In the footsteps of Pinocchio or how to regain the desire to learn. How to motivate a teenager to study? Advice from a psychologist How to motivate a teenager to study well

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And it does not provide opportunities for independence. Psychologist Marina Melia explores another reason for the lack of motivation in teenagers and explains to parents how to create internal incentives in children.

A wealthy heir, a smart, intelligent person, a specialist in the field of high technology, received an MBA from a prestigious business school. Nevertheless, he constantly moved from one job to another. Why? In any company, difficulties arise from time to time, something happens that employees have to put up with. But while those who live on their salaries were ready to endure, their rich colleague did not want to tolerate it, openly declared this and quit.

For a person to lead an active life, he needs incentives. It is curious that initially this word (from the Latin stimulus) was used to describe a sharp metal tip on a pole, which was used to drive a buffalo or bull harnessed to a cart.

Based on various psychological concepts and, to a greater extent, on the ideas of Erich Fromm, I tell my clients that all stimuli can be divided into three groups: simple external, complex external and internal.

The best illustration of simple stimuli is a donkey and a carrot. If you hang a carrot on a long stick in front of a donkey’s nose, the animal will immediately begin moving towards its “cherished goal.” This is the distinctive feature of the simplest stimuli - the reaction to them is immediate and almost automatic.

All material incentives are simple. All primitive entertainment - disposable reading material, soap operas, popular music - are from the same category. There is no need to think about anything, make an effort, be patient, wait, or worry in anticipation. This is more of a reaction of the body, not of the individual.

Modern society is focused almost exclusively on simple incentives. They are reproduced by radio and television, cinema and the press. Advertising is also built on stimulating these kinds of desires and needs. The mechanism of its action is primitive: a simple stimulus causes a direct reaction. In fact, external stimuli make a person a passive object, forcing him to “dance to someone else’s tune.”

Simple incentives have a very short shelf life. They quickly lose their attractiveness and stop working. The simpler the stimulus, the more often it needs to be “intensified,” activated, or replaced with a new one. This explains the need to constantly change stimuli.

If our life is a series of reactions to simple stimuli, satiety is inevitable. The unpleasant truth is that simple incentives never satisfy anyone. You need to run further and get more. Sooner or later, a person comes to the point where addiction and self-destruction follow.

Complex external stimuli

Fromm called these stimuli "inspiring" or "activating." These are also incentives that act on us from the outside, but they stimulate certain internal work. If a book, movie, painting or any thing pushes us to think and act, this is a complex external stimulus.

Further actions may not be directly related to the stimulus. For example, after watching a movie about the Terminator, one teenager will limit himself to buying a poster with Schwarzenegger, and the other will be inspired and go to the “rocking chair”. And after a few years, he will not only transform his body, but also enter the Institute of Physical Education, develop his own training program, and become a sought-after fitness trainer. Thanks to a complex external stimulus, he will find a passion and make a lot of effort to make it his life's work.

Complex inspirational stimuli differ from simple ones in that they never become boring because they provoke a creative response. A person himself spiritualizes his stimulus, sees it every time in a new light, discovers more and more new facets in it. There is no place for mechanical one-sided influence of the “stimulus → response” type. The more complex the stimulus, the longer it retains its attractiveness and the less often it needs to change.

This difference can be observed in the behavior of children. Fromm writes: “Until a certain age (about five years old), children are so active and productive that they constantly find incentives for themselves, create them themselves. They can create a whole world from scraps of paper, pieces of wood, small pebbles, chairs and any other subjects. But already at the age of six, when they fall under the millstone of the educational mill, they begin to adapt, lose their spontaneity, become passive and need such stimulation that allows them to react passively. A child, for example, wants to have some kind of complex toy, he gets it, but very soon he gets tired of it. In short, he does with toys the same way adults do with cars, clothes and sexual partners."

Complex stimuli never cause a feeling of satiety; there are never “too many” of them. Physical fatigue may occur, but not apathy. Having achieved one goal, we immediately set ourselves the next one.

A person with a rich inner life is active in himself and does not need external incentives; he sets his own goals and objectives. Internal incentives are the desire to learn something, to be able to, to win, to be, to help, and finally, the desire to create and transform the world. Our activity in this case does not depend on external circumstances, but is directed outward.

