High temperature in a child: should it be lowered? What to do if a child has a high temperature - instructions for parents

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Save so you don't lose! Pediatricians advise! Very useful information, thanks! I didn’t know everything, but now I’ll take note. Told in detail and...

Save so you don't lose! Pediatricians advise!

Very useful information, thanks! I didn’t know everything, but now I’ll take note. It is told in detail and simply, without unnecessary complications.

Now that children get sick so often, every mother needs this knowledge! It’s so important to help your child and not harm!

1. How and when to bring down a child’s temperature

  • We knock it down if it is above 38. Your task is to reduce T to 37.5 C armpit.
  • To reduce T, use paracetamol (acetominophen), ibuprofen. Never use aspirin, especially if your child has chickenpox.
  • Undress the child (do not wrap him up!). Don't forget about cool, fresh air in the room.
  • To reduce T, you can also use cool baths (water temperature corresponds to normal body temperature).
  • Do not use alcohol rubs, especially on young children. Remember, alcohol is poison for a child.

2. Why do Paracetomol and Ibuprofen not always help?

The fact is that all drugs in pediatric practice are calculated based on the weight of a particular child. Medicines must be taken, correctly calculating the dose for the weight of a particular child, using special measuring syringes. Manufacturers, especially of cheap paracetamols, for some reason underestimate doses, and focusing on the recommendation - “from 6 months to 3 years” is also not reasonable, since One dose of the drug may be suitable for a child weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

3. How to take antipyretics correctly? (Calculate the dose of the medicine)

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon D) single dose of the drug – 15 mg/kg. That is, for a child weighing 10 kg, a single dose will be 10 kg X 15 = 150 mg. For a child weighing 15 kg - 15X15=225 mg. This dose can be given up to 4 times a day, if necessary.

Ibuprofen (nurofen, ibufen) Single dose of the drug 10 mg/kg. That is, a child weighing 8 kg needs 80 mg, and a child weighing 20 kg needs 200 mg. The drug can be given no more than 3 times a day.
The drugs reduce the temperature within an hour and a half, by about 1-1.5 degrees; you should not expect a decrease in temperature to the “normal” 36.6.

4. What drugs should NOT be given to a child?

Analgin (metamizole sodium). The use of the drug in the civilized world is not approved due to its high toxicity and inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis. In Russia it is widely used, especially in emergency situations, as part of a “lytic mixture”. A single administration of the drug is possible in conditions where other, safer drugs are not available. But constant use of analgin with every increase in temperature is absolutely unacceptable.

Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) - the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age for viral infections is prohibited due to the possible development of toxic encephalopathy with liver damage - Reye's syndrome.

Nimesulide (Nise, Nimulid) - several years ago was widely advertised as an antipyretic in children due to gaps in legislation. Reduces temperature remarkably. Produced only in India. In the civilized world, use in childhood is prohibited due to the possibility of developing severe liver damage (toxic hepatitis). At the moment, the use of the drug in children under 12 years of age in Russia is prohibited by the pharmaceutical committee.

5. You can’t!

Applying cold objects to a child’s “fevering” body provokes a spasm of skin blood vessels. And if a decrease in skin temperature occurs, the temperature of the internal organs, on the contrary, increases, which poses an exceptional danger. - You cannot rub with alcohol or vinegar, because these substances enter the child’s body through the skin, which means poisoning is possible.

6. What to do in case of ‘white fever’?

Is there any benefit to high temperature? Without a doubt! Fever is a response to infection, a protective mechanism that helps the body fight viruses; when body temperature rises, protective factors are produced in the body. If your child's skin, despite the high temperature, is pink and moist to the touch, you can be relatively calm - the balance between heat production and heat transfer is not disturbed. But if at a high temperature the skin is pale, the hands and feet are cold, and the child has chills, then this is “white fever”, in which vasospasm occurs. The cause may be damage to the central nervous system, lack of fluid, decreased blood pressure, and other reasons. For white fever:

1) Try giving half a tablet of Nosh-pa and intensively rub the child’s cold limbs with your hands. Please note that antipyretics will not begin to act in full force until the vasospasm passes. Be sure to call an ambulance - they will inject a ‘lytic mixture’!

2) Eliminate any methods of physical cooling - rubbing, wrapping in cold sheets, etc.! Your child is already experiencing spasm of skin blood vessels.

7. Which form of medication should I choose?

When choosing the form of a medicine (liquid mixture, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be taken into account that drugs in solution or syrup act in 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Suppositories can be used in a situation where a child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to take medicine. It is better to use suppositories after the child has had a bowel movement; they are convenient to administer at night.

