How not to joke with a girl. How to joke with a girl without getting hit on the head with a bag. We joke in correspondence

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This article will talk about how to make a girl smile. Even the most modest man who doesn’t like to chat in vain can be instilled with the same sense of humor that makes many girls go crazy. To be a fun person, you don’t have to drive a cool car or dress in the latest fashion. It's enough to be yourself. After all, when a person feels at home, it is then that he allows himself to open up and be the same as his family sees him. So, let's figure out how to make a girl laugh? How can this be done?

How to make a girl laugh

There are many ways to make a girl laugh. Women's nature in itself is frivolous, and you can easily drive a girl crazy, but if you also have a pleasant appearance, you can easily. But we will consider general cases that are suitable for everyone.

Positive thinking

The first thing you need to start with is a positive outlook on the world around you. When you go to meet a girl in a good mood, when she sees you, even if her day is not going well, she will involuntarily smile at you. You will feel light and carefree. Every girl wants to find a man who would support her and could provide moral assistance in a difficult situation.

If you learn to listen to people and be responsive, then the fair sex will appreciate this quality. But don't overdo it with advice. If you don’t know what to say in a particular difficult situation, it’s better to show her with gestures that you empathize with her and that you care about everything that happens.

Naturalness is the key to success

As stated above, try to be yourself. Girls love relaxed and confident guys. If, for example, you make a face in front of a large crowd of people, she will think that for her sake you are ready to forget about the rules of decency. She will laugh and admire this trick for a long time. Come up with funny situations on the go, improvise.

Try to observe your surroundings, in case you notice something that she did not notice. Quickly brainstorm the presentation of the material in your head and direct its gaze to what seemed funny to you. Success in this case is guaranteed.

But sometimes it happens that your humor does not make an impression on her, and you see a grimace on her face. Don't despair; a quick and technical change of topic will help here. Focus her gaze on someone else. A compliment is best. Say how good she looks today, or pay attention to her wardrobe, even if she wears the same thing every day, but, of course, you will be grateful.

Inventing a funny situation

Sometimes it is possible and even necessary to lie a little in order to make a girl laugh. For example, you tell her a story where you are supposedly the main character, and an absurd situation happens to you, which others laugh at. In fact, you made up this story, but at least you will cheer up your partner.

The most important thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get confused in the wilds of what is happening and not to come up with a story that already looks more like a movie than real life. If you show that you can sometimes laugh at yourself, then she will also accept light jokes about you, I don’t think you are criticizing.

Supporting the girl's humor

Try to laugh with the girl. After all, anyone, absolutely any person, loves when her jokes are supported. Even if they are not very funny, try to support them. This will add male solidarity to you in her eyes, and perhaps she will think that mutual understanding in your relationship is at a fairly high level.

Find out which topics touch her sense of humor the most. Study this segment, read interesting situations. If you can't quite make jokes about certain topics, then stick to your line. But you shouldn’t play along too often, the girl may suspect something is wrong, or, sooner or later, with her next story, you will involuntarily show with your appearance that you don’t care. Then it will look very ugly on your part, and will lead to a scandal or severe offense.

Using expressions

If you have phrases in your arsenal that can accidentally make a girl laugh, feel free to use them. Most often, girls laugh when something goes wrong in front of a guy’s eyes, and he accidentally utters a phrase that means annoyance.

Try to select sentences that do not contain obscene language. After all, if you present this or that phrase that should sound different, in a different interpretation, it will cause both laughter and admiration from the girl. Sometimes use this in relation to her, if something doesn’t work out for her. You can change her bad mood into a positive one with one phrase.

Create laughter through body movements

You also need to make a face or dance in time. With these actions you will answer your question: “How to make a girl laugh?” Most girls go crazy when they see guys making faces. Remember, they are like big children, they laugh if you show them the finger. Know how to choose the moment for such actions. After all, for example, when you go to the theater, or you are invited to a social reception, it is better to refrain from this kind of entertainment for a girl.

The easiest way to make your girlfriend laugh is to pretend that you don’t hear or see her. This will add a certain spice to the game, it will push you so that you pay attention. When she laughs, you should wait a little longer, and then look in her direction, but know or feel this very line. After all, if you overplay it too much, you can thereby offend her.

