What dress is needed for a girl's baptism? Choosing a dress for a girl's christening

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Christening is a fateful event for every child and parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of spirit, God's reliable protection of a person. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The responsibilities of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not to superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in your heart and full responsibility. This could be a relative or friend, not necessarily married, but a believer and an exemplary one. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby and be sure to receive communion.

Responsibilities of a Godmother

You should not conduct an interview or casting for the role of second parents. You just need to draw a conclusion about the attitude of the applicants towards God, the people around them and all living things. If the baby’s mother thinks that godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in the church sacrament, and that’s where participation in the fate of the new person ends, then she is very mistaken. Spiritual education and development of a child is what a godmother should be able to do throughout her life. In this case we are talking about the following responsibilities of godparents:

  1. Be with the child all the time, help in difficult situations.
  2. Teach prayers and simply talk about God, his role in the life of every person, and attend church together.
  3. Every year, congratulate you on your birthday and give gifts on Angel’s Day.
  4. Take communion regularly, involve your godson/goddaughter in the ritual.

How many times can you be a godfather?

Every Orthodox person can take part in this church rite, an unlimited number of times, if the child’s parents request it. A truthful and informed decision is welcome. Another important question that worries us before the sacrament is who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can take on responsibilities, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • non-believers;
  • church ministers;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unstable people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The baptismal towel and clothes are made or purchased by the future godmother, and this is an obligatory stage of preparation for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first receive communion and confession; on the day of christening, she must have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the ritual.

Girl's christening - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first one, after the child’s mother and father, to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, and spiritual mentor in life for a growing person. The responsibilities of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the sacrament begins, read by heart prayers for the child, including the “Creed.”
  2. Wear a modest long dress for the christening and tie a scarf around your head.
  3. Take your goddaughter in your arms after immersion in the font, dress her in white clothes.
  4. Hold your goddaughter in your arms while walking around the font behind the priests, while reading prayers, and the procession of anointing.

Boy's christening - rules for godmother

During the christening of a boy, an important role is played not only by the godmother, but also by the father, who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main responsibilities of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is the following: after immersion in the font, the baby is picked up by the godfather; The priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder of what the godparents should do: say out loud three times the prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Heavenly King”, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge and helps the child receive grace.

What do you give a girl at christening?

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present your godson or goddaughter with a memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable present. So what does the godmother give to a girl’s christening?

  • silver or gold cross;
  • icon of God;
  • personal icon of the Guardian Angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does the godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This one needs to know what is needed for a boy’s christening, so as not to be taken by surprise during the sacrament. Here's what a second mom should do:

  • buy a white vest, blanket, towel;
  • present a Bible, a personal icon as a gift;
  • make another memorable present.

What should a godmother do?

If a woman has her own children, nephews, younger brothers and sisters, she should not forget about her own godchildren. There are a number of beliefs and signs about why godparents are needed. This is what a godmother must do until the last day of her life:

  1. Pray for your godson every day, ask God for a bright path for him.
  2. Attend church with him, take communion, confess.
  3. Participate in spiritual formation, growth and development.
  4. Become a role model in his mind.
  5. Take full responsibility for the baby if the blood parents die.

Video: what godparents need to know before baptism

Christening is an important stage in the life of a baby, because from this day he renounces a sinful life, and is subsequently reborn in spiritual life. Baptism involves the cleansing of the baby from original sin, which is caused by his birth. The sacrament of baptism is performed only once in a person’s life. Surely the baby's parents and his godparents are concerned about the question of how to dress for a christening. This is what we will talk about.

The church dress code is very different from the styles we use in everyday life.. If you have never attended a christening before or rarely enter a church, the following recommendations and rules will help you dress appropriately.

Despite the fact that christening is a holiday celebrated in the Orthodox and Christian churches, clothing at this event becomes of great importance, since it should correspond to that very bright day when the baby joins the spiritual life. You can’t stand out with your appearance, but your attitude should be positive. You should avoid blouses with short sleeves, short skirts, tops and jeans. Such clothes do not in any way correspond to church canons. Trousers of any kind are not acceptable.

