Fashionable hairstyle “Ponytail with a backcomb. Ponytail with a comb: the secrets of creating a voluminous hairstyle for any occasion Ponytail with a voluminous crown

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A backcombed ponytail hairstyle is perfect for any event, be it a party, dinner party or business meeting. It’s not difficult to make, and no special tools are required. In this article we will tell you how to make a ponytail with a backcomb.

What do we need?

1. Wide, preferably with natural bristles.
2. Comb with fine teeth, preferably wooden.
3. Elastic band.
4. Level of fixation - above average.

How to make a ponytail with a backcomb? Create a stylish hairstyle in just 2 steps

Step one. Let's backcomb. To do this, separate a small strand at the back of the head, lift it vertically, then use a fine-toothed comb to make movements from top to bottom. You need to start combing your hair from the very roots - only then will the hairstyle look voluminous. As soon as one strand is ready, we spray it with hairspray and take the next one located under it, after which we perform exactly the same manipulations. The number of strands that need to be given volume usually does not exceed three, but if you want super-volume, you can increase this figure. As soon as the back of the head is ready, take a massage comb and lightly smooth the top. Please note: we do not comb it, but rather smooth it so that it looks neater. After this, we also use varnish, which we spray generously over the surface of the pile. This will allow you to maintain your hairstyle for a long time.

How to make a ponytail with a backcomb: some nuances

Step two. We collect hair in a ponytail. Let us note that a backcombed hairstyle looks great with a high ponytail, a medium ponytail, and even a low ponytail. That is, you can adjust this parameter yourself. So, after the bouffant is ready, we need to gather all the hair into a ponytail using an elastic band. Whether you comb them first or not is up to you to decide, since this hairstyle looks great both in a “tight” version, when all the hair is smoothed and pulled into a tight ponytail, and also in a loose ponytail, when some strands fall out and the elastic holds the hair weakly. There is even a variation of the mentioned styling in which the stripes are tousled before gathering them into a ponytail - to give the effect of negligence.

And now some more tips from experienced craftsmen

. How to make a ponytail with a backcomb so that the hairstyle lasts as long as possible? Before styling, be sure to wash your hair, since the backcomb on dirty hair does not last long, and greasy shine is inappropriate in this case.

The bouffant can be connected to the ponytail using usually an invisible pin.
. The tail does not have to be standard, at the back of the head. You can collect it from the side, then the bouffant will shift a little.
. Do not backcomb your hair too often: when you do it, the hair structure is disrupted.
. Use a strong hold varnish.
. A bouffant can be a great addition to any other hairstyle.
. Curl the ends of the hair in the ponytail with curling irons, then the hairstyle will become more romantic.
. Use a massage brush with natural bristles, which will comb your hair more effectively without damaging it.

Knowing that with a backcomb, you can create a stylish hairstyle in a very short time. Experiment and enjoy the effect!

One of the easiest and fastest hairstyles to do every day is a ponytail. Many perceive it as something ordinary, more suitable for household chores and sports. However, this is a big misconception. With a little imagination, an ordinary bun can be turned into an elegant hairstyle. For example, a skillfully made ponytail with a backcomb is ideal for both the office and a festive event.

Of course, with thick hair, the ponytail turns out much more chic. But owners of fine hair should not be upset: there are techniques that can help make your hair more voluminous, voluminous and impressive. How to make a combed ponytail correctly, who would suit this hairstyle and how to give it a twist?

This hairstyle is easy and quick to do, gives the desired volume, and is very easy to add variety to it. It is enough to add some accessory, make an original parting or place the tail in an unusual place - and it will look completely different. But not everyone can take advantage of all these benefits.

