A conspiracy to remove belly fat. A conspiracy to remove the stomach and sides. Candle spell to get rid of belly fat

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Of course, every woman or girl dreams of a beautiful figure. But sometimes, even maintaining slimness, many fail to maintain a flat stomach. And this is despite all the efforts that are associated with fitness classes and a balanced diet.

Effective rituals

You should know that in such cases, to get a flat, beautiful tummy, which is a real decoration of the figure, a positive attitude is not enough. And only a conspiracy to remove your stomach will help you cope with this.

Water, which has excellent natural energy, is the first remedy to which you need to turn for help. It needs to be charmed with magic words and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. This will not only allow you to get an excellent figure, but also significantly improve your health.

A simple ritual

The ritual is simple and consists in the fact that in the morning, after pouring water into a glass (preferably spring or well), you need to use all your imagination and imagine your beautiful figure with a flat stomach. In addition, you should picture in your imagination your excellent health and, associated with an irresistible appearance, complete self-confidence.

After this, you need to read the following plot seven times:

“Transparent water flows deep in the earth, and does not allow the thirsty to drink. It flows through granite stone - it preserves youth, it seeps through fine sand - it removes my tummy, it breaks through clay - it takes fat with it. I’ll drink some healing water and I’ll become slim and beautiful. All my excess fat will melt, and all the food and drink will be for future use. Amen!"

With a candle on the waning moon

A conspiracy to remove belly fat can be carried out on a candle. This ritual should be performed once a month during the waning moon. The ceremony is carried out in a secluded place. You need to take a small wax candle, place it on a saucer and sit next to it.

You need to say the following spell:

“The wax melts from the candle flame, but the flame gives off a bright light. This is how my body radiates and burns excess fat. Let the rays of joy fly upward from my body and take the fat with them, so that it does not return to me again. Amen".

The spell should be repeated until the candle burns out. It should be remembered that the ritual is very powerful. Therefore, you need to repeat it after a month only if you think that you have not achieved the desired result.

Conspiracy against appetite

If you feel that you cannot lose your belly fat because you cannot resist sweets and delicacies, then you need to cast a spell against appetite. The ritual takes place on the new moon.

It will require the following attributes:
  • New handkerchief;
  • Three sticks of cloves;
  • Needle and thread.

At the moment when the new moon appears in the sky, you need to start firmly sewing the carnation sticks to the corners of the scarf.

Many women face the problem of excess weight, go on diets, and exercise. But the result sometimes leaves much to be desired. The fair sex is especially concerned about fat on the sides and abdomen, which is the most difficult to get rid of. Sometimes even relatively slender girls have this problem, and it cannot be eliminated. In order not to exhaust your body with diets and physical activity, you should pay attention to various rituals that allow you to remove fat.

For example, there is an effective Christmas spell to get rid of your belly. There are other rituals, and if they are performed correctly, the problem will quickly disappear.

The Christmas ritual is done using water. The best option is church water, which a woman should pour at a service in honor of the holiday. The Christmas conspiracy is done in the morning. You need to take a glass of water and say the following words on it:

“Water flows in the earth, preventing the thirsty from drinking. Flows through granite - it keeps the secret of youth, flows through sand - removes the belly, penetrates through clay - takes away the chaff. I’ll drink some water, the fat will melt, and (name) will have food and drinks for future use. Amen."

While pronouncing words, you need to visualize the desired picture. In other words, you should imagine yourself beautiful and slim.

Spell with candles and water

Another fairly strong ritual that promotes weight loss is performed with church candles. They must be purchased at an Orthodox church. You should purchase 13 candles. You also need to collect holy water.

  1. The sequence of the ritual is as follows:
  2. You need to lock yourself in a room all alone.
  3. Take off absolutely all your clothes.
  4. Light one of the candles.
  5. Place a glass of water next to you and take a piece of cotton wool.

“As wax melts in the fire, so will all my fatness disappear. As soon as I rub some water on my sides and stomach, all my fat will immediately melt away. It will melt and melt, it won’t come back to me, and it won’t get enough from the food. Word. Case. Lock. Amen!"

The ritual must be performed strictly at midnight. You need to repeat it until the church candles run out, 13 times.

For the Old Believers' conspiracy, you need to lie on a hard surface on your back.

Old Believers know their own conspiracy to remove the stomach and sides. It is simple to perform, so it can be easily done without any available tools. You just need to lie down on a hard surface in a supine position. This must be done during sunset. Next, on the edges of the palms, you should present knives, with the help of which the fat will be removed. A person should move his hands over the abdomen, from the solar plexus to the groin area, imagining that he is cutting off excess pieces. During manipulations, you should repeat the phrase:

“Cut down, get smaller, achieve your plans. Amen".

Candle plot

For such a conspiracy against belly fat, you will again need a candle purchased in the church. The ritual, just like the previous one, is carried out during the waning moon, when the sun sets. The candle must be lit and placed on a white saucer. Next, you should look at its flame and say the following words:

“The wax from the light melts, gives light, and so does my body, dissolving its fat. Let the rays of joy fly from my body into the sky, let the fat melt with them, it will not come back! Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ritual can be repeated several times, but the moon must be waning.

You can lose weight with a mirror spell

Rituals with mirrors have long been considered the most powerful. Therefore, you can try to carry out such a ritual to achieve weight loss. It is done strictly on the full moon. On a suitable night, you need to undress naked and stand in front of a mirror that shows a full-length reflection. Next, you should knead your stomach and sides with your hands, saying the following text:

“Now for the servant of God (name) to be slim and beautiful, Excess fat and lard will all leave the body, So that it will be just the way I want, So that the body will become graceful. I knead fats and sebaceous growths, I get rid of them with a magical massage. Amen!"

It must be repeated three times, without stopping actively massaging the problem areas.

A few more simple rituals

You can recall a couple more effective conspiracies that do not require special preparation. The first implies that you just need to go to the window and read the prayer text “Our Father” three times. After this, you need to look at the moon, saying the words below:

“What I see - add, what I stroke - decrease!”

You can and even need to repeat the plot several times. While pronouncing words, you should constantly stroke problem areas.

The second fairly strong conspiracy is the ritual with green tea. You should prepare this drink at dawn and wait until it becomes warm. After this, you need to say the phrase over the mug:

“Tea, wash me of fat, remove fat from my bones and return me to slimness as soon as possible.”

To lose weight, you need to really believe that the ritual will help

There are several basic rules that should be followed when performing rituals designed to get rid of fat in the abdomen and sides. First of all, you must really believe that such a ritual will help. While pronouncing words, you should imagine yourself slim, without fat deposits.

But if the process is meant to be repeated many times, then you can ignore the days. This applies, for example, to a ritual with 13 candles purchased in the church. It implies that you need to do magic every day.

Thus, if you want to get rid of fat on your stomach and sides, you can use effective spells. They do not require complex preparation, so they are accessible to any woman. It is enough just to choose the most suitable ritual and reproduce it.

