How to quickly learn how to kiss a guy and not embarrass yourself the first time? How to kiss for the first time, or the first lessons of love How to kiss for the first time

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A girl remembers her first kiss for a long time. It's like first love or a first date. Many people think that it is not entirely ethical for a guy to kiss a girl first. However, this is a controversial issue and is viewed from two sides.

Firstly, having kissed the guy first, the girl seems ready for deeper feelings, for intimacy. Secondly, it is not considered shameful or unusual if a girl kisses a guy first. There are no clear instructions on how to act, but there are still some tips and tricks that will help you avoid getting into an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Proper moral preparation is necessary

Don't expect miracles

Many girls expect excellent results. It’s good if the guy is experienced and doesn’t get confused when kissing, but if he doesn’t have such experience, then it will be quite difficult for you to kiss.

We remove all complexes and fears

If you know or guess that your meeting will lead to a first kiss, then you don’t need to turn away from your boyfriend and look in the other direction. Your significant other may think that you are disgusted with her, and then your date will not end well. Don't think about your cold hands or chapped lips. Believe me, your boyfriend will have no time for this.

What to do before a date

Eliminate bad breath

Be sure to brush your teeth before leaving for a date. Try not to eat onions or garlic, believe me, chewing gum will not cope with odors.

If you had to have a snack in a cafe, it is better to chew chewing gum for a while or use a special spray. Don't use toothpicks after eating, it's not very civilized. A guy simply won’t want to kiss an uncultured girl.

Free your mouth from everything unnecessary

This could be chewing gum, candy, etc. This may confuse your boyfriend or cause a feeling of disgust, because it is not very pleasant when foreign objects get into your mouth. Although, who besides you?

Apply lipstick

If you have rough lips, you should apply a small layer of hygienic lipstick on them. Many guys are afraid of getting dirty with makeup when kissing, so you need to apply it as little as possible.

How to make your first kiss a success

You need to mentally kiss a guy

Then try it with your lips without a partner. A fairly simple and easy way to train your lips is with your own hand. Turn the back of your hand towards you, where there is no hair, and try to move your lips. You will understand how to do this.

The best way to learn to kiss is on tomatoes

Take a large and moderately ripe tomato. Try kissing him, but in such a way that there are no marks left on him. Yes, and this is not a joke. Tomatoes will show you how to use your lips correctly.

Think carefully before you give your first kiss

Some people have herpes, and you can get infected by kissing them. Not very good memories will remain in your soul.

Types of kisses

There are many types of kissing, but remember to behave with restraint. You shouldn’t show excessive feelings on the first date, but you shouldn’t pretend to be a timid and embarrassed girl on the tenth date either.

Let's look at some of the most common types:

  1. Romantic kiss. Lightly touch the guy's palate with the tip of your tongue and gradually move him left and right, up and down. You should not do this too hard, as it may cause pain.
  2. A tender kiss. You hug the guy, press your whole body against him and close your eyes. Lightly touch his lips with your lips, it won’t hurt to touch the tip of his tongue with your tongue, but then you should move away from him a little, as if you are playing with him. Everything needs to be done smoothly and without aggression.
  3. Exciting kiss. You should start this kind of kiss only after a long meeting. You hug the guy and, while kissing, make circular movements with your tongue, lightly biting your partner’s lips. There will be nothing wrong if you show your imagination.
  4. A passionate kiss. Combines affectionate and exciting kisses. Try to give free rein to your boyfriend, maybe something will work out.
  5. Soft kiss. Its distinctive feature is that it involves the partner’s teeth, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it, so as not to accidentally hit your partner or knock out his teeth. So, we gently stroke our partner’s teeth with our tongue, sometimes touching his teeth with our teeth.
  1. You shouldn't kiss in public places. Elderly people or small children do not need to see this, and for some it will even be unpleasant. It would be best to choose some secluded place for a kiss.
  2. You need to kiss the person you truly love. You shouldn't kiss the first person you meet. But at the first meeting it can be difficult to understand whether you like, in this case, it is enough to walk with a guy arm in arm, and when parting, limit yourself to a kiss on the cheek. you'll figure it out at the same time.
  3. Don't attack your loved one right away. Everything needs to be done gradually and smoothly. First, touch his lips with your lips, and if he reciprocates, then you can calmly move on to the kiss itself.
  4. Don't overstimulate the guy. Thirty seconds is enough to make the first kiss. Many guys become aggressive when excited. And make sure your boyfriend doesn’t let his hands go, because the more you allow him, the more impudent he becomes.

5. You shouldn’t move from the first kiss to sex. After all, everything is still ahead, and you shouldn’t try something that you might regret in the future.

Fear of the first kiss

If you don't take the initiative first, many dates will end with a simple kiss on the cheek. Girls are usually frightened by the simple inability to kiss, but our mothers and grandmothers also once did not know how to do this, and older girls were young and inexperienced in kissing. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, since any experience comes with age, and the more often you kiss, the better you will do it.

Many girls are afraid that guys will laugh at them. Let's take a closer look. In fact, a sane, adequate guy will try to teach a girl the technique of kissing and will never see anything funny in it; he will also be glad that he taught someone how to kiss.

Well, if there is still laughter, then you should seriously reconsider your relationship. Perhaps your partner is still very young and is not able to adequately evaluate either his own or others’ actions. Maybe one day he will appreciate you, but it will be too late, you will be with another guy.

By the way, there is a group of people who find it unpleasant to kiss anyone, your boyfriend may be one of them. It would be better for him to hold your hands or give you his attention, but in any case, you should not be offended by this.

How to choose the right moment for a kiss

The date ends and your boyfriend is about to leave. What to do? This is where the moment for a kiss arises, you can compliment the guy “Your lips are so soft, I really want to feel them...”.

Or another unusual way. This is supposedly brushing away invisible specks from his shoulders, as if straightening his clothes. Perhaps he will be the first to take the initiative, then you will have nothing left to do but just trust his feelings.


Finally, you learned how to kiss the guy you like for the first time. The most important thing is to be brave, persistent and decisive and you will certainly succeed.

