How to look more masculine? A real man against a deer. Should a man be the main breadwinner? A man must be scary

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The Family Code says that minor children are supported by both parents - and nothing is said about predominant maintenance on the part of the man.

Yes, yes, that same gender equality for which lovely ladies once fought, and which they now have to remember - not comme il faut - in connection with their intention to manage the entity that supposedly should support them...

If you look strictly at evolution:

The female chooses from those who want to cover her the most “worthy” one who can ensure the survival of the offspring....

Now this “dignity” is measured, among other things, in the number of “bablosoffs”...

Let's note - F want M to meet them halfway in this mercantile evolutionary need and milk and plow well, getting “money for the mountain”...

True - they remain mercantile and with the same claims - even when the children have grown up and live separately....

About M: they are EVOLUTIONARY aimed at “covering” as many females as possible.

By the way, if Fs are required to respect M’s evolutionary mercantile needs, then Fs must also respect M’s “as “covering”” evolutionary need as possible, that is, to be honest givers.

And forgive male infidelities, since polygamy is the EVOLUTIONARY essence of men.

And since they mostly don’t want to give non-mercantile gifts to women, and they don’t forgive betrayals, then M is not at all obliged to respect and satisfy the female mercantile component...

Moreover - as stated above - this is not provided for by law (except for complicity in the maintenance of children).

So M - can safely leave the BTMGEshney (BTMGE is a dumb draft gelding, proud of it) masks, straighten their shoulders and breathe deeply....

And it doesn’t matter what they call them.....

If you look at religion:

If you believe the Bible, man did not originate by evolution, but from Adam and Eve (Hava), who also did not originate by evolution....

And in Eden, Hosts (Yahweh) did not command anything like that in terms of being a breadwinner....

He commanded only people to be fruitful and multiply and to be rulers over the creatures of the earth....

Yes, then after the “fall”, hosts commanded Adam to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow....

But after all, F commanded “let him be afraid” .... and the Old Testament commanded stoning for treason ....

And if F, in connection with emancipation, abolished the postulates that were burdensome for themselves, then isn’t it logical that M, in turn, also abolished the postulates that were burdensome for themselves?

But there is an opinion that confirms my guess that M lives less than F because of her subordinate position. And the fact that he is required to perform “traditional” duties, but is, however, deprived of his “traditional” rights...

Here's a good video on this topic:

Yes, I understand, in a woman’s arsenal there are many manipulations to encourage a man to earn money faster than she can spend it....

On dating sites they write that they don’t like greedy M, tight-fisted M, and even thrifty M.....

And who doesn’t like greedy - tight-fisted - thrifty M?

Those who themselves want to save at a man’s expense, and who are so greedy that the toad is strangling to pay not only for a partner, but even for themselves....

I recently read an article by Mr. Litvak on the topic of gender on Psychologos.

Here is an excerpt from it:

"What about the fact that now girls want to marry high-status men?

And rightly so. This means they are maturing. But you also need to have status yourself. In our country, unfortunately, most women have the psychology of a latent prostitute: find a rich man to feed. And for this they plan to run the household and give themselves in bed. Things must be called by their proper names: this is prostitution."

I coined the term "BTMGE" a while ago, which stands for "dumb draft gelding proud of it."

I'll break it down piece by piece:

a) Wordless - because from childhood F was taught to him, for his own benefit, that arguing and sorting things out with F is supposedly unmanly, and in general, “F needs to give in”;

b) A draft gelding - because he was told that he supposedly had to earn money faster than he could spend...

c) Proud of this - because he was inspired that such a way of life is an attribute of the “real M” ....

Now let's look at how M can get rid of such a fate.

There are two ways - constructive and destructive.

The first path implies knowledge of psychology and, as a result, protection appears from manipulative women who appeal to men’s emotional distress.

The Hungarian writer Karinthy said this about this:

“They should have entered into competition with a woman, or at least taken an example from her, noticed her secrets, overcome their backwardness and naivety and reached a stage of development that allowed a woman to make a man her voluntary victim.”

And in this case, M will no longer be afraid of the labels “weakling” and “not a man” if he suddenly decides to “stoop to a showdown” with F, and also if he wants to moderate her mercantile appetites...

The second way, unfortunately, is to turn to alcoholism.

The dialogue between a businessman and a drunk, described by the writer Yakhontov, is noteworthy.

It says that the businessman was straining himself at work, trying to satisfy the ever-increasing demands of J, and that the drunkard had only one demand from J - not to drink...

However, you can still go into hermithood...

About latent prostitution F:

And they demand to encourage this prostitution from the very beginning of acquaintance. It would seem, why do they insist to “sit” somewhere?

