The most truthful online fortune telling for treason. Fortune telling "For fidelity"

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Fortune-telling for betrayal will not only allow you to find out whether your spouse is faithful, but also prevent your husband from possibly developing a desire to go astray.

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Fortune telling for treason - test of fidelity

Fortune telling for betrayal is a test of a partner's physical fidelity. If a young man has plans or sympathy for another woman, the corresponding card will definitely tell about this.

The layout is designed for Tarot cards, but if you guess using a regular playing deck of 36 or 52 cards, the results will not become less true, provided that the meanings of the cards are interpreted correctly. Fortune telling is also suitable for a man to cheat on his wife. Not every fortune-telling considers a situation where a spouse is under the influence to be treason.

Simple layouts are not able to help, and outside influence will distort the result and even destroy family life. They take care of the absence of distractions, concentrate on an exciting issue, and turn on suitable music, for example, meditative or classical.

After preparation, they begin to guess about treason. Place the first card on the table, and underneath it, from left to right, the second and third. The fourth card is placed below the previous two, and the fifth is perpendicular and slightly lower. The sixth card is placed below the fifth, the seventh and eighth are placed below it, from left to right.

They begin to interpret fortune telling about her husband’s infidelity:

  • First card - a subconscious attitude towards a partner, feelings and emotions that a woman hides even from herself. Sometimes reveals secret desires.
  • Second the card will show the true reason for doubts about your husband’s fidelity.
  • Third- a brief description of the relationship of a married couple at the present time.
  • Fourth- the main one in the scenario, gives an answer to the question of fortune-telling about the fidelity of a loved one: was there any betrayal?
  • Fifth it does not matter if the answer of the fourth card assures the fidelity of the loved one. If the fact of betrayal is confirmed by fortune telling, the meaning shows the consequences and the answer to the question of how the fact of adultery will affect the relationship.
  • Sixth the card will tell you how to strengthen relationships and prevent betrayal in the future, if the fourth promises the fidelity of a loved one. If there has been betrayal, it shows how to stop the betrayal and return your husband to the family or prevent your lover from being taken away.
  • Seventh- attitude towards a boyfriend or husband in the future. If a man cheated, the interpretation will let you know whether the relationship has a future.
  • Eighth the card will show how the partner will treat you in the future.

Fortune telling about your husband's infidelity on cards

Fortune telling with cards is the best option, because not every fortune telling provides as much information as fortune telling Tarot cards or your favorite deck of playing cards. The layout allows you to find out whether your husband or boyfriend is cheating in the present or recent past.

The cards are laid out in three rows of three cards each, for a total of nine cards that will answer the question.

  • First card - the present, thoughts, experiences, what is given a lot of attention in relationships with the person being guessed at.
  • Meaning second is a brief description of the partner’s personality.
  • Third the card reveals the partner’s attitude towards infidelity in general, shows how much the guy trusts the girl and answers the question of whether he should be trusted.
  • Fourth responsible for physical betrayal. In her interpretation, the answer to the question is whether the husband had sex with another woman, or whether cheating is planned. A positive answer from the card does not mean the man’s desire to leave for his rival.
  • Fifth card - emotional betrayal. If the answer is positive, it means the young man has feelings for another girl. The alignment takes on a particularly bad meaning if the answer to the fourth card is positive, because the likelihood that the husband will be taken away is high.
  • Sixth speaks of intellectual betrayal, outside influence, communication with someone. It's not always about women. If the card’s answer is positive, the young man considers it necessary to consult and make decisions, taking into account other people’s opinions.
  • Seventh talks about the reasons for betrayal. If the answers of the previous three cards are negative, the meaning will not be known.
  • Eighth map - prospects for relationships, future.
  • Ninth will show what you can expect from your husband in the future. Various options are possible; based on the last two cards, you can draw conclusions about whether a relationship with the person you are guessing about is necessary.

Fortune telling “Is my husband cheating on me” with a candle

Simple fortune-telling, which does not require the mandatory study of card interpretations, layouts and acquisition of special skills. You will need items that can be found in every apartment. Fortune telling will not take much time.

Take any plate and pour water from home into the dish. Water from a tap or well will do. Mineral water is not suitable. Light any candle, holding it slightly in your hands so that the object is filled with the woman’s energy. They say short:

Spill drop by drop, don’t laugh at me. Light the candle, strange woman, show yourself.

