Guasha therapy. Guasha massage for back Guasha massage plates

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Some of the original treatments used by people included stone needles, massage, hot packs, and Gua Sha.
The earliest source that mentions Guasha method, is the “Huang Di Nei Jing” (Yellow Emperor's Canon of the Inner) - a fundamental treatise of traditional Chinese medicine that is more than two thousand years old.
Much more mentions of Guasha contained in works on medicine of the Yuan (1271 -1368) and Ming (1368 -1644) eras.
In works on Chinese traditional medicine, this method is also called “Xia lyue” (夏掠).
By the time of the Qing era (1644–1911), descriptions regarding Gua Sha become more detailed.
For example, Guo Zhisui in the book “Jasper Balancer for Serious Diseases” (Sha Zhang Yu Heng) / 1674 / writes: “When using Guasha, measles rashes on the entire spine from the bones of the neck, on the chest, shoulders, are scraped out with a copper coin moistened with aromatic oil , or the base of a woman's hair comb; rashes on the forehead and legs are scraped out with a bunch of silk or hemp threads soaked in aromatic oil.”

In addition, an even more detailed description of the specific purpose and use of Gua Sha is given: “For rashes on the muscles, it is better to scrape them off; on blood vessels, it is better to refrain from doing so.”

The doctor Wu Shiji (1806-1886) in his treatise “Discussions on purification in a parallel style” (Li Lun Pian Wen) / 1853 / also mentions the use of Guasha: “When Yang is exhausted and there is pain in the abdomen, you should scrape the spine with a porcelain spoon dipped in aromatic oil; strengthening the connections of the five organs. If you scratch, the harmful element decreases, the disease itself weakens.”

Thus, it is obvious that since ancient times, treatment with Guasha method was widely used and the tradition of its use has survived to this day.

Basic concepts of Guasha technique

TGuasha technique Since ancient times, it has been widely used by the population of Asia in conjunction with massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, bloodletting and other methods of treatment.

The term "Guasha"(Chinese: 刮痧; pinyin: guā shā) consists of two characters.

"Gua"- a verb that has a number of meanings:

1) plan, scrape, scrape

2) scratch, scrape, clean off; those. scrape

3) shave; shave off

4) rip off the skin, rip off

5) spread

6) touch, catch (while moving); rub

7) comb your hair

8) to blow, to blow (about the wind).

"Sha"- noun meaning

1) Chinese medical terminology - cholera

2) a popular name for a number of infectious diseases.

Literally, term "Guasha" means "clearance of fever", in a more free interpretation - “treatment of diseases by scraping the skin until it turns red (Sha)”.

A "Sha"- this is the substance of the disease, which emerges during the treatment on the surface of the skin in the form of specific reddish dots or spots - petechiae.

In Vietnam, this technique is called “gau yo”, loosely interpreted as “selecting (scraping) the wind.”

The canon “Su Wen” (Questions about the simplest) of the treatise “Huang Di Nei Jing” says: “The wind is the chief of a hundred diseases.”

Wind is the main external pathogenic factor, while other pathogenic factors very often enter the body along with the wind, causing sha syndromes.

Sha syndromes caused by wind (风 feng), cold (寒 han), dampness (湿 shi) lead to blockage of the meridians, which manifests itself in the form of chills, fever, pain and bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tension and numbness in the area of ​​extremities, etc.

The Gua Sha technique is also known in Laos as "khud lam", in Cambodia as "kos khyol", in Indonesia as "kerik" or "kerokan".

What is the ancient Guasha method from modern views?

At first glance, Guasha is positioned as an instrumental massage.

But in the process of studying and practical application of the Guasha therapy method, new facets of understanding, practical significance and applied effectiveness of this method are opened.

Guasha therapy is a therapeutic and preventive method, unique in its effects.

The selection of treatment areas is determined according to the etiology of the disease and is determined by the basic concepts of Chinese medicine about the relationship between dense and hollow visceral organs.

The impact zones topographically coincide with the system of canals and collaterals (for more details, see G. Luvsan, 1986; M. Porkert, 1982).

In the process of performing Guasha manipulations, pronounced hyperemia forms on the patient’s skin, or extravasates are formed in the subcutaneous layer - a characteristic skin-vascular reaction to the effect in areas of pathologically altered tissues, which manifests itself in the form of red, bluish-dark, crimson-bluish-violet spots with large and small punctate petechiae.

The extracted liquid, rich in protein and cells of hematogenous and histogenic nature, which sweats from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation, is called exudate.

The biological meaning of exudation is that together with the exudate, immunoglobulins, active components of complement, plasma enzymes, and other biologically active substances that are released by activated blood cells are released into the altered tissue.

Entering the site of inflammation, they, together with tissue mediators, ensure the activation of the pathogenic agent, thereby stimulating tissue immunity and ensuring subsequent tissue repair.

Together with the reflex effect, the processes of autohemotherapy and detoxification of the body are launched.

Intensive and effective binding and removal from the body of many toxic compounds of various chemical natures and metabolites occurs.