This is their test for M’s readiness to encourage this prostitution.

And if M passes this test, then he’s not “squeezing”, you can continue to milk him.

To the grave.

And one more thing: now you can hear from F: “I didn’t fight for equality.”.

It’s strange, but where do they want to go from equality?

Into patriarchy with three Ks and “hitting means he loves”, “let him be afraid...”?

I don't think it's there.

Where to?

The most advantageous scenario for them is to control those who support you. Moreover, to control not only gradually, but also explicitly, while pointing out to M that “arguing with a woman is not like a man.”

How can a man avoid such a pitiable fate?

It’s better to make it clear to J from the very beginning that he doesn’t subscribe to such games.

“Fear the humanities like fire,” female gurus instill in their students who want to learn how to manage men.

Why should “managers” be afraid of them?

Because he is prone to analysis, and is not so susceptible to female manipulations that appeal to a man’s emotional state, his need for approval, his desire to be “good”...

Since this man is not interested in being a BTMGE, he will not initially subscribe to being a cash cow, a draft gelding and a dog from below...

In a matriarchal world order (which has an evolutionary background), the right to sex with F is predominantly given to those M who initially signed up for this “trinity” through the so-called. "courtship"...

The way out may be a good old pickup truck, and not in its cynical part of collecting seduced and abandoned women, but simply in the realization of M’s sacred right to sex with a woman without this “tripleness”...

Moreover, there is no need to leave F after sex, because F can become so attached to this man after intercourse that she will agree to be with him, even if he is not a cow, not a gelding, not a dog from below...

Confession of the women themselves:

“You perform mating dances in front of us, compete to see who is the best breadwinner, and so on.

And we choose a better horse for ourselves.

Well, or at least a donkey, if the draft horses were dismantled.

Some even take goats. They hope to travel around.

Not everyone has enough good horses, although we carefully try to instill in you the necessary habits starting from kindergarten.

Well, all your dystopias are not even a rebellion, but only fantasies in the established matriarchal society.

What the hell is a stall?

Stall M has already been implemented."

Alex Leslie wrote:

“The main difference between the strategy of seducing a HUSBAND is that it mainly acts on the conscious woman, on feelings of affection and pity. Humanity.
His strategy is to convince the woman that he can protect and feed the offspring. At the same time, a woman must have a guarantee that she can control and manage him. Most often, a man-HUSBAND tries to please her, to show that he will do everything she needs, everything to earn her love.
Husband's life mission. The natural meaning of a husband’s existence is to preserve the species, care for and raise offspring, and protect the female. Its purpose is to feed and protect.
Husband's life values. He is a home person. For him, the highest values ​​are family, comfort, stability, and constancy.
His life beliefs. The husband is convinced that he must do everything to earn her love! And in general, only the husband has the conviction that love must be EARNED! A husband is a weak position towards women. That's why women have the opportunity to rule the world."

And our task, gentlemen, is to get out of this “position of the weak”.....

And also, it is important: Women who want to sit on M’s neck (and even control him at the same time) refer to certain “traditions” in which M, supposedly, should be the “main breadwinner”.

But an excursion into history from Pavel Zygmantovich showed that this is not at all the case:

“According to a long-established stereotype, the main breadwinner is a man. Where the stereotype came from is not entirely clear.

In pre-Flood times, hunters (mostly men) and gatherers (mostly women) supplied approximately equal amounts of calories to the table. Hunters brought a lot, but rarely; gatherers brought little, but often. Parity.

Moreover, modern observations of primitive tribes in various remote corners of the planet show that in some places men hunt only to impress women. This is not true everywhere (only where food is abundant), but it is a medical fact, as they say.

Not much changed in the Middle Ages. Men and women were approximately equally active in the fields. He plowed, she reaped. And they also worked about the same around the house - she, say, carded flax, and the man chopped down trees for firewood. Well, a man could also go fishing in the winter. And a woman could, for example, rent out a sleigh with a horse (in some cases, curiously, by her own decision she had the right).

And, to tell the truth, a woman was considered a more valuable worker - she could do much more than a man (especially when it came to household chores). That is why the Slavs had (and still preserved rudimentarily) the custom of bride price. Because giving away your daughter from your family means losing a valuable employee. And if a son from the family goes into hiding, good riddance, less sharing.

Also somehow there is no strong distortion. And if you look closely, it may even turn out that the man mined less.

In the industrial era, things seemed to get easier - a man could already earn enough to provide for himself, his wife, and children. But this only concerned upper-class men, and of the ordinary workers at the factory, rarely could anyone afford this. So women also had to work. And for children too. Children were very suitable for work, for example in mines and weaving factories. Due to their growth, they could climb where an adult could not climb. In a sense, the industrial revolution in, say, England was built on the sweat and trauma of children.

