The skin on the thumbs is cracking. Cracks on the fingers, the skin around the nails bursts: what is the reason

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For every woman, the condition of her hands plays an important role. After all, both a woman’s self-esteem and the attitude of others towards her depend on how beautiful and well-groomed her hands are.

Well-groomed and tidy hands cannot but attract attention to their owner, but, unfortunately, it often happens that the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks.

There is no need to fall into despair because there are many ways to get rid of this problem. But first, you need to understand why they appear.

Why does the skin around my fingernails crack?

The reasons why cracks appear on the skin can be explained using external and internal causes.

External reasons:

Internal reasons:

  • Hormonal disbalance. The consequence of hormonal imbalance is impaired metabolism, which, in turn, can lead to the appearance of cracks in the skin of the hands.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As you know, the endocrine system affects both the condition of hair, nails and skin. Accordingly, with any diseases of the endocrine system, the skin suffers.
  • Lack of vitamins. The healthy condition of the skin is ensured by the presence in the human body of such vitamins as A, B and E. The skin especially needs vitamin A, that is, retinol. You can replenish retinol reserves by increasing the amount of foods such as pork, carrots, cheese, salad, and so on in your diet.
  • Skin diseases. We are talking about diseases such as eczema and infectious fungus. Such diseases lead not only to the appearance of cracks, but also to rashes, itching, skin peeling and deformation of the nails.

If the problem of cracking skin is associated with internal reasons, that is, with some problems in the functioning of the body itself, then it can only be solved by contacting an appropriate specialist.

This important rule should not be neglected, because self-medication can have the most unpleasant consequences not only for the skin of the hands, but also for health in general.

How to prevent cracks on your hands near your nails?

To prevent various deformations of the skin of the hands, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Treatment of cracks on the fingers near the nails at home

To ensure that your hands always have a well-groomed appearance and that the skin on them does not crack or dry out, it is not necessary to use only professional cosmetics.

Traditional methods for hand skin care are no less effective and their cost is much lower than that of professional cosmetics. You can prepare medicated masks at home.

The best recipes for medicinal masks will be described below.

Glycerin and honey mask

This recipe helps to cope if the skin on the fingers near the nails is very peeling and bursting.

We need to take two spoons of glycerin, one spoon of honey and mix everything in a small amount of warm water. At the end, you need to add a pinch of flour to the mixture. The mixture should resemble a thick dough.

Apply the mask to your hands and wait twenty minutes.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, don’t worry, it can be replaced with any oil, for example, burdock.

It should be noted that the use of any oil is very beneficial for the skin of the hands, because it can effectively moisturize the skin, which quickly and effectively solves the problem of dryness.

Therefore, to prevent the skin from drying out and cracking, you can use the following oils:

  • Burdock;
  • Olive;
  • Castor;
  • Sunflower;
  • Sea buckthorn and so on.

Beeswax mask

This recipe will help get rid of unwanted cracking and flaking of the skin.

In order to prepare this mask, you need to melt the wax in a water bath, and then put your hands in it. Don't be afraid of burns, it won't hurt.

The wax quickly hardens on the hands, as if enveloping the hands in thimbles. This mask should be left overnight.

Oatmeal mask

To prepare the mask, you need to pour a small amount of flakes with boiling water in advance. When the flakes swell, you need to apply them to your hands and hold for fifteen minutes.

When the mask is washed off, the skin of your hands must be moisturized with any oil.

Complaints that the skin on the fingers and between them has begun to crack is especially relevant in the cold season. Cracks can be shallow or deep, they cause pain and interfere with work. To understand how to deal with them, it is imperative to determine why the wounds occur.

The mechanism of formation of cracks in the skin

Linear breaks in the skin of the fingers, interdigital areas, the back side, and the wrist area are collectively called cracks. They can be superficial or deep.

The places between the fingers and the areas on the folds of the phalanges suffer, but such defects also occur on the palms.

Breaks occur gradually. First, the fingers peel off, microcracks form, which then deepen, itch, and bleed.

