Rejuvenating facial massage: techniques, tips, reviews. Facial massage for rejuvenation at home: how to surprise with a toned face

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In the modern world, looking younger than your age has become fashionable.

Fitness centers are filled with people who want to improve their figures, but they remember their face when a network of wrinkles and bags under the eyes catastrophically reveal their age.

The sooner a woman starts doing a rejuvenating facial massage, the longer she will look the same age as her adult children without lifts and Botox.

Who is recommended for rejuvenating facial massage?

Do you know that aging of the entire body begins after 25 years? A person grows for a quarter of a century and then grows old. At the age of 50, a young face changes its oval shape, its skin becomes flabby, covered with wrinkles, folds and sagging. You can blame everything on genetics and give up, or you can, at 25, 50, 60, 70 years old, figure out the reasons and try to regain a couple or three years.

No one can stop natural aging, but you can change your lifestyle and not provoke changes in your facial skin with bad habits.

– Pay attention to the woman smoking, as she inhales, she involuntarily squints her eyes and purses her lips into a tube. Here are the wrinkles around the eyes and lips. At the same time, we will no longer talk about the effect of nicotine on the pores and composition of the blood.

– Alcohol, strong coffee and tea contribute to the retention of water in the body, disruption of the kidneys, hence the bags under the eyes.

– Those who like to sleep on their stomachs sometimes do not allow the skin of their face to breathe during the night, and bed mites also get on it and cause irritation.

– The inability to “hold” your back contributes not only to the appearance of a saggy belly, but also to puffiness on the face.

– At the age of 18–20, many young women already have wrinkles on the forehead, “bird’s feet” around the eyes due to their uncontrolled facial habits.

Why does skin fade so quickly?

Here are the five main causes of facial aging.

We are made up of 60% water, and its absence will affect, first of all, our face, which over time will look like cracked, waterless earth. 1.5 – 2.0 liters of water per day is the law for maintaining youthful facial skin.

2. Toxic substances and lack of vitamins.

The body suffers from all kinds of tonic drinks, fast foods, smoking and unbalanced nutrition.

The complex of vitamins A and E is called the youth complex. Take courses of these vitamins and see stunning results.

3. Sun.

Tan lovers and regular visitors to solariums risk aging their facial skin much earlier than natural aging. After all, when exposed to sunlight, the skin dries out, becomes less elastic and rougher.

4. Stress.

The nervous system instantly reacts to troubles, while blood flow is disrupted, blood vessels narrow, and these changes are displayed first on the face. If it is impossible to escape from an unpleasant situation, then protect yourself with a sedative.

5. Power and charging

Daily care must include a whole complex of morning and evening facial care, which includes lotions, creams, masks and rejuvenating facial massage. It can be done both in professional offices and independently.

What is the secret of a rejuvenating facial massage?

Often a rejuvenating facial massage is called plastic surgery without a knife, as a result of which the skin becomes soft, smooth, even and matte again.

What happens inside our skin during intense exposure?

The tone of the muscles responsible for the oval and firmness of the face increases.

Blood circulation improves, which contributes to the disappearance of wrinkles.

The outflow of lymph accelerates, as a result of which puffiness goes away and bags under the eyes disappear.

Massage restores fat metabolism in the facial skin, reduces traces of scars and acne.

What you need to perform a rejuvenating facial massage at home

Every woman can help her face transform, you just need to be patient and love yourself very much.

– Before starting any procedures on the face, it should be cleaned of makeup.

– For massage you will need a cream or oil that is guaranteed not to cause allergies. Amaranth oil works miracles of transformation on the skin of the face.

– A comfortable place in front of the mirror.

– Carefully study the lines along which you will perform manipulations.

On the forehead, all the lines go from the point between the eyebrows to the roots of the hair: up, sideways and along the eyebrows.

We correct the eyes from the inner corner along the eyebrows to the outer edge and back.

We massage the cheeks from the center to the periphery.

We work on the nose, sliding from the middle to the cheeks.

directions of movements

– Good mood and free time for a period of rejuvenating facial massage.

– For better relaxation, turn on meditation music and enjoy the rejuvenation process.

Each type of massage is performed 10–15 times, daily or every other day, repeated after six months.

Rejuvenating facial massage: classic

Classic rejuvenating facial massage has been known since the time of Avicenna; its techniques consist of stroking and rubbing, during which the skin is warmed up, kneading and vibration. At the end of the course of manipulations, the facial skin will acquire tone, become elastic and toned, and sagging will disappear.

1. Take a comfortable, relaxing position and begin massaging your forehead. Using your index and middle fingers, stroke the skin with straight, zigzag and circular movements 3 to 5 times along each line. Imitating shading, we rub the frontal surface from the center to the periphery 3 times.

We perform kneading with the middle and ring fingers, pressing once or twice, as if putting a point and releasing. We work on the forehead 2 – 3 times.

We fix the manipulations on the forehead with gentle tapping with the pads of our fingers.

2. Let's move on to eye massage. Using your ring fingers, perform gentle circular strokes 3 to 5 times. We apply pressure in the eye area along with vibration, lightly patting 2 - 3 times along the main lines.