In the summer, a mother with a small child is much more likely to find herself far from clinics, pharmacies and doctors - at the dacha, in the village with her grandmother, on a trip to the sea. Of course, a carefully collected one will be useful in an acute situation, but if until now, at the slightest increase in your child’s temperature, you immediately called the doctor, you will also need some knowledge. Here are comprehensive instructions on whether to lower a child’s temperature, what kind of temperature and how to do it - from pediatrician and mother Anna Levadnaya.

As a rule, the damaging effect of high temperature (primarily thermal damage to the brain) is observed at temperatures above 39.5 ° C, but in children with brain damage it is also possible at lower body temperatures. In this case, there may be depression of consciousness, a drop in pressure, the appearance of cardiac and respiratory failure, etc., when it makes sense to lower the temperature.

When it makes sense to lower the temperature:

  • t > 38 °C - in a child under 3 months;
  • t > 39 °C - in a child older than 3 months;
  • t > 38.5 °C - in a child with brain damage, heart disease or other cardiac or pulmonary pathology, with metabolic abnormalities, as well as in cases of impaired consciousness from high temperature or if there have been convulsions in the past.

Seizures at high temperatures indicate oxygen starvation of the brain and develop in approximately 3–7% of children, usually between the ages of 6 months and 5 years (most often in the second year of life). As a rule, they are observed in children who have suffered from a brain infection, intrauterine infection, birth trauma, as well as in those whose relatives suffer from epilepsy and vascular disorders. Most children have seizures only once, but repeated seizures are possible. Typically, seizures develop against the background of a viral infection.

It is also worth lowering the child’s temperature if he does not tolerate high temperatures very well, cries, or cannot fall asleep.

When you don't need to lower your temperature

Many parents are terrified of fever and bring it down, even if the thermometer showed only half a degree above normal. Why is it not necessary to lower the temperature in such cases? There are a number of good reasons for this.

  • Sometimes fever is the only sign of illness at the initial stage, and a decrease in temperature can distort the true picture of the disease and complicate diagnosis.
  • An increase in temperature, in fact, serves as a protective reaction of the body, so you need to fight not with the temperature (as parents often want), but with the disease. Moreover, temperature, as we have already found out, is your faithful assistant in the fight against it.
  • Taking any medications, including antipyretics, carries a certain risk, that is, side effects: allergic reactions, bleeding, damage to the gastric mucosa, nasal congestion, etc.
  • Lowering the temperature does not shorten the overall duration of fever during illness.

If your child has a low-grade fever for a long time (several weeks), be sure to contact your pediatrician.

What to do if your child has a fever

  • At elevated temperatures, there is a deterioration in appetite, a decrease in motor and enzymatic functions, a slowdown in digestion and absorption, so you should never force-feed a child!
  • Be sure to give your child enough fluids: increased sweating and rapid breathing lead to water loss and thickening of the blood.
  • Undress your child to prevent further overheating and open a window to allow oxygen to enter.

Attention! If the child's temperature is high, the skin is pale, and the legs and hands are cold, it means that the child has a spasm of superficial blood vessels, and an ambulance should be called. Before giving an antipyretic, you need to rub the limbs and give the child an antispasmodic.

Physical cooling methods. As a rule, such methods are used at body temperatures above 39 °C.

  • It is best to wipe the child with a sponge soaked in water at a temperature of 30–32 ° C for 5 minutes every half hour.
  • Do not wipe your child with alcohol, vinegar, vodka, etc.: this will not help and, moreover, can be dangerous, since alcohol and vinegar are absorbed into the body through the skin.
  • If a child has a temperature of more than 40.5–41 °C, and you are unable to call an ambulance, and wiping has no effect, cooling baths are indicated. Immerse the child in water that is 1°C lower than the child's body temperature, and then gradually cool the water to 37°C. The duration of the bath is about 10 minutes.

Antipyretics. Allowed from 3 years of age, earlier - only as prescribed by a doctor.

It is recommended that children be given medications based on active ingredients: ibuprofen ("Nurofen for children" or "Ibuprofen for children") or paracetamol ("Children's Panadol", "Calpol", "Efferalgan", "Cefekon", etc.). Analgin and aspirin are dangerous - they should not be given to children!

After the body temperature drops below critical numbers, you should not strive to ensure that it drops to a normal value (that is, we bring it down not to a “normal” temperature, but to a “normal state of health”). It is better to leave it slightly elevated: let it continue to fight the infection.


38 is not a high temperature. And so you can’t knock it down to 40. Rub down and do not overheat.

06/20/2017 01:08:05, Just like that)))

Comment on the article "High temperature in a child. What temperature to lower?"

In general, we bring down the high temperature together with an antispasmodic. First I give it, we remove the spasm and after 20 minutes I give an antipyretic, then the child has a high temperature - do you go to bed at the same time? How do you lower your children's temperature?

Laryngotracheitis with fever. Temperature. Pediatric medicine. From Saturday to Sunday the child began to cough “barking” at night. On Sunday the rate increased to 37.7. What should I do about the cough? We treat a child's cough. The bronchi spasm around this viscous sputum, while...