Symptoms of pathology

Cracks in the hands cause discomfort. If a bacterial infection gets into them, swelling and inflammation begin, and pus is produced and accumulates in the wound. Symptoms depend on location:

  1. Finger pads - the epithelium becomes coarser, then rises, an open, painful gap is formed.
  2. The interdigital space is a very delicate place. If a person is used to working without gloves with water and chemicals, then a burning sensation is felt in these areas, and the skin gradually cracks.
  3. The area around the nails - deep bleeding cracks form around them and in the corners. They interfere with everyday life, work, and spending time at the computer.

What do cracks on hands look like?

General signs of disorders in the epithelium are gradual coarsening of the skin, dryness, and discoloration along Langer's lines. The stripes turn white and become clearer. After this, damage occurs. The condition of the nails also changes - they peel, turn white, and break, as in the photo below.

Why do cracks appear on fingers?

To select therapy, you need to identify the causes of cracks in your hands - incorrect treatment will only worsen the problem. They are divided into external and internal. Options:

  1. External ones are cold, dry air, prolonged contact with chemicals, water without protective equipment.
  2. Internal – diseases of systems/organs, skin lesions, nail fungus.

External stimuli

Dry skin on the fingers may be due to external factors. These include:

  • temperature difference;
  • dry air;
  • chemical irritants;
  • constant contact with water.

The phalanges of the fingers crack if you quickly rub your palms after being in the cold. When exposed to sudden heat, the blood vessels fail to cope. The skin loses elasticity and moisture. Cracks appear.

If the air is dry, the skin peels and then cracks.

If you have low indoor humidity, humidify the air periodically, especially in winter.

This will prevent troubles with the skin of your hands - it will remain soft and tender.

When working with chemicals, in oil, salt, metallurgical or other hazardous industries, the fingers gradually crack and pain appears.

Those who frequently come into contact with water and detergents have a problem with painful cracks on their fingers and palms. Constant wetting and household chemicals wash away natural lubrication and moisture, dry out the skin, and cause injury.

Internal pathologies

The skin on the fingers also bursts due to diseases in the body, various conditions. This:

  1. Lack of vitamins. For skin health, you need vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid and plant foods containing them.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. The ratio is disrupted during menopause, during and after pregnancy, and with hypothyroidism.
  3. Heredity. There is a genetic tendency to allergies or atopic dermatitis, leading to cracks in the skin.
  4. Skin diseases. This includes all types of eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis.
  5. Problems in the body. The most common causes are diabetes mellitus, anemia, Raynaud's disease, scleroderma, hematopoietic pathologies, and neurological crisis.
  6. Fungal infections. Dermatomycosis and onychomycosis cause cracking of the skin between the fingers, under the nail plates.
  7. Allergy. More often it is caused by irritants in household chemicals.

Are cracks in the skin of the hands dangerous?

When the skin is damaged, its protective functions are weakened. Through them, infectious pathogens easily enter the blood. Consequences:

  • The risk of purulent and fungal lesions, complicating healing, increases.
  • When severe cracking occurs, acute pain occurs and it is impossible to work.
  • Microbes penetrate the body, panaritium develops - inflammatory processes and abscesses near the nail bed.

What to do if the skin on your fingers is cracked

If you find cracks, consult a dermatologist.

He identifies factors in the development of the problem and prescribes treatment. Therapy depends on the cause of the irritation:

  • If the cause is external, then to get rid of the cracks you need to remove the external irritant and use local moisturizing and healing agents - ointment, cream, solution.
  • If the cause is inside the body, then the doctor prescribes complex therapy to get rid of the pathology.
  • The duration of treatment is affected by:
    • severity of the disease;
    • associated and individual factors (allergy, pregnancy, others);
    • neglect of the disease;
    • state of the immune system.

For internal reasons, to strengthen the immune system and eliminate dry skin, you need to take vitamin complexes. During therapy you cannot:

  1. Keep your hands in the water for a long time.
  2. Work without gloves.
  3. Apply varnish to the nail plates.

How to treat cracked fingers at home

After consulting with your doctor, you can treat your skin at home. The optimal method is herbal baths, which are done every day. Recipe:

  1. Take 2-3 capsules of retinol and tocopherol (vitamin A and E), a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive, and lemon juice, 4-5 drops.
  2. Heat the oil slightly, pour in the vitamins and citrus juice. Mix everything.
  3. Keep your hands in the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, do not wipe your hands, but blot them a little with paper napkins.