In general, not the same again.

In a word, the version that a man should be a breadwinner, because this has always been the case, is not sufficiently substantiated. This is the minimum."

From all this, Mr. Zygmantovich draws certain conclusions:

"1. In a couple, two are the breadwinners.

2. If one has ceased to be a breadwinner, an increased burden falls on the other. Therefore, the first seeks to alleviate it as soon as such an opportunity arises, at least minimally.

3. In the case when there is really enough money, one of the couple may not earn money. But this should suit both partners.

4. If one does not earn money, and the other is not satisfied with this, you need to first start earning money, and then, when money becomes easier, sit down and talk.

And - pay attention - not a word about who is first and who is second, man or woman. Because there is no such need to find out who is first and who is second in the matter of production."

That is, if a stervologically inclined young lady begins to load up our brother about what a man should......then, you yourself understand that after getting acquainted with this information, they can answer this...

Afanasy was a teetotal plumber. There are also exceptions that prove the rule. And he, in general, had everything: an apartment, a car, money, respect at work from his superiors, (it’s such a miracle) however, other “colleagues” at work did not accept the locksmith as one of their own. The aunties and women looked tenderly into my eyes and invited me for tea and borscht. Afanasy sometimes went, but more often he refused. There were no serious relationships and at the age of forty he was still single.

But you can’t escape fate - love overtook him. One fine day, in the focus of his eyes appeared (and remained there) a woman of unearthly beauty, in a long, weightless golden dress to the toes and a hat with a veil. Athanasius saw a lady radiating radiance; and it seemed as if her feet did not touch the ground when moving in space. He stood dumbfounded, clutching his chest with his hand, feeling a hitherto unknown pain in his heart pierced by an arrow (kurazon)

As it turned out, the lady lived in a neighboring house on the top, twelfth floor, well, that’s understandable, closer to the sky, her name was Inessa, which is also understandable. She didn’t have a man, Afanasy found out for sure, he was on duty near her house for a whole month, raising his head, looking in fascination at the distant curtains. I trembled when I saw from afar my goddess coming out of the entrance. There was no question of approaching and getting to know each other. At home, Afanasy constantly listened to the “Eastern Song” performed by Obodzinsky, sadly singing along:
“Is the warm rain pouring, is the snow falling -
I'm standing in the entrance opposite your house,
I'm waiting for you to pass, but maybe not,
As soon as I see you - oh, how happy I am!
Our world is strange and funny -
The heart loves, but will not speak about its love,
Even if I live and don’t know whether you love me or not,
It's better than confessing and hearing "no" in response.
And I'm afraid to hear "no"

A friend sometimes came to see Inessa. She didn’t have any radiance, she was frail and dry with a sharp nose and harmful little eyes. Afanasy had no shyness towards her, and he got to know her easily. On the second day, Afanasy confessed to Klara, that was the name of his girlfriend, about his passion for Inessa and asked for advice on what he should do to win the heart (kurason) of his beloved. Klara looked at Afanasy with a skeptical, not to say cynical, look and announced. It turns out that Inessa will only be able to fall in love with the ideal man for her, or else she will remain alone. Afanasy timidly asked what an ideal man should be like and heard something terrible: it turns out, “a man shouldn’t be handsome. A man should be a breadwinner. And scary. So that one eyebrow is shorter than the other. Eyes of different colors. Perhaps there isn't one at all. Whining with a shovel. The scar is all over the place. Humped nose. The lips are compressed into a stripe. A woman should tremble at the sight of a man, and not ask what creams he uses on his pug. Should be afraid. So that during sex I would look at him and think: “Fuck, how scary. It would all be over sooner. “I want to go to my mother,” she once read on the Internet, it stuck firmly in her head, and Inessa kept her virginity for such a guy.

In essence, plastic surgery was not difficult at all. Any farrier in a village blacksmith could have created a full-blown scar in no time, causing one eyebrow to rise menacingly, as if to say: “Well, bitches, weren’t you waiting? You're going to get mixed up right now!" The surgeons did everything masterfully; they broke and sharpened the nose with a file, giving it a hawkish profile; they pulled their cheeks towards their ears, whined like a shovel, and their lips angrily stretched into stripes. They also suggested making a hunchbacked man so that he would look exactly like Quasimode, but Afanasy refused. For terrible sex, he increased his dick to thirty-three centimeters and sewed on fresh monkey eggs. As a bonus, he asked to transplant the remaining gorilla hair onto his buttocks for some color. I debated for a long time whether to gouge out my eye, but settled on ordering a contact lens that gave a purple tint.