Girls, how do you lower your children’s fever? I give analgin and acetyl: a third of analgin and three quarters of acetyl, it doesn’t go astray. There’s nothing to bring down the temperature. Probably, many of us have been in such a difficult situation when it’s nightfall, and the child’s temperature is getting higher and higher...

high temperature during sleep. Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and high temperature during sleep. tell me, it’s night, the child is sleeping. and his temperature rose to 38.5-39.5. you wake him up to...

The child has a high temperature. Good day! Of course, I understand that a child has a fever: what to do? One of the first signs of ARVI in children is a high temperature in the child. If a child’s temperature above 38 greatly interferes with his life...

About a year ago, at a high temperature, the child was sprinkled from head to toe for the first time. The terrible rash lasted for several days and there was no improvement. Even in critical situations, I put the child in a bath with a water temperature of about 37-38 degrees.

How to reduce a child's temperature. In the summer, a mother with a small child is much more likely to be away from clinics. If the child has a low temperature for a long time (for several weeks), be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Temperature. Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital Section: Temperature (antipyretic for a child 11 years old). What to give to a child (11 years old) Change it more often. This does not bring down the temperature, but it rises more slowly.

Increased temperature in girls of this age may be associated with the development of the mammary glands, then it is locally elevated, just next to the chest. Look at other discussions: Day 7 the child has a temperature of 37, what should I do?

For 5 years, none of my children have been sick with fever, and even before that, each of them was sick once at the age of 3 and 4 years. And then I put them to bed with me for the night. I was already late to put him with me - my husband is sleeping there. What to do? Set an alarm for every three hours? Or more often?

My child had such delirium when the temperature had already dropped, but we were already in. Take the temperature again. If at a temperature above 38, the cold limbs must be reduced. Today - professional recommendations on what to do when a child has an earache.

how to lower the temperature? Child 3.5 years old in the morning 39. Gave Nurofen syrup. I didn't bring down the fever. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

The child has a high temperature. Good day! Of course, I understand that we have had a fever for the 4th day now. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development... Day 7 the child has a temperature of 37, what to do?

Reduce the temperature. Diseases. Pediatric medicine. Once you see a child's seizures due to fever, you will immediately and forever understand the meaning of calling an ambulance. It’s another matter when a child’s body temperature rises above 39 °C, that is, hyperthermia develops.

How do you lower your children's temperature? You can give antipyretic drugs to your baby if the temperature is higher than 38.0°C. If a child has a fever... What should you do? Should I wake him up to give him an antipyretic (I start giving it after 38.5) ...

A child has a high temperature - do you go to bed at the same time? For 5 years, none of my children have been sick with fever, and even before that, each of them was sick once in a child. Fever in a child: what to do? One of the first signs of ARVI in children is an increase in temperature.

Second day high temperature - 39.8:((Yesterday they called an ambulance, went to the hospital, didn’t find anything “criminal”, returned to the same child. The child is 2.5 years old. The child’s temperature: what to do? One of the first signs of ARVI in children is an increase temperature.

Should I lower the temperature? Girls, help! The child has a temperature of 38.5. We've had a fever for two days now. There are no other symptoms of the disease. He's sleeping now. Should I lower the temperature? If so, how? Are there Efferalgan candles, maybe something else?

How to lower the temperature. Probably, many of us have been in such a difficult situation when it’s getting late at night, and the child’s temperature is getting higher and higher... Of course, we wait until the last minute, but there comes a time when the decision is made to bring down the temperature. As a rule, at high...

What to do?. Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and Yulenka’s temperature is 39.8. Nothing else seems to hurt, no cough, a little runny nose and that’s all. What to do?

Every parent should know what can and cannot be done if the baby suddenly develops a fever. Wrong actions will not help, but will only aggravate the condition. The following are recommendations from pediatricians that will help you not get confused and alleviate the condition of a child whose body temperature has risen.

How should you measure temperature in young children?

The child should have his own thermometer, and not the one used by other family members. Before use, it must be treated with alcohol or washed in warm water. In sick children, the temperature is measured three times a day.

Children's thermometers are an individual thing

You need to make sure that the room is at an optimal temperature and that the child is calm and not bundled up. If he has just had a bath or eaten, you need to wait half an hour or an hour. This measure is due to the fact that due to hot water and drinks, body temperature can increase by 1-1.5 degrees. To measure in the mouth, special nipple thermometers are produced, and for the armpit or groin fold, you can use a regular thermometer.

What should parents do if their child has a fever?

If the measurements show 38.0 0C, and the baby feels satisfactory, he is mobile, does not complain about anything, and does not have chronic or other diseases, you don’t have to worry yet. It is enough to measure the temperature once every 30 minutes, and if it rises to 38.5 0C, you need to call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, you must give syrup, suppositories or another antipyretic drug approved for use in children.