3. We begin to massage the nose from the hump to the tip in one direction, and to the eyebrows in the other, repeating all the techniques performed on the forehead 3 times.

4. We work on the cheeks along several lines:

The middle of the nose is temples;

The wings of the nose are the tragus of the ears;

The edges of the lips are the earlobes;

The middle of the chin is the ears.

We perform all movements with the index, middle and ring fingers. Stroking is straight, circular, rubbing is stroke-like, circular.

We perform kneading in a circular motion, 3 to 1, with the thumb serving as a support for the other three.

We clap the pads of all our fingers, as if playing the piano.

We finish the classic rejuvenating facial massage with gentle, circular stroking of the neck, from the neckline to the chin in the middle of the throat, returning along the outer edge of the neck. We perform 4 – 5 circles.

Rejuvenating facial massage: Japan comes to the rescue

Protruding cheeks, a sagging face, and bags under the eyes can be reduced with the help of Asahi corrective massage. The basis of the amazing results of Japanese massage is the outflow of lymph, which also removes swelling.

The exercises are performed at a slow pace, sometimes speeding up, preferably with relaxing music.

We perform all the techniques 3 times, at the end of each we stop for a “one-two” count, and before the new exercise we pause for 3 seconds.

When performing some techniques, a painful sensation may occur, this is normal. You should not allow acute, unpleasant pain, correcting it with pressure.

1. We place our fingers at the level of the corners of the eyes, hugging the face with the whole palm, and “slide” to the collarbones.

2. Place three fingers of each hand in the middle of the forehead perpendicular to the eyebrows. We quickly move our hands to the temples and move to the collarbones.

3. We begin to perform this technique with our index and middle fingers from the outer corners of the eyes, slowly stroking the skin of the eyelids along the lower edge, towards the inner corners. We speed up the movement along the eyebrows, returning to the starting point. Then, pressing lightly, we stroke to the inner corner and go back, stopping and sliding to the collarbones with the entire palm.

4. The mouth area allows you to lift your cheeks. We place our fingers on the chin so that they meet in the hollow under the lips, and, pressing, move them around the mouth to the point between the nose and lips.

5. Using our index fingers from bottom to top, rub the wings of the nose 3 times, then 3 times with three fingers we lift the nasal folds with pressure, move our hands to the tragus of the ears, and then to the collarbones.

6. We place three fingers of each hand in the center of the chin, pressing with force, draw around the mouth, then move along the nose, stop at the level of the nostrils, lifting the skin, and down again.

7. Place the palm of one hand under your chin and assume a position as if thinking. Using three fingers of the other hand, quickly rub from the cheekbone to the wings of the nose, along which it rises to the inner corner of the eye, rub the area under the lower eyelid to the temple and slide down.

8. Using two fingers of each hand, we rub from the wings of the nose to its base, lifting the nasal folds.

9. The next technique is performed with the back of the hands, which we rub around the mouth, along the nose to the cheekbones.

10. We clasp our palms around our face, which is tilted downwards, with the chin lying firmly on the edge of our hands. Slowly, with pressure, we draw the back of the hand from the lips to the cheekbones, raise the face, move to the tragus of the ears and down.

11. Form the oval of the face, first with one hand, then with the other. We place the chin on the palm, the back of which is drawn along the bottom of the face to the earlobe.

12. Starting position – fold your hands into a “horn”. The thumbs fit tightly to the chin, the index fingers meet on the bridge of the nose, and there is no gap between the hands and the face. Slowly open your hands, while moving the inside of your palm along your face to your temples, keeping your thumbs in their original position. We go down to the collarbones.

13. We place four fingers of one hand perpendicular to the eyebrows and rub them with shading from one temple to the other.

14. Repeat technique No. 1.

Before starting Asahi self-massage, it is advisable to read the video instructions

Rejuvenating facial massage: secrets of the French

The healing of oily, porous, acne-damaged skin has always presented certain difficulties, but not for Jacquet’s rejuvenating facial massage.

The secret of the French healing technique lies in the use of pinch therapy, which ensures a good flow of blood to damaged skin.

To carry out a rejuvenating massage, the facial skin should be lightly coated with talcum powder to ensure better gliding.

1. We perform stroking 2 times along each massage line.

2. When rubbing the cheeks, we perform pinches 8 times with pressing at the end, passing each line twice:

Chin - earlobes.

The corners of the mouth are ear tragus.

The wings of the nose are the tip of the ear.

After this, we make pinches along the line, imitating the curls of a snail, 16 pinches around the cheeks from the chin to the ears, then to the nose, down to the chin and go through the second inner circle.

We massage the nose from the edge to the middle, 4 pinches to the tip of the nose, 4 to the point between the eyebrows.

We pinch the forehead along four lines, from bottom to top, starting from the bridge of the nose, then the beginning of the eyebrows, their middle and tips. We make 4 pinches along each line.

3. We perform kneading using pinches with vibration, repeating all rubbing techniques. There is no vibration on the forehead.

4. We stroke the skin of the face with open palms from the bottom up, from the periphery to the center, ending with the forehead and moving down the front edge.

