How to fold a pocket square. How to fold a scarf into the breast pocket of a jacket? How to fold a pocket square

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The image of a business person is created not only with the help of a formal suit and classic shoes. Much attention is paid to all the accompanying little things and details, such as a watch, a pen, cufflinks and, of course, a handkerchief in your pocket. There are several ways to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket, and every businessman or public person should be able to give this accessory an impeccable look.

Simple ways

An elegant handkerchief peeking out shyly from a pocket is a distinctive feature of upper-class men. This accessory has long lost its practical purpose and turned into a decoration that is created according to several specific rules. Let's look at the simplest methods of how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket.

The method called "Cooper", probably the most frivolous, is not difficult. You need to drape the scarf over your hand so that its ends hang freely. With your second hand you need to create a depression in the middle of the scarf and gather it into a bun. Holding approximately a third of the entire scarf, you need to turn the ends, as if fixing the bun itself.

All that remains is to put the resulting structure into your pocket and straighten the fabric as you wish. This method is best used with silk products, because with such fabric there is no need to create pronounced and sharp corners.

"Presidential" method

This method of folding a scarf into a jacket pocket has not earned its name for nothing. After all, only heads of state and owners of large corporations use it. This is due to the fact that the accessory should not have a frivolous appearance, but, on the contrary, should set the tone for formality and at the same time impeccable style. Take the scarf and fold it in four so that the stitched ends are on the right and on top.

Now you need to fold the fabric in half again from left to right, trying to ensure that the lower part is completely covered by the upper. Before folding the scarf into your jacket pocket, tuck the bottom to the desired depth. Then carefully insert the fabric into your pocket and straighten it away from the folds.

"Aster", or How to beautifully fold a scarf into a jacket pocket

This bright, but at the same time presentable method, which allows you to slightly dilute the business style, can often be seen on TV screens, because show business stars and movie heroes, for example, the well-known James Bond, love to use it. It is necessary to take the handkerchief by the middle so that its ends hang freely below.

Now raise any two corners to the level of the middle, after which you need to tuck the remaining edges from the bottom to the depth of the pocket. All that remains is to put the workpiece in your breast pocket and align the corners at your discretion.

"Classic corners"

A simple and at the same time effective way to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket will not cause any trouble even for a beginner. The scarf fabric is folded several times until you get a small diamond shape. Now you need to fold it in half to form a triangle. The lower side corners need to be folded up to the width of the pocket, after which the scarf will easily fit into it and will look out at one neat angle.

The classic method with two angles is practically no different from the previous one. You also need to fold the fabric into a small diamond shape. Now you need to move the free corner a little to the side, so that two ends peek out from above. All that remains is to turn up the side corners and put the scarf in your pocket.

How to properly fold a scarf into a jacket pocket with several corners? To do this you will have to practice a little. First of all, you need to fold the fabric into a diamond shape, as in the previous methods, and then fold it in half to form a triangle. If you create three corners, you need to put the ends together; if you want to make four, you need to move one corner to the left. Now you need to wrap the left corner of the triangle so that it peeks out a little from behind the rest. With the right one you need to carry out the same manipulation. After this, the lower part is folded up, and the scarf can be inserted into your pocket. This method looks quite presentable and elegant.

Basic rules

In addition to knowing how to fold a man's scarf into a jacket pocket, you need to consider several principles for choosing this accessory. First of all, the fabric of the scarf should differ in texture from the tie; for example, for a glossy tie you should choose a cotton or linen scarf. Silk handkerchiefs go well with matte woolen ties. The color of the accessory does not have to match the color of the tie; you can easily create a contrast that will attract even more attention.

You should pay special attention to the handkerchief folded in your pocket before a business meeting. For official meetings, methods such as presidential or classic angles are suitable. "Cooper" or "Aster" are better used for more frivolous events.

If you are looking for ways to beautifully fold a scarf into your jacket pocket, then you want to look stylish. A men's pocket square helps to effectively complement the look of a men's suit. I'll show you the most common ways to fold a man's scarf into a jacket's breast pocket, and also share tips that stylists give on choosing this accessory.

Pasha - pocket square in his jacket pocket

Men dressed neatly and elegantly always attract attention. They give preference to classics and comfort, but at the same time allow for slight negligence, and do not forget about such an accessory as a pocket square. Today it is a little exotic, bold, but incredibly stylish.

A handkerchief inserted into the breast pocket of a jacket is called pasha scarf.