Temperature norms for children of different ages

First aid consists of putting the child to bed, but not wrapping him up, even if he is shivering. Give plenty of fluids and regularly ventilate the room to allow fresh air to enter. You can do cool compresses and rubdowns.?

The main danger at elevated temperatures: seizures

Febrile seizures are a serious complication that occurs due to fever. They manifest themselves in different ways: the child throws back his head, freezes, limbs twitch, eyes roll up, breathing becomes weak and intermittent. The jaws may clench - in this case, you should not try to unclench them: there is a risk of causing harm.

Important! As soon as parents notice that their child is having seizures, they should immediately call an ambulance.

The duration of febrile seizures varies, sometimes they stop and resume after a while, so you can’t hesitate.

It is not necessary to reduce the temperature to +38

Features of fever in various diseases

In infectious diseases, during teething and in other cases, a change in temperature is accompanied by various symptoms.

Infectious diseases

In the first days, the infection in a child may be asymptomatic, making itself known only by a high temperature. Some signs of the disease, for example, a reddened throat, parents are not able to detect during a visual examination. Thus, if the baby has a hot forehead, but there is no snot, cough or headache, this is a reason to consult a doctor or call him at home.


This condition is characterized by increased salivation. The child does not want to eat because putting food in his mouth causes him pain. This disease usually develops in young children. If you suspect stomatitis, you need to carefully examine the baby's oral cavity: white plaque and ulcers on the mucous membrane are a sure sign that medical help is required.

Before the specialist arrives, you can rinse your mouth with chamomile or sage infusion or furatsilin solution. The patient is given drink without restrictions, but you should abstain from hard, spicy, sour, salty and hot foods. Food can only be given in the form of warm puree.

Aphthous stomatitis in a child


With this pathology, the throat turns red and becomes covered with small ulcers. Antibacterial agents are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account what virus caused the pharyngitis.


This is a form of Coxsackie infection. Typical clinical picture: tonsils, arches and throat mucosa are covered with whitish blisters. The patient complains of pain when swallowing. Antibiotic therapy is ineffective, but the doctor may prescribe other drugs.


The disease is diagnosed mainly in children over 2 years of age, less often in one-year-old patients, and extremely rarely in newborns. Treated with antibiotics. It manifests itself as a sore throat, redness of the mucous membrane, purulent plaque and fever.


Parents need to be very careful with this disease, because delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to complete or partial deafness. You can suspect otitis media by the fact that the baby is holding his ear, rubbing it, and crying. Fluid comes out of the ear, but not always. Frequent symptoms are runny nose, sore throat, cough. Older children complain that their ears are ringing. Treatment of otitis is complex: tablets, physiotherapy, antibacterial drops.

Otitis media causes high fever in a child

Roseola (exanthema)

Children aged from 9 months to 2 years are affected. According to statistics, the infection develops in 70% of children. Its occurrence is caused by the herpes virus, which is present in the body of almost every person. The onset of the disease is characterized by a change in temperature to 38.6–40 °C. Such indicators persist for 3 days or longer.

When palpated, you can notice an increase in the submandibular, occipital and cervical lymph nodes. When the temperature returns to normal, the skin becomes covered with pink spots of different diameters. After a few days they disappear. Roseola occurs without complications; antipyretics are prescribed by the pediatrician.

Inflammation of the urinary tract

In addition to fever, bladder and duct infections may cause swelling of the legs and face. To determine what the child is sick with, the pediatrician prescribes a general urine test and sometimes a blood test.

Non-infectious causes


Symptoms of hyperthermia are increased sweating, rapid breathing, and palpitations. Possible loss of consciousness. You need to call a doctor immediately. Before his arrival, the child is undressed to the waist, or at least his clothes are unbuttoned, laid down so that his head is raised, and wiped with a damp towel.

If the patient has lost consciousness, give him a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to smell.


The temperature may rise during the period when baby teeth are being cut. This happens in children aged 4 months and older. up to 2.5 years. The thermometer does not rise above 38.5 °C, so there is no reason to panic. If the baby is mobile, active and not capricious, you can do without a doctor.

A teething baby grabs and pulls various objects into his mouth. Upon visual examination, swollen gums are visible, after a while the tops of the teeth appear. At this time, increased salivation is observed, the baby refuses his favorite food.

Teething is often accompanied by fever

To prevent gums from hurting so much, they are lubricated with a special gel, and at high temperatures (above 38 ° C), if it is accompanied by lethargy, they are given a remedy that can bring it down to normal levels. Effective antipyretics - Nurofen, Viferon suppositories, Paracetamol. It is better for children to be in bed at this time. Drinking should be warm and plentiful.

