Causes of baby spitting up. Regurgitation in infants. Why does a baby spit up?

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Both my daughters had this problem until they were about 3 months old.
Both Alice and Faya could vomit either immediately after feeding, or after some time - with already digested milk.
Looking ahead, I will say that these were physiological regurgitations caused by the immaturity of the newborn’s digestive system.

Physiological regurgitation

Causes of physiological regurgitation:

  • The cardiac sphincter, which serves as a separator between the esophagus and stomach, is underdeveloped and, by contracting, does not allow incoming food to return.
  • Swallowing air while eating.
    Almost all babies encounter this phenomenon when air bubbles enter the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. They put pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing the baby to regurgitate.
  • Binge eating.
    Feeding “on demand” can lead to this result. When feeding, the baby may well get carried away and eat too much. I just fed both daughters on demand and in the first months they could eat for a very long time, even when they fell asleep. It is possible that they ate more than they needed and, as a result, vomited.
    Also, when regurgitating, it is recommended to be careful with giving the child additional water, especially for children on breastfeeding.
  • Baby's activity after feeding.
    It happens that after feeding the baby begins to become active (turn over, stretch, move his arms and legs). This condition prevents the digestive system from performing its functions correctly.

With Alisa, I was very worried that she often spit up. After all, she burped after every feeding and even more than once.
Our pediatrician and neurologist at prof. At the reception they always asked if the baby was spitting up. It turns out that regurgitation can also be pathological.

Pathological regurgitation

Pathological regurgitation are a very alarming symptom. It can indicate not only dysfunction of the digestive organs, but also serious disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.
A distinctive feature of unhealthy regurgitation is its frequency and large volume. They can be so intense that food comes out of the baby's mouth like a fountain.
Also, the presence of symptoms such as poor appetite, capricious behavior, and insufficient weight gain should cause concern.

If your child spits up often and a lot, or behaves restlessly, be sure to tell your pediatrician about this, who will prescribe tests and examinations.
Of course, our pediatrician knew that Alice often burps and at the appointment she always clarified exactly how she burps, isn’t it like a fountain? She also asked how Alice eats, sleeps, whether she is capricious or not.

It should be noted that in the first months, Alice’s weight gain was small, but within normal limits. Alice's character was calm, she ate and slept well. All routine ultrasounds did not reveal any abnormalities in her.
In terms of symptoms, our regurgitations were more like physiological ones, which they turned out to be. Because Over time, their frequency and volume began to decrease - at 3 months, Alice was burping several times less. By 6 months, the regurgitation had almost completely disappeared.

Faya also had this problem - the same frequent regurgitation. But, apart from regurgitation, there were no more alarming symptoms. Therefore, I was no longer worried - at 3-4 months Faya spit up much less and by six months we had already forgotten about this problem.
But, I must admit, regurgitation, even if it is physiological, causes a lot of inconvenience.

What to do if your baby spits up frequently

Here's what you can and even need to do if your baby burps frequently:

  • Place the baby on his tummy immediately before feeding, for at least 5 minutes. In this position, his digestive system will quickly become active.
  • During feeding, try to keep the baby at a slight angle, and you can sit him down a little.
  • Avoid lying down feeding if you practice this.
    Yes, this is very convenient - at this time you can even sleep yourself, especially if the child eats for a long time. But, in my case, all attempts to feed while lying down ended in profuse regurgitation, if not immediately after feeding, then after some time. I could afford to feed my daughters lying down only after 3 months.
  • After feeding, be sure to hold the baby in a “column” so that he burps air.
  • Provide the baby with maximum rest after feeding.
    Try not to carry out any manipulations with the child immediately after feeding, be it changing diapers, changing clothes, bathing, games and, God forbid, massage or gymnastics.
    After feeding, I always tried to hold my daughters upright in my arms for a longer time. Otherwise, if you immediately put them in a crib or on a changing table, they could begin to become active and, as a result, spit up some of the milk they just ate.
  • Burping up during sleep can be very dangerous because... the child may choke.
    To avoid this, make a slight tilt in the crib - place a towel cushion under the mattress.
    Or, you can use a special reclining pillow for newborns. We had just such a pillow and it was very useful to us in the first months:

It is better to place the child on his side or on his back, but his head must be turned to one side. In this position, even if the baby burps, he will not choke.
It is not recommended to use regular soft pillows or place your baby on his tummy while sleeping.

