Can pregnant women use the ointment? The use of medicinal ointments during pregnancy. External remedies according to traditional medicine recipes

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While carrying a child, a very large load falls on the vessels of a woman’s circulatory system. The expectant mother develops stagnation of blood in the veins, develops varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and hemorrhoids. In this case, it is inevitable to use medications that will correct the situation. However, not all medications intended to combat vascular problems can be used by pregnant women. In this article, we will consider in detail the question of whether Heparin ointment can be used by a woman during pregnancy if she has problems with blood vessels.

What is Heparin ointment? Essentially, it is a direct-acting coagulant, a complex drug that prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. The ointment contains 3 components:

  1. Heparin, which reduces the amount of thrombin in a woman’s blood, relieves inflammation and prevents swelling.
  2. Benzyl nicotinate, dilates blood vessels, promoting better absorption of heparin.
  3. Benzocaine, which has an anesthetic effect so that the woman does not feel severe pain.

In other words, Heparin ointment is a medication that affects blood clotting. This means that women expecting the birth of a baby need to use this ointment very carefully. It is strictly forbidden to start using it yourself. You must first consult with your doctor, who will weigh all the risks of its use for the mother and for the fetus inside the womb.

Heparin and benzyl nicotinate are substances that are quickly absorbed into the blood, but do not worry that they can somehow harm the baby. These substances have a very low molecular weight, so they cannot cross the placenta and negatively affect the fetus. This is possible, as evidenced by data from the American Food and Drug Administration, if Heparin ointment is used systematically and uncontrolled.

In what cases is Heparin ointment used during pregnancy?

As soon as the doctor discovers that a woman has a blockage of blood vessels, or some kind of injury has occurred on the vessels, then he prescribes the use of Heparin ointment.

The main indications for using this drug for treatment include:

  • Thrombophlebitis, which is superficial, on the legs (a venous mesh appears on the skin, bulging blood clots appear in the veins).
  • Heparin ointment is prescribed during pregnancy for hemorrhoids (if the external hemorrhoids are severely inflamed and cause discomfort to the woman).
  • Phlebitis (rare indication), in which the veins become inflamed after mechanical impact on them (a catheter was inserted, an injection was given).
  • Periphlebitis (a more complex form of phlebitis, in which external venous nodes are affected).
  • Lymphangitis, in which the lymphatic system of a pregnant woman is damaged.
  • Swelling of the arms and legs, resulting from stagnation of blood in a woman’s body.
  • Hematomas that form under the skin of any part of the body.
  • Heparin ointment is mandatory for use during pregnancy with varicose veins.

The doctor can prescribe Heparin ointment at any stage of pregnancy, but you need to remember that in the last trimester it must be used very carefully, because heparin can cause bleeding and premature birth.

Heparin ointment: instructions during pregnancy

According to the instructions for use, Heparin ointment during pregnancy is used in exactly the same way as in normal cases, only here you also need to take into account the individual recommendations of the doctor. We will describe to you the standard method of using Heparin ointment:

  1. If you need to cure hemorrhoids, then apply a little ointment to cotton wool or a special tampon and attach it to the inflamed hemorrhoids. If you have more than just external hemorrhoids, you can insert a tampon soaked in ointment into the rectum. This procedure must be done within 2 weeks for complete recovery.
  2. If you hurt yourself and as a result a hematoma formed, then you can treat it with Heparin ointment, but not on the same day that the injury occurred, but the next one. Just apply a small layer of medicine to the affected area for 3-7 days (the duration of application depends on the severity of the bruise).
  3. If a pregnant woman has thrombophlebitis, then the affected areas should be carefully lubricated with ointment three times a day for 3 weeks. Under no circumstances should you massage the affected areas.

If the venous walls are excessively inflamed, then after applying the ointment, you need to wrap your legs or arms (depending on which part of the body the problem occurs) with an elastic bandage.

Contraindications to the use of Heparin ointment during pregnancy

Any medication has contraindications for use. Heparin ointment is no exception. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using it if:

  • they may have an allergic reaction to some component of the ointment (the skin may begin to swell, itch and turn red);
  • if there is a hematological disease associated with poor blood clotting and a low number of platelets in it;
  • if there are wounds or erosive lesions on the skin where there is venous inflammation.

If you are not sure that using the ointment will not cause an adverse reaction, then test it first. Apply a little product to your skin and then see what happens after 24 hours. If no changes occur for the worse, then feel free to use Heparin ointment, but taking into account the recommendations of your doctor.

If you detect an allergic reaction, this does not mean that the underlying problem cannot be resolved. Heparin ointment can simply be replaced with:

  • Trombless;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Venitan forte;
  • Lavenum.

