Gifts for Valentine's Day: ideas and master classes. TOP best gifts for a guy (husband) on Valentine's Day

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On Valentine's Day, every girl wants not only to congratulate her beloved, friends and girlfriends in an original and sweet way, but also to make beautiful souvenirs with her own hands. Some people know how to draw, sew or knit, while others believe that it is impossible to make an original gift for a loved one without special skills - but this is not true. In fact, there are many ways to easily, simply and with pleasure make a beautiful gift with your own hands for any occasion - even a birthday, even Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t matter. And no special skills are required - you just need inspiration, a little free time, accuracy and a desire to pleasantly surprise!

It's important to choose your idea wisely before you roll up your sleeves and get to work. There are a lot of ideas and master classes. But first of all, you need to understand that Valentine's Day is different from other holidays. If for a birthday, for example, you need to give something valuable and practical, then this holiday was created for other purposes, namely, to give love. And gifts should be symbolic, carry a hidden meaning. Therefore, Valentine's Day, unlike birthdays and other holidays, allows you to make beautiful gifts and souvenirs with your own hands. The main thing is that the gift contains a sincere declaration of tender feelings and is made with soul!

Soft and tender

If for a birthday it is customary to give cards and a cake with candles, then the holiday of all lovers requires the obligatory presence of valentines and souvenirs with a “heartfelt” theme. To make an original soft gift with your own hands, you don’t have to be skilled at sewing. There are simple and very effective ideas!

Sweet feelings

It's customary to give a cake for a birthday, but why not give sweet gifts on Valentine's Day? By the way, in some countries it is customary to give homemade chocolate for this holiday. Making your own chocolate or not is your choice, but giving a sweet heart to your loved one is a great idea!

Something with a surprise

I would like to give my “other half” a romantic surprise with my own hands, but how? Nothing could be simpler. Use your imagination and you will get a wonderful souvenir!

To make the holiday of love and romance a wonderful memory, be responsible in choosing and making souvenirs, put your soul and love into the gift, try and take your time - and happiness will know no bounds!

When you think about homemade gifts, it's not all about saving money, because to make something with your own hands, you have to buy different components. So such a gift can take the same amount of money as a regular one, purchased, and certainly more of your time. Why work then?

Firstly, only a homemade gift will have individual characteristics and contain a message for only one person, and this is very nice.

Secondly, as they often say, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Now compare the amount of attention when a person simply went to the store and chose an item and when he purchased all the components, thought through the concept and did something with his own hands.

Here are 10 sliders with step by step tutorial. Use ideas and your own imagination.

1. Money rose

If you decide to give money, you can give it not just like that, but in the form of a beautiful rose. Double joy is guaranteed - you give both money and attention.

For a rose you will need 5-7 banknotes of any denomination, wire, green ribbon, artificial leaves, glue. Leaves and ribbon can be purchased in the florist department.

Fold the banknote in half and bend the edges in different directions. We will later make a rosebud from this banknote.

Fold the remaining banknotes as shown in the picture, folding the edges to one side. We will make petals from them later.

We put the banknote on the wire, twist the end of the wire so that the banknote does not fall.

When you roll the bud, insert your finger inside the banknote and form petals around it, then it will turn out voluminous.

In the same way, put petal banknotes on the wire and twist it. Make them different in shape, then the rose will look natural.

Fold the petals around the bud and wrap the wire with tape to hold all the stems together.

Glue artificial leaves to the ribbon to make the rose look like a real one.

2. Personalized mug

Here letters are drawn on the mug, but using the same technology you can draw anything: write a name, make a heart, or translate a funny picture.

For a homemade mug with a picture you will need:
white porcelain mug, scissors, porcelain marker, carbon paper (carbon paper), pencil or pen, tape, a picture printed or drawn on paper that you will transfer to the mug.

Cut out from paper the picture you want to see on the mug, and a piece of carbon paper of the same size. Place the carbon paper on the mug with the dark side, the picture on top, and secure with tape.

Trace along the outline of the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.

Using carbon paper, the outline of the picture will be printed on the mug. After that, you trace the picture with a porcelain marker. If you are making a personalized mug, you can fill in the outline of the letters with oblique strokes. Looks cool.