When kissing a guy, first of all, try to leave a pleasant, unforgettable feeling, and perhaps he will answer you in kind. Don't be upset if you do something wrong. Intuition and feelings will help you with this. Kiss, enjoy it, and for a long time.

Young girls and boys prepare for their first kiss with special excitement. Well, of course, this is contact with a representative of the opposite sex. And unfounded questions arise: “How will it be?”, “Will I succeed?”, “Won’t I look stupid, ridiculous?”, “What if she or he pushes me away and never wants to communicate with me again?” etc. Agree, these and other doubts penetrated the heads of most readers. Well, this is normal, or rather, quite natural. The first tactile, deep acquaintance with a kiss, preceding an even closer relationship, should be ideal. What is needed for this? That's right - know how to kiss correctly and get maximum pleasure from the process.

Is it really that important?

Some of the readers will definitely be indignant - “They also found a hot topic!” Is it really so important to kiss correctly?!” Imagine if the subject we are discussing were not a problem, none of the specialists would pay due attention to it. Why? It’s simple, from the moment of the first meeting people form an opinion about their counterpart - how good he or she is, do I feel comfortable next to him (her), or do I feel inconvenience, awkwardness, embarrassment, anger, irritation, etc.

And relationships are the most important stage on the path to building a strong and prosperous family. And depending on what the moments accompanying this process will be - successful or not, people will be together or withdraw into themselves, psychological and maybe even mental problems will arise. Therefore, we hasten to repeat once again that the art of kissing must be achieved at any age. Not only is it useful, but it is also fantastically enjoyable.

Why do we remember the first kiss

None of us will deny that among the most important events in our lives we remember the first kiss. For some these are pleasant memories, but for others not so much. The reason may be several factors:

  • unsuccessful acquaintance;
  • wrong kiss;
  • bad consequences.

In any case, if we exclude from our article in advance close contact with a person we don’t like, then the kiss should bring only positive impressions. But what can you want if you couldn’t touch your lips correctly? Yes, this fact can cause not entirely pleasant consequences - the person will leave, laugh, reproach, etc. To prevent this from happening, let's carefully study valuable recommendations about what a kiss should really be like in order to remember it for the rest of our lives.

Interesting fact. According to medical scientists, a kiss is not only a pleasant, but also a useful action. It turned out that by exchanging our molecules through saliva and moving certain muscles, we strengthen the immune system. We activate the production of hormones of happiness, joy, pleasure and cleanse the oral cavity of stagnant processes and infections.

  1. For the first time, in order not to look stupid, intrusive, or feel an unpleasant sensation or aftertaste, it is necessary to follow generally accepted norms of behavior when kissing.
  2. Kiss only the person you really like, dear, and with whom you want to build a long-term and serious relationship.
  3. In no case should you make gentle touches with your lips at moments inappropriate for the process, without a clear desire to get closer to the person, if he has no desire to kiss.
  4. Before kissing, you should not drink alcohol or smoke, otherwise your companion will feel terrible discomfort and disgust. As a result, the beginning may turn into an extreme point of communication.

It is also a big mistake that people try to touch lips for the first time for personal pleasure. This way you can ensure that there will be no more meetings. Try to give maximum pleasure to the opposite party so that he (she) has a desire to meet with you again and again.

When can you start kissing?

If you are asking such a question, then, most likely, you are a very young person. Prepare for the fact that there will be many such situations in life. After all, for a kiss, neither age nor gender matters at all. The main thing is to want to get closer to the person and feel the touch of his soft, tender and juicy lips.

According to psychologists, girls develop much faster than the opposite sex. It is for this reason that they want to feel pleasure as quickly as possible and date older guys.

Important: remember, the first kiss will remain in your memory for the rest of your life. Try to make the situation leave a pleasant impression on your soul and take the process seriously.

The most important thing for young people is truth, sincerity and transparency in relationships. If there is mistrust, misunderstanding, deception, bad memories will accompany you throughout your life. She will suffer a psychological breakdown, and this is very destructive for the psyche. Therefore, before touching lips with a young man, you need to know who he is, what his behavior is, is he worthy of trust and respect?

And also, what should you do if he seems to be showing signs of attention, but just doesn’t dare to kiss you? It's simple - don't be afraid of anything and take the initiative yourself. The main thing is to be confident in his feelings, and not engage in self-deception.

Now let’s find out how to behave when you kiss a guy for the first time. In the kissing process, two components are important - sincerity and naturalness. There is no need to be shy - you are not the first, and you are not the last. Thus, all people on Earth, overcoming modesty and fear, committed an important act and found a loved one for many years. How to kiss a girl for the first time?

  1. The main thing is not to rush things. Let everything go its natural course.
  2. You don’t need to use your tongue right away; leave this bold action for later.
  3. Choose a moment of complete relaxation, when you and your boyfriend will rejoice, laugh, listen to music and bring your bodies as close as possible.
  4. Kiss him when he looks intently into his eyes or at the moment of parting at your entrance.

It’s a good idea to flirt a little before a kiss, play with your curls and never overdo it - it will look artificial and people won’t believe you.

Observe moderation; in any matter, including when kissing, the “golden mean” is important. And it's okay if your plans are a little confused.

Do you know how to kiss

Let's find out if you were able to learn how to kiss correctly. To check this, you need to do the same with a new partner. Why new? It’s simple - the old one is already accustomed to your habits and habits and perceives you without much expression of his reaction.

So, you kissed a person with whom you had recently started a relationship, and there was no tactile intimacy yet. How did she react? Dissolved in your arms, moaning with pleasure and ready for events to unfold - you are doing everything right. You see melancholy and boredom in her eyes - stop. You failed to “convince” her with your actions. You don't know how to kiss yet or today is not your day.

Wait until the next, more convenient moment. Perhaps circumstances do not allow you to completely relax. Or one of you has problems, the solution of which completely occupies your or her thoughts.

Important: when kissing, do not be so “generous” with drool. This is the biggest mistake men make. Women hate it when their partner behaves like an “irrigation channel” and she has to dry herself every now and then as if after a shower.