Unfortunately, a person is not born with internal stimuli; they can only appear in the process of development. And it’s not at all a fact that they will appear. Parents can show us the path, but everyone must walk it themselves.

The key to organizing our inner life is a specific task, the one that seems most relevant to us today. To be active means to allow one’s abilities and talents to manifest themselves, which, although to varying degrees, are endowed with each of us. This means having a deep interest, developing, passionately striving for something, giving.

The most important and most tragic consequence of unlimited financial opportunities is the lack of internal incentives in children and, as a result, lack of motivation to achieve. The reason is that they are early “hooked” on external material stimuli, turning them into passive objects of simple stimuli. They are infantile, incapable of creating anything themselves, they are used to only consuming, and therefore are completely dependent on their parents.

Saturation with external stimuli occurs very quickly, so it is more important than anyone else for children from wealthy families to create incentives that can generate internal activity and learn to set non-material goals for themselves. That is, use your potential productively. It is internal incentives that distinguish a strong, developed personality from a simple “consumer”.

How to create motivation for children

Achievement motivation, which can be well developed in parents, is easily replaced in children by consumption motivation, unless you specifically think about it. Therefore, our task is to help the child “want” to do something himself: for example, make a gift for his grandmother’s birthday with his own hands, learn another foreign language, create a musical group with friends, learn to dive, play chess - the list goes on. This is exactly how parents can set external goals for their son or daughter: they will give an impulse to internal activity, which will become a good counterbalance to satiety, emptiness, apathy and a complete lack of understanding of what to do and where to put oneself.

If a child has no incentive to play, there is no need to reproach him or advise him to do “something.” It’s better to put aside your own affairs, take the baby by the hand, go with him to the nursery, choose an activity together and not leave him until we see that he is interested and ready to continue on his own.

Internal motivation does not exclude external motivation and vice versa. A younger child is driven by both his own interests and the desire to gain the approval of an adult. External motivation turns into internal motivation as children assimilate the values ​​of their parents, “sort” them, and select those that are close to them. The goal is not to wean children from valuing external stimuli, but to ensure that they develop their own desires. And then they “enter the flow”, they are carried away, absorbed by what they are doing.

Research shows that intrinsically motivated children not only learn better, but, more importantly, experience more positive learning experiences and are more willing to take on challenging new tasks.

However, first the child needs to feel what intangible goals are. Therefore, it is important that children see that their parents also have some aspirations other than buying another car, that there are other achievements than a solid bank account and a new house in a prestigious location. They must feel what it means to experience satisfaction from the very process of studying, working, and solving creative problems.

We need to tell children more about our goals, captivate them, talk about what is really interesting to us. Let's remember when we really wanted something (for example, to climb Elbrus or launch a new project), what we did for it and how happy we were when everything worked out for us. Let's not deprive our children of the same bright emotions!

How to motivate a teenager to study? Advice from a psychologist is necessary if your student’s grades are frankly “lame” and you feel that the situation is getting out of control. Many children during puberty begin to lose interest in activities, preferring to spend time in the company of friends, at the computer, and on walks. Due to his age, the child is not yet able to fully understand the need and importance of such an aspect of life as a decent education. Your task as a parent:

  1. Outline all the benefits that good study brings.
  2. Identify your child's interests and hobbies.
  3. Instill a love of learning. In fact, you need to work on this point starting from first grade, or even earlier.

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Learn to combine business with pleasure.

How to do this? Moving from words to practice

The advice of a psychologist is very helpful in understanding the question of “how to motivate a teenager to study.” To begin with, all parents need to understand that coercion and blackmail have the opposite effect. Although, these educational tools are used most often in the family: “If you finish the quarter with C’s, I won’t buy a phone.” But studying “under pressure” is always uninteresting and causes a violent internal protest. Before you start motivating, think about how often you have pressured your teenager and whether he perceives you as a threat. If this has already happened, first of all, trust must be restored again, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

So, let's proceed step by step:

  1. We gain the trust of our own child. This is not easy to achieve, especially if the child is accustomed to constant threats and lectures. Try to have an unobtrusive conversation and ask him about the subjects that interest him and why. Do not impose your opinion under any circumstances. Just listen. The child must see that you are on his side and will not try to convince him otherwise.
  2. We learn about hobbies and interests, even if we have absolutely no time for it. It is not for nothing that we draw your attention to the lack of time. We are used to children growing and learning on their own. The time when you happily chatted about everything in the world with your rosy-cheeked baby is over. But you will have to find it again for your child. A teenager’s hobbies can easily be tied to school subjects – computer science, English, literature, etc. It is necessary to casually throw in information about things that interest him. Does your child spend a lot of time on the computer? So tell him who creates these games and how, how much he earns from it, and what he needs to know if your child suddenly wants to become a great programmer. A similar logical chain can be built based on any teenager’s hobby.
  3. Show by your own example. Children are a reflection of their parents. If a mother and father are constantly learning and improving, the son or daughter will subconsciously be drawn to them. The child will love the learning process itself, and not meaningless cramming and “because you have to learn.” Tell him what you saw and where you were, show your delight in learning and mention how you achieved it. All this will soon bear fruit.
  4. Knowledge is gained not only within the walls of school. Our educational system is not perfect. Studying is a constant control and load of various knowledge with countless demands. It is impossible to know ideally all subjects. Together with your child, look for ways to provide extracurricular education without grading or homework. Enroll your teenager in clubs based on his interests. For example, if you go to school for robotics and modeling, you will also develop a love for physics and mathematics.
  5. Instill independence. This is the ability to take responsibility for your actions. Convey to the child that only he will be responsible, not you. In a situation where there is a direct threat to his health and life, parents need to intervene. However, bad grades in the certificate are not such a threat. A teenager must realize that reluctance to study can lead to the fact that he does not enter college, or even stays in the second year. And in this case, only he will be to blame.
  6. Use occupational therapy. This can be resorted to only in difficult situations. If a teenager is absolutely not interested in anything and is lazy, deprive him of his pocket money and get him a job with a small salary during the holidays. For example, a salesman at an ice cream stand, a courier, a poster posting advertisements. Let him feel all the “charm” of an eight-hour working day and a small salary. Explain that due to the fact that he does not want to study, he risks doing low-skilled work all his life and counting pennies.

Such advice from a psychologist will help you properly motivate your teenager to study. The main thing is to be patient, as the result will not show itself immediately. Don't push or scold your child. How can you talk if you don’t have enough nerves?!

In cases where simple recommendations do not always help and difficulties arise, come to Elmira Dovlatova’s free webinar “ How to solve problems using metaphorical cards and earn from 30,000 to 100,000«.

You can have at your disposal a professional psychological tool for solving problems in communicating with teenage children.

Rules for communicating with a teenager about an unloved topic of study

Puberty is a rather difficult time. At this moment, the child rethinks many values, begins to know himself, parents cease to be ideal, and studies are relegated to the background.

Very often, teenagers start skipping classes and don’t study to spite their parents. What they want to prove is known only to them! In such situations, you must adhere to some rules:

  • treat your child with respect and talk to him as an equal;
  • agree on what he can do and what is strictly prohibited;
  • listen to the child’s criticism, ask him to give reasons for his opinion;
  • discuss the importance of education and school;
  • ask him every day how he is doing at school;
  • talk about the child’s progress and achievements, praise him for it;
  • find out what task was given today, help if necessary;
    don’t focus on bad grades;
  • support your teenager if he fails a test or exam;
  • if you have serious learning problems, hire a tutor;
  • set clear goals for him: what he wants to achieve and what knowledge he needs to master for this;
  • set a deadline for achieving this goal (by what date should it be learned or corrected);
  • If possible, tell us about the importance of training (why is it needed, how will it be useful in life);
  • track your study results;
  • establish methods of encouragement, praise only for the task, this stimulates motivation;
  • do not make excessive demands;
  • do not compare academic achievements with the teenager’s classmates;
    just love your child.

Children become purposeful and responsible people if they are motivated to constantly develop and learn. Every conscientious parent, using the information given above, can create a desire to learn in a teenager.

No matter how much you talk about studying, praise is more important

Why do our children study? To find out Ohm's law or distinguish participles from gerunds? No! They haven't needed these laws for a hundred years. They learn for the sake of parental appreciation and praise. They want to know for sure: dad and mom are proud of me, I won’t let them down.