  • A discreet dress. The godmother and natural mother of the child should not differ in their appearance. Simple fabrics and neutral colors are welcome. Since we are talking about the festive atmosphere that will fill the christening, you need to wear a dress in light colors - white, blue, soft pink, peach, cream, apricot shades. The dress may have patterns, but they should be simple and discreet. The length of the dress should be below the knee. Floor length is welcome.
  • Sleeves of a dress or blouse. As an alternative to a dress, you can wear a blouse and a skirt. The sleeves of a blouse or dress should be long. The blouse should have a simple cut. Necklines and deep cutouts, tight-fitting styles that fit tightly to the figure are not acceptable. The blouse matches the color of the skirt or can be a couple of shades lighter. When choosing a blouse, it should not hinder movements, especially for the godmother’s blouse - after all, the difficult task of calming the baby during the ceremony and holding him in her arms falls on her shoulders.
  • Shoes. Must be closed, at low speed. It can be dark or matched to the main color scheme of the outfit. No heels or platforms. Shoes that are not very high are, of course, acceptable, but it is still better to avoid them. It is better to wear simple closed shoes.
  • Makeup. Naturally, on such a day any woman will want to look her best, but the church does not accept bright makeup and frilly outfits. Natural makeup is preferable - a little powder and a little blush, neat, even eyebrows, not flashy eyelashes. You can apply gloss to your lips, but avoid lipstick. When tinting your lips, keep in mind that the priest will ask you to kiss the cross, which means that if you apply lip gloss, it should be barely noticeable and long-lasting.
  • Handkerchief. The head should be covered with a scarf. Naturally, you should not do voluminous hairstyles - just gather your hair into a bun or ponytail and braid it. You can have your own scarf in the color scheme of the chosen outfit, or take a scarf from the church.
  • Cross. Godmothers and birthmothers, and in principle everyone who enters the church, must wear a pectoral cross, consecrated in the church. You can take your own cross or purchase one at the church.

How should a godfather dress for a christening?

The godfather's outfit is quite simple. It is enough to wear light trousers and a shirt a couple of shades lighter, and light closed shoes. Also wear a cross consecrated in the church.

During the baptism ceremony, the baby’s limbs are exposed, and therefore the outfit should be loose. A girl can wear a loose dress, and a boy can wear an equally loose shirt and trousers or shorts. Then the newborn child is dressed in a white diaper donated by the godmother or in a baptismal shirt - depending on the traditions of the church in which the baptism ceremony takes place.

If it is necessary to baptize a child who is over a year old, he can be dressed for christening as follows.

  • Handkerchief. Girls do not have to wear it until their period arrives, or until they are seven years old. According to church canons, a child under seven years of age is considered an infant. However, in order not to embarrass church grandmothers and other guardians of church order, you can wear a scarf. Thus, you will once again be on the safe side, since each church has its own rules, which they may not always tell you about.
  • Dress. It should have long sleeves, be discreet, and made of simple material. In the cold season, you should wear warm tights or panties. If the baptism takes place in the summer, a long dress is still more convenient. If the child spins in his arms, such a dress will not confuse anyone or cause discomfort. Thin straps, slits and cutouts are not appropriate even for a child.
  • White clothes. Gets dressed after the bath. White color symbolizes purity, so clothes of this color should be worn after the ceremony. Don't forget about the baptismal set - towel, cap, shirt.

What should godparents buy for a christening?

To prepare for the christening of a child, it is not enough just to dress correctly. Godparents are required to purchase certain things that they give to the baby as a gift.