For those who don't know how to quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas using a spell and instantly get a flat stomach will help magic and conspiracy - prayer for belly fat . Fat on the sides and belly are the most problematic areas that are very difficult to get rid of even by combining diet and exercise. Fast dissolve all visceral belly fat helps strong spell - prayer for losing belly fat which has already helped many men and women get rid of their beer belly and even tighten their belly after childbirth. This one old spell for belly fat popularly called "flat stomach spell" is wildly successful and very popular. Reviews about effectiveness of stomach spell you can read on forums about weight loss and almost 99% of those who used the conspiracy and did belly fat burning ritual We were pleased with the results. If you decide to get a flat tummy with the help of magic and quickly remove excess fat, this will help you belly slimming spell .

Before you start ritual for belly fat Read the Lord's Prayer three times and only after that begin read a strong conspiracy - a prayer for fat in the abdominal area and for figure correction :

I speak to the food of God’s servant (name):
Inhale, food, spiritual, blissful power,
Be food not a stone in the stomach and fat on the body,
And nectar in the soul and throughout the healthy body.
Fill yourself, food, with a nourishing spirit, with tranquility,
Give God's servant (name) complete pleasure.
Most of all, nourish her blood and brain,
The veins and skin, and return the rest that won’t go away.
For it is good neither for her body nor for her spirit.
Servant of God (name), have strength,
And the desire to eat heavily - die.
Turn away from food yourself,
Pray to God once again.
God help you, slave (name):
Don't try to overeat, think more about your soul.
At home and away – everywhere.

© Copyright: Magician


  • How to lose weight without harm to your health with the help of magic, well, of course, a spell on water that will quickly help you lose the required amount of kilograms without effort and without diets or exercises!!! The question of how to lose weight without dieting and sports is asked by many, both men and women, everyone wants to lose weight quickly without harm to health, and if this process takes place in 10 days, it’s a fairy tale! Now Maginya will tell you one interesting way to quickly lose weight using the white magic of water and the waning moon, and this process proceeds quickly and if you’re lucky, you can lose up to 15 kilograms in 10 days! The only disadvantage of losing weight using water magic during the waning moon is the lunar cycle. According to the rules, in order for a magical weight loss ritual to work correctly, the water spell can only be read on the waning moon and this is very important, but you can lose quite a lot of weight in a year and gain a beautiful and toned figure by removing all the excess fat from problem areas. So, after waiting for the waning moon, pour a glass of water and read on it a conspiracy to lose weight without harm to your health:

  • A white magic spell aimed at losing weight helps you quickly lose weight and remove excess fat from the places you need. It is best to carry out a magical ritual and read a conspiracy for weight loss with holy water on the waning moon, although if it is not possible to get consecrated water, ordinary water will do, in which you need to lower the consecrated cross and read the Lord's Prayer - in this way you yourself will consecrate the water for the weight loss ritual. In the evening, on the waning moon, place a jar of water on the windowsill and read a spell on it three times - a spell to help you lose weight:

  • An anti-fat spell read on water will help you quickly get rid of excessive fatness and gain a beautiful figure by removing all unnecessary fat by reading a spell on water. The ritual of gaining thinness is good for villagers, but city dwellers will have to go out of town, and I’ll tell you why now. So, the old spell against excessive obesity needs to be read with the simplest water, and the water spelled for weight loss needs to be rinsed from head to toe, but in such a way as to collect this water. Therefore, it is best to immediately stand with your feet in the basin. Pour the water collected in the basin into any container and now, in order to get rid of obesity with the help of magic, you need to throw out this water at the gate of the house whose owners keep pigs. The words of the water spell are:

  • Before I started reading the plot to lose weight, I was told with a glass of water before bed that the weight lost after the plot would definitely not return. I was delighted with this feature and before going to bed I decided to try this magical method - a weight loss ritual using water magic and a strong spell that will start my weight loss process and help me quickly and irrevocably lose excess weight. In my case, I wanted to lose 15 - 18 kilograms, and without shelving the idea, I began to prepare for the ceremony. Reading water spells for weight loss is common in many nations of the world. People know for sure that water enchanted to burn fat can very quickly remove fat and lose the amount of weight the body needs. Vanga ordered to read this powerful spell on your own, which can instantly burn fat on the stomach, sides and waist with a glass of ordinary water, which you need to drink before going to bed, assuring that the weight simply disappears every night. The words of the conspiracy need to be said once over a glass of water to start the process of losing weight in the body and immediately drink it a few minutes before bedtime:

  • A conspiracy to lose excess weight removes excess water from the body and breaks down fat. People who read a conspiracy to lose weight noticed a loss of excess weight the very next day after they read a strong conspiracy for water and the waning moon. After drinking the enchanted water, a person’s weight dropped to a kilogram per day. Even in problem areas: on the stomach, sides and legs, people’s volumes were reduced due to the dissolution of fat. All magical processes took place without diets and physical activity, but if you lead a healthy lifestyle and love sports, this is only welcome and will lead to faster weight loss and rapid weight loss. As mentioned earlier, you need to read the weight loss plot on the waning moon with drinking water poured into a glass. The plot needs to be read while looking at the waning moon reflected in a glass of water and then drink all the water in one sip, so initially do not pour a lot of water and it is better to take a dark cup in which the reflection of the moon is more noticeable. Weight loss spell:

In this case, it is simply impossible to spend 1 hour every day going to the gym. But what if you could fix your belly problem without leaving your chair? Would this be interesting to you?

Soap into foam, foam into fat.

As soon as the foam disappears,

Fat from the stomach and sides will go away. Lord, help, Lord, bless me to lose weight.

There is a bed on the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan. There is a feather bed on that bed, a pig lies on that feather bed, my fat is guarding.

That pig has two heads, three heads, four heads, five heads, six heads, seven heads, eight heads, nine heads, nine mouths. Eat my fat with the first head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head.

Eat my fat with the fourth head, eat my fat with the fifth head, eat my fat with the sixth head,

Eat my fat with the seventh head, eat my fat with the eighth head, and the ninth will eat up all my fat. It will take over my fat. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, Amen. Amen.

You can talk as long as you like about the reasons for excess weight. Laziness, overeating at night, a sedentary lifestyle and a bunch of other factors lead to the formation of unnecessary pounds on the body. If this is your case, then even the most powerful ritual will not contribute to your weight loss. Reconsider your habits and then the problem will become much easier to solve on your own, and not with the help of a conspiracy.

Ritual with water

The rituals of the Siberian healer are considered extremely effective in a variety of areas. Weight loss conspiracies are no exception.

  • To perform the ritual, you will need a new wooden comb, which it is advisable to buy on Saturday.
  • The ritual itself should be done on the waning moon.
  • In the evening, light two candles and place a comb on the table in front of you.
  • Imagine yourself slim and graceful.
  • After ten minutes of visualization, looking at the comb, say the words of prayer:

“As a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! As the nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig will get fat and fat, but my body will lose weight and get better! Amen!”

The weight loss plot needs to be read three times, after which the comb is put away under the mattress of your bed. You need to repeat the ritual every month until you lose excess weight. This plot is very simple to perform and does not require any specific components. Reviews from girls who have tried its action are only positive.

