Cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar August. Beauty: calendar of lunar days

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A manicure can last much longer than usual and even bring you good luck if you choose a good day for it. The lunar calendar will tell you when and what manicure to prefer.

August 1: The moon will be in the constellation Cancer. This day is not the best day to visit a manicurist. Nails can become brittle and a manicure will harm them. Moreover, you can bring yourself into trouble and even illness. Likewise, this day is not favorable for cutting hair, as the lunar haircut calendar states.

August 2 and 3: The beneficial effects of the Leo Sign will not only help your beautiful manicure last a long time, but will also lift your spirits. Most likely, good news will await you. Astrologers advise you to choose bright shades of nail polish and not be afraid to experiment.

August 4, 5 and 6: The Virgo sign is suitable for manicure because it can strengthen your nails. It is useful to carry out healing procedures, since the effect of them will be very noticeable and only positive.

August 7th and 8th: The position in Libra is favorable for nail care. When choosing a polish shade, stick to light or pastel shades. A dark manicure on this day will protect you from enemies and help get rid of worries.

August 9, 10 and 11: The Moon will be under the strong influence of the constellation Scorpio. It is advisable to treat your nails very carefully, as they can be easily damaged. Otherwise, a manicure on this day will have a positive impact and can attract love into your life.

August 12 and 13: The influence of the constellation Sagittarius will increase. You don’t have to put off visiting a manicurist, since nail care these days can help you establish the necessary contacts and find mutual understanding with your loved ones. But painting your nails is not advisable. Therefore, use only strengthening agents.

August 14, 15 and 16: The Capricorn sign is perfect for manicure. Not only will your nails be beautiful and strong, but the polish will also last a long time. You will be very pleased with the result. From an energetic point of view, a manicure on this day will improve your health. A manicure can also give you a cash boost if you choose the right day for it.

August 17 and 18: position in the Sign of Aquarius does not have the strongest effect on the condition of the nails. When visiting a nail salon, focus not on caring for them, but on looking beautiful. You can choose the brightest and most unexpected colors and manicure options.

August 19 and 20: Not the best days for a manicure. The energy of the Pisces Sign can have a very bad effect on the condition of your nails if you visit a beauty salon. But strengthening procedures will be very successful.

August 21 and 22: The influence of the constellation Aries will increase. It is worth being careful: the energy of this day can cause brittle nails and cause trouble. The best choice for this period is not to do a manicure and give your hands a rest and not work on them.

August 23 and 24: These are one of the most favorable days to visit a manicurist. Thanks to the influence of the Taurus sign, you will not only get a great look for your nails, but the polish will also hold up very well. Your financial situation will become just as strong.

August 25 and 26: The Gemini sign has little effect on the condition of the nails and the results after visiting a nail salon. Therefore, it is somewhat pointless to carry out strengthening procedures. Regarding the treatment of nails and the choice of manicure, it is advisable to choose a standard and not too pretentious option.

August 27 and 28: The Moon will move into the sphere of influence of Cancer. This means that it is advisable to postpone the manicure so as not to harm your health and the health of your nails. Carry out only strengthening procedures, for example, chamomile baths at home.

August 29, 30 and 31: a good period for a manicure, which will take place under the influence of the Leo Sign. The varnish will last a long time and you will be very pleased with the result.

In order to always be aware of the influence of the Stars, check out the recommendations of the daily. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2016 04:03

We all cut our nails and get our nails done. But few people know that a manicure can be...

The first half of August coincided with the waxing moon. This means that all procedures related to promoting health and recovery will go smoothly and with great success. But it is better to do operations on days when the moon is waning, this also applies to a visit to the dentist - from August 19 to 30.

Lunar calendar of beauty and health for August 2016

The beauty and health calendar for August 2106 says that August 8 It’s better not to plan very important things, they can only bring stress.

Vulnerable: on the 7th lunar day, the bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, and sensory nervous system are most vulnerable.

Nutrition: fats and foods that are good for the kidneys, such as apples, plums, cranberries, rose hips, bran, fish.