How to kiss correctly for the first time

We will talk now about the moment that overtook the girl. She “caught” a very modest guy and needs to do something. It doesn’t matter, we already have the main attributes of a kiss - lips, desire and sincerity. This can be done easily and unobtrusively:

  1. As a thank you for the gift, a nice time spent.
  2. Adjust the moment so that the faces are as close as possible.
  3. Lower your eyelids, close your lips and touch them to the young man and stay in this position for a moment.
  4. And now you can beautifully leave, leaving him alone with the thoughts that excite his mind. Now he will think about what reason to find for the next meeting and, as an “Alaverdi”, kiss you - sincerely and tenderly.

Important: before the meeting, all girls apply lipstick to their lips. To prevent the kiss from bringing unpleasant sensations to the young man, discreetly wipe off the product from your lips before the process. As soon as he sees his lips clean, he will understand that this is a signal to action.

Advice: be that as it may, you should still leave the initiative to the stronger sex. After all, a kiss is evidence of how he treats you. The point is to start this first if you want to know how serious his intentions are, whether he has the feeling for you that you dreamed of. So be patient and take a bold step only if you are confident in the attitude of the man and his excessive shyness.

It would be simply abnormal if a man, boy, youth, or even a teenager in love did not want to kiss the object of his desires. But you should understand that the future fate of the relationship with the girl depends on how he performs this gentle action. It is necessary to show “class”, that is, to kiss beautifully, tenderly and correctly. This is the only way to leave an impression on yourself, your passion and sincere attitude for the girl.

How to kiss a girl for the first time

For every man, the first kiss is perhaps the most important event, not counting the first sex and other pleasures. But what’s noteworthy is that, unlike girls, boys don’t really worry about this and don’t pay attention to preparing for the process. And that's bad! And then they wonder why “Tanya or Masha doesn’t want to communicate after a close meeting?

What did I do wrong? So that young guys don’t find themselves in such an unpleasant situation, we suggest studying what you can and shouldn’t do during. But it is worth understanding that this process can be perfected through trial and error. Almost no one gets the perfect kiss the first time.

  1. Never rush. She must be ready for such intimacy. Girls are shy by nature - if you put pressure on them, force things, they will scare you away.
  2. Do everything to lift her spirits. There is a desire to become closer to you, create a pleasant impression.
  3. Pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Dress neatly, your body should be clean, and you should smell only good perfume.
  4. Be a gentleman - give your hand if necessary, look after your young lady, show tact, patience, wisdom, restraint. Not an ounce of rudeness, vulgarity or vulgarity. This is how you can behave with someone who doesn’t respect herself!
  5. Give her a guarantee of protection - be her man, create complete security and protect her from everything negative.
  6. Don't forget - all women in the world love flowers. It is not necessary to give a thousand and one roses; a small, modest, but tastefully decorated bouquet is enough. If you are in nature, collect a bouquet of field violets, cornflowers, daisies, and flax. She will be in “seventh heaven” with joy.
  7. Do not forget the simple truth, unchanged at all times - “a woman loves with her ears.” Speak warm and gentle words appropriate to the stage of your relationship.

Now let's move on directly to the process itself - pleasant, bringing joy and pleasure. So, how to kiss a girl correctly? Let's go through the preparatory stage:

Preliminary tactile contact is required. Pay attention to the position of the opposite side. If she crossed her arms on her chest, that is, accepted a closed block, steps aside, tries to distance herself, openly asks not to touch her - give in. You cannot use your strength - a normal woman will leave you forever.

Understand her - she is not ready yet. This always happens with representatives of the fairer sex; they are less courageous than men. And this is absolutely normal; a woman, as we know, is graced by modesty. Or you are not the hero of her novel, she is not interested in you. This also happens and this situation must be treated with understanding - “you can’t order your heart.” But even though she agrees, incidental moments may arise.

  1. You are asking permission for intimacy.
  2. When kissing, be too “naughty” with your hands.
  3. After touching your lips, suddenly talk about completely abstract topics.
  4. Say stupid things, ridiculous phrases, comment on what is happening with stupid expressions.

There is no need to worry too much, something incomprehensible is also going on in her soul. A very normal situation that “speaks” of importance and excitement at the moment.

How to kiss a girl

For most lovers, the pressing question of a kiss always comes first. We hasten to present an excellent master class, after which your beloved will be delighted with the touch of your lips.

  1. Do this in a secluded, uncrowded place. Perhaps she doesn’t want to advertise your relationship. And the crowd is not conducive to complete relaxation and pleasure from the kiss.
  2. Smile, look into her eyes intently, tenderly. Touch her curls, play with them, get her to respond to your caresses.
  3. Slowly, smoothly move your head and lips towards her lips and touch them gently.
  4. At the moment of the first kiss, take your time and watch your lover’s reaction. If she purses her lips and doesn’t respond, stop the process. She is completely subject to your touch - continue, gently hug her shoulders, caress her chin with light touches.

Yandex Music for kissing:

How to learn to kiss

Types of kisses

French (love).

How to learn to kiss

An important point in mastering this art is constant training. There is no need to cross the line, especially at the initial stage of a relationship. There is no need to try to repeat the movements of famous movie characters and stars.

Use your imagination and imagine how nice it would be to kiss you. And immediately take the place of the person you became close to. So how? Like? If yes, then continue. We have already said that you need to especially monitor the reaction of the opposite side.

Interesting fact: scientists have found that the fair sex has mass. Ears, neck, shoulders also belong to them. As soon as you touch them with your lips and kiss them tenderly, she will immediately “melt” in your hands.

Before touching your lips, prepare them. They should be soft, moist, and, of course, clean. Weathered, salty, with bad breath - the most unpleasant thing that can happen.

Types of kisses

Let's look at the most common types of kisses and decide in what situations they are appropriate.

Gentle. This type is the most pleasant, light, romantic, exciting. But at the same time, inherent at the initial stage of the relationship between a man and a woman. The process should not be too pushy, it is something like a platonic, less sensual than a French kiss. Gently open your mouth slightly, eyes closed, touch each other's lips, but do not press or use your tongue. Stop, move away a little (3 centimeters), open your eyes and smile. Continue doing the same thing.

French (love). Sensual, deeply penetrating, with a tongue, involving not only the lips, but also all components of the oral cavity. It is inherent in long-term relationships. As a rule, it precedes closer physical contact - sexual.