The second recipe includes 150 g of oatmeal cooked in milk and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil:

  1. Pour 1 tsp into the mixture. natural honey.
  2. Keep your hands in the composition for 10 minutes.
  3. Then rinse them with chamomile or any other decoction, apply baby cream.

If you don’t have time at all, you can take a five-minute bath with chamomile infusion and tea tree or jojoba essential oil.

A safe proportion that gives a noticeable effect is to take 10 drops of essential oil per 250 ml of warm liquid.

What to apply to your hands for cracks and dryness

  1. D-Panthenol is a wound-healing cream for chapped hands with riboflavin and thiamine. It has an antiseptic effect thanks to chlorhexidine.
  2. Bepanten - contains a vitamin complex - calciferol, tocopherol, retinol, lanolin. The product relieves inflammation, heals wounds, softens the skin.
  3. Eplan is an analgesic, regenerating, antiseptic, wound healing solution. It softens and moisturizes the skin, kills pathogenic microorganisms, and prevents the appearance of pus.
  4. Sea buckthorn cream is a natural product based on berry juice. The composition quickly heals the skin and protects from external influences.

All products must be used according to the instructions. The main thing is to do this regularly, without skipping procedures, otherwise there will be no effect. If the medication worsens your condition or an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of hand skin with folk remedies

Therapy with alternative means is effective if the damage occurs due to external reasons. Here are some recipes:

  • Dilute beeswax in a water bath. The wax should be hot, but not hot enough to burn you. Dip your fingertips into wax. Once it hardens, you need to put on cotton gloves. Keep for 12 hours. Carry out the procedure every day until the damage heals.
  • Pour glycerin into warm milk and stir. Take baths for 10–15 minutes several times a day.

A useful composition is obtained if you take chamomile, plantain, string, and calendula in equal parts. Sequencing:

  1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture. Leave overnight.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tsp. Grind almond cream with 1 tsp. honey
  3. Combine with 1 tbsp. l. herbal tincture.
  4. Apply the mixture to the affected areas several times a day until the wounds heal.

How to avoid cracks in your fingers

Preventive measures will help prevent damage to the skin of your hands. What to do to avoid the appearance of epithelial breaks on the palms, fingers and hands:

  1. Do not use aggressive cleaning products - only gels and soaps that do not have an alkaline base.
  2. Use a towel/napkins - hot air from the dryer destroys the natural lubricant on the skin.
  3. Work with gloves - thin latex gloves are suitable for home use, and construction gloves made of thick fabric are suitable for gardening and repairs.
  4. Take care of your hands - apply creams in winter and summer. In cold weather we need nourishing ones, in warm weather we need protective and moisturizing ones.
  5. Proper nutrition, balanced diet. If food does not contain all the nutrients the body needs, it risks vitamin deficiency, which often causes skin problems. Drink two liters of water daily, avoid mono-diets.


Our hands can tell us a lot, if we take a closer look at them.

Cracks on the fingers, the skin around the nails bursts: what is the reason

Unprotected contact with household chemicals, cold and hot water, dry air, high humidity, lack of vitamins, accidental injuries, etc. - all these factors negatively affect the skin of the hands. It becomes dry, begins to peel, crack , itch. These changes not only have an unaesthetic appearance, but cause discomfort, pain to the owner, and cause nervousness due to the desire to hide his hands from others.

So what is the reason, what causescracks on your fingers, and the skin around your nails is bursting?Let's look at some of these reasons below.


Temperature changes, polluted air, dust - the environment directly affects the condition of the skin onhands. Dry skin most sensitive to irritants and reacts faster to them with various rashes and redness. Due to prolonged exposure to cold, the skin of the hands loses a significant amount of moisture, becomes thin and inelastic on the palms, on the fingers, around nails begin cracks appear.

Open contact with household chemicals is fraught with consequences in the form of allergies, burns of varying degrees, even deep wounds. Workers in catering, hotel complexes and those employed in agriculture are suffering the most. works.