Heparin ointment is one of the budget drugs, so it is very popular among all people who have problems with blood vessels. However, pregnant women should not skimp on their health. If Heparin ointment is not suitable for the expectant mother, then you should abandon this treatment option and choose a more suitable one.

Video: “Heparin ointment during pregnancy: reviews”

As you know, it is undesirable for a woman expecting a child to use medications. But, unfortunately, during pregnancy, women get sick no less, and often even more, than before it began. At the same time, refusing such dosage forms as tablets, capsules, tinctures and drops, some expectant mothers calmly use various medicinal ointments, creams and gels. However, experts note that most ointments are contraindicated during pregnancy, and some of them can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. Let's consider whether ointments are possible during pregnancy, and which of them are allowed for the expectant mother.

What ointments are possible during pregnancy

Whether ointment can be used during pregnancy should be determined by a doctor in each specific case. In addition to general indications and contraindications, the doctor takes into account the peculiarities of pregnancy in each woman, her tolerance of certain components, the presence of chronic diseases and many other factors.

So, which ointments are possible during pregnancy, and which ones should be avoided? Most pain-relieving ointments are contraindicated during pregnancy. Finalgon, all ointments containing diclofenac, even the usual Zvezdochka are not recommended for use by women at this time. As prescribed by a doctor, the use of Traumeel and Cholisal is sometimes allowed, but preferably not in the first trimester. The safest ointments during pregnancy are those that contain snake or bee venom. But their use must be approached with caution, as they can cause allergic reactions.

The active components of warming ointments during pregnancy can easily penetrate the placenta. For this reason, they are also not recommended for the expectant mother. Warming ointments such as Nicoflex, Viprosal, Apizartron are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. With caution and under the supervision of a doctor, it is allowed to use Fastum-gel and turpentine ointment.

Many are already accustomed to using antiviral and antibacterial ointments. Let's consider whether the most famous of them can be used during pregnancy:

  • Oxolinic ointment– an antiviral agent that is applied to the nasal mucosa to prevent viral diseases. There is no exact data on its effect on the body of the mother and fetus, but most doctors classify Oxolinic ointment as a drug approved during pregnancy.
  • Sulfuric ointment– prescribed for the treatment of rosacea, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, scabies. It is unknown about the negative effects of sulfur ointment on the body of a pregnant woman and her child, but, nevertheless, it should be used after consulting a doctor.
  • Acyclovir– used in the treatment of primary herpes infection. This medicine should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, who assesses the risks of its use by a pregnant woman. Acyclovir is especially not recommended for women in the last months of pregnancy.
  • Viferon– antiviral and antichlamydial drug. This ointment is not prohibited during pregnancy, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of expectant mothers with diseases such as herpes, cytomegalovirus, and rubella.

Is it possible to use Heparin ointment during pregnancy?

Heparin ointment is a drug for local external use that has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antiplatelet (preventing platelet aggregation) effects.

Heparin ointment during pregnancy approved for use only as prescribed by a doctor. Indications for its use are varicose veins and hemorrhoids - diseases that are quite common among expectant mothers. This drug is also effective for the prevention of stretch marks (stretch marks) - purple, red-brown strands on the skin of the abdomen and thighs that appear during pregnancy. Over time, they become thinner and whiter, but still spoil the appearance of a woman’s skin.


For varicose veins during pregnancy, Heparin ointment is applied to the skin with affected veins 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually two weeks.

In case of hemorrhoids, tampons are impregnated with this drug and inserted into the rectum every day for 3-14 days. Heparin ointment can also be used to prevent hemorrhoids.

There are contraindications to the use of Heparin ointment. These include erosions and ulcers on the skin, increased sensitivity to the components of the product, a decrease in the level of platelets in the blood, and blood clotting disorders.

Is it possible to use Vishnevsky ointment during pregnancy?

Vishnevsky ointment is used for external use and has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and local immunomodulatory effects. During pregnancy, Vishnevsky ointment can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is prescribed for skin lesions (phlegmon, boil, skin abscess, lymphangitis, carbuncle), varicose ulcers, thrombophlebitis, osteomelitis, frostbite and burns.

In addition, this ointment is used during pregnancy to treat hemorrhoids. To do this, tampons soaked in it are inserted into the rectum. Another indication for the use of Vishnevsky ointment is varicose veins. In this case, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​the affected veins.

Pregnant women are sometimes bothered by painful sensations of varying localization and nature.

Analgesics in the form of tablets, capsules and injections are not recommended for use during this period.

