What may be moving in the lower abdomen, possible causes. It's like something is moving in my stomach. Description of the condition, possible causes Something is bothering the lower abdomen

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To determine what caused such discomfort, they should contact a medical institution, where specialists will carry out a set of necessary diagnostic procedures.

It is worth noting that a lump in the stomach may not always indicate pathological processes occurring in this organ. Quite often this condition is provoked by a large volume of liquid taken with medications. Most often, people in the middle and older age groups turn to doctors with such complaints, especially those who like to eat hearty and satisfying meals.

Why might a lump appear in the stomach?

Modern medicine knows almost all the reasons that can provoke the appearance of discomfort and the feeling of a lump in the stomach.

Taking medications

Quite often, this feeling appears in people who are undergoing drug treatment for a disease and are forced to take a large number of medications that contain iron.

Such drugs have a negative effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, so patients often develop the following side effects:

  • heartburn;
  • sensation of a lump in the stomach;
  • disruption of defecation processes;
  • belching, etc.

As practice shows, all symptoms that appear go away on their own after the patient stops taking these medications.

Many people immediately after a hearty meal begin active physical activity. As a result, they begin to have various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if a person bends down immediately after eating, then due to the strong tension of the muscles located in the abdominal cavity, their stomach may stop.

Against the background of this process the following will appear:

Each person has the power to prevent such a condition if during each meal he calmly and slowly absorbs food, and after eating he spends some time in a calm environment.

All people know well that many serious diseases develop on the basis of nervousness. The stress experienced provokes the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • belching;
  • pain syndrome;
  • spasms;
  • feeling of heaviness and lump in the stomach area.

People experience such unpleasant sensations because, due to stress, all their nerve endings, in particular those located in the stomach, begin to be irritated.

Most often, the sensation of a lump in the stomach appears due to poor nutrition and non-compliance with food intake. Against the background of various provoking factors, a person may develop inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane. Also, pathogenic microflora can contribute to the development of pathological processes, which, after penetrating the stomach, begins to lead active life activities. The feeling of discomfort can be eliminated by switching to a diet that involves giving up all junk food.

Very often, people experience a sensation of a lump in the stomach when tumors appear in this organ.

They may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome of varying intensity;
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • dizziness, etc.

If they discover such signs, people should immediately contact a medical facility, since they will not be able to eliminate the discomfort on their own. Specialists will carry out a set of diagnostic measures that will determine the type of tumor and prescribe constructive treatment, which can be either medicinal or surgical.

Very often, people who do not control their diet and consume food in unlimited quantities develop various problems with the digestive tract. Overeating not only has a detrimental effect on your figure, but also causes great harm to your health. The feeling of a lump in the stomach also appears when food is absorbed without thorough chewing. Large fragments penetrate into the organ along with air, resulting in discomfort, bloating, etc. In this case, the problem can only be eliminated by switching to proper nutrition.

Diagnostic measures

If a lump in the stomach bothers a person extremely rarely, then he should not panic. In the case when such a condition is accompanied by alarming symptoms characteristic of many gastrointestinal diseases, for example, belching, heartburn, etc., an urgent consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary. After a personal examination and history taking, the specialist will refer the patient for a hardware examination:

In most cases, this category of patients is prescribed:

  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • if there are suspicions of the presence of serious pathologies, then the range of diagnostic measures can expand significantly.

Drug and surgical therapy

If a person goes to a medical facility with complaints of a lump in the stomach area, treatment will be prescribed only after instrumental and laboratory tests have been carried out to identify the cause of this condition.

A specialist will individually develop a treatment method for each patient, which may include:

  • taking medications;
  • undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • use of folk recipes.

Depending on what pathology provoked the sensation of a lump in the stomach, specialists may prescribe the following drugs:

  1. If the cause of discomfort is stress, then patients are prescribed sedatives, for example, Nervo-Vit, valerian extract, St. John's wort-P.
  2. In case of problems in the digestive system, enzymes and medications that normalize motility are usually prescribed.
  3. If the cause of discomfort is inflammatory processes that have developed in the esophageal mucosa, then specialists can prescribe a course of antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

If specialists cannot eliminate the feeling of a lump in the stomach using conservative methods, the patient will be offered surgical treatment.

It is indicated in the following cases:

  1. A lump of food or some foreign body is stuck in the throat. During the surgical procedure, the ENT eliminates the problem using special instruments.
  2. The patient suffered mechanical damage to the chest, which resulted in a bone fracture in this area. Surgery is performed to realign the bones and stitch together the soft (torn) tissues.
  3. The patient was diagnosed with a dynamically growing malignant neoplasm. Specialists prescribe a course of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical excision of the cancerous tumor.

As for using “old-fashioned” methods at home, people should do this with extreme caution. If they do not know what caused such discomfort, then they should not self-medicate, as this can lead to very serious consequences. They need to go to any medical institution, undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and receive prescriptions from highly specialized specialists. You can also find out from them which folk recipes can help eliminate this condition.

  • normalize the daily routine, in which time should be allocated for proper rest;
  • take daily walks (walking) in the fresh air;
  • giving up all bad habits;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • the use of decoctions and infusions that have a calming and relaxing effect (for example, from motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, etc.);
  • taking a warm bath (oil extracts are added to the water, which have a relaxing effect);
  • daily ventilation of the room, especially before bedtime;
  • refusal of fast food and snacks “on the run”, etc.


In order for the feeling of a coma to stop tormenting a person, he needs to increase the amount of foods in his diet that contain iodine:

If people have a problem with excess weight, then heaviness in the stomach can be eliminated through proper nutrition, as well as moderate physical activity. In the case where the appearance of discomfort is provoked by a pathology developing in the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor selects individual drug therapy for the patient.

Preventive actions

To prevent the feeling of a lump from tormenting people, they need to regularly carry out preventive measures that will prevent the occurrence of discomfort:

  1. Each person should monitor their diet, which should include only fresh foods.
  2. It is necessary to control the size of portions to eliminate the possibility of overeating.
  3. You should completely give up all addictions, in particular smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  4. You should exclude unhealthy foods from your diet, such as pickled or salted vegetables, fatty, spicy smoked foods, and baked goods. It is necessary to completely abandon fast food and other street food, as well as fast food products with a long shelf life.
  5. During a meal, you should not be distracted by TV or a book. A person should eat food in a calm environment, taking his time and chewing each piece thoroughly.

Causes of feeling of heaviness and a lump in the stomach

Almost every person is familiar with the feeling of a lump in the stomach. There may be various reasons. Often the patient himself can name them if the unpleasant sensation appears to him occasionally.

For example, after a barbecue in nature, when a lot of meat is eaten with beer and other drinks. At the same time, while eating, a person sits uncomfortably, slouching and squeezing his stomach. Having swallowed food, he immediately begins to move actively. With regular heaviness in the peritoneal area, the cause lies in gastritis or an ulcer. You should contact a gastroenterologist and be examined, especially if there are other unpleasant sensations and pain associated with eating.

Causes of formation of a lump in the stomach

Food undergoes initial processing in the mouth. It is chewed, and special glands secrete saliva for wetting. Taste buds determine how much they like a food and send a signal to the stomach to start producing gastric juices. The esophagus transports the prepared portion of food to the stomach.

Poorly chopped and dry food, very cold and hot, spicy food does not move well through the esophagus and there is a feeling of a lump in the sternum, a burning sensation. The reasons are poorly prepared or rough food. It scratches the walls, irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus and in the area of ​​the sphincter - valve, gets stuck, accumulates and gathers into a lump.

When such food passes further, it takes a long time to process, does not move well through the organ and causes a sensation of a lump in the stomach. With frequent attacks, the cause is most often gastritis or ulcers, low acidity and insufficient enzyme secretion. Food does not decompose, moves poorly and accumulates, causing heaviness and a feeling of a lump. When the sensation of a lump appears in the stomach 2–4 times a year, the patient himself can easily determine the cause of the discomfort:

  • Binge eating.
  • Heavy, fatty and spicy foods.
  • Eating in an awkward position, bending over, squeezing the stomach.
  • Drank a lot of liquid.
  • Taking a lot of medications.
  • Dry food and food on the go.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Stress.

Causes of feeling a lump in the stomach

The person himself commits actions that subsequently lead to discomfort. The reasons for the formation of a coma in the stomach are easily determined.

The stomach has a limited volume. Food moves along it, undergoing preliminary processing at the top and splitting in the middle part. The lower part, the antrum, prepares the remaining mass for its passage into the intestine. A large number of products fill the entire organ cavity. Its normal operation is disrupted. Food accumulates below, not broken down by gastric acid and bile. It begins to ferment and release gases. Excess contents return to the esophagus, irritating it with acid. There is a feeling of a large lump in the stomach.

A sensation of a lump occurs if you eat a little, but the products require a long processing process, since they contain large amounts of fats, proteins, and coarse fiber. Food lingers in the stomach and accumulates in the lower part. Additionally, gastric juice is secreted. There is a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding.

Other causes of stomach discomfort

Similar discomfort occurs from hot bread. The gluten did not have time to cool or dry. When the pieces of dough enter the stomach, they clump together into one lump. The surface does not absorb moisture well - gastric juice, bread does not decompose into components and the feeling of heaviness persists for a long time. Taking medications in large quantities, especially those containing iron, creates a sensation of a lump some time after entering the stomach. Iron is poorly absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

When a person eats slouched, he compresses the stomach. The function of the walls to move the contents from the upper cardiac section further into the antrum and intestines is impaired. The feeling of a coma appears a few minutes after eating. You need to stand up and straighten your back. You can even slowly bend back. The discomfort will go away faster if you walk slowly. Do not bend over sharply or lift heavy objects.

A similar effect occurs in women during advanced pregnancy. The fetus grows and compresses the internal organs. Along with the feeling of a coma, belching appears. It is necessary to eat in small portions, giving preference to light foods. There is no reason to worry. After childbirth, the unpleasant feeling will pass.

The reason for the formation of a lump in the stomach under severe stress is involuntary muscle contraction. The body reacts to nervous excitement and the release of adrenaline into the blood with spasmodic contraction of muscle tissue. It is these long fibrous cells that make up the outer wall of the stomach. The movement of food stops. She remains in one place for a long time, becoming lumpy. Symptoms of coma are especially severe when a person is nervous while eating.

Lump and heaviness as symptoms of gastritis

If the feeling of a lump - heaviness in the stomach appears frequently and their connection with food intake is traced, then you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. Symptoms of gastritis vary depending on the type and area of ​​the lesion. Common to all inflammations are:

  • Heaviness in the stomach some time after eating.
  • Belching with a sour or stale odor.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the epigastric region.
  • Pale skin.
  • Weakness.
  • Constipation or diarrhea.