Another external one the factor that provokes the occurrence of cracks on the hands is mechanical damage to the skin, which mainly occurs during various works - gardening, repairs, etc.

If it is easy to get rid of damage that occurs on the skin for the reasons stated above - just wear gloves and try to avoid traumatic activities, then it will not be so easy to get rid of the factors discussed below.

Internal factors influencing the occurrence of the disease

If your pens have not been exposed to aggressive external factors, you care for and protect them, but cracks still appear, it means problem is located much deeper.

Internal factorsaffecting the occurrence of the disease require an integrated approach and long-term treatment.

Emergence cracks due to internal problems may also appear on palms and between fingers. Provoke their appearance There are quite a lot of diseases that only a specialist can understand.

Internal provocateurs include:

  • Eczema and psoriasis have hereditary and acquired forms. The cause of this disease is constant stress, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Allergies to detergents, dust, animal dander, medications and insect bites are ideal conditions for the onset of the disease.
  • Mycosis of the skin - a skin fungus penetrates wounds and quickly spreads across the palms, covering the fingers and the nail bed area.
  • Lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, Omega fatty acids and minerals causes dry skin. Dry skin serves as an excellent springboard for cracks to appear.
  • Neurological disorders are another cause of cracking skin on the hands. With this disease, a person has poor control over his actions and obsessive movements can lead to skin injury.
  • Diabetes mellitus – the skin becomes dry, thin and very itchy.

Increased dryness of the skin may be a sign of the development of diabetes, cholecystitis, VSD, neuroses, and prolonged depression. Increased dryness of the skin and a rash on the palms may indicate a helminthic infestation. Usually the rash is accompanied by itching and can lead to irritation and the appearance of erosions and cracks on the hands and around nails


The onset of the disease is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • the skin of the hands becomes more sensitive, there is a feeling of constant tightness even after applying the cream;
  • the skin begins to peel off and acquires a reddish tint;
  • itching, burning sensation and micro injuries appear;
  • later, bubbles with liquid inside form;
  • Over time, the bubbles burst and erosions form in their place;
  • the skin becomes crusty, thickens, and swells.

The skin will look untidy, first a red and then a bluish tint will appear, peeling scales will enhance the unaesthetic appearance of the hands.

Treatment of cracks around nails at home using traditional methods

The changes that are occurring should not be ignored and must be treated. Remains popular Treatment of cracks around nails using traditional methods.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of cracks on your hands is at home is to lubricate the brushes with warm cedar, sunflower, olive and any available oil or wrap with natural-based napkins (eg linseed) soaked in these oils.

Lemon and cucumber moisturize, brighten and prevent the development of cracks and peeling on the skin of the hands. Rub your hands with one of these products at night and leave until the morning without rinsing. The effect is noticeable already in the morning.

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, contact a specialist. The choice of treatment options is yours.

Ointment for cracked hands with a healing effect

Folk recipes cope well with the task and find their supporters. Received good reviewsointment for cracked hands with a healing effect made at home yourself.

Popular recipes for homemade ointments for cracked hands:

  • Take equal parts honey, butter, vodka and flour for thickness. Mix everything well, apply an even layer to a piece of gauze or bandage and wrap the damaged area. The ointment lasts for at least four hours, so it makes sense to carry out the procedure at night. For secure fastening, it is better to wear gloves.
  • Combine raw yolk with 1 tablespoon of any oil and 1 teaspoon of 9% acetic acid. Before use, heat the oil in a water bath and cool slightly to avoid getting burned.
  • Place rose petals in a blender or finely chop them, mix with a tablespoon of fat (preferably goose fat). Place the finished mixture in a cool place for two days, use as needed.


Relaxing hand baths are also an effective remedy for cracks:

  • based on flax - boil flax seeds about 3 tbsp. half a glass of water;
  • based on starch - 1 liter. stir warm water 2 tbsp. starch;
  • based on oats – grind 100 g of oats and cook in a liter of water until softened;
  • herbal based – 4 tbsp. Infuse chamomile, linden, and nettle in a glass of boiling water.

The duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes, after which you rinse your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Compresses are very good at restoring dry skin and fighting cracks:

  • stir half a glass of honey and olive oil until smooth, add 1 tsp. salicylic acid. Heat the mixture and apply it to your hands;
  • Take the yolk for a glass of sour cream and squeeze out the juice from the lemon (1 piece). Mix all the ingredients well and apply the resulting mixture onto gauze (bandage, cotton fabric) and wrap your hands;
  • mix 4 tsp. glycerin and water, add 2 tsp. honey and a little flour to thicken it. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and apply cream.


The quality of food and its balance directly affects the skin and the body as a whole. Diet plays an important role and should include essential vitamins and minerals, fats:

  • Vitamin A comes from all yellow-orange and red fruits and vegetables;
  • vitamin B is present mainly in cereals, legumes, nuts, yeast;
  • vitamin D is found in large quantities in fermented milk products, animal and fish liver, and seaweed;
  • vitamin E is found in all vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, vegetables, beans;
  • Omega can be obtained from fatty fish and other sea creatures (squid), caviar, walnuts, and flax seeds.

You can, of course, periodically use a pharmacy vitamin complex, it is also useful, but natural vitamins that enter the body with food are difficult to completely replace. Eat more seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs and you will be guaranteed beautiful, healthy, glowing skin.

Medicines, products and pharmaceutical glue

Medications and products play an important role in the treatment of cracks in the hands:

  • Balzamed is an ointment containing vitamins, moisturizing and softening components, promotes rapid healing and restoration of the skin, has no side effects, but is contraindicated for preschool children.
  • Lamisil – fights skin mycoses.
  • Levomekol is indispensable for purulent lesions, it regenerates tissue well and accelerates recovery, destroys pathogenic microbes.
  • Bepanten is an active component of provitamin B5, quickly copes with redness and irritation, significantly accelerates the healing process and natural restoration of the skin, and is indispensable for burns and diaper rash.
  • Boro Plus is a herbal, natural cream for irritated, rough and cracked skin, has an antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  • Fingerfix is ​​a fast-acting restorative and wound-healing cream, effective against chapping, thanks to the protective film formed during application.
  • Radevit - soothes the skin, its vitamin composition (A, E, D) accelerates the healing process.
  • The healer is an aloe-based cream with moisturizing, wound-healing and antiseptic effects.
  • Solcoseryl - ointment perfectly solves the problem of dry skin on the hands, but has a short shelf life due to its natural composition.

The so-called pharmaceutical glue - a medical product with antiseptic action. Promotes rapid regeneration and healing of various injuries, even deep ones. This is an elastic mixture of a yellow hue with a specific odor. The adhesive is applied externally and creates a protective barrier thanks to the resulting film. The composition includes synthetic resin, rosin, polyvinyl butyral and astringent component.

The film is resistant to chemicals. Damaged skin quickly heals and recovers without surgical stitching.

What to do if the skin cracks under your nails

If the skin is crackingnot only on the palms, but also under the nails, the tips below will tell you what to do first:

  • reduce open contact with chemicals, even the most gentle ones, to a minimum;
  • replace store-bought chemicals with home remedies like mustard and soda;
  • trim your nails correctly, your fingertips should not be higher nail;
  • dried edges of cracks must be carefully removed with nail scissors;
  • At night, apply anti-crack ointment and wear gloves.

Prevention of this disease

Any disease is easier and cheaper to prevent. Prevention of this disease will help to avoid many troubles associated with cracks on the hands and around the nails:

  • Perform any household, construction, gardening work wearing special gloves;
  • When washing by hand, use hypoallergenic products;
  • lubricate your hands after each wash with a good nourishing cream;
  • maintain hand hygiene;
  • remove burrs in a timely manner;
  • use a hand scrub to remove roughness;
  • Regularly pamper your hands with baths;
  • add missing vitamins to your diet;
  • avoid mechanical damage.

If you monitor the condition of your hands, but cracks still appear, contact a specialist as soon as possible. Conducted on time therapy will help avoid complications.

If the cracks are not treated, they will become deeper over time, which threatens to spread the problem, including blood poisoning. The most habitual work with your hands will bring pain and the appearance of new cracks.

Take care of yourself and your hands.