Attention! There are certain contraindications to performing a rejuvenating facial massage. These are inflammatory processes, purulent formations, tumors and neoplasms and others.

Rejuvenating facial massage will remain a myth for you if you do not try its full course at least once.

Wrinkles are a sign of old age. It is not surprising that women are trying their best to get rid of them. Western countries have long paid attention to Asia: people there look much younger than their years. Why? It's not just about genetics. The secret lies in the anti-wrinkle facial massage for rejuvenation. Is it effective? How to make it yourself? First things first.

Women who have not yet turned to Asian techniques are divided into 2 camps: some speak negatively, with distrust, others hope for an effect. Who is right? Let's look at the process from a biological point of view. What happens during the procedure?

Increases fluid circulation. Blood carries nutrients with it, so the epidermis receives additional moisture and materials for normal cell growth. Wrinkles appear precisely because of dryness, so blood flow plays a major role in rejuvenation. Internal metabolism is activated, the complexion becomes healthy and even, and the general condition improves.

The top layer is carefully cleaned. Facial massage for rejuvenation is a deep mechanical effect. Of course, it is not as effective as aggressive chemical peeling, but the procedure does not injure the skin. The result is comparable to using a gentle scrub: dead skin particles are exfoliated. This, coupled with increased blood flow, allows for the removal of toxins and impurities.

Carbon dioxide is released. Have you ever heard of carboxytherapy? These are carbon dioxide injections that are used in cosmetology and even in the treatment of psoriasis. Over time, blood vessels become thinner and sluggish, causing cells to receive insufficient oxygen.

There are 2 ways to correct the situation: either stress the body using shock injections, or remove carbon dioxide manually. The second option is softer and preferable. As a result, stagnation in the lymph flow is eliminated, the epidermis will begin to actively renew itself, and the cells will be cleansed from the inside. Additionally, oxygen saturation improves mental activity and calms the nervous system.

Facial rejuvenation massage is a serious procedure. If performed incorrectly, it will not only have no effect, but will also worsen the condition of the epidermis. It is important to trust a professional in the salon during the first sessions, so that he selects suitable cosmetics and demonstrates the movements.

Care. Most techniques involve combining procedures with the use of cosmetics. The latter give the best effect because they penetrate into the deep layers due to cleansing. However, not all cosmetics are equally useful: some are simply not designed for such an intense effect. Aggressive components can cause harm, so you need to choose the product with caution.


Each technique has its own tricks, but there are general recommendations.

  1. First, visit a cosmetologist. He will assess your skin type and select an individual complex.
  2. Be sure to conduct a sensitivity test before using new products. Since the cosmetics will penetrate deeper into the epidermis than usual, a severe reaction is possible.
  3. Prepare for the procedure. Cleanse with light cosmetic milk, gel or tonic. Steaming with herbal baths is welcome.
  4. You can’t give a big load right away. You should start with stroking along the massage lines, then increase the intensity. Gradually move on to patting.
  5. Work hard on the contour of the face and forehead area.

Basic techniques

Before performing a rejuvenating facial massage at home, you need to choose the appropriate technique. What is the difference? There are many types of massage, but all types can be divided into 4 categories.

  1. Classical. Also includes basic European. A special cream is applied to the skin. The master makes light rubbing and stroking movements. The process takes at least half an hour. Recommended for dryness and excessive sensitivity.
  2. Plastic. The main lines are involved, talc is used instead of cream. Relevant for translucent vessels and mesh, fatigue and unhealthy color.
  3. Plucked.The nature of movements changes. Ideally copes with seborrhea, acne, various impurities.
  4. Lymphatic drainage.Classic rejuvenation. Strengths of this technique: improvement of color, elimination of swelling as a result of normalization of lymph flow.

Let's look at the basic actions for each type.


The movements take place according to a specially designed scheme. You need to start from the bottom and gradually move up. First stroke, then rub (don't overdo it!), knead and finish with light blows and vibration. The process should not hurt.

Follow these lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth to the lobes;
  • from chin to lobes;
  • from the wings of the nose to the upper points of the ears;
  • along the eyelashes from above from the inner corners to the outer;
  • from forehead to temples;
  • along the eyelashes from below from the inner corners to the outer;
  • from the corners of the mouth to points 5 mm below the lobes.

At home, the duration of the session can be reduced to 15 minutes. For sustainable results you will need approximately 20 repetitions. There are no special restrictions, but it is recommended to maintain an interval of at least a day.


Kneading is carried out in a circular motion with alternate strengthening and weakening of the load. First act superficially, then go deeper. Finish with tapping, vibration and stroking.

The order of the lines changes (movement from – to):

  • chin - lobes;
  • wings of the nose - temples;
  • the corners of the mouth are tragus;
  • the inner edges of the eyes are the temples (under the brow ridges);
  • chin – temples (through the cheeks);
  • the middle of the forehead is the top of the ears;
  • the points above the eyebrows are the hairline.