Therefore, there are pain-relieving ointments that help reduce pain, alleviate the condition and at the same time are safe.

Fastum-gel is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug. The active component of the drug is ketoprofen.

As a result of inhibition of local prostaglandin synthesis, the ointment prevents pain, swelling, and relieves the inflammatory process.

Indications for the use of Fastum-gel are in pregnant women, injuries, muscle and joint pain.

The ointment is prescribed in the first and second trimester. However, in the last months of pregnancy, using the product may cause undesirable consequences. Therefore, after 32 weeks it is undesirable to use the drug.

To relieve back pain, pregnant women need to rub a thin layer of ointment into the skin until completely dry. You can use the ointment up to two times a day. It is important to note that if there are minor skin lesions, you should carefully rub Fastum-gel so that the product does not get into the wounds. The duration of treatment is no more than ten days.

Side effects are rare. Sometimes itching and burning of the skin, dermatitis, and hypersensitivity to the sun's rays are possible.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • Aspirin intolerance
  • Eczema
  • Allergic rhinitis

It is important to remember that pregnant women should not use the ointment on their own, as this can harm the woman’s body and the fetus.

Remedy for pain during pregnancy – Traumeel S

The drug is conditionally safe due to its

Traumeel is an effective pain reliever

composition based on medicinal herbs. Therefore, it is most often prescribed to pregnant women.

Traumeel S contains extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • Chamomile
  • St. John's wort
  • Mountain arnica
  • Echinacea
  • Belladonna
  • Comfrey
  • Yarrow
  • Hamamelis
  • Daisies
  • Calendula

The active substances in the extracts of these herbs help reduce inflammation in muscles and joints, relieve pain of various localizations, and quickly recover from injuries.

Pregnant women can use the ointment for back pain, as well as for pain caused by divergence of the pelvic bones.

Traumeel S is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • Traumatic bone injuries
  • Arthrosis
  • Bursitis
  • Oral diseases
  • Eye injuries
  • Trophic ulcers
  • Sinusitis

The ointment must be applied to the affected area three times a day. To do this, it is lightly rubbed into the skin.

In some cases, compresses or electrophoresis with Traumeel are prescribed.

Side effects include skin hyperemia and itching. If deterioration is observed after using the product, you should consult your doctor about further use of the ointment.

It is important to remember that at this time there are no analogues of the drug.

Nurofen gel – analgesic and antipyretic ointment

This drug is a safe product that is used

during pregnancy.

The active components of the gel do not affect the formation of the fetus. However, pregnant women are recommended to use it after a medical prescription.

The gel is a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory medicine containing ibuprofen. The ointment is used for pain caused by rheumatism. Contraindications are liver and kidney failure, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Side effects when using the drug are allergic reactions, bronchospasms, shortness of breath.

For one procedure, take 50 mg of ointment and gently rub it into the area where the pain is localized until completely absorbed.

Proven method - Malavit gel

The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women as a decongestant and pain reliever.

Malavit belongs to the group of naturopathic medicines.

The gel contains useful substances such as mumiyo, fir and cedar resin, extracts of Altai herbs, copper and silver complexes, glycerin.

Indications for use in pregnant women are the following pathologies:

  • Myositis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spondyloarthrosis
  • Hematoma
  • Bursitis
  • Muscle pain
  • Skin lesions
  • Sinusitis

The drug should not be used by pregnant women with hypersensitivity to the components. Adverse reactions may include allergies.

Ointment from medicinal plants

In addition to medications for external use, pregnant women can use ointments prepared independently.

A remedy based on medicinal herbs will help greatly with joint pain.

To prepare it, you need to take the following plants in equal proportions:

  • St. John's wort herb
  • Sweet clover flowers
  • Hop cones

They are dried and then finely chopped. Add 50 grams of butter to six tablespoons (tablespoons) of the mixture and mix thoroughly.

The ointment is spread in thick natural fabric and applied to the problem area. After two hours, the product is removed.

All painkillers are prescribed to pregnant women with caution. You cannot select the drug yourself and treat yourself with it. In order not to provoke serious complications, the use of ointments for pain should be prescribed by a specialist.

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This form of drugs acts locally, which significantly reduces the risk of negative effects on the developing fetus. Modern proctology offers several safe and effective ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

Why do hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy?