While touching with your lips, touch them with your tongue. Then we open our mouth and gently push our tongue inside. Third touch - open your mouth a little wider, push your tongue even deeper, until you touch a large area of ​​your partner's tongue. At the same time, caress your loved one with your hands, stroke his hair, neck, ears. The moment of pleasure must also be completed gently and gently. This type allows people in love to feel open, passionate feelings towards each other. The continuation usually takes place in the bedroom on the bed or other secluded place, where the couple makes love and indulges in passion without reserve.

Platonic. What is needed here is a level that is not as romantic as tender, and not as deep as French. The moment indicates the development of a relationship, or friendship, but nothing more, at least for now.

Extend your lips and touch your partner’s lips with them more forcefully than with a gentle touch. How to do it correctly? Imagine that you are kissing the emptiness, the air. Smack loudly. The process should be short, that's all! It happens that there is no need to touch a person’s lips. You can peck on or near the cheek. Remember how ladies with painted lips greet each other - they kiss the space near the cheek or lip.

Video: step-by-step instructions for kissing techniques:

You can't do anything

Imagine the situation - a handsome, strong and strong young man does not know how to kiss at all. Some will argue that this cannot be. Modern youth are so advanced that they can teach this art to a seasoned man. No, you are absolutely wrong. Teenagers, young men and young boys only look so confident in themselves. If we “dig” deeper, we will find “zilch”.

True, not all, but many of them boast more than they know how to seduce and excite the soul of a girl with their tenderness. But it’s okay, we will help them find their way around. It is important to understand that this is necessary to strengthen the relationship. And don’t worry – we’ve all been through “this”. Each of us managed to learn, so that our young romantics will be able to harness not only theory, but also practice.

And finally. If you decide to take a bold step and kiss, prepare thoroughly for this. No activities that can distract you from the process of intimacy. Be present when the action is performed in person, do not fly somewhere beyond the clouds, do not try to combine other moments of your life, work, etc. with a kiss. And don’t rush things - everything should be timely, beautiful, and neat. Think in advance that the process can bring both pleasant impressions and leave a bad, unpleasant aftertaste for the rest of your life.

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to push her away, but, on the contrary, to attract her to them. Improvisation, of course, is a good thing, but it is still better to prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. By penetrating a girl’s personal space, you become closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only about the kissing technique, but also about hygiene and accuracy.

  1. The pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. So be sure to use a good men's cologne, but don't overdo it.
  2. Another logical point that should still be mentioned is brushed teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Chapped lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you wouldn’t like the chappiness and unattractiveness of your partner’s lips.
  4. Women's opinions on facial hair are divided. Some have a positive attitude towards a beard, others like clean-shaven men, and others do not pay attention to such a male feature at all. Of course, if you have a beard, you still shouldn’t shave it off, but giving it a well-groomed look is a must.

For everything to go well, you need to stop worrying and “shaking.” Your excitement will definitely be transferred to your partner, who may think anything - even to the point that she is unpleasant to you.

Therefore, pull yourself together, cast aside unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points that can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and “chemistry” that is emerging between you.

For some guys who want to appear cool and macho, a kiss on the first date is considered mandatory or completely natural. We will not argue with this opinion, but there is still no need to rush.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow the following rule - a kiss on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to make sure of the seriousness of the gentleman’s intentions, and still others have not kissed at all, so they are somewhat scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing even at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will clearly hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to take risks, so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Having learned all the intricacies of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to actually kissing on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers become embarrassed when their noses touch each other.

There are a lot of techniques for touching lips, and the kissing process is very diverse, so describing them is a thankless task. So rehearsal is extremely important, but don't forget about expressing your true emotions.

Your sympathy and sincere desire can smooth out any missteps.

It is extremely important to choose the right moment and time to kiss on the lips. Determining the signs of a girl’s “readiness” is not so difficult if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that the young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • it allows you to enter your personal comfort zone (less than 50 cm);
  • When communicating, she twirls her hair and touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips during a conversation;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • reacts positively to short touches (does not move away).

In addition, it is important to choose the right place for this “sacrament”. Many girls are embarrassed to kiss in front of a large crowd of people, fearing that their friends will see them.

The last rows of a movie theater are not always the ideal place for kissing, since for some young ladies it is important to see their partner at this important moment.

Therefore, it is best to choose a quiet place and a time when the number of people rushing or walking past is minimized.

Honestly, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. You should not push, let alone force, this process, as this will create a characteristic impression of yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura possible, to let the young lady know what your intentions are. The ideal option consists of three components:

  • get closer to your lover (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • Touch your lips slowly and gently.

When you approach the girl's lips slowly, this gives the young lady the opportunity to evade if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to move on to such a close acquaintance.

Girls may react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels discomfort when other people are looking at her at this moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, others want to test a man’s reaction to refusal.

Important! Despite the girl’s reluctance to kiss, you need to behave with dignity. It doesn’t even make sense to remind people that insults or other similar actions are simply unacceptable.

It's important to show that her decision doesn't hurt you, so continue the conversation and be positive. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

On the Internet and in the male community in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl’s permission before kissing.

So-called pick-up artists claim that men who ask permission to kiss look like weak and insecure individuals in the eyes of young ladies. “Be the alpha male, man!” - say such advisers.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk in more detail about the opposite point of view, which says that a kiss is an action that takes place by mutual consent, especially when it happens on the first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her partner is not very interested in her opinion.

The main arguments in favor of asking a girl’s permission before kissing:

  1. This is an indicator of male education. When a guy asks a young lady if he can kiss her, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. The young lady may not be ready for a kiss or simply not want to kiss right then and there.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication; sexual attraction and desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. There is an opinion that touching lips without the other person's permission can also be classified as sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you to decide. Most likely, in the process of communication you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against a kiss on the first date or will she say a firm “no” to any inclination on your part?

When thinking about how to kiss a girl, you need to understand a simple thing - in a love relationship you must be guided, first of all, by intuition.

If you managed to win over the young charmer, were gentle and romantic, other meetings and dates will soon follow, and only then the first kiss. All you have to do is enjoy the process itself!