It is strongly recommended that you first use the services of a specialist. Usually at the end the skin becomes noticeably red and swelling appears. This is a normal reaction after intense exposure. If the rules have been followed, after 3 hours the contours will take on their usual shape.


After preparation, proceed to grasping the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues with two fingers. The cream is not applied as it will interfere with the tweezers.

The order is as follows:

  • walk with tweezers from the center of the chin to the lobes along the contour of the jaw;
  • from the corners of the mouth - to the tragus;
  • from the upper lip to the tops of the ears;
  • from the back of the nose to the temples;
  • work on the lobes, then move along the lower contour of the eyebrows in a circle: from the inner corner to the outer and back, but through the lower part of the eye socket;
  • stretch the bridge of your nose, move along the upper border of your eyebrows to your temples;
  • walk straight along the eyebrow line with tweezers;
  • knead your forehead in circular motions.

You want to grab the fabric well, but don't overdo it.

Lymphatic drainage

One of the most complex techniques. After warming up, proceed to the procedure.

  1. Close your fingers and move from the middle of your forehead to the edges. There is no need to do this symmetrically: first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  2. Using the tips of two fingers, work the area from the chin to the nasolabial fold. This will reduce bags under the eyes and smooth out wrinkles.
  3. Press the points in the nasolabial fold area, then move the pads to the earlobes.
  4. Tweezer from the point under the lower lip to the outer edges of the eyebrows.
  5. Make a house with your hands. Vigorously smooth the area from the wings of the nose to the top of the ears.

All massage lines for performing lymphatic drainage massage are shown in the photo above.

Repeat each technique at least 5-10 times.


Limitations include injuries, dermatological pathologies, rosacea, plastic surgery, oncology and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Now you know how to do facial massage yourself! We strongly recommend that you first consult a specialist. Correctly selected techniques work wonders.

Facial massage is a relatively simple but very effective procedure. It can easily replace expensive anti-aging creams, as it can effectively fight the signs of aging. The advantage of massage is its accessibility and the ability to use it at home. For a rejuvenating session, you only need knowledge of technology and cosmetic oil. Anti-aging massage is often offered by beauty salons. It can be performed using various methods.

What is a rejuvenating facial massage?

Simple manipulations provide skin tightening, wrinkle elimination, and facial contour correction. The impact is due to the following features of the massage:

  • Stroking, gripping and other manipulations activate the production of collagen and elastin. It is these components that ensure elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Over time, their production decreases, and this is what age-related changes are associated with. Massage allows you to renew the supply of these important elements.
  • Blood circulation improves, which improves skin color and eliminates wrinkles.
  • Manipulations improve oxygen access to cells, which activates their renewal.
  • Metabolic processes are restored, which also plays a significant role in rejuvenation.

It must be said that one session will not provide significant impact. For visible rejuvenation, at least 10-15 procedures will be required. It is advisable to combine them with creams with a lifting effect. It is recommended to begin conducting such sessions even before significant age-related changes appear. Massage helps more as a preventive measure. It alone will not eliminate deep wrinkles.


Rejuvenating massage allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Expression and age wrinkles.
  • Sagging skin.
  • Having a double chin.
  • Dull skin color.
  • The occurrence of edema.
  • Pathological tension of the facial muscles.
  • The skin loses its firmness and elasticity.
  • The face looks tired.

Massage allows you to solve not only age-related problems, but also other problems:

  • Dry or oily skin (the massage process normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands).
  • Pimples and acne.
  • Peeling.
  • Circles under the eyes.

Anti-aging techniques are recommended to be used after 30-40 years. Until then, you can get by with classical methods. The fact is that the skin quickly gets used to the effects. When anti-aging techniques become really needed, they will not be as effective.

Types of massage

There are many anti-aging techniques. They differ from each other in the characteristics of their effect on the skin and the subsequent effect. Some techniques are aimed at eliminating a specific age-related problem (for example, a double chin), while others have a general anti-aging effect. Let's look at the most common techniques:

  • . Particularly useful for sagging areas of the face and ptosis. Pinching provides a significant effect, since the effect goes to the deep subcutaneous layers. However, this technique is quite complex.
  • . This is a Japanese method, the essence of which is to influence points located throughout the face. Pressure on them has a general strengthening effect and gives vigor. Emerging wrinkles are also eliminated.
  • Asahi. The effect is on the lymph nodes, which activates blood circulation and relaxes muscles. The removal of fluid and toxins is ensured, this is important if a woman suffers from edema. To massage Asahi you will need a slippery base. For example, you can use oil or milk.
  • Tanaka. A very effective Japanese technique. Ideal for improving facial contour.

There is an unlimited number of massage techniques for rejuvenation. Which one should you choose? Each technique has its own strengths and weaknesses. One technique smooths out wrinkles, the other improves contour. When choosing, you should focus on a specific type of problem that is supposed to be solved.

How to do a rejuvenating massage?

The technique depends on the chosen massage technique. However, general recommendations can also be identified. It is advisable to carry out the massage in the evening. At night, regenerative processes are activated in the skin, thus increasing the effectiveness of the session. Before the procedure, it is better to tuck your hair under a cap so that it does not interfere with the procedure.

