How to make a snowman with your own hands: master class. DIY snowman: the best ideas and options for creating various types of crafts (95 photos) DIY snowman made from padding polyester with instructions

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If your child has been asked to make a New Year’s craft for the garden or school, then our article is for you. We will tell you how and, most importantly, what you can make a snowman out of.

How to make a snowman from a sock with your own hands

White socks are an excellent preparation for a snowman. Mom's or dad's things will turn into a large snowman, and small socks will be suitable for making snowmen.

So, we need one white sock, scissors, stuffing, thread or elastic bands.

  1. Cut off the bottom part of the whole sock.
  2. We tie one end with an elastic band and then turn it inside out.
  3. Fill a sock with any cereal. Bulk products will make the toy more stable and make it easy to shape it into the desired shape.
  4. We also tie the other end with an elastic band.
  5. Using our hands we give the snowman a slightly elongated shape. And to highlight the snowman’s head and torso, we tie the piece just above the middle. The bottom part should be slightly larger and thicker than the top.
  6. Now you can make a hat from the remaining part of the sock. A narrow piece of any fabric will replace a scarf for a snowman.
  7. All that remains is to make the eyes and nose, and glue two or three buttons to the bottom.

To get acquainted with the master class in more detail and learn better how to make a snowman from socks, watch the video.

How to make a snowman from plastic cups

A snowman made from plastic cups turns out to be large and charismatic. It can be placed in the classroom and in the children's room. Just leave more space!

The snowman will require more than three hundred plastic cups, a large stapler and glue. Our product will consist of two large balls. Let's start assembling the snowman from the bottom.

  1. We fasten the first row of 25 cups in a circle using a large stapler. We connect the cups to each other neatly and evenly.
  2. Now we place the following cups in turn on the resulting circle and connect them to each other and to the previous row. Thus, we complete the first half of the ball. By analogy, we perform the second half.
  3. The top part of the snowman is also done, but for the first row of the head, 22 cups are already taken. Glue the resulting balls together.
  4. We make the eyes and nose.

All that remains is to come up with a headdress for the snowman and choose a suitable scarf.

And the available video tutorial will clearly demonstrate the process of making a snowman from plastic glasses.

How to make a snowman from threads

The next master class will help you learn how to make aerial snowmen. They are based on balloons, glue and thread.

We choose PVA glue; it has good adhesion and does not leave yellow marks. We take white threads of any thickness.

  1. Inflate the balloons so that one is slightly larger than the other. Let's connect them with tape.
  2. Let's prepare the adhesive composition. To do this, pour a little PVA glue into a small container, then add water and mix everything.
  3. Soak the threads in glue and begin to wind them in a random order, first on one, then on the other ball.
  4. After drying, you need to pierce both balls and pull out their remains through the threads.

The result was lace balloons. You can attach a thread or string to them and hang them on the Christmas tree. But we need a snowman made of threads. Therefore, we glue the balls together to make a snowman.

All that remains is to come up with a headdress and a scarf. Glue on the drawn eyes or buttons. A carrot-shaped nose is made from orange paper, folded into a narrow cone, or plasticine. Ready!

All the details of the master class are shown in our video.

DIY light bulb snowman (master class)

Don't rush to throw away your old incandescent lamps. Let's make cute snowmen from light bulbs that will decorate any Christmas tree. You can remove the internal parts of the lamp, but this will require carefully disassembling the top of the base. It's up to you to decide whether you will do this painstaking work.

  1. The first step is to paint the glass part of the lamp with acrylic paint, using a sponge to apply it evenly over the surface.
  2. After the paint has dried, the base is tied with a rope and a loop is glued to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.
  3. The eyes, mouth and nose are made using beads or painted with paints, as in the photo.

Light bulbs are quite fragile, so you should not leave children unattended while working with them.

The full version of the master class can be seen on the video.

How to make a paper snowman

Paper is the most popular material among children. It provides a lot of opportunities for making various crafts and souvenirs.

How to make DIY Christmas cards with snowmen

Here's how to make a New Year's card with a snowman applique.

Prepare a white sheet of thick paper, cardboard, cotton wool and glue.

  1. Fold the sheet in half widthwise and set it aside for now.
  2. From white cardboard you need to cut out two touching circles, one slightly larger than the other.
  3. We apply a layer of glue to the base of our snowman, and a thin layer of cotton wool on it.
  4. We cut off all the excess and glue the snowman onto the main sheet.
  5. We finish his hat, eyes and nose from beads.

Now let’s use our imagination and decorate the card at our own discretion. And our video will help with this.

DIY New Year's paper snowman in 3D

A gift card with a three-dimensional or so-called 3D applique looks interesting. This result is achieved by cutting and bending the elements of the postcard.