  • White shirt or dress for christening. In the store you can purchase a simple version or a model with embroidery. Also, such goods are sold directly at the church. If you buy a shirt in a store, do not forget to wash and iron it before baptism, so that you can put it on your baby already clean. A baptismal shirt or chemise is worn after the baptism ceremony as a symbol that the child appears pure before God. According to tradition, this shirt should be worn for eight days. After this period, the shirt is removed and stored for life. If the child begins to get sick, the baptismal shirt can be placed under the pillow. You cannot baptize another baby using the same shirt.
  • Pectoral cross. There should be a crucifix on it. This baptism should be purchased in advance or directly on the day of baptism. The cross must be consecrated. According to tradition, it is believed that the cross cannot be removed after baptism. Therefore, it is better to choose a small cross and a rope that would be difficult for the baby to remove from himself.
  • Towel. Some churches wrap the baby in it after baptism, while other churches use a white swaddle. Whether it is a diaper or a towel, this item should be stored together with the baby’s baptismal shirt and not washed after the baptism ceremony.
  • Scarf or cap. It can be purchased separately or purchased as a set with a baptismal set, which will include a cap or scarf.

The cost of a baptismal set, which includes a towel, cap, diaper and shirt, can range from 700-1500 rubles.

To be absolutely prepared for your christening, take the following items with you:

  • Flannelette blanket. After the child is undressed and dipped into the bath, he may feel cold. The blanket will keep your baby warm and calm.
  • Small package. It will be possible to place a lock of the baby’s hair in it, which will be cut by the priest. A lock of hair should be stored together with the baptismal shirt, diaper or towel.

How should godparents prepare for the baptismal ceremony?

In addition to clothes and gifts for the baby, godparents need to prepare for the baptism ceremony. What exactly should you do or not do?

  • Take communion and repent of mortal sins a couple of days before the christening ceremony.
  • Do not eat or have sexual intercourse on the day of baptism.
  • If godparents baptize a boy, then the godfather will have to read the “Creed” prayer. If parents participate in the baptism of a girl, this prayer will need to be read to the godfather.

What are the responsibilities of a godmother?

Before you agree to become a godmother, you need to understand whether you can fulfill these obligations, which are presented below.

  • Vouch for your child before the Lord
  • Be responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child
  • Take part in the upbringing and life of the child on an equal basis with his biological parents
  • To take care of the child in the event that the biological parents can no longer fulfill their obligations to the child. The godmother can become the baby's full guardian.
  • Pray for the godchild, be a caring and loving godmother
  • Come to church with your child if the parents cannot do this
  • Be an example for a child.

What is required of the godmother at a christening?

  • Please note that the godmother, just like the godfather, must be baptized and observe Christian laws. If the godmother is not baptized, then she is baptized first, and only then the baby. By the way, biological parents may not be baptized at all or may be supporters of a different faith.
  • The godmother must be present at the child's christening, unlike the godfather, who can attend the christening in absentia.
  • Godparents must remember the day of the child’s baptism and every year on this day - the day of the Guardian Angel of the godchild - visit the temple every year, thank the Lord and light a candle.

When agreeing to become godparents of a child, you should remember not only the dress code, but also the obligations that you must fulfill before the child and before God. Christening is an important rite for the child, his relatives and godparents, and therefore you need to prepare for it thoroughly.

The baptism of a child is considered the first and most important Christian ritual, a spiritual birth. This sacrament, unlike numerous church rituals, is designed to change the inner life of the child, and not the earthly mission. Immersing a baby in the font three times, accompanied by prayers, or pouring water over an older child introduces the soul to God and the Church.

The great sacrament is unthinkable without the necessary paraphernalia: a cross, a candle and a baptismal set (shirt and kryzhma). Each of these relics has its own symbolic and spiritual meaning.

What are baptismal clothes?

This is a ceremonial outfit that a baby wears during the sacrament of baptism. It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl.

Dressing in white clothing signifies the cleansing of the person being baptized from sins and the obligation to lead a pure life. The white palette symbolizes the manifestation of joy from turning to Christ.

The mandatory clothing requirements for baptism are the same. She must:

  • to be new, that is, to mark the beginning of a bright life in purity and spirituality
  • be comfortable, easy to take off and put on, which is dictated by the peculiarities of the sacrament
  • consist of two mandatory elements: a kryzhma and a shirt.

To these requirements we only need to add one more, dictated by the care of the child - baptismal clothing must be made of natural fabrics (softened linen, cotton, lawn), breathable and moisture-absorbing (in order to prevent allergies and other troubles).