Technique for doing it at home

The following stages of rejuvenating massage can be distinguished:

  1. Preparation. Hands should be washed with antibacterial soap to avoid infection during the massage process. For the same purpose, you need to clean your nails with a special brush and trim them so as not to damage the delicate skin. The face should be treated with tonic, and the oil to be used in the process should be prepared. It should be intended specifically for the face, and not for the body.
    Before the massage, it is important to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the composition is applied to the inside of the hand. If no redness or rash occurs, you can safely proceed to the main part of the event.
  2. Massage. All movements are carried out with the fingertips along massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the earlobes, from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the tips of the lips to the earlobes. The nose is massaged from its beginning to its tip. Before moving to a new area of ​​skin, you need to lightly press your temples. This movement activates metabolic processes.
  3. Completion. Remaining oil must be washed off with warm water. Then you can apply an anti-aging cream or face mask.

As already mentioned, all movements should be carried out along massage lines.

Chaotic actions can lead to the opposite effect:

  • sagging skin,
  • severity of wrinkles.

Features of the massage course depend on the specific technique. Some techniques are used every other day, others can be used no more than once a week. You should also focus on the condition after the procedure. Usually the entire procedure lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. The duration of the first session is reduced to 5 minutes, as the skin must adapt to the new effect.


  • Inflammatory processes in the acute stage: many pimples, ulcers.
  • Herpes (during manipulation, the infection spreads throughout the face).
  • Hemophilia, since the massage process has a strong effect on the circulatory system.
  • Open wounds and abrasions.
  • Warts and pronounced moles.

Repeated damage to moles or warts during massage sessions can trigger the development of cancer.

Watch Asahi's Japanese rejuvenating massage technique in this video:

Rejuvenating massage has numerous benefits. It is really effective and also affordable. 10-15 minutes are enough to smooth out wrinkles. The procedure does not require expensive cosmetics. It is enough to purchase quality oil. Before the session, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. If they are present, massage may cause harm rather than the intended benefit.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Not all women can afford expensive facial rejuvenation procedures. Often the fairer sex resorts to the most conservative solution - facial massage. It helps get rid of wrinkles even at home without the help of specialists. All that remains is to choose the massage technique.

Quite often, cosmetologists recommend facial massage instead of plastic surgery. Since this is a more profitable method, and without unpleasant consequences. Using special techniques, you can reach the deep layers of the dermis, thereby activating the production of collagen and elastin.

Benefits of massage:

  1. Achieving youth and a fresh-looking face.
  2. Oval correction.
  3. Obtaining a new relief.
  4. Acquisition of soft and elastic epidermis.
  5. Increasing skin immunity.
  6. Blood flow improves and blood vessels are strengthened.
  7. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  8. Edema and swelling disappear.

Correct massage technique

General rules

Facial massage is always performed smoothly and carefully. It is forbidden to press or stretch the skin; stroking and sliding over the skin is recommended.

Each massage action involves some processes, for example:

  • stroking promotes blood circulation and elimination of toxins;
  • rubbing with your fingertips in a circular motion - relieves swelling, eliminates deposited fats, accelerates blood flow, and softens scars;
  • kneading relieves tension;
  • pinching promotes rejuvenation.

Preparing the face

When performing a massage, it is recommended to steam or cleanse your face. You can do water baths with herbal decoctions, just wash your face with hot water or even take a shower. Hands must be thoroughly washed or disinfected. The skin of your fingers should be soft and smooth to avoid scratches on your face, and it is also recommended to remove all rings and bracelets from your hands.

Prepare oil and cream suitable for your skin type. For oily skin, you can add lemon juice or use talc.

Common Mistakes

An incorrectly performed facial massage for wrinkles at home can lead to some consequences.

For example, the following reactions are possible:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • worsening wrinkles.

The following mistakes are common when performing massage:

  • As a result of rough rubbing, delicate skin can be stretched and flabby. Rubbing should be done with gentle movements so as not to cause pain and microtrauma;
  • Massage should be done along massage lines. Otherwise, it is possible to change the oval of the face;
  • If the procedure is not carried out regularly, the effect will not be achieved;
  • Consider contraindications;
  • You need to select lotions, creams and oils for massage according to your skin type to avoid dryness, irritation or rashes.

Relaxing massage to reduce tension in facial muscles

Our face is mobile, often displays a lot of emotions. In the distant past, people could determine by wrinkles what kind of character a person had. Wrinkles are a consequence not only of age-related changes and pronounced facial expressions, but also a consequence of overwork and tension in the facial muscles.

A variation of the technique of performing a relaxing facial massage that helps slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Relaxing facial massage, starting from the forehead, gently pressing between the eyebrows, along the bridge of the nose. Then you should make smooth movements from the bridge of the nose to the forehead. You can also include a head massage, starting from the forehead and ending with the back of the head.

