Everyday arrows on the eyes. Drawing perfect arrows on the eyes - types of arrows for the eyes, videos and photos step by step. Which color to choose

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Arrows on the eyes are a makeup element that has been popular for many years, remaining feminine and sexy. Using different techniques: from classic pencil to creative with different shades of shadows, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, add brightness and individuality to the image. For convenience, all descriptions of makeup techniques are provided with step-by-step instructions with photos.

How to draw arrows correctly for beginners: basic rules

The first thing you need to successfully attempt to draw arrows on your eyes is a reserve of time. Rush in this matter is not appropriate.

Experienced makeup artists advise beginners to practice with a pencil, as it can be easily wiped off and drawn on again. The lead should be soft in texture and rich in color. What follows are detailed step-by-step instructions with photos.

This procedure includes the following steps:

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw perfect, beautiful arrows

Initially, you need to decide on the image that will be created. Next, you should choose a means of expression: pencil, felt-tip pen, liner, eye shadow or liquid eyeliner.

There are some rules to make drawing arrows easier:

  • for lines with complex shapes, it is appropriate to use stencils that are selected (or made) in advance;
  • the line of movement can first be outlined with dots or dotted lines, and then a solid line can be drawn along them, painting over the voids;
  • if signs of an allergy appear while using a cosmetic product, you need to get rid of it;
  • It will be easier to draw an arrow with eyeliner if you slightly lift your eyelid with your finger. The arrow will come out straighter. To make the rounded edge symmetrical, you can help yourself with a sheet of paper or other available means;
  • all “roughness” is erased with a cotton swab, painted over with foundation or shaded with shadows.

Stencils for drawing arrows

Today, transparent stencils for arrows are available for sale. This feature makes it possible to use one sample in both eyes. This trick allows even a novice makeup artist with no skills to create arrows of any shape. In addition, the aid saves time and nerves.

Stencils are intended for repeated use. It is not difficult to adapt to them: having fixed it in the right place on the eyelid, you need to hold it with your hand. At the same time, the marked cutout on the stencil is painted over with a cosmetic product in the other hand. If you wish and have some skills, you can make a stencil yourself from cardboard.

Types of arrows

There are several options for arrows:

Master class Cat's eye arrows

This type of eyelid makeup transforms the image, making it expressive and memorable. In this technique, it is better to draw the base for the arrows by eye first with a pencil.

The technique for creating “cat eyes” is well understood from the photo and step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first stage involves applying a contour along the entire lash line of the upper eyelid.
  2. Next, the stylus is placed to the outer corner of the eye, and a line is drawn almost vertically upward.
  3. The resulting curl is neatly connected to the main line.
  4. At the next stage, a “triangle” is drawn. A line is drawn from the extreme point of the curl to the middle of the upper eyelid. The drawn corner is painted over.

How to make arrows to make your eyes appear larger

With the help of correctly drawn arrows, you can visually enlarge small eyes. As a visual medium, you can use either a pencil or, for example, eyeliner. The main condition: the closer to the bridge of the nose, the thinner the line is drawn. Also, for the effect of enlarging the eyes, it is appropriate to draw an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid to the edge of the eye.

If you start drawing an arrow from the bridge of the nose, and make the line bright and thick, this technique will be wrong, since visually the eyes will become even smaller. You need to finish the arrow carefully, making a small curl directed upwards. The long “tail” of the arrow will look unnatural on small eyes.

On the lower eyelids, makeup artists only advise emphasizing the outer corner of the eye, then shading it to create the illusion of shading. As an alternative technique, some makeup artists draw a line on the lower eyelid just below the growth of the eyelashes. In this case, it becomes necessary to highlight the space between the white of the eye and the eyelash growth area, as well as below, down to the drawn line.

Original arrows for festive makeup

Bright arrows on your eyes using a pencil will help you create a festive mood. Detailed instructions with photos will reflect unusual, but easy to implement ideas.

It’s easy to diversify the usual eyeliner makeup techniques if you have the appropriate cosmetics and a lot of imagination:

  • with the addition of gold; a thin line is drawn with gold eyeliner over an already drawn arrow in brown, blue or black;
  • arrow in frame; First, the arrow is drawn with light eyeliner, and then carefully outlined along the contour with a thin black or brown line;
  • many options for arrows can be depicted using a combination of black and white eyeliner;
  • Eye makeup looks fresh and positive using contrasting tones of shadows, pencil and eyeliner within the same color sector, for example, blue in combination with purple and cyan.