In this case, the nonspecific immunological reactivity of the body is stimulated (G.I. Kostina, 2006)

Often, by people unfamiliar with the technique, extravasation that occurs when exposed to Gua Sha is mistaken for a hematoma.

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a tissue cavity, which occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall, that is, rupture of blood vessels.

Extravasation occurs on the skin or mucous membranes as a result of tiny capillary hemorrhages, which are a consequence of changes in the permeability of the vascular wall, and not a violation of its integrity.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, bloodletting procedures and massage.

The practical significance and therapeutic effectiveness of this method is confirmed by a number of articles and publications:

  • Positive dynamics in diseases of the musculoskeletal system with various vertebrogenic lesions (Boreichenko, I.V., 2004);
  • Positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of cervical spondylosis (Gou X, 1995;Wu FL, 1996);
  • Beneficial effects on the spine in cases of intervertebral disc herniation (Wang ZG, Tao Y, Wu NT, 2004);
  • High effectiveness of application compared to acupuncture (Li J, Li GZ, 1996; Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008); Analgesic effect in fibromyalgia (Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008);
  • Positive dynamics in chronic neck pain (Braun M, Schwickert M, Nielsen A et al., 2011), etc.

Theoretical aspects of the application of the Guasha therapy method

The Guasha therapy method involves the use of a special plate made of various materials: Asian water buffalo horn, semi-precious stones, tortoise shell, rattan, shells, porcelain and metal, which is used to treat certain anatomical areas of the body for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The surface of the skin is disinfected.

A thin layer of oil with a complex, multi-component composition (angelica Chinese; cassia; Chinese cinnamon; camphor oil, etc.) is applied to the patient’s skin, which has a therapeutic effect due to diffusion, and manipulations are performed in certain areas using a Guasha plate.

Treatment of affected areas using the Guasha therapy method has certain specifics.

Guasha therapy includes three main methods of influence:

Se-gua - movements are fast, with strong pressure (dispersion method);

Bu-gua - slowly with gentle pressure (stimulation method);

Pin-bu, pin-se - slowly with strong pressure (harmonization method).

Direction of movements: from top to bottom, from the center to the periphery.

The head and back are treated first, then the stomach and limbs.

The angle of inclination of the Guasha plate, the applied force, and the duration of exposure depend on the syndrome and severity of the disease.

The gouache plate repeatedly covers the area of ​​the used acupuncture point, capturing nearby tissue. The therapeutic effect is not diminished.

In case of possible allergic reactions to the components of the oil, it can be replaced with wine, aqueous infusion or water.

One of the main criteria when conducting a Guasha session is the need to keep the body warm, due to the need to prolong the effect of enhancing hemomicrocirculation and drainage of harmful substances of endogenous and other origin.

In this connection, it is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids after Guasha therapy.

Scraping plates can be disinfected, washed with soap, and then wiped dry with a towel. Their surface can also be wiped with alcohol.

The duration of a Guasha treatment session is 25-30 minutes.

Guasha therapy is prescribed in five to ten sessions per course, depending on the indications.

The sessions are repeated as the “Sha” petechiae disappear.

It can also be performed as a preventive procedure twice a year.

Indications for Guasha therapy therapy are:

1. Violation of the trophism and functions of peripheral nerve trunks: radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, sciatic neuralgia, as well as spasm and paralysis of the facial nerve, neurodermatitis, etc.

2. Diseases of the central nervous system: neurosis, neurasthenia, epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

3. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system: bruises of joints and soft tissues, damage to ligaments and tendons, tunnel symptoms, desmogenic contractures of joints, periarthritis of the shoulder, aseptic bursitis and tendovaginitis, contusion of the chest, abdomen, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, senile cervical spondylopathy, periarthritis of the shoulder, etc.

4. Arrhythmias, heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

5. Thromboangiitis obliterans, atherosclerosis, consequences of stroke.

6. Colds, rhinitis, tracheitis, asthma, rehabilitation after pneumonia or bronchitis.

7. Acute and chronic nonspecific gastroenteritis, reflux esophagitis, dyspeptic disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystopancreatitis, gastric prolapse, adhesive intestinal disease, constipation, diarrhea.

8. Urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, enuresis, anuresis, etc.

9. Algomenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammation, menopausal syndrome, mastopathy, etc.

Guasha therapy can be used to improve the patient's condition:

For swelling

Muscle spasms

Insufficient joint mobility

Insufficient blood supply or lymphatic drainage

Inflammatory processes in tissues

Decreased functional activity of organs and systems of the body

Contraindications to Guasha therapy are:

1. Tendency to bleeding caused by diseases of the blood or microvascular bed (thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, acute anemia of various origins).

2. Exacerbations of chronic somatic diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism).

3. Serious infectious diseases (severe hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.; infectious diseases during hyperthermia).

4. Women during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation in the lumbosacral region and in the anterior abdominal wall, as well as in the mammary glands.