Close your eyes and hold the candle in a circle twelve times over a plate or any other container with water. They open their eyes, extinguish the candle and put it aside. It is necessary to count the number of drops of wax that are in the saucer. An even number indicates the husband’s fidelity, and an odd number indicates betrayal.

Fortune telling about infidelity of a wife or husband with a mirror

A common fortune telling for Christmas time, the purpose of which is to see the appearance of the betrothed. is considered one of the most dangerous, because evil spirits appear in the form of a guy.

Fortune telling is similar, but it allows you to see not your betrothed, but a rival or rival. Before you start telling fortunes about your wife or husband’s infidelity, consider whether this is really necessary.

The time for fortune telling is midnight. The pectoral cross is removed, it is advisable to remain completely alone. Place a mirror on the table so that the glass does not fall. A small saucer is placed nearby, into which, before fortune-telling begins, water consecrated in the church is poured into the fidelity of the husband or wife. Two candles should burn on the sides of the mirror, and one more should stand between you and the mirror. Some people prefer to take church candles for divination, hoping for protection from evil spirits. The decision may prevent the magic from working, and the enemy's appearance will not appear.

They look in the mirror and in their own words call on their rival or opponent to appear and show themselves. Some believe that it is reasonable to ask God or another patron to show the appearance of a person, but the divine version of fortune telling for treason has many opponents.

No person is immune from treason. The fear of being lonely and losing a loved one gives rise to a feeling of jealousy, which burns from the inside like a flame. When doubts creep into the heart about the fidelity of the other half, a person cannot think about anything else, he begins to feel self-doubt, and one question arises in his head - is my beloved cheating on me?

Ordinary fortune telling will help determine the presence of treason.

Most often, jealousy is a manifestation of complexes and uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness. But regardless of the reasons that caused jealousy, any person wants to make sure of his partner’s fidelity or confirm his fears about his betrayal. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of how to find out about their spouse’s infidelity. An ordinary magical ritual - fortune telling for treason - can help in this matter.

How to do fortune telling correctly

The main thing in conducting any magical ritual is the precise execution of all actions and in strict sequence. It is strictly forbidden to add anything on your own or to arbitrarily change the sequence of actions. Because not only will this not help to find out the truth, but it can also bring a lot of trouble to the fortuneteller.

Improperly performed magical rituals work against the person performing the ritual. In addition, a person begins to program himself for the events that fortune-telling predicted for him. He, without knowing it, does things that are unconventional for himself, and in the end everything turns out as predicted.

Fortune telling by hand

The most effective and most truthful is fortune telling for a loved one using the lines that are on the hand. You can learn a lot about a person’s actions from the pattern of lines on your hand. The love line located near the little finger will show whether the husband is cheating. A clearly expressed line of love indicates that the partner is faithful and in his heart she is alone.

An almost imperceptible line confirms guesses about the presence of another lover in the life of a loved one and for him this relationship has become more important than family. It may not be about the betrayal itself. The partner is passionate about another, and all his thoughts will be occupied with her. But this is a temporary hobby that will go away on its own. In this case, you don’t have to worry, because your loved one will return soon.

Fortune telling by candle

Candles are used in many magical rituals.

The “behavior” of a candle is an indicator that helps to identify the betrayal of a loved one

They can be used in fortune telling about a husband’s infidelity. There are several ways to predict using candles:

  1. Option No. 1. A lit candle is tilted over a saucer and said:

    “Candle, light it, strange woman, show yourself.”

  2. Option No. 2. Holy water is poured into a container and three church candles are placed at the same distance from each other on the sides so that they form a triangle. Place a mirror in front of a bowl filled with water. The woman must concentrate and mentally ask to show her rival. If the color of the water has changed, then the chosen one is faithful, and the female silhouette warns of the presence of a rival.
  3. Option number 3. For the ceremony you need to buy two church candles. They must be the same size. One candle is placed in a favorite cup, from which the wife most often drinks, and the second in a new cup (purchased specifically for the ritual). In the evening, you need to lay out your spouse’s unwashed shirt on the floor and place both cups on it. Light the candles and wait for them to go out. The candle in the old cup went out first - the suspicions are not unfounded. The candle in the new cup went out first - the husband is not cheating.