Once your image is ready, let the marker dry for 24 hours and then bake it in the oven at 160°C for 1.5 hours. After this, the mug can even be washed in the dishwasher, and the inscription will not be erased.

3. Notepad

This gift is quite simple to make, and you can decorate it however you like. Instead of a pink owl, the cover could have a photo of you together, hearts, wishes, or something like that.

You will need: a stack of printer paper (you can use paper of different colors for a more original notebook or print a faded copy of your favorite photo on each sheet), scissors, a stapler, glue, designer paper for the cover, a cardboard box.

Fold a stack of paper in half.

Place future notepad leaves on the box and outline with a marker. Keep in mind that the cover should be a couple of centimeters larger than the sheets, so leave a few centimeters on each edge.

Wrap the cardboard cover in designer paper (you can use pretty gift paper) and glue the paper to the cardboard.

Staple the notebook sheets to the cover in several places.

4. Love message from the keyboard

Original declaration of love from a computer keyboard. You will need: a frame with glass, an old keyboard, light or dark paint, a stencil and a marker or black nail polish.

Take out the required number of keys, paint their whites with paint or varnish and let them dry. Make a stencil with the required letters (you can download the required font on the Internet and print it, then cut out the middle with a blade and use it as a stencil). Place a stencil on the dry keys and write the desired letters with a marker or black paint or nail polish.

Glue the finished keys inside the frame behind the glass. You can buy a frame at an art department or photo salon.

5. Wire ring

This ring can be given as an addition to the main gift or as a small pleasant surprise.

You will need: wire cutters, pliers, a roll of red wire, a round object the size of a finger.

First, using a round object, we make a part that will wrap around the finger.

Now, using pliers, bend the wire as shown in the pictures.

We hook one edge of the heart and remove the excess wire with wire cutters.

We hook the remaining part of the heart.

6. Wallet for charging your phone

For this wallet you will need thick felt, scissors or a sharp utility knife, fabric with hearts or other patterns.

First you need to measure the size of the phone and its charger. The phone should fit easily into your wallet, and the square window at the top should fit through the charger. A very functional gift: now the phone on charge will not be accidentally pushed to the floor, and if the charger cord is short, the phone will not hang on it a centimeter from the floor.

7. Pieces of love

This is a cool bag with a homemade puzzle from a photo of you together. Very cute and original.

You will need: ink or black paste from a pen, a stencil (you can make it yourself), a brush or a cotton swab, a white cloth bag (you can also sew it yourself, adding a drawstring to the top).

We put a stencil on the bag, fix it with tape and carefully apply the letters.

For the puzzle you will need your favorite photo, some popsicle sticks, glue and a sharp utility knife.

Apply glue to the back side of the photo and lay out the ice cream sticks evenly, close to each other.

When all the sticks are laid out, we write some warm words of congratulations at the back.

When the glue has dried, turn it over and carefully cut the puzzle with a stationery knife.

All that remains is to put the finished puzzle in a bag and give pieces of love to your other half.

8. Recognition lamp

An interesting souvenir with meaning. On the pedestal of the lamp is written: “The light of my life.”

Carefully remove all the “insides” from the light bulb.

We twist hearts out of red wire using pliers. By the way, if the wire remains, you can make a heart ring.

9. The Book of Your Love

A small book of your favorite photos together with descriptions and confessions.

Select and print your favorite photos on photo paper in one format, leaving free space on the left for writing.

On each photo you can write wishes, a declaration of love, or some moments from the history of your relationship, maybe general jokes or something else.

10. Beer for your beloved man

This gift is for the most creative girls whose boyfriends are crazy about beer.

You will need bottles of his favorite beer, preferably with different varieties. As for the quantity, decide for yourself.

The labels are removed from the bottles, and for decoration you will need: thick paper, paints, markers, heart stickers, glue, scissors and a lot of imagination.

Ideas for inscriptions: riddles that hint at the type of beer, and at the same time include something like “for the beloved man”; your general beer-related jokes;
inscriptions with the meaning “Especially for you”, with his name, affectionate nicknames, etc.

Take a cardboard box, stick a photo of yourself inside and fill it with goodies that your girlfriend is partial to. These could be chocolate bars, gummy bears, popcorn, chips - in a word, everything that is terribly tasty and that your loved one rarely allows herself.