  • The backcombed ponytail hairstyle is done on long and medium hair. However, this is not an absolute limitation, because modern masters are able to offer solutions to any problem;
  • A ponytail without bangs looks quite extravagant and stylish. However, its presence will not spoil the hairstyle at all, giving the image more romance, tenderness and femininity;
  • you need to understand that a high bouffant will visually stretch the face and narrow it, so it is better for those with the corresponding shape to avoid it or choose a compromise option;
  • this type of hairstyle usually involves a completely open face, so it is desirable that it be of a regular round or slightly square shape and with beautiful features;
  • a backcombed ponytail with fully collected hair will not suit women with protruding, ugly ears, because it only emphasizes this flaw;
  • A smooth hairstyle will not suit women with angular features. But in this case, you can get out of the situation by leaving wide strands on your face.

How to make the “correct” bouffant?

This is a rather painful hair procedure. Therefore, in order not to spoil them too much, you need to know certain nuances.

  • never perform this procedure on damaged, brittle hair;
  • Only dry hair can be subjected to such a test;
  • backcombing requires clean, smooth hair, so it is better to wash it with conditioner;
  • hand movements should be neat and smooth;
  • It is imperative to fix the result with varnish or gel;
  • If during the procedure the hair is torn out in clumps, pay attention to their health. Perhaps your hair needs to be treated.

Hairstyle technology:

  1. Wash your hair and dry it completely with a hairdryer. For additional volume, you can lift the strands and direct a hot stream of air to the roots.
  2. Comb your hair with a comb. Grab a small section of hair at the top of your head, fold it forward and secure with a clip. This is a feature of the backcombed ponytail hairstyle: we leave the first strand untouched, and at the end of the work we cover the rest of the hair with it.
  3. Separate the next strand and comb it carefully. Do not bring the comb to the roots, step back 5 cm from them.
  4. Do the same with the remaining strands.
  5. After completing the procedure, lower all the combed hair one by one. Smooth them with your hands or a massage brush, forming the desired shape of the hairstyle.
  6. The bouffant should be well sprayed with varnish, preferably with a strong hold.
  7. Gather the ponytail with an elastic band. At your discretion, you can diversify it in any way suggested below.


  • For some it is more convenient to work in the reverse order: we throw the head of hair forward, grab the very first strand from behind and start combing;
  • each strand can be individually treated with varnish during operation;
  • the volume depends on the number of combed layers. The more there are, the more magnificent the hairstyle will be.

Making a high ponytail

This hairstyle option involves a backcomb in the front of the head and a ponytail attached to the top of the head.

  1. Separate a fairly wide strand from the forehead. Gently comb it, starting from the middle towards the roots.
  2. We pin the prepared part of the hair at the top of the head in any acceptable way. These can be beautiful clips, hairpins or invisible ones.
  3. You need to lightly smooth the comb with a massager and spray it with varnish to fix it.
  4. Pull the ponytail up onto the top of your head as high as possible.
  5. Apply hairspray all over the head and run through it with your hands to prevent frizz.
  6. The tail can be left as is or designed as your imagination dictates.

Hairstyle options

  • backcombing on the crown or on the hair at the front of the head, additional backcombing of the hair on the sides;
  • a high tail on the top of the head, on the side, a regular one on the back of the head, low;
  • a tail wrapped in its own hair;
  • the strands in the tail are pulled out or curled with a large curling iron, smooth or combed;
  • hairstyle with the addition of braids and braids of various types;
  • double or triple tail;
  • hairstyles with elastic bands.

Original ideas

  1. We leave the front strands near the face, make a backcomb on the top of the head, and collect the hair at the back of the head.

  1. We do the backcombing as usual, placing the tail at the back of the head or below. We separate a thin strand of hair from it and wrap it in a circle, securing the tip with a bobby pin.

  1. Add volume to the crown. Grab the top part of the hair and secure it with an elastic band. We also collect the remaining hair and cover it with the first tail. In this version of the hairstyle, it is better to curl the curls with a large curling iron.

  1. We backcomb it and braid it on the side using any method. Then we collect the tail.

  1. Idea for long hair. We comb the top of the head. We collect a high ponytail. Stepping back about 5-8 cm from the base, secure the hair with an elastic band. Then, after the same interval, we repeat the steps - and so on until the end. Fluff the hair between the elastic bands and add volume.

