Glue powder for hair extensions.

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Have you decided to get hair extensions to become even brighter and more attractive? Spanish hair extensions in Moscow will give you the curls of your dreams in just three hours. Hair extensions using Spanish technology

allows every woman to become the owner of luxurious curls of any length and volume. ArtHair salon masters offer their clients the safest and most effective methods of artificial hair lengthening, one of which is Spanish extensions. Competitive, professional performance and valuable advice on hair care - you will get all this by contacting us. Positive clients are the best confirmation of this.

Features of the technology

Cost - price of extension

The price depends on the chosen length (from 30 to 100 cm), as well as the number of required strands (from 50 to 300 or more). Everything is selected individually depending on the desired image. Spanish hair extensions in Moscow

allows you to create any look: straight flowing curls or cute playful curls. The Spanish technology is easy to implement, but gives good results only if high-quality materials (glue, false hair) are used and the performer is qualified. The rich experience and constant professionalism of the craftsmen working in the ArtHair salon guarantee an impeccable result, which will lead both you and those around you to genuine delight.

Hair extensions are performed to improve the appearance of your own hair and increase its length. You can also create a highlighting effect without dyeing your hair - just add light strands. You can add length or volume to yourself in several ways. Let's look at the most popular hair extension methods.

Video about existing extension methods

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Extensions are woven into real hair. The woven strands can be artificial or natural. Your hair will first be divided into small strands, and then they will be intertwined with the same small strands of extensions. There are many weaving methods. These can be microbraids, when the hair is partially braided, leaving the ends loose. It looks original and leaves the opportunity to diversify your hairstyle. Braids can be braided pointwise or pressed to the head. You can add multi-colored threads or thin ribbons. It all depends on your preferences.

A method of hair extensions in which false strands, intertwined with real ones, are placed into braids that fit tightly to the head, is called cornrow. The procedure gives the most long-lasting results, especially if natural hair is used as extensions. But keep in mind that this build-up lasts more than six hours.

Video about a new version of weaving technique

Video about existing extension methods

Hair extensions with tresses

Hair tresses are long ribbons with strands of hair that can be sewn to the head or worn with hair clips. These strands are attached to the back of the head. Watch the video about hair extensions using tresses, and everything will become clear to you right away.

The method of hair extensions using tresses is considered the most gentle, since no chemicals or heat are used. Hair after sew-in extensions looks natural and can be styled in different ways. The procedure is, of course, long, but the result is worth it: with proper care, hair extensions with tresses will delight you for several months. Of course, the hairstyle with natural hair extensions will look best.

Video about existing extension methods

Glue hair extension method

This is one of the fastest extension methods. Extensions on tresses are not sewn on, but glued with special glue along the parting. This is the easiest way to add hair extensions to your hairstyle. If the color is chosen correctly, the false hair will be practically indistinguishable from real hair.

Express extensions using the adhesive method are used in cases where you need to grow your hair not just quickly, but very quickly. Your own hair is lubricated with gel or other styling product so that the hair fits tightly to the head. After this, a special cap is put on the head, to which tresses or strands of hair are glued. The hairstyle is done quite quickly, but does not last long.

Video about existing extension methods

Pros and cons of capsule extension technology

This is the so-called micro hair extension. The extensions are attached to the real hair strand by strand using special capsules filled with adhesive. For this procedure, ready-made extensions are sold, divided into strands.

There are two types of such hair extensions – cold and hot.

Video about existing extension methods

Cold capsule extension

To glue donor strands, special capsules with glue are used. This type of hair extension, according to reviews, is only suitable for blondes, since the glue, after drying, gives a whitish tint and can be noticeable on dark hair.

Video about existing extension methods

Cold extension on rings

The extensions are attached to the hair with tiny rings that are clamped tightly with a special tool. The procedure takes several hours, but the hair looks like real hair. If you use good human hair or high-quality artificial hair, the result will please you for several months. Hair extensions with rings (clips), according to reviews, have one negative point: the presence of a foreign body in the hair is felt for a long time. In addition, you cannot go to the sauna or dive into the sea with such hair extensions. This procedure requires correction after 2-3 months.