How to find out about cheating with the help of fish

This method is unusual and not suitable for everyone. But when there is a great desire to find out the truth, then all methods will do. For fortune telling you need fresh, unpeeled fish. You need to remove nine scales from it, and then give it to your husband to clean. If scales get on it while cleaning the fish, they need to be removed and mixed with those that were removed earlier. An even number of scales means that the spouse is faithful, and an odd number means he is having an affair.

There is another way to find out the truth with the help of fish. Remove the scales from the cleaned fish and place it in bright sunlight. The scales should be exposed to direct sunlight for three days. After this period, it is necessary to carefully examine the appearance of the scales. Curled and darkened scales warn that there is a dark-haired rival, and if it is curled up and has not changed at all, then the rival is fair-haired. Dry scales have not changed in color or shape - the spouse is faithful and sincerely loves.

Fortune telling by ring

For this magical ritual, you can use a wedding ring or any other ring that your spouse gave you.

For a magical ritual to detect betrayal, any ring given by your spouse is suitable

Write the lover's name on a piece of paper and burn the sheet over a candle flame. The ashes are placed in a shallow container and a ring tied with a string is held above it. The ring begins to spin in a circle, this means that you don’t have to worry, since the husband is faithful, and if it swings like a pendulum, then there is another woman in his life for whom he has strong feelings.

You can check your spouse's fidelity in the following way. The ceremony takes place at midnight. They hang a wedding ring on three of their hairs, go out into the street and turn their face towards the north. Holding the suspended ring, say:

“My ring, show your rival the porch.”

You must look for your opponent in the direction the ring points. The main advantage of this fortune telling is that you can find out the name of your opponent. You need to go in the direction in which the ring pointed, and while moving, list the women's names. The opponent is called by the name on which the ring begins to rotate.

Fortune telling on ashes

For magical rituals, you can use any means, even ash. It is best to use wood ash. The ritual is performed after the rain. They take a handful of ash in their hand and say to it:

“Zola-zolitsa, black dove. Wake up on the trail, give an answer from your rival.”

This ashes must be thrown after the departing spouse. But this must be done so that he does not notice. Ash quickly became wet - understatement and deception appeared in the relationship with her husband, and another lover appeared in her partner’s life. Ash remains dry for a long time - the spouse is faithful, his feelings are sincere and he can be trusted.

You can tell fortunes using ashes in another way. The ashes are wrapped in a bag and after the husband falls asleep, the bundle is placed under his pillow. After waking up, they take the ash out from under the pillow, pour it onto their hand and go to the open window. If the ash immediately flies off your palm, then you need to pay more attention to your husband, because you can soon lose him. Zola remained completely in the palm of her hand - the lover is faithful and does not even look at other women.

Determining betrayal by moles

You can learn a lot about a person from moles on the body. A mole on the cheek is a sign of a polygamous man who tends to be attracted to different women at the same time, and considers it normal to have relationships on the side. The most faithful and monogamous people are those who have a mole above their right eyebrow. Such spouses are devoted to their beloved and even after separation most often prefer to remain single.

Fortune telling on the mirror

A mirror is an indispensable attribute in many magical rituals.

A mirror is an indispensable attribute of almost any magical ritual.

To tell fortunes about treason you need a mirror, three candles and holy water. Holy water is poured into a bowl, a mirror and candles are placed nearby. The woman should sit in silence and then ask to see her rival. If a woman's silhouette appears in the mirror, then the fears are confirmed - the husband is indeed unfaithful. The water began to ripple - the husband is faithful.

Coffee fortune telling

Freshly brewed coffee is used for fortune telling. Coffee is poured into a cup and tilted to one side, then to the other and turned upside down. The inverted cup is placed on a plate and after two minutes it is turned back over and the patterns of the coffee grounds are carefully studied.

A thick sediment of grounds at the bottom of the cup indicates that the lover has a secret, the figure of a woman indicates a rival, the cross is a bad sign and foreshadows divorce. A clearly visible wedding ring confirms the fidelity of the spouse, and the married couple will live together all their lives and very happily.

