DIY iontophoresis device. Facial iontophoresis - what is it and how to do it at home. What would you change about yourself with liposuction?

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Effective and painless procedures can be used to improve and rejuvenate the skin. Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a proven manipulation that allows you to deliver useful components deep into the dermis and change the properties of the cell membrane. The technique is used for the skin of the face and body. It is effective for treatment and prevention.


What is iontophoresis? This is a cosmetic procedure that is performed with a special device. The technology consists of influencing the upper and middle layers of the skin with a safe galvanic current. With the help of the procedure, nutrients penetrate deeply, which enhances cell nutrition and hydration.


Iontophoresis in cosmetology copes with various tasks. The procedure is performed if:

  • wrinkles, folds, signs of early aging;
  • disturbances in the water balance in the skin;
  • cellulite, local fat deposits;
  • accumulations of waste and toxins;
  • puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • blackheads, enlarged pores, increased secretion of sebaceous secretions;
  • decreased skin tone, loss of elasticity;
  • general symptoms of skin fatigue;
  • lack of nutritional components;
  • scars from mechanical damage to the skin or acne;
  • age spots.

Another procedure of iontophoresis is performed for hyperhidrosis. According to reviews, although it does not solve the problem, it noticeably improves the situation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Iontophoresis is actively used in cosmetology, which is associated with many advantages of the procedure:

  1. The manipulation is effective. The result is visible after the first use.
  2. Iontophoresis is considered painless, which is associated with low voltage.
  3. Since the technique is non-invasive, the risk of unwanted effects is minimal.
  4. The procedure has a wide range of effects. It eliminates various problems.

Disadvantages include the high price and the presence of contraindications. According to experts, there are also side effects. They manifest themselves in the form of redness and burning.

Operating principle

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is carried out to transport ions under the skin. This is accomplished thanks to a low-strength galvanic current. It does not damage the dermis and does not lead to a violation of its integrity. When exposed to electricity, the following changes occur:

  1. Local metabolic processes are launched and revived.
  2. The tone of blood vessels and muscles increases.
  3. Blood supply to tissues and blood flow improves.
  4. Skin permeability increases.

Iontophoresis allows not only to introduce therapeutic agents into the skin without injections. It also removes dead cells and various impurities.

Iontophoresis is performed in cosmetology using the anode (positive pole) and cathode (negative pole). The first is used with acidic solutions. They strengthen cells, narrow pores, reduce swelling and inflammation. Cathodes are used with alkaline agents. They are needed for oily skin, they restore blood circulation and stimulate nerve endings.

The procedure for hyperhidrosis operates on a different principle. Experts believe that exposure to electric current disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands or causes plugs to appear inside them, which interfere with the active secretion of sweat. Therefore, the severity of the pathology is reduced.


The choice of iontophoresis agents that are introduced into the dermis is determined by the polarity of the electrode. If the charge is positive, then it is allowed to use:

  • plant extracts, such as aloe;
  • vitamins B and E;
  • hyaluronidase and other enzymes;
  • healing mud and clay;
  • copper and zinc sulfate;
  • saline solution.

In case of negative polarity, choose your drugs. The use of acids is allowed: salicylic, nicotinic, ascorbic, hyaluronic. You cannot choose medications arbitrarily; it is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist. Any product must have a water base; the presence of fats is not allowed.

Rules of procedure

According to reviews, iontophoresis provides excellent results if the technique is followed. First of all, you need to remove jewelry and metal products. In the salon, iontophoresis is carried out according to the same rules:

  1. It is necessary to carry out cleansing, which will remove dirt and excess sebum. For this, light peeling, a cosmetic product with alcohol, or hardware cleaning can be used. The latter involves applying a fabric mask that has been soaked in a soda solution. On top of it, the skin is treated with a negatively charged electrode. Then the polarity changes to positive, and the treatment is repeated to restore the normal ph level.
  2. Then a massage is performed that will increase blood circulation. This is another stage of preparation. Severely dry skin requires additional moisturizing.
  3. The skin is treated with electrodes. Minor electrical impulses are generated. There is no pain, no anesthesia is needed. If necessary, apply a medicinal composition adapted to the polarity. The skin is treated with a nozzle.
  4. After this, a moisturizing lotion is applied.

According to expert reviews, the duration of iontophoresis is up to 40 minutes. To achieve better results, you need to undergo a course of procedures.

In hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is performed differently. The procedure should be performed only by specialists to avoid complications. The legs and arms are placed in baths of water, through which weak pulses of electric current are passed. The duration of exposure is up to 30 minutes.

Independent procedure

To carry out iontophoresis at home, you need to purchase a special device. A simple and compact device is suitable. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the number of attachments: if there are many of them, then the device will be functional. Before purchasing, it is advisable to consult a doctor or cosmetologist.

The procedure requires preparation. To cleanse the skin, it is better to use anaphoresis. A gauze mask is soaked in a soda solution and applied to the skin. The concentration of the solution should be 1%. The application area is exposed to a negative charge for 20 minutes, and then a positive charge for 2-3 minutes.

Then you can perform the procedure itself:

  1. Gaskets are placed over the fixed electrons to prevent burns.
  2. Iontophoresis gel is applied to the skin.
  3. The electrode is applied to the skin and moved slowly for 20 minutes.
  4. The treated area is lubricated with lotion.

At first there may be a slight burning sensation, which is normal. If the discomfort intensifies, then a break is required, and if this situation repeats, you need to consult a doctor.

When performing a home procedure, you need to consider the following rules:

  1. Iontophoresis is carried out using water-based preparations. Products with a fat base are prohibited.
  2. Only single-component preparations should be used; mixtures can only be prepared by a specialist.
  3. You need to buy high-quality cosmetics that are truly suitable for iontophoresis.
  4. Devices must be purchased from trusted manufacturers.
  5. The dosage of the drug must be observed, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

According to reviews, if all conditions are met, the home procedure perfectly rejuvenates the skin. It also helps eliminate other skin imperfections.


Before performing the procedure, you should make sure that it is really suitable. Iontophoresis cannot be performed if:

  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • metal implants in the area of ​​influence;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • chronic skin diseases, foci of inflammation in the problem area;
  • hypertension;
  • infectious diseases, reduced immunity, fever;
  • damage to the endocrine system;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • epilepsy and nervous disorders.

If the restrictions and technology of the procedure are followed, it will be safe for health.

Types of devices

To perform the procedure, you need to buy an iontophoresis machine. The most popular devices are considered to be Gezaton products. The most popular are the following models:

  1. Beauty Iris. The device operates in 3 modes: galvanic current, classic and Lotti microcurrent. Thanks to complex use, the skin is moisturized and nourished, local blood circulation and lymph flow are optimized.
  2. Galvanic Beauty SPA. The device has 3 modes: galvanic current, vibration, infrared radiation. The complex effect deeply cleanses the skin, removes toxins, increases elasticity and reduces wrinkles.
  3. "M 910". This is an affordable device suitable for first-time use. It produces only a galvanic current, which ensures deep cleaning and delivery of valuable components deep into the skin.

Equipment for beauty salons can be in the form of balls, rollers, discs. Masks are also used that are placed on the face. A direct current is supplied to one electrode, and an electrical circuit is closed to the other.

Modern equipment for beauty salons allows you to change the polarity of the electrode. But some experts doubt the advisability of changing the polarity during the procedure. It is believed that this reduces the effectiveness of iontophoresis.


Iontophoresis is a universal procedure with a high impact. Results are visible after 1 procedure. According to reviews, it helps fight pigmentation and even out skin tone. After iontophoresis, a significant reduction in pimples, acne and blackheads is noticeable.

The procedure eliminates fine expression and age wrinkles. Sessions are often performed for flaking skin. If the patient has very oily skin, this will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Iontophoresis is also used to eliminate bags under the eyes.


The procedure costs on average 1,500-2,000 rubles. The exact price depends on the type of device on which the work is carried out, the composition used, the size and location of the problem part. The entire course costs 10-12 thousand rubles.

Iontophoresis allows you to rejuvenate the skin, remove toxins, impurities, accelerate regeneration, and improve the health of your face and body. The principle is based on the influence of electric current, which transforms cell membranes and ensures the penetration of ions into the dermis. These processes improve the sensitivity of skin cells to valuable substances.

Iontophoresis is used in cosmetology to enhance and accelerate the effect of medicinal or nutrient substances. Due to the effect of low voltage current, water-soluble substances are separated into ions, which easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and further into the blood.

The procedure stimulates metabolism due to its effect on cell membranes and tissue ions, and tones smooth muscles. As a result, the blood vessels narrow and the skin becomes smoother.