All other signs of clothing for baptism are conditional, optional and invented by the laity:

  • Dressing up: of course, christening is a great holiday for all relatives, and therefore clothes are chosen with lace, ribbons, rhinestones and other decorations.
  • Completeness: for the sacrament you need a wardrobe of 5-7 things: cap, overalls, suit, dress, pantaloons, hats, etc.
  • Content: all or individual parts of clothing must contain the symbols of the cross, the date of the ceremony and others.

Why you can’t sew or buy clothes for baptism in advance

This sign is by no means associated with any negative consequences or troubles for the person being baptized. A situation may simply arise that a size 20 shirt purchased with love will turn out to be too small for a grown-up hero. After all, last week he barely fit into size 24 overalls. Or vice versa. The hope that my goddaughter will reach 7 kg in a month is becoming more and more elusive every day. And at the time of the sacrament, the child will literally drown in an outfit that is 2-3 sizes larger.

Kryzhma: what is it for and how to sew it with your own hands

Kryzhma is a square white diaper (can be insulated). When performing the sacrament, the baby is wrapped in it after the font. The responsibility for making or purchasing kryzhma lies with the godmother.

Needless to say, a symbolic diaper should be made from natural fabric and larger than the child’s size? But everything else - decorating the edge with lace, embroidering the date of the sacrament and the name of the baptized person on the corner - is a matter of desire and taste. These points do not in any way affect the correctness of the christening.

After getting wet in the font, the kryzhma does not need to be washed. The water in the bowl generally has healing properties. Children do not catch a cold after immersing themselves in the font, even in the winter months.

After the sacrament, the kryzhma remains in the house where the baby lives. This relic is endowed with miraculous powers - to cure a child from diseases and the evil eye.

Kryzhma, made with one’s own hand, is a wonderful sincere gift to the godson from the godmother.

To sew a relic, you need to prepare:

  • 2 pieces of white fabric (1x1 m)
  • 1 piece of padding polyester (1x1 m)
  • stitching with lace embroidery (4m)
  • needle and thread for basting
  • sewing machine


  1. First, baste around the perimeter of the first piece of fabric, and then sew a seam. To prevent the lace corners from curling up and distorting the fabric, they are folded like an accordion.
  2. At the next stage, both pieces of fabric are sewn together, leaving space for inserting padding polyester.
  3. The filling is inserted into the resulting cover, the corners are straightened and the lid is sewn up to the end.
  4. Finally, all that remains is to stitch along the corners and sides of the finished item to securely secure the padding polyester inside.
  5. If desired, the corners of the kryzhma are decorated with beads, embroidery, ribbon bows and other decorative elements.

DIY white shirt for baptism

Immediately after the ceremony, the child is dressed in a white shirt, indicating that the person being baptized begins a new life in Christ and is transformed by the Divine Light.

The traditional spacious shirt has a simple cut with a minimum number of fasteners and ties, does not restrict movement and does not cause inconvenience to the baby. The godmother can sew such clothes herself. It is better for beginning needlewomen to choose two types of cut shirts:

  • elongated with straight sides
  • elongated with oblique sides.

The shirt, as a sacred relic, is also endowed with healing properties. If the child is sick, mothers put a shirt on him, place him on top of the body (if he is already small) or leave him under the patient’s pillow.

The shirt cannot be transferred to other hands. She does not have healing powers towards other children.

It is difficult to explain in words the process of making a shirt. It would probably be better to watch this one once than to listen ten times and remember the algorithm of actions.

Christening outfit for a girl

Many mothers wonder whether it is necessary to buy a baptismal dress, cap (hat), booties and other wardrobe items for their daughter?

Attention! The correct answer is yes, but not necessary. More precisely, everything comes from the personal preferences of the parents. The Church is loyal to any type of clothing. In other words, the outfit for boys and girls is not fundamentally different.

To perform the sacrament, it is enough to bring with you a cross (buy on the spot), a shirt and a kryzhma. If parents want to see their daughter in a dress and cap, please, the priest will not be against it.

This is interesting! In the West, Catholics do not immerse the baby in the chalice when performing the ceremony. Hence the sophisticated models of baptismal dresses, sundresses and hats.

