Who is entitled to a preferential queue for kindergarten? Benefits for admission to kindergarten: features, law and recommendations Preferential categories for admission to kindergarten

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The city authorities have advanced further than anyone else in automating the provision of public services. Thus, registration for kindergarten in Moscow is carried out by district information support services. In 2020, the data immediately goes into the electronic list, so the priority is the same for each preschool institution (preschool institution).

In addition, an official representative of a minor can register a queue for a kindergarten in Moscow via the Internet. To do this, you need to register on one of three portals.

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Preschool requirements

Children up to the age of seven are accepted into kindergartens in the capital. There is only one criterion - the presence of a vacancy in the institution. An official representative with permanent or temporary registration in Moscow can apply for registration:

  • parent;
  • adoptive parent;
  • guardian (trustee);
  • adoptive parent.
Hint: the applicant must have documents on hand to confirm the connection with the child and the preferential category (if any).

Rules for forming a queue in preschool education in Moscow

The city authorities have identified certain categories of parents whose children are provided with preschool education without taking into account the general waiting list. The list for vacant positions is formed according to a three-stage system. This means that beneficiaries make up the first and second lines, and everyone else gets the opportunity to take a place when everyone else is hired.

Preferences are provided in 2020 according to the following rules:

  • Children of parents are the first to be enrolled in kindergartens:
    • or having official employment;
    • students and pupils;
    • judges;
    • orphans;
Hint: the first group also includes adopted and foster children.
  • The second children to get places are:
  • children:
    • prosecutors;
    • brought up in and;
    • whose parents:
      • recognized as disabled (one or both);
      • died during the fighting.
Hint: a preference is taken into account only if the applicant can document it.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Documents required for registration

The authorities are trying to reduce the list of papers to a minimum. And yet you will have to collect confirmation of your offspring’s right to receive preschool education services. The main package includes the following:

  1. certificate of registration of the newborn by the civil registry office (they will not be placed in a queue until it is received);
  2. applicant's passport with registration;
  3. certificate of temporary or permanent registration of the child in the capital;
  4. preferential certificate (if any);
  5. medical documents:
    • card;
    • list of vaccinations done;
    • insurance.
Hint: information from the listed papers must be entered into the application. You should carefully rewrite all information. The error leads to refusal to register for a place in the capital's kindergarten.

Where to go to get in line

The development of modern technologies allows parents to choose a convenient way to register in the queue for their children to receive preschool education services.

In 2020, you can choose one of the following:

Hint: applications go into one database. The order does not depend on the method of address. Taken into account:

  • date of registration of the application;
  • availability of the right to preference.

Algorithm for submitting an application via the Internet

Many parents in the country have already appreciated the convenience of contacting government agencies via the Internet. To get a queue at the capital's preschool educational institution, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Get an account on one of the above portals.
  2. Collect and place documents nearby (listed above).
  3. Log in to your personal account and select the service you are interested in.
  4. Carefully fill out the application form regarding the provision of personal data (parent and minor).
  5. Choose a suitable kindergarten using the following services:
    • an interactive map that allows you to select a child care facility based on your residential address;
    • a guide that tells you:
      • characteristics of the kindergarten;
      • the number of applicants for places in it is no more than three.
  6. Submit the form for review.
  7. Wait for response:
    • if errors are made in the application, it will be returned for revision;
    • if everything is correct, they will register and send the assigned number (you should write it down).
Hint: Form processing takes no more than ten days. If you do not receive a response, you need to double-check the contact information on the website.

How to check the movement of the queue

You can see how many unsatisfied applicants there are in front of an applicant at any time on the portal http://pgu.mos.ru. To do this, you need to log into your personal account:

  1. Enter the application accounting data in the line that appears.
  2. Information about the queue number will appear on the screen.
Hint: electronic accounting eliminates the interference of civil servants in the progress of waiting lists. When merging DDUs, the number in the queue may roll back. This is a normal phenomenon for the capital.

How to make changes to the information provided in the form

If your personal data changes, you will have to go to OSIP. It is not yet possible to amend the form via the Internet. You should have supporting documents with you.

Hint: when moving from one district of the capital to another, the place in the queue does not change (it is taken into account by the date of application). Receiving a preferential category by the applicant will help in promotion.