Experts count several factors that provoke the appearance of proctological diseases in expectant mothers, and they affect the female body sequentially - depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

  • First trimester. In the first weeks, the threat of developing a pathological process increases due to the hormonal substance progesterone. After fertilization of the egg, it is produced in large quantities and affects muscle tone, relaxing both the uterine walls and the smooth muscles of the intestines. As a result, the expectant mother suffers from constipation.
  • Second trimester. From about 13-14 weeks, for quite objective reasons, the mobility of the expectant mother is limited. Swelling, toxicosis, dyspeptic symptoms, headache, high blood pressure - all this limits a woman’s activity and leads to frequent lying or sitting. As a result, stagnant processes begin in the pelvic veins, which causes expansion of the existing cavernous formations.
  • Third trimester. Towards the end of pregnancy, the uterus, which has increased in size, begins to compress the venous vessels in the rectal canal, which disrupts blood flow in the pelvic and rectal area. Also, by this time, the frequency of constipation increases significantly due to low mobility.

At any stage of pregnancy, the development of hemorrhoidal disease is facilitated by congenital venous insufficiency.

Hereditary weakness of vascular walls, coupled with predisposing factors, increases the risk of a pathological process several times.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

The appearance of pronounced symptoms usually begins in the second half of pregnancy. The consequence of congestion is the expansion and protrusion of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

In addition, the muscle structures that support the cavernous “sacs” change pathologically, stretching and weakening. By the end of the third trimester, blood vessels and muscles significantly lose tone, which leads to protrusion and even prolapse of nodes.

At the onset of the disease, hemorrhoids can be identified by burning and itching sensations in the rectal canal. The pain is usually mild. When defecating, you may find blood on toilet paper.

As the disease worsens, the symptoms increase. The previous symptoms include the presence of a foreign object in the rectum, bleeding, pain during and after bowel movements.

If hemorrhoids are not treated, then soon an enlarged hemorrhoid will begin to emerge from the anus. At first, it still returns to the rectum on its own, but then it will be possible to straighten it only with some effort.

Such nodules are painful, inflamed, and dark red in color. Their protrusion leads to discomfort and pain when visiting the restroom, moving, resting and working.

In the final stages of the disease, the nodes can no longer be reduced, significantly worsening the quality of life, well-being and health of the expectant mother. In such cases, emergency measures are required, since labor can only worsen the situation.

At an early stage of the pathological process, hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be slowed down with the help of ointments.

They effectively combat the manifestations of the disease, allowing the expectant mother to think not about pain, but about upcoming motherhood.

Ointments against inflammation and infection

Ichthyol ointment

This preparation is made from processed peat containing fish remains. The active ingredient is ichthammol, a substance containing sulfur.

The active component gives ichthyol ointment multiple beneficial functions, including pain relief, inflammation relief, disinfection, tissue drying and suppuration prevention, and improvement of local blood circulation.

Ichthyol ointment prescribed at any stage of gestation helps:

  • from external hemorrhoids;
  • from rectal fissures;
  • from ulcers in the rectum.

Contraindications. The medication is prohibited for use only if a pregnant woman has intolerance to the active or auxiliary ingredients.

Application. A small amount of ointment is applied to the skin of the anus before going to sleep for 2 weeks. In the morning, excess drug can be removed with a napkin and the perineum can be washed with water. Before lubrication, hygiene procedures should be carried out.

It relieves inflammation and accelerates healing, but is not able to cure the disease, so it is used as part of a complex treatment of hemorrhoids with other medications.

Price. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy for 70-90 rubles.

Heparin ointment

The main ingredient responsible for the effect of the drug is the anticoagulant heparin. It is thanks to this substance that it effectively and quickly relieves inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots and resolves existing blood clots.

Other active components - benzocaine and benzyl nicotinate - additionally anesthetize hemorrhoids and increase the penetration of heparin into tissues.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids is indicated for:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • enlarged external nodules;
  • high risk of thrombosis formation.

Contraindications. Heparin ointment is prohibited for use if a pregnant woman has:

  • increased bleeding (the drug reduces blood clotting, which leads to bleeding);
  • rectal fissures;
  • erosive damage to the anus;
  • risk of spontaneous abortion.

Application. Since the medication has limitations and side effects, expectant mothers are allowed to use it only after consulting with their doctor. And in the first trimester it is better to avoid using it altogether.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by a specialist; usually the product is applied to the external nodules twice a day for 10-14 days. For internal hemorrhoids, the drug is applied to a bath tampon, which is inserted into the rectum.

Price. The average cost of a medicine in Russian pharmacies is 50 rubles.

Gepatrombin G

This is a combination drug that, in addition to heparin, also contains prednisolone and lauromacrogol 600. The combination of these ingredients allows you to dissolve and prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins, relieve swelling and stop inflammation.

In addition, the drug relieves pain, glues blood vessels together, which promotes the collapse and reduction of cavernous dilated veins.