Eight out of ten people have encountered such a problem as cracks on their fingers near the nails. This is a difficult situation when doing even simple work causes pain.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. One of its seven functions is protective. But as a result of damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, microbes enter the body, causing inflammation. Therefore, it is important to monitor the integrity of the skin.

However, there may be times when cracks arise due to internal destructive conditions. And in order to prevent the occurrence of damage or get rid of them in a short time, it is advisable to know about the causes and treatment of the pathology.

Why do they appear

As mentioned above, there are two factors for the appearance of cracks in adults and children. Each is divided into types. Although the symptoms are similar, they have different origins. Let's take a closer look at why damage occurs.


  • Mechanical. Appears in people engaged in agricultural work. From constant contact with earth and water, the skin of the hands becomes rough, dries, and cracks. Workers in production are also at risk, since frequent contact with metal cutting surfaces, machine oil, and wood shavings provokes damage to the epidermis.
  • Sudden temperature changes. Cracks near the fingernails more often appear when you spend a long time outside in frosty or windy weather. And if, after a walk, frozen limbs are applied to a heating radiator or stove, then damage will occur twice as quickly. Because blood microcirculation is disrupted. The wounds quickly deepen, the skin around it becomes rough, as can be seen in the photo. If you do not react in time, the treatment will take a long time.
  • Household chemicals. Many cleaning products and detergents, as well as washing powders and soaps, contain alkali or abrasive substances. After interacting with them, allergic reactions, dryness and cracking of the skin are possible.
  • Poor quality care. Too frequent or infrequent hand washing, rough peeling, inept handling of manicure accessories are factors in the occurrence of pathology.


The causes of dryness and damage to the epidermis lie in the human body. In diseases of the endocrine system, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract, anxiety conditions associated with central nervous system disease, the skin becomes inflamed and becomes covered with cracks.

Damage appears both at the nail bed and throughout the hand. Deficiency of vitamins: A, B7, E, as well as magnesium and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as a result of poor nutrition, favors the development of pathology. Cracking and cause various skin diseases. Among them are eczema, psoriasis and.

It all starts with dry skin on the hands, gradually moving to other parts of the body. The presence of tapeworms in the body, along with the listed reasons, also favors cracking of the skin.

Reviews from dermatologists boil down to one thing: “the sooner a specialist makes an accurate diagnosis, the better and more effective, and most importantly, the therapy will proceed without unnecessary pain.”


Prevention of pathology is a key point in treatment. External pathogens such as hard water, household chemicals, cold and too dry air should be avoided.


Treatment of cracks in the fingers is carried out after a dermatologist identifies the exact factors causing the disease. The main procedures and dosage forms against excessive dry hands are compresses, masks, wraps, ointments and vitamins that are added to therapeutic baths.

In case of slight dehydration of the upper layer of the epidermis, store-bought hand creams are used, which contain extracts of chamomile, celandine, and animal fat.

It is desirable that cosmetic products also contain natural oils: jojoba, coconut, tea tree. They moisturize and soften the skin. If you have vitamin deficiency, eat foods high in vitamins E, A, and D. Drink plenty of water.

But if you don’t care about the skin, don’t take care of it, neglect protective equipment and doctor’s advice, then the treatment will drag on for many months and even years.

The problem of cracks in the skin of the hands has become widespread. First, the epidermis becomes dry and rough, after which small cracks appear on it, which heal on their own after some time. However, in some more serious cases, relatively deep wounds appear on the human epidermis, causing a lot of inconvenience and slow healing. The skin on the fingers, pads and even on the membranes cracks. Regardless of where the wounds appear and what size they are, it is imperative to treat the skin.

Why does skin crack?

The appearance of hands can tell a lot about a person - about his habits, age, state of health, lifestyle. However, what is the reason that the skin on your fingers cracks? Every day we expose the epidermis to many harmful factors. This often leads to mechanical damage and chemical burns to the epidermis of the hands, but besides these, there are many reasons why the skin on the fingers cracks.