Arrows for different types of eyes

To correct facial imperfections, arrows on the eyes with a pencil are also suitable. Detailed instructions with photos will describe the correct makeup technique depending on the nuances in the structure of the eyes.

When drawing arrows, you need to take into account the characteristics of facial features:

How to choose the right color for the arrows - optimal shades

Colored arrows on the eyes with a pencil perfectly complete the look.

Detailed instructions with photos will illustrate how, by focusing on the color of the iris, you can also vary the shade palette of your makeup.

  • Dark or black eyes. Any color scheme will look appropriate with this languid shade. You can emphasize depth and unusualness with the help of violet-blue colors. The smoky nuances of green look gentle and tasteful. It is also worth trying options with added shine.
  • Gray and blue eyes. The entire range of yellow colors in shades from gold to copper-brown will be a successful “frame” for the eyes of this color direction. Bright accents in the form of a contrasting color line along the lower eyelid look interesting.
  • Brown eyes. To highlight eyes of all shades of brown, blue eyeliner is ideal. Plum, malachite green, turquoise, and gray are used as additional tones. You can experiment with a red-pink palette.
  • Green eyes. On the color wheel, the contrasting color for this color is red. To emphasize this magical shade of the eyes, cosmetics in the following range are appropriate: violet, lilac, wine, burgundy. Gold and copper colors also look good.

How to draw arrows

There are classic cosmetic products used for winged eye makeup:


In the recommendations for beginners, a special place is given to the pencil, since it is more convenient for them to draw. The only drawback of this product is the lack of durability during wear. During the day there is a need to touch up your makeup.

The disadvantages of pencil arrows will be especially obvious on eyes with drooping eyelids and naturally oily skin. In this case, you can fix the design by first applying a tone of powder, and after drawing the arrows, fixing them with shadows to match. This way the pencil will be “sealed” between the layers.

The lines drawn with a pencil can be easily shaded, creating a “smoky eyes” style makeup.

Liquid eyeliner

Eye makeup with eyeliner is considered the most difficult to master, but the result is worth the effort. This product allows you to create a bright accent, add glossy shine and create perfectly straight lines.

This cosmetic product is not afraid of changes in the weather and skin imperfections. You don't have to worry about your makeup getting damaged during the workday.

If the eyeliner is not durable enough, you can fix it with a powder base. Also, to make it easier to apply the arrow, you should use a thin brush.

Cream or gel eyeliner

This product is usually applied with a brush, which is not difficult to do. The lines are smooth and thick. The durability of this product is also excellent. The only inconvenience is the difficulty in removing makeup. For gel and cream eyeliners, special washes are required.

Eyeliner-felt pen

This eyeliner combines the convenience of drawing with a pencil and the durability of a standard liquid eye makeup product. Drawing arrows with a felt-tip pen takes little time, which is also comfortable. The only drawback that can be noted is that this product itself quickly becomes unusable, as it dries out from constantly opening the cap.

Dry eyeliner

Externally, this product is indistinguishable from the usual shadows. When mixed with moisture, additional properties appear. A separate brush is required. This eyeliner is especially convenient for drawing the eyelash contour. You can also apply the finest lines with this product. The longevity of dry eyeliner is usually decent.

How to draw arrows with shadows

The technique of applying arrows with shadows is easy to master, following the rules:

Which pencil for arrows is better to buy?

All pencils existing in cosmetic companies can be divided into two types:

Arrows are depicted before the eyes using various techniques. Even with the help of one classic pencil you can adjust the shape or emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Looking at the makeup you like in the photo, with step-by-step instructions it will not be difficult to bring this look to life.

Video on how to learn to draw arrows

How to draw arrows on the eyes:

Learning to draw arrows:

Makeup, including perfect black wings, appeared in Ancient Egypt. Then it was believed that the black arrow not only creates an attractive image, but also protects against the evil eye. Today this element is rightly called a “makeup classic.” Anyone can use it, it’s just important to figure out how to draw arrows and what shape is right for you.

