Small Peoples of Russia. Koryaks. Koryaks - the indigenous population of Kamchatka History of the origin and development of the Koryaks

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1.6 Festival of Koryak reindeer herders

A herd approached the village, and the shepherds killed several deer for them and for themselves.

In the past, deer were tied by the neck and hindquarters, and speared on the left side. The old shepherds watched how and in which direction the animal fell; this was a sign of good or bad future migrations.

They lit fires outside, cut up the carcass, and cooked venison in cauldrons all day. At the same time as the deer, the sacrificial dog was killed. The blood of the deer and the dog mixed and illuminated the area around the fire. Splashing blood to the four cardinal directions, the bones of the deer were placed in one place and then burned at the stake. Typical holiday treats were deer tongues, masher, and deer blood soup. During the holiday, elderly Koryaks consumed fly agaric - they ate it dry or drank it with blueberry broth. But there had to be an odd number of fly agarics. They said that it was imperative that one of them was without a comrade. It was forbidden to dry fly agaric with the cap down; it was often an object of exchange.

After the refreshments, Koryak games and sports competitions began.

The competition began with reindeer sled racing. In villages the distance was 7-10 km, in the tundra 50.

The distance of running with a stick in a traditional type of competition was sometimes up to 40 km.

Koryak folk wrestling is usually conducted in a standing position, trips are allowed, and at the climax, in order to wear down the opponent, the wrestlers exchange light slaps on the head. The fight ends with one of the strongmen being thrown onto his shoulder blades.

On the day of the holiday, games are played: “Koryak trampoline”, throwing one of those present on a stretched skin and throwing chaut over deer antlers.

The central moment of the holiday is climbing onto a smooth, icy pillar up to ten meters high. At the top, as a prize, they tie a torbasa, a bag of cedar cones, a Koryak headdress, boots, and a masher in a bowler hat. Having climbed the pillar, they look towards the sun and exclaim: “Tytkittyt.” Competitions and games end in the evening when the sun sets. At the last moment, the men sit on each other’s shoulders, wrap their arms around the pole, turning their faces to the sun, they celebrate the moment of sunset.

By the end of the holiday, “not a single piece of meat or a single bone should have remained in the snow” so that “the New Sun could see good life and purity”; in the Alyutor language the holiday is called “Tytkenlektytken”.

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The holiday of the first seal was held at the end of March. In good sunny weather, two or three hunters went to the sea on dog sleds. Here, in the clearings, which by that time had already appeared, they hunted seals. Before the hunt begins, grab the collar...

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The holiday of cleansing and housewarming began with the owner of the herd. Guests gathered in the yayana, many came with their tambourines. The table was set festively: mash, berries, deer meat. After the meal there was dancing and singing on tambourines...

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20.10.2011 | Kamchatka is preparing to celebrate Nerpa Day

Traditionally, in the fall, in the national villages of Kamchatka, the Koryak ritual holiday of the sea animal - the seal - takes place, which is a concentration of ancient customs, ritual dances and songs. It is held after the end of the fishing season, most often on a new moon, so that there will be a lot of sea animals in the future. This was reported by the Ministry of Koryak District Affairs.

Previously, a thanksgiving holiday was organized by each family that took part in the fishery. For the holiday, animal figurines were made from wood or sea grass. They were “fed” with fat, “watered” and laid on a sacrificial place. Women and children danced on the occasion of the arrival of “guests”, the head of the family made a sacrifice to the “sea master”: he threw the fat of sea animals and thin branches of the willow into the fire, symbolizing the sea. At the end of the holiday or the day after it, residents wearing wooden, rovdug or grass masks exchanged gifts, then the masks were left on the western side of the village and covered with hare hair, which had a magical protective function.

After the end of the holiday, the sedentary Koryaks closed the entrance to the semi-dugout and laid the canoe away for the winter. This was also accompanied by ritual actions: making fire with a ritual flint, cleansing the home of evil spirits, etc. In the spring, before launching the canoes into the water, they kindled a new fire with a wooden flint, “fed” the flint with fat, made sacrifices, danced in a slow rhythm so that the sea was calm. From the first killed seal, the hunter removed the fat from the right flipper, and threw the bone into the sea with the words: “It wasn’t enough for food, give me more!”