You can supplement this seductive set with just notes with pleasant nonsense.

Sweet bouquet

Instead of flowers (or together with them), you can give a bouquet of kinder surprises or Raffaello sweets. It is not only tasty, but also very impressive! There are many master classes on making such gifts on YouTube ( first , second , third).

If you have time and desire, make a sweet bouquet yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems. If not, order a ready-made one at the Crafts Fair.

"Open when..."

Take the envelopes, or better yet, glue them and decorate them with your own hands (the value of such a gift will increase several times) and write on them “Open when...”. The contents of the envelopes depend on the continuation of this phrase:

  • “Open when you’re bored” - you can put your funny photos inside.
  • “Open it when you want to hear how much I love you” - a note with your phone number.
  • “Open when you feel sad and lonely” - write words of encouragement to your beloved.
  • “Open when our anniversary comes” - an invitation to a restaurant or a gift certificate.
  • “Open when I’m missed” - money for a taxi to your home.

Make as many envelopes as your imagination allows.

Jar with cosmetic items

Most girls adore cosmetics and are happy about it, even if the cosmetic bag no longer closes. Take a beautiful transparent jar and decorate it in the style of Valentine's Day (hearts, pink ribbons, etc.). Inside, put nail polish, hand cream, lip balm, and other useful little things. A cosmetic store consultant will tell you specific brands. You should not give cream, foundation and other products that are selected individually depending on skin type and color.

As an option, subscribe your other half to a beauty-box (beauty box).

Painted felt boots

February 14 - winter is in full swing. Do you want your loved one’s feet to not get cold? Give her boots! It's fashionable. In addition, this way you will demonstrate how much you love your girlfriend and how much you care about her. If she doesn’t want to wear felt boots every day, she will probably arrange a colorful photo shoot in them.

Joint photo shoot


Rent a studio, agree with a photographer, buy your favorite dress and send it to her by courier. The gift should be accompanied by a note stating where and what time to arrive in this outfit. A joint photo shoot will not only give you many pleasant emotions, but will also leave beautiful pictures as a keepsake. Who knows, maybe you will still have the opportunity to show them to your children. ;)

Organizer for her jewelry

If you are comfortable with a hammer, screwdriver and other tools, make your favorite organizer for her jewelry, for example this or this. For simplicity, you can use a photo frame or clothes hanger as a basis.

Jewelry organizer made from coat hangers

The other half will be satisfied: the jewelry is finally in its place, and next to you is a real man who is not afraid of working with his hands. Isn't this happiness?

Book with a surprise

The best gift is a book, even if your girlfriend doesn't like to read. It’s just that in this case you need to hide under the cover what she really likes. For example, a new phone or bracelet so that you have something to hang on the organizer. ;)

Here are detailed instructions on how to turn an old book into a gift box.

Original keychain or pendant

Premnath Thirumalaisamy/

This could be a keychain for a bag in the shape of a cute animal, or an engraved token (the name of your beloved, the date you met, a declaration of feelings) for keys.

Games for two


If you and your significant other love board games, then you can kill two birds with one stone. A themed board game is both a gift and a fun way to spend February 14th. The market offers many options table for lovers. The essence of most comes down to the fact that there is a playing field and cards with tasks (“hug me 100 times,” “cook me breakfast in the morning,” and so on).

If you have enough time, try making a board game with your own hands. On the playing field you can reflect dates and moments that are important to you, stick together photographs, and write words known only to you.

Do you prefer more active games? A sheet for a twister and imagination to help! :)

Romantic dinner


Classics of the genre. Candles, tablecloth, pleasant music... But, if you want to truly surprise your beloved, prepare something unusual. For example, heart-shaped cupcakes. (Psst! You can order the cakes from your local bakery.)

Vegetable Salad

Cartoon about your love

You don't have to be an animator to make an amateur cartoon. It’s enough to take a notepad and make a flipbook (from the English flip - “turn over” and book - “book”, that is, literally “a book for turning over”). Using a flipbook you can express your feelings or tell beautiful story.