  • If possible, walk more, give your child a massage, bathe him daily - all this has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Remember that the number of physiological regurgitations should decrease every month and they usually stop when the baby begins to sit up steadily.

Any nursing woman has encountered such a problem when a newborn baby, for one reason or another, begins to regurgitate milk after breastfeeding, and in the case when the child is on artificial nutrition, then after using formula. Most often, this is a normal and natural phenomenon during the baby’s growth, which does not bother much and which the child, developing physiologically, will soon cope with on his own.

In special cases, regurgitation acts as a factor in the disease that develops in the baby’s body. In this case, only a pediatrician can diagnose the disease. Of course, every parent worries about the reasons why a newborn starts regurgitating food. In order to understand the reasons for this process, you should carefully review the information about this phenomenon.

Regurgitation is the process of releasing milk from the stomach through the mouth. Is it normal when a baby starts spitting up the milk he receives? In fact, this is not always correct.

Why does a newborn spit up after feeding?

Why does fountain regurgitation occur?

This type of regurgitation can significantly alarm a young mother. Factors for such regurgitation may include:

How to determine the cause of regurgitation?

At the time when the baby begins to regurgitate the received mother's milk, you need to carefully examine the stain. If the baby spits up milk curdled or the mass is more like cottage cheese, then you don’t have to worry anymore. It's not vomiting at all. Pour a teaspoon of water around the stain and if the stains match in size, then everything is fine with the baby. You need to show special concern and go to a specialist only when the baby spits up quite profusely.

Why does a baby spit up after formula feeding?

If the baby begins to spit up after formula, then the factors may be the same as in children fed with breast milk.

Providing first aid to infants and prevention

If the regurgitation process begins at that moment When a child lies on his back, there is a high probability of blockage of the baby’s airways and the subsequent occurrence of pneumonia. In order to prevent the child from getting sick, you should immediately turn the baby onto his stomach or take him in your arms. This way the baby will be able to completely get rid of leftover food.

In order for the child’s intestinal function to stabilize, he should be given Motilium, and for spasms - Riabal. But these medications It should be used only after consulting with a general practitioner, because you cannot know 100% what is causing the regurgitation of food.

Preventive actions

If a child regurgitates food too often, then you should remember a few actions that have been tested by other parents and that can help relieve the baby from the possibility of regurgitation.

When should you go to the doctor?

Spitting up is an action that any caring parent can prevent. But sometimes help from a doctor is still necessary.

When your baby keeps spitting up or the mass, which can be noticed after the regurgitation process, has changed its volume, color and smell, then you should seek help from professionals. You should visit your pediatrician from the very beginning. After a thorough examination, he may redirect you to a surgeon, neurologist or gastroenterologist.

Also, you should not wait too long to visit a specialist when the baby spits up too much and then starts screaming or bending over. This behavior may mean that the baby’s walls in the esophagus were inflamed.

A special inspection needs to be carried out if regurgitation occurs in the form of a fountain; you need to check the temperature after regurgitation or inspect the spot. It would be best to show the baby to a doctor and not take risks just like that.

Regurgitation after baby turns one year old should also be taken into account by parents as something abnormal. By this age, this process should go away automatically. Otherwise, this may mean that pathological processes are operating inside the baby’s body, the nature and occurrence of which only specialists can understand.

What does normal regurgitation look like?

Why does my baby start spitting up after every meal?

Birth of a baby is a happy event for every family and parents. Moments of euphoria and happiness quickly give way to concern for a small child: how to properly care for him, how to protect him from various diseases, what to do for treatment?

Many people know that the time from birth to one year of the baby is considered the most difficult. During this period of time, the baby’s body actively grows and adapts to new conditions, the process of functioning of all organs and systems in the baby’s body is improved. The most problems and difficulties can occur with the gastrointestinal tract. According to confirmed information, 70% of children under the age of one year face difficulties in the functioning of the intestines.

Most often, parents are faced with such a problem when the child begins to actively burp after each feeding.

