boots with sheepskin insoles, but it is best not to remove the insoles that were originally in the shoes. Autumn boots can be slightly reduced using regular insoles.

To reduce the size of shoes, special insoles are sold that can be placed under the toe or heel, securing them with Velcro. Such insoles can raise the foot by several millimeters, making the shoes appear smaller. In addition, they firmly fix the foot in the shoe.

If you bought winter or autumn boots that turned out to be too big for you, you can put a warm sock on your foot, adding a few extra millimeters to your foot. As a result, the leg will be fixed, and the boots will stop falling off when walking. In addition, in cold weather your feet will freeze less in warm, thick socks. One of the options to make shoes smaller is to also put a little cotton wool in the sock.

How to make shoes smaller - professional solutions

As we all know very well, progress does not stand still for a second. Recently, special transparent gel insoles have appeared in stores, which have the effect of making shoes smaller. These insoles are suitable even for open sandals and shoes. They can be purchased at large shoe stores. In addition, there are special heel inserts and half-foot toe inserts. These inserts can “eat” half a centimeter each, while reducing the size of the shoe by 1-1.5 centimeters.

If you do not want to waste your precious time and effort on various tricks to reduce your shoe size, you can always contact a qualified specialist. Any self-respecting workshop will help you make your shoes smaller using partial or complete reupholstery. In this case, the heel and sole are separated, and the top is placed on a last of a smaller size. The heel and sole are selected to the required size, and the entire structure is reattached. This option is not suitable for all shoe styles, so you must first consult with a specialist about your specific case.

Thus, if you really like new shoes that don’t quite fit your size, there are no insurmountable obstacles.

The popularity of shopping in online stores is increasing every day. But if, when purchasing clothes, you are unlikely to get the size right, then when buying shoes or boots, you can get into trouble. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not rush to get upset ahead of time. Even if you can't return the pair you bought, you can always try downsizing your shoe size.

Ways to change boots

There are several effective techniques that you can use to quickly achieve the required size.

  • Additional insoles. This method is considered the simplest, so it is very popular. You need to insert an insole into each boot, which will reduce the size. If one is not enough for you, you can try using two. Depending on what season the purchased shoes belong to, you can use additional products made of foam rubber, wool, or synthetic materials.

Often this size change option is used by athletes for boots or sneakers. In this case, thanks to additional insoles, a shock-absorbing effect is also achieved. And if you have delicate and sensitive skin on your feet, then the soft material of the products will protect your feet from the formation of corns, calluses and chafing.

  • Silicone tabs. Another common option. It consists of inserting a special silicone gasket into each shoe. It can be bought at any shoe store. In addition to reducing the size, these tabs have a huge advantage. This cute accessory is designed to prevent foot rubbing and reduce slipping of the foot inside the shoe.

However, there is a significant drawback to using silicone gaskets. They are not suitable for those who like high heels. If you prefer heels higher than seven centimeters, then you cannot use these products to reduce your size.

  • The secret weapon of supermodels. Fashion models all over the world use this option if their shoes fly off their charming feet. If you choose this method, you will need thick double-sided tape. It will need to be glued to the inside of the sole.

Please note that this size adjustment option is only appropriate if you decide to wear the shoes on bare feet. Then, thanks to the tape, the shoes will stick to your feet and will not fly off when you go for a walk or to work. But try to use this method only as a last resort and for a short period of time, since such effects of tape and glue are not very beneficial for your skin.

  • Old version. Perhaps this is the most primitive and ancient way to reduce boots at home. For it you will need cotton wool, socks or a piece of fabric. They need to be pushed into shoes that are too big. Please note that these liners may chafe your toes and are not suitable for sandals, clogs or flip-flops.
  • Change in temperature. You will need to wet the inside of the boots using a sponge or spray bottle. Then place the treated shoes closer to any heat source, radiator or heater. Almost any couple will shrink from sudden temperature changes. But you must take into account the fact that such manipulations can lead to deformation of the item. Therefore, if you are sure that your actions will not affect the quality of the shoes, or you are ready for the most unexpected results, you can resort to this method.
  • Water procedures. This option is even more risky than the previous one, so it is best to use it only if you want to adjust the size of worn boots. To do this, you need to put on your shoes and put your feet in a basin of water for a few minutes. Then place the shoes on the radiator or dry them with a hairdryer.
  • Professional help. If you do not want to use folk remedies, you can use the services of shoemakers. Using special glue and tools, professionals in any workshop will shorten the sole or simply resew the straps on the sandals closer to the middle. However, such manipulations can be easily done only with summer products.

Knowing how to easily and quickly achieve the desired size, you will not have to worry about the ankle boots you purchased not fitting perfectly on your feet. Using our simple tips, you can show off in your favorite shoes without fear of losing them while walking.

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