Don't read notations, rely on curiosity. This will make studying attractive and the range of interests will expand all the time. And it is extremely important not to make a kind of cult out of study. In addition to lessons, a teenager’s life should include friends, hobbies, sports, and communication. Only sincere participation can motivate a teenager to study. The psychologist's advice that you have learned and your ardent desire to turn your child into an excellent student will help you sort out a difficult matter.

The problem of low motivation in secondary school is relevant in any educational institution; it is rare that a parent has not encountered it. I know from my own experience how parents perceive this. You can usually hear the following words: “I don’t understand what happened to him! In elementary school, Elena Ivanovna praised us, but when I came to the fifth school, it was as if they had replaced the child!”

Some begin to look for the reason in the teachers who teach in their son’s or daughter’s class. It is possible, of course, that the reason is one of the teachers, but this probability is negligible.

Some parents look at their child’s grades and say: “That’s why he got a “4” in math in the fourth grade, and a “3” in fifth grade? This Ekaterina Ivanovna is apparently finding fault with him!”

Or maybe the fact is that your fifth-grader’s program has become more complicated, there’s a new teacher to whom he’s not yet accustomed?

Adaptation period. Don't make mistakes

Fifth graders, like first graders, go through adaptation period, during which they get used to new rules, teachers, and class teacher. No matter how children are prepared for this transition and change, for any child it is stress that prevents them from concentrating on their studies. Therefore, just be close to your child at that moment, keep in touch with the class teacher. During this period, you should not say (especially in front of the child) that one of the teachers does not inspire confidence in you, or doubt his professional suitability.

A case from one's life

I had such a case. A new girl came to my class (then it was 5th grade). Judging by the report card that she brought from her previous place of study, the girl was a C student in almost all subjects. She joined the team well, took part in class and school events, but there was a whole problem with English lessons. After the teacher gave her a bad grade for an incorrect translation, the girl stopped going to these lessons. No conversations with the teacher or parents helped.

And one day we were just talking to her and touched on an English assignment, to which she said: “Mom said that this (name, patronymic of the English teacher) gives everyone undeservedly bad grades. It’s time for her to retire.” It was unpleasant. It is also necessary to make a reservation that if for a primary school student the teacher is the main authority, then in secondary school the importance of the teacher in the eyes of schoolchildren decreases. Therefore, of course, I tried to convince the fifth-grader that she was wrong, but from her eyes I realized that I had not convinced her, because everything had already come together in her head: I have a “two” because my English teacher is bad.

Afterwards I had a conversation with my parents about this. This girl’s attendance and then her performance in this subject improved.

The transition to 5th grade for almost all children coincides with beginning of adolescence, children gradually become teenagers. Hormonal disruptions begin, the body is rebuilt and changes. At this moment, the teenager himself does not know what he wants: tastes, interests, priorities change (this is why parents cannot recognize their changed children).

Communication becomes the leading activity. Now the authority for the child will be the one who has become his friend over all this time (not necessarily peers, but parents can also be). And that’s why problems begin that didn’t exist before. This is not at all because your child has become bad, it’s just that he is growing up and doesn’t understand why everything has changed so much - it’s just that teenagers begin to look at the world differently.

How to deal with a teenager

At this moment, you need to start treating him like an adult, forget that he is only 12. There is no need to put pressure, try to insist on your own, because now it will be useless to achieve something. Try to talk confidentially, without judgment, with your child and discuss problems at school and a decline in academic performance. Most often, these are problems in a relationship with someone that your child is very worried about (I said above that communication is the leading activity). Discuss the situation and make it clear that you are on his side and are ready to help. When these external problems improve, then problems with studies can be solved.

If the problem of low motivation is in the study itself (i.e., it is not interesting, does not understand the material of some academic subjects), watch educational, entertaining videos on the Internet on subjects that are especially difficult for the child and discuss them together. Maybe it’s your joint viewing that will help your child look at studying differently.

And don’t forget about teachers and class teachers who can also help you with this. Be sure to keep in touch with them and discuss problems.

It also happens that the reason for a decline in performance in a particular subject depends on difficulties in the relationship with the teacher (we are all human, and we are all different). In these cases, do not rush to run to school and accuse the teacher of incompetence or complain to the education department. Try to understand the situation. Talk to your class teacher and ask him to help you find out what caused the conflict. Meet with the teacher in front of the child, find out the essence of the complaints against him and listen to your son or daughter about this, try to find a solution to this situation together. I am sure that you will succeed, and your child’s attitude towards this academic subject will change for the better.