  1. You can go for a perfectly sleek hairstyle with a straight ponytail, or give it a slightly messier look by slightly tousling your hair.

When creating an image, stylists pay great attention to the hairstyle. And this is not without reason, because the further construction of the image depends on the hairstyle. If these are romantic curls, then the clothing style will be romantic and airy. Well, if the hair is gathered in a ponytail, and even an explosive backcombing is done, then the ponytail hairstyle may well try on its owner the image of a rock singer.

A ponytail with a backcomb is the simplest hairstyle that will not take much time to complete. And all you need to do is learn how to properly comb your hair and put it in a ponytail! And that’s it, the image of the fatal beauty is ready! So how to properly style a backcombed ponytail without spending a lot of time and effort? Everything is very simple, the hairstyle consists of several stages - combing, fixing with hairspray and securing the hair in a tight ponytail.

Combing according to the rules

Before you decide to make a bouffant, you should remember some nuances that you must adhere to:

  1. dry, brittle and split hair should not be subjected to this;
  2. if hair remains on the comb during this procedure, you should think about the health of your hair;
  3. it should be done only on dry hair;
  4. Do not make sudden movements while combing;
  5. to fix it, use varnish or styling gel;
  6. For easy combing, you should first wash your hair with conditioner.

Having studied all these simple rules, you can begin the process of creating a backcomb, which will be the basis of the ponytail hairstyle.

To perform backcombing you will need: comb or comb (do not use metal combs - they damage your hair), massage brush, varnish with the strongest hold.

  1. Wash your hair and dry your hair well.
  2. For volume, it is best to dry your hair by throwing it forward and directing the hot air of the hair dryer to the roots.
  3. After the hair is dry, you should separate the strand at the top of the head and comb it very carefully. You need to start doing this from the back of the head.
  4. The comb should not reach the roots, stop about 5 cm.
  5. When the first strand is combed, you will need to pin it with a bobby pin and move on to the next strand.
  6. A backcomb is formed from the crown to the forehead.
  7. Once the process is complete, you will need a brush to shape your hair.
  8. Having given the shape, secure it with pins and fill it with varnish.

The most important thing in this process is to complete it correctly, giving the hair a semicircular shape, this is very clearly visible if you watch how the ponytail hairstyle is performed in the video.

How to make a ponytail hairstyle

Now that you have learned how to bouffant, you can safely start creating your hairstyle. This hairstyle is ideal for those with thin hair. The tail will add volume to the hair and visually, it will seem like there is a whole head of hair, and it will also lengthen the oval of the face.

  1. You need to separate a strand of hair near your forehead; the strand should be wide and reach the middle of your head.
  2. Backcomb from the middle of the strand to the roots (strictly follow the rules described above).
  3. Pin the combed strand on the top of the head using a hairpin or bobby pin.
  4. Using a brush, with light hand movements, smooth the hair, but do not comb it, and sprinkle with hairspray.
  5. Gather the remaining hair at the back of the head, preferably near the hairpin that secures the bouffant, and secure with an elastic band.
  6. The tail strands can be pulled out with an iron or wrapped around a large curling iron.

As a rule, a backcombed ponytail hairstyle, the photo of which is provided below, suits those who have long or medium-length hair. This hairstyle would look ideal without bangs, but for those who have bangs, it is recommended to make the tail much lower than the top of the head.

The volume at the end of the hairstyle depends on the number of strands involved: the more there are, the more magnificent the styling will be. If you need to make a neat little backcomb, you can limit yourself to four strands. To provide additional hold, you can apply a little varnish when processing each strand, which will allow you to maintain its shape longer.

Before, how to make a ponytail with a backcomb, you still need to do the styling itself, as well as give the hairstyle the desired shape. To do this, use a massage comb to gently direct the combed hair back. And only after these steps can you remove the clip from the first strand and cover your combed hair with it, which will allow you to achieve a beautiful hairstyle. At the end, you need to fix the result with varnish, collect the loose combed hair and fasten it into a ponytail, for example, at the back of the head. By the way, the choice of how to place the tail can add additional variety to your hairstyle: on top, on the side or on the bottom of the back of the head.

