How to make an endless square out of paper. Geometric figures. Cube How to make a dice out of paper

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A hexahedron or cube is a polyhedron whose sides are all squares. Do you like riddles and puzzles? This article will teach you how to make a cube out of paper or cardboard. Let's consider such unusual products as the Yoshimoto cube and the transforming cube.

From the scan

Developments are called diagrams that allow you to make a three-dimensional figure from paper or cardboard. First, let's learn how to build a sweep. To make it you need paper, pencil, ruler and scissors.

All sides of the cube are squares. So, first you need to draw a square on a piece of paper. At the same time, do not forget about the rules of geometry - a square has all sides equal, and the angles are 90°. Next, let’s remember how many faces the cube has – six. That is, there should also be six of them in the gluing diagram. Draw four squares around the central square. Where should I put another one? Just draw it on the side of one of the squares. The edges are in place, there are not enough allowances for gluing. They need to be drawn on three side squares. They are 0.5-1 cm.

Do not forget to cut their corners at an angle of 45°, so they will not interfere when gluing the figure.

The scan is ready! This is what you should get:

Now you need to arm yourself with scissors and glue and assemble the figure. Cut out the development using scissors. Next, you need to bend all the edges of the cube, as well as the allowances. Lubricate the edges with glue and connect the cube together. Volumetric paper cube is ready!

Origami cube

The origami technique is very ancient. Its appearance is associated with the production of paper in Ancient China. The Japanese adopted its secret, and it was there that the art of origami originated. Previously, figures made of paper had a sacred meaning. They decorated temples, wedding and funeral ceremonies. The Japanese believed that hanging balls folded using the origami technique above the patient's head would help ward off illness and evil spirits. Later this art began to be not only religious, but also entertaining.

Most origami patterns date back to ancient times, but modern masters have also made a significant contribution to the development of this unusual type of creativity. We invite you to try folding a cube using the origami technique. To do this, you need to take a square sheet of paper and make a fold in the center, and then bend the edges towards the middle. This initial figure is called a door.

Fold the edges toward the center and tuck the top and bottom corners into the pockets:

Turn the workpiece over and bend along the lines indicated in the diagram:

The result is a module. To collect a cube of such modules you need six. Each part has pockets; it is into them that neighboring modules are inserted. Connect the parts according to the diagram:

The origami cube is ready. For beauty, you can make each side from paper of different colors.

Unusual puzzle

Do you want to please your beloved children with an unusual puzzle or make an unforgettable photo album? Then a short master class on creating a transforming cube will be useful to you. On each side of such a cube you can place a picture or photograph, and inside there are as many as six more pictures.

To make this cube you will need:

  • 12 pictures or photographs;
  • Glue;
  • 8 cubes with 4 cm sides;
  • Scotch.

You can take the most ordinary children’s cubes or glue them yourself using this pattern:

First, look at the places where the cubes are attached:

It is important to understand! The whole secret of transforming such a puzzle is to correctly glue pairs of cubes.

To make it more clear, let's look at this process step by step. First, glue two pairs of cubes together as shown by the yellow stripes in the diagram:

Place these four cubes side by side and glue them together in the places indicated in blue:

Place the cubes as shown in the diagram. In this case, the yellow gluing will be on the side opposite the red one. Glue along the red lines:

The photo must be placed on the four cubes. The size of the photographs is 8 by 8 cm.

It is important to glue the photo carefully, especially if you do it with glue. Otherwise, you can inadvertently glue together those edges that are responsible for the correct transformation of the puzzle. So it's better to use hot glue or double-sided tape.

An unusual photo album from a transforming cube is ready! You can see in the photo how you can lay it out and view pictures.

Children learn the art of origami from school, and in most cases they become familiar with paper, glue and scissors in kindergarten, where they make their first primitive crafts together with their teachers. By cutting out figures from paper, first flat, then three-dimensional, the child is preparing to study geometry, and it is very important to instill in him a love for Aristotelian science right away, so that interest does not disappear later, and everything works out. A volumetric square made of paper is a figure with which one usually begins to get acquainted with stereometry. Having learned simple techniques for making this polygon, you will be able to build amazing structures based on an ordinary cube.

Basics of geometry

Anyone without advanced mathematical knowledge can make origami out of paper. A square - at first glance, a very simple figure, and constructing it will not be difficult. However, you need to start the process prepared, having an understanding of paper assembly and not being too upset at the first failures. Before you start getting interested in how to make a square out of paper, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of geometry. Do not forget that a cube is a rectangle in which all sides are equal and the angles are right. This condition is mandatory, but errors of a couple of millimeters are acceptable.