Motivation by material values ​​- is it worth it?

Another way that some parents “boast” is by motivating their child to study with something material (for example, if you finish the week without failing grades, we’ll buy a phone, or if you finish the quarter with “4” and “5,” we’ll go to the sea, etc. .). But is this method actually effective in this case? Someone might object to me now: “Of course, because the child tries to get good grades in order to receive what was promised from his parents!” I’ll try to prove to you that this has nothing to do with increasing his motivation to study.

What do we get as a result from this method of motivation?

  • "False motivation". Those. the child does not understand that he needs to study, and not his parents, who are so persistently trying to force him to get good grades and go to school.
  • Consumer education. The child begins to understand that for every good deed or service he can receive something in return.
  • "Begging" for marks teachers perceive it as a competition. Those. there is no interest in learning as such, but only in grades, which the child is ready to get at any cost.
  • Failures in studies (bad grades, comments from teachers, etc.) can provoke irritation, disappointment, stress from the child due to the fact that this will prevent him from getting what he wants from his parents. All this will only worsen the relationship between him and educational activities.

As you can see from all of the above, the result is a child who is chasing good grades, but still remains with low interest in learning and low motivation.

I hope I was able to show you that motivating a child to study with material values ​​is not an effective way if you actually want to increase interest in learning, and not FORCE him to get good grades.


Increasing motivation to study is not only the activity of parents or only teachers, the school, but a joint work that requires tactics and patience.

Remember that a teenager is no longer a child, so try to talk to your child more without pressure. And everything will definitely work out for you if there is complete mutual understanding between you and your child. And for this, learn to understand and accept him as he grows up.

This topic worries every parent. All families in one way or another face the problem of motivation to study. As part of our project “Teenager: Instructions for Use,” we decided to find out first-hand how to solve this issue.

A little about motivation to study - why I want to talk about it

Often parents don’t know how to get their child interested in learning? And when

It is not possible to interest the child, the question arises of how to get the child to study at school.

When I told my mother that I was writing this article, my mother asked me to give it to her to read when I finished. She has long been wondering how to get my brother to study. Mom read a bunch of articles about how to increase motivation to study in teenagers, but there was not a single one that gave effective advice on how to increase motivation to study. Therefore, I will try to write just such an article. Now, on behalf of this very teenager who needs to be interested in studying, I will tell you what I think about it.

Force and motivate

Sometimes parents ask, at what age is it better to send their child to school? At 5, as many busy and modern mothers do; at 6, according to standard; or at 7, as before? The reason for this question is often that parents are afraid of responsibility, and not their own. Psychologists answer that this should be done only when he is ready. One of my classmates went to school at the age of 8. When she went to school, she was not ready. And even now, 9 years later, I don’t think she’s ready. What do I mean by “ready”? Interested and motivated. Before entering school, it is very important to explain to your son (daughter) why this is necessary, what he (s) will get from it, why it is interesting, etc. When this is not there, then there is no desire to learn either. And then you have to force it. I always studied with joy, I was an excellent student, and it was me who was sent to all the Olympiads. So when my brother started school 3 years after I started, everyone was shocked that he was extremely uninterested. Of course, the questions of how to interest a 2nd grade child and how to interest a 3rd grade child are completely different. And the answers to these questions vary greatly.

But now, analyzing, I would like to make a few general rules about how to treat a child’s reluctance to learn.

  1. Help your child find a hobby - I think you have already realized that he is absolutely 0 in studies. But pay attention to his strong qualities. Maybe the only subject in which he has good grades is works? Or does your child know how to cook? What if he has hearing? To make him successful, you must develop him from all sides and turn your attention to what he has the ability to do.
  2. Don't set academic standards for him - Do you often tell him that he must have at least a 4 (5) grade in a certain subject? You know very well that the highest grade he received in this lesson was 3. He will feel guilty, nothing more.
  3. Believe in your child - Just try to buy your child auxiliary literature on a subject that he does not understand. Never opens a physics textbook? So explain to him that 5 minutes a day - and after a while he will have completely different results.

Motivation for school is a choice between “force” and “motivate”

It's up to you to choose.

Should a child be forced to study?

If you still choose to force, then think about whether it is so useful and whether it will bear fruit?