In general, bouffant cannot be considered as an independent hairstyle: it is just a way to effectively give volume and fullness to your hair. Backcombing was used by both our mothers and grandmothers when there were no other means to create a stylish hairstyle. Stylists prefer to make hair more voluminous using foam or hairspray. But if you don’t have such hair styling products at hand, and you don’t have time for experiments either, but only time, and you need your hair urgently, then backcombing will help out.

A careless styling option is suitable for young ladies

How to make a ponytail with a backcomb

The most common method presented above is a ponytail with a backcomb - a comb with fine teeth that separates the strands, backcombs and secures them. The classic version of backcombing involves adding volume to all hair. But for the tail, a strand without backcombing is first left for the final design of the hairstyle: it will eventually cover the backcombed strands. It needs to be separated to the side. Work continues from the right half of the hair with gradual movement to the left side. One strand is separated from the other, sprayed with hairspray, combed from the roots to the ends of the hair and thrown to the side. Then the same actions are performed with the second, third and all subsequent strands. There is no need to touch the roots. This procedure is done over the entire head. A high ponytail with a backcomb is made by pinning already backcombed hair, covered with the first strand, at the very top of the head. This option is more acceptable among young people, although many old women who have managed to preserve good hair and a youthful soul use this hairstyle and look absolutely organic. At the end of the procedure, the tail is combed a little. You can disguise an elastic band in your hair with your hair itself by combing a strand of hair taken from under your ponytail and wrapping it around the elastic band that secures the ponytail.

As a result of such manipulations, the hair will be slightly damaged, so you will have to take care of its restoration with the help of masks, herbal decoctions, as well as other pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

True, you can do it using a more gentle method, which will help protect your hair as much as possible from harmful manipulations. Its essence is that you don’t need to tug the strands several times: just a couple of movements towards the hair roots are enough. The effect is almost the same, but the hair will be damaged much less. As before, the hair is not touched at a distance of five centimeters from the growth line. Unlike the first method, a comb with sparse teeth is not used, but is replaced with a brush with natural bristles. It is used for backcombing and combing, and later for other styling, as well as for scalp massage. The fact is that with natural bristles it is impossible to injure the skin and hair when combing, it cannot break them, does not smooth out the scales, and requires much less movement for combing. Therefore, this comb is simply ideal for backcombing.

How to do it right ponytail hairstyle with backcomb can be seen in the selection of photographs on our website, as well as in the video tutorial. And let your perky hairstyle add charm to you, and a good mood to everyone who sees it!

Ponytail with fleece photo

The bouffant adds a twist to this seemingly ordinary hairstyle.

You can tie a ribbon or scarf

This hairstyle is ideal for girls with thick hair.

Eva Longoria Gisele Bündchen Ciara
Nina Dobrev
Jessica Biel Jennifer Aniston Megan Fox Olivia Wilde
Jennifer Love Hewitt Miranda Kerr Gwyneth Paltrow Kim Kardashian


Sassy high ponytail

A low ponytail looks amazing on smooth, shiny hair.

Zoe Soldana

The effect of slight negligence

A well-known women's trick is to hide the elastic band under the hair. Easy to do and looks beautiful

Long hair is beautiful and very feminine

A casual, tousled ponytail for an evening stroll.

A ponytail may not be the most creative hairstyle, but it is definitely the most versatile and fastest, suitable for almost any hair length, thickness, texture. So that it is not monotonous from day to day, it is supplemented with weaving or root volume. How to make a ponytail with a backcomb and what you need to know when creating volume on your head?


Combing itself as a method of creating volume can be used absolutely anywhere on the head, but it must be justified: like any technique (hairdressing and not only) it is intended balance all parts of the image. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine whether there is a need for it and where to place it.