The day will bring positivity, it is better to spend it in active activities. Conflicts are least likely. On this day it is easiest to get pregnant.

Vulnerable: considered vulnerable on this day

Nutrition: carbohydrates and therefore be careful, because during the waxing moon it is easiest to gain extra pounds.

This is a particularly dangerous day for expectant mothers; try not to lift anything and generally be on your feet less. For others, the day promises stress and overwork. Not a good day for surgery as wounds will take longer to heal

Vulnerable: genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Nutrition: fast. It is better to make this day a fasting day. Do not overeat, as it will be difficult for your body to absorb the food.

Beauty and health calendar for August 2106 says that August 11 is also dangerous for pregnant women. Quarrels with loved ones are possible, and any operations on this day are unsuccessful.

Vulnerable: genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Nutrition: carbohydrates.

An exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, but the body will be too sensitive to various chemicals, so it is better to give up medications.


Nutrition: Proteins are well absorbed. The body will take a long time to digest food today, so it’s worth including more vegetables in your diet.

A day when you need to observe moderation in everything. A dangerous day for those who suffer from blood pressure surges. There is no point in starting any health procedures.

Vulnerable: liver, blood, hips, veins, gall bladder, pelvis, hip joints, tailbone, buttocks.

Nutrition: proteins (same as the previous day).

Beauty and health calendar for August 2106 says that the moon is still growing and therefore it is better to postpone operations for now. But stomach diseases will be easier to cure.


Nutrition: salt. Lightly salted cucumbers and pickled apples are a great option to include in your diet. Drink more water.

On this day it is easiest to catch a cold and its treatment will be delayed. Avoid drafts and drinks with ice. Diseases associated with the digestive tract respond well to treatment.

Vulnerable: knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gall bladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

Nutrition: salt. Focus on those foods that will have a good effect on the condition of your bones (milk, fish, spinach, beets, etc.).

It is contraindicated to go to the dentist for an examination unless the situation is critical. Don't plan any important things for the first half of the day.

Vulnerable: knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gall bladder, cartilage, tendons, joints,

Nutrition: salt and fats.

Spend a day without a computer, as it will put a lot of strain on your eyes. If that doesn't work, take breaks while working at the monitor to exercise your eyes. A good day for a sauna, steam bath and massage.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, legs, nervous system.

Nutrition: fats. Your body needs healthy fats more, lean on plant-based fats.

Full moon. The day is considered a crisis, so try not to accumulate stress. Quarrels and conflicts are possible, take a day off from work.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, legs, nervous system.

Nutrition: fast. Eliminate food of animal origin. Leave only vegetables and fruits.

The moon is waning and operations can now begin to be scheduled. But the body is still very sensitive, it is better not to refuse general anesthesia.


Nutrition: carbohydrates. When the moon wanes, it's harder to gain extra pounds. You can indulge yourself with sweets. And those who are losing weight, if they give up starchy and unhealthy foods, will begin to lose weight faster.

The skin will be very sensitive, so avoid cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. But operations on the digestive tract will be very successful. The load on your legs increases, try to walk less.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Nutrition: carbohydrates, as on the previous day.

Headaches and migraines are possible. Give your eyes a rest, do special exercises. Plastic surgery is taboo to avoid side effects. An emotionally stressful day.


Nutrition: proteins.

It is better to spend this day in active mode. Surgeries on the kidneys and bladder will be especially beneficial. Dental treatment and plastic surgery are still dangerous.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw.

Nutrition: proteins. Take pity on your stomach and don't overeat.

Treatment of the genital organs will be successful. But my throat is at risk. The day is favorable for important meetings and decision making.

Nutrition: salt. The body will be sensitive to food, be careful. Include dried fruits in your diet.

The day will not be favorable. Since the moon is approaching a phase change, it is better not to schedule operations on this day. Danger of getting sick. Avoid cold drinks.

Nutrition: fast. Include choleretic products - lemon juice and olive oil. Be a vegetarian today.