Video about existing extension methods

Hot glue micro extensions

To glue the hair, a special wax is used, which is applied to the root zone using a special gun. There are quite conflicting reviews about hot hair extensions. Some girls like it, they say that it is convenient and practical, others say that the wax on the hair is noticeable and it is inconvenient to care for the hair. The reason is that there are several technologies for hot and cold micro hair extensions. Each method has its pros and cons. Therefore, if you want to get hair extensions for the first time, only an experienced specialist will be able to advise you on one or another method of extensions, having previously assessed the condition of your hair.

The most popular microhair extension is hot microextension using a special ExtendMagic device. It heats up to only 90 degrees, so the hair is not damaged. The extensions are quite durable: correction should be carried out no earlier than after 3 months, and if your hair grows slowly and is not prone to loss and brittleness, 6 months may be enough. There are no contraindications for hair extensions in this way - you can do hot styling, visit the pool, sauna. But remember that any hair extensions require special care. These are professional shampoos and conditioners, as well as combs.

Video about existing extension methods

Contraindications for hair extensions

Contraindications to hair extensions are various skin diseases. For eczema, alopecia, and psoriasis, hair extensions can aggravate skin health problems. Do not decide to undergo the procedure if you have severe hair loss. First you need to find out the cause and stop hair loss.

It is not recommended to do extensions for girls whose hair is shorter than 7 cm. This is due to the fact that artificial strands have a lot of weight for too short hair. She might just not be able to handle it. Don't get hair extensions if your hair is too oily. First solve the problem with fat content, and then you can think about extensions. After all, keratin capsules or adhesive tapes will not stick to oily hair; they will simply break and slide off.

Extensions should not be done during pregnancy and for six months after childbirth. At this time, the body is weakened, and it is better to protect it from unnecessary stress.

Under no circumstances should extensions be given to people with cancer. Contraindications include undergoing chemotherapy and taking antibiotics.

If you don't know how your own hair will react to donor hair, attach a few test strands in advance. If everything is fine after three weeks, you can safely do full hair extensions.

Video about existing extension methods

Hair extensions and care

There are several recommendations for hair care after the extension procedure, which the specialist from the salon will definitely give you. We will provide general rules that will be relevant for your hair after extensions, regardless of the chosen method.

  • Do not use shampoo on dry hair. It is better to use special shampoos for hair extensions (you can buy them from a specialist in a salon).
  • Hold your head upright when washing. Try not to lean forward or backward.
  • Never go to bed with a wet head.
  • Do not use greasy hair products – masks, oil-based balms. And be sure to use a non-greasy conditioner that makes combing easier. Apply products along the entire length of your hair, but not to the root zone.
  • You should comb your hair at least three times a day using a comb with special wide teeth. Also, gently thin the strands from root to tip with your fingers from time to time.
  • At night, it is recommended to braid your hair in a braid, so it does not get tangled or break.

This is the fastening of additional strands of natural hair using a cold - glue - method on your own hair almost at the very roots.

What we call the Spanish extension was actually invented in Spain. (For example, “Italian” extensions were invented in England, but became widespread in Italy, which is why we call them that).

The emergence of this method is associated with the invention of a special glue that allows you to securely and permanently attach additional donor strands to your own hair.

This glue, developed by the Rueber company, which produces various cosmetic and trichological products, was a two-component composition close to keratin, the substance that makes up the outer shell of the hair. Rueber became the first composition in the history of hairdressing that did not cause allergies and was practically safe.

This is what the company's products look like today:

Since its premiere, glue for extensions has been offered by a variety of manufacturers, and the glue is still used to fix donor strands on hair.

The summary table below shows the prices for adhesive extension kits:

*Price information was taken from the websites of official product dealers in Russia.

