The most famous marriage proposal at the wedding of friends. At the wedding, the groom proposed to his bride's sister, but the girl was not offended. Original marriage proposal

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Perhaps every girl secretly dreams of hearing an offer to become a loving and beloved wife, because this means that the chosen one is not just committed to sex without obligations, but is as serious as possible in his intentions and wants to create a strong and happy family.

How to propose your hand and heart to your beloved girl in a way that will be remembered for a lifetime? You can read the options in this article.

Romantic simplicity

First option

This proposal, it would seem, looks rather banal. It is suggested to bring the girl home or to a restaurant; if the situation unfolds at home, then prepare dinner, and if a restaurant has been chosen, then it is worth ordering dishes for a “tidy” sum. Before dinner, you need to agree with the waiter, who will bring out sweets at the right time dish with ring inside. You can also invite your future mother-in-law and father-in-law, but this is not a prerequisite, because the atmosphere of the evening should be saturated with romance and awe, and not tension.

To this method you can add the nuance so that the marriage proposal is accompanied by a romantic musical composition to which you can dance a slow dance, saying words of love. By the way, it is important to choose not an ordinary cafe-eatery, but a place where a magnificent panoramic landscape opens up, since this fact can make the moment of proposal even more exciting and joyful for two.

Second option: pleasant awakening. You can intrigue a girl by writing a note with a proposal, supposedly accidentally dropping a piece of paper on the pillow and going into the bathroom. After the future bride reads the text of the message, all that remains is to worry and expect an affirmative answer.

It would be very useful to make such a tempting offer in the form delicious cake, which can be ordered in advance according to your own sketch. The most important thing is not to forget to place the treasured inscription on the top tier of the product.

Third option: Let's go, beauty, for a ride?! Another great idea is to propose inside a luxury car, ordered in advance. Before this, you should visit the most beautiful places in the city, talk about romantic topics, and at a moment when no one expects it, say out loud the most important phrase in your life. You can do this by looking out of the car hatch.

Making an offer on a house

Home romance. The next piece of concept art will require phosphorescent wallpaper, which needs to be aligned correctly and the large letters of the phrase cut out. When the girl is not at home, you need to stick the blanks on the ceiling, turn off the lights and wait for her return, having prepared a bouquet of flowers. Walk, walk like that or how to surprise your loved one and neighbors. If a girl lives in an apartment or multi-story building, a crane, balls with sentence letters and, of course, flowers that have long been known to everyone will come to the rescue. Such a proposal will send the girl “to seventh heaven” with happiness, and besides, it will seriously surprise the neighbors. In addition, you can prepare the stairs in advance by decorating the railings. The same helium balloons are suitable for this.

Long live tenderness! By decorating the room with bright balloons, flowers and regular or scented candles, you can create an unforgettable romantic mood in the room.

If there are plush toys in your beloved’s room, you can put a ring and a romantic confession there, or even better, lie down next to her, kiss her and say everything that was planned.

Breakfast with a surprise.

Another version of the proposal looks almost the same, only now the action is transferred to the bedroom. After a fiery “night of love” you need to get up as early as possible, prepare breakfast (scrambled eggs, omelet, cereal with milk, sandwiches), put it all on a bright tray, and put a bouquet of the girl’s favorite flowers, bought in advance, on the bed.

If the embarrassment is so strong that you can’t speak, you can write a note with the text of the proposal. The method is very original, romantic and cute.

Let's go shopping

Love is a reason for madness

Men who like to attract the attention of people around them can invite their chosen one for a walk in a crowded place:

  • to the river embankment;
  • in the cafe;
  • shopping center or any other place

and, having gathered a large crowd of people, joyfully shout the proposal, causing a violent reaction, then take the girl in his arms.

Such a proposal will be remembered for a long time both by the lovers themselves and by people passing by.

Nice shopping. You can make an offer even when shopping for new clothes. You just need to take the shopping bag in your hands first, and while the girl doesn’t see it, hide the case with the ring at the bottom. Then everything is extremely simple: say the cherished words and praise the things the girl has chosen.

The art of unusual love

Theater begins with a proposal

For lovers of theatrical art, the following interesting idea is suitable. When you are planning to invite your lady love to the theater, you need to:

  • agree in advance with the director;
  • pretending that you need to go to the restroom, stand on stage;
  • give a girl a bouquet;
  • say the most important words.

There is no doubt that after such an original act the girl will fall in love with theatrical art even more than before.

The music will say it all... A proposal made at a concert of a band that a girl really likes to listen to will also look very original and bold.