As an alternative to a cartoon, you can make a video clip. There are many options. Edit and set your joint footage to music - now you’re on vacation, now you’re visiting. If your talent allows, perform a song or dance for your loved one. Go out into the street and ask passers-by what love is, and the end of such a survey should be your own answer.

Plans for the whole year

Lovers often dream together. What if you captured it? Do you remember what plans you discussed recently? Where does your partner want to go? What would you like to do together? Make 12 cards (the number of months until the next Valentine's Day) and make your dreams come true in the coming year. For example:

  • February - we will go to a camp site for three days.
  • April - let's sign up for the pool together.
  • June - we'll fly to the sea.
  • September - let's fly in a hot air balloon.

The most difficult thing is to do what is written on the cards. After all, these are no longer just dreams, but actually promises.

Any other gift ideas for girls on Valentine's Day? Share in the comments! And for our readers who haven’t decided on a present for their significant other, we recommend that you take a look.

Every holiday is beautiful in its own way, but Valentine's Day is the most tender and touching day of the year. Millions of lovers are looking forward to it to express their feelings or confess them for the first time. Cafes and restaurants never stop seeing visitors on Valentine's Day. A gift made with your own hands will perfectly express all your emotions without words!


The main attribute of this holiday is Valentine. This is a cute card of any size with feelings for your partner expressed on it, gentle words of love! Valentine cards are sent by mail, delivered personally, and attached to a gift. Some organizations and educational institutions install a special container for valentines. At the end of the day, it is opened and postcards are distributed to the recipients. This way, you can confess your love anonymously. Or, on the contrary, to please the whole team on Valentine’s Day, put homemade gifts on everyone’s table.

If you show a little imagination, valentines can be made not from paper, but, for example, from dough, soap, or fabric.


Making a gift for Valentine's Day with your own hands is not so difficult. If your loved one has a sweet tooth, bake a batch of shortbread or custard cookies. The main feature of the Valentine's card will be the decoration. Nowadays there is a huge amount of sprinkles, edible rhinestones, beads, flowers, and paints on sale. Show your creativity and decorate the cookies extraordinarily beautifully! You can place the finished baked goods on a beautiful dish or pack them in a heart-shaped cardboard box. Cookies can be replaced with cupcakes topped with frosting.

A gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day can be presented in the form of a cake! The simplest and most suitable recipe for the occasion is Pancho cake. You can make it in an hour, but it is advisable to let it soak for several hours. We bake an ordinary sponge cake and cut it into two parts, but one plate should be thinner, about 0.5 cm. This will be the base of the cake. Place it on a plate and cut the remaining crumpet into small cubes. Prepare the cream: beat sour cream with sugar or powdered sugar, add red coloring. Remove the seeds from a bag of frozen cherries and mix with biscuit cubes and cream. Now from all this mass we lay out a beautiful heart. You can make a stencil out of cardboard to make it perfect. Cover the top with the remaining red cream. Next is your imagination: you can write a message with cream or simply decorate it.

For a true man

For those who don’t like sweets, the cake can be topped with shish kebab or juicy chops, generously sprinkled with onions! If your partner has it, present him with an edible bouquet. The stems of the flowers are a long salted straw, to which you need to carefully attach roses twisted from pink, delicious bacon. Arrange in the form of a bouquet, decorate with green onions, parsley, lettuce and pack the bouquet in wrapping paper. Makes a delicious gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day.

Collage in a box

Wall newspapers and holiday posters are already a little boring. You can make an unusual collage in a box. To do this, you will need to print out more photos of you together, write declarations of love and compliments on beautiful pieces of paper. The box can be small, its walls can be covered with photographs, and gentle inscriptions can be made. And inside this box is another, smaller one, also decorated like a collage. The nesting doll can be endless, but in the smallest, last one, place a tiny key - from your heart! This will be your lovers. A gift made with love by your own hands will express feelings better than words!