We will need two sheets of paper, and the white one should be 1 cm shorter in width and length than the colored one.

  1. Fold a white sheet of paper in half widthwise and make two parallel cuts. This is how we designate the lower part of the snowman.
  2. We bend the part resulting from the cuts and direct it inward.
  3. We make two smaller cuts on one of the folds. And we also direct the bent part inward.
  4. All that remains is to make the last two small cuts and again bend the resulting small element inward.

Now we open the card, and we get a three-dimensional snowman inside. Glue the wrong side of the white sheet onto the colored one. More details in the video.

The main element of such a card is a snowman made of several layers of paper, which give it volume and splendor.

  • For the base of the postcard, take a thick sheet of cardboard, or two sheets of different colors. Fold them in half.
  • The snowman is made from two circles. For a fluffy snowman you will need at least 20 circles of each size. We cut them out of white paper and bend each one in half.
  • We glue one upper and lower circle completely so that along the fold they coincide with the fold of the base sheet. Apply glue to the remaining circles only along the outer part of the fold, and glue them to the previous circle. And so on for all the top twenty pieces.
  • And then the bottom twenty.
  • All that remains is to decorate the card.

Detailed instructions - on video:

New Year's craft: paper snowman - garland

If desired, windows, walls and the Christmas tree can be decorated with a garland of snowmen.

  1. Fold a white sheet of A4 scale in half lengthwise and cut along the fold line.
  2. We put one part aside, and fold the second in half widthwise, and then again in the form of an accordion.
  3. Now on the front side we draw the silhouette of a snowman so that its handles end at the edge of the sheet. This will be the place where the garland adheres.
  4. We cut out the design along the contour, and we have part of our garland of four snowmen ready.
  5. We also make a few more links of our product, and then fasten the parts (where the handles are) together with narrow tape.

Here's how it was done in the video masterclass:

Snowman on the window

The windows of houses with New Year's paintings look beautiful. And if not everyone can take on Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, then even a child can handle a snowman. Two or three white circles, a mouth, nose, eyes, a bucket on the head - and one of the main characters of winter is ready!

Today we told and showed how to make a snowman from paper, thread, plastic cups, socks and even ordinary light bulbs. Don’t forget to use our material if you want to make an original decoration for your home or as a gift to friends, or if a craft competition is announced at school or in the garden.

Today, many are interested in the issue of DIY New Year's crafts. So, making a snowman and surprising everyone is real. A snowman craft will extend the New Year's mood for several months and decorate your home. If the snowman is small, you can hang it on the Christmas tree. When the snowman is of a respectable size, they put him on skis, give him sticks in his hands, and he stands proudly on the table.

The snowman can be dressed in different ways at your discretion. He smiles and stands on skis with a bag of gifts on his back. Thanks to the step-by-step master class, sewing it is not at all difficult. This type of needlework is called a stocking doll. Now this technology is experiencing a real boom. After all, a doll sewn by yourself brings good luck to the house.

Quick master class - how to make a snowman with your own hands

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • White tights 20 - 40 den and a piece of orange nylon
  • Sintepon Standard 150 - 250 g/m2
  • Reinforced threads 35 LL or polyester 40/2 Gamma or Bestex
  • Doll needles, pins
  • Clear nail polish
  • Copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a length of 0.6 meters
  • Fleece of any color
  • Piece of white fur
  • Plumbing flax
  • Eyes with a diameter of 21 mm
  • Dry cosmetics: eye shadow, blush
  • Strong hold hairspray
  • Thick cardboard A4 (2 sheets) and corrugated cardboard
  • Tape - brown tape
  • Paper clip
  • 2 bamboo sticks
  • A piece of twine
  • Christmas tinsel
  • Bell or bell
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • Glue gun and sticks
  • Tweezers
  • Black CD marker

Step 1: Snowman Head

  • 1. Separate a thin layer from a common piece of padding polyester and place it on the table, fluffy side down.
  • 2. Place the workpiece in a nylon pipe and add two padding polyester balls for the cheeks. Secure the fabric with thread, and cut off the excess from the bottom with scissors.
  • 3. Above one of the cheeks, enter the needle into point 1 and go down to point 2, under the cheek.

  • 4. From point 2 return to point 1.
  • 5. And again go to point 2 to secure the tension.
  • 6. From point 2, lay the thread over the nylon to point 3, enter it and exit at point 4. Stretch the thread well, forming a mouth; point 3 and point 4 are symmetrical, respectively, point 1 and point 2.
  • 7. From point 4, go to point 3.
  • 8. For a more textured mouth, from point 3, make a small stitch to point 5 and enter it.
  • 9. And go to point 1, pull the thread.
  • 10. From point 1, lower yourself to point 2.
  • 11. Make a stitch to point 6, enter it with a needle.
  • 12. And exit at point 4.