There is no need to sing here, but going on stage will be very useful. Without a doubt, kissing under everyone's surprised exclamations and the sound of applause will be pleasant to the point of tears.

Love on the radio waves. Another extraordinary way to ask a girl down the aisle is to call a radio station familiar to both of them. Before doing this, you should quietly leave the house, a good excuse for which is going to the store.

Romantic proposals

"Loud" romance. For those who are not afraid of getting scolded by the girl’s neighbors in the stairwell, another plan is suitable. You just need to stand under the princess's window and shout about love and the marriage proposal as loudly as possible.

As for neighbors, you need to prepare in advance for a negative reaction to shouting. Someone, on the contrary, will support the lovers and smile.

Summer rain with a happy ending

This situation is like a sudden warm spell. summer shower, also fits quite well into the scenario of a romantic marriage proposal.

While walking hand in hand with a girl and casually running through puddles, you should, as if by accident, drop a box of jewelry and be surprised by asking the girl to pick up the fallen object. You can be completely sure that the chosen one’s surprise will know no bounds.

Tribute to the classics. It is very pleasant to hear a marriage proposal in the classic version, when a man, down on one knee, takes out a bouquet of the girl’s favorite flowers from behind his back and pronounces the long-awaited text of the proposal, looking his beloved straight in the eyes.

Unusual marriage proposals

Diving rules!

Diving to the seabed scuba diving– another worthy frame for such a proposal.

You need to descend with your beloved to the seabed, swim, looking at the wealth of fauna and flora, then swim closer, take the ring and give it to your beloved.

The proposal itself can be voiced already on land, for example, in a restaurant, twirling to the rhythm of a slow dance.

On the seventh heaven

Not everyone can and does know how to jump with a parachute, so this idea is only suitable for real daredevils who love extreme sports. One significant nuance - you need to guess the time so that the instructor with the poster can fly as close as possible to the place where it is planned to continue the love rendezvous with a picnic.

Right in the middle of the wedding, the groom's friend and his witness proposed to his girlfriend and diverted attention from the main characters of the celebration. The husband and wife at whose wedding this happened took offense at the witness and wrote to Slate magazine about the situation for advice on what to do. From there, the story went to Twitter, where everyone was sincerely indignant and began to offer the husband and wife plans for revenge, one more insidious than the other.

Twitter user @ashuhhleeee_ posted on her account screenshots of an anonymous couple’s question to writer Mallory Ortberg, who runs an advice column on the online publication Slate, with the comment: “Just look at this nightmare. I would never speak to John or Jane again."

Due to excessive attention, the girl closed her account from strangers, but the essence of the screenshots is as follows: the woman asked the writer what she should do next, because her husband’s best friend and witness at their wedding, John, proposed to his girlfriend Jane right during their ceremony, which distracted the attention of all the guests and ruined the special event for the bride and groom. She and John have not spoken for several weeks, but the woman doubts whether this is right.

The woman begins her letter to the magazine by describing how long it took her and her husband to decide to get married. At first they wanted to improve their lives, so that later they could organize an unforgettable wedding ceremony, where they would invite all their relatives and friends. And now, to the great joy of the families of the bride and groom, the wedding day has arrived.

The place was beautiful, everyone was happy, our families were delighted. My mother repeated the word “hallelujah” several dozen times. Everything was so touching... So touching that her husband’s best friend John, and also his witness, proposed to his girlfriend and announced her pregnancy right during the ceremony, the woman writes.

The wedding didn't go according to plan. Behind the enthusiastic exclamations of Jane herself and her family, the vows of the newlyweds could not be heard. The videographer often filmed not a husband and wife, but Jane and John. Even when the witness gave a toast, he talked more about himself and his girlfriend than about the heroes of the celebration. And John asked the musicians to play music especially for his dance with Jane.

The newlyweds' fury knew no bounds. They wouldn't be offended if John proposed to Jane after the ceremony, allowing the husband and wife to enjoy the special moment.

My husband hasn't spoken to John since our wedding. Our mutual friends think John was rude, but my husband shouldn't dwell on it. My husband jokes that the friendship will be renewed when John and Jane write him a check for $40,000 for half the wedding they stole from him.

The woman asks the writer whether she should worry so much about this or not. Mallory Ortberg replied that the main thing here is not to go to extremes. There is no point in hushing up the offense, because the act was still selfish. But there is no need to end a long-standing friendship either. In her opinion, her husband should talk to John, after which their relationship will either become even better or stop completely.

John is your husband's best friend, so your husband should tell him how hurt he was by John's behavior during the wedding.

But Twitter users who found out what happened were not entirely in favor of such a peaceful approach to solving the problem. The situation clearly angered them and they proposed various ideas of revenge against John and Jane for ruining such an important event.