Symptoms appear gradually as inflammation develops. Heaviness in the stomach occurs more and more often. When you feel full, you belch and feel like there is a lump in the esophagus. Some of the contents are thrown back. You can roughly determine the area of ​​spread of gastritis by the time interval between eating and the appearance of a coma. If severity occurs after 15–20 minutes, the cause is catarrhal gastritis. The defeat of the antrum is signaled by the sensation of a lump when food reaches the bottom of the organ and is ready to pass into the intestines. This occurs approximately 2 hours after the meal.

The reasons for the feeling of a coma may be hidden in advanced forms of gastritis, forming thickening of the walls, polyps. The internal volume of the stomach is reduced. The balance in the production of mucus and enzymes by glandular cells is disrupted. The following types of gastritis are especially dangerous:

  • Hyperplastic, with the formation of growths and thickenings due to accelerated cell division.
  • Atrophic, when epithelial cells die.
  • Polypoid with growths on the walls.

Symptoms of gastritis

If you frequently experience the feeling of a lump, especially if there are no obvious reasons for its formation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Gastritis, which has no symptoms at an early stage of development, quickly becomes acute and can lead to cancer. Causes of stomach disease and frequent lump sensation:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Products of dubious quality.
  • Fast food.
  • Eating large quantities after fasting.
  • Spicy and exotic dishes.
  • Use of medications, especially painkillers and hormonal drugs.
  • Chronic diseases, especially diabetes, pancreatitis.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Smoking.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Great physical activity.

With gastritis with low acidity, the cause of the feeling of heaviness may be a lack of enzymes for processing food. Products are not broken down and remain in the stomach. Their fermentation begins with the release of gases, bloating and colic.

Disease prevention

The cause of the feeling of a coma may be a stomach ulcer. A characteristic symptom of its development is hunger pain. They occur when the stomach is empty and subside after eating. The disease is caused by bacteria that increase the acidity of gastric juice. They damage the protective mucous membrane. Food is poorly processed. After eating, belching and reflux occur. Some of the contents are thrown into the esophagus, irritating the walls and causing a sensation of a lump in the sternum.

A chronic ulcer requires treatment. It can get worse at any moment. As a result, peritonitis or a malignant tumor may occur. The stomach is characterized by rapid spread of metastases and damage to neighboring organs.

Serious consequences and the appearance of a feeling of coma can be prevented by proper nutrition. High-quality healthy food is divided into 4 meals. Particular attention is paid to first courses. Light dinner, 2 hours before bedtime. You should not jump, bend, or engage in heavy physical labor immediately after eating. Lifting heavy weights strains the abdominal muscles and compresses the stomach. Correct posture, walking and exercise are of great importance. Walking is beneficial for everyone, especially pregnant women.

Feeling of a lump in the stomach

We often say that something is bothering us in our throat, but not many people experience the feeling of a lump in the stomach. Moreover, no one wonders how the food lump ends up there. Basic knowledge of passing a food coma is necessary not only for general development. With their help, you can prevent complications in the gastrointestinal tract or provide the necessary treatment.

Intermediate stages of food passage

A person needs to eat several times a day to replenish energy and improve health. Before products release all their beneficial substances and provide energy to the body, they go through a complex path of change. The gastrointestinal tract takes on the task of converting foods into useful microelements. It consists of various devices that ensure the passage of a bolus of food through the alimentary tract. The entire digestion process can be divided into several stages:

  • Formation of a food coma in the oral cavity. The process begins with food entering the mouth. Solid pieces are crushed with teeth, and the tongue helps to combine the mixed pulp into a common mass. In the oral cavity, on the right and left, there are several pairs of salivary glands that produce saliva. During chewing, the amount of saliva increases. It is necessary for simultaneous wetting and disinfection. The antiseptic effect occurs due to lysozyme contained in saliva. It also contains amylase and pitalin - enzymes responsible for the breakdown of complex components. Therefore, the separation of food gruel into carbohydrates begins immediately in the oral cavity.
  • Movement from the throat to the esophagus. The muscles of the cheeks and tongue constantly contract, moving the formed bolus of food closer to the throat. Swallowing actions help push the lump into the throat, sending it further along the digestive tract. An important role is played by the epiglottis, which is located near the root of the tongue. It does not allow pieces of food to enter the respiratory organs as food gruel passes through the throat. The food gruel does not linger in the throat and goes straight into the esophagus. It is the epiglottis that shows her the right path.
  • Through the esophagus to the stomach. The esophagus is a long, vertical tube that connects the throat and stomach. Its diameter is 2-2.5 cm, height is about 25 cm. It does not take an active part in the digestion process, but serves as a connecting “segment”. The walls of the organ consist of three layers, which is very similar to the structure of the main digestive organs:
    • The first layer is the inner one. It contains a huge number of glands, each performing an individual function. The mucus secreted by the glands protects the organ from possible irritation from rough, spicy foods.
    • The second layer is the middle one. This is the “heart of the esophagus”, as it contains muscle tissue, including longitudinal, circular muscles. Thanks to the alternating contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, the food bolus moves down the esophagus.
    • The third layer is the outer one. The organ is covered with dense tissue with blood vessels. Their task is to supply blood to the digestive organs and nerve endings.
  • Below, near the junction of the esophagus and stomach, there is a valve. Its important mission is to let a lump of food into the stomach and not let it back out.
  • On the way to the stomach. Food travels through the esophagus in a few seconds and enters the stomach. This is the main organ of the digestive system, responsible for thorough digestion. It is located diagonally from left to right and occupies the upper place in the center of the abdominal cavity. The upper part is located to the left of the middle of the body. He “feels” the imminent arrival of an energy source, even before the moment of grinding food in the oral cavity. As soon as we find ourselves near food, salivation involuntarily begins and at this moment the stomach produces the first portion of digestive juice, and we feel hunger pain and rumbling. The second portion is produced the moment the treat enters the mouth. By the time the gruel, crushed and formed into a lump, enters the stomach, it is completely ready to accept it. In an elongated bag, under the influence of digestive juice, crushed food particles are mixed and partially digested. After a long stay in the stomach, the food bolus passes further - into the duodenum.

Possible failure in the digestive system

The transformation of products during passage through the food tract is very significant. And if something goes wrong during the digestion process, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract immediately feel it: a stomach ache, a stabbing sensation in the left side, nausea. The reasons that provoke violations are very diverse: rapid swallowing of foods with air entrapment, fried, salty, hot, fatty foods.

Many are haunted by the feeling of a lump in the center of the stomach, belching. An unpleasant sensation is not always associated with a disease; most often the culprit is a physiological process (overeating, poor nutrition, medications).


The feeling of a lump of food in the stomach (near the throat) is the most important symptom that cannot be ignored. This symptom does not come alone; it always has company. As a rule, it is accompanied by:

  • Belching. Since the stomach is standing, regurgitation occurs quite often. The belching can be sour, with a taste of the food eaten. Sometimes the belching comes out with air or stomach juice. Shortness of breath may occur.
  • Nausea, vomiting in the throat.
  • Stomach ache. The intensity of the pain is different: on the left, in the middle, cutting, aching or stabbing. It hurts in the left hypochondrium, near the navel.
  • Feeling of heaviness. The feeling of a stone in the stomach occurs due to a malfunction of the valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which affects the general well-being and functioning of the entire digestive tract.


Pain in the left hypochondrium and a feeling as if there might be a lump in the stomach do not always occur immediately after eating, but after a short period of time. The reasons that provoke such a situation include:

  • Overeating is one of the most common causes. Quickly swallowing poorly chewed food while swallowing air creates a large volume in the stomach. The walls of the organ are greatly stretched, hence the pain, nausea and sensation of stone. By adjusting your diet, the discomfort will immediately disappear.
  • Physical activity immediately after a meal. Meals should take place in a calm environment, after which you should not exercise or do house cleaning. Bending over and tensing the abdominal muscles helps the stomach stop. This causes nausea, shortness of breath, and weakness.
  • A stressful situation provokes a spasm of the stomach walls, causing pain, belching and a feeling of heaviness, rolling in waves from left to right. The cause is irritated nerve endings, both throughout the central nervous system and the nerve fibers of the stomach.
  • Medicines containing iron. Patients are disturbed by a feeling of heaviness, air is belched, and stool is disturbed. Discomfort in the body goes away immediately after stopping these drugs and prescribing suitable treatment.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Trouble can come from inflammation of the organ mucosa, which occurs due to poor nutrition and possible penetration of bacteria. Most often, the sensation of a coma is provoked by a tumor in the stomach. If your stomach hurts and you are worried about frequent nausea, shortness of breath, weakness, you need to be checked by a specialist and receive special treatment. Do not delay going to the doctor - such a problem cannot always be solved on your own.


Is it possible to avoid the pain and unpleasant sensation of a stone in the stomach? Of course it is possible. To do this, you must follow the following preventive recommendations and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will not haunt you:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • correct daily routine and moderate amount of food;
  • calm atmosphere during meals;
  • fresh food;
  • avoid salty, fatty, spicy, flour dishes;
  • give up street kitchens (minimize eating fast food);
  • quit smoking;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Love vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of fluids (juices, mineral water), switch to lactic acid products (yogurt, kefir). Learn not to worry and face any stressful situation with a smile. After all, everyone knows that nervousness does not solve problems, but only undermines health.

Lump in the stomach

A lump in the stomach is a symptom that every person has experienced at least once in their life. It is worth immediately noting that if there is a feeling that food is in a given organ, then this is not always an indicator of the presence of pathological processes in it. Most often, this condition is caused by completely physiological reasons (for example, taking large amounts of water or certain pharmaceuticals). In any case, if the feeling of a lump does not go away, belching appears, you need to contact a medical institution for a full and comprehensive diagnosis (the possibility of pathology should not be excluded).

Absolutely anyone can experience the sensation of a lump, regardless of their gender and age category. More often, however, this condition is observed in people from the older and middle age categories who do not watch their diet or like to eat heavily (especially “junk” food).

Etiological factors

In fact, the feeling that food is sitting in the stomach can occur for many reasons. The main clinicians include the following:

  • consumption of certain groups of pharmaceuticals, in particular those containing iron. It is known that the consumption of iron-containing medications affects the functioning of the entire digestive tract. People taking them experience belching, a feeling of a lump in the stomach, constipation, and heartburn. Typically, all of these symptoms disappear as soon as the medications are stopped;
  • Often the cause of the feeling of a coma in the stomach is increased physical activity immediately after eating. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a lump can occur if a person ate a heavy meal and immediately went to exercise;
  • food consumption on the go. Doctors recommend eating only in a quiet environment, without watching TV;
  • Severe stress can also be a cause of this symptom. The reason is that during stress there is a strong negative effect on the nerve fibers of both the central nervous system and the nerve fibers of the stomach. Therefore, if during a quarrel, swearing or conflict a person eats food, then it is possible that he will experience belching, a feeling that food is in the stomach, spasm of the muscles of this organ and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • Irrational and unhealthy diet is the most common cause of the feeling of a lump in the stomach. Often this symptom occurs if a person does not eat on time, prefers fried, fatty and spicy foods, and is also addicted to fast food;
  • pathologies of the digestive system and stomach in particular. Inflammatory diseases of the stomach can provoke the appearance of such a sensation, but more often the role of a “lump” is a neoplasm of a benign or malignant nature. If such a feeling appears systematically, then you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible for a full diagnosis. After all, if the cause lies in a tumor, the sooner it is identified, the more favorable the prognosis will be.