The Ministry of Affairs of the Koryak District and Territories of Traditional Residence of Indigenous Minorities of the North has created a working group to prepare and hold the holiday.

The working group included employees of the Ministry, representatives of the local public organization "Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North "Koryakia"", the public organization "Union of Kamchadals of the Koryak District", regional government institutions: "Center for Children and Youth Creativity "School Years"", "Koryak Folk Art Center", "Editorial office of the newspaper "Narodovlastie"", municipal institution of additional education "Children's Youth Sports School".

In the villages of the Tigil region, ceremonies of thanksgiving for the seal are planned: in the villages of Tigil (11/5/2011) and Voyampolka (10/29/2011), and in the village. Lesnaya will take place in Hololo (27–28.10.2011). In the villages of Ossora, Karaga, Tymlat of the Karaginsky district, traditional ritual holidays "Nerpa" will be held in November and December of this year. Three family holidays will be held in Tymlat alone (hostess T.V. Takyavnina, owner A.A. Nesterov, RO KIMNS "Milgin", chairman of the board D.V. Upit). In Tilichiki, Olyutorsky district, the Nerpa holiday will be held in the open area of ​​the Olyutorsky culture and leisure center.

According to tradition, the main events of the holiday will be the rituals of meeting the seal, purification, and thanksgiving to nature for its generosity. Competitions of tribal melodies, tambourine players, the best carcass cutters, national costumes, and folk arts and crafts will be a good seasoning for the main dish of the holiday - aromatic boiled seal. Women will compete in dancing, and men will compete in strength, agility and prowess. Guests of the holiday, passing through the ritual gates, will be able to make wishes at the “tree of happiness.”

The true highlight of Nerpa Day will be the performances of everyone’s favorite artists, not only from the famous ensembles “Angt”, “School Years”, “Chakoki”, “Weem”, “Elvel”, but also from tribal communities and original national groups.

The event consists of two parts: the first is held at the school, the second - on the Chimitki hill. Teachers, children, parents, and village residents take part in the preparation and implementation. Attached is a quiz. Due to the loading problem, I will send the film by email.




"Day of Culture of the Koryak People"


Introducing children to the traditions of their people, instilling respect and love for their native language.


educational : give children an idea of ​​what a “native language” is. Consolidate knowledge about the traditions of the peoples of Kamchatka;

developing : develop interest in history, traditions in people’s lives; develop search activities and creative activity; develop communication skills;

raising : to cultivate international feelings as a component of the moral and patriotic education of students.

Equipment: audio, video systems, photographic equipment, computer.

Compiled by: Semenova Tatyana Anatolyevna


Native language. It is soaked with milk.
It sounds like music, delighting our hearts,
On International Mother Language Day.
In your native language we wish you:
Love the language, keep it for a day and forever!
Do not forget the melody of the native language.

Each nation has its own unique culture, history, way of life, traditions. And, of course, the language. Preserving it is a very important task. Since language is dear to us like a mother, our ancestors called it our native language. Unfortunately, we live in a time when the native language and native word are not valued. Today, holidays and events dedicated to the native language are so relevant. After all, only that person is capable of learning other languages ​​who knows his native language perfectly, reads and is interested in the culture of his native people, loves and is proud of his native language. Whoever has a native language has his own national identity, has his own “I,” just as a person has self-respect. International Mother Language Day aims to protect languages. Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our heritage.

Participants of the holiday: Children, teachers, parents of students. There are 37 students in the school.

Holiday direction: Cultivating moral and patriotic feelings and internationalism among students through familiarization with folk traditions.

Event type:

by method: search and creative;

by number of participants: intergroup

Duration: one day


Audio, video systems, photographic equipment, computer.

Exhibition of household items, worship and cultural traditions of the tundra Koryaks.

Photo exhibition.

Collection of folk costumes (for children and adults)

Audio recordings:

Library for children and parents.

Folk musical and noise instruments.

Expected result:

For children:

Developing children's interest in their native language and the traditions of their native people.

For the teacher:

Develop work planning in the following areas: “Native language holiday”, presentation of work.

Explanatory note.

The holiday “International Mother Language Day” is the development of a teacher for children of all ages.

The purpose of the holiday is the desire of the teacher to immerse students in search and creative work of research, searching for the national traditions of the peoples of Kamchatka, whose representatives are the families of the students.