Why put a handkerchief in the breast pocket of a jacket?

The pasha scarf performs one and only function - decorative, and is intended only for decoration.

A pocket square in a jacket pocket cannot be used for any practical purposes - as a handkerchief, to blot your hands or mouth, to wipe glasses or to wipe your face. For all these purposes, you need to keep a regular cotton scarf in your trouser pocket.

A pasha scarf can add solemnity or frivolity, romance or extravagance to your image. It all depends on the color, pattern, fabric, and, of course, the method you chose to fold the pache.

I will dwell on all these points in more detail.

How to choose a scarf for a jacket pocket

Modern stylists advise starting to choose a shawl only after you have already chosen a suit, shirt and tie. The scarf should complement the suit, being a certain highlight, but at the same time not stand out from the image and not conflict with all the other details of the wardrobe.

If previously it was believed that a tie and a handkerchief in a pocket should be a set of the same fabric, now this is not at all necessary, and even looks somewhat old-fashioned.

Today, stylists advise sticking to the rule - the scarf and tie should be made of different fabrics and have different textures. For example, a cotton or linen scarf will go well with a shiny tie, while a matte tie will go well with a silk pache made of smooth shiny fabric. In this case, the color of the scarf does not necessarily have to match the color of the tie. Depending on the intended event, you can generally create a contrast to attract attention.

To the image no tie Scarves with bright patterns made from unusual fabrics are suitable.

The pasha scarf should not repeat the color and pattern of the jacket.

  • For a plain jacket, it is better to choose a scarf with some kind of figured pattern.
  • Try to avoid fabrics that are similar in color and pattern.
  • The scarf should stand out somewhat from the background of the jacket, shirt and tie
  • The simpler the jacket, the more intricate the design and method of laying the shawl should be.

So we come to the question of different ways to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket.

I'll show you some basic ways to fold a scarf into your jacket's breast pocket.

  1. Presidential way

  1. One corner

  1. Two corners

  1. Three corners

  1. Four corners

  1. Scallop

  1. Winged

Of course, these are not all the ways to fold a shawl. There are many of them, and even you yourself can easily come up with something of your own. But you should still consider what event you are going to. If this is an official event, then something pretentious will simply be inappropriate here. The ideal option would be the presidential method. But if you are going, for example, to a wedding, then you can choose a more intricate method. When used correctly, a pocket square in a jacket pocket will help emphasize the style of its owner.

Men's handkerchiefs for the breast pocket of a jacket come in different sizes. Try to choose the one that suits you best. But if the pocket square turns out to be too small and slides down, fold a paper napkin or some piece of fabric and place it at the bottom of your breast pocket. Just do not overdo it so that there are no bulges or irregularities on the outside.

I wish you to always look stylish and attractive! I hope this article helps you with this.

If you have any thoughts on men's pocket squares for jacket pockets, I'd love to hear them in the comments.

And, of course, I am always glad to see you again on my website “Note for the Family,” where you will find many other useful tips and interesting ideas for the whole family.

Ksenia Druzhkova, author of the site "" told you how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket.

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A patch in the breast pocket of a jacket is a bright accent in your look. It is appropriate in almost any situation, even when you are not wearing a tie, and you combine a jacket with jeans. You can fold in dozens of different ways, but now we will only talk about the most popular ones. Then you can experiment on your own - and this, by the way, is a very exciting activity.

The easiest way to fold a pocket square is to roll it into a square (rectangle).

This is how you can fold scarves made of cotton and linen. A square folded scarf looks strict and neat, which is suitable for formal events. This method is good for its versatility and time saving. Another classic option for wearing a scarf is the corner one. Also simple and fast.

Using the following method, you can fold scarves from thin, airy materials: silk, viscose. A scarf folded in this way never looks too neat and sleek. Instead, the result is a kind of casual elegance.

The fourth method is perhaps the most difficult. It's called the crown. A scarf in the shape of a crown looks elegant and even somewhat pretentious. So if your goal is to stand out in an unobtrusive way, then this is a good option.

Finally, let's say a few words about one rule common to all methods. Try to place the scarf in your pocket not parallel to the floor line, but with a slight tilt to the right: this way you will visually expand the shoulder line. On Italian jackets, the pocket for a scarf is usually already cut in this way - slightly obliquely.

Men who prefer a business style in clothing are aware of its demanding attention to detail. When creating a classic look, every little detail is taken into account. For example, how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket to look elegant and stylish? This article offers original and yet simple solutions.