The basic scheme for drawing arrows on the eyes is quite simple. It will help beginners create smooth lines and “not reinvent the wheel.” Let's look at it step by step:

  1. First we draw the bottom line: it starts from the outer corner of the eye and continues the line of eyelash growth. At first, it is better not to make the notch too long - 0.8 mm - 1 cm is enough;
  2. From the center of the upper eyelid (guide by the pupil), draw a line to the created “tail”;
  3. Draw a connecting line from the inner corner of the eye to the top of line 2;
  4. We paint over the resulting voids in the resulting outline. The arrow is ready!

You can vary the length of the tail, the thickness of the arrow and its ending depending on your preferences and goals.

Ideal arrows must be smooth, without jagged edges or gaps in the “body”!

At first, you will often have to redraw the arrows again, erasing the previous version, but over time you will get better at it and learn how to create the desired outline the first time!

How to choose the right arrow shape

Depending on the location of the eyes and the shape of the face, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  1. For close eyes. It is recommended to create arrows, the top line of which starts not from the inner corner of the eye, but from the middle of the upper eyelid. This will visually widen the eyes. Forms No. 3 and No. 6 from the photo above are also good;
  2. In the impending century. In this case, a special approach is required, which is discussed in detail in the following video lesson:

    It is also worth paying attention to forms No. 1, No. 4.

  3. For deep-set eyes. Try to focus on the outer corner of the eye, but do not place the line too close to the growth of the eyelashes. For example, forms No. 2, 5, 7, 14 and 16 are suitable for you;
  4. For bulging eyes. Photos No. 5, 6, 9 and 16 are perfect for this eye shape.

The following video provides professional construction recommendations that will help you understand in detail how to draw arrows correctly:

How to draw arrows on the eyes

It is very difficult to answer the question “what is the best way to draw arrows” - everything here is purely individual. The modern cosmetics industry offers numerous products, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to choose from them according to personal preferences only through a series of trial and errors! We will outline the main types of funds:


For those who are looking for a way to learn how to draw arrows on their eyes, eyeliner will be an excellent help - an ageless classic, with the help of which fashionistas have created their arrows for decades in a row! Today at least 2 types of eyeliners are known:

> Liquid

Liquid eyeliner is the easiest to work with. In addition, this is the most popular tool for drawing arrows. As a rule, it comes with a hard felt or soft bristle brush included. The long-lasting liquid eyeliner is equipped with a felt applicator that will help you learn how to draw arrows quickly and easily!

> Gel

This type of eyeliner will help you create both thin arrows and complex graphic images. The gel texture can even be used as a base for eye makeup. It is worth noting that it will be difficult for beginners to immediately make friends with this material. To work with gel eyeliner, you will need to purchase a special angled brush, if it is not included in the kit, like the one.

Liner / Marker / Felt-tip pen

These products work in many ways similar to each other, with the only difference being that the liner can also be in liquid form. Using these tools is equally easy; they help create an even arrow without gaps in literally no time. Makeup artists recommend lightly powdering your eyelid before starting work. Try it and appreciate its ease of use!


Before drawing arrows with a pencil, you need to consider some features of using this tool:

  • It is necessary to lightly powder the eyelid to avoid possible spreading of the lead or its imprints on the upper eyelid. For the same purposes, try to choose pencils that are wax-based, moisture-resistant, or water-resistant. An excellent option would be a long-lasting eyeliner;
  • You need to draw arrows with a soft, but well-sharpened pencil. Otherwise, the outline will turn out blurry and ugly. If your pencil is too hard, you can slightly melt its lead by holding it over a lighter or candle;
  • Don't forget to carefully work out the space between eyelashes to avoid gaps in the contour.

We draw arrows with a pencil along with a step-by-step video lesson from Elena Krygina:


Before drawing arrows with shadows, it is important to create a base for the shadows using a primer and prepare a thin angled brush. Let's look at the application step by step:

  1. Guided by the diagram above, we line up the body of the arrow, starting from the inner corner of the eye and ending with the tip. To do this, you can use a small amount of pigment so that in case of an error you can easily make a correction;
  2. Carefully connect the resulting points, trying to create an accurate, even line;
  3. Paint over the spaces;
  4. It is better to paint eyelashes only after the arrow is ready.