When using Spanish extensions and most other methods, only and exclusively donor natural hair is added - it is collected all over the world and undergoes special processing. Donor hair is grouped into strands, always in one direction - according to hair growth. This is fundamentally important, because otherwise the hair will cling to each other with its scales and become terribly tangled.

In Spanish extensions, pre-prepared strands of hair are used at the base with glue. The hardened glue is a transparent capsule. The master uses a special composition that softens this capsule - it becomes suitable for adhesion to natural hair - and manually secures the strands, at the base of which there was an adhesive capsule, to the hair.

In the video below you can see the technique of performing the Spanish extension:

What should you expect when you are planning a Spanish hair extension treatment?

  • Firstly, a fairly long procedure and close interaction with the master. Be prepared to spend at least three and a half hours in the salon, and all this time the extension specialist will be next to you.
  • The master will fasten each of a hundred or two strands manually, separating the strands, securing additional hair, and checking the result.

    Therefore, make sure that you have complete psychological compatibility with the person performing the procedure. Otherwise it can turn into hell. Agree, spending almost four hours with a person - no, not bad, just not matching your personality - is a great test.

  • Secondly, you will have to decide on the quantity, color, length and quality of the hair extensions. Based on the quality of the hair itself, you will most likely choose from European and Slavic - this is a general classification of purchased processed natural hair. European ones are considered to be of poorer quality, while Slavic ones are considered to be of the highest quality.
  • European and Slavic hair differ in the country of origin of the raw materials and the degree of processing of the product.

    European manufacturers of hair extensions - and this is a large industry - receive raw materials, hair, from the countries of the Asian region. To make hair suitable for extensions (taking into account the structural features of the hair of residents of southern and Asian countries), they undergo significant processing: they are straightened and dyed. Therefore, they are thinner, more fragile, and have less vitality.

    Slavic hair is obtained mainly from representatives of Eastern European countries; it more closely matches the requirements of hair extensions in terms of structure and color, is less processed and depleted, therefore it looks better and “takes root” on natural hair. Here, of course, the master will act as your advisor, and you will have to make a decision based on the desired result and your estimated budget for the procedure.

    If on average 150 strands are extended, and each strand, for example, 50 cm long, of “European” hair costs from 40 rubles, and “Slavic” - from 100 rubles, the difference is quite noticeable. However, your master can insist on one particular type, having positive experience with it and a reliable supplier.

  • Thirdly, with the help of extensions you can achieve an increase in both the length and volume of your hair. Often, as a result of extension, both are achieved.
  • When planning the result after Spanish extensions, keep in mind that the initial length of your own hair must be at least 10 cm, the volume of additional hair cannot exceed half of your own hair, and the attachment site will be light transparent, so dark hair with Spanish extensions requires special selectivity. You can grow your hair up to 70 cm in length.

How to live with “Spanish” hair?

  1. In general, you will be able to lead the lifestyle you are used to. The presence of additional strands in your hair will not interfere with sports, dancing, or usual water and hygiene procedures. True, in everything you need to show the necessary moderation, however, in accordance with common sense and general recommendations:
  • If you go into a sauna or steam room, be sure to cover your head.
  • Use a swimming cap in pools with chlorinated water.
  • Wash your hair with smooth movements, without tangling your hair or letting it fall down.
  • Use gentle cleansers and care products.
  • To comb, use combs and brushes with infrequent teeth; do not lie down until your hair is completely dry.
  • If your hair has significant length growth, it is recommended to tie your hair up at night.

In the first days after the extension procedure, you may experience some discomfort. This is a completely natural phenomenon; you should not worry or worry too much about it. After all, new hair is a sudden additional burden and stress on the scalp. Therefore, your body simply must adapt to new conditions; after a few days you will completely get used to the new sensations.

  • You can care for it the same way as regular hair. You can even cut and dye them. Just when planning coloring, keep in mind two important points.
    • Firstly, the hair under the glue, where the hair is attached, will not be dyed and will remain the same color.
    • Secondly, your own hair and hair extensions may react differently to dyes.