Internal reasons

These include various diseases, including chronic ones. Sometimes the symptoms of such diseases disappear for a while, and when they worsen, they appear again. In these cases, the skin may crack not only on the fingers, but also on the palms or other parts of the hands. People with such problems should undergo individual treatment prescribed by a doctor, not for the consequences, but for the disease itself. In other cases, it is allowed to use other methods, including self-medication. Possible internal causes of cracked fingers include:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Allergy.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Fungus.

External factors

Factors such as cold, wind or active sun rays can negatively affect skin health. Under their influence, the epidermis begins to dry quickly, cracking from lack of moisture. Cold has the most aggressive effect on the epidermis of the fingers. In sub-zero temperatures, the skin dehydrates much faster. Sudden temperature changes, prolonged contact with hard water, and high air humidity are no less bad for your hands. The reason why the skin cracks may be frequent hand washing with soap or contact with chemicals.

Methods for treating cracks and peeling on hands

The specialist prescribes treatment for cracks in the skin of the hands, based on the cause of their appearance. However, in addition to direct therapy with healing ointments and tablets, harmful factors that stimulate damage to the epidermis should be avoided, otherwise the situation will only worsen. Since the root of the problem is increased dryness of the skin of the hands, the key direction of treatment should be intensive hydration and saturation of the body with necessary vitamins and microelements.

Proper nutrition

Often the epidermis of the fingers cracks due to vitamin deficiency. In this case, the hands may not have enough. To replenish them, it is worth eating more vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers), as well as cottage cheese, nuts, liver, beef, and beans. The patient should supplement his diet with cereals, dairy products and vegetable oils such as olive, flaxseed, and sunflower. Thanks to this, the human body will receive a sufficient amount of useful substances, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin.

Hygienic care

  • Reduce open contact of your hands with water and detergents as much as possible, and avoid using nail polishes. Do all housework, such as washing dishes or cleaning, wearing rubber gloves.
  • Every night, lubricate the skin of your fingers with rich glycerin cream. For greater effect, wear cotton gloves on top.
  • Use soft, gentle soap such as baby or bath soap.
  • Make medicinal hand baths based on herbal decoctions more often. After such procedures, lubricate the skin of your fingers with light but rich creams ("Children's" is ideal).
  • In severe cases, when the cracks on the fingers are deep and heal slowly, use a special skin glue that can be used to seal the wounds for rapid healing. In the pharmacy this product is sold under the name “Super-Glu”.

Drug treatment

If the epidermis of the fingers dries out and cracks, it is possible to use such effective medications as tablets, capsules, ointments and creams. By choosing the right medications, you will not only stop the destructive process, but also speed up the healing of existing wounds. As a rule, drug treatment of cracks in the epidermis of the fingers and hands involves an integrated approach. Several times a day, the patient should cover the wounds with a special cream such as Depanthenol or Radevit. For more serious injuries, Actovegin or Solcoseryl ointment is used.

  • Depanthenol and Bepanten. These drugs contain large quantities of vitamin B, which accelerates the healing of skin cracks. And chlorhexidine, which is also included in ointments, effectively disinfects wounds. Apply the product 2-4 times a day, thinly spreading it over the affected areas of the epidermis.
  • Radevit. The basis of the ointment is vitamins A, E, D. The drug has a softening, anti-inflammatory, healing effect. Radevit enhances the protective function of the skin of the hands and normalizes keratinization processes. You should use the ointment twice a day - at night and in the morning.
  • Pantoderm. The drug is used several times a day (there is no strict dosage). The ointment has a metabolic, restorative effect. It helps improve hand skin regeneration and improves trophism.
  • Eplan. This ointment helps relieve itching during healing of cracks, accelerating skin healing. It creates an invisible protective film on the hands, which prevents various infections from entering open wounds. It is optimal to use Eplan twice a day: in the morning and afternoon.
  • Aevit. The indication for taking Aevita capsules is a deficiency of E. To achieve the optimal treatment effect, follow a clear dosage - 1 tablet per day for 20-40 days.