Often people of the older generation complain that young people are not like that now, that in the past people were kinder, more sensitive and loved with their hearts, and not out of calculation. With all due respect, one may disagree with this - different people lived in each time period.

A marriage proposal is always romantic.....

Marriage proposal ideas will definitely arise

Many modern young people, as before, want to meet their only half and walk side by side with her throughout their lives. They dream of a beautiful fairy tale, which they are ready to give to their beloved, so that both the wedding ceremony and everything that preceded it will leave vivid impressions, which would be pleasant not only to remember.

To meet your loved ones, to tell your children and grandchildren with pride and enthusiasm about your love - isn’t this the desire of everyone who gets married?

A marriage proposal can be presented beautifully even in such a cold season as winter

A beautiful marriage proposal - what should it be?

The pre-wedding bustle is usually preceded by another pleasant ceremony - a marriage proposal. Each young couple experiences this event differently. For some girls, a simple proposal from a loved one is enough, such as: “Marry me!” And there are romantic and sensual natures who want to receive it in an unusual form and in an appropriate setting.

You can make an offer like this - present a ring in a gift box

Of course, you shouldn’t expect such a proposal from all lovers as in the famous movie “Pretty Woman” - there won’t be enough beautiful and wealthy young men with limousines and millions for all the girls. But every lover can make it memorable - he would have a great desire to please his girlfriend.

There are many different options, but each young person can add his own to this list. It doesn’t have to be chic, but it will definitely be pleasant. So what methods are there?

Marriage proposal - cake to help you

Such surprises are often used as congratulations on many occasions - on anniversaries, weddings and other events. Why not try it for this purpose? Buy a large box, order its festive decoration and delivery to your loved one. At the entrance, call the girl and tell her that a gift is waiting for her downstairs.

While she is leaving the house, the young man climbs into the box. The girl will receive a double present - an unplanned meeting with her beloved and a pleasant surprise in the form of long-awaited words from her beloved.

Romantic marriage proposal

Doves were the revered birds of Venus, the goddess of love, and symbolized purity and innocence. They create a couple for life, which is why they are symbols of Valentine's Day. You can arrange delivery of pigeons for a romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant.

Place the dove on the hand of your beloved, and the second one, with a ring tied to its paw, on the hand of the young man. Untie the ring and present it to the girl with words of love and proposal - isn’t that romantic?

Wedding rings in a bright box

Creative marriage proposal

And such a creative proposal is ideal for lovers of skydiving - presenting a ring to a girl in flight. Of course, in such a ceremony the presence of a jumping instructor is mandatory. One can say with confidence about such a couple that they were blessed by heaven.

Touching marriage proposal

What betrothed does not dream of words of love from her beloved in front of numerous witnesses? This is evidenced by the inscriptions that appear on the platforms in front of the house and on high buildings, so that they can be seen by acquaintances, neighbors and simply numerous strangers.

Your future spouse can imagine similar options for marriage proposals. For example, in front of her house at night, place an image of a heart and cherished words with lit candles, you can add New Year's illumination.

Original marriage proposal

In a picturesque corner, the newlyweds are waiting for a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth with champagne, sweets and a ring. The future spouse brings his beloved in a rented limousine and proposes at the table, perhaps in verse. And then the newlyweds will continue the celebration in a limousine rushing through the city streets at night. The dress code is formal only.

Marriage proposal in a romantic place in nature

Marriage proposal at home

This method is for those who respect traditions and customs. The young man asks for the hand of his beloved from her parents (of course, having secured her consent in advance). The girl does not tell her parents about the upcoming event; she prepares them dinner and a surprise. The future groom comes to this dinner and asks his parents for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

By doing this, the prudent groom will immediately win the favor and affection of his future relatives. Do parents need a lot? Respect and respect, and they will always lend a helping hand to young people if necessary.

Gorgeous marriage proposal

Chic options include proposals made during joint trips. These can be famous places that many lovers strive to visit - Paris, Venice, Prague, and any other place that the young man considers appropriate for such an event.

It’s like in American films, during a pause a daredevil goes out into the middle of the field and asks his girlfriend to marry him. If your bride-to-be doesn't share your athletic interests, it's best to avoid proposals over loudspeaker. There's nothing less romantic than a large gathering of beer bellies and chewing mouths facing your way. Just imagine, a girl may well refuse you?