Anyone, especially a teenager, will perceive this coercion as a deprivation of freedom, and, as you know, freedom is included in the list of the main values ​​of a person. Very often, the words “C” student, “excellent student”, “good student” are used to evaluate not the efforts of children, but themselves. It hurts, but that's how it is.

It’s definitely not worth forcing. You need to help, listen, think about the problem.

If you motivate, then how?

If you have chosen to motivate and don’t know how to do it correctly, then this part is for you.

When I started writing this, I asked my friend what he thought about it. He replied that efforts should be encouraged, i.e. give gifts for success. I would like to argue with him on this matter, because no money is enough for a gift for every good grade, but often for parents this method seems to be the simplest and most reliable.

My vision is that you need to teach the little man to learn on his own, without gifts or promises, because the best reward will always be results and, very possibly, success.

In the new 21st century, everything changes literally every minute, and if previously for success it was enough to study for 10 years at school and 4 at university, but now you have to study constantly. The professions of the new century - programmer and copywriter - require constant acquisition of new knowledge.

Do you want success for your child? You will have to try first. A lot is written on this topic, I studied the advice of experts, and here are the conclusions I can draw:

  • when you do homework with him, try not to shout
  • accept any of his hobbies
  • teach him technical literacy
  • answer any of his questions
  • teach him to read, it may very well be that he simply hasn’t found a suitable book yet
  • don’t tell, but show (home experiments, for example, are a very cool thing)

Motivation for schoolchildren to study is a delicate thing. It is important to interest, make you look from the other side, and show the advantages of this or that activity.

Exercises to motivate younger schoolchildren to study:

  1. Letter - offer to send a letter to one of your relatives (grandmother, godmother, etc.). Let him write it himself, decorate it and put it in an envelope.
  2. Book - go to the library and pick up a book that interests your child.
  3. Poems - learn with him a verse dedicated to the nearest holiday.
  4. Presentation - Teach him how to make a PowerPoint presentation and ask him to make a presentation about, for example, the thing he wants for his birthday.
  5. Interview - help him make a list of questions, and in the evening interview dad.
  6. Story - ask him to write a story about something that is close to him, for example, about a thread and a needle.
  7. Phys. a minute - between doing homework, show some physical exercises. Still, you can’t sit and sit all the time.
  8. Video motivation for studying - watch a video with your child about how, for example, to decorate your kickstand or about the student life that awaits him. That is, it is important to understand what else study gives.

All these exercises will help you develop creativity and instill an interest in learning.

How to get your child to study and do homework

I read Nesterova’s autobiography a couple of years ago, and there were several pages about how in high school she didn’t do her homework at all. That is, she studied at school and remembered everything, but at home she did nothing. Involuntarily I remembered myself. How she crossed her fingers so that they wouldn’t check her homework, how she got bad marks, how she got out of it, but still didn’t do her homework. What is this? Definitely lazy.

If the question is: “How to get a child to do his homework?”, then the answer is: “Very simple.” Here coercion, constant checking, and so on come into play. Unfortunately, from my own bitter experience I will say that nothing other than this will help you. The child must want to learn. Because motivating a child to study at school is not everything. The main desire. We need to teach him to be independent, explain what is needed and why. It’s good if the child takes special courses and can do homework on his own.

Teaching a child to learn is easier and more enjoyable than forcing him!

How to make a child study well?

It's hard to force someone to study, and it's doubly hard to force them to study well. In theory, absolutely everyone can learn, and even learn well. In practice, this is not always the case. It all depends on the workload, the quality of the material presented, and the amount of time spent on classes. There is no one correct answer to the question of how to help a child study well. Remember that not all talented and smart children study well, and not all excellent students are talented and smart.

What to do?

  1. First of all, find out the reasons for bad grades and try to get rid of this reason.
  2. Talk to your child like a friend. Try to understand him and find out for yourself why you need him to study only with “excellent” marks.
  3. Find out what plans your child has for the future and teach him to set long-term goals.

How to interest a teenager?

If it is still easy to interest a child in grades 2-3 in studies, then motivating teenagers to study is a more difficult thing.

Keep in mind that the teenager knows that he needs a higher education, that he wants to do well in exams so that he can work later. But sometimes I am lazy. It is often confusing to think about the number of subjects that need to be studied, despite the fact that, as teenagers like to say, “I won’t need this in my life.” These are already problems of the educational system, but still.