Positive effect of iontophoresis

  • Stimulates the autonomic nervous system.
  • Removes toxins from cells.
  • Improves skin nutrition, making it smoother and more elastic.
  • Eliminates fine wrinkles and smoothes deep ones.
  • Reduces the effect of bags under the eyes.
  • Helps cope with pigment spots, small scars, acne.

Iontophoresis allows for targeted treatment, enhancing the effect of drugs. To get rid of acne and age spots, ascorbic acid is used, vitamin PP increases blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, hyaluronic acid is used to saturate the skin with moisture in the deep layers, aloe extract, salicylic acid help cope with acne, zinc paste is suitable for reducing allergic reactions.

If it is not possible to go to a professional salon, you can do iontophoresis at home.

Procedure steps:

  1. Cleanse your skin of dead cells with a deep enzyme peel.
  2. To draw positively charged sodium ions from the skin pores, use the negatively charged pole of the device - the cathode. This deep cleansing is carried out before iontophoresis to ensure that nutrients are better absorbed.
  3. Apply a gauze tape soaked in the medicinal product to the treated area.
  4. If it is important that the medicine remains in the layers of the skin and does not enter the circulatory system, pre-cool it to a temperature of 0 to -5 ° C.
  5. Treat the surface with the active electrode for 10 minutes, observing polarity. If the active substance is positively charged, then an anode must be used for administration, if negatively charged, then a cathode.

Iontophoresis cannot be done if there is a predisposition to cancer, hormonal imbalances, diseases of the cardiovascular system, colds, or pregnancy.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a physiotherapeutic procedure during which charged ionic particles of biologically active substances, under the influence of a galvanic current of low strength and voltage, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

The method is based on the process of electrolysis - a redox reaction, which results in the breakdown of drug molecules into negatively and positively charged ions. In a non-ionized state, medicinal substances have difficulty penetrating the water-lipid mantle, so they are able to have a predominantly superficial effect.

After undergoing the electrolysis process, they receive a certain (negative or positive charge), which increases their bioavailability in relation to the tissues of the human body and facilitates the process of penetration into the deep layers.

Under the influence of a low-level direct electric current, ionized particles penetrate deep into the skin (1.5 cm) and form a depot there. The deposited components have a positive effect on the structural components of the epidermis and, which leads to activation of the synthesis of skin fibers, normalization of the sebaceous glands, stimulation of all types of intracellular metabolism, improvement of blood circulation and tone of blood vessels.

In addition to the local effect, iontophoresis also has a systemic effect - galvanic current helps remove toxins from cells, improves metabolism (nutrition) of tissues and increases the tone of smooth muscles, which leads to smoothing wrinkles, increasing elasticity and normalizing the color of the skin.

The method is based on the mutually potentiating effect on tissue of galvanic current and medicinal and cosmetic preparations, but for those who believe that galvanotherapy and iontophoresis are the same thing, it is worth saying that although these methods are very similar, they differ in that in the second case, under the electrodes The doctor treats the skin with medicinal substances (in many ways they determine the therapeutic effect of the procedure).

Indications for the iontophoresis procedure and advantages of the method


  • atonic, dry, aging skin;
  • oily skin;
  • hyperhidrosis (sweating) of the palms and feet.

Advantages of the method:

  • atraumatic (medicinal substances penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis by electroosmosis);
  • cumulative effect (due to the creation of a depot of active ingredients, the process of skin rejuvenation continues even after the end of the procedure);
  • painlessness (during the procedure the patient feels a slight tingling and burning sensation, but there is no need to use local anesthetics).

Preparations for the galvanization procedure

Cosmetics for iontophoresis are concentrated, polarized solutions of electrolytes, which contain negatively or positively charged particles of active substances (water acts as a solvent). To carry out the procedure, medications are used, which include:

  • Vitamin C – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, brightens the skin;
  • nicotinic acid – improves blood circulation, increases the permeability of vascular walls;
  • salicylic acid – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hyaluronic acid – moisturizes the skin, helps smooth out wrinkles;
  • caffeine – increases smooth muscle tone, improves blood circulation;
  • – splits, which leads to smoothing of scars;
  • microelements and extracts of medicinal plants.

The doctor chooses the drug for iontophoresis (galvanization) independently (based on the indications for its implementation and the condition of the patient’s skin).