    When applying care products - balms, oils, masks - avoid applying the composition directly to the adhesive capsule to avoid an unwanted reaction and not to soften or destroy the compound.

  • You can wear your hair extensions without correction for up to four months. During this time, if you did everything correctly during extensions and properly looked after your hair after the procedure, not a single hair should fall from your head. Literally.
  • Hair loss is a completely natural process; on average, about a hundred hairs fall out per day. Since your strands are connected by a tight ring of adhesive bonding, they will be held in place. True, over time, tufts of obsolete hair form at the junction points towards the roots. This, as well as the displacement of adhesive capsules from the hair roots, is associated with the need for correction.

    Stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos!

    Recent research into hair care products has revealed a horrifying figure - 97% of well-known shampoo brands damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But that's not the worst thing! These chemicals enter the blood through the pores and are carried to the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend that you avoid such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the Mulsan Cosmetic company. The products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of completely natural shampoos and conditioners. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics should not have a shelf life exceeding one year.

    Correction: what is it and how is it carried out?

    Over time, as the hair grows, the junctions move away from the roots. And the further from the roots, the more noticeable they become. In addition, they retain lost hair, and you also need to get rid of them from time to time.

    The adhesive capsule also needs updating: nevertheless, the longer it lives, the greater the risk that one day it will weaken, lose hair or break. Therefore, correction must be done, and the correction procedure has some features.

    1. Correction will take longer than extension. During correction, you must first remove the false hair and then fix it in a new place. Therefore, to the time that the extension procedure took you, you need to add the time required for hair removal - at least an hour. Therefore, calculate your time and finances in advance: additional work will also be paid additionally.
    2. There's no need to purchase new extensions if you're happy with the way you've been wearing them. This is an important issue of price, and during correction you will only pay for the work of the master. However, if some strands have been lost, or you want to add volume, just purchase the required amount of donor hair. If you decide to completely change the look or length of your hair, you will need to re-invest in its purchase.
    3. You may not continue to use hair extensions. Perhaps you decide to relax or are going on a long expedition. Then the master will remove your strands and return them to you until the next time you decide to repeat the procedure. By the way, if you are a big fan of false hair, it is still recommended to take breaks, at least small ones, from time to time. This way you will rest and gain strength for new procedures.

    How to choose a specialist or salon and how much does extension cost?

    1. As a rule, extensions are practiced by individual specialists and salons. Therefore, not in every salon near your home or work you will find a corresponding offer. But when choosing a master or salon, check out their portfolio, meet the specialist in person - you have a long, painstaking work ahead of you.
    2. The cost of the procedure consists of the cost of hair and labor. For example, if a strand of Slavic hair 50 cm long costs 40 rubles, and you need 140 hairs for the procedure, your purchase will cost you 6,000 rubles. Slavic hair costs at least twice as much.
    3. A private master will charge at least 30 rubles for extensions. per strand, in salons the price list may contain 100 rubles. per strand. Total work - from 4500 rubles. It turns out a lot. But for other types of extensions - for example, Italian or microcapsule - they can charge even more.

    4. Agree with the master that you can consult from time to time on care issues or any problems with your hair. It is easier and more reliable to obtain information from direct hands than to search for information on the Internet or from third parties.

    Now we can summarize some results:

    Spanish hair extensions are a safe, modern procedure. Its high cost is justified by the fact that you can wear hair extensions for several months, and use the donor strands repeatedly. You must approach the choice of a master with all responsibility, because his professionalism is the key to a good result and your satisfaction.

    After you have hair extensions, you can lead your usual lifestyle, following simple care rules. You will need adjustments from time to time. And you can remove your hair extensions at any time - just contact your hairdresser.

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    One of the safe and inexpensive ways to change the volume and length of hair is Spanish (adhesive) extensions. It refers to cold methods. This method is not new for a long time, but it is very difficult to find a hairdresser who can quickly grow hair using the Spanish method.