Questions like: “What do you generally think about in class?” are rhetorical. Remember what you thought about in middle and high school. It is generally very difficult to convince a teenager that they need to study. And no matter how many times you repeat that without study there will be no work, without work there will be no money, he will think so only if he understands this himself.

A few ideas to motivate your teenager to study:

  • Read/watch the news with your teenager. Don't force, just offer. It must be something about his hobbies. Discuss this with him later.
  • Print or write quotes to motivate you to study. They can be in both Russian and English, for example. Stick them in visible places.
  • Choose a beautiful stationery/notebook so that using these things will be comfortable and pleasant for him.
  • Don't over-praise. You should be very careful here. It seems that it will never be superfluous to praise, but in fact, you will tell the teenager that he is already too good.

The problem may also be due to the fact that it is difficult for a teenager to study. Here, too, you should not resort to violence, but help. You can pass, teach how to study, see goals, not be afraid of tests, and quickly remember information. Because learning can really be difficult!

Motivation to study among students

When yesterday's schoolchild becomes a student, parents are no longer so serious about their studies. Like “your life, if you want it, study, if you don’t want it, work.” The opportunity to skip lectures is discouraging for students who are happy to take a break from school but have not yet learned self-discipline. Lack of motivation to study among students is common, because now everyone knows: a diploma is just a document. No one goes to work in their profession, and they only need to study at a university so that their parents don’t worry.

  1. The student should try to find contact with the teacher.
    The teacher and the student must be friends.
  2. University is an important place to expand opportunities, network and find yourself.
  3. At university, it is important to enjoy learning, go to university clubs with interests, and meet new people.
  4. It is important for the student to understand that discipline is the most important thing. You come to class in the first half of the day and spend the entire second half walking. You didn’t come once, you didn’t come twice, and the third time you don’t have to come.
  5. At the university you can sign up for an initiative group. Then authority appears, and new knowledge, and you want to get out of bed in the morning.

It seems to me that it’s great when a teenager and a child are helped to see their goal, understand why they need to study and make efforts. It’s good when a teenager is conscious and understands everything himself. But this does not always happen. And listening to parents can also be difficult... Therefore, courses on. Because when you are in the company of other guys, together with them you think about your goals and future, you don’t want to resist. You really want to become better!


Motivation is a thing without which it is impossible either at school or in adult life. How to find motivation to study if he doesn’t want to do anything himself? It is important to teach him to look for it, for the sake of his own success in the future.

Educational motives have the ability to trigger, direct and support those efforts that are aimed at completing educational work. This is a rather complex system, which is formed by motives, goals, reactions to success and lack of success, perseverance and the student’s own attitudes. Already in elementary school, educational motivation becomes a huge problem - children begin to make noise, get distracted, stop listening to teachers, and do not do the exercises that teachers assign home. Later, in high school, the desire to learn begins to waver. Those reasons that are clear to an adult are not clear to younger students. Adults understand why they need to study.

Motivating children to study

In order for a child to want to learn, he needs to be properly motivated. Students in primary school can study quite successfully if they rely on teacher assessment and (or) parental approval. Primary school students do not realize the value of the knowledge they acquire. Their favorite lessons most often include subjects containing elements of games and entertainment, such as drawing, labor, physical education. At this age, many students want to bring pleasure to a loved one with their good academic results. It is worth considering that the word “learn” for first-graders means not only gaining knowledge, but also communicating with friends at school.

For secondary school students, interest in lessons largely depends on the personality and nature of the teacher’s teaching; they want to become better and surpass their classmates in almost everything. In this case, there is a danger that if the student fails, he may develop an inferiority complex, which may lead to a reluctance to acquire knowledge. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child that you do not need to become better than someone else, you need to surpass yourself.

When a child goes to high school, he begins to realize the importance of the knowledge he has acquired.

Motives of the teaching

Cognitive – a pronounced interest in new knowledge, obtaining new information, pleasure from discovering something new for oneself. Such motives express students’ aspirations for self-education.

