Is study included in the length of service for calculating a pension? Is study included in work experience? Students, school years Study after university

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The total length of service consists of periods of employment and periods of time when the person was unemployed. The concept of total work experience is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for calculating the duration of work is also determined by labor legislation.

Correct calculation allows you to accurately determine the time of entry into a general pension, including a preferential one. This concept is important for the payment of temporary disability benefits, as well as for payment of time spent on maternity leave and child care. Thus, the correct calculation of the specified value is important for each employee (since, among other things, it affects the vacation reserve for him). It is a guarantee for the observance of their rights and legitimate interests.

What is included in the total length of service?

The duration of this period includes all the time during which the employee carried out official activities. The relevant entries must be included in the work book. It is this document that is the main one on which HR department employees make the necessary calculations.

The general period includes the following segments:

  • work under contract. Its duration is calculated based on the start date of the performance of one’s professional duties and until their end. This is the main time that is taken into account for all categories of workers;
  • time spent serving in the Russian Armed Forces. This time is included in the total duration, as well as in the preferential length of service when serving in the army or law enforcement agencies;
  • in some cases, half of the training is credited. This rule applies only to full-time studies at accredited higher education institutions. Correspondence training is not included in the experience. The specified time is taken into account when calculating preferential length of service;
  • being on maternity leave and maternity leave. According to the law, a woman has the right to be on such leave until the child reaches 3 years of return. Accordingly, the entire specified period is counted as working;
  • the time elapsed from the moment of dismissal until new employment is counted under certain conditions. If absence from work occurs for 1 – 3 months, then the calculation of time is not interrupted.

Thus, this concept includes not only the time actually worked under the contract, but also some other periods. You need to know this in order to be able to defend your rights.

Is part-time work included in the total length of service?

When working part-time, an employee, in addition to his main place, performs other duties in the same organization or in another. In this case, there is no double calculation of the duration of the working period.

For calculations, the actual days worked are taken, as well as the time spent on sick leave. Thus, part-time work is taken into account in any case. However, double counting does not occur.

By the way, it is written about whether parental leave for up to 3 years (for retirement) is included in the length of service.

Does studying at a technical school count towards your total work experience?

During the period of study at a secondary specialized educational institution, a person has the right to find a job and begin a professional activity. However, during employment, it will be the performance of the work that will be taken into account, and not the completion of training. Therefore, the duration of study at a college or technical school does not count.

How to find a length of service calculator and where to calculate it using your work book is described in the following article.

Is maternity leave included in seniority?

During maternity leave, the employee has the same rights as during the actual implementation of professional activities. Moreover, at this time the employer is obliged to provide a whole range of guarantees for the employee.

One of them is the inclusion of this vacation in the general working period. In all cases it is included in the specified value.

What is included in the insurance period

This concept has significant differences from the labor period. The fact is that the work experience includes the above-mentioned periods of time. And the insurance time includes only the period when transfers were made to the Social Insurance Fund for the employee from his employer.

The insurance period only includes the time when the employee worked under an employment contract and received an official salary.

After all, when undergoing training or serving in the army, deductions to the Social Insurance Fund are not made. Accordingly, these periods cannot be included in the insurance time.

What length of service is taken to calculate sick leave 2018 - total or continuous?

The calculation of sick leave and payments for it directly depend on the period of work of the person. If he has been practicing professionally for more than 8 years, he is entitled to 100% of the payment.
They are carried out based on the calculation of average daily earnings for the previous 2 years. As a basic value, the continuous work time (continuous length of service) is taken.

If a person has worked in an organization for less than 2 years, then the length of service at the previous place of work is taken into account. After all, sick leave payments are made from the Social Insurance Fund. The employer only pays for the first 3 days.

How to calculate length of service using a work book

This can be done by adding up the duration of work, based on the marks in the book. Moreover, if the time between the old and new work did not exceed 1 month, then this month should be included. If a company is downsized or liquidated, you are given 3 months to find a new job. Therefore, they must also be taken into account.