Among the Slavs, the sacrament is performed differently, so those being baptized need shirts that are easy and quick to put on, and everything else is surplus.

Do you need a baptismal cap?

This question is often asked by mothers of not only girls, but also boys. No. A baptismal cap is not a mandatory attribute of the sacrament.

When entering a church, only married women cover their heads as a sign of submission and respect for the Lord and husband. For a little girl there is no need to wear a cap, except against cold and drafts.

Moreover, we remember the ritual of cutting hair as part of the sacrament of baptism. In this case, the cap will completely interfere.

And finally!

The ceremony is followed by christenings. This is a holiday for the whole family, which gives hope in a bright future and faith in the motto “everything will be fine!”

Of course, you need to celebrate an important event dressed up, in a good mood and with close relatives (friends). In symbolic clothes, the baby will be simply unique! Such an angel!

Baptism is perhaps the most important event in life from a spiritual point of view. That is, this is not just a ritual, not just a tribute to tradition, but this is a new birth - a birth in a spiritual hypostasis. If you have the honor of becoming a godmother, you should not refuse, citing doubts about the fact that you do not know how to behave correctly, or what to wear for a christening. This review provides tips to help answer your burning wardrobe question.

Baptism is a celebration: choose the appropriate outfit

For some reason, one often gets the impression that a woman in church must look like a gray mouse: a wide, floor-length skirt that is dull and uninteresting, a black or gray turtleneck that completely covers her arms and neck, and a country-style scarf tied. In practice, everything turns out to be completely different. Of course, dressing modestly in church is the duty of any woman, but there is no need to look ugly and gloomy at the same time. Moreover, you should not choose gloomy clothes for a christening. This is a holiday, which means you need to dress beautifully and formally.

Church dress code: what godmothers and female guests need to know

When going to church, you can finally feel like a woman - after all, everyday jeans and trousers that have become habitual have completely deprived most of us of this feeling. By putting on a skirt or dress, we begin to behave more feminine.

Therefore, when going through your wardrobe in search of what to wear for a christening, you can put an end to trousers, shorts, Bermuda shorts and jeans in advance. It is best if it is a dress or skirt with a blouse or jacket. The hem length should be no higher than the knee, optimally to the floor. Fortunately, maxi length skirts have recently gained the status of a fashion item. If such an outfit still seems too extravagant to you, a knee-length pencil skirt will be quite appropriate for the occasion - it is moderately strict, moderately businesslike and moderately elegant.

Don't forget to keep your arms and shoulders covered. The most convenient and easiest option to do this is to choose an outfit with long sleeves or at least elbow-length sleeves.

If the baptism takes place in the summer, in hot weather, you can choose clothes without sleeves, but at the same time carefully drape your shoulders and arms to the elbows with a wide, light scarf. True, this option may not be very convenient: the godmother will need to take the baby in her arms after the ceremony, and movement may cause the scarf to move a little and expose her shoulders. If you are just a guest, this option is quite acceptable.

Naturally, a woman should have her head covered in the temple. And let the emancipates prove that this is supposedly a discredit, but in reality it turns out that with a skillful and competent approach, this is an opportunity to decorate your own image. A beautifully tied scarf or a scarf draped in soft folds adds even more charm to a woman’s appearance.

Let's talk about shoes

There are no strict rules that must be followed. When choosing what to wear for baptism, you need to be guided only by a sense of common sense and comfort. Since you will have to stand for quite a long time, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​wearing high heels. Low-top shoes will be much more comfortable in this case.

Well, it is advisable that the shoes are not provocative: ankle boots, richly decorated with rhinestones and sequins, are best saved for another occasion.

Makeup: pros and cons

The Church does not encourage the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth putting Indian war paint on your face. If possible, it is best to go to the christening without makeup. However, discreet makeup in a natural way will not look provocative. The only restriction that must be adhered to is to refuse lipstick or gloss. You will have to kiss the cross and the icon, and leaving lip marks on them is impolite and ugly.

As for the use of perfume, it can only be a light, unobtrusive aroma, but not a heavy bouquet.