In addition to external hemorrhoids during pregnancy, Hepatrombin G is indicated for the diagnosis of:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis of the anal veins;
  • itchy sensations;
  • eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • anal fissures.

Contraindications. The drug is prohibited for use if the main or additional ingredients are intolerant.

You should also stop using the product if the skin or mucous membrane of the anorectal area is affected by bacteria, viruses or fungal organisms.

Due to the presence of heparin, the ointment is prohibited if there is a predisposition to bleeding and tumor formation of the skin.

Application. Hepatrombin G during pregnancy can be used only from the second trimester due to the content of a hormonal substance. Using the product is very simple - you need to apply it to the affected area 2-4 times a day. For internal hemorrhoids, the drug is administered into the intestine using an applicator.

Price. The ointment can be purchased without a prescription for about 170-190 rubles in any pharmacy chain.

Vishnevsky ointment

The composition of the ointment, or rather balsamic liniment, includes 3 main ingredients: xeroform, birch tar and castor oil.

It is their combination that determines the unique properties of the drug.

Disinfects, relieves inflammation, kills pathogens, and also strengthens local immunity.

In addition, the ointment has an irritating effect on tissue, activating blood circulation in damaged areas and thereby accelerating regeneration.

Balsamic liniment is a universal remedy against many pathologies of the skin, purulent processes in the deep layers of tissue.

It can be prescribed to pregnant women for:

  • acute external hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the anorectal area;
  • anal fissures.

Contraindications. The drug has a very short list of contraindications - it cannot be used only if you are hypersensitive to one or more ingredients.

Application. Expectant mothers can use the drug in any trimester; it is also allowed during breastfeeding. The product should be applied to the nodules and surrounding tissues in a thin layer, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Price. Another advantage of balsamic liniment is its low cost. The ointment is sold in pharmacies for 30-40 rubles per package.


This is a combination drug, which is also called “the surgeon’s favorite drug.”

It received this name for its pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing qualities.

The combination of active substances (chloramphenicol and methyluracil) ensures rapid penetration of the product into the affected tissues and acceleration of recovery processes in the deep layers.

The drug is indicated for use when detecting:

  • rectal fissures;
  • external hemorrhoids;
  • erosive and ulcerative damage to the anorectal area;
  • inflammation of the anus.

Contraindications. Levomekol has a minimum of contraindications. The product is prohibited for use only in case of hypersensitivity to its ingredients.

Application. During the period of bearing a child, the drug is allowed, but it must be agreed with the gynecologist, since the ointment contains a local antibacterial ingredient.

For hemorrhoids, apply a small amount of ointment to the affected areas in the evening after hygiene procedures.

Price . You can buy Levomekol at any pharmacy at a very reasonable price - 100-110 rubles.

Fleming's ointment

This is a homeopathic medicine that contains extracts of medicinal plants such as calendula, witch hazel, and horse chestnut. The drug also contains zinc compounds and menthol.

The natural components of Fleming's ointment can quickly and effectively relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria, relieve pain, dry damaged areas, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The drug is used for mild external hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes and the release of venous exudate (the so-called weeping hemorrhoids).

Contraindications. Due to its naturalness, the drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Expectant mothers are prescribed this ointment in any trimester of pregnancy.

Application. The product is used in a short course – up to 7 days.

If symptoms do not go away, the doctor may extend treatment or prescribe a different drug. Apply the ointment 1-3 times a day, applying a thin layer to the inflamed areas.

Price. The price for a 25-gram tube is approximately 300-320 rubles. The drug is available without a prescription.


The drug, which is based on inactivated bacterial cells, has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Its use allows you to remove swelling, restore damaged tissue, accelerate the healing of cracks, and increase local immunity.

In addition, the ointment has a positive effect on the condition of veins and capillaries, increasing their tone, eliminating congestion, as a result of which itching and burning sensations in the perianal area disappear.

Hemorrhoid cream can also be used for problems such as:

  • eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • rectal fissures;
  • itching in the anal area;
  • perianal dermatitis.

Contraindications. The main contraindication for use is intolerance to the phenolic compound present in the composition. In other situations, the drug is approved for all categories of patients, including pregnant women.

Application. The drug should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane in a thin layer in the morning or in the evening. For internal hemorrhoids, the product is injected into the rectal canal using the applicator included in the package.

Price. Prices for the drug vary, but the average cost of a 25-gram tube is 480 rubles.

Ointments with vasoconstrictor and venotonic properties

Prescribed to improve blood circulation in cavernous formations. Venotonic drugs are designed to restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and improve venous blood flow.