The lunar calendar of nail beauty, favorable days for spa treatments, massage and health for August 2016 will tell you which days are best to cut your nails, do manicures and pedicures, extend and design your nails, how to attract good luck, love and money simply caring for your nails. The lunar calendar for manicure and nail care will tell you on what day to cut and extend your nails. Data is based on astrological and lunar cycles. Horoscope for today, tomorrow or any day in August 2016, the horoscope describes all the favorable and unfavorable days for taking care of yourself, your body, massage, manicure...

August 9– A good day to start a course of massage with aroma oils, spa treatments, yoga.

10th of August– Cutting your nails today will help you focus on your studies and studying the exact sciences.

August 13– Manicure of love. Cutting your nails today will help you tune in to a new relationship.

August 16– Not a very good day for taking care of your body and cutting your nails. All this will make you weaker for offenders.

August 18- Full moon. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Unfavorable day for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions.

August 22–Today you can cut and extend your nails, do a massage, all this will not affect your destiny and karma in any way.

24 August– Manicure, pedicure, extensions will help improve relationships with old enemies.

Thanks to the channel Horoscope for the provided horoscopes for each day of July 2016. Individual horoscopes, you can order on the Horoscope website -, and if you want an answer from a professional astrologer to an unusual question, then contact them on the website.

Also see Lunar hairstyle horoscope for August 2016 and be great.

Beauty horoscope for the remaining months and how to choose the perfect day for yourself to improve your karma and attractiveness, see here -

Beauty calendar for August 2016

Visit to the hairdresser

4-8, 9 (before 7:55), 14 (after 7:15), 15-17, 18 (before 19:35), 23-24, 29 (after 11:15), August 30.

Hair cut between August 4 and August 17 will grow back faster. On 1, 19-31 it is worth making an appointment with a hairdresser for those for whom it is more important that their hair grows slower and that their hair retains its shape longer.

A hairstyle done on August 4 (before 10:35) or August 30, during the passage of the Moon through the sign of Leo, will give the visual effect of greater hair thickness.

If the hairstyle requires clear lines, haircuts with ladders and thinning are suggested; for going to the hairdresser, it is better to choose August 4 (after 10:35), 5, 6 (before 20:00), when the Moon will move through the sign of Virgo.

14 (after 7:15), 15, 16 (before 14:55) are suitable for a haircut or hairstyle in a classic style.

At 16 (after 14:55), 17 and 18 (before 19:35, the Moon is in Aquarius at this time), 25-26 (moon transit through the sign of Gemini) are worth paying attention to if you want to experiment with your appearance appearance

August 2-3 (New Moon period), 18 (after 19:35), 19 and 20 (Moon in Pisces), 27-28 and (before 11:15) 29 (Moon in Cancer), 31 (day before the New Moon) .

Exposure to hair using strong chemicals (coloring, extensions, long-term styling and curling) should not be done on August 9-11, 18 (after 19:35), 19, 20 August.

We refrain from any experiments in terms of a radical change in image, going to a new salon or to a new master during periods of the Moon without a course: 4 (7:15-10:35), 6 (6:20-20:00), 8 (after 20 :40), 9 (until 7:55), 16 (5:45-14:55), 18 (12:25-19:35) August.

Visit to a cosmetologist

Procedures aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin should be carried out between August 3-17.

Cleansing procedures and manipulations to eliminate obvious skin defects will be most effective on August 1-2 and 19-31.

August 1 and 2 will be successful for cosmetic surgeries. In the second half of the month (starting from the 16th) you should refrain from any surgical interventions.

August 21 and 22 are unlucky for any procedures in the facial area, and August 23 and 24 are unlucky for any procedures in the neck and décolleté area.

Undesirable: 3-18.

Extreme caution should be exercised when working with any sharp, cutting objects on August 21-22.

Caution in the use of chemicals will be required on August 9-11, 18 (after 19:35), 19, 20 August.

Treatment and preventive procedures at a periodontist will most effectively take place on August 1-2, 25-31.

You should refrain from any dental treatment on August 14, 15 and (until 14:55) August 16, except for cases requiring urgent intervention from a specialist.