It is important to understand that a lump in the stomach is already a symptom. But as a rule, it manifests itself quite rarely individually. Usually, other symptoms appear simultaneously with it, indicating a malfunction of the digestive tract. These include the following:

  • belching. Since food sits in the stomach, but is still being digested, belching occurs quite often. This condition is quite unpleasant. The belching may be sour or smell like the food the patient has consumed;
  • stomach cramps;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • sometimes the clinical picture is supplemented by heartburn.

If the cause of the appearance of a coma in the stomach lies in the pathologies of the housing and communal services, then the clinical picture will also be supplemented by signs of the underlying illness.


If the sensation of a lump in the stomach occurs rarely, then there is no need to worry. But if there is a lump in the stomach, belching, and other symptoms appear systematically, then it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist at a medical facility for diagnosis.

The diagnostic plan may consist of the following activities:

Therapeutic measures

You can eliminate the feeling of a coma and belching by normalizing your diet. It is important to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and reduce your consumption of spicy foods. You should also eat right - preferably at the same time. Stop consuming fast food.

If the cause of such a symptom is gastrointestinal pathology, then it is imperative that they be fully treated, often with medication. Folk remedies in therapy can only be used with the permission of your attending physician and in tandem with traditional medicine techniques.


To avoid the feeling of a lump in your stomach after eating, you should follow these simple recommendations:

  • eat only fresh food;
  • do not overeat;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages and do not indulge in smoking;
  • It is better to eat food in small portions;
  • reduce the amount of pickled foods, spicy, fatty and salty foods in your diet.

“Lump in the stomach” is observed in diseases:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a series of functional disorders associated with the functioning of all lower parts of the digestive tract. It is otherwise called irritable bowel syndrome, but she is not the only one who suffers. This problem occurs in half of the world's population, and affects both the elderly and children. Irritable bowel syndrome most often occurs in women.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Lump in the esophagus, or 7 causes of one symptom

A very unpleasant and frightening symptom can be sensations in the area of ​​the esophagus, similar to as if a lump had appeared in it. A person with such manifestations cannot maintain composure for a long time; he begins to “try on” various diagnoses, not knowing which doctor to turn to. Such symptoms can be signs of various pathological conditions of organs and systems of the human body, and most of these pathologies are perfectly treatable by modern medicine.

How does a lump in the esophagus manifest itself?

A lump in the esophagus is a very unpleasant sensation

A description of this symptom is found in the works of the great ancient physician Hippocrates. He considered a lump in the esophagus to be a manifestation of hysterical natures. Since then, the idea of ​​a coma in the esophagus has changed somewhat. It is characterized by the following signs:

  • Difficulty swallowing and breathing.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the area of ​​the esophagus.
  • Constant desire to cough, to swallow obstruction.
  • Feeling of lack of air, suffocation.
  • Fear of suffocation, choking (especially in sleep).
  • Hoarseness, pain when talking or eating.

Such sensations are not always permanent; they can manifest themselves after taking a certain body position, or after eating, mental stress, or the appearance of strong emotions.

The influence of nervous tension on the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the esophagus

If such a symptom appears infrequently and is not associated with food intake, it can be assumed that the lump in the throat is caused by mental characteristics, in particular, a tendency to hysteria. With nervous tension associated with anxiety, excitement, or stress, a sensation of a lump appears closer to the pharynx in the area of ​​the esophagus, which is usually called “hysterical”.

After a short period of time, everything usually goes away without any drug intervention or complications. Subsequently, in such cases, you can do several breathing exercises, massage the collar area, and take a mild sedative. Even a simple change of environment will help get rid of this symptom.

A lump in the esophagus may also be psychogenic in nature

From a physiological point of view, this reaction of the body is explained by the fact that during stress the body needs a large amount of oxygen. In this case, the glottis becomes so wide that it cannot be completely covered by the epiglottis. As a result, it is impossible to utter a word, swallow tears, or take a breath.

If the feeling of a coma in the esophagus is accompanied by panic attacks and mood swings, it is necessary to take sedatives, antidepressants, and consult a psychotherapist. The prerogative of a neurologist will be to treat a lump in the throat if it is accompanied by:

In this case, we are talking about vegetative-vascular dystonia, which has recently become the scourge of the modern city dweller. Dysfunction of the nervous system manifests itself in this way. If someone in the esophagus experiences pain between the ribs, which intensifies with exercise, as well as with inhalation and exhalation, we may be talking about intercostal neuralgia - inflammation of the nerve responsible for the innervation of the chest.

Thyroid problems and esophageal conditions

Pathologies of the thyroid gland associated with its increased or decreased function (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) can cause a feeling of a lump in the esophagus. If, at the same time as this symptom, you experience irritability, a feeling of chilliness, or, conversely, constant sweating, dry and brittle nails, hair, and memory impairment, you may need to consult an endocrinologist. Causes of thyroid dysfunction:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Iodine deficiency in food and drinking water.
  3. Metabolic disorders.

To clarify the diagnosis, you will have to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for the presence of its hormones.

Dysphagia as a cause of coma in the esophagus

Dysphagia is a dysfunction of swallowing, which is not an independent disease. It may be a consequence of tuberculosis of various localizations, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), stomatitis. The feeling of a coma with dysphagia can be felt both at the beginning of the esophagus and below. X-rays and consultation with a specialist will help clarify the diagnosis of dysphagia.

A lump in the throat, what it is, why it appears and how to get rid of it - you will learn from the video:

Cardiac pathology causing discomfort in the esophagus

At the onset of the disease, heart problems can be disguised as the appearance of various diseases and cause pain in various parts of the body. Thus, manifestations of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction can, in addition to disturbances in cardiac and respiratory rhythm, pain in the heart, also include a sensation of a coma in the esophagus.

An electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, and consultation with a cardiologist will help clarify the situation.

Lump in the esophagus as a symptom of digestive system disease

Most often, a lump in the esophagus is a gastrointestinal problem

This reason for the appearance of a coma in the esophagus is the most common among other pathological conditions. Problems with the muscle sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach can cause stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. The acidic environment of gastric juice, which contains half-digested food, is irritating to the walls of the esophagus, which is not adapted to such contents.

This pathology is called a symptom of reflux exophagitis, it is accompanied by heartburn, and if repeated frequently, it can lead to the development of a malignant tumor of the esophagus. To clarify the diagnosis, gastroscopy and consultation with a gastroenterologist will be required. If the treatment prescribed to them does not lead to positive results, it is possible to perform surgery on the muscle sphincter.

A hiatal hernia can cause a lump in the esophagus. It is accompanied by heartburn, chest pain and frequent, uncontrollable hiccups. The physiological reason for this condition is displacement of the diaphragm muscles due to prolonged coughing, frequent constipation, excess weight, hereditary predisposition, and mental stress.

The hernia must be distinguished from disorders of the cardiovascular system and qualified treatment must be carried out. An untreated hernia can cause reflux esophagitis.

Osteochondrosis and discomfort in the esophagus

Lump in the esophagus due to a problem with the thyroid gland

The not entirely clear connection between a spinal pathology such as cervical osteochondrosis and a lump in the esophagus can be explained by the fact that compression of the nerve roots by overgrown osteophytes on the vertebrae can occur throughout the entire periphery of the human body. The cervical spine bears a considerable load; it is one of the most vulnerable due to the constant mobility of its vertebrae.

Lack of physical activity with a sedentary lifestyle, spending a long time in static positions, exceeding the optimal body weight can lead to the fact that osteochondrosis manifests itself even in adolescence. The nerve endings of the cervical spine, damaged by osteochondrosis, cannot fully innervate the chest area, which leads to the sensation of a lump in the esophagus.

This pathology is accompanied by headaches, limitation of movements and pain when turning the head, moving the arms, or bending the neck. A neurologist or vertebrologist will help establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Chest trauma and esophagus

When a coma appears in the esophagus, a cause such as chest trauma cannot be ruled out. This could be a bruised sternum, fracture or cracked rib. Soft tissues suffer during a fracture, their trophism is disrupted, and swelling appears, which is positioned as a lump in the esophagus. In case of a chest contusion, a dangerous complication may initially be unnoticeable internal bleeding.

If the sensation of a coma in the esophagus is accompanied by a symptom such as the appearance of bruises under the skin or a deterioration in the general condition, it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist and call an emergency ambulance.

A lump in the esophagus can be a symptom of a variety of diseases and conditions, both dangerous and those that do not require significant medical care. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition, prescribe examination and treatment, and you should contact him if these sensations appear.

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If the patient complains that something is moving in his stomach, then this is a slightly inaccurate description of the problem. Worms in the stomach can cause increased gas formation (flatulence), hence the sensation of movement. In fact, a person feels gas bubbles moving through the intestines.

Important! It has been proven that even a worm up to 40 m long (tapeworm) cannot give a sensation of movement and pulsation in the abdominal cavity. Usually patients do not even suspect about helminthic infestation.

If a person thinks that something is moving in his stomach, then against the background of helminthic infestations this can be caused by severe intoxication of the body with metabolic products of worms or toxins that are released during the decomposition of dead individuals.

Many worms live in the intestines and feed on the food that a person eats. In this case, the patient lacks nutrients and may eat excessively, which contributes to digestive disorders and similar sensations.

What types of worms cause the sensation of moving?

Tapeworms can also cause a feeling of something foreign moving in the stomach:

  • wide tape;
  • pork tapeworm.

These worms live in the human intestines and provoke allergic reactions in the body and severe intoxication. In addition to the feeling of movement, these helminths cause anemia, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and damage the intestinal walls.

Pulsation in the abdomen

According to experts, pulsation in the abdomen is not directly related to helminthic infestations, but against the background of pathologies of the digestive system, which can be caused by worms, such sensations can bother the patient.

By the way it pulsates in the stomach and where this sensation is localized, one can judge the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Pulsation on the right side, slightly closer to the center of the abdomen, may indicate pathologies of the pancreas, as well as the vessels of this organ.
  2. If this feeling is localized a little to the left of the center line of the abdomen, then we can make the assumption that the stomach is pulsating.
  3. Pulsation in the abdomen, namely in its central part, can also indicate pathologies of the stomach or intestines.

Important! Do not neglect the pulsation, since the problem may be associated with vasodilation, for example, with an aortic aneurysm. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

It is equally important to remember what you were doing before such sensations appeared. This can happen after overstraining the abdominal muscles, for example, after playing sports. In this case, a light massage and rest will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.