Flirt with her, make advances as if you don't know each other. This will make her laugh. When you think the moment is right to tickle, you can do so, but do it gently, otherwise you may cause pain with your strong hands.

Maintain balance

It will be a defeat if, after uncontrollable laughter, your positive atmosphere is overshadowed by silence. Never allow this to happen, try to withstand a microscopic pause after the fun and continue the conversation, preferably on some more serious topic.

There is no need to joke all the time; save your reserves for future meetings. At the very least, you will seem less serious and frivolous to the girl. Don't make jokes about your significant other's appearance. After all, for every milady, appearance comes first. You need to use only those jokes that will make the girl laugh, and tell them in such a way that the thread of events is not interrupted. Otherwise, the joke will turn out to be a failure.

These were tips on how to behave in real life with a girl. But how can you make a girl laugh if you can’t see her? After all, many of us now meet and communicate most often on social networks. To make an initial impression on the fair sex, you should interest her in chat communication. Here are a few ways to make a pen pal laugh.

Make a compliment

Without seeing a girl in person, but seeing her photographs, you can immediately judge her appearance. And an original compliment can be a good way to make the life of the one sitting on the other side of the screen more fun. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Carefully examine all her photographs, especially focusing on those that you consider unsuccessful. After all, when you give a compliment to such a photo, your chosen one will be very surprised, and even more so you will attract her with your originality. Try not to make trivial pleasantries. After all, the highlight in this matter is the main thing.

Funny story from life

Funny stories that have ever happened to you, embarrassments, or - this is another example of how to make a girl laugh. Of course, in a live dialogue it is easier and more accessible to tell a story, but in order to amuse my lady through non-verbal communication, you will have to try.

Make the story brighter by adding emoticons or stickers, don’t be afraid to seem funny or stupid. Because that's the whole point. The funnier you present yourself in front of her, the better your situation will be.


The art of flirting is not given to everyone, but everything can be learned. With its help, as strange as it may seem, you can also make a girl laugh in SMS messages. In online communication, flirting is perceived a little differently than in real life. There it is more like a comic game than a serious one. In most cases, girls find flirting with adding emoticons very funny and a little ridiculous on the part of guys.

For example, after quite a long conversation, write to her something like: “Baby, do you want to sit with me and talk about life, and maybe not just talk?” And don’t forget to add emoticons at the end, otherwise it will not be perceived as clearly as it would be expected. Do not be afraid that the girl may think that you are hitting on her, lower the situation and change the topic of conversation (girls are different).

In general, these were the main ways to try to cheer up the opposite sex both in real life and on the Internet. Come up with your own jokes to make the girl laugh, experiment, and don’t be afraid of unfriendly comments addressed to you if you fail. If it doesn't work out with one, it will work out with the other. Remember: a lot depends on laughter and the level of humor in your relationship.

Today we'll talk about how to cheer up a girl in various situations: in real life, in correspondence on VK and via SMS. But first, think about whether it’s worth doing it at all. After all, there can be a bad mood, and you shouldn’t deliberately try to change it.

The main secret to success in lifting a girl's mood is your inner state. If you yourself are sad, dissatisfied with something, upset, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to cheer up the girl. She will have a good sense of your inner state and the inconsistency of this state with what you are trying to do.

It also shows that you are trying for the girl. No, but you are trying to artificially, including for yourself, change the state of both.

What does it take to cheer a girl up?

When you meet a girl, think first of all what can amuse you, create such funny situations in order to catch the drive on a date. And don’t think about girls in this regard. It sounds selfish, but it actually works. Your friend will see that you do not depend on her mood, you find positivity in some moments, and this positivity is passed on to her. And at the same time you don’t try, and you look natural. A girl will definitely appreciate this behavior, since you show that you are .

To catch such a mood, you should do things that the girl does not expect from you. And this makes her emotional. You can also not just walk with her or sit in a cafe, but go to an amusement park or water park, to those places where it will be fun by default. After all, active actions always evoke emotions and adrenaline.