Search for treasure

An original gift for Valentine's Day in the style of finding a pirate treasure. The main gift is something made with your own hands. Use acrylic paints, stickers, ribbons, and beads to decorate an ordinary glass bottle. Choose a real, strong plug that will close tightly. Inside the treasure bottle you can put a letter with a declaration of love and a cute keychain - a heart. Now your task is to hide the treasure well and leave clues for the search. If your partner walks home, you can attach several messages to fences and posts, this will be very intriguing. When your loved one enters the house, hand him the first note, which indicates where the next one is. Let him wander around the house a little, and the finale will await him in the bathroom... A bath full of fragrant foam and rose petals, small candles everywhere, an intimate setting. Pack the bottle with the surprise in several layers of cellophane and immerse it in the bottom. Once you're both in the hot water, a surprise will be revealed. Such a gift for your husband on Valentine's Day will be remembered for a long time!

Functional gifts

Presents can be functional and practical; they will remind you of this significant day for a long time. If you are not comfortable with needlework, you can choose the simplest method. Sewing a pillowcase in the shape of a heart is very easy to do. Cut out two hearts of the same size from thick red fabric, fold them right sides together and sew them together, leaving a small hole. Carefully turn the pillowcase inside out and fill it with filling; you can use regular cotton wool. Then manually sew up the hole and start decorating. You can buy self-adhesive rhinestones at a hardware store and put your names or the word “love” on them. Use your imagination and the pillow will turn out incredibly beautiful! Show off your crafting talents on Valentine's Day. A gift made with your own hands is much more expensive and nicer than one bought in a store.

Keep your hands warm

Men rarely do needlework. At least once a year you can put in a little effort and make one for Valentine’s Day. There is no need to come up with anything complicated. Buy regular white or black gloves and red fabric paint from the store. Carefully draw small hearts on the gloves with a pencil and paint them red. You will get cute warm gloves into which you have put a piece of your soul.

But you can make a more original gift for Valentine’s Day with your own hands. In this case, you will have to gather your strength and go to the lingerie store. Buy some fishnet panties there - a bikini to suit your taste. Let's try to make an unusual bouquet from thongs!

Your beloved will definitely appreciate both such efforts and new wardrobe items. To do this you will need wrapping paper, long wooden skewers, ribbons and a few small plush toys. We wrap the skewers with satin ribbons and turn them into beautiful flower stems. At the end you can glue a ribbon to a skewer. From the panties, we twist the rosebuds and secure them with small pins. Now we attach flowers and toys to the skewers. We make, of course, an odd number. Ready! You can collect a bouquet and pack it in bright wrapping paper! The emotions received will be remembered for a long time on this Valentine's Day. The gift, made with your own hands, turned out to be exquisite and creative!

Children's fun for adults

You've probably seen a piñata at children's parties! This is a design made using papier-mâché technique, decorated with bright paper, inside there are sweets and cute little souvenirs. The baby is blindfolded, given a bat and spun several times. He must knock down the piñata hanging on the tree and receive his gifts. Such a fun activity can be presented as a gift to your husband on Valentine's Day. Making a piñata with your own hands is very simple; it will take three days to dry completely, so start preparing the surprise in advance. Inflate a huge heart-shaped balloon. Tear the newspapers into small pieces and use PVA or paste to completely cover the ball, leaving a small hole at the top. It is better to make 4-5 layers, but each of them should dry for several hours. After a day, start decorating. You can cover the piñata with corrugated paper, multi-colored stickers, or simply paint it with gouache. Place your surprises inside, attach a rope and seal the hole at the top. Gorgeous heart is ready! Don't forget to film how an adult man with a bat in his hands tries to take away his gifts. It will be a lot of fun!

One, two, three Valentine's Day will fly by quickly, gifts made with love by your own hands will leave bright impressions for a lifetime!

No matter how old you are, sometimes making something as a gift with your own hands can be a very interesting and exciting activity. In today's selection you will find ideas for both the youngest craftsmen and craftswomen, as well as for adult handmade lovers. Each of these crafts undoubtedly won the hearts of its recipients, because the most important thing is the attention and congratulations of your loved ones from the bottom of your heart.

25. Hearts made from yarn wrapped around cardboard


Such a craft can be a real magic and adventure for the whole family, including its youngest members. In addition, it will also be useful for them, because the technique of wrapping thread around a stencil involves the development of fine motor skills. First we need to cut out a heart shape from a thick material, preferably cardboard. Then take a medium weight red thread and simply wind it around the cut out shape. It turns out to be a very original Valentine's card!