Ritual in the steam room

“The monk put on his cassock, went out onto the path and began to sing psalms. He ate bread and water on the way, avoided meat and lard, and avoided all kinds of baked goods. The monk sweated and lost a fair amount of weight. Likewise, a bar of soap becomes smaller over time and tortures itself. When the charmed soap disappears, God's servant (your name) will lose weight. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

The spell is cast three times, after which begin to wash yourself with the charmed bar of soap. Be sure to visit the steam room, this is an integral part of the ritual. Similar actions are repeated approximately once a month - after the enchanted soap turns into a remnant.

This ritual is quite simple and allows you to get rid of excess weight without any problems. The duration of the ritual is 2-3 months. The ritual is performed early in the morning, immediately after waking up.

“I speak to the pure water, I strengthen it with a word, I give magical power to that water, so that it will help the servant of God (name) get rid of excess weight, get rid of fat, and get rid of a fat belly. Now the servant of God (name) will be a beauty, Slender and thin, thin and graceful. My words are strong, my words are strong! Amen!”

You need to repeat Vanga’s spell three times, after which you need to drink the ritual water. The ritual should be repeated every morning, without missing a single day until you reach your ideal weight.

Mirror magic is an effective method of getting rid of problem areas. Conspiracies will help remove the stomach, thighs and other problem areas. It is very important, when pronouncing the magic words, to be confident in the result and often imagine yourself at the new weight.

“Now for the servant of God (name) to be slim and beautiful, Excess fat and lard will all leave the body, So that it is just the way I want, So that the body becomes graceful. I knead the fats and sebaceous growths, I get rid of them with a magical massage. Amen !

The plot is repeated three times. As a rule, it is enough to do this ritual once a month on the waning moon to get rid of the stomach and other problem areas.

Weight loss conspiracies are an excellent solution for a person who wants to get rid of excess weight. Strictly follow the recommendations for performing the ritual and have confidence in the result - and your wish will certainly come true.

Often imagine yourself at your new, ideal weight, and losing weight won’t take long. The first results can be noticeable within the first two months.

Conspiracies to remove belly fat have helped thousands of women become slimmer.

A slim figure is the dream of many women, but most often it remains a dream. Sometimes there is not enough time to take care of yourself, your appearance, sometimes banal laziness and weak will work. After all, eating cakes is much easier than broccoli. And cases when fitness and diet do not produce visible results are also not uncommon.

You can change the scales in your favor with the help of spells that are needed to remove the stomach or other problem areas.

Water conspiracies

Do we dream of an ideal figure?

Enchanted water will help improve your figure and overall health. Every day you should start your morning with one glass of pure water of natural origin. This water is first spoken. There's nothing complicated about it. The main factor here will be positive energy and an appropriate attitude.

Water for slander is poured into a glass, then they look at it closely and imagine themselves in the form that seems attractive. There is no need to limit yourself in your fantasies; on the contrary, you should give free rein to dreams of beautiful forms and a graceful figure.

In your dreams you need to picture not just excellent appearance, but also good health and a great mood. Then they pronounce magic words, and repeat similar spells seven times.

If you have tried many diets, but because of sports activities you can barely stand on your feet, then you should think about the dark side of your problem. You may be suffering from obesity. This is also possible and should be removed in the near future. After a lecture or ritual, weight loss will begin naturally.

Ritual with herbs

“What I look at will increase. There will be more of what I iron.”

This is an effective ritual, the main thing is to perform it exclusively on the waxing moon.

How to lose weight if you don't have time for the gym? The most powerful conspiracy described in Tarasova’s blog involves the use of a comb. This is a weight loss ritual for the waning moon, and it is better to buy a wooden comb. Procedure:

  1. Find a secluded room and lock yourself in it after sunset.
  2. Light a couple of church candles.
  3. Place the comb in front of you.
  4. Concentrate on the result, imagine yourself losing weight.
  5. Say the words of the food spell three times.
  6. Hide the comb under your mattress.

Text of the spell: “Moon, waning, comb - comb your hair, and remove excess fat. Lice and nits fall out, excess weight decreases. It will be the pig who gets fat, not me. I will look at the food calmly and will not allow any dark thoughts. Amen".

“I kill fat, pinch sides, drive gluttony out of the yard into the wild steppe. The fat burns, the belly absorbs less food. Together with the moon, we remove evil and restore girlish beauty. Amen".

While whispering the text of the spell, pinch off small pieces of wax from the doll. Say the spell slowly so that you have time to work with the doll. You need to remove wax from problem areas (abdomen, waist, buttocks and thighs). The next steps are:

  1. Collect the torn pieces and throw them into the fire.
  2. Hide the doll in a secluded place.
  3. Do not tell your loved ones about witchcraft.
  4. Think about positive changes.

Ritual with water

“I’m losing weight with the waning month, and the growing month takes away my kilograms. I’ll whisper a prayer into a glass of water and get rid of excess weight. The excess disappears, flies away, and dissolves in water. Fat runs away to the sun and moon, to the distant steppes, to the black forest thicket. He will cuckoo there forever. Amen".

The water is infused for another week, after which it should be drunk in small sips, starting with the new moon. Our ancestors drank the charmed water every day. If you drink the entire jar in one sitting, you will not get the desired effect. After a month, the ritual must be repeated.

Another water ritual

If you want to get rid of fat quickly, there is a more complex type of water spell. The ceremony is carried out in the bathroom until midnight (immediately before bedtime). Procedure:

  1. Fill the bathtub with water and pour a glass of milk into it.
  2. Say a weight loss spell before bed.
  3. Lie in the bath for a while, dreaming about amazing female forms.
  4. Take a shower and go to bed.
  5. The result will appear in the next month.

Text of the prayer: “Water-water, help God’s servant (your name) find a slim figure. She gave you milk to drink, spoke to you on the new moon, and wished you good dreams. Deliver me from trouble, drive me away from grief, fly away to distant places. Beauty and slimness will come, excess weight will disappear without a trace, you will not see the white light. Amen".

After this, you need to drink all the water in small sips. Perform a ritual before every meal.

Rules and conditions for successful implementation

To achieve the desired result, you must clearly understand that losing weight is not a rapid process. The fat you put on over several years will not disappear in a few days. You shouldn’t perform another ritual in a week if you haven’t seen the long-awaited numbers on the scales. Be patient and remember that instant weight loss is only possible with surgery.

A prerequisite is to perform the ritual at home. Choose a day when you are clear-headed and in a good mood. Do not think that to consolidate the magical effect you need to use as many magical methods as possible. Choose one that suits you. There is a conspiracy to remove the belly or reduce the volume of the hips. You have a lot of choice!

Vanga's conspiracies for weight loss

A conspiracy to lose weight requires a special ritual. Make a small human figurine from plastic materials at hand (wax, plasticine, dough). She must be “plump” to identify with you.

While reading the plot, you need to alternately pinch off small pieces from the doll with your left and right hands - from its waist, hips and other parts of your body that you consider insufficiently slender. Model your body the way you would like it to be after losing weight.

You can use a simple and effective spell for your own needs. You will need an apple and a little patience. Vanga knew a lot about folk spells and knew how to use them to help suffering women.