About choosing a scarf

How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket? First, you need to figure out how to choose the right elegant accessory so that it becomes the highlight of your look. It is advisable to purchase a pasha (the so-called decorative scarf) last, after having already decided on the fabric of the shirt, suit and tie.

An important point is that the pache and tie should not be made of the same fabric, otherwise the male look will seem overly strict and old-fashioned. They should also differ in texture. The product will often have to be wrinkled and folded, so the type of edge processing and the quality of the material play a big role.

Elegant combinations

How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket? The impression that a man's outfit will make depends not only on the way the pache is folded, but also on its compatibility with the tie. An interesting solution would be a tandem of a cotton accessory and a silk tie, which looks incredibly elegant. Silk pouches look great combined with jacquard and wool items.

If a man chooses a blazer and a sports jacket, he should opt for a cozy cashmere accessory. In this case, it is better to avoid a tie altogether, as when choosing a pasha with colorful ornaments, otherwise there is a danger of overloading the image.

How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket: method No. 1

The first method is called the “Presidential Bend,” which serves as a kind of hint as to the cases in which it is appropriate. A business meeting, a special event - situations in which this method is relevant. When choosing an accessory, you should give preference to products made of linen or silk. Of course, plain material is most preferable.

How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket using the Presidential Fold method? The canvas is folded four times, then placed so that the free ends are located at the top right, and the fold is on the left. The left edge neatly overlaps the right. The lower part of the fabric is folded under the upper, leaving about two centimeters to the upper edge.

The folded accessory fits into your pocket and is carefully adjusted to its width.

Method No. 2

How to beautifully fold a scarf into a jacket pocket? Method number two is famous for its versatility and can be used during informal and formal meetings. The one-corner technique is best suited for products of monochromatic colors, but experiments with accessories decorated with bright prints are also not prohibited. The folding algorithm is given below.

  • The accessory folds four times, with the fold point at the top right. The product is bent in half corner to corner.
  • The left edge of the fabric is carefully folded to the right, then this manipulation is repeated on the other side.
  • The pasha turns over and is placed in a niche.

Method No. 3

How to properly fold a scarf into a jacket pocket in order to look elegant and formal? Method number three is called “Two Angles”. It is believed that this method is most relevant for official events. If a man wants to add a highlight to his look, he can give preference to a product with bright prints.

How to ensure that two corners of the accessory protrude from the pocket? To do this, you must follow the instructions below.

  • The pasha folds four times.
  • The fabric is folded in half, its upper edges shift slightly, but remain at the same level.
  • The right and left lower parts are bent, resulting in a width equal to the niche of the jacket.
  • The lower edge of the product is bent approximately a third of the entire length.

The design turns over to the front side and fits neatly into the chest pocket.

Method No. 4

How to fold a scarf into the breast pocket of a jacket? Method number four is not suitable for formal events. It is relevant if a man wants to complement an informal outfit with the help of a pasha. Both bright items with prints and discreet plain scarves are suitable for this method.

The first two points described in method No. 3 are exactly repeated. Next, the side parts of the product are bent inward, and their ends should be aligned with the middle. Pasha turns over and puts it in his breast pocket. Stylish look for a friendly party can be considered complete.

Method No. 5

Method number five has the original name “Cloud”. Representatives of the stronger sex who want to create an original and stylish image need to pay close attention to it. Of course, this method is absolutely not suitable if a man is going to an official event with a strict dress code.

You should start with the right choice of product. The ideal solution would be a scarf made of airy and light fabric, such as silk. The folding algorithm is simple. The fabric is pinched in the middle with your hand, creating a lush cloud on top. The cloud remains on top, and the free ends of the product end up inside the pocket.

Many angles

The above describes how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket. The photos given in the article will help you cope with this task. Of course, not all existing methods have been considered yet. Why not consider another option?

  • The pache is laid out in a diamond shape, then folded in half from bottom to top. The bottom corner of the fabric moves slightly to the right.
  • The left corner of the product bends to the right, as a result of which it is located below the first two. The right corner is on top.
  • The canvas is folded left and right, resulting in a cone.
  • The bottom edge bends slightly, while you need to focus on the depth of the jacket pocket.
  • The scarf fits neatly into your pocket.

The method described above attracts representatives of the stronger sex with its versatility. If you use a bright pache scarf, you can go to a fun party. Solid colors are great for formal events.

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