The sensation of pulsation can appear in various diseases. Most often, the reasons for this may be associated with the following conditions and diseases:

Worth knowing! Often a similar symptom occurs in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Sometimes such pulsations in the stomach occur when overeating. This is explained by the fact that when eating a large amount of food, the walls of the stomach become overstretched. In this case, nerve impulses from the nerves inside the wall turn on the reverse mechanism through the vagus nerve. Because of this, the motility of the organ increases and pulsation appears.

With gastritis with high acidity, a spasm of the pylorus is observed, in which food does not pass further into the intestine, but is retained in the stomach. In this case, the natural motility of the organ provokes such a symptom.

Your actions

If unpleasant symptoms appear for the first time, then you don’t have to do anything to begin with. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon associated with overexertion, stress or hemostasis, which will go away on its own. You probably drank alcohol the day before or overate, which means everything will go away after digestion normalizes.

If symptoms recur or do not subside, you should consult a specialist. In this case, it is advisable to take tests to detect helminths, as well as visit a gastroenterologist and therapist.

Many people complain that something seems to be moving in their stomach, and sometimes this can even be visually determined. This may be due to several factors, however, it is worth remembering that only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis.

In this case, signs such as:

  • bloating;
  • movement within;
  • muscle mobility;
  • strange noises.

The sensation may be quite painful or painless. The reasons for the feeling that something is moving in the stomach can be very different. Among the main reasons are:

  • violation of peristalsis of internal organs;
  • helminthiasis;
  • increased gas formation;
  • neoplasms.

That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The main causes of movement

Many girls complain that they are not pregnant, something is moving in their stomach. There may be several reasons for this, and some of them are quite dangerous. In thin girls, a pulse can be felt when lying on their stomach. This is due to the fact that there is practically no fat layer in the abdominal cavity, and when the muscles are tense, pulsation can be clearly observed.

However, such a manifestation may also be a sign of a serious illness, in particular, such as an aortic aneurysm. This disease is additionally accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet, belching and painful sensations near the umbilical fossa. In some cases, there may additionally be nausea and bloating.

In addition, movement can occur during fermentation in the intestines, which is associated with malnutrition, as well as the installation of internal organs in their original place after childbirth. If something seems to be moving in the stomach, then the reason for this may be helminths, which are found in many people and cause great harm to the body.


If you feel like something is moving in your stomach, this may be due to intestinal motility. Wave-like contractions of the hollow organs are observed as food moves through them. They can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Such waves are formed regardless of a person’s desire. Not only the stomach and intestines can contract, but also the urinary tract and fallopian tubes.

The sensation of movement in the abdomen may be chaotic or have a specific direction of movement, as well as a different number of contractions. It all depends on your health and diet. Usually peristalsis is almost invisible and does not cause any particular inconvenience.

Gas formation

The feeling that something is moving in the stomach may occur due to increased gas formation. This syndrome affects approximately 40% of the world's population. Increased gas formation processes lead to symptoms such as:

  • bloating of the intestines;
  • rumbling;
  • bloating;
  • painful sensations.

Among the main reasons for increased gas formation are an increase in the amount of air swallowed with food, disruption of the intestinal microflora, and insufficient production of enzymes. In addition, this can occur if you consume food that produces a lot of gases during digestion. This problem may be present constantly and not go away.


Worms very rarely cause a sensation of movement, the only exception being enterobiasis. This disease is considered to be a childhood disease, but adults can also be carriers of pinworms. It is transmitted through contact with objects that are contaminated with the eggs of these small worms.

Worms irritate the digestive organs with the products of their vital activity, which is why flatulence occurs, as well as painful sensations in the navel area. Helminths not only provoke digestive problems, but also release toxins into the body, which negatively affect the condition. The more worms in the body, the stronger the signs of intoxication.

Among the main symptoms of the presence of worms in the body are the following:

  • migraine;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • anemia;
  • chronic fatigue.

The patient may suffer from insomnia for a long time, and children may grind their teeth in their sleep. Worms very often provoke skin rashes, and in severe cases can provoke the development of asthma.

If something is moving in the stomach, then it is advisable to get tested for the presence of worms. There are several different types of these worms, but the most common are pinworms and roundworms. When their larvae enter the body, they begin to multiply very quickly, provoking various types of gastrointestinal disorders. This results in a feeling of movement.

Malignant tumors and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movement in the intestines. In addition, other characteristic symptoms are observed. Movement may indicate the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. These are very serious diseases, therefore, immediate consultation with a doctor and proper treatment are required.

The reasons that lead to pain in the left lower abdomen are different. This may be caused by problems in the intestines, other organs, diseases of the joints, bones or lymph nodes that are part of the pelvis.

It happens that it hurts in the left lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. This is typical for people who have gastroenterological, gynecological or urological diseases, as well as those who have pelvic pathologies.

The fact that women have pain in the lower left abdomen is the reason for visiting a doctor in 60-70% of all cases in gynecology and in almost 80-90% of cases in urology when men consult a doctor. About 60% of all patients present with problems in the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract for pain in the lower abdomen on the left, and only about 15% of such requests are associated with changes in the organs that are part of the pelvis.

Pain on the left side of the abdomen periodically occurs in 20% of the entire world population, which is associated with problems in the internal organs. Most often they occur in the intestines; in women it is caused by gynecological problems, and in men by urological problems.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left is associated with the presence of problems of those organs that are located here:

  • The spleen is a place for reserve blood storage. If it is removed, the functions of the spleen are taken over by the liver and lymph nodes;
  • small intestine, loops of jejunum are located on the left. The main problems with this organ are blockages and invaginations, which cause the development of an inflammatory process;
  • the large intestine hurts when its secretory function is disrupted;
  • in a girl or woman on the left are the uterus and reproductive tract, as well as parts of the paired genital organs and kidneys;
  • left hip joint.

There may be pain in the abdomen on the right or left, often with the same disease it radiates in different directions. The reasons for its appearance are different. Abdominal pain can be caused by the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • dystrophic processes;
  • impaired blood circulation in certain organs;
  • functional changes in the intestines or other internal organs;
  • if cellular metabolism is disrupted at the site of the disease.

Everything that is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity can cause pain if there are malfunctions of these organs.

1 Causes associated with spleen diseases

At the initial stage of the disease, the pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is influenced by diseases of the organs located here. If chronic diseases are present, the pain may be reflective.

Pain on the left side of the lower abdomen can result from the development of pathologies of the spleen, when lymphocytic leukemia and myeloid leukemia develop.

These are cancers, and their symptoms intensify as the tumor grows. At first, a person simply feels frequently unwell, aching pain in the lower abdomen occurs after eating, the person quickly gets full, and may lose weight.

As the tumor grows, a nagging pain appears, joints begin to ache, and a rapid abrupt change in temperature occurs.

Arterial blockage may begin, causing a splenic infarction to develop, and severe pain will be felt on the left side under the ribs. If a volvulus of the spleen occurs, then the nerve bundles, veins and arteries are partially or completely twisted, and pain appears on the left side of the abdominal cavity, the temperature increases, intestinal bloating occurs, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.

Acute enlargement of the spleen is a consequence of inflammation or deterioration of blood outflow, which results in sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

When purulent inflammation develops, a spleen abscess begins. If it is multiple, then the person’s temperature rises and the stomach hurts on the lower left. When a cyst forms, it fills with mucus, which may be the result of a ruptured spleen. If the cyst is small, then it does not hurt, but a large one leads to severe pain in the abdomen when pressing on the left hypochondrium, most often it is a dull pain.

2 Causes of intestinal diseases

The small intestine consists of the ileum, jejunum and duodenum. Most often, if the left side hurts, it is due to problems in the jejunum.

When the mucous membranes of this organ cannot perceive certain foods, malabsorption develops. In this case, a person experiences frequent bowel movements, bloating occurs, and a cramping, acute pain appears, which gradually subsides after defecation.

The large intestine consists of the rectum, sigmoid, colon and cecum. The answer in this case, why the lower left abdomen hurts in women, will be the presence of problems with the descending and colon.

The development of irritable bowel syndrome is most often associated with stress; in women, such pain in the intestines worsens during menstruation. This pathology is characterized by flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, and the left side of the abdomen hurts.

With the development of Crohn's disease, intestinal pain, diarrhea, and decreased appetite will appear. All this is associated with the development of nodular inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

A common disease of the large intestine is ulcerative colitis, in this case changes occur in the intestinal walls. Most doctors believe that such colitis is caused by heredity and a malfunction of the human immune system. In addition to pain in the left side of the abdomen, bloody diarrhea appears, high fever, and joints begin to ache.

With the development of intestinal diverticulosis, the formation of pathological pouches occurs; it usually develops in older people. The presence of diverticula interferes with the normal functioning of the intestines, the fermentation process begins in it, a lot of gases are formed, and unpleasant sensations appear, radiating to the left side, so it can hurt from the bottom left.

When polyps form on the mucous membranes of the colon, polyposis develops. This disrupts the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so a person often has diarrhea, which alternates with constipation, the process of water absorption is disrupted, which leads to dehydration of the body.

With the development of malignant tumors, a stabbing pain first appears on the side where the disease develops. Over time, its intensity intensifies, and the focus grows.

3 Presence of problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system

When the renal pelvis expands, the outflow of urine is disrupted, or the left kidney is damaged, pain appears in the left side of the lumbar region.

If the uterine ligaments rupture during childbirth or abortion, a woman may develop Allen-Masters syndrome, which will be accompanied by cramping pain in the left lower abdomen, this happens due to stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area.

When an unnatural proliferation of myometrial cells occurs, external genital endometriosis begins to develop. If the left ovary is affected, the pain will be on the left. The discomfort intensifies during sex and menstruation, the symptoms are similar to an ectopic pregnancy.

If this process is observed on the fallopian tubes, then pain appears on palpation of the cervix, and infertility develops. When the disease progresses in the vagina or labia, you may notice bloody nodules on the mucous membrane, severe pain in the lower abdomen appears, and it is impossible to have sex due to the discomfort.

4 Types of pain

Women with unilateral gynecological pathology most often complain of dull pain. During inflammatory processes, it is also usually dull, the temperature rises, and the woman feels general weakness.

If purulent pathologies develop, the pain can be nagging. In the presence of cancer and its progression, the pain will intensify, this is due to the fact that the tumor puts pressure on the nerve endings.

Sharp pain usually occurs when the intestines are bursting with gases. It may indicate the development of acute expansion of the renal pelvis, appear after rupture of ligaments or damage to the ovary, or when stones pass through the urinary tract.

Stitching pain indicates the development of intestinal or kidney diseases. This could also be problems with the lower back, cartilage or joints; it may indicate that the cyst will rupture soon.

If a woman’s left lower abdomen bothers her or her stomach often hurts, this may indicate the presence of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, if this bothers you often or does not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor, conduct appropriate examinations, establish the cause of such symptoms and begin effective treatment.