5. For pustular skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes in the acute stage.

6. For children in the head, neck, spine area.

7. In weakened chronic patients of elderly and senile age.

8. People with mental illness, under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Avoid scraping birthmarks, tumors, surgical scars, etc.
  • You should not scrape the area of ​​the eyes, ears, nostrils, tongue, mouth and lips, external opening of the urethra and anus, navel, etc.
  • You should refrain from performing a session if you feel hungry, oversaturated, thirsty, or very tired in order to avoid dizziness or fainting.

In case of fainting, it is necessary to lay the patient on his back with his legs elevated, loosen tight clothes, and ensure an influx of fresh cool air.

We ensure peace and control of the victim’s condition.


Currently, the wide geographical distribution of the treatment and prophylactic method of Gua Sha indicates its popularity and is based on the therapeutic effectiveness of this method.

Guasha therapy is distinguished from other methods of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, moxotherapy, etc.) by its relative ease of implementation, which makes it accessible to mastery and widespread use by Russian specialists.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, and it is a consequence of the various effects of acupuncture-zonal effects (for more details, see Vogralik V. G., 1961; Vogralik V. G. ., Vogralik M.V., 1978; Tabeeva D.M., 1986; Chang H., 1983; and the totality of the effects of the bloodletting and massage procedures.

The obtained research results give grounds to recommend the use of the Guasha therapy method for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for use in sports and rehabilitation practices.

It should be taken into account that the Guasha therapy method requires further scientific and practical study.

Boreychenko I.V.

Employee of the research laboratory of biomechanics and kinesiology

Surgut State University of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, rehabilitation specialist.

Saint Petersburg.

The first mentions of gua sha massage are found in sources dating back to the two hundred years of our era. It is known to have been practiced in various Eastern countries, but in China and Vietnam it was one of the main methods for diagnosing and treating diseases.

The term "gua sha" comes from the merger of two words, which in Chinese mean "scrape, scrape in one direction" and "bad." Eastern healers believed that through their actions they literally “scraped out” “bad” energy (dampness and wind) from the patient, and thereby helped him overcome the disease.

Today it has been established that this technique really has a powerful healing effect on the human body. Therefore, it has become widespread in our country.

The main feature of gua sha massage is the technique itself. It is carried out using special devices - scrapers, which can be made from animal bones, turtle shell, stone (mainly jade), coins or metal.

Craftsmen even conduct sessions with ordinary metal cups, the edges of which are rounded. It is known that in the East, to restore strength after a hard day, a massage with ginger root soaked in rice wine was used. The root in this case served as a scraper.

The choice of scraper is determined by the individual preferences of the massage therapist. It doesn't matter what material he uses in his work. The main thing is that it is a specially prepared object that has an optimal shape and fits comfortably in the hand. The scraper itself does not have a therapeutic effect.

The use of “special” scrapers often explains the inflated cost of the procedure. But this is nothing more than a publicity stunt: from time immemorial, the Chinese have used ordinary ceramic spoons for this purpose and obtained the desired effect. Therefore, the optimal price for gua sha can be 1000 rubles per session, especially in the regions.

Execution technique

Before starting “scraping”, the massage therapist applies special massage oil to the patient’s body. Sometimes a few drops of aromatic oils are added to it, which increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Then he determines which anatomical area he will work with, mentally plots the meridians of the movement of vital energy and proceeds to action.

In this case, three types of massage movements are used:

  • se-gua – they contribute to the “dissipation” of energy, are produced quickly, with strong pressure on the skin;
  • bu-gua – slower but weaker pressure movements that bring bad “sha” energy to the surface of the body;
  • pin-bu pin-se - slow movements filled with strong pressure aimed at bringing “sha” out.

Each movement is performed in a specific direction. As a rule, the massage therapist does not lift the scraper from the skin for 10-15 cm, drawing peculiar lines. Under the pressure of his hands, blood is released from the capillary bed, as a result of which these lines acquire a red, crimson and even violet-blue color. By the color of the lines, specialists can detect sore spots and track the dynamics of the disease.

It is believed that the appearance of such marks after gouache has nothing to do with ordinary hemorrhages and bruises. The blood subsequently returns to normal and after about 5-6 days the skin returns to its natural color.

The disappearance of traces is an indicator that the patient’s body is ready for a new massage session, of which there should be at least ten per course. There is no need to take any additional measures to get rid of “Sha stains”.

Impact on the body

When the blood leaves its channel and flows through the skin, and then returns to the vessels, a process occurs that doctors call “autohemolysis.” The effect of this phenomenon is widely in demand in official medicine - procedures are carried out here, during which a nurse first draws a little of the patient’s blood into a syringe, and then pours it into the gluteal muscle (makes an intramuscular injection with blood).

As a result, the immune system is activated, which begins to look at even old, neglected, chronic inflammatory processes in a new way.

A powerful stimulus for its work allows you to cope with many diseases of internal organs, acne, pimples, furunculosis and scar defects. The overall vitality increases, resistance to infectious diseases appears. This is the first therapeutic effect of gua sha massage.