  • 13. From point 4, lower yourself
  • 14. To point 7 near the bottom node. Fasten the thread.
  • 15. Pull down the place for the nose - the carrot. To do this, go up from point 7 to point 8.
  • 16. Stitch up to point 9 and enter point 9.
  • 19. Make a small stitch to point 10 and enter it.
  • 20. And again lower yourself to point 7.
  • 21. From point 7, go up to point 10.

  • 22. Stitch up to point 8 and enter point 8.
  • 23. And go to point 7, where you finally tighten and secure the thread.
  • 24. Tighten the place where the eyes are attached. From point 7, go up to point 11 in the area of ​​the future eye sockets.
  • 25. Stitch from point 11 to point 12 and return to point 7, keeping the thread tight.
  • 26. Then go up to point 13.
  • 27. Stitch left to point 14 and enter it.
  • 28. And exit at point 7.
  • 29. Where finally pull the thread and secure it.
  • 30. Finally secure the nylon on top with thread, cut off the excess nylon with scissors.

  • 31. Apply dry cosmetics to the doll’s face, working with shadows on the corners of the mouth, and pink blush on the cheeks and chin. Use a dark terracotta-colored blush to outline your lower lip and set your makeup by spraying your face with strong-hold hairspray twice.

  • 32. Select suitable eyes for the image of your doll and use pliers to bite off the thread. Apply hot glue to the back side and glue them in place.
  • 33. For the carrot spout, tightly roll the padding polyester into a 3.5 cm long cone, cut off the fluffy end with scissors. Wrap the workpiece with orange nylon folded in half and secure it with thread. Do not cut the thread.
  • 34. Enter the needle into the previously tightened area for the spout.
  • 35. And bring it out at the back of the head.
  • 36. Apply hot glue around the knot, place the nose in place and pull the thread tightly. Wait until the nose sticks.
  • 37. Cut off the excess thread with scissors. Using a marker, draw lines to imitate a real carrot.

Step 2. Snowman's body

  • 38. From padding polyester, form a blank for the body with a diameter of 10 - 11 cm and wrap it with a piece of nylon, which is secured with thread. Cut off excess fabric with scissors.
  • 39. Try the head on the body to determine the size. If you are happy with everything, then sew the head to the body in a circle twice.
  • 40. For the feet, roll padding pads. Wrap with nylon and secure with thread. Cut off excess fabric with scissors.
  • 41. Apply glue from a hot gun to the finished feet of the snowman and glue to the bottom of the body.
  • 42. Additional work on your feet and body. Enter the needle at point 14 and leave the end of the thread free.
  • 43. And go up to point 15 - this is the place where the handles are attached.

  • 44. From point 15
  • 45. Go down to point 16
  • 46. ​​Where tie both threads in a knot. Then trim off the excess with scissors.
  • 47. Extend the second foot in the same way.
  • 48. For the handles, bend a copper wire frame and sew two thin pantyhose tubes using a sewing machine (you can use your hands).
  • 49. Wrap the frame with a thin strip of padding polyester and put on nylon blanks.
  • 50. Gather the nylon on top with a thread.
  • 51. Fold a small piece of fleece in half and cut out a blank for the mitten.
  • 52. And sew it on a typewriter. Turn out using tweezers. Place mittens on the handles to keep the snowman warm and secure with a few drops of hot glue.

  • 53. Wrap a thin strip of fur around the mitten and secure it, thus making an edge.
  • 54. Attach the finished handles to the body and sew or secure with a glue gun. The snowman smiles and is already happy.

Step 3. Hat and bangs

  • 55. For the hat, take a sheet of cardboard and cut out three blanks.
  • 56. Glue the rectangular blank into the shape of a cylinder, the diameter of which should be 2 mm less than the inner diameter of the ring.
  • 57. Next, cover all the blanks with any floral fleece and then assemble them into a hat using a glue gun. To do this, place the circle on the cylinder and apply glue.
  • 58.Then pull the brim of the hat all the way down.

  • 59. Glue the bottom of the hat on top.
  • 60. Using your hands, bend the finished hat in different places, giving it a wrinkled look. Try the hat on the snowman.
  • 61. And stick a ribbon.
  • 62. For bangs, take a piece of plumber's linen and apply a strip of glue to it. Let the glue cool slightly and squeeze the fibers with your fingers, joining them together. Using scissors, cut the flax at the gluing area.
  • 63. Glue the finished bangs to the head, and fasten the hat on top. Additionally, decorate the hat with bells and bells. bows and other decorations.
  • 64. Glue small buttons onto the snowman's tummy.

Our snowman is ready.