Edible ring

Besides the fact that a girl might choke and suffocate (just in case, I've attached a picture of how to save her in this case), your girlfriend certainly won't want to hunt for her ring in a chocolate soufflé. The worst thing that can happen is that the girl successfully eats the ring, and then spends three days in the ladies' room, waiting for her treasured ring. Better save your time and nerves and use a good old ring box.

During a quarrel

Of course, this may end your fight, but it will sound so insincere. So wash the damn dishes already and save the offer for the next day.

At someone's wedding

Wrong, and there are three reasons for this. Firstly, your sweetheart will not want to share one of the most special moments of her life with anyone else, especially if with a special female in white who has spent six months preparing and preening for her big day. Secondly, you will look like an easily suggestible person. Thirdly, there is nothing stupider than proposing to your girlfriend at someone else’s wedding, pulling the blanket of happiness and joy in your direction.

On holiday

This option is only acceptable if you know that she will definitely agree. Otherwise, you simply will have nowhere to go. You can imagine those hostile glances at the pool, tears on the beach and plaintive pleas during breakfast. And all this will last approximately from 7 to 14 days.

Finding out she's pregnant

When you select the right words to answer, use the phrase Well. Then we should probably get married? - would be the wrong choice!

By email/SMS/on Odnoklassniki

Simply no. Forget even thinking about it. The same applies to yellow office papers with answer options - yes, no and I don’t know. This option will only work if you are 9 years old and the invited guests are teddy bears.

During sex

It’s better to joke during the last sweet seconds, but under no circumstances make an offer. Perhaps because after 30 seconds you will already turn over and start snoring.

I hope that you have already started thinking in the right direction, and you will be able to surprise your bride in a good way.

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her so happy and be remembered for the rest of her life! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of suggesting: “Let’s get married” or “Move in with me,” that the girl, instead of enjoying the happy moment, is upset about this situation for several more days. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways to propose marriage to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old fashioned way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The location here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass with a ring in it.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: “(girl’s name)! Will you marry me?”

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to air your proposal live at a time when you know she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, for example the romantic “I’m Flying Away with You” by Oxygenz

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or home, and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them signs that say, “Will you marry me?” and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, where your romantic feelings will be described. A couple of minutes after the presentation (she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create an Internet page on the Internet: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. The most important thing: do not forget to write your cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take a large box, put a smaller one in it, then an even smaller one, and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is decorated as a gift (she will be interested in unwrapping them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring at the bottom. No one has ever given your girlfriend such a gift!

12. Find a large box and bring it to your loved one at work. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and have someone tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the gift, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Go for it!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of the nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, prepare her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your beloved with a passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter with beautiful declarations of love and a ring on your pillow, and retire to the shower. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Scatter rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her that you bought her a gift to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and place napkins around with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slide a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, and when she unrolls the napkin to place it on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, and bring along a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says, “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your beloved a watch and write: “Let's get married”!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom; when she finishes the drink, the ring will appear.

22. New Year's idea: Hang a ring on the tree and challenge it to find a new ornament.

23. If you are dining at a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer, around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in it, lower a rubber ducky with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Serve her oysters in bed and place the ring in the shell.

26. Write your sentence on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you're on the beach, pretend you fished it out of the sea. Let her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and tape them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail in the heat star labels in the dark on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Stick arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - after all, your favorite team is playing! Ask the commentator to say your sentence.

32. Make an offer after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to accidentally get lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your loved one will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in big letters on the sand: “Will you marry me?”

34. Invite her to take a boat ride and ask your question.

35. Take her up in a hot air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and propose and propose romantically.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go treasure hunting. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Place your clues about the location of the key everywhere (you can at work, at home, throughout the city - use your imagination!). When she finds the key, she can unlock the chest and find the wedding ring.

38. Write a sentence in verse and recite it under her window.

39. Organize a birthday party, invite friends and family and propose.

40. Give her a thick album with dates, full of photographs, memorabilia and various comments. The last date should be the date of the day on which you present your gift, and in front of it, let the question be written in beautiful letters.

41. Invite your beloved to take a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to breathe in the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, especially for two people who love each other. Pull on your colorful rubber boots and waterproof jackets and go ahead and conquer the wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into the puddle and let it pick up the ring itself.

43. On such a day you can afford a luxury car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Give your loved one a real holiday, let her enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave you for a while, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your loved one to come home from work? Prepare her a hot bath with plenty of foam, light an aroma lamp that emits the scent of lemon, and decorate everything with rose petals. Let your loved one relax, and then kiss and put a ring on her finger. A beautiful offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her by waking her up after a sound sleep with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Place the rose and the ring box on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice it, but how much joy there will be when she discovers a pleasant surprise. A good start to the day, a prosperous start to a new life together.

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