The second action is based on the activation of the nervous system through sensory endings scattered throughout the body. The lines along which the massage therapist runs the scraper contain a large number of reflexogenic points.

Through them, signals are sent to the brain, and from there to the internal organs, through which the course of all vital processes is regulated. Pain is relieved, inflammation is relieved, swelling is resolved. The organ begins to recover. The third action is due to the activation of general blood flow, lymph circulation, and regulation of the process of transmitting information from one cell to another. In the diseased area of ​​the body there is always an accumulation of blood and lymph, which is accompanied by severe swelling

Many have noticed that after an illness, or against its background, many other health problems appear, which sometimes cannot be solved. The reason for this is a violation of information communication, which is eliminated by gua sha massage.

In general, during the session, relaxation occurs, stress is relieved, and a solid foundation is laid for the body’s self-healing. But neglected self-healing processes can contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and a deterioration in overall well-being. Patients often say that they feel very tired when leaving the massage therapist’s office.

This is normal. Ancient healers even believed that if “there is no exacerbation, there is no treatment.” With each subsequent procedure the condition will improve, and after the full course it will finally stabilize.

Sometimes this technique is combined with moxibustion with wormwood cigars and aromatherapy, but it is usually not combined with other massage techniques.

Indications for use

  • There are three types of gua sha practiced today:
  • Medicinal;
  • Prophylactic;

Treatment and diagnostic.

  • Therefore, it can be carried out for different purposes - both to prevent and detect various pathologies, and to combat them. It is most often used for:
  • general physical and mental fatigue;
  • overweight;
  • neuropsychic exhaustion, neurasthenia;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • frequent “colds”, ARVI;
  • injuries of the osteoarticular system (in particular, muscles and ligaments);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia, sciatic neuralgia, etc.;
  • poor blood circulation due to heart failure, varicose veins, vascular pathologies, etc.;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • migraine, tension headache and unknown origin;
  • neurosis, irritability, depression;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type;
  • chronic osteoarticular pathologies, joint stiffness (ankylosis, contractures, etc.);
  • pain syndrome of various origins;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • indigestion;
  • chronic pathologies of the genitourinary area (including adnexitis, oophoritis, bacterial and non-infectious prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, blood stasis and pelvis);

A distinctive feature of this method is the ability to normalize the condition of the organ, acting in the direction in which it is necessary.

The beneficial effect of gouache on the skin allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for rejuvenation and solving specific aesthetic problems (elimination of wrinkles, scars, age spots, stretch marks, etc.). It is also useful to additionally apply cosmetic massage. Important!

Guasha massage is beneficial for various disorders of organ function. It will be useful both for increased and decreased muscle tone, both for sluggish bowel function and hypertonicity, both for increased excitability of the central nervous system and for general apathy and depression.

For this purpose, a facial and neck massage or preventive body massage is performed, which has a softer, more gentle effect, since its effect is mainly focused on the superficial tissues of the body.

Video lesson: how to perform a gua sha massage procedure

What you need to be prepared for

Before the session, you need to refrain from eating for one to two hours. But this procedure should not be carried out on an empty stomach, because many processes will start in the body, the normal course of which requires energy. If the massage parlor does not offer individual towels, be sure to bring your own towel.

Even during the procedure, the skin will actively secrete sweat and various substances accumulated in the body.

The beneficial effect of gouache on the skin allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for rejuvenation and solving specific aesthetic problems (elimination of wrinkles, scars, age spots, stretch marks, etc.). It is also useful to additionally apply cosmetic massage. Typically, the session lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. For the rest of the day, you should consume clean drinking water - at least two liters per day. It will ensure normal metabolism and help remove toxins, which will be released in large quantities by the organs involved by the massage therapist.

Do not forget that deterioration in well-being after a massage is quite normal. Drink more fluids, eat a light diet without fatty or fried foods, and get enough sleep to help your body do a spring cleaning.

Main contraindications

  • In general, the gua sha technique is considered harmless, but doctors believe that its use is best limited to the following conditions:
  • arterial hypertension;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin diseases of infectious origin, pustules;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • decreased coagulability and other blood pathologies;
  • wounds in the massaged area of ​​the body;
  • liver cirrhosis with ascites;
  • chronic renal failure;

The beneficial effect of gouache on the skin allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for rejuvenation and solving specific aesthetic problems (elimination of wrinkles, scars, age spots, stretch marks, etc.). It is also useful to additionally apply cosmetic massage. If you have serious chronic pathologies, it is better to consult your doctor about the possibility of using such a massage.

The effectiveness of this method is largely determined by the skill of the hands and experience of the healer. The result that ancient eastern healers obtained with its help cannot always be obtained by a modern master who has not undergone proper training.

Therefore, when choosing a clinic, office or salon to undergo a gua sha massage course there, first of all you need to pay attention to the level of training and skills of the massage therapist, as well as the reputation of the salon itself.