Social – the desire to gain knowledge for one’s future, the desire to become useful to society. Such motives include the desire to take a leadership position. This motive is an important basis for self-education and self-education, but is not perceived by younger schoolchildren. Children with leadership tendencies are often motivated by prestige. She forces you to be the first among your classmates, but she causes your classmates to ignore you. Students who do poorly academically have compensatory motivation. Thanks to this motivation, such students realize themselves in another field: sports, music, drawing, and so on.

The motive of communication is that only those subjects that include communication with classmates arouse interest among schoolchildren.

Social approval motive - the student craves the approval of parents and teachers.

The motivation for achieving success is the desire to do all the exercises correctly, to realize that you are talented and smart. Children with this motive show enjoyment of learning and acquiring knowledge.

Motivation to avoid failure - schoolchildren try to avoid bad grades and punishment for them. Such students explain all their results by ordinary luck and (or) the simplicity of the task.

Extracurricular motivation - a child at school is only interested in events that are not related to educational activities (concerts, exhibitions, competitions, etc.)

Types of motivation

Motivation can be external and internal. External motivation is created through the opinions of parents and teachers, who can both punish and reward the child’s results. Internal motivation comes from the student himself. He should be interested in gaining knowledge.

All of the above motives should be strived for, because this entire set establishes a high level of formation of students’ educational motivation.

Obviously, motivated learning is much better than forced learning. A student who has internal motivations to study receives higher grades than his classmates; the material he has studied will remain in his memory for a long time. And with all this, parents do not need to constantly monitor the child. Motivation is an internal process; it cannot be formed from the outside. But adults are able to help the child overcome this problem.

Teachers do not always take the time to motivate students. Such teachers believe that if a child comes to school, he should do everything that the teachers tell him. Also, some teachers use negative motivation to achieve success. Negative motivation gives rise to negative emotions and reluctance to learn and complete teacher assignments. Without the student's interest, there will be no result, and the material will not be learned, there will only be the appearance of the educational process.

In elementary school, parents and students cannot do without external motivation. But it is worth understanding and making it clear to the child that what is important is not the reward for the result, but the result itself. Most parents motivate their children with conviction, and the main arguments in favor of studying are the threat of poverty and low status in society. Such examples are not effective for children. Primary school students cannot appreciate the future benefits of education.

Motivation tends to change depending on a person’s state of mind, a particular subject of study, and so on.

Initially, students come to school with positive motivation. Adults need to make every effort to maintain this motivation.

How to increase motivation to study

The most effective way to develop internal motivation in a child is to do it with the help of the child’s curiosity. It is worth considering what exactly the child’s soul lies in and what he wants to do. Scientists have proven that fathers motivate children to learn. It is necessary to instill in a child to achieve something in life, to achieve something. A father, by example, can show his child how important it is to achieve something in life.

One of the main tasks of teachers in school is to teach the material in such a way that students become interested and want to study it. Sustained interest in a child can be developed through various lessons-games, lessons-traveling, and the like.

In order to develop internal motivation in a child, it is necessary to maintain a state in which the child is satisfied with his results. You need to praise the child even for minor victories, set the child tasks that he is able to complete. You should offer your help only if the task is really difficult for the child. Tasks for a child should be understandable to him and should acquire some meaning for him. You need to explain to the child and let him understand that defeats happen if you make little effort. It is always necessary to form motivation, whether in prosperous or not prosperous families.

However, one way or another, motivation is laid down in preschool age. And it is the parents who lay it down for their children. Many parents believe that it is not their concern to motivate their children and shift it to teachers and educators. The rest prefer to punish the child for poor performance: they are deprived of the computer, forbidden to walk or communicate with someone, some use belts. Many parents send their children to school quite early, when the child is not yet psychologically ready. He cannot be calm and do what he is told. It is necessary to develop in the child the ability to make independent decisions. Some follow the lead of their children and violate their daily routine. Every adult, be it a parent or a teacher, must understand this system and develop one or another motivation in the child. If a child does not have abilities in some subjects, it is worth paying attention to ensuring that the child understands at least one area. He must overcome himself, over the difficulties that stand in his way.

It is necessary to teach the child independence, let him set his own goals in his studies. It should be remembered that memorization in children occurs during play and (or) entertainment. You should always praise your children, not ignore them, their problems, experiences. You need to love children no matter what grades they come home with. Junior school students must understand that lack of ability in any subject must be compensated by diligence.

A child is an individual and he always needs support.

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