To make the color more saturated and bright, you can apply shadows to the finished arrow, made with a pencil or eyeliner.

Combinations of funds

To create perfect arrows, all means are good. You can easily combine several cosmetic products, for example:

  1. Gel eyeliner + shimmer shadows or metallic shadows. By working the arrow on top with shadows, you will add shine and brightness;
  2. Pencil + eyeliner. It is much easier to erase a pencil in case of a mistake. Therefore, a beginner can create an arrow first with a pencil, and then work on the finished version with eyeliner. In addition, the pencil ideally masks the gaps between the eyelashes, so it will be an excellent addition to the eyeliner in filling the space between the eyelashes;
  3. Pencil + matte shadows. An arrow drawn with a sharp pencil will look beautiful if you shade it a little with black shadows. Be careful to blend only the outer edge of the outline!

How to correct errors and inaccuracies

Even if you know for sure how to draw arrows correctly, the possibility that your hand will accidentally shake has not been canceled. Few people know that to correct their mistakes it is not necessary to draw the entire arrow again - you can get by with a small correction:

  • minor unevenness can be hidden with dark shadows, carefully shading them over the imperfection;
  • if an unevenness occurs on the arrow, then you can make the contour thicker and remove the flaw, but it is important to control the symmetry in both eyes;
  • sloppy protrusions along the outer edge can be painted over using concealer and a brush.

How to draw arrows using available tools

Before drawing arrows beautifully the first time, for some time for beginners, arrows without blots are a real dream. Only training and a few interesting life hacks will help fix the problem, which will tell you how to draw arrows evenly, using available tools for this:

  1. Spoon. With a spoon it is easy to create graphic corners of the arrows. Use a teaspoon as a ruler, placing it firmly on the eyelid in the desired position and tracing it with eyeliner.
  2. Scotch. Thin transparent tape is a good helper in creating a beautiful arrow. Glue a small piece to the lower corner of the eye so that you can draw the bottom line. Make sure that the tape is applied symmetrically on both eyes! Also, in order not to spoil the result, it is not recommended to remove the tape until the cosmetics are completely dry.
  3. Stencil. Today there are many different stencils, with the help of which even experienced makeup artists sometimes draw arrows. You can buy them at any beauty salon, and the principle of their operation is in many ways similar to eyebrow stencils.
  4. A plastic card. Drawing arrows with a plastic card is quite easy if you manage to fix it well. Otherwise, if your hand shakes, your makeup will be ruined.

It’s not difficult to create straight arrows using improvised means. However, the best assistant here is experience. By training daily you will achieve excellent results.

Current trends in arrow types

Don't know which arrows to draw? Let's look at the most relevant and popular types of arrows:

> Basic

This thin liner will perfectly highlight the shape of the eye and will be a wonderful addition. Just work along the eyelash growth line with a pencil and carefully go “outside the border”, creating a thin arrow.

> Eastern

It assumes equally densely detailed upper and lower eyelids with a fairly long and slightly upward-curved arrow.

> Cat arrows

A short arrow with a thick base and a slightly curved tip. The beginning of the arrow extends beyond the outer corner of the eye at an acute angle. Sometimes it can also emphasize the lower eyelash edge. Ideal for creating a “sly” look.

> Double arrows

There are several ways to draw double arrows:

The arrow emphasizes both the upper and lower eyelids.

The arrow has a double tail.

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Eyes are the main weapon of any girl. But many people sometimes forget that different types of eyes require an individual approach - this is the only way to create an impeccable look that will be remembered for a long time by all men along your path.

website I have prepared a small cheat sheet for you that will help you figure out which arrows to choose for you and how to draw them.

Almond shaped eyes

How do you know if you have almond-shaped eyes? All corners of the eye, namely the inner and outer ones, are located at the same level, and the distance between the inner corners is equal to the length of the eye.

To draw attention to the beautiful curve of the eye shape, draw a thin line from the inner corner and extend it to the outer corner, but do not go beyond it. This will visually widen your eyes and make your gaze more expressive.

Drooping upper eyelid

In this type of eye, an extra layer of skin falls into the crease of the eyelid, causing the eye to appear smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to add as much volume as possible.

The ideal arrows for such eyes are wide, covering the entire lower area of ​​the eyelid up to the eyelashes. And in this case, the darker the eyeliner, the better.