The first diagnostic method is based on the number of small hemorrhages per 1 square centimeter of surface subject to friction with a scraper


Before starting gua sha massage, specialists in this type of treatment first diagnose the level of “filling” of the body with toxins and wastes. The results of “slagging” can be assessed in two ways: by the number of petechiae (hemorrhages) and by their color.

Diagnosis of “slagging” of the body by rubbing a scraper on the skin is carried out by Chinese massage therapists as follows:

1. The first diagnostic method is based on the number of small hemorrhages per 1 square centimeter of surface subject to friction with a scraper. On any part of the back, the massage therapist begins to rub the skin with a scraper, applying slight pressure.

    If, after several movements of the scraper, a thick pinpoint rash appears (small hemorrhages, petechiae), this will mean that the “slagging” of toxins and decay products of this person is excessively strong. Logically, this conclusion is completely correct. The greater the amount of waste contained inside the skin capillaries, the more capillary ruptures will occur with a slight impact of the scraper on the skin.

    If several frictions of the scraper cause abundant small-point hemorrhages, then the body is diagnosed with “slagging” of the highest or first degree. Such a high level of slagging in the body can be eliminated only in 10 – 15 sessions of gua sha massage.

    If a rash in the form of small pinpoint hemorrhages occurs after rubbing the scraper for 3 minutes, then the body is diagnosed with slagging of the lowest or third degree. A low degree of slagging in the body does not require treatment with gua sha massage, so the massage therapist advises such a person not to carry out the procedure due to the lack of toxins in the skin of the back, so the treatment is no longer advisable.

2. The second diagnostic method is by coloring small hemorrhages. In a diagnostic test, “sha” spots, consisting of small pinpoint hemorrhages, can be of different colors:

    pale pink “sha” spots indicate hypochromic anemia or a large loss of blood (emptiness of blood and Chi energy), or the absence of toxins in the body, then the “slagging” of the body of the lowest or third degree is diagnosed.

    Bright red “sha” spots confirm the presence of a small amount of toxins in the body, then a medium or second degree “slagging” of the body is diagnosed.

    The violet tint of the red “sha” spots indicates that the amount of toxins in the blood is high, and most often these toxins are of infectious origin, then the “slagging” of the body of the highest or first degree is diagnosed.

    The black tint of the red “sha” spots indicates an extremely high amount of toxins in the blood, which can even threaten the patient’s life, then the highest degree of “slag contamination” of the body is diagnosed.

3. Determining the required number of sessions for complete detoxification of a given person. During the course, the patient must undergo (on average) 10 sessions of gua sha massage. The Chinese massage therapist determines the number of sessions that each individual patient needs to undergo immediately after diagnosis.

If the impact of the scraper indicates a slight slagging of the body (medium or second degree “slagging” of the body is diagnosed), then it will be enough for the patient to undergo 6 sessions. If a study of the intensity of the color of the “sha” zone during diagnosis indicates a strong slagging of the body (the “slagging” of the body of the highest or first degree is diagnosed), then the patient will have to attend a gua sha massage 10 – 15 times.

4. Vietnamese doctors proposed diagnosing the “degree of slagging in the body” by rubbing a scraper on the skin of the palm.

The palm has rougher and thicker skin. In addition, toxins from the skin of the palm are constantly squeezed out during human work. For example, after pressing the handle of a screwdriver onto the palm, all toxins from the skin of the palm will be expelled. Therefore, diagnosing the degree of slagging of the body in the palm of the hand is not accurate and indicative. In addition, after diagnostics on the skin of the palm, the patient will not be able to work with this hand for 2 days, as he will experience pain in the palm. published

©Valery Molostov, “Chinese scraping massage GUA-SHA”

The essence of the method is reflected in its name: Guasha (刮痧) consists of two hieroglyphs - Gua and Sha.

Gua means to scrape in one direction or scrape out. For this purpose, special plates (goua sha scrapers) are used.
the movement of the plate passes along a certain meridian of the body, head or face.

Sha is the substance of the disease, which comes out to the surface of the skin during treatment in the form of specific reddish dots or spots.
Sha indicates ailments in the body; by the color of Sha, by the location of Sha, you can determine which organs require attention.

Guasha is literally "scraping out diseases" and indeed, the treatment technique is based on the impact on the skin with special scrapers.

Plates (gua sha scrapers) are made from Asian water buffalo horn, tortoise shell, shells, jade, porcelain or metal. Water buffalo horn and jade are believed to work best. The Chinese believe that a buffalo spends its entire life working in the rice fields with its feet in the water, which represents Yin, and its back and horns towards the sun, representing Yang. The combination of these two principles gives rise to harmony, and the horns gain positive energy. Jade, in Asian culture, generally has almost magical properties: it cleanses the skin, karma and much more.