The cause of regurgitation can be either physiological, and biological factors. If physiological factors are considered quite harmless, then with biological factors everything is not so simple. The fact is that babies under one year of age have a completely different structure of the digestive tract. In newborns, the esophagus is noticeably short and not closed to the maximum. In addition, they have a small spindle-shaped stomach and an insufficiently developed fermentation mechanism, which means that the baby is able to burp after any feeding.

It is worth paying attention to some signs of regurgitation:

Regurgitation is the involuntary reflux of stomach contents into the oral cavity. This is a condition that very often occurs in infants and causes concern in their mothers. Most often, this phenomenon is “benign” and goes away on its own at the age of one and a half to two years.

Regurgitation should not be confused with vomiting. When a child burps, food is released without effort or tension in the abdominal muscles. Vomiting is characterized by tension of the abdominal muscles and the release of food under pressure not only through the mouth, but also through the nose. In infants, vomiting often begins unexpectedly and is not preceded by nausea. Sometimes general anxiety first occurs, the face becomes pale, and the extremities become cold. As a rule, vomiting is accompanied by fever and loose stools. Vomit may contain unchanged milk, an admixture of blood, bile or mucus.

Why does an infant spit up?

Why are newborns and children under one year prone to regurgitation? This occurs due to the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Their esophagus is short and straight, and their stomach is located vertically. The circular muscle is poorly developed - the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, which, by contracting, prevents food from flowing out in the opposite direction. Gradually, as the child grows, the digestive system matures and is finally formed, and then regurgitation stops. Therefore, it becomes clear that it is not possible to avoid this condition in newborns and infants. However, you can make sure that your baby spits up as little as possible. To do this, you should know the reasons that provoke regurgitation.

Regurgitation can be physiological, occurring normally in healthy children, or pathological.

Causes of physiological regurgitation:

- Overfeeding The situation of overfeeding usually occurs in actively sucking infants when the mother produces abundant breast milk. This can also happen when switching from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial feeding, when the amount of formula is incorrectly calculated. Regurgitation occurs immediately or some time after feeding in a volume of 5–10 ml. The milk flows out unchanged or partially curdled.

- Swallowing air during feeding(aerophagia). This situation can arise when a baby greedily sucks at the breast when there is little milk from the mother. An inverted, flat nipple of the mother's breast also contributes to aerophagia, since the baby cannot completely grasp the entire nipple, including the areola. Artificial babies often have feeding defects when the hole in the nipple of the bottle is large or the nipple is not completely filled with milk and the child swallows air. Children with aerophagia are usually restless after feeding, and there is bulging of the abdominal wall (the tummy is inflated). Then, after 10-15 minutes, the eaten milk is poured out unchanged, accompanied by a loud sound of belching air. In general, children with low or high birth weight are prone to aerophagia.

- Constipation or intestinal colic. In these conditions, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases and the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, which provokes regurgitation.

Until the age of four months, the norm is to regurgitate up to 2 teaspoons of milk after each feeding or to regurgitate more than 3 spoons once a day. To find out how much a baby has burped, you need to take a diaper, pour 1 teaspoon of water on it, and compare this stain with the stain formed after regurgitation.

What to do if your baby spits up

Children with physiological regurgitation do not need any correction or treatment. You just need to try to eliminate the cause, if it depends on you, and carry out prevention.

Prevention of frequent regurgitation in infants:

1. After each feeding, hold the baby upright (in a column) for 15-20 minutes. Then the air trapped in the stomach will come out. If nothing happens, put the child down and after a minute or two lift him upright again.
2. Check whether the hole in the bottle is too large and whether the nipple is filled with milk during feeding. Try other nipples - maybe another one will suit you better.
3. During feeding, hold the baby in a semi-upright position, check whether he completely grasps the nipple with the isola.
4. Before each feeding, place the baby stomach down on a hard surface.
5. After eating, try to limit the child’s physical activity, do not disturb him unnecessarily, and change clothes only when absolutely necessary.
6. Make sure that clothes or diapers do not squeeze the baby’s abdomen.
7. If you have a good appetite, try to feed him more often, but in small portions, otherwise a large amount of food will cause a full stomach and, as a result, regurgitation of excess food.
8. The surface in the crib on which the child usually lies should have a headboard raised by 10 cm.