Wide-set eyes

If the distance between the eyes exceeds the width of one eye, then it is a wide-set type.

To visually reduce the distance, you need to line the entire upper eyelid and lower eyelid, starting from the middle of the eye. In this case, there is no need to draw the arrow beyond the outer corner. Also, when tinting the upper and lower eyelashes, it is better to comb them towards the bridge of the nose.

Large eyes

Large (round) eyes are quite expressive, but they lack almond shape. The main task here is to lengthen them.

To do this, draw the upper eyelid, drawing (about a centimeter) the line of the arrow along the crease in the corner of the eye. By the way, it is ideal for this eye shape.

Oblong eyes

Oblong eyes are considered incredibly sexy, but the arrows for such eyes need to be drawn very carefully so as not to inadvertently make the eyes narrower. To visually enlarge them, the arrow line must be applied at some distance from the growth of the eyelashes and carefully shaded.

Using a white pencil, outline a thin strip of skin between the eye and eyelashes. And accent the upper eyelid with black, slightly thickening the line in the central part.

Close-set eyes

Close-set eyes are those whose distance between them is less than the width of one eye. The main function of makeup for this eye shape is to make the look visually more open.

To do this, you need to make a transition from light to dark shades on the outer corners. Start drawing the arrow, stepping back a little from the inner corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow must be moved beyond the eyelids, lifting it slightly.

Proper eye makeup can solve many problems: visually correct the shape of the eyes, remove the emphasis from bags under the eyes and dark circles, give the look expressiveness and energy.

The right arrows on the eyes cope with this task perfectly. Many Hollywood beauties of the 50s, such as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, never appeared in public without arrows. The retro trick is also very popular among modern fashionistas.

In this article we will look at all types of arrows and how to design them depending on your eye shape. You will also find step-by-step tutorials on how to apply beautiful eyeliner makeup yourself.

How to draw arrows on the eyes correctly?

There are many options for how and what kind of arrows to draw on your eyes. They can be black or colored, thin or wide. As they say, it's a matter of taste. But the shape of the eyes should still be taken into account first. With the help of a pencil and eyeliner, you can adjust the shape of your eyes, giving them a more attractive shape.

types of arrows

Correct arrows and eye shape

Round eyes

Round eyes can be visually lengthened by using eyeliner in the inner corner. The line should not be thin, and it can only be done with a pencil. It is recommended to lightly shade the arrows on the eyes so that they clearly fall on the eyelash line. Otherwise, you will get the effect of bulging eyes, which in itself is ugly, and for round eyes it is a complete disaster. It is not recommended to apply eyeliner on the lower eyelid.

for round eyes

Narrow eyes

Wide arrows will help to visually expand your look. However, they should not be drawn beyond the boundaries of the eye, otherwise you will only narrow the shape further. The lower eyelid should not be lined with bright colors; it is better if you leave 1/3 of the eye from the inner eyelid unlined. A special effect can be achieved by an arrow that thickens only in the middle of the eye. On both edges the line can be shaded with shadows.

for narrow eyes

Wide-set eyes

The following trick will help narrow the distance between the eyes: draw the eye along the entire length, extending the arrow line to the bridge of the nose. The intense line should run clearly along the growth of the eyelashes. The lower eyelid can be drawn along the outer side.

for wide-set eyes

Close-set eyes

Here you need to do the opposite. When drawing arrows, try to indent from the inner corner of the eyelid. If you also line your eyelids more delicately, this will help visually expand your look. On the outside of the eye, the arrow can be rounded upward.

for close-set eyes

Small eyes

You should not draw an arrow on the lower eyelid, you risk making your eyes even smaller. Black and dark eyeliners are also recommended to be avoided. Light arrows are what narrow eyes need. Light, light colors will open your eyes and make them wider. If you stick to a classic style, gray or metallic shades will be just right for you.

for small eyes

Types of arrows for the eyes

The variety of arrows for the eyes is not surprising. The art of lining the eyelids dates back thousands of years. Previously, not only women, but also men loved to emphasize their eyes with makeup.