The Koryak district is multinational, and instilling international feelings in students is of current importance. In order to respect the traditions and language of your people and other peoples, you need to know them.

The activities of the teaching staff are aimed at introducing children to the origins of folk culture and the culture of other peoples, developing the creative activity of children, and the participation of parents in the life of the school.

The idea is this: we all live in Russia, in order to love and respect our Motherland we need to know its history and traditions, but Russia is a multinational country, different peoples live in it, having their own traditions, you need to get to know them, but it is also necessary to introduce other peoples with their traditions, for this they, traditions, need to be known and preserved.

Problem: children do not understand the meaning of the word tradition.

The children’s task: to learn the traditions of families, to research what activities and events held at school can be called a tradition.

The task of teachers, with the direct participation of parents: to introduce children to folk traditions, to intensify the creative development of students.

Progress of the holiday.


  1. Before the start of lessons, there will be a documentary film about the discovery of the land of the Koryaks, a conversation about national customs and cultural features.

Quiz " Natural and cultural heritage."

Throughout the day, Koryak songs and melodies are heard on the school radio.

Each lesson uses a national component of the teacher's choice.

2. During breakfast and lunch in the dining room, people learn about the peculiarities of Koryak cuisine.

3. A single lesson of the Koryak language for the entire school, in which the children meet with labor veteran Nikolai Ivanovich Tynetegin, the compiler of the Koryak language dictionary, a competition of Koryak riddles is held, and students perform poems and songs by Pyotr Yaganov, Georgy Porotov, Vladimir Kosygin (Koyanto). During the lesson, audio and video recordings about Koryak artists are used: Kirill Kolpalin and Viktor Sanakoev, as well as recordings of a gala concert, competitions for storytellers and performers of tribal melodies, songs in their native language.

4. Unified physical education lesson. Demonstration of national wrestling techniques. Koryak games.


5. After lunch, schoolchildren go to the foot of the Chimitka hill to a prepared site. All participants are in national clothes.

There is a yurt on the site.

Children will learn about the rules for installing a home, its decoration, the structure of the hearth, and listen to the ancestral melodies of M.A. Targonskaya. and Enpina O.I.

Communication in the yurt is, if possible, in the Koryak language.

6. Exit from the yurt.

Everyone, regardless of age and nationality, dances the Koryak dance under the direction of L.S. Kechgelkot.

7. Children are divided into two groups. Younger schoolchildren are offered plein air sketches based on Koryak fairy tales. Middle and senior level – ski relay race.

Musical accompaniment: recordings of Koryak music and songs.

8. Tea party in a yurt. Teachers sum up the results of the relay race and the competition for the best sketch.

9. Construction. Summing up the day. Presentation of certificates and prizes. Performance of the Talovka anthem.

10. Returning home.

Literature: presentation from the personal archive of Semenova T.A.

G. Porotov “I want to write a Kamchatka line into the mythical chronicle!”

Comp. M.E. Belyaeva, A.A. Goncharova

KSKU "Kamchatka Folk Art Center" 2014

Pyotr Yaganov “Unfinished Song” comp. M.E. Belyaeva, N.A. Listopadova,

O.N.Polyakov. KSKU "Kamchatka Folk Art Center" 2014

Folklore of the peoples of Kamchatka (from the archive of G.G. Porotov) “Kamchatpress”

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 2012

Hololo is a collection of ancient customs, dances and songs of the Koryaks. They prepare for this holiday all year long! Northern aborigines are a working people: there is almost no time to relax and have fun.

Traditionally, Hololo is celebrated at the end of autumn, when the Koryaks end their long hunting and fishing season. Hololo is, one might say, the Koryak Thanksgiving Day. And the aborigines thank nature and the gods for the fish they caught, for the animals they hunted, for the mushrooms and berries they collected - for something with which they can survive the long and cold winter.

This holiday is also called the Day of the sea animal - the seal. The animal on Hololo must be hunted by a young hunter. At the sacred fire, a purification ritual is performed over the seal - the Koryaks seem to ask for forgiveness for the murder. They respect this animal, without which it would be very difficult to live in winter: the seal is both nutritious meat and fat, which can be used not only for food, but also for lighting the home, as well as for heating.