Coffee fortune telling can be done in another way. The spouse is given coffee to drink and the cup is turned over. The female silhouette is located next to the white dots - there is a rival, but simply one figure means the presence of another woman. There is a cross above the silhouette - the relationship may end and this will be followed by divorce. Wedding rings connected to each other indicate that love and harmony reign in the family. Two roads diverging to the side predict divorce. If the roads first diverged and then came together again, then the spouses may separate for a while, but then they will be together.

How to find out about betrayal using cards

  1. Fortune telling on cards is most popular for making predictions and getting answers to various questions. You can get answers to your questions on playing cards or special fortune-telling cards (tarot) in different ways. You can perform one of the following rituals:
  2. The deck is shuffled and the cards are laid out by suit. Then they take the wedding ring, which they lightly toss on their right hand and look where it fell. The suit of diamonds indicates an unmarried young rival, the suit of the cross - a married rival, the suit of spades - the large number of connections of the spouse with other women, but all of them were before marriage, the suit of reds - the fidelity of the spouse.

Sixes of all suits are removed from the deck. The cards are shuffled and, asking oneself a question regarding the presence of another woman with the husband, one card is drawn from the deck. The ten of spades means a cheating spouse, then the spouse has another lady in his heart, and the ten of clubs speaks of family happiness.

Online fortune telling

All these fortune telling can be used by a guy too. Representatives of the stronger sex will be able to find out about the relationship of their beloved to their ex, and whether she currently has someone else. It is important during the ceremony to strictly observe all the conditions and remember that even proven betrayal is not a reason to break off the relationship. It is necessary to analyze your family relationship with your spouse and understand what can be done to change it for the better. Every person who decides to tell fortunes needs to understand why he is doing it. Fortune telling makes sense provided that a person believes in it.

Just recently, people in love doted on each other, while today they are tormented by doubts - it seems that their feelings have not changed, but something is wrong. There is no joy and no “fire”. The coldness of the husband, the tears of the wife. At some point, a woman, not knowing what to do next, decides to take the simplest path - telling fortunes to find out “if he’s cheating on me?”

Fortune telling by candles

To find out whether your betrothed is cheating, use one of the most common methods of fortune telling - fortune telling by candles:

Fortune telling for treason on ordinary cards

Playing cards are also suitable for getting an answer to the question “is my husband cheating on me?” There are several ways to calculate your spouse's fidelity.

Buy a new deck, shuffle the cards and lay them out in 3 rows of 3 for a total of 9 cards. Look carefully at the schedule:

Buy a new deck, keep it at least overnight in your spouse's worn things. Shuffle the cards and draw one at random. If the first time you get one of the two cards - an ace of diamonds or a jack - your suspicions are justified. If the ace of hearts or nine comes up, jealousy is unfounded. However, in this way you can find out information only once - the answer will be any card that falls out of the deck first.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

In the world of cards, Tarot cards have been and remain the most magical and mysterious. Carrying within themselves the great power of the “Akashic Chronicles” (as esotericists call the information field of the planet, which stores all information about the present, past and possible future), they are picky and unpredictable.

When telling fortunes about your spouse’s infidelity, you should be prepared for an unpleasant, but completely impartial story from a tarot reader about your person. If you calmly accept the information received according to the schedule, you can change your married life for the better or break off an existing relationship. Whether to follow the advice of Tarot cards or not is up to everyone to choose for themselves.

Fortune telling on a ring given by the spouse

Fortune telling about your husband's infidelity on the ring he gave him:

Other methods of fortune telling for treason

There are other types of fortune telling that expose the betrayal of a spouse. Some of them, the most extraordinary and controversial, are presented below.

Fortune telling with seeds

If at some point you accidentally spilled some seeds, they most likely really want to tell you something. Look at them carefully:

  • there are few seeds left in the cup - the spouse is thinking about cheating;
  • did not crumble on the floor - the spouse is faithful;
  • scattered in all directions - secret betrayal;
  • many large seeds fell - the marriage is in danger;
  • you saw damp and rotten seeds - there is a mistress in the house.

Fortune telling by fish scales

Entrust your spouse to buy and clean the fish (first remove 9 scales from the fish with your own hands). Help your loved one get rid of scales stuck to them. Gently collect them and mix with the nine previously collected. Calculate what happened: an even number - the spouse is faithful, an odd number - he cheats.