Folk remedies

  • Therapeutic hot baths with starch for the skin of the fingers. They should be prepared using potato solution. Pour 0.5 tablespoon of starch into 250 ml of boiling water, stir the powder thoroughly in the water until completely dissolved. When the liquid becomes sticky, dilute it with half a liter of hot water, dip your hands in the bath and hold without removing for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your fingers with a wound healing agent. You should take baths until the cracks in your hands heal.
  • Herbal baths for the skin of the hands. Mix two tablespoons of chamomile, plantain and calendula, pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs. When the broth has cooled to a warm state, fill a deep bowl with it and dip your hands in it for 20 minutes. Afterwards, lubricate your skin with moisturizer. Do medicinal baths every other day until the wounds heal.
  • Recipe for a therapeutic compress for cracks. Boil 2 potatoes, mash them, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and stir the mixture until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of your hands damaged by cracks and wrap it in a regular cellophane bag. After half an hour, remove the healing compress, wash your hands and cover them with cream or healing ointment.
  • Honey mask for hands. This remedy is very effective if the skin on the fingers is cracked. Mix the egg yolk with 50 grams of olive or vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of honey. Cover the wounds and the area around them with the resulting mixture, wrap your hands in cellophane for 25-30 minutes. Later, remove the bag, rinse the skin of your fingers with warm water and cover them with a moisturizer (ointment, cream or homemade sour cream).
  • Natural anti-crack cream. Mix the following ingredients in equal proportions (one tablespoon at a time): calendula, chamomile, string, plantain. Pour a glass of boiling water over them and let them sit for 7-8 hours. Grind a spoonful of honey with a small piece of butter and mix with a tablespoon of herbal infusion. Use the resulting ointment twice a day until the wounds are completely healed.

An effective complex of vitamins and minerals

Hypovitaminosis A, P, C negatively affects the health of the skin - it becomes dry and prone to cracks. More often, the epidermis suffers from wounds due to a severe lack of vitamins PP (observed in girls who are losing weight), B1 (with skin atrophy). To prevent serious consequences and speed up the healing of cracks in the fingers, you should take a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals. The most essential for skin health are groups A, B, P, E, and zinc.

How to treat chapped skin in a child

The skin of babies is always very soft, smooth, and pleasant to the touch. Dryness and the appearance of cracks is an alarm bell for parents that cannot be ignored. Thinking that the problem will solve itself in this case is fraught with serious consequences. To eliminate dry skin of a child, you should take care of eliminating the factors that lead to the occurrence of wounds.

  1. Systematically clean the children's room and humidify the air. Do not use conditioner - this is the first enemy of the skin, as it dries it very much.
  2. Get rid of children's synthetic clothing, they often irritate the epidermis. Plastic toys should also be prohibited during treatment of the baby’s skin.
  3. If your child still eats mother's milk, refrain from eating harmful foods. A baby on artificial nutrition should be given exclusively hypoallergenic formulas.
  4. If dry skin appears not only on the hands, but also on the face, this indicates an allergy to any food products. Consult a doctor who will take tests to determine the allergen.
  5. Bathe your child every other day until the skin is renewed and soft again. Add herbal decoctions (chain, calendula, chamomile) to the bath.
  6. Lubricate your baby's skin with moisturizers that do not contain water in cool or windy weather.
  7. Leave the child naked more often, lubricate his skin with nourishing milk or high-quality ointment (wide-spectrum Bepanten is suitable).
  8. Refuse to arbitrarily treat cracks or peeling of the skin, because many drugs, including ointments or solutions, contain hormonal components that will only further harm the baby’s health. Only a doctor can prescribe an effective medication.

Video: what to do if the skin on your hands dries and cracks

Any health problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate. If the skin of your hands or fingers cracks, you should immediately begin to take appropriate measures. Protect your hands from cold, chemicals, bad water and other irritants with nourishing, moisturizing creams based on glycerin or silicone. Treat dry hands with protective lotion every time before going outside, especially during the cold season. With the help of the video you will learn what to do if cracks appear on the skin of your hands.

Photo: what cracks on fingers look like

Despite the fact that the skin of the hands looks soft and delicate, it plays the role of a reliable protector of the body against various harmful external factors. Every day our hands have to deal with a huge number of irritants: dirt, low or high temperatures, friction, exposure to chemicals, but it cannot always cope with them without additional protection. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the skin, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the epidermis. Below are photos of the condition of the fingers, the skin of which began to crack.

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