Pain in the left lower abdomen

Colitis, or abdominal pain, is a common symptom of a number of diseases that are associated with dysfunction of organs located in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes the discomfort is minor, almost unnoticeable, and in some cases the pain is so intense that it prevents you from leading your usual way of life. To identify the cause of such sensations, it is necessary to determine their localization and characteristics - cramping, pulling, cutting pain, etc. What does discomfort on the left side in the lower abdomen mean?

Pain in the left lower abdomen

What organs are we talking about?

The area located in the lower abdomen above the left hip joint is called the left iliac region in medicine, and to determine the cause of the discomfort, one must understand the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this area.

What causes pain in the left lower abdomen?

On the left side below are the spleen, sections of the large and small intestines, urinary organs, pelvic bones, ligaments and lymph nodes.

  1. Spleen. It belongs to the organs of the human hematopoietic system and performs the functions of formation, storage and destruction of blood cells.
  2. Large/small intestine. In the left ileal region there are segments of the large intestine (sigmoid colon, loops of the transverse colon and the lower branch of the colon), and slightly below the navel is one of the sections of the small intestine.
  3. Elements of the urinary and reproductive systems. In the iliac region of the abdomen lies the left ureter, which takes part in the removal of urine from the kidneys, as well as the reproductive organs in women.
  4. Left hip joint. The organ consists of bones, cartilage, nerve fibers, lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Structure of the hip joint

Based on this, all pathologies that cause discomfort in the iliac region can be divided into several categories, each of which occurs in patients with a certain frequency.

Table. The main causes of pain in the left lower abdomen.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to determine not only the intensity and characteristics of the pain syndrome, but also the accompanying symptoms, as well as its relationship with physical activity, eating, defecation, and urination.

An accompanying symptom may be problems with bowel movements

Intestinal causes

Intestinal diseases and pathologies are a common cause of discomfort in the left iliac region, and most often it is associated with pathological processes that occur in the large intestine.

Human colon

Usually accompanied by defecation disorders and changes in the appearance of feces (bloody streaks, purulent impurities and mucus are observed in it), intensifies before bowel movements, with physical activity and shaking.

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome. A disease of unknown etiology, which occurs equally in both men and women. Pain with this diagnosis is chronic, and patients experience constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and all symptoms worsen after eating certain foods or stress.

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Photos of polyps and colon cancer

Unpleasant sensations in the left lower part of the abdominal region are also observed in such relatively rare disorders of the small intestine as malabsorption and celiac disease, which are associated with the inability of its membranes to absorb certain types of substances. The pain is accompanied by bloating, gas formation and frequent loose stools.

Urological causes

Pathological processes of the urinary system cause pain in the left iliac region in 65-90% of cases. This symptom can develop with dilation of the renal pelvis, pyelonephritis, the formation of stones in the ureters, Allen-Masters syndrome. The discomfort has a pulling or cutting nature and is usually localized in the lower back, but can radiate to the iliac region. In addition, patients experience urinary disorders, fever, and discharge from the vagina or urethra.

Treatment of urolithiasis

If the pain is unusually strong, stabbing or cramping in nature, and is not relieved by rest, then we are most likely talking about renal colic or obstruction of the urinary tract. The main sign of such pathologies is a satisfactory general condition of the person, which does not correspond to the intensity of the pain syndrome.

Splenic causes

The spleen is located in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium, so all pathologies associated with the work of this organ can cause discomfort in the iliac region.

Depending on the cause, pain can be the only symptom (especially in the early stages of the disease) or be accompanied by other signs - fever, digestive disorders, weakness.

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the spleen. Inflammatory processes occurring in the organ develop as a secondary pathology in diseases of nearby organs and are accompanied by fever, vomiting, and heaviness in the abdomen.
  2. Circulatory disorders. Such pathologies develop as a result of blockage of blood vessels (splenic infarction) or twisting of arteries, veins and nerve fibers (splenic volvulus). The main symptoms are a sharp, severe pain in the left hypochondrium, which goes down the abdomen and intensifies with tension, physical activity, and deep breaths. Sometimes there is an increase in temperature, bloating, vomiting, and constipation.

Gynecological reasons

In women, pain in the left side is often caused by diseases of the reproductive system, most often inflammatory processes in the appendages, endometriosis, hemorrhages, neoplasms of the appendages and ovaries, and cyst torsion. Gynecological pathology can be suspected in cases where discomfort is accompanied by cycle disruptions, painful menstrual bleeding, and vaginal discharge mixed with blood and pus.

In this case, it is very important to distinguish between the acute and chronic course of the disease. In the first case, the pain will be of high intensity and accompanied by fever, fainting, severe weakness, and sometimes bleeding from the uterus. This condition develops with ectopic pregnancy, cyst torsion, hemorrhages in the ovary and other conditions that pose a direct threat to the woman’s life and require immediate medical attention.

Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst

Chronic processes occur with manifestations in the form of dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by mucopurulent discharge, and exacerbations of the condition can be associated with hypothermia, decreased immunity, nervous or physical stress. A similar pain syndrome is diagnosed with ovarian tumors, benign or malignant, mainly when they reach a significant size.

Pregnant women may also experience painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and they can be triggered by physiological reasons (sprained ligaments in preparation for bearing a child) or various pathologies.

Orthopedic reasons

Left-sided pain caused by orthopedic causes is less common than others, but they also cannot be completely excluded. Pathologies accompanied by similar symptoms include sprains, inflammatory diseases of the hip joint, pinched nerve endings and lymph nodes. Pathologies are accompanied by swelling in the area of ​​the affected tissues and stiffness of movement, and the intensity of pain increases with active movements and subsides at rest.

Ankylosing spondylitis of the hip joint

What to do if you have pain in the lumbar region?

The first thing to do if you experience pain in the left iliac region is to go to the hospital and undergo a full examination of the body. Taking analgesics or traditional methods of eliminating discomfort, such as applying heating pads and ice packs to the sore spot, can not only blur the picture of the disease, but also lead to unpleasant consequences. In case of severe pain, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, fever and severe weakness, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible - they can be manifestations of serious illnesses that threaten a person’s health and life.

How to get rid of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

Pain in the left side of the abdomen is an uncomfortable sensation that occurs in the abdominal cavity or directly in the peritoneal wall. It can be caused by pathological processes of an acute, subacute and chronic nature, localized in the midline of the abdomen, to the left of it, below the level of the navel. The patient may need the help of a surgeon, urologist, therapist or gastroenterologist. Women are advised to consult a gynecologist. Diseases in 30% of cases require urgent surgical intervention.

Why does it hurt in the left side of the lower abdomen?

Causes of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in men

Purely “male” causes of pain in the very lower abdomen on the left are: inflammation and prostate adenoma, damage to the seminal ducts on the left, inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

  • Gastritis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach. If you take into account the anatomical structure of the organ, you can see a deviation to the left. More often caused by eating disorders and overeating.

In addition, pain can be caused by left-sided pyelonephritis, inflammation of the kidney, pneumonia or pleurisy when the lower lobes of the lung are affected.

Why do women experience pain in the left side of the lower abdomen?

The above pathologies can also occur in women, but it must be taken into account that with pain in the left side, gynecological diseases are diagnosed in 65-70% of cases.

  1. Unilateral adnexitis and oophoritis. This is inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovary. More often they occur in a complex.

Hemorrhoids are more common in women. Its causes can be pregnancy, childbirth, excess weight and illiterate weight loss. The constant use of laxatives is especially dangerous.

Main symptoms for pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

In acute conditions, the clinical pictures of various diseases are very similar. This is an “acute abdomen” (tension of the anterior abdominal wall), intoxication - fever, nausea. The leukocyte count in the blood count increases.

  • Innervation to the perineum, lower limb, lumbar region and rectum is most often caused by inflammation of the reproductive organs. Characteristic signs are discharge with fragments of blood or pus from the urethra and vagina. In women, the cycle is disrupted and intermenstrual bleeding occurs.

Laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics help to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to treat pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

Injections for abdominal pain

Injections are used for severe pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. Medicines that immediately enter the bloodstream act much faster than tablets.

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Tablets to eliminate pain in the left side

At home, it is more convenient to use medications in tablets.

  1. Universal action drugs that eliminate smooth muscle spasms: Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Spazgan, No-shpa, Papaverine.

The possibility of using the following pharmaceuticals is determined based on the clinical picture. If vomiting is an additional symptom, metoclopramide is prescribed. If pain in the lower abdomen on the left is due to partial intestinal obstruction or increased flatulence, Cerucal and Espumisan are prescribed.

Suppositories against pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

Suppositories are preferable to use in the treatment of children, to eliminate pain in the reproductive organs and urinary system.

Warming up from pain in the left abdomen

Before relieving pain using thermal procedures, you should make sure that there is no inflammation.

  • When urinary retention occurs, apply a warm heating pad to the perineum or sit over hot water.

At high heating temperatures they are not used.

Folk remedies for pain in the left side of the abdomen

Traditional medicine offers many remedies that relieve intestinal spasms.

  1. Decoction of lemon balm with caraway seeds. Brew a glass of boiling water with a tablespoon of a mixture of dried lemon balm and caraway seeds (proportions 1:1). Leave for 15 minutes and drink with meals.

Remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine are used only when the diagnosis is known.

It is impossible to eliminate left abdominal pain by changing your diet. But knowing your “weak points”, deterioration can be prevented.

  • Pain in the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to unload the intestines to reduce innervation from the inflamed organ. The volume of intestinal gases will decrease and discomfort will not occur.

If you have pain in the intestines, avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane. This group includes fatty dishes, rich broths, everything spicy and sour. Products are steamed, boiled and stewed. Fermented milk products and cereals help normalize intestinal function: oatmeal, buckwheat, barley and wheat. For diarrhea, switch to rice. The load on the intestines is eliminated with the help of fractional meals (the number of meals can be increased to 5-6 times a day) and careful grinding of the ingredients of dishes.

Pain on the left side of the abdomen is a sufficient reason to consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous if additional symptoms include vomiting and high fever. In this case, it is dangerous to hesitate; you must call an ambulance. It is not recommended to take painkillers before the team arrives, otherwise the clinical picture will be “blurred” and it will be difficult to make a diagnosis.

What is in the left side of the lower abdomen?

What is in the left side of the lower abdomen?

Even the most successful and happy people feel absolutely helpless in moments when something hurts or is not going well with their health. At such moments, every person tries to diagnose himself, but not everyone succeeds, because in order to more or less accurately diagnose pain or discomfort in your body, you should know which organs are located in which places. Pain in the lower abdomen very often bothers even the healthiest people. And if every person is familiar with the organs in the right side of the abdominal cavity, then what is in the left side of the lower abdomen can only be guessed at.