Don't forget about the cross

In general, it is desirable that every baptized person come to church with a cross on his chest. This is especially true for godfathers and mothers. Just remember that the cross should not be just a decorative adornment worn on top of clothing - it should be worn directly on the body.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to dress for a christening. As you can see, even under the rather strict restrictions that exist in the church dress code, the godmother and any guest can look beautiful and elegant.

Baptismal clothing is deeply symbolic: for example, the white color of the baptismal shirt symbolizes the spiritual purity and joy of the newly baptized. After the completed Sacrament of Baptism, his soul is completely transformed, cleansed, filled with Divine light and love. The symbol of all events that happen to a person during the Sacrament is the baptismal shirt. The sacrament of Baptism is an unusually significant holiday in the life of every person. According to ancient Christian tradition, it was necessary to baptize a child on the second day after his birth. Now, of course, this tradition has changed somewhat, but, as before, the sooner this Sacrament is performed, the better. After all, Baptism is not just an Orthodox rite, it is the birth of a child’s soul into eternal life, it is his complete rebirth. After Baptism, all his sins are washed away from the little person, and with a renewed pure soul he begins a new life, illuminated by the light of the presence of Jesus Christ.

Epiphany Day is an exciting day not only and not so much for the child, but for his parents. After all, they are the ones who must ensure that all rituals and traditions are observed. An integral part of the Sacrament of Baptism is christening set for newborn . According to Christian tradition, the godmother should prepare such an outfit. In ancient times, the godmother hand-embroidered the baptismal robe for her godson. Now ready-made kits can be purchased in the store.

As a rule, a baptismal set includes a baptismal shirt (this is the main element in the set), as well as a scarf or cap, a diaper or a towel (kryzhma) to dry the baby before washing in the font.

According to ancient Christian custom, the baptismal shirt was kept in the family as the greatest family heirloom. And in the kryzhma - a towel, which was used to wipe the child after washing in the font; it was customary to bury the person who was baptized in it.

Now in many families the tradition of baptizing all children in the baptismal robe of their first child is being revived, but everyone should have their own kryzhma and should also keep it throughout their lives.

The baptismal shirt has a very ancient and deep history in Europe. This is how the baptismal shirt of Queen Elizabeth I of England, daughter of King Henry VIII, has survived to this day. She was born on September 7, 1533, and received baptism on her third birthday. The shirt was made of the finest silk, decorated with embroidery and lace, and was quite long.

In 1841, Queen Victoria's first child, Vicky, was baptized in England. This silk shirt, decorated with guipure, became a symbol of all of England. To this day, all princes and princesses of England are baptized wearing this shirt.

Wealthy noble people both in Europe and in Russia baptized their children in baptismal shirts made of the finest silk, decorated with guipure, magnificent lace, exquisite hand embroidery, and pearls. The common people used cotton as a material for baptismal attire; they also decorated it with handmade lace, various ornaments, and satin ribbons.

Everything about the outfit was symbolic: the length of the shirt spoke of a person’s longevity, but the beauty of the outfit symbolized a rich and happy life.

Those christening outfits of the princes and princesses of Europe that have survived to this day include long shirts, hats, booties, capes and scarves on which the initials of the crowned heads were embroidered.

The kryzhma was always made to match the baptismal attire, and it also had personalized embroidery, which consisted of the name of the person being baptized or his initials and the date of the celebration. Personalized embroidery made the outfit unique and sophisticated.

In Rus', the baptismal shirt also has a deep history. This is how A.S.’s shirt has been preserved to this day. Pushkin, it is located in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. The baptismal shirt of Tsarevich Alexy, the son of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, who was baptized in 1904, has also been preserved.

Children of crowned persons in Rus' were baptized in front of a large crowd of people: boyars, ministers, all ranks of the Duma, and foreign guests were present. According to tradition, the child was baptized on the eighth day. Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a whole “baptismal train” was sent to church - guests drove in a line to the church, and the metropolitan or patriarch sprinkled the road with holy water. According to custom, all guests, without exception, gave gifts to the baby, and the king arranged a gala dinner in honor of his Baptism, at which the most exquisite and luxurious dishes were served.

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