In this article we will fully analyze how to kiss correctly in the classic version. In the classic version, this means using the lips. This type of kiss is the most popular. Among all the others, it can also be called a tender kiss. And also! How to kiss correctly in the classic version?

First of all, we need to distinguish two stages. The first stage includes everything that happens immediately before the kiss. In other words, preparing yourself, your chosen one and the environment.

The first stage is perhaps more important than the second, since if you go through it poorly, then you may not get to the second at all.

The second stage, as you understand, is the most pleasant. This is where the kissing process itself takes place.

In order for everything to go at the highest level, you must adhere to the basic rules, which we will fully discuss below. So, let's find out in detail how to kiss correctly!

First stage

1. The first thing to do is prepare your lips. Lips are our main tool that we use to kiss. Therefore, they should be pleasant and relaxed. To make your lips pleasant, you need to avoid chapping and moisturize them if necessary; there are many different ways to do this.

2. I think this is already clear to everyone, but we can still remind you! There should be no unpleasant odor from either the mouth or the body. If you miss this moment, you will most likely be left without a kiss.

3. With your entire appearance you should show your friendliness and openness. Your gestures should be smooth, your body should be without contraction, completely relaxed. Arms and legs, under any circumstances, should not be crossed. You need to smile more and look into the face of your chosen one, and never show negative emotions on your own face.

4. Now let's move on to subtle maneuvers! You need to pass the touch barrier. That is, make sure that your touches are familiar to your partner and do not cause him any embarrassment. This process should be gradual, first touch your hand unobtrusively, then you can hug. This should be done calmly and not focus too much attention on it. Here you can turn on your imagination and come up with your own methods of overcoming this barrier.

Second phase

1. Now let's talk about the process itself! When you have chosen a time and place, then proceed. Slowly tilt your head towards your partner so that your lips end up touching. At the same time, pull your lips forward a little until they remain relaxed. At the first touch of your lips, close your eyes and turn your attention only to the sensations associated with your lips.

2. Now, gently and slowly, with your two lips, kiss any lip of your chosen one. After this kiss, which should last between two and four seconds, lean back so that there is a gap of three to four centimeters between your lips.

3. After you have leaned back, gently open your eyes and look into your partner's eyes. This is a very important point! Looking in the face, you must determine whether you should move on or whether you need to pause. How to determine this? If your partner liked everything, then there may be a smile on his face, or a straightforward look, as if passing through you. He may turn his head and eyes to the side out of embarrassment - this is normal. If the face begins to distort, to look dissatisfied, then you need to stop.

4. If you see from the previous step that everything is going fine, then go back to kissing one of your partner’s lips. Kiss alternately the upper lip and the lower, while giving the opportunity to kiss your lips as well. This alternation of kisses on the lips is the classic version of the kiss. From time to time, watch your partner's reactions, which will tell you when to stop. If you want something more, you can also use the French kiss, which is done using the tongue. You can read how to do it correctly in our article, which is called “How to kiss with tongue”, you will find this article in our side menu.

It seems like we have sorted out the basic rules so that we know how to kiss correctly.

How to learn to kiss correctly

Let's talk about “adult” kisses. Agree, you always want to appear before your partner in the best possible light, to show what you are capable of, and sometimes even to surprise. After all, if experienced Casanovas are always trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, about mortals and ordinary people who crave tenderness and affection, or about those who have not yet experienced this dizzying “kissing” pleasure?

Most likely, none of you have ever noticed that we are used to kissing several times a day. From early childhood until the very end of life, we kiss our parents, children, loved ones and even our favorite animals. With a kiss you can express your love, passion, affection, tenderness, gratitude, express your consent, declare a truce, in general, many different feelings.

MirSovetov suggests talking about “adult” kisses. Agree, you always want to appear before your partner in the best possible light, to show what you are capable of, and sometimes even to surprise. After all, if experienced Casanovas are always trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, about mortals and ordinary people who crave tenderness and affection, or about those who have not yet experienced this dizzying “kissing” pleasure? People strive to learn how to kiss in order to satisfy their natural need. This need is as real as the need for food, drink, love, a constant connection to the Internet...

This need for passion and the need to touch someone, to hold your loved one in your arms usually brings two people to each other. The desire for human contact occurs at the behest of instinct, it comes naturally, and cannot be explained. Despite this, the kissing technique can be explained. And anyone can learn to kiss.

The art of kissing

So, what can you do to ensure that you and your partner remember your first “adult” kiss forever?

Do not be shy. The fact that you may have never had to kiss yet does not mean anything. Believe me, the fact that you feel dizzy, your knees are shaking and your palms are suddenly sweaty are just signs that you are really in love. This is nothing compared to the emotional and physical pleasure you will get from your first kiss.

If possible, make the environment intimate and romantic. Candles or dim lamps are perfect.

Don't forget about your breath. Bad breath can discourage a girl from kissing. If you haven't had time to brush your teeth, chewing gum, an apple or a few sprigs of parsley will come to your aid.

When kissing, do not freeze in one position. Gently run your hand through your partner's hair, touch his ears, stroke his shoulders, back.

Do not be silent. Just because you kiss doesn't mean you have to be silent like a fish. Tell your loved one (or loved one) something gentle and pleasant.

Don't tense up, be relaxed. Tense lips can, on the contrary, push your partner away, or he will think that he is causing you some kind of inconvenience.

Don't stop at just one type of kiss. Many men prefer the “French” kiss, or as it is also called “wet” kiss. Believe me, gentle biting and sucking on your partner’s lips can make him even more excited than just “communicating” with your tongue.

How to understand that a girl is already “ripe” for a kiss? You may not believe it, but more often than not, she burns with impatience and waits for her chosen one to finally dare to kiss her first? This usually happens because the guy can’t gather his courage for a very long time, putting himself under certain time limits and creating uncomfortable situations. If a girl looks into your eyes and doesn’t try to look away, she makes it clear to you that she’s ready to kiss, and you shouldn’t delay any longer.

Women, which, by the way, is not always true, believe that by kissing a man you can determine what kind of character he has, how suitable he is and whether he is worthy of moving into a more intimate relationship with him. But don’t be afraid to show yourself, open up to your beloved.