If regurgitation becomes more frequent or more abundant, or first appears after six months of life, or does not decrease by the age of one and a half to two years, the child should be consulted by a pediatrician, and most likely, a consultation with a gastroenterologist will be required.

There is a scale for assessing the intensity of regurgitation:

5 regurgitations per day or less, in an amount of up to 3 ml - 1 point,
More than 5 regurgitations per day, in an amount of more than 3 ml - 2 points,
More than 5 regurgitations per day, in an amount of up to half the volume of milk consumed, but no more than half of the feedings - 3 points,
Regular regurgitation of a small volume for 30 minutes or more after each feeding - 4 points,
Regurgitation from half to the full volume of milk taken in half of the feedings - 5 points,

Regurgitation with an intensity of 3 points or higher requires a mandatory visit to a doctor.

Pathological regurgitation occurs for the following reasons:

Surgical diseases and defects of the digestive system;
- diaphragm hernia;
- pathology of the central nervous system;
- food intolerance;
- increased intracranial pressure.

Such regurgitation is characterized by intensity, systematicity, and a large volume of milk that the child regurgitates. At the same time, the general condition of the child is disrupted - he becomes very tearful, loses or does not gain weight, and does not eat the amount of food required by his age. In this case, an examination by a pediatrician, surgeon, neurologist, gastroenterologist, allergist is required using laboratory and instrumental examination.

Milk thickeners for regurgitation

If examinations do not reveal diseases, the child’s mother takes preventive measures against regurgitation, and the child still continues to regurgitate, the doctor may recommend using special thickeners that make breast milk thicker, which will contribute to prolonged retention of food in the stomach and, thereby, prevent return it to the oral cavity. Rice or corn starch, carob flour, and carob gluten are used as thickeners. Usually take 1 teaspoon of starch per 30 ml of breast milk. You can use Hipp Bio-Rice Water.

When artificial feeding, you can use therapeutic antireflux mixtures.

Depending on the type of thickener, these mixtures are divided into two groups:

The greatest effect is observed when using mixtures containing gum. They are given to the child both in full and as a replacement for part of the feeding. In this case, the amount of formula needed by the child is determined by the time the regurgitation stops. The duration of use of these mixtures is on average 3–4 weeks.

Artificial mixtures containing starch as a thickener act “softer”. They can be given to children with mild forms of regurgitation (1–3 points). They are recommended to be prescribed to completely replace the previously obtained mixture. The duration of their use is somewhat longer than when using gum-containing artificial mixtures.

When using an antireflux mixture, you should remember that this group of mixtures is already a treatment for the child and is recommended only by a doctor, just like medications prescribed when diet therapy is ineffective.

Pediatrician S.V. Sytnik

Every mother encounters regurgitation of the baby after eating, both during breastfeeding and when using formula. Most often, regurgitation is a normal physiological condition that the baby “outgrows” over time. But sometimes it is a symptom of an illness that forces parents to see a doctor. Why does regurgitation occur and what should parents do?


Regardless of the manner of eating breast milk, the baby also sucks in air, which causes discomfort and gives a false feeling of fullness. To get rid of it you need to regurgitate. With the correct breastfeeding technique, the baby does not burp very often.

Another most common cause of regurgitation is overfeeding the baby with milk. Excess food is removed from the baby’s stomach naturally.

When breastfeeding

Regurgitation in a baby can also occur due to:

  • Digestive disorders. For example, colic or constipation can prevent food from moving normally through the digestive tract.
  • Incorrect breastfeeding technique. The baby does not latch onto the nipple correctly and swallows a lot of air along with milk.
  • Problems with the esophageal sphincter. In infants, the muscles of this sphincter are poorly developed and are fully formed only by the age of one year.
  • Misbehavior in adults. Immediately after feeding, the baby should not be strongly rocked, pressed, turned on its side, and so on.
  • Diseases of the nervous system and other pathological changes.

When bottle feeding

The reasons in this case are almost the same as for children receiving mother's milk. The main factor causing regurgitation is overeating. At the same time, it is much easier to regulate the amount of food consumed by an artificial baby.

You may be holding your baby or bottle incorrectly when feeding. Read about how to properly bottle feed your baby in another article.