And so, two months later, Afanasy, in all his irresistibility, stood on the twelfth floor and pressed the bell button for his betrothed.
The door opened... They saw each other. She, without a veil, but still the same, with a heavenly glow above her head, in a translucent robe and with horror on her face. Afanasy... well, we know what he looked like. Not knowing what to say, Afanasy mumbled something inarticulate and raised his high eyebrow even higher, causing his appearance to become completely wild and unbridled. Kurason Afanasy was pounding furiously and he was ready to fall through the floors, and then underground, but... But a miracle happened! The fear on Inessa's face gave way to delight and admiration. She impulsively grabbed Afanasy’s hand: “Come on in, why are you standing there!” and pulled him into the hallway. Afanasy, feeling euphoria rising in his heart, entered. “Now, now! – Inessa rushed to the phone, quickly dialed the number, and started babbling – Clara! Clara, dear, leave everything and come to me immediately, you will see everything for yourself, miracle, miracle, Clarochka, and you said, miracles don’t happen and I will always be alone, I’m so happy, now I have hope, hurry up Clara, you need to see herself! I am waiting!"

With tears in her eyes, Inessa turned to Afanasy: “You can’t imagine how happy I am to see you! My friend and I vowed to get married only if we met the perfect man, and providence sent you. Now that Clarina’s dream has come true, I can hope that the gods will fulfill my dream too - my ideal will also come true, since you are here, it means it’s possible! Come on, I’ll show it to you.” She again took Afanasy by the hand and led him into the room. He obeyed and on wooden legs, thinking poorly, followed Inessa. Entering the hall, Inessa waved her hand: “Look, this is my ideal and it’s probably already on its way...” Afanasy looked around the room with multi-colored eyes, all the walls of which were covered with posters depicting a dazzlingly smiling Banderas...

Look like a real man and a male, not a deer! How do girls recognize by their appearance that they belong to real men, males and wars? How do girls recognize a weak man, a deer and a loser? How to look more masculine?

“All these princes are from fairy tales. Cute handsome guys. Bearded feminine hipsters. Ugh. A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man should be a breadwinner. And scary. So that one eyebrow is shorter than the other. Eyes of different colors. Perhaps there isn't one at all. Whining with a shovel. A fucking scar. Humped nose. The lips are compressed into a stripe. A woman should tremble at the sight of a man, and not ask what creams he uses on his pug. Should be afraid. So that during sex I would look at him and think: “Fuck, how scary.” It would all be over sooner. I want to see my mother."

Girls are looking for real males, not domestic boys with weak genetics. How to recognize a real male? It's all about appearance. The stronger genes of alpha males were reflected in appearance.

Real males look more menacing, masculine, dominant, brutal and even frightening. Let's take Nick Pulos as an example. He has rough facial features, a massive jaw, and a strong and powerful neck.

As an example of a loser and a deer, Canadian actor Michael Cera, who often plays childish characters in films. This appearance is effeminate, weak, submissive, soft-bodied.

How to look more masculine? A real man against a deer

Males have a powerful, thick and impressive neck. Deer have a thin, fragile and weak neck. How to look more masculine? Build up the muscles of your neck and your whole body by starting to go to the gym. It's worth it.

Males have a masculine, massive and protruding jaw. Deer have a weak, frail and poorly defined jaw. This is why men with a beard or stubble always look more masculine. Do you want to look like a brutal man? Grow a beard or small stubble that will visually enlarge your jaw.

The man has a large face with a proportional straight nose. The deer has a large nose compared to its head, which stands out greatly. A beard and a well-chosen hairstyle will help in this situation.

4. Expressive eyebrows of a male and sloping eyebrows of a deer

The male has strong and sharp eyebrows. The loser has a straight eyebrow line. This is genetics, nothing can be corrected without surgery.

5. The small forehead of a real man and the high forehead of a deer

The male has a slanted and short forehead, while the deer has a high and vertical forehead. A good hairdresser will help you choose a hairstyle that will make you look more masculine.

The male has a larger lower head, while the deer has a larger brain and a weaker jaw. A short hairstyle and beard make you look more masculine.

A short hairstyle and beard make the proportions different, and the man will look more masculine.

If you take the British David Gandy and change him in Photoshop, you will turn out to be a loser out of an alpha male. Males have rough facial features, a massive jaw, and a strong and wide neck.

How to become more courageous?

Lots of hair at the back makes you look like a deer.

There is also mandibuloplasty. This is a surgical operation that corrects the shape of the jaw. A similar operation is performed after 23 years of age, and it is not particularly difficult.

A short video in English showing the facial features of a real male and a loser.

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