General rules for a relaxing massage:

  • Eyebrow massage is performed by lightly pinching the eyebrows and eyelids.
  • The skin of the eyes needs a gentle, delicate massage. Knead the outer corners and under the eyes.
  • The cheekbones are massaged towards the temples using tapping movements with the fingertips. Circular movements are suitable for tense areas. The temporal muscles also require attention.
  • The muscles of the mouth are massaged with light pressure and patting movements.
  • Finally, lightly pat your face until a feeling of warmth appears.
  • Look for tense muscles and massage them again.

Lymphatic drainage massage for full face rejuvenation

From biology class we know that lymph is a clear liquid containing red blood cells. It is also involved in removing toxins. If lymph stagnation occurs, then so-called “waste products” accumulate accordingly.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps to establish lymph flow, thereby:

  • improve your complexion;
  • rejuvenate facial skin;
  • relieve swelling;
  • remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • normalize sebum secretion;
  • relieve stress.
  1. Bruises under the eyes.
  2. Expression wrinkles.
  3. Loss of elasticity.
  4. Swelling of the face.
  5. A double chin appeared.
  6. It is necessary to recover after plastic surgery.

Classic method of lymphatic drainage massage

Japanese or classical massage techniques are often used at home.

The classic method of lymphatic drainage massage includes the following techniques:

  1. The massage starts from the forehead. Place all your fingers on your forehead and move them to your temples.
  2. The eyes are massaged with the index fingers from the inner to the outer corner of the eye socket along the lower contour. Then, using spiral movements, move up to the bridge of your nose.
  3. Massage of cheekbones and cheeks. The movements are performed with all fingers, smoothly spreading them from the center of the chin, then from the corners of the lips and from the middle of the upper lip.
  4. The nasolabial fold is massaged from the end to the nose with the index fingers.
  5. Use your thumbs to massage your chin, smoothly moving up to your ears.

Russian facial massage for wrinkles

Before the procedure, you need to cleanse your face.


  • To begin, lightly stroke along the lymph flow lines. This takes from 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Then knead and tap, and also make vibration movements moving in a circle at one point. Repeat each movement 8 to 10 times.

Rejuvenating facial massage for wrinkles: how to do it

Rejuvenating facial massage at home for wrinkles is recommended after 45 years. It increases blood flow, restores elasticity and strengthens blood vessels.

Classic rejuvenating massage

Step-by-step instructions for a classic rejuvenating facial massage:

  1. First, the face should be cleaned and spread with cream.
  2. Start the massage with stroking movements. Thus, warm up the skin of the face until slight redness appears.
  3. Then knead your face with your fingertips.
  4. Tone the skin using pinching movements.
  5. Tapping with your fingertips should be done gently at the end of the massage.

It is worth noting that all movements should be performed painlessly. The frequency of receptions is from 8 to 10 times. Take a course of 10 sessions.

Facial massage for wrinkles between eyebrows

To begin with, as usual with a facial massage, preparatory procedures are carried out - the face should be cleaned or steamed. You can get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows at home using classic massage techniques.

Classic massage techniques between the eyebrows:

  • Draw an infinity sign between the eyebrows with the index finger, then the number eight.
  • Tap the area between the eyebrows with your fingertips.
  • Smooth out wrinkles from top to bottom and vice versa.
  • Use horizontal movements to smooth out wrinkles.

Facial massage for forehead wrinkles

To get rid of wrinkles on the face, you can use the following technique:

  1. The massage must be performed with clean hands on a clean face with various oils.
  2. You need to start with horizontal stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Repeat up to 8 times.
  3. Knead without lifting your fingers in a circle from the bridge of your nose to your temples.
  4. Place your palms one on top of the other and move the skin to the sides. Do up to 15 times.
  5. Complete the massage by tapping and stroking.

From nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are formed due to the high activity of facial muscles. This massage improves blood and lymph flow, tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Massage should be carried out after cleansing the skin and hands. You can use creams and oils for the face.

Massage technique:

  • Begin by stroking the nasolabial folds from top to bottom and from the corners of the lips to the ears, then along the wings of the nose to the ears.
  • Rub along the same lines as when stroking.
  • Vibrations are carried out by lightly pressing the nasolabial fold with your fingertips.
  • Completion is carried out by stroking, as at the beginning of the procedure.

Facial massage to remove wrinkles around the eyes

Facial massage at home for wrinkles around the eyes can be performed using several techniques.

These include:

  • Taoist massage;
  • Tibetan massage;
  • from "crow's feet";
  • from puffiness under the eyes.

Taoist massage activates better blood supply to tissues. It is carried out by pressing with the fingertips around the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. About 6-7 pressures will be enough, and the final stage is light pats.

The Tibetan massage technique consists of alternating massage and exercises:

Pinch facial massage for wrinkles

The benefit of facial massage is to relax the facial muscles, which helps in getting rid of wrinkles, unevenness, blemishes and scars. The most famous type of pinch massage using the Jacquet technique. Often it is done only by specialists, since it is quite difficult to do it at home the first time.

The technique for self-massage at home is as follows:

  1. Apply the scrub to your face.
  2. Perform light pats with your fingertips.
  3. Make pinching movements all over the face, preferably along the massage lines with your thumb and forefinger.
  4. Press on problem areas.
  5. Complete the session with stroking movements and rinsing off the scrub.

