Painting eggs for Easter minions. Painted eggs "minions". Easter eggs made of threads

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Easter is coming, which means it's time to think about interesting ways to color eggs. On the Internet you can find a wide variety of ways to color Easter eggs, but we want to offer you a very simple and fun way to color eggs in the shape of Despicable Me cartoon characters - minions. Involve your children and the whole family in this exciting process. Children will simply be delighted with these easter minions!

What do we need

  • white boiled eggs
  • dyes for eggs yellow and blue
  • watercolor paints
  • thin brush
  • decorative plastic eyes

These eyes can be bought at stationery stores or art departments; they have an adhesive base, so they can easily stick to painted eggs. If you haven’t found such eyes anywhere, you can use eye stickers, or draw them by hand.

Easter eggs with children. Master Class

First, boil the eggs. So that they don't crack add a tablespoon of salt to the water. Dilute yellow and blue paints according to the instructions on the package. Carefully lower the egg halfway into the blue paint. Let it dry slightly. Turn it over and dip it halfway in the yellow paint in the same way. After the egg has dried, we begin to “decorate” the minions. We glue the eyes on them, and then carefully draw glasses, hair, and a mouth with black watercolor paint. Our minions are ready!

Watch the video master class on coloring Easter eggs:

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Easter! There is something magical about this holiday. This holiday is always associated with spring, flowers, birds and warmth.
There are a lot of Easter decor ideas.

Decorating eggs for Easter 2020- this is a separate topic. Now there are many ways to make this holiday bright and unforgettable, since decorating eggs is a very exciting process in which not only adults, but also children can be involved.

The Easter egg is the main symbol of the holiday, so their decor should be original and memorable.

Before I start sharing decor ideas with you, I'll tell you one small detail. There are two options for holiday eggs - boiled eggs that you plan to eat, and the second option is souvenir eggs that can be kept as a keepsake or given as a gift. So, if you plan to make souvenir eggs, then before decorating them you need to blow them out so that in the future they do not deteriorate or become rotten. It's very easy to do. Make two small holes in the egg at the bottom and top and simply blow the contents into a bowl.

Now you can start decorating.

1. DIY Easter eggs using decoupage technique.

Let’s immediately say that there are several types of Easter decoupage eggs. The most common is decoupage using napkins.

Decoupage Easter eggs with napkins.

This is the easiest way to get the most original eggs for Easter. The most important thing is to prepare in advance, buy several types of beautiful napkins with patterns of flowers, birds or other patterns.

If you are making souvenir eggs, then it is better to use PVA glue for decoupage. Coat the yaouo with glue, then glue the cut out patterns or the entire piece of napkin onto the egg. Cover the top of the pattern again with a layer of glue.

If you plan to eat eggs, then it is better to use egg white instead of glue. The principle of operation is the same as with glue.

And here is a photo of what finished Easter eggs can look like using the decoupage technique.

Vintage eggs using decoupage technique.

Also, original vintage eggs using the decoupage technique can be made from old newspapers, sheet music, old letters, etc. Such clippings can be found on the Internet and printed. It is better to print on thin paper. Then cut the sheets into small strips and glue the paper in the same way as described above.

Using the principle of decoupage, you can glue anything onto eggs. So, for example, it could be feathers or living plants.

2.Painting eggs by hand.

If you are good at drawing, then you will be quite capable of decorating eggs with your own hands using paints, markers or felt-tip pens. These can be simple drawings, such as flowers, emoticons, stripes, etc.

original do-it-yourself Easter eggs emoticons

original eggs for Easter with your own hands, imitation embroidery

If your artistic skills are still a little better, then you can create real works of Easter art.

3. Coloring eggs using food coloring.

Every year, every housewife buys a pack of special dyes for Easter eggs. These are not curiosities and such dyes are sold in every store. But many are simply tired of the monotonous colorful eggs and want something new. There is a solution to this problem.

Very simply, using regular food coloring for eggs you can make beautiful original eggs. It's very easy to do. Dip the eggs not completely, but only partly, into the dye. You can dye eggs one or more colors by dipping the eggs into the dye, but at different angles. The result will exceed your expectations.

How to make eggs in the form of minions.

Eggs in the form of minions are very popular now. It's very easy to make them. Dip half the egg in yellow dye and color the other half in blue dye. Then, using a marker, draw or glue the finished eyes, and add other necessary details.

4.Painting eggs using available materials.