24. Little monsters


If you're looking for an idea you can do with your kids or campers, these little creatures are a great way to do a fun activity that everyone can get involved with. In order for these cuties to be born, you need to prepare in advance several colors of yarn, glue, scissors, small paper coffee cups and chenille wire. We wrap a piece of cardboard with yarn 150-200 times, fasten all the threads with a rope on one side, and cut it on the other to make a pompom. The glue will help attach eyes and homemade horns, legs, and tails to the future body, and the glass will become an excellent stand for a cheerful fluffy.

23. Valentine feeder


Do you love nature? Surely there are a lot of pigeons and sparrows flying in your yard, which never fly away from the house for wintering, like other birds. Then here is a wonderful way to congratulate even your winged friends on the holiday of love. For Valentine's Day you will need flour, water, gelatin, store-bought bird food, and corn syrup. All this is mixed into a homogeneous mass and cut out using cookie cutters, if you have one on hand. Make a hole for the thread and bake the treats until they harden. These feeders will be a great decoration for your yard, will attract hungry birds and will entertain everyone in the house.

22. Valentine's Day themed sign


A very stylish gift that you can make yourself from improvised materials lying around in the attic or basement. Perhaps there are remnants of old frames, door handles or locks left at home, or unnecessary parts lying around in the garage. Before you throw it all away, figure out what could be used for a gift sign or is shaped like a letter. Perhaps cleaning can wait?

21. Paper doll


Craft paper is perfect for creating the cutest little weirdo. Just let your imagination take flight and cut out funny little animals.

20. Love potion for Valentine's Day

This is not only entertainment, but also a small lesson in alchemy (okay, chemistry) for the most inquisitive children. The result will not be a very usual valentine, because you can’t hang it on a doorknob or on a refrigerator, but it will certainly be interesting and fun. For a magical potion you will need quite ordinary ingredients. Mouse tails, crow's eyes and earth from the cemetery... will not be useful. But baking soda, dyes, vinegar and flavorings work best. Also prepare a clean container with a high edge, spoons and everything you need so as not to stain the whole house with paint (rags, bags, gloves).

19. Romantic weather vanes


Wait, don't throw those empty cans in the bin! These crafts can be a great way to decorate your yard and fill the sails of your love with wind. It's very easy to do. For the love weathervane you will need wrapping paper, thread or fishing line for hanging crafts, scissors, paints, brushes, glue, paper hearts. Go for it!


Windows are rightfully considered the eyes of the house. Therefore, when waking up on the morning of Valentine's Day, it would be nice to start it with the sight of floating hearts, so that the holiday starts with the most cheerful motives. For this craft, you will need glue, chenille wire, paper hearts, glitter, ribbons and floral mesh.

17. Sensory bottle with slowly floating hearts


This is both a decorative element and an educational toy for children. The good thing about the sensory bottle is that it is accessible to any wallet and can be used to fill it with almost any item. These bottles can be made bright, multi-colored, and they can also sound and weigh differently depending on their purpose and your imagination. They say that such crafts very well develop all the child’s senses and help relieve his nervous system. This item can be useful even for adults. Now let's get down to business. We need a clean bottle, colorful hearts made of plastic or some other dense material, glue, liquid hand soap and... a good mood.

16. Hearts made from crayons for drawing


If you are the parent of a small child or the teacher of an entire class, God bless you, you probably have a lot of broken crayons lying around your home or work. Instead of throwing them away, try making this craft. It will be a real explosion of color and a little treasure made from something you wouldn't mind throwing away anyway. You will need a silicone heart-shaped baking mat, a knife, the crayons themselves and an oven, of course. Cut the leftover crayons into small pieces, spread them over the mat and place the “canvas” in the oven for about 15 minutes. The molten mass must be cooled for final solidification.


This home decoration can be made once and used every year. The main thing is careful storage. The idea is extremely simple to implement if you have thick cardboard or a square board, ribbon, colored paper, paint, scissors and glue. Enjoy creativity and fill your home with beauty!

14. Picture drawn with fingerprints


Such recognition cannot help but touch. Let your significant other feel all your love in every touch of your finger on a piece of paper. It is not at all necessary to be able to draw masterpiece landscapes or have an extraordinary imagination. Just grab some paint and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty! It's never too late to return to childhood, in which we so loved to draw with our hands in the literal sense of the word. By the way, you can make such a picture together while drinking a bottle of wine.