What is the minimum length of service required to calculate a pension?

The total insurance time is taken into account. For a pension assigned on a general basis, such a period must be at least 8 years in 2018. If this is not the case, then the person will receive the minimum social pension in connection with reaching this age.

To calculate, you need to find out how long insurance payments were made for the employee. They are transferred to the Social Insurance Fund monthly, during the entire period of work on the basis of the contract.

Calculation of pensions is a pressing issue today. Many people are interested in whether studying is included in the experience. And what kind of education is considered? You will find answers to all questions in the article.

From this article you will find out.

Is study included in the pension experience?

To answer this question, let’s first figure out what kind of length of service must be taken into account for pension calculations: labor or insurance.

Until the end of 2001, to determine eligibility for an old-age pension, the total length of service was taken into account. This included periods during which a person officially worked, as well as others separately prescribed in labor and pension legislation, for example, time spent studying in colleges, schools of the state labor reserve system and the vocational education system.

Since the beginning of 2002, the new law on labor pensions No. 173-FZ introduced the concept of insurance, which includes:

  • periods when insurance premiums were received into the employee’s individual PF account;
  • other periods from Article 12 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ

They are currently taken into account when calculating pensions.

On August 29, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation announced that he was thinking about raising the retirement age and made 12 amendments to the pension reform. Find out exactly what will change and how it will affect your life from the cheat sheet that the experts of the Personnel Directory magazine have prepared for you. You will also be able to calculate when you will retire according to the new rules. This is a very useful article because we are constantly updating it.

There are two features:

1. The new law cannot infringe on the rights of citizens in the field of pension provision in comparison with previous calculation standards. Therefore, in order to understand whether studying at a technical school, institute, or college is included in the length of service for calculating a pension, first check the date on the diploma - before 2002 or after. And, accordingly, use the accrual rules that were in effect at that time.

2. Clause 12 of the new Law No. 400-FZ additionally lists the periods that are included in the insurance period. This is the time when an employee:

  • served in the army;
  • received unemployment benefits;
  • received temporary disability benefits;
  • looked after a child up to 1.5 years old;
  • was detained and was wrongfully imprisoned;
  • cared for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child, a person over 80 years of age;
  • lived with a military spouse in a place where there is no work;
  • lived with my husband abroad.

Thus, if the training coincided with one or more of the above periods, while the student was previously employed and then continued to work, then these periods are included in the insurance period and affect the pension.

Is study included in the insurance period?

To understand exactly what is counted, check the date you received your diploma. If the diploma was issued before 2002, these years can be included in the work experience. If the diploma was received after 2002, then the time of payment of insurance premiums must be considered. To do this, find out whether during the period of study the employee’s personal account in the Pension Fund received contributions or not, and whether this time coincided with the periods specified in paragraph 12 of the law on pensions.

What documents must be provided for the length of service to be counted?

All periods of study that can and should be taken into account for calculating a pension must be documented. It does not matter what exactly the employee graduated from: technical school, vocational school or university - the principle is the same for all cases.

Thus, in order to count into the insurance period the period of study after 2002, when the student worked and contributions were received into the Pension Fund into his account, check the work record in the work book and obtain confirmation from the Pension Fund about the receipt of contributions.

If the student was engaged in entrepreneurship, a certificate of education as an individual entrepreneur and confirmation from the Pension Fund about contributions are also required. If a student paid pension contributions on his own during his studies, he must have a special agreement with the fund, which specifies the terms and amounts of their payment. Request an agreement to take this period into account for calculating your pension.

It is these documents that will become the basis for counting the time spent studying at a university, vocational school and technical school in the insurance period.

Work experience and prison term are questions that are currently unclear to those who have been in prison.

In the presented situation, it is unclear whether service and local employment are included in the pension accrual period. Next, the issue will be considered in detail and taking into account certain non-standard points.

What it is

Work experience refers to the period of employment of a Russian citizen. It also includes other types of activities if they are permitted by law.