How can you tell if you are a good kisser?

The most important thing is to monitor your partner’s reaction. This probably concerns more men than women. If a woman moans quietly or is contentedly carried away into the abyss of your boundless kiss, this is immediately noticeable, and you will certainly understand that you are not in trouble. If your partner looks like she’s sitting at a philosophy lecture, think about what you can do to turn her on? Remember, there is nothing better than achieving the desired result through trial and error, the same applies to the question of how to learn to kiss. Today, you may not have a wonderful kiss, but tomorrow, taking into account all the nuances, you will kiss your beloved so that she will be ready to explode with pleasure... Women know how to pretend and deceive, but during a kiss, they usually forget about their abilities, and do not hide their feelings.

MirSovetov advises you to pay attention to some “signs” that will clearly tell you that you should learn a little how to kiss. For example, if a girl closes her mouth, gets distracted, averts her eyes, or, God forbid, falls asleep covered in your drool, then this is the first sign that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the latest political news reports, or says something unpleasant, making it clear to you that she is not interested in you as a “kisser” - go ahead, use all your imagination and forward to victory - practice, practice and practice again !

The biggest mistake when kissing

You forgot about your partner. You want to kiss only for yourself, getting great pleasure, and you think that since you like this kiss, then your partner will definitely like it too. But MirSovetov would like to remind you that she, too, has preferences, feelings, expectations, and you will do very wrong if you ignore them.

If you think that your wide-open mouth will eclipse all the expectations of your beloved, then again, you are deeply mistaken. Of course, you shouldn’t hold your lips shut, as if you are a partisan and won’t tell anyone anything - strive to find a compromise, your partner will definitely show how she likes to kiss. Reciprocate, and she, in turn, will respond to you.

How can you learn to kiss better?

Practice. Practice. All comes with experience. The best way to learn how to kiss is your own imagination. Your imagination can sometimes do such things that you will not even immediately understand that these passionate kisses are not an amazing reality, but just your imagination.

So, sit back and relax. Imagine the object of your adoration in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through her hair, and how you begin to kiss tenderly. The main thing is to put more emotions and feelings into such fantasy. The brighter the picture, the better for you, since you did not waste time on rehearsals.

And, finally, MirSovetov will talk about one important point! Learning to kiss only on the lips is not enough. Individuals of the weaker sex have a lot of erogenous zones. Thanks to our ubiquitous sociological researchers, it is known that 97 percent of women are instantly aroused by a kiss on the neck, and sometimes almost reach orgasm. All you have to do is walk up to your beloved, hug her tightly from behind, brush back her hair and kiss her tenderly. When a girl feels a man’s hot breath on her neck, his bites and kisses, she is simply ready to dissolve in her arms!

A kiss is a bliss during which the souls of lovers unite. Don't be afraid to experiment. Kiss your lover the way your heart tells you. You will always cherish the memories of such kisses.

Video! The dry theory of “How to learn to kiss” will never give you the opportunity to feel all the joy and excitement that is transmitted when bringing a kiss to life. You can see how to kiss, see a fairly clear example of a gentle and simply beautiful kiss (which, by the way, lasts for two and a half minutes) in the video “Demon vs Heartbreaker - You are my high.”

How to kiss correctly? Learning to kiss passionately (+ video)

What is a kiss? A lot has been said and shown about the kiss as such. In movies and in life, in novels and in magazines - people kiss everywhere. This phenomenon is understandable, because a kiss, like nothing else, can express the affection and attitude of people towards each other. But, you see, a kiss is a different kiss, and, of course, a platonic kiss is different from a passionate one.

Below we will tell you (and show you - there are demonstration videos at the end of the article) how to kiss correctly and for what occasions this or that type of kiss is suitable. Learning to kiss is very simple!

Before the kiss

In order for a kiss to leave only pleasant and exciting memories, you should follow some simple rules.

Prepare your lips for a kiss. Your lips should be smooth and pleasant. After all, you must admit that chapped and dry lips look unpleasant and cause nothing but disgust. Therefore, both men and women need to take care of their lips, making them attractive. Here are just a few ways to prepare your lips for a kiss:

exfoliate or scrub your lips using brown sugar;

moisturize your lips with a special lip balm;

Relax and part your lips before kissing.

Look friendly and seductive. Sometimes our gestures and facial expressions can say even more than words. Therefore, try not to cross your arms, do not touch your face, look only into the eyes and smile. At the same time, be careful - catch your partner’s body language, listen more and talk less, and then you will certainly understand whether he likes you or not.

Break the touch barrier. During communication, you can, as if by chance, touch your partner’s arm or shoulder. Learn to do it gently. The ideal way is to hold hands, as many couples do. If everything goes well, kiss your partner on the cheek. If your lips are closer to your ear, continue kissing and watch your partner’s reaction.

Look at your partner's lips. To maintain eye contact, look not only at your partner's eyes, but also at your partner's lips. Do not forget to smile and radiate friendliness. It is advisable to do this discreetly and sincerely, because it is not a fact that your partner has not read a similar article.

Get closer to your partner. All you have to do to do this is relax and bow your head slightly. Do this smoothly, unobtrusively, position yourself towards him so that you both feel comfortable. And don't forget to look into your eyes!

tender kiss

It is incredibly sensual and romantic, and allows you to understand and feel each other better than any other type of kissing. Below, albeit in theory, we will tell you how to learn how to kiss correctly, giving pleasure to both yourself and your partner. All you have to do is test it in practice! So let's get started:

When touching your partner, purse your lips slightly and close your eyes. Don't tense your lips or stretch them too much. In this case, they will become tense, which corresponds to a platonic rather than sensual kiss.

Gently touch your partner's upper or lower lip. Then you can lean back, but no more than 3 cm.

Open your eyes slightly and smile. Only in this way will your eyes meet, and you will understand whether it’s worth continuing or whether that’s enough for today. If it’s still worth continuing, move on to the next step.

Kiss your partner's lower or upper lip again. Try to make sure that your partner's lip is between your lips, and squeeze your lips a little. Don't know how to kiss a guy correctly? Right now, you can practice on your index finger: squeeze your index finger with your lips - this way you will not only determine the strength of the squeeze, but you can train the muscles of your lips so that it will be pleasant for both of you.