First steps for pain in an unspecified location

The modern rhythm of a person very often affects his health. And not only on the state of health, but also on treatment, because most patients prefer to take painkillers or antispasmodics in order to at least temporarily forget about their illness. But many diseases should begin to be treated only at the beginning of their manifestation, which will significantly alleviate the person’s further condition. To do this, you need to figure out what is in the left side of the lower abdomen, so as not only to properly relieve pain or discomfort, but first of all to contact the right doctor.

Organs on the left side of the lower abdomen

In the lower abdomen on the left side there is a part of the intestine, diseases of which can provoke sensations of dull pain. This may be flatulence, cancer of the sigmoid or rectum, intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis. Most often, these conditions manifest symptoms of ordinary diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but without examination by a specialist it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis only by knowing the location of internal organs in the abdominal cavity.

The spleen is located a little higher, but damage to it can provoke pain on the lower left side. Pathologies of the spleen are often accompanied by an increase in its size, and then it reaches the lower abdomen on the left side. In addition, the spleen is subject to internal ruptures more often than any other organ, because it is located directly under the skin. When there is a tear under the navel on the left side, a bruise forms, and the pain is nagging or very sharp.

In women, the left ovary is also located on the left side, inflammation of which will be reflected by pain in the lower abdomen, especially when pressing on the ovary. With an ectopic pregnancy located on the left, a twisted cyst, fibromas, pain will be felt just in the lower abdomen on the left side. Any other diseases of the genitourinary system will also cause dull pain in this part of the body.

You can guess for a long time which organ malfunctioned and provoked the painful condition, but it is better to seek advice from a specialist, and self-medication can only aggravate the patient’s condition.

What is located in the lower left abdomen? Causes of pain

Sudden pain in the lower abdomen can unsettle you, disrupting all your plans. Of course, you can take any painkiller without understanding the cause of your poor health. As a rule, such actions lead to worsening of the condition and progression of the disease.

We are looking for possible reasons

If you experience pain (of any origin) in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor, as this is the main sign of a huge number of diseases. For initial diagnosis, you can answer several questions. So, let's figure out what is located in the lower left abdomen and can cause pain.

For girls and women, this type of pain can mean problems with the genitourinary system, as well as the threat of ectopic pregnancy. Most likely, any girl will give you the correct answer to the question of what is on the lower left side of the abdomen, since that is where the ovaries are located. Sharp pain in this area can be caused by rupture of the fallopian tubes (in the case of an ectopic pregnancy). If you suspect this, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Not everyone knows what is located in the lower left abdomen. This may also be a part of the large intestine, which provokes attacks of flatulence and dull pain. The spleen, located slightly higher, often causes severe pain in the lower abdominal region.

A huge number of options

Pain in the intestines can be caused either by simple indigestion or an attack of flatulence, which can be quickly and easily resolved with a one-time dose of medication, or by complete or partial intestinal obstruction or cancer, which requires immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise, such diseases can lead to death. But you shouldn’t immediately think about the bad, since in most cases the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is gastrointestinal diseases. If you experience any unpleasant painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. Even knowing theoretically what is located in the lower left abdomen, it is impossible to predict the correct diagnosis on your own.

Pain requiring medical attention

An interesting fact is that pain can be caused not only by the organs in the lower left abdomen, but also by those located in the chest. For example, myocardial infarction can be expressed by pain in the abdominal area.

For men, such sensations can be a consequence of urological diseases. It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of what is located in the lower left abdomen in men. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by problems with the spine, abdominal muscles, or serious abnormalities in the genitourinary system.

Even knowing which organs are located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity on the left, you will not be able to give an accurate answer about the cause of the pain without undergoing an appropriate examination. Only your attending physician can describe an accurate picture of your condition after appropriate research. The main thing is not to treat your health negligently, dulling the pain with pills, but to contact qualified specialists.

Pain in left side

The greatest joys and successes in every person’s life fade when health problems begin. Most modern people live at a crazy pace and don’t have enough time to listen to their own body. When any discomfort or pain occurs, many people rush to drink painkillers and forget about the problem. But our body is a complex system that signals with pain impulses that something is going wrong in our life. In this article we will talk about pain in the left side. In the human body, in the left side - under the ribs and lower abdomen - there are the most important vital organs, so it is simply unacceptable to ignore the pain.

What exactly is on the left side?

This part of the human body contains the pancreas, part of the diaphragm, stomach, and spleen. Disease of any of these organs leads to pain in the left side.

  1. Pancreas. When there is a disease of the pancreas, a person is bothered by a dull pain in the lower left side. Basically, pain occurs after eating spicy or fatty foods and carbonated drinks, as well as coffee.
  2. Diaphragm. If you have pain on your left side under your rib, you may have a diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm separates two cavities - the thoracic and abdominal. When it is pinched, pain occurs.
  3. Stomach. Pain in the left side can be caused by stomach diseases. Any foods or medications that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach walls lead to pain. The most common disease among modern people is gastritis. This disease affects 35-40% of the population. The main symptom of gastritis is aching pain that occurs in both the left and right hypochondrium. In addition to gastritis, pain may also indicate an ulcer or even stomach cancer.
  4. Spleen. If you have pain in the left side of your lower abdomen, then you may have problems with your spleen. It is quite easy to damage the spleen because it is located close to the surface of the human body. The spleen is more susceptible to rupture than other internal organs. A splenic rupture can be recognized by bruises near the navel, which occur due to subcutaneous hemorrhage. With diseases of the spleen, its size increases and it becomes softer. In parallel with this, pain occurs in the lower left side. A diseased spleen is even more likely to rupture. In some diseases, an enlarged spleen may rupture without any physical impact on it.
  5. Appendix. If you feel pain in the left side of your lower abdomen, you may have an inflammation of the appendix. Despite the fact that the appendix is ​​located on the right, doctors note the fact that pain often occurs in the left side. Appendicitis requires urgent surgical intervention, as it is a life-threatening disease. Appendicitis can be caused by the following diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infectious diseases. If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently visit the clinic.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of pain in the left side. For any discomfort in the hypochondrium or abdominal cavity, you should visit a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. The doctor will ask you to undergo an examination and take tests. Only based on the test results will an accurate diagnosis be made. Taking into account the characteristics of your body, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Any treatment will be effective only when a person begins to take care of his own body. It is known that the key to health is giving up bad habits and a healthy, balanced diet. Watch your diet, daily routine and get plenty of rest, and then visits to the doctor will become very rare for you.

Pain in the right side can serve as a signal of dysfunction of many internal organs. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to independently determine the cause of pain, and it is better to entrust the diagnosis to a doctor. However, it is imperative to know in what cases [pain in the left side can pose a threat to a person’s life.

The causes of bad breath are not only the owner’s neglect of personal hygiene rules. There are many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a specific smell. We will talk about these and other issues related to the occurrence of oral odor in our material.

Facial swelling has a wide variety of causes. Some of them are obvious - such as post-operative swelling or excess night cream on the face. And some reasons hide serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, which can only be eliminated with the help of a doctor.

Almost half of the population of our planet suffers from a disease such as gastritis. Many people have learned to live with this disease and do not try to change their diet or give up bad habits. Unfortunately, this attitude towards one’s health has the most disastrous consequences.


Question: What could be the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen?

What could be the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen?

Topographically, the sigmoid colon (a section of the large intestine located in front of the rectum), the left ureter, through which urine flows from the left kidney to the bladder, as well as the left uterine appendages are projected onto the left iliac region (a section of the anterior abdominal wall located below and to the left of the navel). among women. Therefore, most often, pain in the lower abdomen on the left indicates damage to these organs.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with damage to the sigmoid colon

If there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left, damage to the sigmoid colon can be suspected in cases where there are symptoms such as:

  • the pain intensifies on the eve of defecation, after a long walk or during a bumpy ride;
  • pain syndrome is accompanied by tenesmus - a painful urge to defecate;
  • pain is combined with frequent loose stools (up to once a day);
  • feces look like meat slop (significant admixture of blood) and/or have a foul odor;
  • pathological inclusions (blood, pus, mucus) are detected in the stool with the naked eye.
  • infectious processes (acute and chronic dysentery, as well as dysentery-like infections);
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • circulatory disorders in the sigmoid colon (ischemic sigmoiditis);

    Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with dysentery and dysentery-like infections

    The causative agents of Shigella dysentery and some other microorganisms (for example, enteroinvasive E. coli) are capable of secreting toxins that cause the formation of ulcers in the terminal part of the large intestine.

    Bursting pain in the lower abdomen on the left with chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis

    Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis is a polyetiological disease (pathology caused by several reasons at once), in the occurrence of which a large role is played by hereditary predisposition, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and poor nutrition (lack of a normal diet, lack of vitamins and coarse grains). fiber with an excess of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, abuse of spicy foods, salt and alcohol).

    Cramping pain in the left lower abdomen with chronic nonspecific inflammatory lesions of the large intestine

    Cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the left is characteristic of chronic ulcerative lesions of the sigmoid colon, not associated with the activity of specific microflora (so-called nonspecific inflammatory bowel lesions).

  • frequent loose, foul-smelling stools;
  • the presence of visible blood in the stool;
  • violation of the general condition of the body (weakness, fever, headache, etc.).
  • With a long course of chronic nonspecific inflammatory lesions of the intestine, chronic anemia, cerebrovascular disease, and in severe cases cachexia (general exhaustion of the body) develop.

    Features of pain syndrome in nonspecific ulcerative colitis

    Features of pain in the lower abdomen on the left with damage to the sigmoid colon caused by Crohn's disease

    Crohn's disease is a severe chronic disease characterized by segmental damage to the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, inflammatory infiltrates appear on the affected areas, in place of which deep cracks form, and subsequently cicatricial narrowings develop, fistulas appear, and a reactive adhesive process occurs.

    Pain associated with food load in ischemic lesions of the sigmoid colon

    Ischemic damage to the sigmoid colon develops in old age, as a rule, in patients with other diseases associated with atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease, intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency, etc.).

    Pain in the left lower abdomen with sigmoid colon cancer

    Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with sigmoid colon cancer appears most often with the development of complications, such as chronic intestinal obstruction, tumor disintegration with the formation of a bleeding ulcer, or the addition of an infection with the development of an inflammatory process.

    Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with left-sided renal colic

    Pain in the left lower abdomen can occur with left-sided renal colic, a very characteristic pain syndrome resulting from obstruction of the urinary tract.

    Pain in the left lower abdomen in women

    When pain appears in the lower left abdomen in women, the possibility of pathology of the uterine appendages (ectopic pregnancy, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, ovarian apoplexy (hemorrhage into the ovary), neoplasms of the uterine appendages, torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, etc.) should be taken into account.