Fortune telling on ashes

Wrap a handful of ash in paper and place it under the pillow of your sleeping spouse. In the morning, take the ash in your hand, open the window, stretch your hand out the window and observe:

  • the ash quickly flew away - the husband will soon leave for another woman;
  • the ash slowly flew off the hand - imminent betrayal is possible;
  • the ash remained in the palm - the betrothed is faithful.

Fortune telling rules

All of the listed types of fortune-telling about the betrayal of a loved one are needed not so much to expose your spouse of infidelity, but to give you the opportunity to think about what went wrong in your life together. For correct fortune telling for treason, there are special rules:

  • guess in complete solitude;
  • guess only at midnight, on the full moon;
  • during fortune telling, all candles are lit from one match;
  • You cannot do fortune telling in a bad mood or after a quarrel;
  • you cannot tell your spouse that you were guessing about his infidelity;
  • if fortune telling shows that your suspicions are in vain, be sure to ask your spouse for forgiveness, warm him with love and tenderness.

Treason is insidious and cruel. She kills relationships slowly, on the sly, without regard for the feelings of the “third wheel.” But this is what the real question is: often infidelity turns out to be far-fetched, suggested by the play of our imagination, and not a real fact. Fortune telling about treason will help resolve the issue.

There are many ways. By using one of them, you can resolve your doubts and make the right decision.

Fortune telling about your husband's infidelity

For lovely women, the issue of fidelity is sometimes paramount, because this is the basis of their world. In order not to bother yourself with unnecessary suspicions that destroy family happiness, perform the following ritual, then everything will fall into place. They will help you do fortune telling using ordinary candles. Take two of them. They need to be mentally connected with the “persons involved in the case.” One is you, the second is your husband. Place the candles so that the distance between them is at least ten centimeters. You need to light them at the same time, and then watch what happens. If your husband’s candle goes out immediately, then no matter how painful it is, he is cheating on you.

If both flames burn evenly, then you are worrying in vain, he is faithful to you! If yours goes out, you should be ashamed! You accused a devoted person of treason, while you yourself are ready to look the other way. If the candles begin to crackle, your couple has envious people, or someone is staring at your husband, hatching a plan to take him away. Such fortune telling for betrayal can also cleanse your relationship from the evil eye if you use it in the ritual

Their fire will burn away all the negativity that both of you have inevitably collected.

Attracting cards

Take a new deck (it's better to buy one). Try to make the imaginary traitor come into contact with her. For example, put a deck under his pillow. Fortune telling about treason on cards gives a very definite answer if you know how to decipher their meanings. So, shuffle the deck, then draw one card at random. Treason is signified by two pictures: and jack. If one of them fell out the first time, then your suspicions are well founded. You need to make a decision: fight for the relationship or let go. But if you get an ace or nine of hearts, then fortune telling for treason was carried out with a brilliant negative result: you are loved and adored! This method gives one hundred percent results. But keep in mind that the answer lies in the first card: all the others no longer matter. If, as a result of awkwardness, one fell from the deck, then it is the answer. There is no need to repeat fortune-telling about your loved one’s betrayal. It will not give results.

Let's pick up Tarot cards

This deck is not considered magical for nothing. Fortune telling about treason using Tarot cards can not only give an answer, but also suggest ways out of the situation. They also provide an opportunity to influence a loved one, encouraging him to return to the bosom of the family. Yes, Tarot cards can do this.

Fortune telling for treason begins with the right attitude. Even if you are holding a deck in your hands for the first time, you need to try to find a common language with it. Go through the cards, get to know them, ask for the correct answer. Now take out three pieces. Consider. Swords in a reading are an alarming sign. The presence of the major arcana (except for the Tower) is encouraging. A direct positive answer is the presence of a page of swords. This is a 100% guarantee of treason. The tower will indicate a break in your relationship soon. It’s a good sign if there are cups in the layout. This suit is responsible for relationships and symbolizes the connection between you. If pentacles fall out, it means don’t expect warmth and harmony, although there is no talk of betrayal. It’s just that your relationship is tied to material aspects.

Fortune telling with a ring

This method is considered reliable. You should use a ring given by the person for whom fortune telling is being performed.