Also used are agents with a vasoconstrictor effect, which are intended to stop bleeding and relieve swelling of hemorrhoids.


The drug, classified as a venotonic and angioprotector, increases the tone of the venous walls, increases their elasticity and reduces fragility, relieves inflammation and swelling.

In addition, Troxevasin reduces the severity of pain and prevents the formation of blood clots in the venous ducts. At the initial stages, the gel is able to completely restore blood circulation in the veins.

The drug not only relieves hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but also effectively fights conditions such as:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • varicose veins;
  • spasms of the rectal valve.

Contraindications. The gel is prohibited for use if you are intolerant of the active or additional ingredients. Also, the product should not be applied to deep wounds and infectious processes in the anorectal area.

Application. Venotonic can be used at any stage of gestation with the permission of the treating doctor. The drug is applied to the damaged area or a compress soaked in the product is applied to the external hemorrhoids.

Price. The drug can be purchased without a prescription for 180-210 rubles.


The drug acts similarly to Troxevasin, since it contains the same active ingredients. This venotonic helps normalize blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots, eliminate congestion in the anal veins and relieve inflammation and swelling.

Among the indications of the medicine are:

  • external hemorrhoids;
  • swelling of the anorectal area after hemorrhoidectomy;
  • venous insufficiency.

Contraindications. The list of contraindications coincides with the restrictions that the previous venotonic agent has.

Application. But on this point there are some discrepancies. Troxerutin is prohibited in the first 12 weeks of gestation; its use can only be started from the third trimester. Apply the gel to the damaged external nodules in the morning and evening.

Price. The expectant mother may be pleasantly surprised by the price of the medicine. In pharmacy chains it costs approximately 35-40 rubles for a 40-gram tube.


The product contains a unique ingredient - shark liver oil, which helps stop bleeding, accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve inflammation and itching.

The second active component, phenylephrine, is a pronounced vasoconstrictor that prevents bleeding and relieves swelling of tissues.

In addition to external hemorrhoids, the drug is used to treat:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • itching in the anus.

Contraindications. The ointment is prohibited for use in cases of intolerance to the constituent elements of the product, blockage of blood vessels with blood clots, or a blood disease in which the number of granulocytes is reduced. Due to the vasoconstrictor effect, the drug is prescribed with caution to hypertensive patients.

Application. The product is approved for use during pregnancy, but only under strict indications. Apply the ointment twice a day to the affected areas or inject it into the rectum using an applicator.

Price. The medicine can be purchased for 390 rubles per tube.

Ointments with anesthetic effect

Ointments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy with an analgesic effect are usually prescribed in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease or severe pain that accompanies bowel movements.


A combined medicine produced according to the recipes of healers from China. The ointment fights almost all the main symptoms of hemorrhoids, but most often it is prescribed for pain in the last stages of the disease.

Pearls and bezoar contained in the ointment have a pronounced analgesic effect.

Other components provide relief from inflammation and healing of damaged areas.

The drug is used for complex treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, anal fissures and eczematous lesions of the anorectal area.

Contraindications. Women with intolerance to one or more ingredients should avoid Bezornil. In addition, some pregnant patients find it difficult to tolerate the not entirely pleasant smell of the drug.

Application. The drug is prescribed during pregnancy after balancing the risk and benefit for the fetus. The drug is applied twice a day and after each bowel movement.

For rectal nodes, the ointment is administered using a tip.

Price. The ointment is sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription at a price of 350 rubles per 10-gram tube.


The drug acts comprehensively, relieving pain, relieving inflammation and reducing bleeding. In addition, the cream has a venotonic effect, that is, it allows you to restore blood circulation in the affected areas and restore the elasticity of blood vessels.

The cream is intended for the treatment of chronic and acute varicose hemorrhoidal veins of external or internal form.

Contraindications. The medication is prohibited if there is intolerance to the ingredients, as well as with severe liver failure.

Application. Procto-Glivenol is allowed to be used only from the 2nd trimester for strict medical reasons. Apply the cream in a thin layer to the external nodules; for rectal hemorrhoids, the drug is injected into the rectal canal using a tip.

Price. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy for 370-390 rubles.

Relief Advance

The drug, in addition to shark liver oil, contains the anesthetic benzocaine, which provides analgesic properties. The ointment will also help get rid of itching, inflammation, bleeding, and also speed up the healing of affected tissues.

The drug for hemorrhoids can also be used for therapy:

  • erosive damage to the anus;
  • anal itching;
  • ulcerative lesions of the rectal mucosa.

The ointment is used as an anesthetic during diagnostic procedures - for example, during sigmoidoscopy.