Move to the other lip. If you kissed the lower lip, then you can proceed to the upper lip. The principle is the same - you grab your partner’s lips with your lips and gently, as if sucking, kiss them.

French or passionate kiss

This is a sensual deep kiss when one of the partners touches the other’s tongue with their tongue. This kiss stimulates the lips and tongue, as well as the entire oral cavity as a whole - all these areas are very sensitive to touch. Below we will tell you in detail how to kiss with your tongue correctly.

When touching your lips, try touching them with your tongue. Obviously, it will become clear to him that you are hinting at a French kiss. If your partner does not understand this, then the desire to try a passionate French kiss should be left for better times.

Open your mouth slightly and try to push your tongue into your partner's mouth. The tips of your tongues should meet and seem to rub against each other. After this, you can move your tongue to the side.

Proceed to the next stage of the kiss. Open your mouth again, but this time try to push your tongue as far as possible, so that more of the surface of the tongue is in contact.

Touch his face with your hands, keeping your fingers in his hair. Take a deep breath, and then passionately kiss his lips as if you are very thirsty and just can’t get enough - this is how you need to kiss passionately correctly. Continue sucking and biting his lips. Learn to do it naturally without overacting.

Finish the kiss with gentle touches. Continue kissing, but gently - so as to leave some understatement and the desire to kiss you again.

Below you can watch a video on how to properly kiss passionately.

Platonic kiss

This is the kiss of affection. It doesn't have to be as deep as French and as romantic as tender. So:

Tilt your head slightly and move closer. Turn in the direction you want to kiss your partner.

Pull out your lips. The lips should be pulled out much more than with a gentle romantic kiss. How do you know what you're doing right? Try to kiss the air. Did you hear the sound? So here, when you kiss your partner’s lips or cheek, a loud and non-binding “smack” should be heard.

Don't linger. A platonic kiss doesn't have to last long. Otherwise, this is not a platonic kiss at all. Learn to feel the ideal duration for such a kiss: it should last as long as that same “smack” is heard. Moreover, in some cases it is possible not to touch the partner’s skin, but to imitate a kiss.

Problems with kissing, who doesn't?

Bad kisser. Yes, this happens too. Kind, attentive, sociable, but doesn’t know how to kiss. Dont be upset. Once upon a time you didn’t know how to kiss, but somehow you learned to kiss correctly! Incompetent people will eventually learn to kiss even passionately, but you will have to show maximum tact and patience.

Is he taller or shorter? Does your neck hurt because you have to constantly raise your head or, conversely, lower it? These problems can be solved. You can kiss while sitting or, for example, lying down.

Be here now. Kissing won't be enjoyable if you're busy doing something else. Leave the questions for a while: “what do I look like,” “is my mascara running,” “what is he thinking about now,” “does he like it,” “am I doing everything right?” Don't pick on yourself, just enjoy the moment.

Don't rush things. If you have been dating not so long ago, then do not rush to kiss passionately using your tongue. Watch your partner’s facial expressions and wishes, perhaps he is not yet ready for such kisses.

Practice. Don't doubt your kissing skills. Kiss as best you can, only with practice can you learn to kiss both passionately and “in the usual way.”

And finally: do not overuse your tongue and do not force it into your partner’s mouth, especially if you have only known each other for a short time. After all, some people find it unpleasant when they kiss with “too much tongue.”

Kissing correctly: video

First, a video about how NOT to kiss. The video is in English, but everything is clear here without words!

An excellent video demonstrating both ordinary tender kisses and passionate passionate kisses:

How to kiss with tongue correctly?

Kisses using the tongue, also called “wet” or “French” kisses, are especially desirable when the object of love and passion is nearby. Translated from French, such a kiss is called “the kiss of souls,” and this is no coincidence: it is in a kiss with the tongue that partners unite not only their bodies, but also their souls.

The technique of “French” kissing is multifaceted, and the first time it can be difficult to tune in “on the same wavelength” with your partner. However, you only need to take three steps to teach a master class to any, even the most experienced, tongue kissing expert. Read this page to the end (preferably with your partner) - and then all you have to do is hone your French kissing skills in practice, since the theory is simple and accessible to everyone. The only condition is your desire and the presence of your loved one nearby. Are you ready to learn how to properly kiss with tongue with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you are over 14 years old and watch the video?

So let's get started!

Where to begin?

First of all, you should remember well: a kiss with a tongue begins with a regular kiss and is its continuation. Don’t immediately pounce on your partner and stick your tongue into his (her) mouth! The French kiss is developed gradually.

Correct head position

The quality of a kiss, including a French kiss, is guaranteed by the correct position of the head. Therefore, you need to tilt it a little to the side in order not to collide with your noses.

You should move from a simple kiss to a complex one gradually.

First you need to find out if your partner is willing to kiss with tongue. To do this, during a simple kiss, slightly open your mouth. When your lip is between your partner's lips (or vice versa), run the tip of your tongue across his or her lips. This will signal that you want to kiss with tongue. If your partner is not against such a kiss, then you can open your lips a little wider and push the tip of your tongue into your partner’s mouth. This should be done slowly. The thing is that the tongue is very sensitive, and the most gentle touch can bring great pleasure.

When both partners are ready for a French kiss, it is necessary to moisturize the lips well

To do this, just run the tip of your tongue in a circle, first over your lips (this will give them a sexual shine and increase your partner’s desire), then over the lips of your partner. At the moment the tongues touch, you can run your tongue around your partner’s tongue clockwise, then along the inside of the lips (for men, this zone is the most erogenous). You can do whatever you want with your tongues, the main thing is that both of you like it: light sucking, barely perceptible touches, movements from side to side. The only limitation - and this should be remembered once and for all! – You can’t bite your tongue. Even the most gentle biting can nullify the partner’s desire to kiss with the tongue.

Finishing with a French kiss

It is necessary to finish the kiss with the tongue slowly. Remove your tongue and kiss your partner with closed lips. Kiss your neck, ear, nose. You shouldn’t suddenly stop the “French” kiss, because... this can cause confusion and bewilderment for your partner.