When can you take your child to kindergarten?

The formation of groups is carried out by OSIP workers. The rules of their activity are as follows:

  1. duration - from May 1st to June 1st;
  2. Places are provided in the order formed by:
    • by application registration dates;
    • taking into account preferential categories;
  3. applicants are informed of allocated places using the contact details provided.
Hint: after receiving the information, you need to go to OSIP with all original documents. The specialist will issue a ticket to the kindergarten.

With a referral, you need to visit the clinic and get a certificate for the baby. With a complete package of papers, you should go to an appointment with the head of the kindergarten. Thirty days are allotted for this. Otherwise, the ticket will be expired, and another applicant will take the place.

For information: all services for registering minors in the queue for kindergarten are provided free of charge. Demanding money for registration on behalf of the Moscow authorities is a violation of current legislation.

It is no secret that the situation with kindergartens in Russia today is difficult: many parents have to wait for months for a free place in a suitable preschool educational institution. In order to make the fate of some categories of citizens easier, the state provides special conditions to speed up the process of obtaining a free place and make it as easy as possible for the entire duration of a child’s stay in kindergarten. Let's consider further what benefits there are for kindergarten in 2020, who is entitled to them and how to properly apply for them?

Who is eligible for benefits?

First of all, before applying to kindergarten in 2020, parents need to clarify whether they belong to the categories of persons entitled to a simplified process for obtaining a place in a preschool educational institution:

  1. Children eligible to get a seat without a queue. This category includes children whose parents suffered during the liquidation of man-made disasters (in particular at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), as well as children of prosecutors, judges or investigators who carry out professional activities in the Investigative Committees. Please note that a place can be obtained at any kindergarten.
  2. First priority. Children in the first category receive their place in kindergarten immediately after those who were presented in the previous category. Here, special mention should be made of children of law enforcement officers, children of military personnel or police officers who died while performing a mission. The benefit is also provided to large families with 3 or more children, however, to receive the benefit they will need a special certificate.
  3. Preferential right of admission. Children of employees of educational institutions, as well as children raised by single mothers, will be able to take advantage of this right.

This list of preferential categories is fixed at the Federal level, however, it is mobile and the categories of citizens included in it change from year to year. At the same time, we should not forget about the regional level, at which additional benefits may be provided for certain categories of citizens. For example, forced migrants or children of unemployed parents are often included here. You can view the full list of preferential categories of citizens on the official online resources of local authorities.

Preferential categories of citizens

Separately, we should highlight several categories of citizens whose children rightfully receive certain benefits when entering kindergarten, as well as when visiting it:

  • kindergarten employees;
  • refugees;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • mothers in training;
  • low-income families;
  • students' families;
  • military personnel and conscripts;
  • disabled people.

Also, children whose brothers or sisters have already been enrolled in this institution will have an additional advantage when entering kindergarten. The list of preferential categories presented above may be expanded at the regional level in accordance with local legislation. You should check the possibility of obtaining privileges in kindergarten in advance on the websites of government agencies.

Advice! The process of placing a child on the waiting list for admission to kindergarten is activated only after the full package of necessary documents has been provided to the preschool educational institution. Therefore, it is very important for parents to start the process of collecting papers as early as possible so as not to wait too long.

Types of benefits

  1. Benefits when getting a place. In this case, it should be noted citizens whose children have special privileges when entering kindergarten. This includes children entering kindergartens without a waiting list; children of the first line, who get their places ahead of the rest, but after the first group; as well as children of the second order, who also have an advantage over others, but receive their places third after the first two groups presented.
  2. Benefits when visiting kindergarten. In this case, we mean monetary compensation provided by the state. Compensation can be 100% - when a child attends kindergarten for free, as well as 70%, 50% and, finally, 20%. The amount of compensation depends on how much the family needs and what benefit category it belongs to.

In addition, there is additional monetary compensation for meals in kindergarten.
Please note that benefits are provided in the form of compensation. This means that first parents are obliged to pay for the services provided in full, and only then receive compensation to their bank account.

In 2020, compensation will not be subject to 13% income tax, as it was before. Previously, personal income tax took away 13% of the amount, which was extremely unprofitable for parents.