    “Inna Shakirova’s Hair Studio” is the only salon in Moscow that uses high-quality modern materials for adhesive hair extensions. Our team consists of qualified craftsmen. We use exclusively Slavic hair of the highest quality, as well as sets from global manufacturers: Rueber, Nix Group.

    Adhesive hair extensions from Inna Shakirova's Hair Studio

    The masters of Inna Shakirova's Hair Studio use the safest materials - two-component and three-component glue, colorless and black. The presence of a black adhesive base made adhesive hair extensions available not only to blondes and fair-haired girls, but also to brunettes. After drying, this glue does not turn white and remains invisible on dark strands.

    You can apply hair extensions using the Spanish method if you have a length of 6 cm or more. Our specialists create neat and compact adhesive capsules that blend in with the shade of your native hair and firmly hold the donor strands.

    Adhesive hair extensions consist of 5 stages:

    1. Consultation. The master of the Inna Shakirova Hair Studio examines the condition of the client’s hair and scalp, selects the appropriate shade of donor curls and their category.
    2. Preparation of extensions and native strands. If the client needs to change the color of her own hair and its length before starting the procedure, we carry out the necessary manipulations: we dye the curls, cut them. Extensible strands are formed by applying glue.
    3. Fixation of donor hair. The extensions are attached to the native microstrands using a special activator. This substance softens the glue, making it pliable. The master manually, without the use of additional equipment, forms invisible “grains of rice” that firmly bind natural and donor strands together.
    4. Hair processing and hairstyle shaping. The hairdresser at Inna Shakirova's Hair Studio provides free restorative therapy and styles your hair.
    5. Expert recommendations. Our specialists provide information on how to properly care for hair after adhesive extensions. In addition, each client is given a list of medications and care cosmetics that improve the condition of her natural hair, as well as increase its growth.

    The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 4 hours. The speed of the master’s work directly depends on the initial condition of the hair and the number of strands to be attached (from 100 to 200 pieces are added in one procedure).

    The duration of wearing curls with adhesive hair extensions is up to 1 year. Correction must be carried out every 3-4 months. Owners of thin, split ends and weakened hair should contact a specialist for correction 1.5-2 months after the procedure. If this is not done on time, the natural hair will become tangled and tangles will appear.

    Advantages of Spanish (adhesive) hair extensions at Inna Shakirova's Hair Studio

    Thanks to modern materials and the experience of the craftsmen, after the glue hardens on the strands, it does not interfere with the combing process and is absolutely not felt. After adhesive hair extensions in our salon, you will not feel discomfort either while sleeping, or in windy weather, or when creating high hairstyles. The frozen grains of glue are not visible on the strands and in the parting, they do not dig into the scalp.

    Strands grown using the Spanish method can be dyed with chemical and natural dyes, and styled using a hair dryer, straightener, or styler. Adhesive hair extensions do not mean giving up visiting the sauna and swimming pool. You do not need to worry that the adhesive capsule will not withstand high temperatures.

    By contacting us, you will not encounter such an unpleasant problem as hair extensions falling out. The glue firmly holds the false curls together with the original ones.

    Adhesive hair extensions from Inna Shakirova:

    • Suitable for owners of both thin and thick hair.
    • Creates volume on any part of the head.
    • Worn for up to 12 months (subject to timely correction).
    • Withstands exposure to high temperatures and oil-based cosmetics.
    • Safe for natural hair and scalp (the glue used in extensions is hypoallergenic).
    • It has an affordable price (compared to hot hair extension methods).
    • Accompanied by a long-term guarantee (for the work of the master - up to 3 months, for Slavic hair - 1 year).

    Want to shine? We will help you with this. Inna Shakirova's salon will create a unique and original look for you, making your hair not only long, voluminous, but also attractive. Call us right now: +7 910 476-61-11, and sign up for professional adhesive hair extensions in Moscow at a reduced cost.

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