A massage for the purpose of relaxation, relieving cramps, and removing harmful substances is best timed to coincide with August 1-2 and 19-31.

At the same time, anti-cellulite massage will bring greater effect.

Relieving nervous tension is easily achieved if the massage course falls on the 16th (after 14:55), 17, 18 (before 19:35), 25, 26th of the month.

For treatment by a chiropractor, 4 (after 10:35), 5, 6 (before 20:00), 14 (after 7:15), 15, 16 (before 14:55), 23, 24, 31 ( after 18:25) August.

Fighting excess weight

1-2, and also after August 18, you will be able to lose weight without any particular strain on the body, observing moderation at every meal and giving yourself basic physical activity.

On August 2-3, as well as on August 31, it would be useful to arrange fasting days, and in the absence of contraindications, it is worth fasting. Try to drink more fluids at this time (plain clean water, tea without sugar, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices).

During the period August 3-17, if possible, we try to have the last meal no later than 4 hours before going to bed; in addition, at this time you should not limit yourself to drinking, plain clean water, green tea, herbal decoctions ( in the presence of medical contraindications).

On August 17-19, fruit and vegetable, juice or any other mono-diet suitable for you is indicated.

The time indicated everywhere is Moscow (GMT+3).

Moon phases in August 2016

September 1, at 12:04 – New Moon conjugate with an annular Solar eclipse, at 10 degrees Virgo.

The forecast contains only general recommendations, which are based on the lunar phases, as well as the transits of the Moon according to the signs of the Zodiac. Individual horoscope indicators can make significant adjustments to this forecast. Therefore, in cases where there is a need to choose the time for a particular action, taking into account all transit influences, as well as indicators of the natal chart, it would be useful to seek individual advice.

(c) Tatyana Zanadvorova


Throughout the summer, as part of the “Astrological Summer Non-Stop” campaign, I conduct workshops, the purpose of which is to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired both in our astro school (Elena Almakh School “SELEN”) and in other educational institutions, and also independently.

Classes are held on Mondays, from 18:30 to 20:30, at the address: Frunze street, building 5, office 520. For more information, please call: +7-913-915-7910, +7-913-794-4060, +7-913-463-1778

During the next lesson, which will take place on August 1, we will talk about Jones Figures. The cost of 1 lesson for students and friends of our school is 300 rubles, for everyone else 600 rubles. Those who attend every 5 classes are issued certificates (licensed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

I'll be glad to see everyone!

In addition, the astrologers of our School invite everyone to meetings at Astroclub. At Astro Club meetings (weekly, on Wednesdays, from 18:30 to 20:30), our teachers will review your horoscope together, answering ALL your questions within an hour. The cost of such a consultation is only 1,500 rubles. You can always sign up for a consultation through the application form on the SELENA website or by phone +7-913-463-1778, +7-913-915-7910

You should avoid visiting a nail art salon on the 1st-3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18-19th, 22nd-23rd, 27th, 31st. Schedule a manicure for another time. From an astrological point of view, these days are considered unlucky for external...

You should avoid visiting a nail art salon on the 1st-3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18-19th, 22nd-23rd, 27th, 31st. Schedule a manicure for another time. From an astrological point of view, these days are considered unlucky for external intervention in the structure of the nails. Be careful at home and at work: even an inadvertently broken nail can lead to various troubles.

For your attention - a complete manicure calendar for every day of August 2016:

August 1 . You should not cut your nails - there is a high risk of having a big quarrel or even breaking up with your loved one.

August 2. Changing the appearance of your nails will lead to problems at work. Any negative consequences are possible, including dismissal or destruction of your personal business.

August 3rd. It is undesirable to perform a manicure; changing the structure of the nails will increase the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases or severe food poisoning.

August 4th. The positive impact of the lunar day is partially reduced by the passage of our planet's satellite through the constellation Aries. Be careful not to damage your nails.

5th of August. Going to the salon will worsen your emotional state, and there is a risk of falling into serious depression. Reschedule your manicure to a more appropriate time.