Procedure protocol

Galvanization does not require special preparation, but a few days before the procedure, the patient must come for a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, during which the specialist will conduct an external examination of the skin in order to select the necessary drug and determine the presence or absence of contraindications to its implementation.

Stages of iontophoresis:

  • application of a pre-selected drug for the procedure;
  • treatment of the skin with galvanic current, which is supplied through labile (movable) or stationary electrodes (during the procedure with a stationary electrode, the doctor fixes it on top of a special fabric pad moistened with saline, which improves the conduction of current and protects the skin from damage);
  • applying isotonic lotion with a tonic effect and moisturizing cream.

The average duration of one iontophoresis session is 15-30 minutes.

The course consists of 5-8 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of once every 10-14 days. The effect becomes noticeable after 3-4 sessions, but over time it increases. The result lasts for 6-8 months, after which it is recommended to repeat the course.

Iontophoresis as a method of treating hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet

The mechanism of action of iontophoresis has not been reliably studied. There are two theories that explain the effect of electric current on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, according to the first of which, during the procedure, the sweat ducts are blocked, and if you believe the second, then the galvanic current blocks the production of sweat by disrupting the functioning of the sweat glands, but none of them found scientific confirmation in medicine.

During the procedure, the specialist asks the patient to lower the palms and feet, previously cleaned of impurities and treated with a peeling composition, into baths filled with water, which are connected to a galvanic current device (the device generates a current of low strength and voltage, so the likelihood of receiving an electric shock during the procedure is minimal ). The role of the electrode in each bath is performed by a graphite plate, which lies at the bottom of the container.

The galvanization procedure lasts 30-50 minutes, and the patient feels only a slight tingling sensation. The course of treatment for hyperhidrosis consists of 5-10 sessions, which are carried out daily. To achieve a lasting effect, the specialist prescribes maintenance iontophoresis procedures to the patient, which must be completed once every two to three weeks. If signs of re-development of excessive sweating appear, the course is repeated.

Treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis in the axillary area using iontophoresis is difficult due to the lack of necessary electrodes.

“I treated foot hyperhidrosis with iontophoresis, and it helped me, but the sweating returned within a month and a half after finishing the course. Now I’ve taken a second course, but the effect is weak.”

Contraindications to galvanization

  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • epilepsy;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of metal implants in the area affected by electric current;
  • infectious diseases of the body.

Estimated cost

The cost of iontophoresis depends on the cosmetic product that the specialist will apply to the skin before the procedure and the area of ​​correction.

The approximate price of one iontophoresis procedure for the face (without cosmetics) is 6-10 USD, for palms and feet – 8-9 USD.

Iontophoresis is a popular hardware technique used in cosmetology to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, improve the condition and structure of the dermal layer. What kind of method this is, what features, technologies, medications and contraindications exist, you need to find out before the session.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a procedure that is actively used to treat and solve various aesthetic problems. The main role in the treatment process is played by low-voltage galvanic current pulses affecting the middle and upper dermal layers.

A current pulse is supplied through the electrodes, acting on the epidermal membranes, enhancing their permeability, as well as internal metabolic and regenerating processes.

The bioactive component in the galvanization process are various vitamin cocktails, solutions for nutrition and hydration, and medicinal compositions based on drugs. Since the components take on an ionized form during the process, their bioavailability increases, resulting in a positive clinical effect.

The formation of charged ions with a “+” sign, entering the middle layers of the dermis, creates a favorable environment for the action of medicinal components. Bioelements, depending on the active direction of the drug, enter the tissue and cellular structure and have a therapeutic effect.

The technology is based on the principle of synthesis of negatively and positively charged ions. Positively charged anodes promote deep dermal penetration of acidic compounds to improve microcirculation, relieve tension, normalize fat secretion, and narrow pores. The action of negatively charged electrodes promotes the penetration of alkaline compounds into membranes.

Such cocktails can improve the structure of the dermis, increase cell excitability, enhance secretion and open pores. As a result of the synthesis of differently charged electrodes, deep stimulation from the inside occurs, lymphatic drainage occurs, toxins are removed, the epidermis is cleansed of impurities and dead cells, metabolic and regenerative processes are activated.

Iontophoresis is actively used in complex programs for rejuvenation and elimination of cellulite, and in the complex treatment of increased sweating. You can also use the technology yourself by purchasing a device for home use, but subject to the correct use of medicinal solutions for iontophoresis.