We read the magic words while looking at the apple: Every day the apple decreases My weight is also decreasing How the seventh day passes I will become thin as a shadow

With these words, take a bite from the apple and put it in a dark place. The next day we repeat everything exactly and take a bite on the other side. When reading, we look at the apple without looking away. We eat an apple for seven days until a core remains, which will symbolize a slender figure.

From Natalia Stepanova

How everything foreign leaves the body. This is how all unnecessary fats come out. This simple way to lose weight takes time and can be used for as long as you like. Ritual for quick weight loss

Before using this method, weigh the pros and cons. You will be able to lose weight in a short time, but this is fraught with consequences such as saggy skin, thin and brittle hair, stress and loss of strength. If you are ready for such side effects, then you can begin the ritual.

You will need:

  • Orthodox cross (the usual one given at baptism in church).
  • Sugar from three houses (a spoon from each).
  • Candle.
  • Comb.
  • Lard.
  • Iron cup.

The fat melts and melts. It will soon mix with the sugar. The two enemies of my body will merge together. They will be removed from under my skin. The comb moves quickly through my curls. Just as quickly, my fat disappears. Turn off the candle and ventilate the room. Drain the resulting liquid outside.

Fortune telling for weight loss

A simple way to find out if you can lose weight in the near future. Take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it into four parts. In each square you receive, write the answers:

  1. It will work out
  2. Will not work
  3. It will work, but not soon
  4. Will be available soon

Insert a match into a plain potato and place it in the center of the sheet. With your eyes closed, twist the vegetable and ask the question: “Will I be able to lose weight?” The correct option will be indicated by a match.

The great healer and soothsayer Vanga knew that excess weight was a big problem. Vanga's conspiracies are aimed at reducing appetite, healing and improving digestion.

Conspiracies pronounced at midnight on the waning moon are considered especially powerful. Believing in yourself is very important.

When pronouncing the text of the conspiracy, imagine what result you want to get, your slim body, how you feel in a new image, the admiring glances of your friends. Get close to the new body, believe that this is exactly the body you will have as a result of using the “strong weight loss conspiracy.”

Vanga advised using prayers and those spells that do not contain negative words and images, for example, “perish” or words with the root “hood.”

Spell prayers for weight loss

Very often nothing helps in the fight against excess weight. It's a matter of a person's mood. Thoughts have very strong energy, they are material. Everyone now knows that mentally you can both help and harm your body. A conspiracy to lose weight by itself is unlikely to bring results; it must be used together with traditional methods of combating this problem.

A conspiracy is programming the brain to achieve a specific goal. Through the brain, this program spreads to the entire body. And all the forces of nature help in this.

The most common spell used is water. Orthodox prayer - The most powerful prayer - will help you acquire the beauty of your figure.

One of the sins of humanity is gluttony. Therefore, before casting a conspiracy against obesity, you should stop eating a lot.

You need to iron problem areas clockwise.

A very effective conspiracy for weight loss, which should be read with water for washing. On the waning moon, prepare a basin of running water and, after reading a special spell over it, wash yourself thoroughly and go to bed.

Moon spells for weight loss

If the moon is covered by clouds, you can look at a glass of water in your hands. To achieve the result, you need to speak the plot 9 times and repeat the procedure 9 evenings.

Powerful spell for weight loss

Voodoo rituals are considered one of the most powerful and effective rituals. This ancient cult paid a lot of attention to the human body and health. If used correctly with the help of a special ritual, you can effectively get rid of excess weight. But it is worth remembering that one wrong and careless step can lead to dire consequences.

What’s especially attractive is that you can read weight loss conspiracies for free. If you are skeptical about this method of losing weight, then you don’t even have to try it. Conspiracies only work on those people who sincerely believe in magic.

Which spell should I use?

To decide what kind of conspiracy you need to lose weight, analyze what causes excess weight. If you eat a lot, then a spell read over a glass of water will do.

This ritual must be performed before every meal. If your metabolism is abnormal, try casting a spell on the moon.

If you have problems with your figure, you can use a strong plot with a doll. Every time you read a conspiracy, imagine your new figure and believe in the result.

We offer a full disclosure of the topic: “how to remove the stomach and sides with the help of spells?” with the most detailed description.

The most common rituals for weight loss are considered to be the spells of the healer Vanga. Both men and women can use them. A spell to remove your belly and sides will help you find a beautiful figure in a short time.

How to lose weight using spells

Probably every representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a beautiful and slender figure. However, only a few girls can boast of model data. If we talk about middle-aged women, then many are very far from the standards of modern beauty, where beauty is understood as parameters known to everyone.

But even in such a situation there is no need to be upset. There are true and proven methods that will help you become the owner of a beautiful body without hours of training in the gym and half-starved diets with the strictest restrictions.

Types of rituals for weight loss

There are many rituals that help improve your figure, among them the following:

rituals for weight loss.
Such rituals are used when a person wants to get rid of extra pounds.

spells to work with problem areas.
Rituals of this type are effective in combating any problem area. For example, using a special ritual, you can remove the stomach, hips and other areas with which a person is dissatisfied.

Having chosen the most suitable spell, among which may be the Vanga rite or an ordinary magical ritual, you need to strictly follow all instructions regarding execution.

Water weight loss ritual

This ritual is quite simple and allows you to get rid of excess weight without any problems. The spell to remove belly fat needs to be completed within 2-3 months. The ritual is performed early in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Having woken up, drinking water is filled into a glass, and Vanga’s plot is read:

“I speak clear water, I strengthen it with words,
I give magical power to that water,
So that she can help the servant of God (name) get rid of excess weight,
Get rid of fat and get rid of a fat belly.
Now God's servant (name) will be a beauty,
Slender and thin, thin and graceful.
My words are strong, my words are strong!

You need to repeat Vanga’s spell three times, after which you need to drink the ritual water. The ritual should be repeated every morning, without missing a single day until you reach your ideal weight.

Mirror spell for weight loss

Mirror magic is an effective method of getting rid of problem areas. Conspiracies will help remove the stomach, thighs and other problem areas. It is very important, when pronouncing the magic words, to be confident in the result and often imagine yourself at the new weight.

In front of the mirror on the night of the full moon, you need to undress naked and, stretching the problem areas with your hands, read the plot:

“Now the servant of God (name) will be slim and beautiful,
Excess fat and lard will all leave the body,
So that it’s just the way I want it to be,
To make the body graceful.
I knead fats and sebaceous growths,
I get rid of them with a magical massage.

The plot is repeated three times. As a rule, it is enough to do this ritual once a month on the waning moon to get rid of the stomach and other problem areas.

Weight loss conspiracies, and in particular, a conspiracy to remove belly fat is an excellent solution for a person who wants to get rid of excess weight. Strictly follow the recommendations for performing the ritual and have confidence in the result - and your wish will certainly come true. Often imagine yourself at your new, ideal weight, and losing weight won’t take long. The first results can be noticeable within the first two months.

A slim figure is the dream of many women, but most often it remains a dream. Sometimes there is not enough time to take care of yourself, your appearance, sometimes banal laziness and weak will work. After all, eating cakes is much easier than broccoli. And cases when fitness and diet do not produce visible results are also not uncommon.