  • The famous Egyptian arrows, or Cleopatra's arrows, look most impressive when performed in the evening.
  • Thick arrows on the upper eyelid should also be reserved for events and parties.
  • Wing arrows are suitable for sophisticated and creative people. If you look at such arrows from above, you will get the impression that these are the open wings of a bird.
  • The thin line is perfect for daytime makeup and is appropriate both in the office and at school. However, drawing such arrows is a little more difficult; a little practice is needed for a clear, even line.

Famous designers also do not remain indifferent to arrows for the eyes. Moreover, each of the couturiers has their own favorite. Marc Jacobs and Georgio Armani prefer a discreet style and thin liners for the eyes. D&G and Erdem add expressiveness to the look with wide eyeliner.

You will find more eye makeup ideas in the article.

offers from leading Fashion Houses

types of arrows

with extension

with widening at the corner of the eye

elongated thin version

classic version

from the middle of the century

colored eyeliner

classic version without shadows


framing only the eyelid

Eye liner color

When choosing the color of the arrows for the eyes, we are guided, first of all, by the following considerations: this is our favorite color or this color goes well with the outfit. Blue, grey, gold and silver hands are not inferior to classic black ones. These colored arrows are good to wear during the daytime. They visually open up the look, which is very important for girls with narrow eyes. In addition, light shades are very refreshing and youthful. If you line the upper eyelid, for example, with a blue pencil, and the lower eyelid a few shades lighter, you will get the effect of an “open” look. It is recommended to use gray eyeliner on both the outer and inner eyelids, so the eye color will become brighter.

Black eyeliner, although considered a classic, still requires careful application. Black color narrows the eye. Therefore, the narrower your eye shape, the thinner the arrow should be.

colored arrows for summer makeup

Correct arrows on the eyes: application errors

  1. Never draw arrows only on the lower eyelid, it looks very awkward. In some cases, depending on the color of the eyeliner, the effect of “rolling out” eyes may be created.
  2. Always draw the arrows as close to the lash line as possible. To make the arrow even, you can slightly pull the eyelid to the side.
  3. Draw arrows with your eyes half open to see how smooth the line is.
  4. If you prefer thick arrows, then first draw its outline and then paint over the line.

Try to make the arrows on your eyes as symmetrical as possible, otherwise you risk becoming a girl with different eyes.

How to draw arrows yourself?

Drawing arrows on your eyes yourself is not a difficult task. Our selection of tutorials will help you create beautiful and attractive makeup.

Lesson #1

Lesson #2

Lesson #3

Lesson #4

Lesson #5

Lesson #6

Lesson #7

Lesson #8

And now in more detail about each point. Let's start with the fact that arrows can be drawn with such devices as:

  • Liquid eyeliner;
  • Eyeliner-felt pen;
  • Using a regular or waterproof pencil;
  • Dry eyeliner;
  • Shadows.

The easiest way is to start and try to draw arrows with a pencil, although every girl and woman has her own preferences and convenience. So it's a matter of taste and habit! Try and practice!

What are the currently popular types of arrows?

Arrows come in the following types:

Classic arrows (classic regular, everyday arrow).

Egyptian arrows (look very good for an evening out).

Wing arrows (suitable for sophisticated and creative people).

Thick and thin arrows (suitable for school or office, various events and parties).

Cat's eye (this type of arrows is suitable for young girls).

Double arrows (suitable for evening makeup).

Creative arrows (suitable for parties).

Smokyeye style arrows (suitable for an evening, romantic dinner).

The interesting thing is that beautifully and correctly drawn arrows always look spectacular and perfect in photographs!

Stages and subtleties of drawing various types of arrows

Drawing a “classic arrow”

First you need to prepare your face for applying the arrow. This can be done using foundation, then we create expressive eyebrows. This can be done using a pencil or shadows. Apply light, pastel shadows to the upper eyelid. After that, take dark shadows and paint over the edge of the eye in the corners. Take a pencil or eyeliner and draw a thin or thick line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. We raise the tail of the arrow to the eyebrow line.

But it is important to remember that in order for the arrow to turn out neat, we draw it directly along the eyelash contour, near the hair growth, with a thin line from the inner eye, gradually increasing towards the center!

We start drawing an arrow from the inner corner of the eye. Draw a thin, neat line along the eyelash contour, as close to the eyelashes as possible. And we do this several times until there is a clear, beautiful line. We do the same with the thick line, only we make the line itself thicker.