If you are bored with monotonous colored eggs, but at the same time you have little time to “reinvent the wheel”. We offer you a simple solution. Probably everyone has tape, elastic bands, scraps of lace, etc. at home. You can also make something original out of these simple things. Just wrap the egg with rubber bands or stick it with strips of tape in any order. And dip it in the dye. Let it dry a little. Remove everything unnecessary and voila...

5.Do it yourself Easter eggs with polka dots.

A very original idea - polka dot eggs. What's even better is that they couldn't be easier to make. There are several ways.

The easiest way is to simply draw polka dots with a marker or paint.

The second, and no less simple, way is to stick confetti or round stickers.

Another way to use glitter: draw a circle on an egg with glue and dip it in glitter.

Another way to make polka dot eggs is a little more complicated and time consuming. Place stickers in the form of circles on a clean white egg (you can use special stickers or cut them out, for example, from tape), then dip the egg in dye, let dry and remove the stickers.

5. Decorate Easter eggs using glitter.

This option for decorating eggs is more suitable for souvenir eggs, since if you want to eat such eggs, then you risk eating a lot of small sparkles.

If you like glitter, you can cover the egg with glue and completely roll the eggs in glitter.

You can also partially coat the eggs in glitter or apply various designs. Just draw any pattern with glue and roll the egg in glitter and let dry.

6.Easter eggs made of thread.

Another simple and original way to decorate Easter eggs is to simply wrap them with thread. Cover the egg with PVA glue and wrap it tightly with colored or jute thread.

DIY Easter eggs made from thread

7.Foil Easter eggs.

Wrap the entire egg with a piece of foil and smooth it out. You can add any drawings.

8. Grandmother's way.

Probably everyone knows this method of painting eggs using plant leaves and stockings. All you need to do is attach the sheet tightly to the egg, and then wrap it tightly with a stocking and secure it. Then dip the egg in the dye, let it dry a little and remove all excess.

The minions themselves are oval shaped. So turning eggs into minions is quite simple. By the way, you can decorate them this way for any holiday, it will create a cheerful mood at the table. However, remember that you can no longer eat these eggs, since inedible elements and glue will be used for decoration.
For the craft you will need:
- blue and yellow food colors;
- black threads;
- a black felt-tip pen that can write on various surfaces;
- plastic eyes;
- glue;
- eggs (boiled or blown).
In two bowls you need to dilute food dyes of two colors: yellow and blue.

First, the eggs need to be dipped into a bowl with yellow dye, then taken out, dried, turned over and placed in a bowl with blue dye. Most likely in both cases you will have to hold the egg with your hands.

Set the eggs aside to dry.

Use glue to glue the eyes. Twist a small piece of thread and use it to lay out the contours of the glasses around the eyes. A toothpick can help you with this job. Finally, use a felt-tip pen to draw a mouth. If desired, you can use felt-tip pens to draw all the black elements and not use threads.

A fun Easter craft is ready. You can also decorate eggs for a themed birthday if you decide to celebrate it in the style of the cartoon characters “Despicable Me” and “Minions”.

Minions are funny creatures from the Despicable Me cartoon that have captured the hearts of many adults and children. If you look at this fairy-tale hero, in appearance he resembles a kinder surprise egg. If you stock up on enough eggs, you can make your own DIY minion craft.


  • Kinder Surprise;
  • paints;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • empty bottle of pills.

Master class minion from kinder

Even a schoolchild can make such a simple craft. To make an eye for a minion, take an empty tablet plate and cut out one cell. Then trace the cell on white paper along the outline. You need to make a pupil out of black paper or cardboard.

If you want to make a minion that looks more like a real one, then try decorating the craft with polymer clay. You can cut clothes for crafts from foamiran. If you like to sew, then funny denim pants will look very original on a kinder.

Those who are familiar with amigurumi knitting have many advantages. You can tie the egg 1/3 with blue threads and 1/3 with yellow threads. You can also tie your eyes or do it as in the previous case. A funny minion will decorate a shelf in a children's room or can be used as a decoration for a bag.

Making minions from kinder is very simple. Now. Your child will not only collect Kinder Surprise toys and eat chocolate, but also eggs to use as material for crafts. Crafts from cartoon and fairy tale characters are the best way to interest children and teach them how to do something.

In addition to yellow ones, you can make purple evil minions from Kinder eggs, then your child will be able to restore the plot from the cartoon in the game. Minions from kinder eggs- a great idea for labor classes at school, since boys and girls watch cartoons about minions. We hope that our article will inspire you to new ideas about how to make a minion with your own hands.

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