Diagnosis of diseases by Sha color

By the color of hemorrhages (Sha) one can judge the essence of the problem:

By the color of the hemorrhages (“sha”) one can judge the essence of the problem:

The pallor of the spots indicates depletion of qi (vital energy);

Redness signals an inflammatory process, heat;

A violet-purple hue is inherent in problems caused by blood stagnation;

Blackness appears with significant stagnation. By the color of hemorrhages (“sha”) one can judge the essence of the problem:

The pallor of the spots indicates depletion of qi (vital energy);

Redness signals an inflammatory process, heat;

A violet-purple hue is inherent in problems caused by blood stagnation;

Blackness appears with significant stagnation.

Benefits of Gua Sha Scraping

1. The procedure cleans the channels, stimulates blood circulation, removes waste and toxins from the body.

2. Regulates Yin and Yang, thereby improving the functioning of organs, allowing you to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang.

3. Relaxes muscles and tendons, reduces external effects on organic tissues, improves peripheral blood circulation, which helps relieve pain and resolve blood stagnation.

Types of Gouache scraping A

1.Scraping along the meridians(through channels and connecting branches).

  • - This Guasha technique can improve and regulate the functions of internal organs and restore the balance between Yin and Yang. Channels (meridians) are cleaned and blood circulation is stimulated.

During the scraping process, local tissues are filled with blood, the nerves of the blood vessels are irritated and the vessels dilate, toxins are quickly removed, tissue cells receive nutrition, thanks to this the blood is purified, the body's resistance increases and the patient's condition improves.

Resolves blood stagnation, relaxes muscles and tendons.

2. Scraping on the head

The head is the main organ in the body; the head controls all organs. By stimulating the corresponding points on the head, the function of certain organs improves. Scraping gua sha on the head is recommended to cleanse the head meridians, relieve headaches, and improve blood supply to the head.

For example, by stimulating the Fung Chi point (风池穴), you can clear the head nerves and reduce fatigue; by stimulating the Yin point on the head, you can cleanse the lymphatic system of toxins.

Scraping on the head improves not only the blood circulation of the head, but also the conductivity of Yang Qi, helps prevent and treat cerebral embolism, the effects of stroke, neurasthenia, headaches (various types), high blood pressure, dizziness, memory impairment, early graying of hair on the head, colds, hair loss.

3. Facial scraping

Guasha on the face is used for cosmetic purposes. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the face reflects Yin and Yang, all the reflex points of the organs are on the face, so lightly scrubbing the face has a beneficial effect on the entire body. They mainly cure facial diseases, and also eliminate spots on the face, improving its appearance. Diseases of the eyes, nose, ear, mouth, facial paralysis, freckles, boils can be treated; Facial skin is also protected from aging and its appearance improves.

Indications for Guache scraping A

1. Therapeutic symptoms: fever, headache, cough, nausea, diarrhea, acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, cardiovascular system disorders, enderitis, trigeminal nerve pain, hypertension, hepatitis, dizziness, insomnia, poor sleep, nervous disorders, etc. .

2. Painful symptoms: various pains, various bone diseases, cervical osteochondrosis, damage to the lumbar muscles, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperostosis of the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, hemorrhoids, etc.

3. Skin diseases: eczema, acne, hair loss.

4. Childhood illnesses: lack of nutrition, lack of appetite, childhood fever, diarrhea, enuresis.

5. ENT diseases, toothache, blurred vision, deafness, tinnitus.

6. Gynecological diseases: menstrual pain, menopause, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, postpartum diseases.

Gua Sha scraping is used not only for treatment, but also for weight loss. The basis for losing weight is that scraping will help regulate metabolic disorders, cleanses the channels of the spleen and stomach, improves the function of the digestive organs, and removes excess fats from the body.

Contraindications for Guasha scraping

1. Pregnancy (the procedure is not allowed on the lower back and abdomen of pregnant women).

2. Cardiovascular diseases, renal dysfunction, cirrhosis, severe edema of the whole body.

4. Some infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, anemia, thrombocytopenia.

5. Acute sprain, acute traumatic pain, fracture, etc.

6. Mental disorder.


1. During the procedure, the body must not be chapped.

2. During the procedure, bloodletting in the capillary vessels is sometimes possible. There is nothing wrong with this, but it will only strengthen your immune system.

4. After the procedure, the pores expand. Do not wash with cold water during the day.

5. After the procedure, you should drink warm water and rest for at least 15 minutes to strengthen the body and stimulate metabolism.

6. It is not advisable to perform the procedure on people with varicose veins on the legs. And if you do it, you need to do it slowly and on one side.

7. Scraping is not carried out in those places where there are still marks from the previous scraping.

Interesting facts about the Guasha method

Professor P.P. Mikhailichenko conducted global, long-term research that has no analogues in the world. The results of the studies showed that microbleeds formed on the skin include blood cells, plasma protein substrates, endogenous physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc. All these substances have a powerful stimulating effect on the body. And this effect lasts until the traces of the procedure disappear, and sometimes much longer. In fact, “gua sha” is autohemotherapy, i.e. treating disorders with your own “medicines.” Moreover, the body produces exactly the “medicine” that it needs at the moment. In addition to useful substances, “sha” contains various toxic substances that are eliminated from the body by the excretory systems.