Step 4. Skis and Christmas tree

  • 65. For skis, cut out four identical blanks: two from corrugated cardboard and two from thick cardboard.
  • 66. Unbend the paper clip and bend it so that it forms a corner at the top.
  • 67. Attach it to the cardboard blank and secure with a glue gun.
  • 68. Place and glue a piece of thick cardboard on top.
  • 69. While the glue is still wet, bend the sharp end of the ski. Make the second ski in the same way. Finished skis can be painted. To give them a realistic look, stick a wood-effect self-adhesive film on them. Glue the skis to the snowman's feet.
  • 70. For the ski poles, take two bamboo skewers and cut two circles from corrugated cardboard. Cut the required length of sticks and put the circles on them.
  • 71. For the wrist strap, take a small piece of twine. Make a loop of such a diameter that it fits over the mitten. Secure it to the stick with glue, then make a few turns downwards. Secure the rope with glue.

  • 72. Make the second ski pole in the same way. Place the straps on the mittens. The snowman smiles again and is happy.
  • 73. Cut a scarf from fleece.
  • 74. Tie it around the snowman's neck.
  • 75. To make a small Christmas tree you will need copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm, Christmas tree tinsel, pliers and tape - brown tape. Make a loop at the end of the wire, insert the tip of the tinsel into it and squeeze the wire well with pliers.
  • 76. Wind the tinsel onto the wire, cut the desired length of tinsel and secure the other end with glue.
  • 77. Bend the upper part of the wire with tinsel into a cone, and bite off the excess with pliers.
  • 78. Bend the wire as in the photo.
  • 79. Wrap a straight section of tape with tape, thus obtaining the trunk of a Christmas tree.
  • 80. Secure the finished Christmas tree in a bag on the back of the snowman. For the bag, cut a small circle of red fleece, gather its edge with a thread and pull it a little. Place a small piece of padding polyester inside, add hot glue from a gun there and immediately insert the trunk of the Christmas tree. Let the glue cool. Then cut two thin strips of fleece for the straps, wrap them around the handles and secure them to the back. Glue a bag with a Christmas tree on top.
  • 81. The snowman on skis is ready!
  • 82. Using the same master class, you can make a snowman girl.

Thus, a wonderful DIY New Year's friend has appeared in your home.

There is very little time left until the New Year. We continue to prepare for the New Year by making New Year's crafts with our own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make a snowman with your own hands. You will learn how to make a snowman out of paper, how to make a snowman out of thread, how to make a snowman out of a sock and much more. A homemade snowman is a wonderful craft for the New Year. You can put it under the Christmas tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden or give it to your loved ones as a New Year's souvenir.

1. DIY New Year's crafts. How to make a paper snowman

Option 1.

Paper snowman from Even a small child with the help of an adult can make this New Year's paper craft. Print the template, color and cut out the snowman, then glue the craft together.

The Country of Masters website offers four different options for how to make a paper snowman.

Option 2. Snowman cap

For instructions on how to make this craft for the New Year, see the link >>>>

Another paper snowman from this site.

Option 3. Snowman artist

Here is another example of how you can make a snowman with your own hands from a cardboard toilet paper roll. To make such funny snowmen with your children, you will need: cardboard rolls, felt, chenille (fluffy) wire (or, in other words, chenille sticks), white and brown paper, bamboo skewers, glue. For a detailed master class on making this winter craft with your own hands, see the photo.

Variant 4. Inflatable snowmen

This whole family of snowmen is made using the origami technique. For a detailed master class on making paper snowmen using the origami technique, see

Option 5. Fluffy snowman

The adorable snowman in the photo above is made of plasticine and corrugated paper. This New Year's craft was made using the cutting technique on plasticine. For a detailed master class on how to make a snowman with your own hands, see the link >>>>

Option 6.

We present to you paper snowmen from Canon's Creative Park website.

Print and cut out the snowman designs. Glue the New Year's paper craft according to the instructions. See link >>>>

Option 7.

Using ready-made templates (see pdf documents below) you can easily make such a cute paper snowman. For this New Year's craft, you will need high-density paper.

2. Crafts for the New Year. How to make a snowman from threads

The most original, in our opinion, snowman is made from threads. To make this craft for the New Year, you will need threads (preferably cotton or viscose), balloons, PVA glue (for 1 snowman - 120-150 g) and a large needle. For a detailed master class on making a snowman from threads, see the link >>>> We also advise you to read the comments to this article, among them you can find useful information regarding making crafts.

3. New crafts for the New Year. How to make a snowman from a sock

Making a snowman from a sock is not at all difficult, and such a finished craft for the New Year looks very impressive, almost like a purchased toy. A sock snowman can be placed under the Christmas tree or given to someone as a New Year's gift.