Also, the baby may spit up if the formula does not suit him. Consult your pediatrician and choose a different diet for your baby.

A lot: spitting up like a fountain

Such regurgitation should cause concern in the mother - if the baby regurgitates quite often, the child should be shown to the doctor.

The baby can spit up like a fountain:

  • if the baby is premature because he has an immature digestive system;
  • in case of unsuccessful replacement of breastfeeding with formula;
  • due to colic and deformations of the baby’s internal organs, when there are obstacles to the movement of food.
  • due to difficult childbirth: oxygen starvation during childbirth or partial damage to the nervous system. This should go away with time.

If your baby is gaining weight well, has normal bowel movements and urination, and has no other concerns, don't worry, even if he spits up quite often.

How to help your baby?

During the feeding process, air inevitably enters the baby's stomach, which is the cause of regurgitation. To reduce the baby's spitting up of milk or formula, the parent should help the baby get rid of the air. Air bubbles trapped in the digestive system lead to discomfort and pain in the abdomen, and are also “to blame” for a false feeling of fullness. That is why it is important to help the baby burp air.

Tips for parents:

  • Even if the baby falls asleep at the end of feeding, carefully move him to an upright position. Placing your baby to sleep on his stomach will also help with regurgitation.
  • Follow the correct technique for bottle feeding your baby. Let the mixture fill the entire nipple and not flow too quickly.
  • The baby should be fed in a reclining position so that the baby's head is slightly elevated.
  • Try to feed your baby in a calm environment and without distractions. If the baby pulls away from the bottle or breast, he will swallow more air.
  • Give the baby food on demand, as a very hungry baby eats quickly and swallows more air.
  • If during the feeding process the baby began to show his dissatisfaction and behave restlessly, perhaps the cause was swallowing air. It is worth interrupting the feeding and helping the baby burp.
  • Often, the baby regurgitates the air trapped in the stomach almost immediately after a meal, but sometimes this takes longer. Parents should be patient and make sure they help the baby get rid of excess air.

There are three ways to help your baby burp:

  1. Putting the baby on your shoulder. Take the baby in your arms in a vertical position so that the baby's head is higher than the mother's shoulder. Hold the baby under the bottom with one hand, and stroke the baby's back with the other. Walk around the room with your child in this position for several minutes. Be sure to place a towel over your shoulder to protect your clothing.
  2. Putting the baby on your lap. The baby should lie face down on your lap - let the baby's tummy be located above the mother's knee. Hold the toddler's head with one hand and stroke his back with the other. Cover your knees with a towel to protect your clothing.
  3. “Putting” the baby on your lap. Bend the baby forward a little and make sure that the baby's back remains straight. One hand should be placed under the baby's chin, and the other should stroke the baby's back.

When should you worry?

The child should be shown to the pediatrician if:

  • The amount of food that the baby regurgitates is very large. The normal volume of regurgitated milk is 2-4 tablespoons.
  • The child has a swollen belly and has had stool for a long time.
  • The baby cries a lot and bends over while burping.
  • The mass that the baby regurgitated has changed color or smell.
  • After regurgitation, the temperature rose.
  • The child is already one year old, but the regurgitation has not stopped.

It is especially important to draw the doctor’s attention to the fact of frequent regurgitation if the baby does not gain weight. Poor weight gain indicates that the child is not receiving enough nutrients. The causes of frequent regurgitation and simultaneous weight loss may be abnormal development of the digestive tract, lactose intolerance, or an infectious disease.

  • When a baby is in a hurry, he swallows a lot of air with milk, so feed the baby on demand, before he gets too hungry.
  • When feeding, keep your baby in a semi-upright position.
  • Hold the bottle at such an angle that the milk completely fills the nipple and there is no room for air.
  • When bottle feeding your baby, choose a nipple that will allow the milk to flow at the optimal rate.
  • When tilting the bottle, the liquid should pour out in rare droplets. This will indicate that the hole is selected correctly.

Regardless of the form of nutrition, whether breastfeeding or artificial, a newborn may hiccup and regurgitate during feeding or after some time. What is the reason and is it dangerous when a one-month-old baby spits up milk after feeding? Regurgitation is a physiological process in which food is slowly leaked or ejected out of the stomach through the mouth and nose. How to help a baby if he often burps? What to do when the regurgitated mass looks like yellow vomit, with mucus and blood?