It should be noted that due to the large number of people employed without official registration, there is a risk of being left without a pension at all.

The fact is that for pension benefits to be calculated, transfers to the social insurance fund are required. This is done by the employer during the period of employment of the citizen at his enterprise.

The absence of registration at the place of work does not entail transfers, so the citizen does not form his savings for the subsequent calculation of pensions.

In other words, only those periods during which the corresponding deductions were made are recorded in the length of service. At other times, a citizen was recognized as unemployed, which means his pension points are reduced.

How is it formed

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The length of service for payment of an insurance pension and for age is formed from two components.

This includes the minimum working period in number of years and the accrued insurance coefficient. The latter indicator is influenced by the contributions paid by the employer. Coefficients for subsequent employment have not been taken into account since 2002.

Depending on the citizen’s place of residence - when he could not make pension transfers because he could not find a job - a strictly fixed point is awarded.

Such values ​​are represented as follows:

It is noted that the length of service includes the following periods of a person’s life:

army contract service and other areas where the citizen served in military service are taken into account
studying at an institute or technical school This means full-time education and educational institutions of a certain professional field
internship taken into account only upon official registration at the enterprise
decree include no more than 6 years for all periods of child care
IP taken into account provided that the entrepreneur made pension contributions during his commercial activities
prison term is taken into account if in places of deprivation of liberty the citizen resorted to work and contributions were transferred for him
period of downtime at the labor exchange in case a citizen from the exchange was repeatedly sent to compulsory work

These are the main periods that are taken when calculating seniority. In order for them to be counted in the pension fund, it is necessary to submit, if possible, documents confirming the actions presented.

Is prison time included in the length of service for a pension?

The work experience of people who have served sentences in places of deprivation of liberty is regulated by Law No. 400-FZ and No. 167 “On Compulsory Pension Insurance”.

According to the law, the period of serving is added to the total indicator, but only on the condition that the citizen carried out work activities, and the prison management made appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund.

Most citizens are concerned about the issue of including the period of serving a sentence as work experience if the prison was located outside of Russia. Article 11 of Federal Law No. 400 stipulates that the calculation will take into account both compulsory work on the territory of Russia in a colony and outside it.

The data presented cover those cases when citizens of the Russian Federation have to serve their sentences in other countries, which is especially common in cases of temporary earnings in European countries.

For example, a man was caught for drug trafficking while he was working under an employment contract in Spain as a restaurant waiter. As a rule, such cases promise deportation to Russia with serving the sentence on the territory of the specified country.

But the accused may also be sent to prison in Spain. If you have Russian citizenship, the colony management will make payments to the Pension Fund of the convict’s home country.

It should also be noted that the inclusion of a prison term in the total length of service began to be carried out relatively recently.

The legislation changed only on September 1, 1992, after the collapse of the USSR. It was decided to involve convicts in official activities and transfer pension contributions for them.

Therefore, those citizens who served their sentences after 1992 can count on the inclusion of a prison term in the total length of their social pension. If the applicant was in prison before 1992, his periods of imprisonment will not be taken into account in the calculation, since no contributions were paid for them.

How to confirm

Citizens who have served a sentence or are currently in prison can receive a pension by confirming payment information, which occurs in the same way for both groups.

The first group are formerly incarcerated people who worked during their imprisonment. If this happened after 1992, then to confirm pension contributions it is necessary to request a corresponding certificate from the colony administration.

If it is not available at the moment, then you will have to make a request to the enterprise in which the convict worked during his imprisonment.

If the prisoner is currently in prison and has reached retirement age, then confirmation of the deductions made must be submitted by prison employees.

This happens in the following sequence:

  • the convict writes a statement addressed to the colony management with a request to confirm his income and pension contributions;
  • then prison staff independently collect documents on payments and send them to the Pension Fund by mail at the place of registration of the applicant;
  • based on the documents received, the pension is calculated, of which a notification is sent to the addressee of the colony;
  • subsequent transfers of funds are also made to the prison account. Employees carry out calculations and deductions in accordance with the court order - if the convicted person bears financial responsibility in relation to the victim;
  • the deducted funds are sent to the recipient’s account, the remaining funds are sent to the personal account of the convicted person.