☝Usually the tooth cuts through 2-3 days, after which the baby’s condition returns to normal.

Side effect after vaccinations

The temperature may rise after DPT or preventive vaccination. As a rule, it lasts for 24-36 hours. You should not be afraid that the temperature is rising: this indicates good immunity. There may be other symptoms: pain at the injection site, mild swelling. Komarovsky recommends giving an antipyretic drug once, without waiting for the thermometer to reach febrile levels. You should not cool the child with wet wipes, because you can accidentally touch the vaccination site.

☝☝☝An increase in temperature that does not go away for more than 2 days should be a cause for concern.

The child may have an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, so you should show him to the doctor as soon as possible.

Ways to lower temperature in children

Not all medications can be given to children from birth. Paracetamol is considered the most effective and harmless for children. The doctor can also prescribe products based on it: “Calpol”, “Efferalgan”, “Panadol”. These drugs are available separately for children and adults. Giving a child medications intended for adults is unacceptable.

More effective antipyretics are Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, and Viferon suppositories. As a rule, the temperature rises in the evenings, and medication is given at this time. Overwork should not be allowed during this period. If the baby’s condition does not improve within 2-3 days, you need to call a local doctor at home. This applies only to those situations where the elevated temperature is not accompanied by other symptoms, and the child has already been examined by a specialist. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance or a pediatrician immediately.

☝☝☝Important! Aspirin should not be given to children: it causes side effects and complications, including hepatic encephalopathy, bleeding and an allergic reaction.

In case of vomiting, when it is difficult to give a tablet or syrup, it is recommended to use suppositories. They have no contraindications, they are suitable for children of any age and act instantly. Antipyretic suppositories for children: “Genferon”, “Cefekon”, “Efferalgan”, “Viferon”.

Drugs that should not be given to children

For various reasons, some medications are not used in pediatrics.

  1. Phenacetin, antipyrine, amidopyrine are not given to children due to many side effects.
  2. Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid thin the blood, provoke bleeding, and cause allergic reactions.
  3. Analgin and other drugs based on metamizole sodium inhibit hematopoietic processes, lead to allergies, and can cause loss of consciousness as a result of a drop in temperature to critical values.

✖All of the drugs listed are not used for home treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

In any case, as soon as the temperature rises, the child needs to be examined by a doctor. He will prescribe further treatment. Whether taking medications that can lower the fever will be enough, or whether other methods of therapy will be required, only a specialist can decide. If necessary, antibiotics and drops in the nose or ears may be prescribed.

You should not hesitate to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • the thermometer shows numbers from 39.5 to 40 oC;
  • despite adequate treatment, body temperature does not drop for 3 days;
  • there is no positive dynamics;
  • other symptoms have been added (nausea, diarrhea, cough, redness of the skin, rash);
  • the child's general condition worsened.

When a high temperature persists for a long time, a series of tests must be done to adjust the prescribed therapy.

Call an ambulance at temperatures above +39

Worsening of the condition may be a sign of the body's reaction to strong drugs. In this case, you need to choose other medications. The baby may feel unwell even if he has chronic diseases, which tend to worsen due to fever. In this case, the child refuses to eat and drink, his skin becomes dry, his urine becomes dark, and there is no sweating.

Symptoms for which you need to urgently call an ambulance at home:

  • going limp;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • intermittent, difficult breathing;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • severe anxiety;
  • convulsions.

In these and similar cases, prolonged elevated temperature indicates that the child needs to be treated in a hospital. It is unacceptable to hesitate and wait.

The use of antipyretics for low-grade fever

In most cases, it is necessary to sharply reduce the temperature when the temperature is above 38.5-39 ° C, because there is a risk of seizures. But sometimes it is not forbidden to give antipyretic drugs even at lower levels.

List of situations when you should give medicine:

  • age up to 2 months;
  • there have previously been cases of seizures provoked by elevated temperatures;
  • have heart or vascular disease;
  • there are disorders of the nervous system;
  • The temperature has risen due to overheating.

Additional symptoms

It rarely happens that a fever in a child who is sick is not accompanied by other symptoms. The most common of them are described below.

Redness of the larynx

A red throat is a sign of a childhood infection of a viral or bacterial nature. The symptom is observed in scarlet fever, tonsillitis and some other diseases affecting the nasopharynx area.

No need to wrap up when there is a temperature

Runny nose

When a viral infection affects the nasal mucosa, a runny nose appears. Other troubles are added to it: cough, difficulty breathing through the nose, sore throat, weakness, poor appetite.

Cold feet and hands

White fever is a condition in which the extremities are cold and the skin is pale. Cold feet when a child has a fever is a consequence of vasospasm. The clinical picture is complemented by chills. The child's breathing becomes difficult and difficult. To eliminate symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to apply rubdowns or any wet compress. Before the doctor arrives, you can only rub your arms, legs and whole body with your hands. No-spa can relieve spasms, but it can only be given in consultation with a doctor.