Now about the negative. You shouldn't be afraid of him. Our life consists of dark and light sides. And if you try to artificially replace the dark side with the light side, it will only get worse. Now remember yourself, that moment when you experienced negative emotions, perhaps feared something, or felt angry. When this moment passed, you experienced an emotional uplift, but in the positive direction.

And if you had a fight with a girl, but you can control yourself, then after a few minutes the quarrel can turn into no less passion 😀

How to cheer up a girl in VK correspondence

Here an even more serious question arises: why amuse her on the Internet? You can use VKontakte or other sites for effective dating. And the girl’s fun is not included in your plan at all. What's happened ? This is when you, with a tight deadline, communicate in real life.

We have already talked about real life above, how to behave.

How to cheer up a girl via SMS

You can send it to a girl funny sms.

What is the main thing in SMS? Intrigue! You send a girl an intriguing SMS that makes her think about you. You write something to her, but don’t finish.

For example, here's an SMS: "Don't let them steal me from you". Here you create the image that you are a cool guy, and other girls want to steal you. This is how your friend will think about it, and also ask other questions about this.

The main thing after such an SMS is not to respond for at least half an hour so that the intrigue works as it should. And when you call the girl, you can continue this mysterious behavior, and then turn it into a joke. The fact is that the girl will feel emotions and think about you for a while. And this is the result we need.

What's the point of sending her just a funny SMS, which may not even make her laugh?

Bottom line

I think that from this article you have concluded that posing the question “How to cheer up a girl?” or “How can I make her laugh?” not quite correct. Because it doesn't lead to anything. Just try to create a comfortable environment for communication so that the girl feels natural and does not tense up. And even if she is not in a good mood, and sees that you take it calmly, so to speak, accept her current state, then after a while her mood will match yours without any effort on your part.

A few simple tricks to help make others laugh out loud.

There is no girl who, when compiling a list of basic requirements for the guy of her dreams, would forget to mention having a sense of humor. However, you already know that being the wittiest in any company is very pleasant and honorable. Like any other skill, the ability to joke can be developed. A sense of humor is just a tricky muscle that can be pumped up. Perhaps, with the help of our article, you will have time to do this by the next beach season.

5 surefire ways to say something funny

Humor only seems to be a free, spontaneous and exuberant form of creativity. If you wipe off the stupid smile from your face and analyze with a serious look what exactly causes laughter, you can isolate ready-made formulas for what is funny. Here are the most common and easiest to use of them. And although they are all used, if you take them into service, it will greatly help your boyfriend.

1 They were swapped

The most mechanical and simple way to create a joke (or at least its semblance) is to swap two elements. These can be letters in a word ( president - drezipent), letters in the phrase ( sweaty hands - mouth farts), words in a sentence ( hit a squirrel's eye from a hundred meters away - hit a hundred meters from a squirrel's distance) and therefore similar ( Fedor Konyukhov - groom Fedorov). The main secret in applying this formula is speed. I heard a phrase suitable for a changeling, immediately turned it over - earned a smile ( “And don’t forget to wash the dishes and throw out the trash!” - "Fine! I’ll throw away the dishes and wash the trash!”). Of course, 99% of your changes will turn out to be meaningless nonsense, but even nonsense can evoke positive emotions. Any boring news from the Vremya program will play if the druzipent Vedmedev participates in it.

2 New word in...

Hundreds of phraseological units that you constantly use have become so worn out from use that neither you nor your interlocutors notice them. Blow off the dust by replacing one of the worn parts with a new one. Instead of “freaking out,” say “ freak out about cholesterol", instead of the "carrot and stick method" - " whip and pizza method", instead of "glue the fins together" - " glue skis (boots from Skorokhod)" Please note: the more appropriate the replacement, the more fun it is. If you replace the name of the flower with “baobab” in the expression “God’s dandelion,” it will sound especially funny if the size of the old woman is close to the dimensions of the tree in question.