Assembly materials

The production of a square occurs in several stages. You will need a sheet of paper, glue or tape, a ruler, a pencil and scissors. If you are afraid to draw a diagram yourself, you can print the finished diagram on a printer. To make the cube bright, each side can be covered with colored paper, shiny tape, or painted with multi-colored paints or crayons. To prevent the sides of the square from getting dirty over time and to maintain their original appearance, it is recommended to cover it with a transparent film.

Paper square: manufacturing diagram

Children and adults will love making geometric figures - the process is so exciting that very soon you will have a whole collection of various cubes. Before starting work, you need to stock up on the required amount of paper, which will be enough for all sides, so that later you do not have to add missing elements to the existing frame. The development is performed on whatman paper or cardboard. The material should be moderately dense so that the figure does not wrinkle during assembly, but a sheet of paper that is too thick will also not work. A special condition is the presence of additional edges on the sides of some sides, with the help of which the cube will be glued together. A volumetric square consists of eight identical sides. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of whatman paper, perform all the calculations before drawing the drawing on a sheet of paper.

Cube assembly

Once the development is ready, it must be cut with scissors. The connection can be made with any glue or To ensure that the edges of the square are even, each fold line must be bent several times before gluing. Now the pencil drawing can be erased so that the cube has an aesthetic appearance. Depending on the purpose for which the craft is being made, it can be decorated in different ways: pasted over with shiny glossy film or colored paper, painted or glued with bright stickers.

Make it a fun process, and soon your home will have a collection of cubes of different colors and sizes. Once you know how to make a square out of paper, it will be easy for you to create miniature crafts that can be turned into, for example, dice. If there is a small child growing up in the house, you can cover several figures with colored tape to get a unique set of doll furniture.

A little imagination...

If you decide to make an unusual origami out of paper, the square can be turned into For this, it should be made of a white material. The optimal length of each face is 1.5-2 cm. Before you start making a miniature cube, you need to practice and start learning the art of origami with a larger figure. As soon as the technique is fully studied, you will be able to create masterpieces based on simple Knowing how to make a square out of paper, you can easily move on to the next stage of learning - modeling original three-dimensional crafts.

Paper people

In Russia and the West, a tendency has long been noticed to produce children's kits for creating people and animals, which are based on a three-dimensional square of paper. The diagram is no different from the development of a simple cube, only for some parts the proportions are changed. So, by putting together squares of different sizes, you can design interesting crafts. Once your child understands this simple technique, you will be able to create masterpieces with your own hands and not spend money on expensive handicraft kits. It is better if the drawing is applied to the paper immediately, and not after assembling the entire figure.

To preserve the aesthetics of the product, the edges must be glued together with hard glue, not tape. is clearly visible on paper, and the craft will not look its best. Having figured out how to make a square out of paper, you can easily make unique crafts and collect a whole collection, because origami is a fascinating art that is accessible to people of all ages.

A person never knows what he may need at one time or another. Today he thinks that creating a paper cube is useless, but tomorrow he might find it useful, for example, for work purposes. So for all those in need and just those who like to create with their own hands and want to make paper crafts, there are several options for creating a cube from paper.

Creating a cube in a hurry

There is a way to quickly glue a paper cube. This scheme includes only five steps:

This is a simple and convenient scheme. By analogy, you can make a paper cube into a playing cube if suddenly the plastic ones get lost somewhere. Just draw dots with a marker! True, this miracle is not very bouncy, but for the first time it may be suitable.

Assembling a cube from paper modules

There is another option for creating a paper cube. If you use sheets of paper of different colors, the edges will turn out to be multi-colored. So, the following needs to be done:

Thus, you will get a cube whose structure will be somewhat more complex than the previous one..

Origami cube

The finished model turns out to be slightly unusual in appearance and beautiful. For this version of the paper cube you need 6 squares of paper. They can all be the same, and multi-colored. The creation scheme is as follows:

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When you need a base in the form of a cube for a craft, you need to know how to make a cube out of paper. The HomeMyHome editors will be happy to tell you in what ways you can do this, and you will choose the option that you like best.

Soon you will have cool homemade paper cubes

When you suddenly need a cube in the house, there is nothing easier than. There are several assembly methods.

How to make a cube out of paper: development diagram

A sweep is a simple circuit that will allow... The cube development can be printed, glued or made yourself.

Manufacturing instructions

Let's decide what kind of cube we want to assemble from paper or cardboard, or maybe you want to make a cube with photographs with your own hands?