You can change the scales in your favor with the help of conspiracies that are needed to remove the stomach or other problem areas. Spells for water

Do we dream of an ideal figure?

Enchanted water will help improve your figure and overall health. Every day you should start your morning with one glass of pure water of natural origin. This water is first spoken. There's nothing complicated about it. The main factor here will be positive energy and an appropriate attitude.

Water for slander is poured into a glass, then they look at it closely and imagine themselves in the form that seems attractive. There is no need to limit yourself in your fantasies; on the contrary, you should give free rein to dreams of beautiful forms and a graceful figure. In your dreams you need to picture not just excellent appearance, but also good health and a great mood. Then they pronounce magic words, and repeat similar spells seven times.

“Water flows in the earth, preventing the thirsty from drinking. Flows through granite - it keeps the secret of youth, flows through sand - the belly is removed, penetrates through clay - it takes away the chaff. I’ll drink some water and the fat will melt, and (name) will have food and drinks for future use. Amen!"

The water from the glass should be drunk entirely. This ritual is performed every morning as soon as you wake up.

Perfect belly with magic

“I speak to the pure water, I strengthen it with a word, I give magical power to that water, so that it will help the servant of God (name) get rid of excess weight, get rid of fat, and get rid of a fat belly. Now to be a beautiful servant of God (name), Slender and thin, thin and graceful. My words are strong, my words are strong! Amen!"

The charmed water is drunk without a trace. The ritual is repeated every morning, do this until your shape becomes the way you want.

Conspiracy with the mirror

Mirror for ritual

The mirror is a powerful magical item. It is often used in witchcraft, including a spell to remove belly fat in a short time. You should wait until the full moon, get naked and read the words:

“Now the servant of God (name) will be slim and beautiful, excess fat and lard will all leave the body, so that it will be just the way I want it to be, so that the body will become graceful. I knead fats and sebaceous growths, I get rid of them with a magical massage. Amen!"

The text of the conspiracy talks about a magical massage, so while reading these words you need to knead your stomach. The words are spoken three times. To maintain good shape, you need to repeat this ritual every month during the waning moon.

At the same time, you must constantly devote time to the right attitude. You should imagine yourself beautiful and slim, then your plans will definitely come true.

Ancient spells to reduce belly fat

Let's lose weight together!

A spell to combat fat in problem areas is pronounced during the waning moon. A container of spring water is prepared for it. At the first dawn you need to bend over it and say:

“My fat, go away with the moon, take away, moon, my fullness and make me slim and thin.”

These words must be repeated 12 times. Then you should hit the floor with your (right) foot 3 times. After which you need to turn around sharply and leave this place, not letting your curiosity win. If a call is heard, you cannot respond to it. On the contrary, you need to read “Our Father”, then the call will disappear.

You can use another method to remove excess belly fat. The ritual begins by reading the “Our Father” prayer on the new moon; it is repeated 3 times. Then they go to the window and look at the young moon. Then, stroking the belly, they pronounce the words of the spell to remove the belly.

“What I see - add, what I stroke - decrease!”

You can also talk about tea. For this it is better to take green tea. They brew it, wait for it to brew and cool a little, and then pronounce it 7 times. The words are as follows: “Tea, wash me of fat, remove fat from my bones and return me to slimness as soon as possible.” Then they drink tea slowly and with feeling, then cross themselves and read the “Our Father.”

Conspiracy of the Siberian Old Believers

The following conspiracy has been used since ancient times by Siberian Old Believers. These people have to work hard to survive in difficult conditions without the benefits of civilization. If a woman has a big belly, she will work too poorly, because then she becomes immobile and clumsy. And this cannot be allowed - after all, every worker counts. Therefore, these people accumulate knowledge related to both maintaining slimness and health, and returning it.

To perform the ritual, you need to lie on the floor on your back. The floor must be hard. Then you will have to turn on your ability to visualize objects. We must imagine knives consisting of a clot of energy. These knives are mentally placed on the palms. Then they make movements reminiscent of cutting fat from the abdomen. You need to move your hands in the direction from the ribs to the groin. Repeat the following text:

“Cut down, get smaller, achieve your plans. Amen".

Every day you should devote 10 minutes to this procedure while the moon is waning. They take a break during the waxing moon.

Do you want to get slim, get rid of extra pounds and a huge belly, but diets don’t help? Have you been doing exercises, fitness and all in vain? Most likely you have the wrong attitude. Magic will help you find a good mood and confidence in the effectiveness of the diet. There are many conspiracies to remove the stomach, hips or other problem areas. Some act on reducing appetite, others on metabolism, others are used instead of self-hypnosis. Choose the weight loss plot that you like and the results will not keep you waiting!

A spell to remove belly fat with water

To gain a toned and slender stomach, it is recommended to drink a glass of enchanted water in the morning on an empty stomach. You can handle preparing it yourself. Self-confidence and a good mood will help you. Make it a rule to start your day with enchanted water. You will gain not only a beautiful figure, but also excellent health. It is best to drink natural water (this is the only drawback of the ritual). It will work with tap water, but not as effectively.

So, pour water into a glass. Look at her and imagine yourself in the form you dream of - a flat tummy, a chiseled figure. Draw in your imagination not only your body, skin, facial features, but also your excellent health, great self-confidence, happiness from a slim and beautiful figure. Read the plot seven times:

“Water flows in the earth, preventing the thirsty from drinking. Flows through granite - it keeps the secret of youth, flows through sand - removes the belly, penetrates through clay - takes away the chaff. I’ll drink some water and the fat will melt, and (name)’s food and drinks will be of use! Amen!" Drink the water completely. This ritual must be repeated every day immediately after waking up.

Candle spell to get rid of belly fat

This spell to get rid of the belly is done once a month. If you are not happy with the result, you can repeat it. It is done on the first day of the waning moon. Take a wax candle. Place it on a platter and sit next to it. Light it and begin to read the spell: “The wax from the light melts, gives light, and so does my body, dissolving its fat. Let the rays of joy fly from my body into the sky, let the fat melt with them, it will not come back! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Repeat until the candle goes out. After this, you can eat everything. The extra calories won't last! If you are sure that you still need to lose weight, then repeat the ritual on the next first day of the waning moon.

Spell to lose belly fat

If you can’t resist and eat a lot of sweets and delicacies, then use a spell for loss of appetite. It is done at night on the new moon. Take a new handkerchief, a needle and thread and three cloves (spices). When you see the new moon, sit down to sew up your appetite. You need to sew a carnation into the corners of the scarf. One at a time in three corners. The carnations must be sewn firmly - firmly. As you do this, say the following words:

“Plat is my friend, needle is my sister, take it away, take away the spicy aroma, inhumane deception. Let the carnation hide, and with it my longing for pies and sweets, fats, and cutlets! While the appetite is sewn, the Servant of God (name) is on a diet! I'll hide the card in a witch's robe! I’ll take it across the seven seas, but I won’t open its doors! Amen!"