3 How does it sound?

The direct meaning of words and expressions is a rich field for jokes. ( “How are you after yesterday?” - “Like a cucumber! Green, and some suspicious little bumps appeared on the chest.”) The essence of this method is not to pay attention to the context and circumstances, but to focus on one, albeit not very significant, detail ( “Hold the door” - “Do you think if you let go, she’ll run away somewhere?”). Listen to everyday speech - you will be amazed how many reasons for such stupid jokes are hidden in almost every phrase ( “You're two hours late again! How does is called?" - “Hm... I give up. Well, what is it called? This is the first time I’ve heard this riddle!”).

4 Yes, more, more!

If you read us carefully, you probably noticed that we have already used the technique of comic exaggeration forty billion times in our magazine. As comedian Bill Cosby once noted, in mathematics 1 + 1 = 2, in humor 1 + 1 = 11 ( “How long have you been waiting for us?” - "From september. 1989"). You already often lie, take another step and start lying in a square: “I was so scared by this rustling sound that even my neighbors turned gray!” By the way, the formula “that even the neighbors have something there” is quite productive. Remember it and use it at every opportunity ( “I got so drunk that day that even my neighbors got up with a headache the next morning.”. “He weighs so much that even his neighbors had to go on a diet.”).

5 Original stamp

Another algorithm for constructing a joke is a cliché turned upside down: a proverb, a saying, quotes from a song or movie, etc. This is not the easiest of the methods (you have to stretch your imagination), but also not the most difficult (you have a stove, from which one should dance). At the beginning of the joke, you take a well-known cliché for a run, then, pushing off from it, you jump and land completely different from where you were expected.
“I’m ready to give up my right hand just to learn how to play the guitar!”
“I’m ready to give up my right arm just to become disabled!”
“I’m ready to give up my right hand to become left-handed!”
“I’m ready to give up my right hand. I still have three of them.”

We are sure that you will be able to continue exploiting this cliché with one left hand.

Who did we play jokes from?

Back in 1932, psychologist F. Goodenough found out that a sense of humor is an innate skill, and not learned from adults, like speech or the habit of smoking after sex. In his experiments, deaf-blind babies laughed when tickled just like healthy ones. But since scientists at that time did not have today’s money or a false sense of the significance of their work, Goodenough’s ideas did not receive proper development.

Serious theories about the origin of humor appeared only at the end of the 20th century. Moreover, they were put forward by ethologists - researchers of animal behavior. For example, J. Panksepp in 1998 described the sense of humor in monkeys, canines, bears and even, surprisingly, rats. Of course, humor in this case must be understood in a broad sense: it is unlikely that a monkey will be able to appreciate the comedy of a situation when a person wearing different socks comes to her bank for an interview. However, all these animals are capable of two types of jokes. First, peek-a-boo is when one animal scares another by pretending to eat it, and then “laughs” at the victim’s fear. Secondly, public humiliation - when one male pushes another from a branch or crushes another, and then - okay, gray, are you offended? Moreover, if the monkeys are equal in status, the victim has the right to a “joke” in return, and the offender should not be offended. That is, he must give in the next time they knock him down.

As another ethologist, J. Gamble, found out, such a meager supply of witticisms is explained only by the lack of speech. As soon as gorillas or chimpanzees were taught sign language, they immediately began to joke much more subtly (by ape standards). For example, they deceived other monkeys that there was food hidden under a stone, and then watched with satisfied hoots as they worked their hairless asses lifting the boulder. In addition, big-eyed animal psychologists Van Hoof and Proeschoft discovered two types of reactions to jokes in monkeys and rats.

█ Grin (lips rolled up, teeth exposed and tightly clenched) - something like a smile, which is given by the objects of the prank. Interestingly, grinning in a broader sense is a signal of submission. Therefore, the equivalent of a grin in the human world should be recognized not only as the phrase “Ha ha, of course!”, but also “You are such a wit, Pal Palych!”

█ A playful face (the mouth is open, the lips are extended, breathing becomes rapid) - a prototype of laughter. Animals use it to differentiate between play and reality. In childhood, when the cubs are learning, they often get into fights, fussing and chasing. If an adult runs after you and laughs, it's a game. If you are concentrated, apparently there is a predator on the horizon and you have to really run. Panksepp, by the way, found out that animals “without humor”, raised by serious individuals (who cannot show a game face due to injuries or a muzzle), are less adapted to life, solve problems worse and cope with stress.