Facial massage for wrinkles with a roller or massager

Facial massagers are quite common on the cosmetic market.

The most famous of them:

  • Jade rollers. They are usually rubbed over the skin of the face and neck.
  • Bamboo and amber massage sticks.
  • A hollow roller is used for problem areas, moving in a figure eight.
  • Massage with a mesotherapy roller is done with various oils.

Acupressure facial massage

Massage rules:

Facial massage for wrinkles with spoons

Facial massage at home against wrinkles can be done with warm and cold spoons.

With warm spoons, the following technique exists:

  1. It is recommended to start with the nasolabial folds. They are massaged using a spoon along trajectories: from bottom to top, from the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the ears.
  2. Using two folded spoons, convex sides facing each other, knead the lower part of the chin, moving towards the ear.
  3. I massage my nose from the base moving to the top.
  4. The forehead is massaged in a zigzag pattern from the beginning of the eyebrows to the temples.

Japanese Asahi technique

Before performing a massage, it is recommended to cleanse your facial skin. Then start implementing it.

Massage technique:

  1. You can strengthen your frontal muscles using your index, middle and ring fingers. It is necessary to fix the hands in a horizontal position on the forehead, so that the pads of three fingers are in the middle of the forehead. Then, pressing, but not letting go, move to the temples and smoothly go down to the collarbone.
  2. To get rid of wrinkles on the eyelids, we also use our fingertips. We begin to move from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner along the lower eyelid, then from the inner to the outer along the upper eyelid. How to draw a circle without lifting your fingers.
  3. You can raise the corners of the mouth by pressing on the center of the chin, then smoothly outlining the mouth, stop in the middle above the lip and sharply tear off your fingers after counting by three.
  4. Using your middle fingers, knead the nasolabial folds in semicircular movements, moving from top to bottom.
  5. With three fingers you need to press the center of the chin, then move up to the eye sockets, going around the mouth. With this movement, the cheeks, cheekbones and corners of the mouth are strengthened.
  6. Massage movements are performed separately on each side. From the corner of the lower jaw, apply pressure to the inner corner of the eye.
  7. Place your hands on your cheekbones so that your elbows look to the sides, i.e. horizontally and so that your fingers rest against your nose. Press and run your fingers up to your ears.
  8. The cheeks will not sag if you place your palms on both sides on your lips and press upward towards your nostrils.
  9. Do the same with the cheekbones, but start with the chin.
  10. Chin massage will help correct the oval of the face. Start from the middle of the chin to the ears, using pressure.
  11. The final stage of massaging the forehead, as in the first point.

Japanese facial massage Shiatsu

The tool for performing this anti-wrinkle facial massage is your fingertips. Acting precisely, it helps to get rid of many problems at home. The technique of execution is provided by three middle fingers. The duration of pressure should be 5-7 seconds until painful sensations appear.

There is a special pattern of points that need to be pressed. There are 24 of them on the forehead, and only 3 on the eyebrows: at the beginning, in the center and at the end. You need to massage between the eyebrows with all three fingers. Point of the outer corner of the eye, inner corner, etc.
Chinese technology

Before performing the Chinese technique, you should rub your palms until they become warm.

Massage technique:

  1. Cover your face with your palms and blink, while covering your eyes with your palms. Make circular movements.
  2. Use your fingers to massage your nose in a circular motion.
  3. Pat your cheeks with your fingertips, counting to 10.
  4. Using your hand, as if using a comb, we move from the forehead along the head, pumping the back of the head.

Thai massage

Massage technique:

  1. The process begins with stroking the temples, then moves on to the nostrils and nasolabial folds and finally the cheeks. Everything is done in a circular motion.
  2. Using pressure movements, massage the chin, cheeks and ears.
  3. The session ends with stroking movements.

Popular proprietary techniques for rejuvenating facial massage

Buccal massage technique

Joel Siocco is the author of the buccal massage technique. This is a famous French cosmetologist and biochemist, who at over 60 years old looks like she is 30.

The distinctive feature of this massage is that it targets mainly the lower part of the face, thereby lifting the corners of the lips. And besides, the muscles of the lower third are massaged from the outside and inside (through the mouth with gloves), which is why they hurt, like after a workout.


Contraindications to facial massage

Main contraindications to facial massage:

  1. Allergy or skin infection.
  2. Diseases of ENT organs.
  3. Tumors of various types.
  4. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  5. Low intracranial pressure.
  6. Poor blood clotting.
  7. Brittle blood vessels.
  8. Hirsutism (increased hair growth).
  9. Many moles on the face.
  10. After the microdermabrasion procedure.
  11. Inflamed nerves of the face.

The best oils for massage

Oil is necessary for facial massage for:

As a rule, oil is selected based on your skin type. For dry skin, wheat germ or apricot kernel oil is suitable. For normal skin – olive or almond oil. Oily – jojoba or sunflower oil. For a lifting effect (oval tightening), sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, myrrh, and rose oils are used.

How often should you massage?

Facial massage at home for wrinkles is recommended based on age. If before the age of 30 it should be done once a year with a session of 10 procedures, then after 30 it should be done twice a year, also with 10 procedures.