Choose the spell to remove belly fat that you like, perform it strictly according to the ritual, do not forget about the weight loss diet, and the result is guaranteed.

Everyone who has problems with excess weight dreams of getting rid of extra pounds without making any effort, without resorting to diets and heavy physical exercise. In such a situation, conspiracies aimed at losing weight can come to the rescue.

Although they do not carry evil, they also need to be treated with great caution. Inaccuracies in reproducing the plot may seem insignificant to you, but they will not lead to weight loss, but to even more increased weight gain.

Before you begin the conspiracy, carefully read the instructions outlined in this article. Remember that any intervention of magic in your life does not remain without a trace.

Does a conspiracy, prayer, spell for weight loss work?

Very often nothing helps in the fight against excess weight. It's a matter of a person's mood. Thoughts have very strong energy, they are material. Everyone now knows that mentally you can both help and harm your body. A conspiracy to lose weight by itself is unlikely to bring results; it must be used together with traditional methods of combating this problem.

A conspiracy is programming the brain to achieve a specific goal. Through the brain, this program spreads to the entire body. And all the forces of nature help in this.

The most common spell used is water. Orthodox prayer - The most powerful prayer - will help you acquire the beauty of your figure.

One of the sins of humanity is gluttony. Therefore, before casting a conspiracy against obesity, you should stop eating a lot.

  • The first thing you need to do is go to church and light three candles.
  • Near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, you must read the necessary words.
  • Then cross yourself and go home.
  • You should also buy 13 candles and icons of Jesus, Matrona and the Wonderworker.
  • You need to collect holy water in a large vessel.
  • At home you need to pray and be baptized, looking at the water and drinking it in small sips. After this, you need to throw everything away. After 10 days you will see the result.

How to lose weight with a spell

A conspiracy to lose weight requires a special ritual. Make a small human figurine from plastic materials at hand (wax, plasticine, dough). She must be “plump” to identify with you.

While reading the plot, you need to alternately pinch off small pieces from the doll with your left and right hands - from its waist, hips and other parts of your body that you consider insufficiently slender. Model your body the way you would like it to be after losing weight.

At the end of the ritual, collect all the torn pieces, fold them into a piece of cloth and throw them into the fire. Keep the transformed doll at home in a secluded place. It is very important that this magical attribute is not discovered by anyone in your household.

Otherwise, the consequences may be most unpredictable. Also, you should not share with colleagues, girlfriends and other people around you how exactly you managed to lose weight. The text of a strong weight loss conspiracy goes like this:

I pinch the sides - I kill the fat,
I burn lard and drive away gluttony.
Small food - to please the stomach

Consequences of conspiracies against excess weight

It is generally accepted that all weight loss conspiracies have no consequences. In any case, they really won’t bring you serious problems. This is due to the fact that you are using white magic, which is less susceptible to negative energy backlash.

In addition, the weight loss conspiracy is aimed exclusively at yourself, that is, you do not want to harm anyone. This means that it contains negligibly little negative energy. So it is generally accepted that the worst consequence of such a conspiracy may be the absence of results.

In fact, everything is somewhat different: you should not expect serious consequences, as well as reverse magical strikes. But certain consequences may overtake you:

  • Do not rush to repeat the ritual if you do not see a positive effect immediately. You need to wait a little, because if there is an excess of magical energy aimed at losing weight, the opposite effect of gaining excess weight may occur.
  • If you decide to perform a ritual using black magic, be sure to roll back on yourself. Otherwise, you risk tying your body to exhaustion for the rest of your life.
  • If in the text of the conspiracy you come across the same root word “hood”, then think about the advisability of using such a ritual. You can not only lose excess fat, but literally dry out.
  • If you are inclined towards a ritual using dark forces, then think about it: if you cannot cope with them, and the ritual does not go as planned, then over time all the lost fat may return to you in a larger volume.

How to carry out a conspiracy in the toilet

Many people say that the conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet is a very effective way to rid yourself of excess weight. After all, being overweight is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. So, to avoid this, you can try this type of conspiracy.

This ritual should take place in the toilet, because after certain actions are carried out, some objects must be buried in a place where people do not go. Sometimes it is not possible to do everything exactly this way, which is why a toilet is used, in which all the necessary occult items can be washed off with water.

In order to carry out a conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet, you need to take 3 candles and a piece of paper on which the text of the prayer will be written in your own hand.

  • The ritual must be performed on the waning moon.
  • When the moon is in the right phase, at midnight you need to go to the toilet and lock yourself there.
  • Next you need to light the candles and fasten them tightly.
  • You need to look at the fire, concentrate all your attention on how you would like to look after losing weight, you need to imagine yourself in a thinner state.
  • During this, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy in your mind or in a whisper.
  • After reading the prayer, you need to wait until the candles burn out completely.
  • Next you need to take the cinders from them, a piece of paper with a written spell and wash it all off with water in the toilet.

If this action does not help much, you need to repeat the ritual again on the full moon.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer

In the modern world, the number of healers and healers has increased so much that one can simply mistake each of them for scammers who get rich at the expense of other people’s problems. But still, there are exceptions.

The Siberian healer is very famous in Russia. She published a whole book that glorified the healer throughout the world. Her weight loss conspiracies are very simple, and, judging by the reviews, effective.

Natalya Stepanovna’s weight loss ritual is a means tested by many people to remove such hated fat. She casts spells on a comb, in a bathhouse, on water. Each prayer of the Siberian healer begins with an appeal to the Holy Trinity, and after that she reads the conspiracy itself.

White Magic - how to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon Top White magic contains many ways to help people. There is an excellent prayer for losing weight. To lose weight and not go on a diet, you just need to perform a ritual on the full moon.

This conspiracy is carried out very simply and it is not at all necessary to do it at night, just select the dates of the full moon in the lunar calendar, and the time of day does not matter at all. You will just need to say the words of prayer very concentratedly and believe in what you are doing. All actions must be performed from candles. This item has occult significance and cannot be avoided.

  • The candle symbolizes the element of fire. The first ritual that can be performed on a full moon looks like this.
  • You need to go to the bathroom and lock yourself there so that no one will disturb you.
  • You need to hang a huge mirror on the door of the room or near it.
  • You will also need seven lit candles, which need to be well strengthened.
  • After preparing the room, you must undress completely and take a closer look at your figure in the mirror.
  • You should definitely imagine yourself without excess weight. This will help open energy channels.

You need to whisper the words of the conspiracy confidently and simply furiously. After reading the necessary words, you need to get dressed, put out the candles and throw them away. After thirteen days you will be able to see the result of the magical ritual. If this does not happen, you need to repeat the procedure on the next full moon.

Water spell

Since ancient times, water has had some magical properties. She was always revered. Even now, water is extremely popular in occult rituals. Each person can speak water independently.

There are several ways to do this.

There is a powerful spell about water that will help you get rid of overeating and generally eating in the evening and at night. Water should be poured into a large container and the words of prayer should be read over it. Next, this spoken water should be used to wash your face and entire body. This weight loss ritual should be performed every evening for a week.