How to make a paper cube

How to make a paper cube according to the diagram? It is easy and simple to download and print. Then you can follow the simple instructions and get the desired result.

To create a scan, prepare your own paper, a simple pencil, a ruler and scissors. Since each side of the cube is square, we need to draw squares with perfectly even right angles.

Any cube has 6 faces, so there should be exactly six of them in the diagram. First, we draw a central square of the desired width (remember that), and around it we draw 4 more squares with the same side length. We draw the last square on any element

In addition to the edges, allowances for gluing are required. We draw them from the side, drawing them to the three sidewalls. Each allowance should not be more than 1 cm. Do not forget that the corners of the allowances are cut at 45º.


You can take scissors and cut everything along the lines. We bend the edges of the future cube. All allowances are also carefully bent and coated with glue. Now all that remains is to glue all the parts and let the product dry.

How to make a cube out of cardboard

Let's figure out how to make a cube out of cardboard with your own hands.

The only difference in making a cube from paper and cardboard is that first we make a development from paper if the cardboard is very thick. This will help avoid mistakes and sloppiness. No one forbids applying markings directly to the reverse side of the cardboard.


DIY photo cube: creative photo album

How to make a cube with photos with your own hands? This is a creative puzzle that allows you to assemble different photos.


To make a funny photo album on a transforming cube, you need to glue a piece of a photograph or picture to each of its faces.

In the work they use glue, ready-made cubes assembled from cardboard (4 cm edges), and tape.


It is better to print the photos so that they match in size. The image must be taken with dimensions of 8×8 cm². You can immediately make a line 1 pixel wide: it will be easy to cut after printing, and the line itself will be invisible.

If we take 8 cubes, then we need to prepare 10 photographs. The picture is cut into 4 parts along the selected line, and each element is glued to the edge. But before that, you first need to stick strips of double-sided tape in a certain way.


How to make an original and bright modular paper cube with your own hands

Creativity knows no boundaries, and paper is a source of inspiration for different people. Let's see how to make a cube from sheets of A4 paper.

Manufacturing instructions

Let's figure out how to make a paper cube by assembling it from modules. The product requires 6 sheets of paper, from each we need to cut out a square measuring 15x15 cm². These sizes are convenient for work.

Important! All fold lines must be precise and perfect, otherwise the assembly will be crooked and ugly!

First, fold the sheet in half to create folds, unfold and fold each side towards the center. Now turn the paper over and fold its corners towards the center, creating a trapezoid. Only opposite corners can be folded.


The corners need to be released and all folding steps must be repeated for each square. In total, we have 6 modules for assembly.

Module assembly process:

  1. We take 2 modules, insert the corner of the first into the slot of the second, as in the photo.
  2. The second element needs to be inserted in the other direction: each slot will accommodate two triangles.
  3. All that remains is to add one more face, tucking in the triangles.


Origami cube made from square paper

It is unlikely that anyone is not familiar with the word origami: the ancient technique continues to enjoy constant popularity among people of different ages.

It is very interesting to try to make a cube from origami paper.

For creative work you need a square from a sheet of A4 paper. The square must be folded twice diagonally, marking the fold lines. You need to make a triangle by tucking the edges inward. We bend the free corners to the top. Such actions must be done on all sides of the triangular figure.


You need to bend the opposite corners from the sides into the center, focusing on the vertical. We perform similar actions with the other side.

Where the conical protrusion remains, you need to bend the free corners twice, then putting them in the pockets.

All that remains is to find an open corner and blow air into the figure, obtaining a three-dimensional square. Now you know how to make it out of paper.

How to make a square from a rectangle

To make a square from a rectangular sheet, you need to grab any free corner and pull it to the opposite side of the sheet: the point is that the extreme sides completely coincide with each other. The lower part will remain free; you just need to cut it off.

How to make an origami paper cube

Here is a diagram of how to make a paper cube.

How to make a Rubik's cube from paper

Perhaps it is better to make such a bright cube together with children!

These are the stages of work to be performed:

IllustrationDescription of action
Take a square and fold it in half
Unfold the sheet and fold one side towards the middle. Ironing the fold
Unfold the fold and fold the other side
Bend the first corner. We do the same with the opposite
You need to bend the edge of the “door” with a bent corner
We grab part of the “door” and bend the product at a slight angle
Now to the resulting figure we bend the second side with a bent corner, also in the form of a “door”
You need to bend the opposite corner, getting a parallelogram
The corner of the parallelogram needs to be hidden in a pocket
We bend the element with the corners facing each other outwards
Hiding the corner of one element in the pocket of another
We put all the elements into each other's pockets, forming a cube reminiscent of a Rubik's product
The result is beautiful and impressive

How to make a dice out of paper

To assemble the dice, you need to print out a cube template for gluing.