Facial massage is an effective remedy for wrinkles. Using fairly easy technologies at home, you can tighten up your face shape, eliminate crow’s feet and become rejuvenated in general.

Video of facial massage for wrinkles

How to massage your face for wrinkles at home:

Simple and easy facial massage for wrinkles:

Women pay special attention to their face, its fresh, healthy appearance. Worried about the appearance of wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, aging and aging, ladies turn to beauty salons. Cosmetologist services are not always available. Then a rejuvenating facial massage is performed at home.

How to do a facial massage correctly

When starting to carry out such a procedure on your own, it is important to understand how to perform the correct facial massage, taking into account its features, in order to achieve the desired result without causing harm to the skin. The first stage is cleansing and moisturizing the skin with your usual cosmetic products. Additionally, you can steam the skin using a hot towel. Then for 10 minutes. you need to apply a special serum or cream with a regenerating, toning or moisturizing effect, or olive oil.

After the cream has been absorbed, the procedure begins with light massage movements directed upward along certain lines. The specific technique of facial massage depends on the techniques, of which there are many. You should start the procedure no later than three hours before bedtime. Massage gives a good effect in the morning, quickly relieving the skin of puffiness. The procedure is performed in a calm environment, in front of a mirror, in a positive mood, for up to 15 minutes. This self-massage:

  • tightens the chin;
  • relieves swelling, stimulating facial slimming;
  • restores healthy skin tone;
  • improves blood circulation, saturating the epidermis with oxygen;
  • strengthens facial muscles;
  • corrects the oval;
  • necessary for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces existing facial wrinkles, helping to slow down the formation of new ones;
  • improves overall well-being.

Facial massage for wrinkles

There are different effective massage techniques: Chinese, Japanese, contour, classical. Their main rule is a clear movement along the lines corresponding to the lymph flow. Otherwise, the opposite effect of sagging and stretching of the skin is possible. Facial massage against wrinkles should be soft and gentle, especially around the eyes. To move from one area to another, you need to press your fingers on your temple. Regularity is required for visible results. The massage procedure should be performed:

  • daily;
  • 7-10 times (days) in a row;
  • with the resumption of the course in a week.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

This anti-aging vibration massage is recommended by cosmetologists for indications of lymphatic congestion (swelling, ptosis), dryness, double chin, swollen facial contour, deep nasolabial folds. Order:

  1. Lymphatic drainage facial massage begins with a movement from the center, then the muscles of the eyes are massaged in a circle, the cheeks in three directions from the center to the periphery.
  2. Pressing works on the nasolabial folds, then the chin.
  3. All manipulations are repeated 5-6 times.
  4. If done correctly, it will take 5 minutes, and the lifting effect will pleasantly surprise you.

Lifting facial massage

This procedure helps reduce age-related changes and restore skin elasticity and smoothness. Facial lifting massage at home is carried out by alternating smoothing, tapping, pressing, rubbing according to the scheme: chin - temples, center of the forehead - middle of the temporal region, tip of the nose - temporal lobes. The use of essential oils helps to achieve maximum results. The procedure is necessary after 30 years. How often can you do a facial massage? You need to devote 10 minutes to it 3 times a week. It is worth conducting 10-12 sessions, and you are guaranteed rave reviews.

Sculptural facial massage at home

In order to achieve rejuvenation, this procedure, sculptural facial massage, is not easy to carry out on your own. This requires certain anatomical knowledge and strict adherence to the technique and rules of execution. During the procedure, you should not use cosmetics that cause your fingers to slip on the skin; it is better to use products containing cosmetic wax. The impact begins from the back of the neck. The technique involves a targeted action on the attachment points of the facial muscles, the location of which must be precisely known.

Vacuum facial massage at home

When carrying out this massage method at home, as in professional salons, glass, rubber or silicone jars are used. By removing air from the jar, negative pressure is created and a static or dynamic effect on the skin occurs. Vacuum facial massage is recommended from the age of 30, with the characteristic appearance of wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity.

You need to know how to do a facial massage yourself: different areas need jars of different diameters, the thyroid gland area should be bypassed. Before starting, apply oil, massage or cosmetic cream to the skin. To avoid bruises, it is better to massage the steamed skin while visiting the sauna or taking a bath. Vacuum massage acts on blood vessels, helping to restore the capillary network, which stimulates blood circulation, the circulation of fluids in the blood, normalizes metabolism, restores collagen fibers of the skin and thereby rejuvenates.

Facial massage using a massager

The use of special massage devices is part of the necessary complete care for skin tone. Facial massage with a massager is convenient for independent practice and can rejuvenate the skin at home. A large selection of devices allows for regular and deeper tissue heating. Massagers help remove toxins, making the skin lighter. Nuances:

  1. For each area you need to use your own attachment device.
  2. Rollers made of metal, plastic, wood, stone, muscle stimulators, laser, oxygen, and vacuum devices are used.
  3. To obtain greater effectiveness and saturate the skin with nutritional components, it is good to use natural oils during the procedure.

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