You need to choose a time when you are sure no one will disturb you. It is advisable to do the ritual at night, under the full moon. It is especially good if you can open the windows and perform the entire ritual in Moonlight. This will help get rid of false suspicions and reveal the truth. So, take a piece of paper. Write your loved one's name on it. Burn it. Now you need to hold a ring tied to a thread (at least ten centimeters) over the ashes. If it begins to sway parallel to your position, there is no betrayal; perpendicularly, the answer is yes. If you don't move for several minutes, the situation is complicated. There is no fact of betrayal yet, but there is a desire. It is recommended that you take matters into your own hands and try to improve your relationship. This kind of fortune telling for treason can be done regularly. Just don't go overboard with your unfounded suspicions. After all, trust is the best soil for love to flourish!

Especially for men

Somehow it’s hard to believe that strict macho men will deal with rings or cards.

For them, there is a different method of bringing the traitor to clean water. It is recommended that fortune telling be carried out using a psychological test. Just take the wedding ring off your finger and see what happens. Violent reaction and scandal - something is wrong here. Resentment is true. but not in a violent way - she is worried and afraid of losing you. I didn’t notice - her thoughts were busy with something else! This is almost 100% cheating.

Is it worth guessing?

Think about what actually makes you suspicious. Perhaps uncertainty about the fidelity of your chosen one is the result of your doubts in your own abilities. Then why guess? Engage in self-improvement. Your relationship depends on both of you. If you take responsibility, you will become a leader. It’s a different question when doubts are inspired by the behavior of your significant other. The person became distracted and inattentive. He constantly withdraws into himself and has stopped sharing his thoughts with you. This is already an alarm bell. Maybe he doesn’t have cheating on his mind at all, but you’ve already started to get nervous. In order not to offend your loved one with suspicions and not to push them away, it is recommended to tell fortunes. This way, you will regain your confidence and relieve him of worries. It turns out that fortune telling is a little trick. Your little secret. It is completely acceptable if you want to preserve love.

Ancient magical fortune telling

Our ancestors used the forces of nature and talked with them. For example, on Trinity Sunday women went to a birch grove. There you had to choose a cute tree and talk to it like you would a girlfriend. If a birch tree drops a yellow leaf on your head (this is almost impossible in June), then it is mourning the grief that has fallen on your shoulders. This is not a good sign: there is a traitor nearby. You can ask the tree for help. In your own words, as best you can. Then pick a few branches and bring them home. Collect them into a broom and sweep the entire house to the threshold. Either the betrayal or the insidious deceiver will leave. But it will become easier for you.

What to do if fortune telling predicts betrayal

Advice: don't be nervous. This is a big blow for many people. But it happens. Perhaps you no longer need this relationship. Is it only the fear of change that makes you grab hold of it and not let go of the traitor? Calm down and talk. Let the conversation be extremely sincere, filled not with grievances, but with a desire to help. You are not the only one suffering. Betrayal of topics is insidious, which makes all participants in the triangle suffer. We need to get out of the situation together. People who respect themselves will find the right solution. And a complex egoist nearby is a terrible curse. Do you need this? Sometimes fortune telling helps get rid of the terrible scourge that is

The “Secret Pocket” online layout is used when a loved one is suspected of cheating. This free fortune-telling on erotic Tarot cards of Manara will show whether there has been betrayal or its likelihood in the future, the relationship in a couple.

In conclusion, the cards will advise you on how to change your life, yourself, in order to build the relationships you strive for. The Manara deck is best suited for love scenarios.

The best time to use fortune telling for treason is Christmas time. However, throughout the year it can also be used on suitable days: Monday and Friday. It is not advisable to start work on weekends. Fortune tellers believe that these days the Higher powers can deceive a person and give him false information.

Questions the cards answer

1. What your relationship means to your partner.
2, 3, 4, 5. Feelings, thoughts, conscious and subconscious, of your partner towards you.
6, 7, 8. How the partner behaves in the relationship, what he is trying to demonstrate to you.
9, 10, 11. What the partner is trying to do in the near future.
12. Secret pocket, what is your partner hiding? Is there a fact of betrayal or a lover/mistress?
13. If the answer to the previous position is YES, then what motivates the partner to secrecy or cheating. If the answer is no, what needs to be done to improve the attitude.

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