Advice! As a rule, preferential categories of citizens have the right to receive two different privileges - when entering a kindergarten and when visiting it, i.e. monetary compensation. The kindergarten staff can inform you about what monetary compensation you can expect.

Receipt procedure

In order to take advantage of the existing benefit, even if it is provided by law, the child’s parents will need to make some effort.

The procedure for receiving benefits when entering kindergarten is a step-by-step procedure, the algorithm for which we will consider further:

  1. Make sure you are eligible for benefits for one reason or another. It does not matter whether the benefit is provided at the federal or regional level.
  2. Prepare your child for entering kindergarten. To do this, you must first go through a special medical commission with your child, confirming the child’s physical ability to attend kindergarten. It is also necessary to provide an application requesting admission to the preschool educational institution and the passport of one of the parents or guardians.
  3. Collect documents confirming the possibility of receiving benefits. This process is the most time-consuming and costly, so you should take care of it in advance.
  4. Finally, with all the collected documents, the parent must contact the administration of the selected kindergarten and wait for a response to review the situation. Please keep in mind that the processing of documents in some cases can take up to several weeks.

It is important to consider that both federal and regional benefits for kindergartens in 2020 must apply exclusively to government institutions. This means that private kindergartens can set their own rules for admission - the law does not prohibit them from doing so.

A key role in receiving benefits is played by documents, without which it is impossible to confirm one’s participation in the preferential category. Let us further consider what documents a family needs in order to confirm the possibility of receiving preferential conditions when entering kindergarten in 2020:

  1. Child custody decision.
  2. Certificate confirming the status of a large family.
  3. The decision to adopt a child.
  4. Acts from guardianship authorities. These types of documents are required for orphans, as well as children from single-parent, low-income, and large families. Single mothers will also need to obtain a corresponding certificate from the guardianship authority.
  5. Documents confirming that the child’s parents were liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters.
  6. A certificate establishing the fact of forced relocation to the place.
  7. Medical certificate confirming the fact of disability of the child or parent. The certificate must indicate the citizen’s disability group.

In addition, if the reason for receiving benefits is the official position of the parents, then a certificate from the place of work may be required to provide a document.

Some kindergartens may additionally require the provision of any supporting documents. The full list of documents required to provide benefits can be clarified directly at the selected preschool educational institution.

On approval of the procedure for providing subsidies for state support of private preschool educational organizations in the city. Krasnogorsk Moscow Region for the purpose of reimbursement of expenses for supervision and care, maintenance of property and rent for the use of premises

On measures to implement the plans of preschool educational organizations of the city. Krasnogorsk Moscow Region to eliminate identified deficiencies based on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services

On the establishment of fees charged to parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children studying educational programs of preschool education in municipal educational institutions of the city. Krasnogorsk Moscow Region, implementing an educational program for preschool education

On approval of the Procedure for organizing preschool education in the form of family education in the territory of the urban district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

On the organization of free meals for students of municipal educational institutions of the city. Krasnogorsk Moscow region in 2020

On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services “Acceptance of applications, registration and referral of children to educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education, located on the territory of the urban district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region”

On approval of the new edition of the Procedure for keeping records of forms of obtaining general education determined by parents (legal representatives) of children entitled to receive general education

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for registering children subject to compulsory education in educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education on the territory of the city. Krasnogorsk

On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision by local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow Region of the state service "Issuing decisions on the payment (refusal to pay) compensation of fees collected from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children mastering educational programs of preschool education in organizations of the Moscow Region that carry out educational activities

On the procedure for providing compensation to certain categories of citizens who are parents (legal representatives) of a child who does not attend a municipal educational institution in the city. Krasnogorsk municipal district, implementing the basic educational program of preschool education

On assigning municipal preschool educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education to the territories (microdistricts) of the city. Krasnogorsk

On the organization of free meals for students of municipal educational institutions of the city. Krasnogorsk in 2019

On the requirements for the microclimate of premises in general education and preschool organizations

On the mode of functioning of groups of municipal preschool educational institutions and municipal educational institutions of the Krasnogorsk municipal district, implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education

On amendments to the Procedure for applying for compensation to one of the parents (legal representative) of a child who does not attend a municipal preschool educational institution of the Krasnogorsk municipal district, implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education, approved by resolution of the administration of the Krasnogorsk municipal district dated December 29, 2012 No. 3128/12