The Gua Sha method is more than 5,000 years old, but this method was first presented to the public in 1996 in Beijing at the XXXI International Congress on Military Medicine. The conference was attended by 1,000 military medical experts from 103 countries. They had the opportunity to evaluate the new “gua sha” technique, which was demonstrated on soldiers and officers of the Chinese People's Army. At the same time, much attention was paid to the treatment of injuries received by military personnel during service. The results simply amazed the experts, and the gouache method received international recognition.

Manual gua sha massage has long been known to Chinese masters. The instrument used is a scraper, with the help of which, when exposed to bioactive points of the face, cells and tissues are rejuvenated and accumulated toxins are released. Today, such scrubbing is one of the effective rejuvenating techniques of Eastern medicine.

A little history

The technique first originated among the peasants of ancient China 6-8 thousand years before the new chronology. In 550 BC, the massage technique was described by Gongyang in the chronicle “Spring and Autumn”. Guasha translated from Chinese means scraping off disease. Gua - scrape, sha - bad, disease.

It is assumed that the massage was originally performed with scrapers made from pieces of buffalo horns or jade, a favorite stone of the Chinese. It was they who noticed that the body and body seem to be renewed after treating the skin with a scraper. Europeans treated the unusual technology with suspicion. They even punished the Chinese for carrying out procedures. But in the 80s, gouasha was nevertheless recognized as an officially valid, rejuvenating technique.

What is gua sha massage

Guasha is a massage technique for cleansing the face and body with special movements with a scraper, because:

  • removes negative energy;
  • identifies and treats disease;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates aesthetic defects on the face;
  • exfoliates, renews the dermis.


According to Chinese philosophers, it is the accumulated toxins in the body that worsen well-being, provoke organ failure and the development of diseases, and block energy channels. The gua sha procedure, namely 3 options: preventive, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic, is carried out today in many beauty salons.

How it affects the body

If carried out correctly, influencing reflexogenic areas of the face and energy channels, then useful and enjoyable gouache sessions:

  • eliminate congestion and excess fluid in deep tissues;
  • gradually cleanse the body, rejuvenate the facial skin;
  • restore the body;
  • enhance the production of antioxidants;
  • relieve vascular spasm, headache, fatigue, nervousness;
  • stabilize the psyche.

The beneficial effect of gouache on the skin allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for rejuvenation and solving specific aesthetic problems (elimination of wrinkles, scars, age spots, stretch marks, etc.). It is also useful to additionally apply cosmetic massage.

The gua sha scraper eliminates not only the causes, but also the consequences of the disease. Internal organs malfunction due to stagnation, which, according to Chinese healers, is closely related to energy channels. After working on problem areas with the hands of an experienced master, the structure of the upper layer of the dermis gradually improves, stagnation of the skin disappears, and excess fluid begins to be released when blood flows to the body.

As a result, a person gets rid of swelling, pimples, pigmentation, acne, and bags under the eyes. The dermis in the treated area brightens and becomes healthier.

What scrapers are used?

The technique, which affects certain reflex points of the face and body, is simplified in contrast to other acupressure procedures. Different scrapers are used for manipulation, so a universal tool is not provided.

In the old days, manuals worked with stone and bone scrapers without sharp edges. Today the masters select:

  • blunt-tooth combs for scalp massage;
  • fish-shaped facial scrapers;
  • triangular, square for limbs, neck, back.

It is preferable to conduct sessions with tools made of stone, such as spoons, which, when heated and combined with oils, deeply affect the tissues and do not lead to allergies. Other brand scrapers:

  • Jane Scrivner Gua Sha Tool made from carnelian with calming properties;
  • Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha Green Aventurine from aventurine - a stone of prosperity, good luck;
  • Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha Rose Quartz, made from quartz that opens the love heart chakra, particularly to oneself;
  • White Lotus Jade Gua Sha is made from jade, healing and calming the nervous system.


Guasha tiles are used in different sizes, thickness, shape, and material. It can be amber, plastic, wood, bian. The main thing is that they are hard enough, leaving small bloody trails and microscopic hemorrhages on the body. For example, wood is a valuable natural material. Thanks to its energy, it has a gentle effect on the skin and benefits the body.

Beginners, when learning the art, should avoid scrapers with sharp, pointed edges in order to avoid injury to the skin. It is better to use a fish-type tool with a curved edge at the bottom. Chinese manuals prefer ordinary spoons (especially at the end of the procedure). They have a stronger effect on the dermis, unlike scrapers.

Indications and contraindications

  • concerned about acne, pigmentation, scars, cicatrices;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • oxygen does not reach the cells well.

Guasha is not an aggressive technique and does not involve affecting the deep layers of the dermis.

However, it is not carried out if:

  • heart diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • herpes;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncology;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergies;
  • bleeding, skin wounds;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • numerous papillomas, moles.

The note!

The gua sha procedure is recommended for women after 40 years of age, when the facial skin inevitably ages, tone decreases, and sagging areas and wrinkles appear. The result will not take long to wait, because the effectiveness of manual therapy has been tested by time. Expression wrinkles will smooth out in 7-10 days, deep facial wrinkles - 3-5 weeks.