☝☝☝Febrile temperature is a common cause of seizures. In children under 6 years of age, they can occur at temperatures ranging from +38°C, and if there are neurological disorders, then at lower levels.

Seizures are characterized by involuntary twitching of the limbs, flexion and extension. The child's skin turns blue and he does not respond to external stimuli. In this case, the baby should be placed so that the head is raised and turned to the side. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must not be left unattended for even a second.

Diarrhea, vomiting

A rise in temperature accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is a sign of an intestinal infection or food poisoning, not necessarily of poor quality. In young children, the digestive system is not well developed, so even benign food can provoke pathological symptoms. Also, vomiting in combination with fever often becomes a sign of acetone syndrome or meningitis.

Abdominal pain

Pain and pain in the abdomen in combination with an elevated temperature is a reason to immediately call a doctor. Perhaps the baby has appendicitis, an exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, or another pathology. In this case, every second counts.

No additional symptoms

A child without symptoms may have a fever in three cases:

Infectious kidney disease;

Teeth are being cut;

The disease (any) is just beginning, and the body is trying to fight.

Blood, urine or ultrasound tests will help confirm the presence of the disease or make sure that it does not exist.

What to drink and feed the child?

Drinking should be given in large quantities, but not forcefully. The following drinks are useful: compote, fruit drink, tea, herbal decoction. Liquid is needed to replenish its loss by the body, since at high temperatures a lot is lost through sweat. Food can be given little by little, as much as the child can eat, but not overheated, but slightly warm.

Raspberry tea on temperature

Treatment with folk remedies

To increase sweating, it is recommended to give cranberry juice or tea with the addition of berries. Just keep in mind that in children under one year old, cranberries can cause allergic rashes. Also, it should not be used for any diseases of the digestive system.

Children who are not prone to allergies can be given tea with raspberry jam or berry juice diluted with warm water.


You can only wipe with warm water. Her temperature is measured with a special thermometer: the readings should be 2 degrees lower than the child’s body temperature. Wet rubbing can reduce the heat by 1 degree. Cool water should not be used: the feeling of cold will provoke vasospasm. Also, do not use solutions of alcohol and vinegar for wiping: their fumes are harmful to children.

It is an indicator of the normal functioning of the body, which, when pathogenic microbes enter it, begins to react adequately, activating its defenses. If you do not knock it down, maintaining it to a certain limit, then you can guarantee the death of most microorganisms and the formation of a healthy immune system in the future. But when the fever is accompanied by cooling of the child’s extremities, the principle of providing him with adequate assistance should be completely different.

What body temperature is considered elevated?

If it exceeds 37.5 o C (when measured in the armpit) or 38 o C (in the anus). In children under 2 years of age, it is better to take measurements rectally. Determining the temperature in other places of the body is not recommended, since this guarantees less reliable results.

Values ​​exceeding 41 o C (when determined in the armpit) and 41.6 o C (in the rectum) are considered life-threatening. In such cases, a doctor should be called immediately.

Causes of fever in a child

The body's heat balance is regulated by a special part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is he, and not the bacteria and viruses themselves, that causes the temperature to rise so that the body begins to produce the substances required to fight the infection. This helps to cope with the disease as soon as possible.

If the temperature does not rise, interferon gamma will not be produced. The same can be said about the situation when it is artificially knocked down, preventing the activation of substances required to fight pathogenic microorganisms that cause the disease. This provokes disruption of the immune system, since the emerging interferon is necessary not only for the production of antibodies to viruses, but also for storing this in the immune memory.

The existing regulatory center is capable of setting the body’s permissible high temperature, which is required to destroy microorganisms and ensure the fastest possible recovery. The only thing is that if the child’s body overheats from the outside and if the center of self-regulation is disrupted (which is possible in the presence of brain tumors and as a result of traumatic brain injuries), the numbers can rise to unacceptable limits, but this is extremely rare.

The main clinical manifestations of classical conditions with increasing temperature

Feverish conditions can manifest themselves in different ways:

  1. A high body temperature, at which the skin is noticeably warm and red, is called “red” or “pink” fever, and, as a rule, the child feels more or less normal. The use of antipyretics in most of these cases is not required.
  2. A high temperature in a child and cold extremities indicate the manifestation of the so-called “white or pale fever,” which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: increased pallor of the skin, chills, and a general serious condition. In this case, the use of antipyretics is justified, especially if hyperthermic syndrome is present.