  • menstrual irregularities (the appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen against the background of delayed menstruation is always suspicious of an ectopic pregnancy);
  • pathological vaginal discharge (bloody, purulent, mucopurulent, etc.);
  • unfavorable medical history (previous ectopic pregnancy, surgical interventions on the uterus, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the uterine appendages, etc.).
  • Acute abdomen in gynecology

    Sharp, sudden pain in the lower abdomen on the left requires emergency hospitalization in cases where it is combined with symptoms of an “acute abdomen”, such as:

    • nausea and reflex vomiting that does not bring relief (occurs as a result of irritation of the peritoneum);
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain and tension in the anterior abdominal wall in the projection of the affected organ (in this case, the lower left abdomen);
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body (weakness, cold sweat, headache, dizziness, etc.)
    • rupture of the fallopian tube or tubal abortion during tubal ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian apoplexy (bleeding into the ovary);
  • torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst;

    Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen on the left in gynecological diseases occurring with the clinical picture of an acute abdomen has a stabbing, cutting or cramping nature. In the case of a rupture of the tube during tubal pregnancy, the pain can be felt like a blow from a dagger (dagger pain), and with the accumulation of pus in the cavity of the tube (pyosalping), as well as with suppuration of the ovary (ovarian abscess), the pain often takes on a pulsating character.

    • pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes;
  • increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure;

    In acute left-sided inflammation of the uterine appendages, pain in the lower abdomen on the left is combined with purulent vaginal discharge and develops against the background of high fever (38-39 degrees and above). In such cases, hospitalization is also indicated, since the development of purulent complications such as ovarian abscess or pyosalping is possible.

    Periodically appearing dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left in chronic gynecological pathology

    Dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left is characteristic of a chronic inflammatory process in the left appendages of the uterus. In such cases, pain is usually accompanied by the appearance of mucopurulent discharge.

    Which doctor should I contact for pain in the left lower abdomen?

    Since pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by diseases of various organs, when it appears, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties whose competence includes treating the pathology of the affected organ. The decision on which doctor to contact in each specific case is made depending on the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms, which make it possible to “calculate” the affected organ.

    What tests can doctors prescribe for pain in the lower abdomen on the right?

  • Scatological analysis of stool;
  • Stool culture or blood test for clostridia;
  • Irrigoscopy (x-ray of the intestine with contrast) (make an appointment);
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging (make an appointment);
  • Stool analysis for calprotectin;
  • Blood test for the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to Saccharomycetes.
  • Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, creatinine, total protein, amylase, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, LDH);
  • Fecal occult blood test;
  • Scatological analysis of stool;
  • Blood test for antibodies to hepatitis viruses A, B, C (by ELISA method);
  • Blood culture for sterility;
  • Blood test using PCR for the presence of microbes that can cause mesadenitis (enteroviruses, Epstein-Barr virus, Yersinia, streptococci, staphylococci, campylobacter, salmonella, E. coli);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy (make an appointment) with the collection of pieces of tissue from inflamed lymph nodes for histological examination.
  • Urography (x-ray of the urinary system with the introduction of a contrast agent) (sign up);
  • Scintigraphy of the kidneys (sign up) and urinary tract;
  • Biochemical urine analysis (creatinine, salts, etc.);
  • Bacteriological culture of urine to identify the causative agent of the inflammatory process;
  • Blood and scraping from the urethra to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea (sign up), chlamydia (sign up), gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis (sign up), mycoplasmosis (sign up), candidiasis, trichomoniasis);
    • Bacteriological culture of feces, vomit or washing water;
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to pathogens of intestinal infections (salmonella (sign up), shigella, Vibrio cholerae, rotavirus, etc.) using ELISA and RNGA methods;
  • Analysis for the detection of DNA of pathogens of intestinal infections using PCR in feces, vomit, washing water, blood;
  • Colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy;
  • Analysis of blood, vaginal discharge and scraping from the urethra for genital infections (for chlamydia, mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococci, Candida fungi);
  • Tests for the presence of viruses - herpes virus types 1 and 2, human papillomavirus (sign up), cytomegalovirus (sign up), Epstein-Barr virus;
  • Bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge;
  • Palpation of the prostate through the anus with a finger;
  • Bacteriological culture of urine, prostate secretion and urethral smear to identify the causative microbe and its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Analysis of prostate secretion, urethral smear or blood for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, bacteroides);
  • Blood test for syphilis;
  • Blood test for sex hormones and tumor markers (sign up) (sex hormone binding globulin, testosterone, prostate-specific antigen).
  • Why does the lower and left side of a woman’s lower abdomen hurt?

    One of the common symptoms, which occurs almost as often as a headache, is pain in the lower left or right side of the abdomen.

    Such a rather unpleasant sensation may be evidence of pathology of the pelvic organs or gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition, pain in the lower abdomen in women can be one of the clinical signs of gynecological pathology.

    Before you understand what to do if the lower abdomen, its left or right area hurts, you need to understand the possible causes.

    Types of pain and factors that provoke it

    Pain in the lower abdomen, on the left or right side, may be evidence of an inflammatory, infectious process or many other pathologies.

    In order to understand why it hurts, you need to determine the specific area and form of pain. Pain syndrome in girls can be divided into several main types:

    • Dull or sharp;
    • Drawing, aching;
    • Paroxysmal, constant;
    • Intense, weak.

    Many girls also report throbbing pain. It should also be noted that modern experts identify the factors that provoke the development of pain:

    • functional group of factors - painful menstrual periods, complicated ovulation;
    • organic variety - various kinds of inflammatory pathologies, formations in the pelvic organs, diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems.

    Please note that if the lower abdomen hurts very much or the discomfort does not subside for a long period of time, then you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

    In some cases, pain in the left, lower or right abdomen is a warning sign of serious problems that can lead not only to complications, but also to death.

    Possible reasons

    As mentioned earlier, abdominal pain is an extremely common symptom that can indicate many diseases.

    In order to understand exactly what pathological process is occurring, it is necessary to know additional signs of a particular disease.

    The stomach may hurt due to:

    • gynecological disorders;
    • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • use of contraceptive methods.

    In each group of diseases, modern experts identify the most common ones.


    One of the most common reasons why a woman has pain in the lower abdomen is pathological processes in the reproductive system.

    These diseases include: endometritis, endometriosis, cystic neoplasms, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy.

    In addition, pain on the left or lower side can appear during menstruation and in some cases, if the discomfort is moderate enough, then this phenomenon is the limit of the norm.

    It should be noted that acute, intense and prolonged pain before or during menstruation may be signs of the development of diseases. You need to contact a gynecologist.

    In order to understand in which cases unpleasant sensations are physiological, and in which situations are harbingers of pathology and it is important to urgently begin treatment, it is necessary to analyze each disease in more detail.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    A similar pathological process in the body of women is currently quite common. The uterus is the natural area where the egg is implanted.

    During an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized cell attaches outside of it, which subsequently leads to quite painful sensations.

    This pathology in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • intense, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it can be painful on both the left and right sides;
    • characteristic delay of menstruation;
    • gastrointestinal problems: heavy stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
    • periodically there are blood smears - discharge;
    • there is a change in taste preferences, an emotional “swing”;
    • Your chest may hurt.

    An ectopic pregnancy in its clinical picture is very similar to a normal pregnancy. However, the lower abdomen hurts very much, and severe bleeding may occur.

    Pathology can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube. As a result, in some cases the uterus is an organ that has to be removed surgically.

    Consequently, in the future the woman will not be able to give birth on her own.

    That is why, when signs of pathology begin to appear, it is important to contact a qualified specialist. The disease must be treated as soon as possible.


    An equally common pathology is the formation of benign neoplasms, that is, cysts in the ovary. Such a formation can develop in the same way as on the left or right side.

    Signs of ovarian cyst formation:

    • the lower abdomen and uterus hurt, and the nature of the sensations is quite varied from nagging pain to acute and paroxysmal;
    • pulls the pelvic area on the left, heaviness appears;
    • there is a constant failure of menstruation;
    • there may be vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
    • before menstruation, a woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen;
    • swelling;
    • increase in body temperature.

    If your stomach hurts quite strongly and regularly before your period, then you need to undergo a gynecological examination.

    If a cyst ruptures, a woman can have very dangerous complications: peritonitis, ovarian resection, infertility.

    Often it is the patient himself who deprives himself of the chances of safe treatment, so it is very important to seek help in a timely manner.


    If the left side in the lower abdomen hurts, then one of the causes of such pain may be endometritis. In this case, the uterus begins to become inflamed, that is, its inner layer.

    When this pathology develops, it is acute and often has quite obvious symptoms. After prolonged or lack of treatment, it can become chronic.

    Symptoms of this pathology:

    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • pain in the side and lower abdomen;
    • discomfort increases with tension;
    • vaginal discharge;
    • general decrease in health;
    • chronic fatigue chills.

    Endometritis is an extremely dangerous disease, after which quite serious complications can develop. That is why, when initial pain appears in the side or lower abdomen, it is important to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.


    This disease is characterized by an increase in endometrial cells inside the uterus and pelvic organs. This pathology can develop both in adult women and in adolescents.

    One of the main reasons for the development of the disease during menstruation is the movement of endometrial cells and their further consolidation.

    Signs of this pathology include:

    • very severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the left and groin;

    Increased intensity of discomfort if you sit for a long time, during sexual intercourse and during a gynecological examination;

    During menstruation, pain may intensify, excessive bleeding occurs, and cycle disruptions occur.

    After suffering a pathology, some women develop infertility. The above gynecological diseases, most often, can lead to abdominal pain in various areas: in the middle, on the left, on the right, below.

    Many of them are factors that increase the risk of infertility and other negative consequences. Treatment of any gynecological disease is mandatory.

    Pathologies of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract

    No less common reasons why the stomach hurts are pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

    In addition, pain of various types and not only below, but also in the left and right side can be caused by surgical intervention.

    Each such cause has its own characteristics and clinical picture.

    Appendicitis and cholecystitis

    Inflammatory process of the appendix is ​​a common disease that almost every person encounters during their life. The following clinical picture is typical for appendicitis:

    • The stomach hurts, usually on the right. In this case, the pain syndrome can be strongly felt in the lower part of the back and less often in the left side.
    • The nature of the pain can be very diverse from acute to nagging.
    • In addition, the woman feels sick and shows all the signs of general malaise.
    • Body temperature increases.

    When appendicitis progresses to a later stage, it may burst. In this case, the patient will experience acute pain and a sharp increase in temperature.

    If you have symptoms of appendicitis, it is important to consult a specialist in time. A ruptured inflamed appendix can cause death.

    The inflammatory process in the gallbladder, that is, cholecystitis, is one of the possible reasons why the abdominal cavity sometimes hurts.

    Most often, such a pathology occurs against the background of gallstone disease.

    Almost any woman over 40 years of age is at risk for cholecystitis. The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

    • The pain most often occurs on the right side - shoulder blade, neck, shoulder; on the abdominal side, the pain syndrome can be localized not only on the right side, but also below;
    • Relief occurs after vomiting, in which, as a rule, signs of bile can be detected;
    • In later stages, intense bloating occurs and pain may appear on the left side;
    • Increased body temperature;
    • Problems with menstruation: cycle disruptions, pain, excessive abundance.