Contraindications. Relief Advance is prohibited for use if the patient is hypersensitive to its components. The drug is also avoided in thromboembolic conditions.

Application. The drug is prescribed to expectant mothers with caution and only according to strict indications. In case of severe pain, the ointment is applied up to 4 times a day; if necessary, you can use a special applicator.

Price. The drug is not cheap - the price for a small tube starts at 400 rubles.

Table of antihemorrhoidal ointments allowed during pregnancy

For the convenience of pregnant women, all the ointments presented above are summarized in a table that will help you understand in which trimester of pregnancy this or that medication is allowed.

Means Trimesters
Ichthyol ointment + + +
Heparin ointment - + +/-
Gepatrombin G - + +
Vishnevsky ointment + + +
Levomekol + + +
Fleming's ointment + + +
Posterisan + + +
Troxevasin + + +
Troxerutin - + +
Relief In consultation with the doctor
Bezornil According to strict indications
Procto-Glivenol - + +
Relief Advance In consultation with the doctor

Homemade ointments for hemorrhoids for pregnant women

If a pregnant woman is afraid to use pharmaceuticals or wants to enhance the effect of medications, the doctor may suggest homemade anti-hemorrhoidal ointments.

Most often, homemade preparations include active ingredients such as:

  • tincture of calendula;
  • propolis;
  • vegetable raw materials.

Preparing the products is quite simple, it is only important to find the necessary components. Butter or vegetable oil and interior fat are used as a base. Traditional healers offer the following ointment recipes.

  1. With calendula. The product fights inflammatory processes and pathogenic bacteria, and also promotes rapid healing of wound surfaces. To prepare the drug, 5 parts of butter are mixed with 1 part of calendula tincture. After cooling, apply to the external nodules.
  2. With propolis. The waste product of bees promotes rapid regeneration and relieves swelling. The crushed product is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and placed in a water bath until dissolved. The ointment is applied to the affected areas; suppositories can also be made from propolis for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  3. With herbs. Take equal parts of crushed powder of St. John's wort, kidney grass, toadflax and oak bark. Vegetable raw materials are added to the interior fat and melted in a water bath. After a few hours, the drug will be ready for application to the inflamed areas.
  4. With onion. The peeled vegetable is boiled with vegetable oil, then the onion is removed, and beeswax and potato pulp are added to the broth. After thorough mixing and cooling, the product is ready for application to external hemorrhoids.

The listed non-traditional treatment methods have proven their effectiveness. However, using only them for the treatment of hemorrhoids is the wrong decision.

Expectant mothers should consult a doctor who will prescribe pharmaceuticals for local or systemic action and tell them about important hygiene procedures and proper diet.

Despite their local use, their independent use by expectant mothers is excluded. Only with a reasonable approach to therapy can you eliminate risks for yourself and your child.

Pregnancy is a condition in which a woman should be especially attentive to herself. Alas, no one is immune from illnesses during this period. Headache, toothache or joint pain, colds and high fever may appear more than once in nine months.

Critical moments of pregnancy

At other times, you won’t hesitate to take a painkiller, but while expecting a baby, especially in the early stages, not all drugs are safe and suitable for use. There are several dangerous periods in pregnancy:

  1. From the moment of conception until the tenth day. Potent painkillers that have a toxic effect often cause termination of pregnancy at this stage.
  2. The period of organogenesis, lasting until the 28th day of pregnancy. At this time, the formation of future tissues and organs of the baby occurs and the teratogenic, disrupting their development, effect of the drugs appears quite often.

  3. The period from the fourth to the ninth week. Although medications no longer have a teratogenic effect, they can slow down the development of the fetus.
  4. From the ninth week until birth. At this time, the drugs do not have a direct effect on the growing baby. However, their unjustified and uncontrolled use can affect its further development after birth.
  5. The period immediately before childbirth and the birth itself. Improper use of medications can affect the newborn during the neonatal period, which begins from the moment the umbilical cord is tied and lasts up to 28 days.

Classification of painkillers

There are a great many drugs that can relieve pain. All the variety of funds can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Narcotic analgesics such as codeine or morphine. They act on the central nervous system and help cope with even the most severe pain. Such drugs during pregnancy are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor in emergency situations and, as a rule, only in hospitals.
  2. Non-narcotic analgesics, divided, depending on the characteristics of the structure, into several groups. However, the most familiar and frequently used of them are drugs such as aspirin, drotaverine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketorolac and diclofenac.