Causes of regurgitation in infants

“Why does a newborn baby spit up?” — young mothers ask pediatricians. The reason for regurgitation lies in the immaturity of the internal organs and the digestive system. Belching is air that enters the esophagus during feeding. The body gets rid of air through the mouth and nose along with some of the milk. Up to 3-4 months, a newborn burps 5-10 minutes after each meal, sometimes after half an hour. Later, regurgitation is reduced to 1-2 times a day.

The reason that a baby hiccups and is able to regurgitate a lot of milk is considered to be:

  • Incorrect complementary feeding or diet. With the early introduction of complementary foods, large portions, very liquid food, the walls of the stomach are stretched, which causes regurgitation.
  • Lying position after feeding. When the child has eaten, he is lifted up in a column and stroked on the back until a burp appears. If this is not done, the baby will vomit most of what he ate.
  • Disturbance of rest after eating. A newly fed baby should not be changed, turned over, or placed on his tummy. Once she breaks this unwritten rule, mommy will find a whole puddle of milk, which the baby will immediately spit up.
  • Teething. This is a real test for a baby. Some children react to it with fever, crying, anxiety, and increased salivation. Others, when teething, burp more often and more.
  • Tight swaddling, squeezing the delicate body, impedes gastric motility. Food, without getting to it, comes back out.

Regurgitation while breastfeeding

  • Often regurgitation of milk occurs due to overfeeding. Mommy needs to establish the feeding process so that the newborn learns to eat as much as he needs. There is no need to give the breast when he does not ask, distracting him from crying and anxiety. It is unlikely that a 2-3 month old baby will refuse to latch on to the breast, but he will definitely regurgitate an extra portion of milk.
  • Air entering the intestines during feeding. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, a lot of air is swallowed, which can cause the baby to spit up and hiccup. It is necessary to ensure that it covers the entire nipple and part of the areola. The chin should touch the chest, and the lower lip should turn outward - this indicates correct attachment.
  • Bloating and colic provoke regurgitation. Mom needs to stick to a diet and not eat foods that cause stomach upset, and massage the tummy.
  • Greedy sucking. With rapid absorption of milk, the newborn swallows air along with food. A hungry child, intensively sucking large portions, can regurgitate them. Feedings should be done more often, with short breaks between them.

Regurgitation after formula feeding

  • In newborns who are fed formula, regurgitation occurs due to overeating, as in breastfed babies. In this case, the volumes eaten are easier to control. The amount of food offered in the bottle should be age appropriate.
  • A mixture containing a lot of lactose. This type of food is difficult for infants to digest and causes regurgitation. If your baby spits up frequently, it makes sense to switch him to anti-reflux formulas. They contain components that secure food in the stomach, preventing it from expelling.
  • Large hole in the nipple. You should choose an anti-colic bottle with a valve that prevents excess air from entering during feeding. It is important to hold the bottle at a slight angle. In this case, the nipple should be filled entirely with the mixture.

Regurgitation due to health problems

When a baby spits up frequently, it may indicate serious health problems. The main reason lies in neurological disorders and disorders of the digestive system.

Neurological abnormalities:

  1. Intrauterine abnormalities or birth injuries. Pathologies of the nervous system, hypoxia, high intracranial pressure, trembling of the chin and limbs, muscle tone in a child.
  2. Trauma to the cervical vertebrae received at birth can cause regurgitation. The baby suffers from vomiting and pain when turning her head. The doctor prescribes massage, physiotherapy, and medications.
  3. Premature babies are delayed in physical development and often spit up. Their esophagus and stomach are underdeveloped. In order to catch up with peers, the baby will need time.