When to lower a child's body temperature

  1. When an absolutely healthy child without neurological problems, metabolic disorders (metabolism) and diseases of the cardiovascular system has a temperature of 39 o C-39.5 o C. In this case, one should focus on the general condition. If the child tolerates high readings well, it is possible and even necessary to allow even such numbers and not take anything for the temperature.
  2. Children in the first six months of life, as well as older children with additional health problems. In cases of poor health, the temperature is reduced to 38.5 o C (with axillary measurement) or 38.9 o C (with rectal measurement).
  3. If a child has a high fever and cold hands and feet, this indicates white fever. Taking antipyretic drugs is justified here. This must be done when the temperature reaches the first critical limits - 38.0-38.5 0 C. Also in this case, you may need to take additional antihistamines and vasodilators, which should be checked with your doctor.

What does a fever indicate against the background of cooling hands and feet?

If a child has a high temperature and cold extremities, while he cannot warm up, this indicates a failure of thermoregulation in the body. The cause is a spasm of peripheral blood vessels, which disrupts the process of heat transfer, which can even lead to convulsions. This condition can be explained by the well-known fact that at high temperatures the viscosity of the blood increases, thereby sharply slowing down its circulation through the vessels. This is typical if there are abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system in a child, with hypotension (low blood pressure) and as a result of non-compliance with the drinking regime, which leads to a lack of fluid in the body.

High temperature and cold feet, and often hands, are the first sign of the onset of “white” fever. It is important to identify the symptoms in time and prevent possible negative consequences.

The main signs of "white" fever

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cold hands and feet;
  • pronounced pallor of the skin, while the blueness of the lips and nails may be noticeable;
  • chills (muscle tremors) even at high body temperatures, while the child complains that he is cold and cannot warm up even under a warm blanket;
  • rapid heartbeat, possibly heavy rapid breathing;
  • an increase in temperature to high values, which often does not respond well to antipyretic drugs;
  • sometimes severe toxicosis is added (damage to the central nervous system, which is characterized by general weakness, lethargy, lethargy, or, on the contrary, anxiety, increased agitation, delirium, convulsions).

What to do with high fever and cold extremities

If your child has obvious symptoms of white fever, you should:

  • do not allow body temperature to exceed 38-38.5 o C, measured in the armpit;
  • call an ambulance;
  • rub your arms and legs to stimulate blood flow to the extremities;
  • warm up - wrap the child up, put on woolen socks, you can use a warm heating pad on the feet;
  • regularly ventilate the room and maintain the air temperature in it no higher than 20 o C;
  • with the permission of the pediatrician, use “No-shpu” to dilate blood vessels;
  • do not give strong antipyretics - this can worsen the spasm, only ibuprofen and paracetamol for fever;
  • ensure plenty of drinking - water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes (exclude tea, since it contains caffeine-like substances that increase urination, and this can lead to increased dehydration), and you need to drink little by little, but often.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

With a fever, febrile seizures (seizures) may occur. They are most common in children of primary preschool age. It is necessary to take all measures to prevent this from happening. If this happens, you should:

  • Place the child on his side on a hard surface, turning his head towards the floor. This will help prevent vomit or foreign objects from entering the respiratory system;
  • pay attention that there are no sharp corners or dangerous objects nearby to avoid injury;
  • in this case, for children with fever, use antipyretic suppositories - it is forbidden to pour medicine into the mouth so that the child does not choke or choke;
  • Be sure to call emergency assistance.

Antipyretic drugs for children

If a child has a high temperature and cold extremities, already at 38.0 o C, it is necessary to use special medications, for which the following can be used:

  • paracetamol in the form of rectal suppositories from 3 months, according to research, it causes a minimal number of side effects;
  • ibuprofen - is allowed to be given to children from the age of six months, but according to pediatrician indications it can be used at an earlier stage (you should be aware that the drug can provoke hypothermia, cause inflammation of the stomach and is contraindicated for chickenpox and dehydration).

It must be remembered that the simultaneous use of these two drugs is unacceptable. Paracetamol for fever is used much more often, since its use is more convenient and possible in cases where the child refuses to take medications orally.

Also, for symptoms of “white” fever, it is sometimes possible to give children antispasmodics, which can help establish the natural process of sweating. To do this, take “No-shpa”, which promotes vasodilation. We must not forget that this drug has many contraindications, so the drug can only be used according to a doctor’s indications and in the permitted dosage.

Remember that if the disease is characterized by a high temperature in a child and cold extremities, then this is a mandatory reason to contact a specialist. In any case, children under one year of age require a pediatrician to be called to their home to make a correct diagnosis and exclude serious pathologies.

Often, high fever in children causes panic in their parents, during which it is impossible to remember how to act correctly in this situation. , and if so, which antipyretic drugs are preferable to use, we will consider in this article.

Increased body temperature in children can occur due to various health conditions. If the problem is illness, then lowering the temperature with an antipyretic will not eliminate the cause and can only temporarily improve the condition of the sick child.