Security categories

Some women, caring for the health of their baby, completely refuse to use medications during pregnancy, preferring to endure the pain. Such a radical solution is also not entirely correct. Pain itself is a strong stress and can sometimes cause much more trouble than taking pills.

Drinking painkillers during pregnancy and using ointments or suppositories is not only possible, but also necessary! The main thing is to do this competently and after consulting a doctor.

From the point of view of their effect on the fetus, all painkillers can be divided into several categories:

  • Category A. There is no risk at all. Alas, such drugs practically do not exist. Even seemingly safe pain relievers such as herbs, homeopathic medicines or essential oils can pose a certain threat to a woman and her unborn child.
  • Category B. When used adequately in therapeutic doses, there is no risk or effect on fetal development. This group of drugs includes paracetamol, recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the safest drugs for pain relief. In addition, paracetamol is effective at elevated temperatures. This can also include tablets and ointments containing ibuprofen, the use of which is allowed in the early stages, namely up to 30 weeks. In the third trimester, ibuprofen may reduce the amount of amniotic fluid, so it should not be used.

  • Category C. Under certain conditions, drugs may have a slight effect on the developing fetus, especially in the first trimester, but the benefits of their use significantly outweigh the possible risks. This category includes, for example, drotaverine or papaverine, which are often used to relieve cramps during pregnancy, especially with increased uterine tone.
  • Category D. Tablets and ointments related to this almost always affect the development of the fetus. However, there are situations when the benefits to the mother outweigh the negative consequences of their use. This category includes acetylsalicylic acid and almost all painkillers included in the NSAID group, for example, diclofenac or indomethacin. For unbearable pain, doctors sometimes prescribe Baralgin injections. However, this drug is contraindicated in the early stages, namely in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Category E. The potential benefits of use do not justify the high risk. Drugs in this group are contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
  • Category X. Drugs that are dangerous to the fetus, negatively affect its development and are absolutely contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Pain is a signal that something has happened in the body. Therefore, if it occurs, you should consult a doctor in any case.

Candles and ointments

It is generally accepted that external dosage forms have a less pronounced effect on the body than tablets and, especially, injectable drugs. However, this is not at all true. The active substances from any form of medication enter the bloodstream, which means they can potentially affect the fetus and its development.

In the case of ointments, this happens more slowly, since the components included in their composition, before acting, overcome such a powerful protective barrier as the skin.

But suppositories, on the contrary, are not much inferior to injectable forms in terms of the speed of onset of effect, since they come into direct contact with the mucous membrane, which is easily bypassed and goes directly into the bloodstream.

When choosing painkillers during pregnancy in the form of suppositories or ointments, you should carefully read the instructions. Many of them may have contraindications and restrictions on use.

As with pain relief tablets, the use of rectal suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen is allowed. In some cases, as prescribed by a doctor, suppositories with papaverine or hyoscine can be used to relieve spasms.

Which drug should I choose?

The mixed center of gravity and increased weight force the joints to constantly cope with high loads. It is not surprising that muscle and joint pain during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, is not uncommon.

They are often accompanied by swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs. Not wanting to take pills, many women prefer to deal with this problem with ointments. But you should also be careful in choosing them:

  • For lower back and joint pain in the first and second trimester, you can use ointments containing ketoprofen, diclofenac, ketorolac and ibuprofen. However, they should be used only after consulting a doctor and with caution.
  • In the later stages, for this purpose, you can use only plant-based products, for example, ointment with arnica. Painkillers containing bee or snake venom are contraindicated both during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Any warming ointments, patches or compresses are also contraindicated. The fact is that their action is based on the ability to increase blood flow to the inflamed area. In turn, this can provoke its outflow from the placenta. The result will be a lack of oxygen in your baby.

As for swelling and pain in the legs, to improve the condition, you can use gels or ointments with troxerutin and heparin, but only under strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor. With virtually no restrictions, you can use ointments and gels containing escin, a naturally occurring substance extracted from horse chestnut.

Homeopathic medicines

Drugs made using ultra-low dilutions are considered practically safe. Therefore, they are often used during pregnancy. However, this opinion is also a misconception.

Homeopathy can have quite a strong effect on the body, so it must be used with caution.

There is a fairly extensive list of drugs, for example, the Heel line, which women can drink during pregnancy to relieve headaches or toothaches and to get rid of problems with joints and the spine.

Moreover, they are produced both in the form of tablets or drops, and in the form of injections.

Different situations may arise in life. Sometimes a woman takes strong painkillers without knowing that she is pregnant. In this case, the main thing is not to rush to extremes. Be sure to write down the name of the drug and consult your doctor. A one-time use of even strong drugs, as a rule, does not have consequences.

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