When the shovels sing

Why don’t they laugh at your witticisms, but only sniffle gloomily, thoroughly kicking you?

You weren't the first

Believe me, if a person’s name is Slava and he is over ten years old, he has already heard the joke about “Glory to the CPSU” two thousand times. Not a single Sveta will smile if you joke something like “sleep in the Light.” Anatoly Wasserman’s reaction to your pun about “Wasserman’s reaction” is also not difficult to guess. Did you come up with a joke? Wonderful! But before you post it, think for a second about how new it will be for the listener.

You know more than others

Tell your grandmother this incident from our fictional life: “I was recently in a Chinese restaurant. I ask the waiter: “Do you have Wi-Fi?” He left, then comes and says: “Wai Fai is a day off today, but there is his brother Wai Wen.”. If your grandmother laughs, she just loves you very much. Remember: if even one of the key elements of a joke is unknown to the listener, the joke will fall apart like a house of cards built of sand.

You overdid it

Many weak jokes were received with a bang and, in the good sense of the word, laughed at only because they sounded unexpected. Humor should appear spontaneous. Never prepare your audience that a bird is about to fly out ( “Wow, what a joke I came up with! Get pumped! Listen..."). You shouldn’t ask for forgiveness or make excuses in advance either ( “The anecdote, of course, is quite stupid, but I liked it. It touches on the topic of kinky sex with animals, so I apologize in advance to the ladies and animals present here. So...").

If a joke fails, the worst thing you can do is frantically remember the next joke ( “This time it’s definitely funny!”). It could turn out even worse. But the most tragic ending will be if you start accusing your interlocutors of lacking a sense of humor and seasoning the accusation with a detailed analysis of the joke. This behavior makes unfunny clowns become dead clowns.

4 theories of humor

From serious scientists who have observed humans and other animals.

Weisfeld's theory

Humor is a tool for creating alternative realities. Our jokes are the same playful romp of animals, only even more simplified. Imitation of imitation life. We check other people’s reactions to a conflict situation without physically getting involved in it: “Well, where do you think I was until three in the morning? I went to a brothel with our nurse and her stewardess friend!”

Fredrickson's theory

Humor is essential for improving emotional control. A joke is a reversal of the body’s response to stress: “They brought you pizza here. But we ate it! Ha ha! A developed psyche requires a quick transition, for example, from anger to happiness, because getting stuck in one emotion makes you vulnerable. For lower animals (and also for some guards, we would add) transitions to a new state are difficult.

Ouren-Bachorowski theory

For the benefit of evolution, two adults must be genetically dissimilar: this is the only way they can produce a good assortment of offspring. However, the difference in genes (and therefore in the color of eyes, skin, nipples and sidelocks) can be frightening: the second organism is perceived as alien. This means that there must be a mechanism for strengthening sympathy, different from external attractiveness. An “emotional loop” becomes such a mechanism: the first one jokes, the second one is happy, the first one is happy that the second one is happy, etc. Jokes about a non-offensive woman are good cement for relationships ( “Darling, do snakes sleep with their eyes open?” - “I don’t know, I get up later than you”).

Mulcay-Miller theory

These two believe that humor is not a mechanism of attachment, but of choosing a partner. Both admit that the choice in sex is always up to the woman, so the man is obliged to joke. At the same time, Mulcahy believes that humor is a product of demonstrative aggression; it is intended to humiliate male competitors in front of females: “San, it wasn’t you who printed about self-medication for gonorrhea - is there anything left on the printer?” Well, good-natured Miller writes that a joke should not be offensive, humor is simply a sign of good intellectual form, and therefore high-quality genes. It seems that his theory, which for once takes into account the character of people, and not gorillas, is the most correct.

Wit for the lazy

How to be known as a funny guy without making up a joke.


As Mikhail Zhvanetsky once noted, “One well-used quote is worth ten out-of-place anecdotes.” Memorize a dozen quotes, for example from “The Twelve Chairs,” and wait for the right moment. Did your colleague show up to work wearing something new? Go up to him and announce publicly: “It was impossible to start a career as a polygamist without a marvelous dapple-gray suit.”. Is anyone getting scolded by their bosses? Note in a low voice: “From the outside it might seem that a respectful son is talking to his father, only the father shakes his head too animatedly”.