Drawing "Egyptian arrows"

To do this, you just need to extend the usual arrows on the lower eyelid and lower them down.

Drawing “cat eye arrows”

First, draw a straight line along the very edge of eyelash growth from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye, the end of the arrow is bent upward. Together with a pencil and eyeliner, different colored shadows look very good, then the eyes will be very expressive and bold.

Rules for applying eyeliner with liquid eyeliner

There are three types of basic techniques for applying liquid eyeliner:

  • Drawing a line based on pre-marked points;
  • Drawing lines using the hatching method;
  • Drawing lines according to the intended pencil drawing;

You also need to consider and remember the following rules that will help you use liquid eyeliner correctly:

  • The most important and important thing is to install a mirror directly in front of you. This is necessary in order to get a smooth, beautiful and symmetrical line;
  • Then you need to degrease the eyelid with tonic and after that apply a little powder on it;
  • To apply a smooth, beautiful line, you need to take a comfortable position and rest your elbow on the table so that there is solid support;
  • The eyes should be a little open and looking down;
  • You can't pull your eyelid, since you will get an arrow that is not the shape you would like;
  • Choose the thickness of the arrow to your taste;
  • Draw an arrow from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, and then from the inner corner of the eye to the middle;
  • Once you have drawn the arrow, do not close or open your eyes too much so that there are no unnecessary prints left.

Rules for drawing arrows with a pencil

Below are some rules that will help you draw pencil arrows correctly:

  • The mirror must stand right in front of you;
  • First you need to apply the necessary shadows, then you need to draw an arrow over the shadows with a pencil;
  • If you don't apply shadow, then the eyelid needs to be treated and degreased with lotion;
  • What if you suddenly made an extra line, using cotton swabs, remove excesses and defects;
  • To lay a beautiful and even line, take a good, comfortable position, rest your hand on the table;
  • You can put inconspicuous points for yourself where you are going to draw the line;
  • It is best to draw an arrow in two stages: first from the inner corner of the eye, and then from the middle to the outer corner of the eye.

How to choose the shape of the arrow to suit your eyes

To correctly select and select the desired arrow configuration for yourself, you need to consider 4 points:

  • Eye shape;
  • Eye section;
  • Eye landing;
  • Eye color.

If you have small eyes, then light arrows from the middle of the eyes and draw the arrow line beyond the outer corner of the eye are best for you. This will visually widen your eyes.

If you have round eyes, then arrows along the entire eyelid, from the inner corner of the eye, to the outer corner of the eye, slightly extending beyond the edge of the eye, will suit you best. Don't forget to paint the roots of your eyelashes. This will visually stretch your eyes.

If you have wide-set eyes, then arrows are best suited for you with a thick line along the entire upper eyelid, extending the line of the arrow to the bridge of the nose, but not reaching the outer corner of the eye.

If you have narrow eyes, then arrows are best suited for you throughout the eye, of the same thickness, thickening a little in the middle of the eye, but not extending the line beyond the corners of the eye. You can shade the drawn line along both edges with shadows and a brush.

If your eyes are downcast, then arrows along the upper eyelid are best suited for you, while thickening the end of the arrow and lifting it up.

Eye color also plays an important role in determining which eyeliner suits you best. There are four rules you can consider:

  • Firstly, any color of eyeliner suits black eyes;
  • Secondly, blue and gray eyes are suitable for copper and purple eyeliners;
  • Thirdly, blue, green and plum colored eyeliner suits brown eyes;
  • Fourthly, green eyes are suitable for eyeliner in colors such as gold, burgundy, turquoise, plum and purple.

It is better to choose a brush of good quality, one with a very thin tip and a beveled edge. With such a brush, it will be easier and easier to draw an arrow. There is also this advice: try to draw the desired arrow on a piece of paper. This way you will practice and get better.

You will find a wide variety of arrows, how to make them and what colors are best combined with them, on the Internet. You can also look through the photos and see how you can draw arrows step by step and choose for yourself what you like.

Don’t be upset if, as they say: “Your first pancake will be lumpy!” The more you practice and try to draw arrows, the more and better you will get at it! You will improve your skills and gain more experience.

So, DON'T DESPERATE! Train! Learn! Experiment! Try yourself in new images, surprise your friends and loved ones! And most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP!

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