Snowman made from a sock. How to make a snowman from a sock with your own hands

To make a snowman from a sock with your own hands as in the photo above, you will need:

One white terry sock
- rice
- 2-3 small buttons
- tailor's pins (for the nose and eyes)
- a piece of fabric for a scarf
- glue

Please note that the sock should have a long upper part, because it is from this that you will make the snowman himself. The bottom of the sock will make a snowman hat.

How to make a snowman with your own hands:

1. Cut the sock into two parts as shown in the photo.

2. Take the upper part and tie it with thread or sew it on the side where you cut the sock.

3. Now turn this part of the sock over to the other side.

4. Fill the resulting bag with rice. Don't skimp on the rice; It's beautiful when the snowman is chubby.

5. Tie the top of the sock with thread.

6. Form a head and tie the sock again with thread in the place where the snowman has a neck.

7. Make eyes, a nose, and a scarf for the snowman. Decorate it with buttons.

8. From the second part of the sock, make a hat for the snowman.

Here are more examples of DIY sock snowmen.

You can make a snowman with your own hands from an ordinary white pillow.

4. How to make a snowman. Crafts for the New Year

Here are some more interesting ideas on how you can make a snowman with your own hands:

Pompom snowman

Snowman from a bottle from Danonino (Danone company). The hat is made of corrugated paper.

Snowman postcard

Making such a paper snowman is very simple. Even a preschooler can cope with the task. You need to cut out three circles of different sizes from thick white paper. It is advisable to shade the edges of the circles so that they stand out better against each other. This can be done using crushed pencil lead or eye shadow. Also cut out a scarf, pens, a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored paper. Glue all the parts of the snowman sequentially onto the blank of your New Year's card. To give the snowman volume, it is better to fasten the circles together using double-sided tape.

With kids 2-3 years old, you can make a “Snowman” applique card from cotton pads.

Snowman painted with snow paint

Recipe for volumetric snow paint. If you mix equal amounts of PVA glue and shaving foam, you will get wonderful airy snow paint. She can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears and winter landscapes.

Making a snowman out of cups couldn't be easier. This snowman craft will never melt and will delight your children for years to come. To make a snowman from plastic cups you will need many, many plastic cups and a stapler. One ball takes about a hundred cups.

For one snowman you will need to make two balls: a larger one (for the body) and a smaller one (for the head). Each ball will consist of two hemispheres. To make one hemisphere, you need to lay out cups on the floor in the shape of a circle of the diameter you need. Fasten the cups together. Next, add new rows of cups on top, not forgetting to fasten them with a stapler. As more and more cups are added, they themselves will naturally take the shape of a hemisphere. When one hemisphere is ready, make another one exactly the same. We only advise you to leave the upper parts of the hemispheres unfinished, so that the snowman stands steadily on the floor, and to make it easier to attach the head later. Now all you have to do is connect the two parts of the ball together and fasten them. The body is ready. You need to make the head in exactly the same way.

Refrigerator snowman

Sweatshirt (T-shirt) - snowman

Snowman postman

Do you write letters to Santa Claus with your children? If yes, then the Snowman-Postman is in a hurry to help you deliver your correspondence to the good wizard. Children can put letters with requests to Santa Claus in the snowman's mail bag, and the next day they will find an answer from grandfather in it. Making such a paper snowman with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need a large piece of whatman paper or old wallpaper, colored paper, and buttons.

Snowmen made of snow, snow sculptures

Children's favorite winter pastime is making snowmen out of snow. But a snowman is not only three snow globes and a carrot nose. People's rich imagination allows them to sculpt more interesting sculptures from snow. In our

Good afternoon everyone, today we will make snowmen from different materials. I will show you how to make a beautiful snowman out of paper, how to make a snowman from scrap materials that are in every home. You will find on this page several master classes, which will show you interesting ways to make a snowman with your own hands. Many of the ideas can be done together with children - for the next exhibition at school on a winter theme, or for a children's New Year's crafts competition at your work.

Let's start our series of crafts from large snowmen. I suggest you three master classes, during which you will get BIG SNOWMAN.

Master class No. 1

SNOWMAN from garbage bags.

In the photo below we see a beautiful craft - a large snowman in a smart hat. This is a fairly simple job that you can easily do yourself. Suitable for this craft white trash bags, or regular bags from the store around the corner (then we use those parts of the package where there is no color picture).

The basis of the snowman is a cardboard cone. We roll a sheet of cardboard into a bag (as for seeds) and fix the edge with tape or a stapler). We trim the uneven edges of the bag with scissors so that it can stand evenly and straight on the table.
Cut white garbage bags into squares arbitrary size. The larger the squares, the deeper the fluffiness the snowman will have, and the more material will be needed. You can cut squares (3 x 3, or 4 x 4, or 5 x 5, or 6 x 6).