Ideally, the quote used should not be shabby from frequent use (“To whom the mare is a bride”), otherwise it will lose some of its power. In this case, it is desirable that the source be at least approximately guessed. A good quotation brings with it the spirit of the work, and all the former positive emotions associated with the quoted work come to life in the souls of the listeners. By the way, this is why the quote from Zhvanetsky with which we started did not make much of an impression on you. Well, also because we invented it ourselves.

Tell jokes

A Frenchman, a German and Mikhail Zhvanetsky somehow ended up on a desert island. And they began to compete to see who could tell the best joke. It was Zhvanetsky’s turn, and he said: “One appropriately told anecdote is worth ten inappropriately used quotes.” Yes, whatever one may say, there is no more reliable way to gain a reputation as a joker and comedian than telling jokes. It’s okay that you didn’t invent them. It is impossible to treat someone who makes you laugh without sympathy. Anger can only be caused if it turns out that you forgot the ending of the joke.

Speak with accents

Any boring phrase said with an Estonian accent will bring smiles to those around you, unless, of course, the speaker and those around you are Estonians ( “Re-read me, pa-azhalusta, so-ol, but be-faster”). Other “cheerful” accents are no worse: Georgian ( “Sleesh, sol, paredai, huh?”), Jewish (
Since the scientists were unable to insist on the main requirement of the experiment - that all women should also be naked - it was carried out like this. Men who filled out regular profiles, like those on dating sites, were assigned status based on income, education and appearance. Women were not shown this status assessment, but they could read the questionnaires freely. In addition, each man had an autobiography written by professional comedians. The types of humor varied: toilet, chauvinistic, self-flagellation, offensive to other men, etc. - eight types in total. Going through the line of women, the man read out his “autobiography” and received a final assessment of sexual attractiveness. Then the same thing was repeated in reverse. Apart from the banal conclusions like “a sense of humor is very important for dating,” Bresler and Greengross found the following.

Men don't like it when a woman makes jokes

Perhaps perceiving them as competitors ( “Maybe she’ll have sex with herself, and... have any cutlets?”), participants in the experiment lowered the scores of the funniest storytellers. And if anyone was called very attractive, it was the laughers who laughed most actively during the first stage. So women don't have to joke at all. But, fortunately, they don’t know how, ha ha!

It almost doesn't matter how a man jokes

The highest marks, regardless of status, were given to the lucky ones who came across a “simply funny” autobiography. Neutral humor, without a clearly defined object of jokes, without vulgarity and fixation on any topic, increased the sex appeal of a man in the eyes of a woman. All other types of humor worked noticeably worse. But, surprisingly, there was no difference between them: almost the same number of women liked toilet humor as high-brow humor. Although there was one exception that deserves its own paragraph.

Proven fact: The vast majority of guys who don’t know how to joke with a girl are afraid of getting hit on the head with a bag.

Of course, the reaction of the opposite sex may be different. Although you are unlikely to get hit on the head with a bag, she can really be offended by the wrong joke.

Let's figure out how you can joke with a girl so that she doesn't consider you strange, or even a total buffoon.

The irony of what is happening around

Weak people complain about life and what happens around them. The strong know how to laugh at this.

Therefore, irony can be called a sign of strength (when it is soft and truly funny, and does not show your dissatisfaction with life).

At a time when everyone is discussing what is happening around them in a negative way, you can joke about it. The simplest example: you and your companion witnessed how the grandmothers scolded the girl for her revealing outfit. At a time when everyone around became quiet and began to “load” on this matter, you can express your thought:

« I wonder what a girl should look like in the future so that our generation in old age can call her a prostitute? "(joke borrowed).

Any situation/life difficulty should be met with slight positive irony (the main thing is not to go too far when ironizing everyone what you will see).

Jokes about a girl's virtues

This type of joke is addressed to her virtues, positive qualities or good deeds.

For example, if a girl is dressed tastefully, you can say something in style:

« You look so good that you might give me an inferiority complex. ».