As soon as the prisoner is released, there will be a certain amount in his account, which he can use by contacting the bank that issued the passport card.

From the above, it becomes clear that the period of imprisonment is included in the length of service, but only in the case of working activities at the place of stay and pension contributions occurring.

The recording of the earnings of convicts began to be carried out only in 1992, which must be taken into account when submitting documents for calculating pensions.

Video: What is included in the length of service when calculating the Pension

Many people are concerned about the issue of calculating length of service for receiving a pension. Years spent on vocational training will count towards experience or not. In most cases the answer is no. However, not everything is so simple. The period of study by profession can be fully or partially included in the length of service to calculate the amount of the old-age pension benefit, regardless of whether the person received secondary specialized, higher or postgraduate education.

Insurance or work experience

To calculate the size of the pension benefit under the current pension legislation, it is important to have - this is the period when the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation receives insurance payments for a future pensioner. This can be done by an employer or a person independently, for example, by doing business as an entrepreneur. Based on the amount of insurance contributions, the number of pension points is calculated, which will also affect the size of future pension payments.

The question often arises whether study is included in the overall work experience. Yes, it will be taken into account, but this fact does not always affect the amount of pension payments.

Currently, the total length of work is not taken into account when applying for old-age benefits, only the insurance period.

In addition to those periods in life when a person performed work and paid contributions to the Pension Fund, the insurance period will include (Law No. 400-FZ):

  • child care time up to one and a half years (maximum 6 years of experience);
  • the presence of spouses of military personnel or diplomatic workers in places of service, without the possibility of employment (maximum 5 years of experience);
  • looking after family members who have disabilities or elderly relatives;
  • urgent or alternative service;
  • temporary disability;
  • period of registration for unemployment;
  • moving to another area to get a new job;
  • stay in places of deprivation or restriction of freedom, under arrest, if the person was subsequently rehabilitated.

These time periods are taken into account when calculating length of service only if the person works before or after the end of these periods.

In the modern list of additional periods, years of training in a profession are not indicated, but in some cases they may be included in the calculation of pension benefits.

If a person studied at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution until 2001 inclusive, he still has the right to include these years in his length of service.

This is due to the fact that until 2002, a different legislative regulation was in force, and the concept was broader than the modern concept of insurance experience. Moreover, if the right to receive a pension arose before the entry into force of modern pension regulation, then the future pensioner can choose whether to calculate payments according to the old system with the inclusion of study in the length of service or to take only insurance periods. As practice shows, the second option is more profitable.

Does the experience include studying at a school, technical school or institute?

There are several cases when studying at a vocational school or university can be included in your work experience. This depends on the form of study - full-time or part-time, and is also additionally regulated by legislation in other areas.

In full-time education, if a student or listener is busy only with studying, then his insurance experience is not counted. It doesn’t matter whether he studies for a fee or at a budget place.

When a student simultaneously combines work and full-time study, the employer pays contributions to the pension fund for him and this period will be included in the calculation of the pension. In addition, full-time study at an educational institution may coincide with one of the other lengths of service, which are also taken into account when assigning pension payments.

For example, a student combines caring for an elderly relative and studying.

If the internship during study is formalized as an employment relationship, with the payment of all required fees for the student, then the period of practical industrial training will be included in the length of service for calculating the future pension.

At the same time, the legislation makes it possible to count years of study when assigning pension payments. The main condition for receiving the insurance part of the pension is payment of contributions to the pension fund. The student can pay for them himself or his relatives make contributions for him.

The minimum required amount of annual pension contributions can be found at the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence, as they may differ depending on the region.

In this way, you can earn only half of the length of service required to receive an insurance pension.