Prepare the glue by heating a hot-melt gun with a glue stick. We wrap a square of film around the tip of a pencil - this is how we get a bunch with a sharp center, it’s convenient to apply a drop of glue on it and stick it to the base of the cone.

And we need to cover the entire cone with such bunches - the pasting comes from the lower circular rows and so, tier by tier, we move upward in a circle

Now we make a hat for the snowman. You can make a pattern for the bottom and sides and brim of a hat from cardboard and assemble all these parts. Could it be easier?- Cover a jar of olives with pieces of cardboard.

It can be made even easier: take a jar of yogurt, glue wide hat brims made of cardboard to its edges and paint everything with black gouache (mix it with liquid soap so that it applies well to the plastic, and then spray it several times with hairspray to fix the color).

Cut out eyes and buttons from black cardboard and attach it to the snowman - it’s best to glue buttons not to the fluffy coating, but to the very base - to the cone. To do this, we attach a toothpick to each element with hot glue (as in the photo above) and glue such a button on a long stem to the cone, breaking through the fluffiness to the cardboard.

Master class No. 2


from modular origami.

At school we are all taught to fold paper modules and then assemble them into pot-bellied vases. And since we already know how to do this, then it is entirely within our power to collect BELLY SNOWmen. Everything is very simple here, the children will help you fold the modules - you sat down at the table in front of the TV in the evening and cut several sheets of office paper into rectangles and layered them into modules. And then the next evening, a snowman was assembled from these paper parts - like from a Lego set. A large voluminous craft is obtained.

If you are a beginner master of modular origami, then first make a small snowman, as in the photo above.

And if you have free time and long-term inspiration, then take on a larger project.

Even the cheerful snowman Olaf from the cartoon can be made using the modular origami technique. How to work with modular origami ( how to fold the module itself, and how to connect them to each other, I explained in the article

Master class No. 3

How to make a snowman


in a hot air balloon.

Below we see a beautiful large snowman. It is made from two balloons.

The idea is simple and clear - coat pieces of newspaper with glue. From my own experience, I’ll say that you can’t do this quickly with a brush (throw away the brush) - just pour glue into a saucer, scoop glue from the saucer with your fingers into your palm with the same hand, take a piece of paper and directly with your palm, in a split second, cover a piece of newspaper with glue and immediately onto the ball... grab it We place a new piece with a glue hand and onto the ball, and so on...

When the entire ball is covered with 3-4 layers of newspaper, leave it to dry for a day or overnight.

Using a knife, we cut off the sharp part of the ball, where the tail is - take out the rubber ball, it won’t be needed. And cover the hole with masking tape or other tape.

This cut will be the BOTTOM of the snowman. And on top of the large ball we attach a smaller ball - also previously covered with newspaper. secure with tape or masking tape.

We cover the adhesive areas with patches from the same newspaper. And immediately from this newspaper we roll up a tight ball of the nose, and also wrap it with newspaper wet in glue - so that it becomes denser. And with several layers of newspaper patches we attach the nose to the front of the snowman.

Snowman hands We also make it from newspaper flagella, or from wire. We make hands in the shape of twigs.

In my opinion, it is better to take the wire as a basis and secure it thoroughly. Punch a hole through the left and right sides of the snowman so that the end of the wire comes out from the left side and from the right side. Wrap newspaper patches around the wire and form twig fingers. Dry, cover with brown gouache, sprinkle with hairspray.

IF YOU DON'T HAVE WHITE PAINT. You can cover the snowman with a layer of white paper napkins (or white toilet paper) - 2-3 layers will hide the newspaper font and the snowman will turn white.
And also You can make the final layer of toilet paper in the form of strips with fringe. You will get the effect as in the photo below.

How to make a snowman


You can do without balloons in our craft. We just roll sheets of newspaper into comas. And then we glue these lumps with white sheets of office paper using PVA glue. For such work, you can buy glue not in tubes, but in a bucket, universal or construction PVA (this will be cheaper in terms of money).

And before wrapping them in white paper, it is better to fix the lumps of newspaper so that they do not unfold. The cling film used to wrap suitcases at airports helps with this.

Master class No. 4

How to make a snowman


Yogurt bottles often have convex, thick shapes and smooth curves - this is a suitable shape for a snowman. And milk bottles are made of white plastic - this is a suitable color for a snowman.

In the photo below we see a snowman made from a milk bottle. The cap is made from a BALLOON, the edge of the balloon is cut off and placed on the neck of the bottle.

But below, a round head made of a foam ball is attached to the white bottle. The cheeks and smile of a snowman are drawn on the ball, the nose and eyes are glued on. The hat and scarf are made from a sock or a piece of woolen fabric.