If a girl came on a date before you: “ Wow, you have a virtual watch built inside you?" Or: " Do you always arrive on a date before the guys?».

There will not be enough examples here, since situations are different - your experience in composing such jokes will be of great importance. Also remember that the main thing is to joke infrequently and gently so as not to give her the feeling of your complexes and eternal dissatisfaction with women.

Affectionate nicknames

If, when meeting her or on dates, you managed to come up with a nickname for her, then use it in conversation. Such nicknames include: eyelash, curl, fashionista etc.

Yes, simply saying her nickname out loud is considered a joke.

The main thing is to call her that only when her behavior suits you (however, this rule applies not only to this joke, but also to any others).

Rules that few people know about

Finally, it's time to talk about how you can't joke under any circumstances.


Then remember:

They will only show your concern and low intelligence.

The only exception: jokes about sex in an already established relationship.

  • It is not advisable to joke about sex or during sex.

During sex, her attention is completely focused on sensations and emotions. And your joke may be perceived completely differently than at any other moment.

Jokes about sex are also not a sign of great intelligence. At least for most girls this is a very delicate topic, and each of them has their own attitude towards this process.

Although, if you have been dating a girl for a long time and are 100% sure of the “softness” of your joke, then you probably know how you can joke about sex so that your girl likes it.

In all other cases, I advise you not to joke about such things.

Finally, if you have never been able to joke with girls, and in response to your jokes you have received strange looks, then it is better not to joke at all. In your case, it will be more useful to play the role of a more serious guy than a failed joker.

Laughter and fun liberate people, make them closer, and make them want to meet more often. This is why many guys think about how to make a girl laugh. However, you should be very careful and observant in this matter. Jokes and humor can only be useful if the girl understands them. Humor, like good food seasonings, should be in moderation. An overabundance of humor can cause a negative reaction and cement the guy’s reputation as a “clown” or “clown.”

How to make a girl over text laugh?

Quite a lot of guys and girls communicate in . When thinking about how to make a girl laugh in your contacts or classmates, first look through the girl’s personal pages and analyze them. It is necessary to see what exactly she likes, what causes her admiration and what kind of humor is pleasant to her.

You can try these ways to make a girl laugh on social networks:

  1. Send your girl a picture with a funny animal and come up with an interesting caption.
  2. Find a funny photo, upload it to your page and tag the girl you want to cheer up. There are many funny photos of someone's failures or cool actions. The girl, of course, will pay attention to such a joke and will definitely react.
  3. Comment on her photo. If you don't have a good sense of humor, ask a friend for help commenting. However, humor should not be too ironic. Most likely, he should be somewhat flirtatious and pleasant.
  4. Send the girl a well-worn joke or funny story. It is best for the selected stories to be relevant to some entry on the page.
  5. Send your girl a funny gift with an interesting comment.

At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not just make the girl laugh, but interest her in your personality.

How to make a girl laugh on the phone?

Making a girl laugh over the phone is a little more difficult than in person. When communicating in person, sometimes raising your eyebrows or opening your eyes wide is enough to elicit laughter. But when talking on the phone, facial expressions and gestures remain behind the scenes. We can only rely on the meaning of the words and intonation.

However, there are also advantages to talking on the phone. At this time, you can read jokes on the Internet. This will help you avoid getting lost and ruining the joke.

When telling a joke or anecdote, you need to watch your intonation. It should be expressive and different. Any joke can be ruined if you tell it emotionlessly and in a monotone voice.

Telling a joke in someone else's voice has a good effect. This could be humor from some recognizable program or famous comedian. The ability to copy someone's intonation and voice is highly valued by girls.

When thinking about how you can make a girl laugh, it’s worth remembering that there are things you shouldn’t laugh at. These include:

How to make your girlfriend laugh?

It’s easier to make a girl you love laugh than a girl you don’t know well, for the reason that her preferences and interests are already known. In this case, you just need to delve into the information to choose the information that will be interesting to the girl, attract her attention and cause a cheerful reaction.

A guy should be not just funny, but witty. And this requires not just information, but also a creative approach to business.

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