Indications for the procedure

The technique is indicated in the presence of the following problems:

  • the presence of fine, deep, expression and age wrinkles;
  • acne, comedogenic skin;
  • tendency to swelling, impaired lymph flow;
  • need for hydration, dryness;
  • sagging, thinning of the epidermis;
  • signs of gravitational aging;
  • traces of hyperpigmentation;
  • impaired secretion of sebum;
  • decreased activity of physiological processes in the skin;
  • loss of tone, elasticity;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the need to reduce the severity of the relief;
  • signs of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • cellulite I, II and III degrees.

The effect of galvanic current in synthesis with the nutritional components of the solution allows you to restore and improve the structure of tissues, saturate cells with useful substances, deeply cleanse the skin and increase the flow of oxygen.


Despite the general positive effect of current exposure, there are a number of contraindications.

  • during pregnancy, lactation;
  • in case of installed pacemaker;
  • in the presence of a metal prosthesis, implants;
  • after a lifting session with gold (platinum) threads;
  • for chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • for blood diseases, poor coagulability;
  • the presence of various types of tumors, autoimmune diseases;
  • for infectious and viral diseases in the active stage;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • in the presence of open wounds at the treatment sites;
  • intolerance to technology using currents.

Operating principle

Iontophoresis is a technique in which the epidermis and layers of the dermis are exposed to a multipolar galvanic current. The technology is used to improve the condition of the dermis, eliminate cellulite, and treat hyperhidrosis.

The operating principle of electroplating for the face is as follows:

  • The method involves the use of two differently charged electrodes (“+” and “-”).
  • The active, or positive, electrode has a healing effect directly on the skin.
  • The passive, or negative, electrode completes the electrical circuit. It is wrapped in a damp cloth pad and attached to the body or given to the patient's hand.
  • Thanks to the created field, ions are moved, resulting in the attraction of negatively and positively charged particles.
  • The created ionic asymmetry has a therapeutic effect on the vital activity of cells and the tissue structure of the dermis. The physiological activity of exchange and renewal increases.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a procedure that can improve the condition of the skin and cope with various skin diseases.

With increased sweating in the armpits, palms, feet, head and other parts of the body, iontophoresis helps in 85-90% of cases. The exception is cases of generalized sweating. Despite the fact that the method has been used for more than ten years, the principle of the effect has not been fully studied.

The main theories of influence are as follows:

  1. Under the influence of the field created by differently charged electrodes, the functions of the glands are disrupted and secretion activity decreases.
  2. With iontophoresis, the epidermis is cleansed with the death of epidermal cells that clog the ducts of the sweat glands.

The principle of galvanization is actively used not only in salon conditions, but also for home use. Carrying out procedures on your own requires careful preparation and knowledge about the use of certain medicinal solutions.

Choosing equipment for home iontophoresis

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a universal technique that can be used independently at home. When choosing a device, you should give preference to compact units with the most simple and understandable functionality.

The most popular devices for home use:

Apparatus for cosmetic iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is actively used in cosmetology as an independent procedure or in complex programs. Cosmetologists confirm that this is one of the most effective ways to solve many aesthetic problems. The essence of the technique is the simultaneous use of medicinal solutions and exposure of the skin to galvanic currents.

This tandem ensures increased membrane permeability and deep penetration of nutritional components. When choosing a device for cosmetic iontophoresis, it is necessary to take into account some indicators.

For example:

  • device performance;
  • functional;
  • power range;
  • comfort and ease of use;
  • availability of certificates and reputation of the manufacturer.

As a rule, devices for aesthetic galvanization have a current intensity range of up to 5 mA. No less important is the equipment, which, in addition to the current-generating device, includes a set of electrodes. For ease of use in hard-to-reach areas, they can have a spherical, cone-shaped, or oval shape.

The market for devices for performing iontophoresis in salons or at home is constantly being updated with new products with extensive functionality in different price categories. You can buy equipment of both imported and domestic production.

Before purchasing a unit, it is important to study the manufacturer’s reputation, reviews, and also consult a qualified physiotherapist or cosmetologist about effectiveness and safety.

Preparations for iontophoresis

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a technique that acts comprehensively, deeply affecting the dermal layers. To solve various aesthetic problems, special compositions in the form of gels, ampoule products, and water-soluble cocktails are applied to the surface. All cocktails are polarized, marked with a “+”, “-“ sign.