But even IF YOU DON'T HAVE a foam ball, you can construct a snowman's head FROM A WALL OF NEWSPAPER, wrap it in cling film so that the newspaper holds the shape of a lump. Then secure the round lump on the top of the bottle with tape. And then THIS TEMPLATE for the future snowman should be covered with pieces of newspaper smeared in PVA glue (as we did in the second master class) and allowed to dry.

After this, paint the dry silhouette of the snowman white (with gouache or spray paint) and decorate it with clothes.

Also, two short glasses of your yogurt or soft cheese can turn into a funny snowman. And as we see in the master class below, it’s easy and quick to do it yourself at home, together with your children.

Master class No. 5


with your own hands.

In the photo below we see a cute snowman made of yarn balls. Perhaps you have already seen such crafts before at children's exhibitions, as the work of other parents. And they admired the openwork beauty of such transparent, delicate snowmen.

On our website I have already made a separate article with detailed master classes. There you will find all the nuances and tips. And here I will just give an infographic with step-by-step photos showing the whole process.

How to make a snowman


And now one of the fastest ways to make a snowman with your own hands. We come to the “Everything for Creativity” store and buy foam balls there (preferably two sizes - one larger, the other smaller in diameter). You can buy 2 balls, or three... or more. Look at the money - they are not expensive, the price does not bite.

Next, your task is simple - we cut the balls (cut off the tops) and collect them together with these flat cuts. It is better to attach it not only with glue, but also to make a FASTENING ROD inside from an ordinary toothpick. After fastening the parts, it is better to tint the balls with paint. gypsum putty or varnish or paper napkins and PVA glue. Choose a blue coating for your craft - in any case it will turn out beautiful and gentle.

Some people coat the snowman with glue and sprinkle it with salt - grains of salt imitate snow (as in the photo below). Someone coats it with glue and covers it with thin pieces of cotton wool - the snowman turns out to be felt, like a felt boot.

You can do it very beautifully - pick out scales from a pine cone and paste them over the lower part of the snowman - dress him in a pine cone caftan. And make a hat from birch bark from a birch tree - you will get a snowman with your own hands as in the photo below.

You can assemble the snowman parts NOT VERTICALLY, but at different angles. We cut off the tops of the balls at an angle towards each other and stick the toothpicks in at an angle too - and this makes the figures curved. Like the snowmen bent over and bent - like in the photo with the craft below, DANCING SNOWMANS.

The snowman can be placed ON A PEDESTAL - on a skewer, or on two long legs (as in the photo below). To thicken the legs, you can cover them with a napkin using PVA glue, achieving the desired thickness and proportions.

Master class BELLY SNOWMAN made from halves of balls.

To make such a snowman with our own hands, we will need two balls, whose diameter differs slightly from each other. One is slightly smaller than the other.
From each ball we cut off A LITTLE LESS THAN HALF. And we put these trimmed balls next to each other at the cut points.

We cut out the details of the snowman's uniform from mold or felt. And we attach these parts to the body of the snowman using glue from a hot gun.

We paint the snowman's scarf and hat with patterns (with a felt-tip pen or paints).

You can make many New Year's crafts from foam balls. A whole composition on a snowy landscape with a Christmas tree made of balls and a team of snowmen. Everything is done according to the same principle - we cut off the tops of the balls and connect them at the place of the cut.

How to build a snowman

from CUPS.

If you spare no glue and buy 2-3 pipes with cups of 100 pieces each, you can make a beautiful snowman. You can, of course, save these cups by taking them out of the trash can next to the office cooler (if the supplies order white cups, then they will be suitable for a snowman).

This snowman craft is very simple. All you do is place the cups in a circle - like in a round dance, with the bottoms towards the center. We fix everything with a drop of hot glue (you can use squares of double-sided tape, it also holds well). And then we place more cups on top of this round dance... and again - until the dome grows (this will be half a sphere). Next, we turn the sphere upside down with the first round dance and continue to build up the second half of this sphere on it.

Using the same principle, snowmen are made from drink bottles. The cut quarters of the bottom of the bottle are placed in a circle in the same way - with the cut towards the center and the bottoms out.

Snowman woven from newspaper.

How to make a newspaper bundle.

If you unfold a large sheet of newspaper and begin to twist it diagonally into a tube, you will get a strong and flexible bundle of newspaper. From such thin newspaper tubes you can weave a snowman, just like people weave baskets.

Let's see how easy and simple it really is to do. Here is a newspaper, here we roll it up into a PENCIL to make it convenient, into a narrow tube.

To prevent the tubes from unfolding, you can secure them with a drop of glue. And make a lot of threaded tubes in advance, put them in bundles, tying them with an elastic band or string.

The beginning of weaving is 8 tubes. We put them CROSS ON CROSS, four at a time. And we intertwine these four by four tubes in pairs - we slide them under each other, as can be clearly seen in the photo below.