August 6. Great time to get a manicure. An atmosphere of love and absolute mutual understanding will reign in the house for a long time. Feel free to experiment with nail art; the more original the manicure looks, the better.

August 7. The period of the Moon's passage through the zodiac constellation Taurus is not the best time for any cosmetic procedures.

8 August. Feel free to cut, paint or extend your nails. A good mood will not leave you for a long time, and those around you can only envy the charge of vivacity and energy.

August 9. Try not to damage your nails on this day, otherwise significant financial difficulties will arise. Astrologers recommend setting aside time for cosmetic procedures for the skin of your hands.

10th of August. Reducing the length of your nails will result in a sharp deterioration in your vision, and the nail plates may begin to peel.

11th August. By visiting a nail salon, you will improve your health, help strengthen your immune system, and attract good luck.

12th of August. Get a manicure with rhinestones and you will become more confident. This will help you achieve fantastic results and make your wildest dreams come true. All endeavors will be successful.

August 13th. A new manicure will increase your sexuality and attractiveness in the eyes of the men around you. And if you still haven’t found your soulmate, this will happen soon!

August 14. Astrologers advise refraining from cutting and painting your nails while the Moon passes through the zodiac constellation Leo.

August 15. The new moon is not a good period for changes in appearance, even such minor ones as changing the color of your nails.

August 16. Excellent day. A new manicure will cleanse your aura and help you realize your cherished dream.

August 17. You can paint your nails, but cut them with extreme caution. Any damage to the epidermis is fraught with deterioration in relationships with loved ones and the appearance of problems at work.

August 18. It is better to choose a more appropriate time for new nail art. Visiting a specialist on this day will significantly increase the likelihood of food poisoning or injury in everyday situations.

August 19. Another unfavorable day for manicure. Problems with the throat (sore throat, tonsillitis, etc.) and vocal cords may occur.

August 20. A great time to visit a nail salon and change your image. Experimenting with your appearance will be successful and will make you more attractive. And very soon fate will give you a pleasant romantic acquaintance. If you want to improve your health, do nail art in a nude style (as natural as possible).

August 21. Take care of your nails and hand skin with vitamin baths. Changing the shape and color of nails is not advisable.

August 22. A visit to a manicurist will bring trouble to your personal life and career. Serious disagreements with colleagues, conflicts with superiors, and even demotion are possible.

August 23. It is extremely undesirable to get a new manicure; there is a high risk that a loved one will cheat on you or leave for another girl.

24 August. An excellent period for nail extensions, coloring and cutting. Any type of manicure will give you vital energy, excellent mood and long-awaited creative inspiration. You will begin to understand your loved ones better, and old conflicts will resolve themselves.

25-th of August. Neutral day. Manicure will not affect your life in any way. Therefore, choose a more favorable time to visit a nail art studio if you want to enlist the support of higher powers in a matter that is important to you.

August, 26th. Good day for a manicure. Choose bright varnishes and gels, use rhinestones and decorative stickers, try unusual types of manicure - for example, water manicure. The more original your nails look, the faster you will be able to achieve success in business or study and the more effectively you will solve all your old problems.

August 27. Astrologers recommend not visiting a nail art specialist. You should not ignore their advice: otherwise, your enemies will make every effort to complicate your life as much as possible and quarrel with your relatives and friends. It is better to avoid obstacles than to heroically deal with negative consequences later.

August 28. Feel free to paint your nails with varnishes and gels of any color, but avoid changing their shape, otherwise they will become brittle and may begin to peel.

August 29. The full moon is an unfavorable time for cutting nails. It is only allowed to paint the nail plates in delicate pastel colors, this will attract financial success to you.

August 30. It is allowed to cut and file your nails, but be extremely careful: a broken nail will negatively affect your health. At best, you will have a cold, at worst, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. If it so happens that a piece of your nail breaks off, do not throw it away, but carefully bury it in the ground.

August 31. If you plan to radically change the color or shape of your nail plates, reschedule your visit to the nail art studio to a favorable time. This way you will save your relationship from a serious conflict or breakup.

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