They must be applied with the influence of electrodes depending on the polarity. Water-soluble compounds have the most active effect. If insoluble agents are used, use a solution of dimethyl sulfoxide and weak ethyl alcohol.

The most effective elements used in iontophoresis therapy are presented in the table:

Ions or injected particles Active medicinal substance Polarity Direction of action
Lidaza Lidaza + Facilitates the passage of fluid in the interstitial space, smoothes scars, eliminates fibrous tissue changes
Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid radicals Activates the synthesis of collagen, procollagen, helps strengthen blood vessels and capillaries
Nicotinic acid (PP) Nicotinic acid radical Has a vasodilating effect, enhances regeneration processes, increases the permeability of capillary walls
Salicylic acid Sodium salicylate Used to treat seborrhea, has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect
Caffeine Caffeine sodium benzoate Activates lipolysis processes, used for the treatment of cellulite and obesity, including in the chin area
Pentoxifylline Trental + Has a vasodilating effect, promotes lipolysis and lymphatic drainage, is used in rejuvenation programs, treatment of cellulite and elimination of stretch marks
Aloe Aloe extract (juice) +/- Used in the treatment of rosacea and rosacea, has an antiseptic and tonic effect, helps reduce wrinkles and strengthen turgor
Zinc Zinc sulfate + Helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, is used to treat skin diseases, acne, rosacea, has wound-healing properties
Estuary mud extracts FiBS, humisol, peloidin +/- Has biogenic stimulating properties
Sulfur Sodium thiosulfate, ichthyol Strengthens barrier function, helps reduce sebum production, is used in the treatment of seborrhea, acne
Collalysin Collalysin + Proteolytic drug, eliminates keloid changes, strengthens turgor,
Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid radical Binds water molecules, restores hydrobalance, tones and deeply moisturizes
Vitamin E Tocopherol acetate + Vitamin “beauty”, rejuvenates, deeply nourishes, restores tissue elasticity
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin + Restores smoothness, freshness of the skin, healthy complexion. Promotes epidermis renewal, eliminates wrinkles, ensures cell and tissue regeneration
Vitami B1 Thiamine + Reduces the inflammatory reaction of the skin, is used in the treatment of neurodermatitis, slows down the process of skin aging

To enhance the therapeutic or cosmetic effect of iontophoresis, cocktails are made.

There are a number of rules for combining active substances:

  • Medicines are used on a water or salt basis. The use of solutions based on fat or alcohol emulsions is strictly prohibited.
  • The solvents used in the formulations must be identical. It is better to conduct courses with one-component formulations, alternating the procedure at regular intervals.
  • The concentration of an individual component in cocktails should not exceed 10%.
  • Unipolar ions are used to make solutions.
  • For galvanization of complex organic compounds with amphoteric properties, it is recommended to use buffer solvents, which can be replaced with distilled water acidified with an essence of 5-10% hydrochloric acid.

Iontophoresis is recommended as monotherapy using one active substance, but the use of a properly composed cocktail of beneficial substances can significantly improve the aesthetic and therapeutic results.

Technique for performing facial iontophoresis at home

Under the influence of galvanization, ions with the nutritional components of the cocktail are able to penetrate into the structure of the dermis to a depth of 3-5 mm.

Regular sessions contribute to the accumulation of nutrients and activation of internal physiological processes.

Instructions for conducting an iontophoresis session:

Fabric pads are placed on the electrodes to prevent the development of a chemical burn. A slight tingling sensation may be felt during treatment.

If the burning sensation is painful, you must stop the session.


The results of treating problem areas with electrodes charged with galvanic current are noticeable after the first session. The skin is smoothed, becomes more elastic, moisturized, its structure improves, fine wrinkles and traces of hyperpigmentation are eliminated. For greater efficiency and prolongation of aesthetic and therapeutic results, it is recommended to complete a course of 10-15 procedures.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to conduct maintenance sessions 1-2 times a month.

Device for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

The iontophoresis technique has proven its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of hyperhidrosis. Various devices are used for salon or home treatment of excessive sweating of the hands, armpits, head and other areas.

For example:

All devices for the treatment of hyperhidrosis have a drying, moisture-neutralizing effect and act locally on each zone.

Iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis at home

Special preparation for an iontophoresis session for hyperhidrosis is not required, but it is recommended to avoid the use of chemically active drugs 1-2 days before.