You can also pour water into a glass in the evening and place it on the windowsill. The window should face the side where the moon rises. It needs to be opened. You need to whisper a prayer into the glass and drink it before going to bed.

A conspiracy to lose weight using water can be done at home, namely in the bathroom. Bathing water needs to be prepared. A cross, which is worn every day, must be placed in a bathtub filled with hot water. Wait until the water cools down to a temperature suitable for swimming. The cross needs to be removed.

One glass of holy water and one glass of milk should be added to the bath. Also put rose petals from three flowers and a thread, the length of which is twenty centimeters. Now you can get into the water and just lie there in a relaxed state. At the end of bathing, you must read the words of prayer. This ritual is carried out in the first days of the new moon.

Vanga's conspiracies for weight loss

Vanga was a very strong and famous healer and fortuneteller. She understood perfectly well that being overweight was a huge problem that needed to be fought. She gave advice on how to make the conspiracy effective. The most effective prayers are those read on the full moon or on the waning moon.

You need to believe in yourself and imagine your ideal figure. You need to become related to this desired body, as it were. One of Vanga’s important pieces of advice was the one in which she said that words and images with a negative meaning should not be used in prayers and conspiracies.

9 spells to get rid of excess weight and cellulite


In addition to prayer, you need to take an orange peel, which symbolizes cellulite. When saying a prayer, you need to rub problem areas with this crust. After this, all remains must be buried underground.

Black magic can also help remove fat:

It is necessary in the morning, getting out of bed and without combing your hair, to say the spell that you need for a glass of water. You need to say the words 3 times. After the ritual, it is necessary to pour the water into a place where it can dry quickly. Immediately you need to throw the redemption coin over your left shoulder. These manipulations should be carried out for thirteen days, and on the last of them you need to place a glass of vodka at the intersection. Another dark option for losing weight is the “translation” conspiracy, which is carried out using a photo of some slim person. The enchanted photograph should stay under your pillow for one night, and then it should be thrown away at the crossroads of four roads.

Red thread

In order to become the owner of a good figure, you need to perform a ritual on a red wool thread. The thread needs to be wound around your fingers in the shape of a figure eight and worn like this for ten days. On the twenty-seventh lunar day it is necessary to burn it.

Red thread on the wrist

Another way is to use the red thread spell. After reading the words, you need to tie it on your wrist, and after 40 days it will come undone on its own, and you will lose those extra pounds.

On a pig

Symbolically looks like a conspiracy to remove the belly and sides, which is performed on a pig. You can add the water you bathe in to the gate of the people who keep the pig. Or you can cast a spell on the grass taken from the mouth of this animal. This food needs to be put in water, washed, and then the words must be spoken.

To the apple

An interesting ritual is the one performed on the apple. You need to read the words of prayer over it and eat it throughout the day. The important point is that you can’t eat anything else besides an apple.

For beauty

In addition to various spells for weight loss, there is also a love spell for beauty. To perform it, you need to go outside at sunrise with your hair down. Read the words of the prayer. After this, you can’t talk about time or look at the clock for the whole day. For some time before the ritual, it is forbidden to eat. After the conspiracy, you need to eat marshmallow and drink holy water.

For salt

In order to achieve the effect of losing belly fat, you need to know the salt spell. You must come up with the words yourself and read them over the salt, which you will then use to wipe the problem area of ​​the body. Natalya Stepanovna also advises using salt, but you need to use it differently. It must be thrown into food before eating. Soap spell There is a strong spell that is made for soap. After reciting with this soap, you must wash your hands daily and pronounce the words, washing off the foam.

ritual with water

The plot is very simple to carry out, the effect of it is simply amazing, you lose 5 kg per week. To charm water, you will need to go to church for holy water (you need 200 grams - 1 glass). Also buy three candles there (size and color don't matter). You need to read on water in the evening, immediately after sunset. You can only read during the waning moon (if you do it during the waxing moon, you will gain even more weight).

Get some privacy so that no one can disturb you. Place candles in front of you and light them. take a glass of holy water and read the following:

The water is wild
you flow here and there,
Don't you run
Help me.
Take my weight
Run away with him
Water, water,
Not my problem
take away the trouble
I won’t find grief.

Read this three times, straight into the water, then drink it all, try to do it in one gulp. And after that, read another text:

I don’t know trouble, from pure water. My weight will go away and go to the enemy. Amen, amen, amen.

And calmly wait until the candles go out.

How soon can you expect results?

  • In principle, that’s all, the weight loss process will begin almost immediately and you will lose weight on average 5 kg per week. Weight loss will continue until you reach your normal weight.
  • There will be no bad consequences from this conspiracy; it has been tested on a large number of my friends and acquaintances. I myself lost weight thanks to this very conspiracy.
  • The effect will definitely be there if you do everything correctly, in accordance with my advice.
  • Important - this conspiracy can only be done by baptized people.

Apple spell for weight loss

For this plot you need a medium-sized ripe apple. You need to read the plot on it early in the morning, when the sun is just rising.

Take an apple and when the first rays of the sun fall on it, read the following:
The apple was filled with sunshine,
The apple reveled in life,
I also want to straighten out under the sun,
Get rid of excess fat quickly.
Help me, apple, with sunlight,
I'll start losing weight with this dawn.

Then you need to eat an apple. You don't need to do anything else. Losing weight starts quite quickly.

Conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath

This conspiracy must be carried out immediately before going to the bathhouse. A bar of soap is cast in spells (it is better to take plain soap, without any fragrances; baby soap is best suited).

Take the soap and say to it:
Soap, soap, wash harder,
Soap, soap, wash quickly,
I will rub my skin with you,
Then I will lose weight every time.

Then calmly wash in the bathhouse and while washing, rub with the soap itself (without a washcloth) the places where you want to lose weight. Weight loss will continue as long as you regularly go to the bathhouse with this soap (once every 2-3 days). When this soap is washed off (if you have not yet lost your weight to your goal), add another bar of soap. Although, as a rule, one bar of soap is usually enough to achieve normal weight.

Green tea spell for weight loss

This is a rather interesting conspiracy, but it requires repeated repetition every day. A glass of green tea is suggested, which should be drunk immediately after eating. The spell is not long; after you pour the tea into the glass, say the following to it:

« I drink tea, the tea is hot, let the rattling fat go away. My word is strong, like a stone on the bank of the Ora River.«

  • And after that you calmly drink tea.
  • It is advisable to drink at least three to four cups of tea per day.
  • You can recite the plot in a very quiet whisper, so that even those who are next to you will not hear or understand anything.

Weight loss happens quite quickly; on average, it takes about one month to lose 15 kg.


There is another fairly simple way to lose weight, without much effort or restrictions. You need to wear some kind of rose quartz jewelry or accessory. Rose quartz has a positive effect on its owner and helps to lose excess weight. This is a very useful stone!

In my opinion, rose quartz will work most powerfully not even in jewelry, but in rosaries. Rosary beads, they themselves, are very energetically charged, and rose quartz beads are a powerful means of not only losing weight, but also becoming more attractive to people of the opposite sex.