You can’t stick your tongue too far into your partner’s mouth, because... it can interfere with breathing and even cause a gag reflex (and besides that, it’s just unpleasant);

you should limit yourself only to the mouth: few people will be pleased if half of their face is licked;

It is necessary to restrain your own salivation so that your partner does not choke in your saliva (it is advisable to swallow saliva about once a minute).

Don't limit yourself to tongue kisses only. They are able to diversify the love game and awaken sensuality, but very often the partner (especially girls) lacks tenderness in kisses. Excessive enthusiasm for “French” kisses can create the impression that a person experiences nothing more than passion. Therefore, even if you are fluent in the tongue kissing technique, you should only use it with your loved one (after first making sure of his (her) consent).

The secret of success is practice!

As you can see, mastering the tongue kissing technique is not at all difficult! Be natural, don’t be afraid to experiment, gain practical experience. Discuss with your partner what you like about this kiss, what you don’t, and what you would like to try. The steps we have proposed are nothing more than a tentative plan. Each couple, having received the basis, develops their own, unlike others, “French” kiss.

First you need to figure out what kind of kisses there are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - “French”;
  • kiss on the hickey.

Touching the cheeks of friends and relatives with your lips is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing friends and relatives when meeting and saying goodbye is considered the norm among loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kisses between two loving people are replete with variety, forms and feelings. You can kiss “like an adult” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings" represent gentle touches of various parts with a closed mouth: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words into your loved one’s ear.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given as a token of gratitude for the gift of the evening. Tender touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes a harbinger of a stormy night for two lovers.

French kissing- the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. It is performed with the mouth slightly open. Tongue contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, biting.

Usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, having decided to have sex with your lover, you need to know how to kiss correctly. The process should not confuse a person or make them feel embarrassed. When kissing, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

The following tips will help you learn how to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions or garlic before a date, and do not drink alcohol or tobacco. It is especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman who smells of cigarettes.
  2. The girl's lips, hands, and hair must be in perfect and well-groomed condition. A girl should be like candy: smelling and beautiful so that you want to eat her.
  3. Create a romantic atmosphere: dim lighting, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Oral and body hygiene. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person from kissing. If you can’t brush your teeth, you can use chewing gum, a spray for fresh breath, and also eat an apple or chew parsley.
  5. Don't freeze in one position. Stroking your loved one's hair, back, and shoulders will help you and your partner relax during a kiss.
  6. Don't be shy: focus on the pleasure, not the technique itself.
  7. Don't be silent. A “wet” kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in your beloved’s ear.

Exercises with a tomato or peach will help you kiss correctly for the first time.. Imagining your partner’s lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a lot of pleasure to yourself and your girlfriend.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. By learning to do this correctly, you can bring a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be immediately noted that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not attack her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on their first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships did not last long.. Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl, on the first date, does not attack a guy and does not allow him anything unnecessary.

A frivolous man, of course, will be cooled by this fact, but an interested and serious man will, on the contrary, be more interested in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he has not yet shown her any signs of attention. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of your loved one. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. You just need to do this naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is a romantic - walks under the moonlight, conversations about poetry and music should become her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not go overboard to please her lover. If the guy is a skydiver, then it is not at all necessary to jump with him, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels a woman’s sincerity and will definitely respond to her “efforts.”

By sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, a girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. It’s as if a girl should give a young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You shouldn’t quickly force things, but showing excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the initiative should be given to the man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, but the guy still doesn’t dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can be the first to make a move.

The correct way to kiss a guy is this:

  1. Look with an inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are truly better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then open your mouth slightly. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. When kissing for the first time, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help you achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

The French kiss eliminates various manifestations of timidity and uncertainty. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not begin such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man must be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

During intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided.. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sporting competition.

Also, avoid excessive salivation. A too hot kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Want something interesting?

To kiss with your tongue correctly, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. A kiss from a guy in love will give a girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in amorous affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn how to kiss your beloved boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and clean body. When giving an intimate kiss, it is important not only to have fresh breath, but also to have a pleasant body odor, the aroma of clean hair, a neat manicure, and neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. A girl should use cosmetics in moderation. “Licking” bitter lipstick is unlikely to appeal to any guy. You also need to pay close attention to the smell of perfume: it should not be harsh or intense. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, gentle.
  4. The kiss should happen naturally and effortlessly. The guy does not have to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. There is no point in holding your breath at all - this is not a sports jump. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. To prevent the nose from interfering with the process, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner’s head.
  7. You need to kiss a guy while hugging him. Wrapping your arms around your partner's neck and stroking your partner's back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust and passion.

Correct French kissing technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There shouldn't be any taboos here.

Rules for how to kiss:

  1. A kiss begins with a light touch on the partner's lips.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your loved one, and slightly open your lips.
  3. Penetrate your tongue into your loved one’s mouth, touch his tongue and gently swipe. The tongue should not be tense and sluggish. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The lovers' tongues should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. The lips should also not be indifferent. They should touch their partner’s lips with different intensities: sometimes stronger, sometimes more tenderly. Throughout the kiss, the lovers' mouths do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner’s face, this adds a certain amount of pleasant sensations.
  7. The depth, speed, and method of kissing can be changed. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with deep penetration of the tongue. Tender is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss quickly or slowly. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desires of the two persons.

Learning to kiss with tongue is not difficult. The perfection of this practice comes through experience and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction arises between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. Kissing a hickey is the first step to violent sex.

You can kiss a hickey with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetration, gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first option, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. The tongue version provides more sensual pleasure for both partners.

You need to kiss a guy with a hickey with your tongue, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the ground, you should gently touch his lips with your half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond to this by touching his partner’s lips with his tongue. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone; such manipulations bring them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the tender flesh.
  3. Many men like stroking the inside of their lips with a woman's tongue. To do this, run your tongue along the inner contour of your mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug her lover's neck, caressing his back, chest, and shoulders.

You should listen to your partner’s wishes and do what both of you like. There is no need to be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing passionately, you should breathe through your nose, since breathing through your mouth will not be possible physically.

Kissing “like an adult” for the first time may not work out right. However, by constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art by expressing tenderness, passion, love and affection to each other through kisses.

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