The procedure follows a standard algorithm:

The recommended course of treatment for excessive sweating with iontophoresis is 5-10 procedures. The intensity of the course and the frequency of procedures are recommended by a physiotherapist after assessing the condition of the skin and the degree of hyperhidrosis. The standard procedure is 10 minutes. daily as intensive therapy; a 10-minute session once a week is enough to fix the result.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology, as well as for the treatment and prevention of hyperhidrosis, can be carried out independently. Reviews indicate that this is one of the most effective non-invasive ways to solve aesthetic problems, and the device market is constantly updated with new modifications.

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Video about iontophoresis in cosmetology

What is iontophoresis in cosmetology:

Instructions for using the device at home:

Hardware cosmetology is the next stage in the development of cosmetology as a science of beauty and health. By influencing the body with various physical phenomena - heat, cold, laser radiation, electric current, vacuum - cosmetologists successfully slow down the aging of the body, fight excess weight, and various skin problems. Most beauty devices are only suitable for salon use, but there are also devices that can be purchased for home use. One such device is a device for performing iontophoresis at home.

The principle of action of iontophoresis and indications for its use

If we translate the term “iontophoresis” into understandable language, we get the following phrase – transportation (delivery) of ions. This procedure is based on the effect of a unique complex - electric current plus medications or cosmetics - on the skin of the face or the whole body.

In the twentieth century, after long-term research into the procedure of iontophoresis (also called electrophoresis or galvanization), it was proven that a current of low strength and voltage affects the cell membrane, changing its properties. Under its influence, the permeability of the skin increases, the basal metabolism is activated and regeneration processes are launched.

If electric current is used not as a single procedure, but in combination with certain drugs, the formation of ions occurs - particles with a plus sign. Ions, penetrating into the skin layers to a depth of 5 mm, serve as conductors for the active components of cosmetic products. Thus, a depot of substances is formed in the dermis of the skin, which gradually penetrate all cells and improve their functioning.

With the help of iontophoresis, you can not only administer medicinal substances, but also remove dead cells, excess sebum and dirt particles. To do this, the skin is treated with alkaline solutions and galvanized.

To carry out the iontophoresis procedure, an anode or cathode of an electrolytic ion is used. The anode is necessary for introducing acidic solutions into the skin, designed to strengthen skin tissue, normalize microcirculation, and relax areas of tension. Most often, a positively charged manipulator is used to narrow pores, relieve redness after various cosmetic procedures, swelling and inflammation.

Using the cathode, alkaline solutions are introduced, which soften the skin, improve blood flow in it, and activate nerve endings. Most often, the procedure is performed to improve the condition of mature or oily skin.

In addition to local effects, home iontophoresis also has a general effect on the human body. The electric current also stimulates the nerve endings in the skin tissue. Electrical impulses reach the brain, providing a calming effect and improving overall well-being.

The procedure is carried out to achieve the following results:

  1. Reduce large and small wrinkles in the upper and lower eyelids, around the lips and on the neck.
  2. Achieve additional tissue hydration.
  3. Prevent the development of cellulite.
  4. Cleanse the skin of toxins and free radicals.
  5. By activating blood flow and improving lymphatic drainage, get rid of bags under the eyes.
  6. Make the skin elastic, smooth, restore its good tone and pleasant color.
  7. Deliver maximum beneficial nutrients to tissues, which is especially important in winter.
  8. Reduce the appearance of small scars as much as possible.

Algorithm for performing iontophoresis at home

Basic Rules

If you decide to perform iontophoresis at home, without consulting a specialist, remember a few basic rules:

  1. Cosmetics used during galvanization must be water-based only. The use of products containing fat emulsions is strictly prohibited.
  2. For a certain electrode charge (positive or negative), there is a list of cosmetics. Substances with a “+” charge are introduced with a positive electrode, and with a “-” charge - with a negative electrode.
  3. It is better to use single-component preparations, alternating courses (for example, a course of vitamin C (10 sessions), then a course of hyaluronic acid (also 10 sessions). Firstly, with single-component preparations it is easier to avoid side effects. Secondly, as iontophoresis is carried out in the skin the injected substance accumulates, creating a depot. If the choice is made in favor of a cocktail, then its composition should include a minimum amount of single drugs (optimally 3) with the same polarity.


If you use the anode during iontophoresis, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of drugs intended specifically for the positively charged electrode:

  1. Aloe extract or juice.
  2. B1, B12, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E).
  3. Hyaluronidase.
  4. Healing mud.
  5. Copper sulfate.
  6. Saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution).
  7. Zinc sulfate.
  8. Zinc hyaluronate.