The main thing is that the stone from which this accessory is made is truly natural and not artificially grown. I can advise you to choose rosaries here - these craftsmen not only collect rosaries, but also process the minerals themselves, which is a good guarantee of the naturalness of the stone. In order for the stone to work, it is enough to turn the rosary 2-3 times at least once a day.

Powerful conspiracy

This is a very powerful magical rite, which consists of several stages. To get the best result, you must strictly fulfill all the described requirements.


Preparations for the ritual should begin a week before the full moon. First of all, you need to determine what result you want to achieve.

  • Determine in advance the weight you are aiming for and subtract that amount from your current weight.
  • Now we take some natural beeswax, you can buy it at a pharmacy or melt it from a church candle (the candle must be new).
  • Roll the wax into a cylinder the thickness of your little finger.
  • Then cut off small pieces of wax from the cylinder and say: first kilogram, second kilogram, third, etc. until you get as many pieces as the number of kilograms you want to lose.
  • The cut pieces of wax need to be melted and rolled into a single ball, which will symbolize all your excess weight.
  • Place the ball under your pillow.


  • During the full moon, you need to take the resulting ball out from under the pillow, hold it tightly in the palm of your right hand, close your eyes and concentrate on the fact that this is excess weight, imagine yourself already thinner, as if the ritual has already led to the expected result.
  • You need to imagine yourself as you will become when all the extra pounds are gone, how beautiful you will be, how graceful, how men will start looking at you.
  • Now you need to choose a place in the room where a lot of moonlight falls. In this place, draw a small circle with chalk and place a wax ball in it. After this you can go to bed.
  • In the morning you need to cut a small piece from the ball, melt it, imagining that you are melting your own fat, that it is leaving you, the extra pounds disappear.
  • We throw away the liquid wax in the toilet or on the street. These steps must be repeated daily.
  • It is advisable to calculate the entire process in such a way that there is enough wax ball just in time for the beginning of the new lunar month.

Powerful ritual with prayer

This ritual is based on Christian beliefs. The Lord's Prayer must be read every night, starting with the new moon and ending with the last day before the full moon. We read the prayer three times, then, looking at the new moon, we need to stroke clockwise those places from which we need to remove excess, for example, the stomach, buttocks, thighs, etc. At this time we constantly repeat:

“What I look at will increase. There will be more of what I iron.”

This is an effective ritual, the main thing is to perform it exclusively on the waxing moon.

Basic rules of rituals

If you really want to perform a powerful ritual to lose weight, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • it is necessary to believe in the power of any spoken conspiracy, otherwise it will not be effective;
  • you need to read the plot measuredly, monotonously, in a quiet, calm voice;
  • It is best to carry out the rituals on an empty stomach and not eat as much as you can after the conspiracy;
  • under no circumstances should you laugh during the ritual;
  • pay special attention to the lunar cycle; if the ritual does not contain recommendations and requirements for the phase of the moon, you need to carry out a spell for the waning moon;
  • The best days for weight loss rituals are Friday and Monday.


This magical ritual is a lapel aimed at the target. With its help, a person can stop loving the dishes that are most pleasant to him, which he himself is unable to refuse.

  • You can spend it not with your favorite foods, but with the foods that are most harmful to your figure, for example, chocolate, bread, etc.
  • You need to buy your favorite dishes, place them in the evening near the icon, light a church candle next to it and read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
  • Now we wait until the candle burns out and go to bed. In the morning we light three new candles, read the “Our Father” three times, after which we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As I eat I speak to the servant of God (my name), the food will inhale spiritual strength, blissful strength, that food will become not a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but nectar for the soul, nourishing the spirit, peace, and good. Give you, food, pleasure to the servant of God (name), nourish her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What is not good for me, let it go, what is not good for my spirit or my body, then let it go, so that it does not become unnecessary. The servant of God (name) will have to give up the superfluous and unnecessary, die his desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once again. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about her soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".


This ritual must be performed during the waning moon. Read the spell over water, preferably right before bed. Words:

“Lord help, God bless, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it lies a pig, and my fat is guarding me. The pig has three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, and ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of the pig will eat up all my fat, take all the lard and excess weight for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, it will come true. Amen".


  • To carry out the ritual, you need to fill the bath with hot or warm water for bathing and put your pectoral cross in it. Liquids structure your body very well from the inside and outside
  • When the water is ready, take out the cross and pour one glass of fresh cow's milk and holy water into it, add petals from three different roses (the color does not matter), lower a thread or braid 15–20 cm long.
  • Lie in the bath until the temperature of the water drops to your body temperature. After this, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, warm water, listen to me, hear. You, water, don’t get muddy, don’t boil, quickly take care of me. After the cross, water, make me slim. Wash me with milk and holy water, cover me with a rose petal. I will be neither thin nor fat, but equal everywhere.” Now you can leave the bath. When you flush the water, we read the words: “The water go away, take away all the burdens from me, take it away, put it under a black stone, keep it there for a hundred years.”

After this, you need to take the thread out of the bath and tie it on the wrist of your right hand. It is very important that the thread dries already on your body. Wear the thread carefully until it breaks. Rose petals also need to be collected, wrapped in a clean white cloth and buried in the ground under an old, withered tree.

Repeat the ritual three times on the new moon.


You need to prepare a jar of cold spring or well water in advance. Water from it is poured into the bathtub already prepared for bathing and the words of the conspiracy are whispered:

“The fat man walked along the earth, he ate holy bread and sang merry songs. He drank holy water and kept sweating. By the time the fat man got home, he had completely lost his body and lost weight. So I (name) sweat in the bath, but I keep losing weight. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After taking a hot bath, you need to flush the water and say:

“Water, quickly flow away, run away, take everything unnecessary from me. Now, water, serve me, look after me, but don’t bother me. Run under a heavy stone, stay there forever, lie down. Let it be so".

Rite in the bathroom

This ritual, like the previous ritual, is based on the energetic power of water. Such a strong conspiracy helps to lose weight and get in shape, returning attractive shapes and grace. Late in the evening before midnight, take a full bath of water, add red, pink and white rose petals and add a glass of heavy cream.

“Mother Water, help me, servant of God (name).
I poured you some milk, decorated you with rose petals, and put on a holy cross!
Help in my trouble, in my grief!
Take away all the fat from me,
Far, far from me!
I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim!
So that the weight never comes back to me!

After reading the prayer, you can soak in the water for a while. As a rule, the first results can be noticeable within a month. Weight loss rituals should be repeated every thirty days, which will increase their effectiveness.

Comb ritual

The rituals of the Siberian healer are considered extremely effective in a variety of areas. Weight loss conspiracies are no exception.

  • To perform the ritual, you will need a new wooden comb, which it is advisable to buy on Saturday.
  • The ritual itself should be done on the waning moon.
  • In the evening, light two candles and place a comb on the table in front of you.
  • Imagine yourself slim and graceful.
  • After ten minutes of visualization, looking at the comb, say the words of prayer:

“Just as a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away!
Just as nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate!
The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier!

The weight loss plot needs to be read three times, after which the comb is put away under the mattress of your bed. You need to repeat the ritual every month until you lose excess weight. This plot is very simple to perform and does not require any specific components.

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