  • Those with an oval face and an ideal skull line can have a backcombed ponytail anywhere: high or low, central or side. Here you can start from the final idea and other details: clothes, accessories, as well as your own.
  • If you have a triangular face and a high forehead, it is recommended to avoid backcombing in the crown area, but you can evenly add volume over the entire surface of the head and place the tail itself to the side. Or make bangs, including their imitation.
  • For a square face and sharp, coarse features, adding volume at the crown is a great solution, but you should also leave some loose front strands to smooth out the corners.

As for directly how to make a ponytail with a backcomb, the entire algorithm of work is divided into 2 parts: this is the direct blunting of the hair and its subsequent pulling it into a ponytail. The hairstyle is done very quickly and fits for any occasion: from the working day to the grand entrance.

  • Comb the entire mass of hair back, separate the upper zone in a semicircle and, moving forward from the crown in horizontal layers, comb from all sides. At the same time, make sure that the height of the backcomb decreases as you approach the edge growth line, otherwise you will get a “pillow” on your head, and not a natural volume according to the shape of the skull.
  • Comb your hair back again, but now do not crush it and do not insert the teeth/bristles deeply: you just need to smooth the front side and set the direction. Holding your hair in this position with your hands, gather it into a ponytail just above your earlobe. To prevent the comb from becoming deformed, use an elastic band with hooks.
  • Separate the top strand 1-1.5 cm wide from the ponytail, wrap it around the elastic band, completely hiding it, and secure it with a bobby pin. If necessary, spray only this area with varnish, smoothing the strand, “gluing” it.

This hairstyle looks best on hair that is shoulder length or slightly longer, as well as when creating a slight casual effect. In this case, even an accidentally glimpsed comb will turn out to be a well-thought-out idea and will not disrupt the integrity of the image.

To give your strands this texture, use a salt spray or a small amount of foam, rubbed between your palms and applied to your hair before styling. After this, they must be dried with a hairdryer.

High ponytail in two variations

This stylish, discreet hairstyle is a frequent companion to business looks. She looks amazing on the wearer long and straight hair, because it primarily focuses on them. In this case, backcombing allows you to avoid the unnecessary effect of a “sleek” head.

  • Comb the entire fabric back, make a parting with a horizontal line that will separate the front zone: it should be equal to the width of your palm. Grab these strands with a clip and forget about them for a while.
  • Comb the main mass in the crown area and very slightly closer to the created parting. Pull it into a high ponytail, smooth the front side with natural bristles, removing any unevenness, remove the elastic and put it back on. Make sure the surface of the head is perfectly smooth. The volume should not disappear.
  • Now make a side parting on the remaining front zone, move the strands back from it, and wrap the ends around the base of the ponytail. Secure with bobby pins.

This hairstyle allows you to hide a high and/or wide forehead, as well as elongate your figure and compact face. If your curls are curly, it is recommended to go through them with an iron.

A ponytail with a backcomb can look very careless, and the backcomb itself is not located on the head, but... inside the tail. This technique makes it possible to visually increase thickness hair, however, is best suited for filming, since a strong gust of wind will easily show everyone what your hairstyle is hiding.

  • Comb the entire mass of hair and divide it horizontally from ear to ear into equal parts. Comb the top one at the roots, lightly smooth along the front side with a wide-toothed comb, and grab it with a clip.
  • Also lightly tap the bottom one at the roots, pull it into a ponytail as close as possible to the horizontal parting. After this, also gather the upper part into a ponytail so that it is located directly above the lower one, literally 1-2 fingers from it.
  • Comb the entire length of the lower ponytail, but reduce the intensity at the ends. Comb the top one only along the inner layer, straighten it with your fingers so that it completely covers the bottom one.

This brushed ponytail is best suited for subsequent twisting into a very fluffy, careless bun or knot: then the hairstyle will not be subject to deformation from the wind or too active movement. Or you can grab the tail in the middle with a thin silicone rubber band for the same purpose.

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