The following substances are suitable for a negatively charged electrode:

  1. PHYBS.
  2. Unithiol or ichthyol (contain sulfur).
  3. Sodium salicylate.
  4. Nicotinic acid (diluted with water 1:1).
  5. Water-soluble hydrocortisone succinate.
  6. Ascorbic acid (diluted with water 1:1).
  7. Hyaluronic acid.
  8. Caffeine (sodium benzonate) – can work both as a “+” and as a “-”.

Special charged cosmetics for iontophoresis are also used (for example, cocktails produced by the Beauty Style company), water-based non-woven masks soaked in appropriate solutions: hyaluronic acid, collagen, placental masks (the top seller at the moment is the Chinese brand DIZAO).

Carrying out

  1. The procedure begins with preliminary cleansing of the treated area. This can be done both with the help of certain cleansing agents (alcohol) and with the help of anaphoresis - galvanic disincrustation. Anaphoresis helps loosen the epidermis, increasing its permeability to the active components of cosmetic preparations.

To carry out desincrustation, use a clean fabric mask soaked in a soda solution (1 dess. liters of soda per glass of purified warm water). We apply the mask for 20 minutes and apply a negative charge to it, moving the electrode along the massage lines. At the end of the disincrustation, to restore the ph of the skin, change the polarity to “+” and treat the skin for a couple more minutes.

  1. The next stage is attaching the electrodes to the device. It should be remembered that there are two types of electrodes in stationary devices - active and passive. The active electrode is used to perform electrophoresis, and the passive electrode is held in the patient's hands. The active electrode can be charged positively or negatively depending on the desired effect.

Immediately before the procedure, the client must remove all metal objects from himself. Wet hydrophilic pads are placed on the electrodes (if the skin is very delicate), which are needed to prevent chemical burns during iontophoresis.

It should be noted that compact devices for home iontophoresis, such as Gezaton Beauty Iris, use one roller electrode.

  1. So, the area of ​​influence is cleared, the device is ready for use - you can start. A cosmetic product is applied to the treatment site, the charge of which corresponds to the charge of the active electrode (or roller electrode, depending on the configuration of the device). The iontophoresis apparatus is connected to the network, the active electrode is applied to the selected area and moved over the entire area.

At the very beginning, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​contact with the electrode, but after a while the discomfort disappears. If this does not happen, the procedure is suspended. The duration of galvanization is about 15-20 minutes. The iontophoresis procedure is completed by treating the skin with a moisturizing or toning lotion.

We offer a video of the use of a professional iontophoresis apparatus. From it you can glean a lot of useful information regarding the procedure at home: the principle of operation, the algorithm for treating the skin of the face and the area around the eyes, and performing hardware cleaning.

Also in the section: Face lifting at home

Contraindications to iontophoresis:

  1. Presence of a pacemaker.
  2. Heart rhythm disturbances.
  3. Hyperthermia.
  4. Skin vascular diseases.
  5. Maceration of the skin in the treatment area.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Oncological neoplasms.

Devices for home iontophoresis

In order for electric current to have its positive effect, you need to choose high-quality equipment. Let's look at the most popular devices for iontophoresis at home:

  1. Multifunctional massager Gezaton Beauty Iris.

This device operates in three modes and operates with different types of current: galvanic, Lotti microcurrents and conventional microcurrents. Using three nozzles alternately, you can use galvanic current (iontophoresis) to thoroughly moisturize and nourish the skin, thanks to microcurrents, improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage, and with the help of Lottie microcurrents, wrinkles will become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

  1. Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

This device also boasts versatility, because it generates not only galvanic current, but also ultrasound and even infrared radiation. Each of the modes can be used independently or combine their effects. If you focus on electric current, then this device is perfect for ion purification - the charge of the device is positive and ion enrichment - the charge is negative.

  1. Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m775

This device allows the client to use three types of physical phenomena: galvanic current, infrared radiation and vibration. Electric current in this device is used to deep cleanse the skin, detoxify it, deliver nutrients and lift it. The combination of different operating modes allows you to achieve a more pronounced effect.

  1. Galvanic massager Gezatone m910

This device is considered the simplest and most affordable device for foreign exchange at home. It produces only galvanic current and can be used to deeply nourish the skin and cleanse it.

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