On declaring invalid the Administrative Regulations for the provision of municipal services for enrollment in an educational organization, approved by Resolution of the Administration of the Krasnogorsk Municipal District dated July 21, 2014 No. 1443/7

On the establishment of fees charged to parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children mastering educational programs of preschool education in municipal educational institutions of the city district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, implementing an educational program of preschool education

List of categories of citizens entitled to preferential enrollment in kindergarten


Legal act

I. Extraordinary right to receive a place in a preschool educational institution

Children of prosecutors

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 17, 1992
No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (clause 5 of article 44)

Children of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

II. Priority right to obtain a place in a preschool educational institution

2.1.1. children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families;

2.1.2. children of citizens discharged from military service

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 27, 1998
No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”
(Clause 6, Article 19; Article 23)

Disabled children and children whose parent is disabled

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992.
No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for people with disabilities”

Children from large families

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992. No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families”

2.4.1. children of police officers;

2.4.2. children of police officers who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;

2.4.3. children of police officers who died as a result of a disease acquired while serving in the police;

2.4.4. children of citizens of the Russian Federation dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further service in the police;

2.4.5. children of citizens of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police;

2.4.6. children who are (were) dependent on police officers, citizens of the Russian Federation specified in paragraphs 1-5 of this part

Law of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On
police" (clause 6 of article 46)

2.5.1. children of employees who have special ranks and serve in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as employees);

2.5.2. children of an employee who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;

2.5.3. children of an employee who died as a result of a disease acquired during service in institutions and authorities;

2.5.4. children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from service in institutions and bodies due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and which excluded the possibility of further service in institutions and bodies;

2.5.5. children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from service in institutions and bodies as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in institutions and bodies that excluded the possibility of further serving in institutions and bodies;

2.5.6. children who are (were) dependent on an employee, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraphs. 2.5.1 – 2.5. Clause 2.5 of Section II “Primary right to obtain a place in a preschool educational institution” of this table

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2012.
No. 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive authorities and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (clause 14 of article 3)

Children of employees of the authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2003. No. 613 “On law enforcement service in agencies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” (clause 136)

On the territory of the Russian Federation, some categories of citizens have the full right to extraordinary enrollment of their children. But few citizens know who can do this to.

What other benefits are provided? Where should I submit documents? Where to contact? What legal provisions govern this issue?

Legislative regulation

Issues related to the enrollment in kindergarten of children who live in a family of beneficiaries are regulated by the following: legislative acts, How:

In addition, it is worth considering that local governments have the opportunity to formulate their own local bills, which provide for compensation for not providing a place in kindergartens for beneficiaries.

Queuing and admission to a preschool educational institution

Today, there are several categories of citizens who have the right to send their child to a preschool institution out of turn.

  • who are in the age category from 18 to 23 years and citizens who are raising their child alone (also aged from 18 to 23 years). This possibility can be confirmed by an extract from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • citizens who were recognized as victims of the Chernobyl disaster. To confirm this status, you will need to provide: a certificate of evacuation itself, or a certificate of recognition of disability due to the Chernobyl disaster;
  • families that are considered disadvantaged. To enroll a child in kindergarten, you must receive a referral from the Commission on Minors' Affairs;
  • children of judges and prosecutors. Everything is simple here - you only need a certificate from your place of employment.

Who will be the first to enroll?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the law for priority enrollment Those children who live in kindergarten have access to kindergarten:

  • in the families of police officers or former police officers who are unable to continue their service due to injuries received during the performance of their official duties. Also included in this category are the families of police officers who died in the line of duty;
  • in families of contract military personnel. To do this, you must present a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • in families, or they themselves are recognized and have a corresponding group;

Who is the bearer of preferential opportunity?

After children from the first-priority and priority queues are distributed to kindergartens, a new queue is formed, which includes certain preferential categories.

Thus, among the lucky ones who can benefit pre-emptive right, relate:

  • kindergarten employees. At the same time, there is a key nuance here - they must work exclusively in state preschool institutions.

State assistance in paying for kindergarten and meals in it

First of all, you need to understand that the very fact of priority enrollment in kindergarten is not the last benefit.