13. Word play for English lovers on Valentine's Day


Shall we buzz? The traditional address to loved ones on Valentine's Day in English-speaking countries is “Be my Valentine.” Is it a coincidence that you might mishear and think about bees (in English - bee)? If you want to make your significant other smile, scissors are in your hands. As well as glue, colored paper and chenille wire. Plus, this is a great way to do something new for Valentine's Day without resorting to the boring pink color.

12. Caramel flower


What is associated with Valentine's Day no less than hearts and love itself? Flowers and sweets, of course! Sometimes you can combine them in one gift and please your girlfriend with an original congratulation, just like in this picture.

11. Lamp in the style of Valentine's Day


If you are expecting a romantic dinner at home and are in the mood to do something with your own hands, you can decorate the rooms with unusual lamps. Any empty transparent containers will do. Also look for candles, glue, craft paper, and get ready to create the most romantic setting of the year! It is very simple, and any family member can take part in making such crafts.

10. Paper owls for Valentine's Day


Who doesn't love owls? These feathered charms look intriguing and impressive in nature, and in jewelry and decor they look original and stylish. In order to have your own artificial owls at home, you will need empty toilet paper rolls (at the same time, don’t forget to take a photo for the new online provocation “I am the Moon”), glue, ribbons, colored paper and imagination to paint the bird’s body!

9. Romantic wrapping paper suncatcher


Catch the sunshine and all the love it contains with these garlands for your home! It will be fun for everyone in the family. We simply take cardboard, cut out a heart-shaped figure from it, leave a void inside, which we will then cover with translucent wrapping paper. Ribbons and glue will also come in handy to decorate the garland with additional details to suit your taste.

8. Homemade wreaths for the door


In fact, you can decorate your entire apartment or house for the holidays, and not just hand out cards to each other. You can start creating an atmosphere of love and warmth from the doorstep of your home. A wreath like this can help with this, for which you will need craft paper, glue, scissors, ribbon and cardboard. Imagine how nice it would be for your other half, returning home in the evening, to feel wanted or needed from the very door!

7. Craft from disposable plates and threads


There is no better and more honest gift than a handmade craft. And if you don’t have any ideas, or you don’t really know how to draw, you can turn to a whole galaxy of online muses for inspiration. For example, how do you like these stylized plates? It develops fine motor skills very well if you have children. They will definitely be happy to see their crafts as home decoration.

6. Family fingerprint plateau


This craft is good for joint creativity with the whole family and will remain a pleasant memory for many years. It will be especially interesting to look at it in 5-10-15 years, comparing how the size of the fingers of your grown-up children has changed. And it’s easy to do!

5. Chocolate wreath for Valentine's Day


A sweet confession, a gift you can eat, and just a cute holiday decoration. We buy our favorite candy bars and candies, take good glue and tie the wreath with bows from multi-colored ribbons.

4. Butterflies made from wine corks


Have a lot of wine corks accumulated? Don't throw them away because corks can be used for fun crafts too. Butterflies turn out especially well if you have toy eyes lying around from a craft store. You will also need to cut red paper hearts to glue to the corks instead of the wings. Hint - it is especially convenient to do this with small children's hands.

3. Arrows for Valentine's Day


Here’s another themed craft that’s quite easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of materials. By the way, she can do just fine without red and pink flowers, which will already be in abundance on this day. It is most convenient to write with stationery putty. And then you can easily leave this board at home for a whole year.

2. Cup with a heart


If you don’t particularly like cutting and knitting, and you don’t know how to draw or embroider, there is a very simple way out. An ordinary cup can turn into a valentine with a few strokes of a marker around a simple stencil, which can be cut out by tracing the edge of the cup handle. Just don't forget to buy the cup itself!

1. Fingerprint tree

It doesn’t matter how old you are - 2 years old, 22 or 52. For such a postcard for Valentine’s Day, you don’t need to be a professional artist. If you've never been able to draw tree leaves, here's a new trick to draw an entire crown with just the touch of your finger! And don't forget to make it in the shape of a heart in honor of the holiday.

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