High temperature in children

Hyperemia (overheating of the body up to 37-37.8 ° C) can be observed in a child with excessive wrapping, stuffiness, in the heat in summer, with overexcitation/crying or screaming of the baby. If there are no symptoms of the disease, then when the causes are eliminated, the temperature returns to normal. If the thermometer still shows 38°C or higher, then an examination by a pediatrician is necessary.

In case of infectious diseases, an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, mobilizing all its forces to fight viruses and microbes. At the same time, natural interferon is produced - a substance that creates conditions for the death of bacteria and viruses.

In non-infectious conditions and diseases, elevated temperature is a signal indicating disturbances within the body. Uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs may interfere with the correct diagnosis of the condition.

Causes of high temperature in babies

The most common reasons include:

  • (acute respiratory viral infections),
  • hyperthermia,
  • angina ,
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs),
  • (inflammatory process in the kidneys),
  • various intestinal infections,
  • stomatitis (inflammatory process in the oral cavity),
  • reaction to DTP vaccination.

In newborns and children under one year of age, the causes of fever can be dehydration, nervous excitement, a reaction to pain, screaming, crying, and intense teething.

However, in 90% of cases of high fever in children who are teething during this period, the cause is the addition of an infection due to decreased immunity (ARVI, intestinal infection, inflammatory process in the mouth). Therefore, a doctor’s examination is necessary in order to identify and begin to treat the problem in time.

Changes in a child's condition with fever

As body temperature rises, a child may experience the following symptoms:

  • chills,
  • softer stools than usual (intestinal dysfunction due to a nervous system disorder),
  • watery stool mixed with green mucus and greens (with an intestinal infection),
  • (febrile convulsions) at a temperature above 39°C, accompanied by twitching of the arms and legs (immaturity of the nervous system up to 5 years of age).

How to help your baby?

You can reduce your temperature using non-medicinal methods:

  • ensure rest and plenty of fluids (still mineral water, compote, herbal tea, rehydration therapy) to replenish fluid loss due to sweating,
  • When breastfeeding, breastfeed more often

Heat transfer can be improved by using air baths (for 10-15 minutes) at a room temperature of at least 20°C.

If, at a high body temperature, the child’s feet and palms remain cold (this happens due to vascular spasm), then it is necessary to restore blood circulation by warming the baby’s limbs and giving him a warm drink.

For young children, wiping the body with an aqueous solution of edible vinegar or alcohol (which can help an older child) should not be used, as this can cause negative consequences. Instead of such wiping, you can use wrapping the baby for 10-15 minutes with a wet diaper moistened with water at a temperature of at least 25°C.

If, 20-30 minutes after applying all the procedures described above, parents are unable to bring down the fever without medication, then it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs in a dosage appropriate for age.

If the temperature rises above 40°C, you must call a doctor or an ambulance, and before they arrive, give the child an antipyretic. You should also call a doctor if you have symptoms associated with fever, such as cough, runny nose, or vomiting, headache or abdominal pain, skin rash, and others.

Before the doctor arrives, parents should prepare to answer the following questions:

  • How long does the high temperature last?
  • Has the temperature changed over the past 24 hours?
  • What changes exactly were observed?

It is best if adults write down the answers on paper, indicating any changes before and after taking the antipyretic drug.

If a child is registered with a neurologist (has a neurological disease) or simply has difficulty tolerating the temperature, then it makes sense to use antipyretics when the thermometer readings are above 37.5 °C.

For children under 3 months of age, antipyretics are prescribed when the temperature rises above 38°C. Children older than 3 months with good tolerance to fever begin taking antipyretics at 39°C and above. If, against the background of fever, there is a deterioration in health, chills, and pale skin, then an antipyretic is prescribed immediately.

Antipyretics for children

The following medications are considered the most effective and safest for children with high body temperature:

  • Panadol (from 6 years old),
  • should consist of easily digestible food. Meat, sweet, fatty and canned foods must be temporarily excluded from the diet.

    Drink. Drinking plenty of fluids helps remove toxins from the body that are formed during the life of viruses. It is recommended that children be given tea with raspberries, lemon, milk with honey in the form of a warm drink (in the absence of allergies). Compotes, fruit drinks and juices that contain vitamin C will bring considerable benefit to your child. In addition, you can use fruit teas, herbal decoctions (as recommended by a doctor) and still mineral water.

    Indoor air. The room in which the sick child is located must be regularly ventilated. It is also important to maintain a normal temperature level (not higher than 21 degrees) and. The most accessible method of humidification is to hang a large wet towel in the room and place a container of water near the heating device.

    Cloth. Excessive wrapping in “a hundred clothes” will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, it can lead to heatstroke in a child. If the child is on bed rest, cover him with a light blanket to allow excess heat to escape.

    Call a doctor. If within 3-4 days after the start of treatment the body temperature continues to remain high, it is necessary to call the doctor again so that he can adjust the treatment.

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