Tour cost for a group of 4 people:
39,000 rubles

6 days / 5 nights

Tour description:

Day 1 - Arrival in Kamchatka
Arrival in Kamchatka at the airport in Elizovo. Meeting with a guide. Transfer to Paratunka village. Accommodation at a recreation center. Acclimatization rest. Swimming in an open-air thermal pool.

Day 2 - Ethnographic excursion to the national camp, visiting the Pacific Ocean
Breakfast. Departure from the hotel to the national camp. A tour of the camp, where you will get acquainted with the culture of the local aborigines, dances and songs of the peoples of Kamchatka. Photo session in national costumes and hot lunch (venison shurpa). Next we move to the Pacific coast. Walk along the coast. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation. Rest.

Day 3 - City tour; Museum of Local Lore; watching sea lions
Breakfast. Transfer to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. City tour. Visit to the Local Lore Museum. Descent to Mokhovaya Bay. Observation of sea lions. Return to the recreation center. Rest.

Sea lions, they are also sea lions - one of the most amazing animals on the planet. They are found only on the northern coasts of the Pacific Ocean. For more than 20 years, sea lions have been returning to the pier in Mokhovaya Bay, choosing it for rest. This landmark of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is a real miracle of nature, which arouses interest among both residents and guests of the regional center. It is believed that there are only two places in the world where sea lions have established rookeries within the city, close to people. This is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the American city of Seattle.

Day 4 - Visit to the Koryak ritual holiday "Hololo"
Breakfast. Transfer to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The holiday is a concentration of ancient customs, ritual dances, songs, where you can taste original Koryak dishes, see festive clothes, hear beautiful tambourine playing, and take part in national competitions in strength, agility and prowess.

Day 5 - Jeep tour to the wild thermal springs "Karymshinskie".
Breakfast. Departure and hotels to the Karymshinsky springs. A wonderful adventure awaits you, combining a small dose of extreme sports and the relaxing warmth of the springs.
The route passes through a creek in the area of ​​the Vilyuchinsky volcano. Along the route you will be able to admire the surrounding mountains and mountain rivers. You will plunge into unique thermal springs that remain hot all year round, and in which you can swim comfortably even in severe frost! Lunch, hot tea. Return to the recreation center.

Day 6 - Departure
Breakfast. Departure from the recreation center. Transfer to Yelizovo. Visit to the fish market. Airport transfer. Departure.

Attention! The company reserves the right to make changes to the route (sequence of days) while maintaining the excursion program!

Hololo - the Koryak national seal holiday is celebrated at the end of the fishing season. Previously, the inhabitants of Kamchatka thanked the gods in this way for successful hunting and fishing. Since 2010, along with the Itelmen and Even holidays of thanksgiving to nature - Alhalalalai and Nurgenek - Hololo has been an official holiday of the Kamchatka Territory.

The Hololo seal festival takes place at the ethnic site - Visiting Kutkha. This is an ancient national holiday dedicated to the end of the summer fishing season, similar to those celebrated by other indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka in the autumn months, thanking the gods for successful hunting and fishing. The main guest of the holiday is the seal. According to legend, having pleased this sea animal, miners can hope that next summer it will return and bring new “guests” with it.

Guests of the holiday could get acquainted with the national cuisine and arts and crafts of the indigenous peoples of the North, try fish soup and seal shurpa. Under the roar of tambourines, rituals of offerings to Gyrgolalyn (located above), Ivinilyn (patron of sea hunting) and Yavalken (located outside) were performed.

Girls in national clothes gave the guests of the holiday “Lauten” grass, which they could hang on the “tree of luck” with their wishes.

Guests were also treated to ritual food - tolushka (traditional local food) with seal fat and wild berries, as well as original Koryak national dishes of meat and fish. Participants performed folk songs and music, competed in dancing, strength and agility.

“The mood is ocha-ocha, ocha-ocha. This is the mood. We are filled with emotions because there are so many of our friends - those who dance, those who don’t dance, and those who have been dancing for a long time. It’s just that all our friends have gathered and we really have fun here, it’s delicious and it smells like fish soup,” says Natalya Novak, an Itelmen woman.

Photo - Victor Gumenyuk (Hololo in Anavgai), video - Public Television of Russia

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