    If the pain moves from the right side to the lower abdomen, or begins to radiate to the left, then the disease has begun to progress and it is necessary to seek emergency help.

    Incorrect treatment or lack thereof often leads to resection of the gallbladder, which means life complications.

    Inflammatory process and infections

    Among the following causes of abdominal pain in women are intestinal and genitourinary infections.

    After pathogenic bacteria or viruses enter the intestines, the infection manifests itself in the first stages:

    • The stomach hurts in a non-localized form, and the character is most often dull.
    • In subsequent stages, the pain syndrome is concentrated in the lower abdomen, and some of the discomfort may radiate to the left and lower back.
    • Women may experience disruptions in their menstrual cycle.

    Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a jump in body temperature. Infections of the genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis in women manifests itself through the following symptoms.

    Please note that the structure of the urinary system organs in men and women is quite different, as a result of which the paths and symptoms after infection enters the body will be different.

    A woman with the development of this disease may note:

    • increased urge to empty the bladder;
    • it hurts, as a rule, on the left and in the middle of the abdomen, but the pain also radiates to the lumbar region;
    • less often, pain occurs below and on the right side;
    • symptoms of general dehydration of the body;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • a sharp decrease in appetite;
    • intense pain before menstruation.

    Treatment of any kind of infection is strictly necessary. After suffering from an illness, a person becomes most susceptible to it; in addition, against the background of infectious pathologies, inflammation most often occurs.


    Sometimes the treatment of a pathology involves surgery. And one of the possible complications after a large-scale intervention is abdominal pain.

    However, there is usually no clear localization. Unpleasant sensations can appear both on the left and on the right side, but most often at the bottom.

    In addition, a woman who has had a cesarean section may react to weather changes. In this case, the stitches on the side will hurt.

    Please note that one of the complications of surgery is the development of inflammation; if after surgery the pain in the abdominal or side area lasts long enough and does not lose intensity, then you need to contact the attending surgeon.

    Under no circumstances should you do anything yourself, try not to touch the seams and move less.


    One of the possible reasons for the development of pain on the left, lower or right side of the stomach is a contraceptive device.

    In this case, the side may also hurt, body temperature may increase, and symptoms of general malaise may occur.

    As a rule, the following factors lead to such complications:

    In this case, intense pain syndrome most often manifests itself to the bottom and on the left side of the abdomen.


    It's no secret that during a delicate period of life, representatives of the fair sex feel quite a few unpleasant sensations. Abdominal pain is one of them.

    During the first trimester, a similar painful syndrome in the left side or lower abdomen may indicate pathological conditions: threatened miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy.

    In the subsequent period of time, moderate, nagging pain in the lower abdomen is considered normal and does not require therapeutic intervention.

    In addition, during the second and third trimester, the lower part hurts due to increased stress on the ligamentous apparatus, increasing the impact on the uterus.

    If the pain syndrome is acute, intense and localized in the left side or lower abdomen, then there is a chance of detachment.

    When such an attack occurs, it is necessary to seek emergency medical help.

    A pregnant woman needs to know exactly what is normal and in what cases it is important to get help.

    Please note that during an appointment with your doctor, you should under no circumstances conceal painful sensations, especially if they are located on the left side or bottom.

    Causes of pain on the left side

    Often, when the left side in the lower abdomen hurts, the reasons lie in the following.

    1. Inflamed uterus and fallopian tubes. In this case, a woman may have: intense pain below, discomfort during menstruation, often pulling in her side, and an increase in body temperature.
    2. Pathology of the ovary or its rupture: very acute, intense in the abdomen, a sharp drop in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate. Sometimes women lose consciousness due to painful shock. This disease is extremely dangerous and often requires emergency care.

    If the lower abdomen on the left side hurts for a long time, then this is often due to the development of a pathological process.

    Even the simplest disease can lead to negative complications, which is why it is important to be attentive to your health and visit hospitals in a timely manner.

    What diagnostic tests are needed?

    If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts on the left or right, then most often, just visiting a specialist is not enough.

    Please note that it is impossible to determine why, that is, the reasons why the left, right side or lower abdomen hurts on your own.

    In addition, sometimes even qualified specialists, based only on symptoms and medical history, will also not be able to make an accurate diagnosis. That is why diagnostics plays a huge role.

    1. A general blood test can reveal inflammatory processes, then the analysis will show an increased number of leukocytes.
    2. A urine test can show whether part of the genitourinary system is involved.
    3. An hCG test, which must be done if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.
    4. Ultrasound examination is sometimes the most reliable source for finding out the cause of abdominal pain. In this case, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the pelvic organs, and tumors of the appendages can be detected.
    5. Laparoscopy can visualize the condition of the pelvis as much as possible, which will subsequently help choose more effective treatment.

    Abdominal pain can manifest itself both below, on the left side, and on the right. At the same time, determining the reasons is extremely difficult, but important.

    That is why, after prolonged manifestation of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to visit the treating gynecologist or therapist and undergo diagnostic tests.

    Only based on the data obtained, a specialist can develop comprehensive and competent treatment for a sick woman.

    Please note that no matter which side hurts, self-treatment and diagnosis are harmful.

    Pain in the left side, lower, middle abdomen in women can be evidence of a huge number of pathological processes.

    Therefore, questions such as: why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt or why is there a delay in menstruation, the main thing is what to do? Quite common.

    Most of the fair sex knows what abdominal pain is. That is why it is very important to know the causes of abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms in order to contact specialists in time and perhaps begin treatment.

    You are planning to have a baby or, in any case, you are not against having a child in your family. This means that every month you anxiously listen to your body, trying to figure out if you are pregnant. There is still a week or two until the moment when the cherished two stripes show (or do not show), but changes in your body have already begun, and, often, their signs are quite obvious. But what do they mean?

    Sibling mothers shared their impressions of the first days of pregnancy in the topic “ ", and we collected statistical data on the most common first signs of pregnancy.

    Unusual sensations in the chest

    24% women realized that they were pregnant due to the unusual condition of the mammary glands. It ranged from sudden growth (a size or more) to a feeling of “tightness in the nipples.” Most often, expectant mothers describe their sensations as “painful swelling.” For women expecting more than their first child, it seemed that their milk was starting to flow.

    Changes in appetite and taste preferences

    Almost the same ( 14% ) women either, or felt a strong appetite - they wanted to eat even at night. Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women are not always “craving for salty foods”; much more often, sweets are mentioned among the foods that suddenly become attractive: marshmallows, gingerbread cookies, candies.

    : I couldn’t eat or drink, I reacted strongly to smells. I took a test - positive!

    Frequent urge to urinate and bladder inflammation

    5% women noted frequent urination, in some it became painful, as if there was inflammation of the bladder, although only a few were diagnosed with cystitis.

    : Very unpleasant sensations appeared, like cystitis.

    Emotional instability

    4% expectant mothers noted that they became irritable, whiny, nervous, or suddenly stopped loving those activities that always gave them pleasure. Many people compare their condition with the sensations before menstruation (premenstrual syndrome, PMS). It should be noted that this symptom is probably more common, it’s just that not all women are able to objectively evaluate your behavior. If you have reason to believe that you are pregnant, listen to those around you; perhaps their comments are not nitpicking at all!

    : Two days before the test, she started growling at her husband! I’m going crazy, I understand that I’m behaving inappropriately, but I can’t help it!

    : And my first pregnancy started with fright. Well, I’m not very timid at all, but suddenly I started to flinch at the slightest sound.

    Lower back pain

    Approximately 4% women noted that they had pain in the lumbar region. Some describe them specifically as painful sensations in one or both ovaries, others felt pain “in the back,” “side and lower abdomen.”

    : On the third day after conception, the left ovary became ill, my back ached, it became simply impossible to sit at work all day at the computer...

    Heightened intuition

    3% mothers “simply knew” about their condition from the first day after conception. Women also wrote that maternal feelings suddenly awoke in them, all thoughts were about pregnancy and children

    : My suspicions began when I was given a very cute baby doll for New Year, and I began to feel a very strange tenderness for him, which is definitely not my style. And when my husband lifted him by the leg, she went into hysterics from horror!

    : The very first sign, I think, was selective vision: wherever I look, there are either pregnant women or mothers.

    : I physically didn’t have any sensations, I woke up one morning, and I was blinded (seriously) - I’m pregnant!

    : I felt my first pregnancy the day after the supposed conception. I had a clear feeling that I was pregnant! In the morning we were walking to the car, and I asked my future husband: “What if I’m pregnant?”

    Low-grade fever 📈

    Sometimes in the first days after conception, the expectant mother experiences sensations like a mild cold: the temperature rises to 37.0-37.2, it seems that the nose is stuffy, weakness and drowsiness occur.

    2,5% The siblings who noted in the topic wrote that they had a fever, another 1% - that they had a subjective sensation of hot flashes.

    : There was also a constant temperature of 37.0-37.3, I felt sick and felt hot and cold. My nose was stuffy and I had a headache.

    Sensitivity to odors

    Another “hyped” early sign of pregnancy that only occurred in 2,5% expectant mothers - sudden sensitivity to smells, when a woman either smells a smell that others cannot smell, or is imbued with a sudden aversion to familiar smells. , as it turned out, this is observed quite rarely.

    : I felt smells more acutely, especially gasoline and also the toilet (for example, in the subway or in places near bushes and corners where citizens like to relieve themselves).

    Increased basal temperature

    In the first days of pregnancy, but not everyone, of course, measures it. However 2,5% When planning a pregnancy, siblings noted the basal temperature chart and learned about their future motherhood in this way.

    : Yes, and the most important sign! Basal temperature remained at 37.0 above. That’s when I realized that it was time to buy a test...

    Various diseases that arose or worsened with the onset of pregnancy

    U 1% women, diseases have arisen or worsened that are in no way directly related to conceiving and bearing a child. This probably happens because a pregnant woman’s immunity decreases slightly, and “dormant” infections become more active.

    : And I got a terrible thrush - I’ve never had it before.

    : This is already my third pregnancy, I find out by the fact that the same wisdom tooth is starting to bother me. Everyone goes to the dentist, and I go to the pharmacy for the test!


    Approximately 1% women note that even before they found out about pregnancy, they began to make an unusually strong impression on others: they began to receive compliments more often about their pleasant appearance, and men made it clear that they considered them sexually attractive.

    : But I have a very unusual symptom, and every time it’s the same. The men are literally starting to actively “stick” to each other. I don’t know what kind of vibes I’m emitting there, but it’s a fact. But I’m already an old lady! During my current pregnancy, this manifested itself for the first time at my husband’s New Year’s corporate party, so from unexpected premonitions I almost fainted right there. Well, it's confirmed!

    Prepared by Alena Novikova

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