Immediately after these four tubes, we Twist the ends of this bent tube ONCE WITH EACH OTHER (we just swapped them in places) and threw them through the next portion of four tubes. This can be seen in the second photo below.

We repeat this WITH ALL the four pipes of our cross.

And we notice that the ends of our first tube have become SHORT. This means it’s time to lengthen them - to do this, we take out TWO more tubes from our supplies and coat their ends with a little glue and insert them inside the short tails of our weaving. This is shown in the photo below.

After this lengthening, we move our cross beams apart in different directions. So that the tubes in the crossspread out like rays of the sun.

And now our two elongated ends will go along all the rays, each time intertwining around each of them. That is, the ends of the tube bend around the ray, crossing each other, changing places.

So that our weaving is round and uniform, and does not tighten somewhere stronger, somewhere weaker, it is better to place a jar or vase in the center of the weaving and tighten our weaving around this shape. This way we will repeat the uniform roundness of the can, and we will get an even braid.

You can weave two halves of a SPHERE, then gather them together into a ball (as in the photo below), or continue weaving upward, narrowing the sphere to the top of the ball.

After the newspaper snowman is ready, it is painted with spray paint from a can. And they decorate with eyes, nose, buttons, a hat and a scarf.

Using the same principle, you can weave snowmen from willow twigs. These snowmen can decorate your summer cottage with your own hands; they will not be afraid of rain, like a newspaper, and will last for many years.

How to make a snowman


the fastest ways.

You can simply buy a package of white toilet paper. Place the rolls on top of each other. Cut out eyes, nose, mouth, twig hands from cardboard. Use an old woolen sock to make a hat. And here he is your snowman - standing there smiling. Cute, cute and big. It's nice to look at and not ashamed to show.

Here's another great way. Pour white coarse salt into a white sock. We tie the sock with twine at the top and also make bandages twice in the middle of the sock. We get a beautiful snowman. We give him a figure and face like the cartoon snowman Olaf.

Or let's do something even more interesting. Knead a cool, tight salty dough. Three glasses of fine salt, three glasses of flour, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil so that it doesn’t stick to your hands - and knead the dough with water. Pour water over the eye until the dough becomes like plasticine. And then add more flour so that it is definitely tight and firm. With tight dough, the snowman holds its shape better.

And if you take not wheat, but RYE FLOUR, then the snowman will definitely not settle, it will keep its shape firmly. Rye flour will give the craft a brown color. But this is not a problem - when the craft dries to a solid state, it will be easy to paint it with gouache or any facade paint.

Also, lumps of dough can be fixed on a pedestal made from an inverted flower pot. You will get a new craft. You can make a whole happy family of snowmen using dough and pots.

You can make a very bright colorful craft in the form of a snowman FROM BALLOONS. Just buy regular round white balls and multi-colored sausage balls for twisted crafts.

In order for the snowman to melt firmly on the floor, you need to add water to the lower balls - they will be the center of gravity for the snowman.

You can also very quickly make a snowman out of a pillow. The easiest and fastest way is to just sew on buttons and roll the nose out of a piece of bright orange washcloth. Tie the neck of the pillow with any homemade scarf, put on a hat (even a simple hat, not necessarily a New Year's cap).

Snowmen from FELT,

How to make a snowman out of wool.

Nowadays many people are interested in felting wool. Here in the photo below we see what a beautiful snowman can be made from a piece of ordinary wool for felting.

The fastest felting method is the wet method. In a bowl of warm, soapy water, the hairball molds like a lump of plasticine. We simply roll the wet wool in our hands and roll it into a tight ball. Three of these balls give us body parts for the snowman.

You can felt not necessarily spherical shapes. And not necessarily in a wet way. You can simply dry twist a piece of wool to the desired shape and comb it with a felting needle. It’s very simple: you poke a needle into this woolen bundle, and from this it compacts itself and knits into the dense shape that you gave it when you folded it.

You can separately felt the legs and arms of the snowman and attach them to the body by needle combing.

Twig handles are made using the wet method, when the wire is wrapped in a tuft of wool and rolled on the table with wet, soapy hands.

Additional clothing items for a snowman can be made from felt or fleece.

You can make a real broom for a felt snowman from the fibers of a homemade broom.

You can make a whole dried composition from wool with snowmen, Christmas trees, gifts, penguins and other characters that fit the New Year's theme.

Here are some simple ideas on how to make a snowman from a variety of materials. But we haven't said everything yet...
This article will have a continuation... because while I was writing all these letters, my hands were making and photographing more new crafts with snowmen. Very soon there will be a link to an article with new works - we will make snowmen out of paper.
In the meantime, catch existing links to articles about snowmen.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

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