Our state exempts completely from payment for kindergarten and undertakes this for such categories of citizens as:

In addition, count for a 50% discount When enrolling in kindergarten, the following categories of citizens have the right:

  • large families raising 3 or more minor children;
  • families in which one of the parents is a disabled person of group 1 or 2;
  • families in which one or both parents are participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • families in which one or both parents are contract military personnel.

Rules for payment of compensation for failure to provide a place in a preschool educational institution

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that problems with enrolling children in preschool institutions force many mothers to literally “stay” in school, which can significantly affect the family budget.

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any education, including preschool, must be publicly accessible. But what to do if there is no room even for beneficiaries?

In this case compensation is due I, which is paid in amounts such as:

  • compensation for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old – about 6000 per month;
  • compensation for a child from 3 to 6 years old is about 4,000 rubles per month.

But you shouldn’t be too happy, since compensation is not provided for at the legislative level. All compensation regarding enrollment in kindergarten are considered exclusively at the regional level.

For this reason, payments may be provided in each region, based on the local budget.

The amounts indicated above are only regional averages.

Package of documents

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, you can obtain the right to preferential enrollment of children in kindergarten on the basis of:

  • submitted application;
  • a document confirming the availability of benefits.

In addition to the application itself, it will be necessary to prepare a list of such documentation as:

  • a copy of the applicant’s passport (this can be one of the parents, an adoptive parent or a relative);
  • a copy of the birth certificate of a minor child who is applying for extraordinary enrollment in kindergarten;
  • marriage registration certificate, if you are a single mother, this is not necessary;
  • a document that confirms your residential address.

As additional documentation The main list of documents may include:

  • certificate from the place of official employment;
  • if a large family, then the birth certificate of all children;
  • certificate of average salary;
  • a document confirming the category of beneficiaries;
  • a document that confirms the child has a disability.

It is worth noting that all of the above documents are submitted both in original and in copies.

Where should I contact regarding this issue?

In order to be able to get a place in kindergarten at a discount, you will need to apply to the department of social protection of the population with all necessary documents.

It is also worth noting that if you need to quickly resolve this issue, it is recommended to contact the MFC (multifunctional center) at your place of residence and submit documents to this service.

Regional features

If we talk about any specific features by region, they consist only in the amount of monetary compensation for a place not provided in kindergarten. This is due to the fact that the issue of compensation is resolved exclusively at the regional level, and not at the state level. For this reason, local governments independently solve this problem.

Moreover, depending on the region of residence, the discount on kindergarten fees may be increased (with the exception of those categories where the state completely takes over this issue of payment).

The procedure for enrolling in kindergarten in all regions is completely the same and is no different.

The payment of compensation for not providing a place in kindergarten is described in the following video:

The number of preschool children in our country is growing, and the problem of enrolling them in a preschool educational institution worries parents more and more every year. Parents have been waiting in line for their child to enter kindergarten almost from the birth of the child, but even such foresight does not guarantee that when the child turns 3 years old, there will be a place for him there.

So it turns out that mothers are forced to delay their time on maternity leave due to the impossibility of placing a baby, which negatively affects the family budget and does not at all please the employer who is waiting for his employee to return to work.

Regulatory regulation of the issue

But the state is still taking certain steps to improve this situation. Nowadays, many regulations have been developed at both the regional and federal levels, according to which some citizens are entitled to certain benefits for entering kindergarten without a queue.

Benefits for kindergarten are established upon admission or when paying for services for raising or feeding children. The main documents regulating this issue are:

  • Federal Law “On Education” and its by-laws;
  • regulations and departmental orders establishing benefits for certain categories of workers or employees (military, police, judges, etc.);
  • documents regulating the social security of categories of the population in need of special conditions and support (disabled people, large and low-income families, persons affected by radiation, war or terrorist attacks, etc.);
  • regional regulations that may establish additional categories of persons entitled to receive benefits in kindergarten.