Types of massage

Guasha for the face eliminates external cosmetic defects and age-related changes. It involves coverage of wide areas, due to which harmful factors quickly leave the body through the skin.

Rejuvenation techniques performed:

  1. Cosmetic against wrinkles, sagging skin, external defects.
  2. Prophylactic to prevent diseases with the impact of the scraper on the meridians.
  3. Therapeutic and diagnostic, allowing to establish an accurate diagnosis and select effective treatment.

The optimal technique is selected taking into account age, skin condition, and cosmetic problems. Salon sessions have earned recognition: 36 movements, Magic of youth, Charming eyes. If you learn, you can do them yourself at home.

Preparatory stage

To achieve a beneficial result, the procedure for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin must be carried out correctly.

It's worth preparing:

  1. Disinfect instruments.
  2. Wash your hands and face with soap.
  3. Steam your skin, take a shower or a hot bath before applying the basic treatment to problem areas.
  4. Cover with massage cream and olive oil.
  5. Carry out stroking, rubbing, massaging movements with your hands.

Additional Information!

It is better if the massage oil used smells pleasant, thins out the aroma, moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with vitamins.

Execution technique

Step-by-step actions of a gouache massage session for independent treatment of bioactive points of the face:

  1. Stretch your hands, rub your palms to warm up.
  2. Blink, roll your eyes.
  3. Place your palms on your face and clap.
  4. Press lightly and count to 10.
  5. Press the area between the inner edge of the eye and the bridge of the nose with your thumbs. Count to 5-6.
  6. Tap your cheeks with your fingertips with force, of varying intensity.
  7. Put your chin forward and cover your mouth.
  8. Work the area on the chin, then the ears around the circumference, starting from the tragus to the lobe.
  9. Repeat each manipulation 10 times with calm movements.
  10. Work the massage lines first with stroking movements, then with sharp pressure in the following directions: the central area of ​​the chin - to the earlobe, the corners of the mouth - to the center of the ear, the nostrils - to the outer corners of the eyes, the upper line of the eyebrows - to the temples and bridge of the nose.

All movements should not be spontaneous. It is important to carefully move the scraper exactly in the indicated directions. First from the center of the treated area, then to the sides, along the projection of the internal organs on the body. Do not stretch the skin. To remove excess fluid, it is recommended to work the entire surface of the face: chin, cheeks, temples, neck, sinuses, back of the head.

The number of movements should be comparable to age.


Guasha massage fights the causes and manifestations of the disease. Thanks to the impact on local zones of eight biologically active lines, it has a healing effect.

It is enough to go through several sessions, such as:

  • acne and age spots disappear;
  • creases, sagging, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • marks disappear, swelling from lack of sleep;
  • pores narrow;
  • facial contours improve;
  • the skin is tightened, thickened, and rejuvenated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • texture and natural complexion returns.

By the way!

The session does not involve twisting or stretching of skin areas. The scraper is gentle. However, it regulates microcirculation of lymph and blood, begins to nourish skin tissue, saturates it with oxygen, and activates regeneration processes to improve the appearance of the dermis.

How many sessions do you need?

To achieve a full therapeutic effect, it is worth carrying out 10-12 procedures with sessions performed 1-2 times a week. For preventive purposes – once a month.

It is quite normal if, after performing a massage, a reddish-bluish tint appears on the skin, a burning sensation and tingling sensation are observed. This means that harmful substances and lactic acid are released when purple-black hematomas and bruises appear.

If hematomas do not appear during the session, then the quality of the procedure is probably low and it is necessary to increase the force when pressing the skin with a scraper.

The beneficial effect of gouache on the skin allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for rejuvenation and solving specific aesthetic problems (elimination of wrinkles, scars, age spots, stretch marks, etc.). It is also useful to additionally apply cosmetic massage.

The next session should be carried out after 5-6 days, when the unpleasant consequences subside. To avoid the opposite effect or lack of results, you should adhere to the time interval for therapeutic massage - 25 minutes, preventive - 30-45 minutes.

Chinese gua sha massage is a fast, safe way of rejuvenation that can be done with your own hands. After the session, exacerbation of internal pathologies, the appearance of chills, weakness, and loss of strength are acceptable. These are normal signs, because this is how the body reacts to waste coming out, toxin coming out. Beginners should learn first.

The manuals advise:

  1. Drink more fluids after each procedure.
  2. Perform under control if the skin is tender and vulnerable.
  3. Be in a good mood.
  4. Imagine how your skin will cleanse and tighten.
  5. Do not press the scraper too hard.
  6. Avoid use during menstruation in women, hypersensitivity of the skin, malignant tumors, raised moles, varicose veins, hypertension, open wounds in the areas being treated.

If you carry out the technique correctly, complement it with other therapeutic procedures, then pressure and direct impact on energy points will improve your mood, improve your well-being, and have a combined therapeutic effect.

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