Digestive system disorders:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. It occurs due to the use of antibiotics, when introducing complementary foods, or when the child consumes an inappropriate formula.
  2. Infectious diseases. Intestinal infections, meningitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, causing toxic poisoning. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by high fever, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, and colic. The products of regurgitation may contain streaks of blood, mucus, and bile.
  3. Increased gas formation, bloating, colic. A large amount of gas in the intestines causes fluid to be pushed out through the nose and mouth.
  4. Constipation. It interferes with the normal digestion of milk, causing it to be regurgitated. At the same time, the child strains, groans, and worries about how to cope with constipation in a newborn.
  5. Allergy. Fake chickens often suffer from an allergic reaction to cow protein. In addition to skin irritation, discomfort, colic, regurgitation occurs.
  6. Lactase deficiency. The absence of this enzyme causes digestive disorders. Milk sugar is not broken down and fermentation begins in the intestines. Lactase deficiency can be determined using tests. The child’s well-being improves when he is transferred to lactose-free formulas and given lactase enzymes.
  7. Congenital gastric pathologies.
  8. Narrowing of the passage connecting the stomach and duodenum.

Danger of spitting up

Constant regurgitation in a child is fraught with loss of fluid in the body and weight loss, which is the main indicator in newborns. It is especially dangerous if the baby burps in his sleep. He may choke and cough. Pediatricians recommend placing the head of a baby up to 6-7 months old on a small pillow so that regurgitation products do not enter the respiratory tract.

Regurgitating a fountain is very similar to vomiting. When vomiting, the abdominal muscles tense and food is expelled through the baby's mouth and nose. It begins unexpectedly, without attacks of nausea. The baby is worried, turns pale, and his limbs become cold. Vomiting is accompanied by fever and diarrhea. And the vomit may be yellow or contain blood. You can distinguish normal regurgitation from vomiting using water. The normal volume of regurgitation is considered to be 10 ml. Fill 2-3 tablespoons with water and pour them onto the diaper. The resulting stain is compared to the amount that the baby burped. If the baby is able to burp more, and this happens regularly, you need to visit a doctor. It is advisable to take a closer look at the composition of the stain. If a newborn vomits curdled milk that resembles cottage cheese, there is no need to worry - this is not vomiting.

Regurgitation is not a pathology. But when it is noticed that the newborn is burping after each fountain feeding, his urination is impaired, his stomach is upset, he is losing weight - you cannot delay consulting a pediatrician.

A doctor is needed when:

  • after regurgitation, the child strains, arches, cries;
  • after feeding, he always spits up in a fountain, similar to vomit;
  • curdled regurgitation has changed color and has an unpleasant odor.

Regurgitation with yellow color or blood indicates diseases of the digestive system. If bile and blood are noticed once, there is no need to worry, perhaps this is a temporary random phenomenon. When the baby strains, burps, and strains too much, a blood vessel in the esophagus may rupture. It will heal soon and there will be no more bleeding. But if blood and yellow regurgitation are observed several times a day, then this is a clear violation that requires medical intervention.

What to do if your baby spits up often

A mother can figure out for herself what to do when a child under 12 months of age spits up. Only she is nearby and controls the frequency, volume of regurgitation, its smell and color. If there are any doubts or concerns, it is better to visit a specialist.

What can be done to help a child if he spits up a lot, but gains weight and feels well?

  1. When a baby lies on his back and spits up, the airway can become blocked, leading to pneumonia. It is necessary to take the baby in your arms or turn it on its side. This way, any leftover food will flow out without causing any danger to your health.
  2. If a newborn burps through his nose and starts crying, you can help him by moving him onto his stomach. When fluid leaks through the nostrils, the nasal mucosa is subject to irritating injury. In the future, this leads to the formation of polyps and adenoids.

For preventive purposes, to avoid regurgitation you need:

  • place the baby on the stomach before feeding;
  • When placing a newborn on the chest, monitor his position. The head should be slightly elevated and the nipple grasped correctly;
  • After eating, the child must be picked up. Sometimes the baby, already in his sleep, begins to push, worry and fidget. You need to lift him up and rock him until he burps.

At what age does a baby stop burping?

A healthy baby stops burping at 6-7 months of age. At this time, he actively learns to sit, increasingly being in an upright position. Thick food in complementary foods reduces the frequency of regurgitation. In children, the stomach muscles develop slowly and finally reach maturity by age 8. Because of this, spontaneous vomiting in a child occurs much more often than in an adult.

When a one-year-old child spits up, this causes concern. By this age, regurgitation in healthy children finally goes away. If it does not stop, the child may have pathologies that require diagnosis and treatment.

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