The right to a preferential place in kindergarten

So, who is entitled to a discount in the queue for kindergarten? The list of those who are entitled to the benefit can be presented as follows:

Category of beneficiariesDocuments confirming the right to benefits
single parents and orphans aged 18-23 yearsextract from guardianship authorities
citizens affected by the Chernobyl disastercertificate of evacuation from the disaster site, or certificate of disability received as a result of the disaster
citizens living in the risk zonedocuments confirming residence and compliance of the place of residence with the parameters of the rice zone
families left without a breadwinnerdeath certificate
disabled peoplerelevant medical examination certificate
dysfunctional familiescertificate from the commission on juvenile affairs
children of police, prosecutor's office, investigative committee or court employees, as well as other persons whose benefits are related to their professioncertificate from place of work
families raising adopted childrenadoption or guardianship document
military personnelcertificate from the unit or military registration and enlistment office
  • children of persons serving in the police or who have ceased serving there due to injury during work;
  • children of fallen police officers;
  • children of military personnel serving under contract;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled children;
  • children from large families.

After the children of these categories of persons are enrolled in kindergarten, several more types of beneficiaries will be next in line for enrollment. These include single mothers and employees of state preschool institutions.

If your first child is already going to kindergarten, then you can also place your second child there at a preferential rate. The only exception to this rule is a child who requires special care.

For those who are not eligible for benefits, when they are placed in the queue, they may feel that their number is not at all close to enrolling in kindergarten. This is not true, it’s just that the state has provided a lot of categories, citizens of which send their children to kindergarten earlier than everyone else.

Who is entitled to benefits for paying for food and maintenance in kindergarten?

In addition to preferential enrollment in a preschool educational institution, parents can take advantage of government assistance when paying fees for staying and meals in kindergarten. There are categories of people whose children can attend kindergarten for free, and there are also those who need to pay only part of the fee.

Children who can attend kindergarten for free:

  • children with disabilities;
  • orphans;
  • children with tuberculosis intoxication;
  • children from low-income families.

The latter (who are partially exempt from payment) in accordance with federal legislation include:

  • large families;
  • parents with disabilities;
  • parents who participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • contract military personnel.

These citizens receive a discount on kindergarten fees in the amount of 50% of the cost of maintaining and feeding children. Also, benefits for paying for kindergarten may be increased or established for additional categories of persons at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

What benefits are established at the regional level?

For example, in some regions of our country, regional authorities provided compensation to parents who, when the child reached the age of 1.5 years, due to lack of free places, were unable to place him in kindergarten. Benefits of this type are available in Perm, Samara and some other regions.

The amount of compensation varies everywhere and depends on the capabilities of the regional budget. The payment amount may vary depending on the age of the child or the number of children in the family.

Also, regional authorities can increase benefits for paying for food or keeping children in kindergarten. In some regions, benefits are provided to students, military veterans, government employees, etc.

Sometimes benefits are provided to citizens who fall into the “single-parent family” category. But here it is necessary to clarify what exactly the authorities mean by this phrase.

So, in Moscow this applies only to single mothers, but in other regions such a benefit may extend to widows and divorced women.

For exact information about the availability of benefits in your region, please check with your local social security office. Only there will they be able to give you complete information on the privileges provided in the region.

Documents for receiving benefits

To enroll a child in kindergarten at a discounted rate, parents will need to submit a document confirming their right to the benefit. It should be remembered that these documents are valid for a limited amount of time, therefore, having received a confirming certificate, you need to hurry up with collecting the remaining documents. In addition, you will need:

  1. statement,
  2. passport of one of the parents or adoptive parents,
  3. birth certificate,
  4. Marriage certificate.

Along with the original documents, their copies are also needed. The package of documents is sent to the department of social protection of the population. In some regions, document reception is a function of multifunctional centers. This significantly saves time when submitting them.


It is worth noting that all the benefits listed above apply only to those parents who want to send their child to a state or municipal kindergarten. If you plan to raise a child in a private institution, then you will not be able to receive any benefits, even if you have and have confirmed the appropriate status.

By the way, private kindergartens are an excellent solution for those who do not want to wait for years in line to enroll their child in an educational institution. Their popularity is growing every year, as many parents believe that the child receives more attention there and the living conditions are much better than in government institutions.

In large cities, you can choose a kindergarten with a certain direction of development, where special developmental activities are provided for children - learning foreign languages, dancing, swimming pool, etc. The only downside will be higher service fees.

But if the mother urgently needs to go to work, and her salary will allow her to pay for the services of a private kindergarten, then this option can be considered.