A cube is a multifaceted figure whose sides are represented by a square. If you or your child loves riddles, then after reading the article, you will learn how to make a cube out of paper. You will also learn about the various options for cubes and the detailed manufacturing process of each type.

Paper cube development diagram

Preparing a template for a cube Knowledge of how to make a cube from paper will help you design a gift box or a box for sweets. More details in one of the previous articles. The process of making a cube using a blank begins with constructing a development. A development is a diagram that is intended for the manufacture of a three-dimensional cube from cardboard or paper.

For work on the production of a development (circuit) we will need:

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler and scissors.

How to make a paper cube according to the diagram:

  1. Draw a square. We monitor the indicators: the sides should be equal, and the angles should correspond to the ninety-degree mark. Now we remember the school curriculum and find out that the cube has 6 faces. This means that there should be six squares on the paper.
  2. Draw identical squares with a pencil near the cube. Many will think that there is one extra left and it is not needed, but this is not so. It must be drawn next to any of the squares.
  3. So, it seems like 6 squares have been drawn, now to connect them, you need small allowances. They are drawn on the sides of 3 squares. In this case, their width should be up to one centimeter. Cut out the diagram and start gluing the craft. It is important not to forget to trim the corners of the allowances, as it will make the work better and more convenient.

After carrying out such manipulations, you will get a three-dimensional cube on which you can write letters and draw animals. A similar design can be made without the help of drawing. How to make a paper cube with 12 sides using the following diagram from the site:

Easy production using a ready-made template

This method of making a cube is easier and does not require knowledge of the school curriculum. To organize, you need to find a ready-made cube template on the Internet, print it out and cut it out, then bend the paper along the marked dotted lines and glue it into a finished craft. All this way, you get a wonderful cube that your child will love to play with.

For this paper cube, the origami technique is used. You only need to have a landscape sheet. There is no need for glue here, and scissors will only be used once and only when it is necessary to cut off the protruding edge. But upon completion of construction, you will need a lot of air, since the craft will have to be inflated.

Making a simple origami cube:

Simple cube (Step 1)

So, we get a ready-made cube, we need to give it volume. You need to find an open corner and blow air into it.

Modular cube

Having knowledge of how to make a cube out of paper using the origami technique and having made the craft several times, you can try to construct a cube from modules. You will need six sheets of colored paper, preferably 2 sheets of the same color. As for colored cardboard, it is better not to use it for this craft.

You also need to understand that such work requires a lot of time, but in the end you will get a wonderful craft. When manufacturing, you must follow the exact sequence.

Making modular crafts involves combining individual elements into a whole structure. We carried out similar actions when

The process of making a cube from modules:

After spending some time, you learned how to make a modular paper cube. And we were probably convinced that the final manufacturing result has an excellent appearance.

If you want the craft not to fall apart, then during construction it is better to use glue. It will ensure reliable fastening of parts.

Puzzle cube

To help your child develop, you can construct a puzzle cube from paper. It consists of eight small cubes, which are made according to a cut out template. The large puzzle cube has 6 sides, so 3 of them must be black and 3 must be white.

Having made the blank, we begin to construct the puzzle:

  • take 3 white cubes and 3 black cubes;
  • We connect them using double-sided tape.

The puzzle cube is ready, you can give it to your child.

Many people are delighted with the Yoshimoto cube. It turns over and spins on all sides without falling apart. It is made in the same way as the previous version from eight small cubes.

The main difference between this design is that it can become a strip of cubes. Many people will think that making such a toy on their own is difficult, but in reality it is not so.

For production you will need:

  • sheets (the quantity varies depending on how many shapes you want);
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors.

Having collected the entire list, we begin to construct the cube.

How to make a Yoshimoto cube from paper:

  1. We copy the attached drawing onto the prepared material and indicate the dimensions on it. You can change the specified parameters.
  2. We transfer the drawing to the selected material. A total of eight templates are needed.
  3. We cut out the blank and glue it into a finished small cube. We also make 7 more blanks of the same size.
  4. Now we take tape, put a thread under it and use the thread to fasten 8 cubes into a solid structure. The cube is ready.

If you use plain paper to make the cubes, regular tape and thread will do, but if the cubes are made from a denser material, it is better to use tape and glue. This kind of craft is very attractive to kids. They not only play with the cube, but also develop in every possible way. After all, you can draw images of animals and write letters on the cubes.

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