For example, in the current year, to assign an insurance pension benefit, you must have at least 9 years of insurance experience. When paying fees while studying (if you do not perform labor functions), no more than 4.5 years will be counted in the current year. But next year, five years of study at a university will be fully included in the insurance period.

By 2024, when the transition period of pension reform ends, by paying pension contributions, without actually working, it will be possible to gain the 7.5 years required to assign payments based on age and length of service.

Full-time study in postgraduate forms of education will also not be included in the length of service for calculating a pension if during this period no contributions are made for the graduate student, if he does not go to work, or if this time period does not coincide with one of the other periods.

For example, study is included in the experience when completing full-time graduate school if the student teaches at the same educational institution or works as a laboratory assistant in one of the departments.

Is part-time education included in the experience?

As a rule, a person chooses this form of obtaining a specialty precisely because he works full time. Accordingly, the employer pays insurance contributions to the pension fund throughout this period.

At the same time, distance learning is connected with training and examination sessions.

The management of the company is obliged to provide its employee with study leave to take tests and exams at a university lasting 40 (50) days a year, at an average specialized educational institution 30 (40) days, at a graduate school - 30 days, depending on what course of study he passes (LC RF Article 173).

If the deadlines for passing tests and exams last longer, then the employee can, at his discretion, use part of the leave or take several days off without pay.

At the same time, the employee retains his average earnings, while simultaneously paying the necessary taxes and contributions.

The basis for granting paid study leave is a document from the educational institution about the time of the next session (certificate of challenge).

In practice, the situation looks different. As a rule, employees combine sessions with work leave, and if there are not enough days, they take leave without pay. This approach is not a violation of the law, however, for a student, the period of study at his own expense does not count towards the insurance period.

Also, the employer must provide his employee with leave for the period of passing final exams or qualifying work, while maintaining his average earnings.

You can also ask your employer for paid study leave to prepare for a candidate’s or doctoral research paper. In this case, the employee can be released for 3 or 6 months while maintaining the average salary.

If there are grounds for receiving a pension on preferential terms, years of study will only be included in the length of service if they are combined with work.

For example, this applies to those who work in difficult or dangerous conditions. Early retirement is possible for them only if they have a certain number of years spent in such conditions. Therefore, even if the employer pays for educational leave, they will not be taken into account when assigning a preferential pension.

Features of training accounting for individual professions

In some cases, employees count the time they receive professional education toward their length of service to receive pension payments.

Study itself is not included in the length of service required to receive a pension. But doctors additionally need to complete residency and internship. During internship, doctors learn a specialty without interrupting their main activities. That is, they work in a medical institution, where they are assigned for the duration of this part of their specialty training.

During the internship:

  • the intern is added to the staff of the clinic;
  • he is paid a salary;
  • the employer enters into an employment contract with the intern.

Thus, the future doctor’s working life actually begins, and accordingly, the length of service required to receive a pension payment begins.

Completing an internship is also counted towards certain categories of doctors as part of their preferential length of service for receiving a pension ahead of schedule.

This is only possible if the intern immediately works in a medical specialty, which involves taking into account experience with increasing coefficients.

Calculation of length of service for military personnel and equivalent categories

For employees of law enforcement agencies who have special ranks, study is fully or partially included in the length of service to receive a long-service pension. In this case, it all depends on the educational institution in which the specialty was acquired.

When a cadet enters a school, institute, university or academy, which is under the jurisdiction of the relevant ministry, the experience of military and equivalent service begins from the first day. This situation arises because cadets of departmental educational institutions are equated to career employees of law enforcement agencies. They are assigned a monetary allowance, and after successful completion of their studies they are required to work in their acquired specialty for at least five years.

The length of service is calculated differently in the case where an employee graduated from a civilian educational institution and then joined law enforcement agencies, special services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or the army. Studying at a regular university will be included in the length of service with a reduction factor.

This takes into account the presence of a military department or military disciplines in the educational institution from which the future employee of the Ministry of Defense graduated.

In addition, upon completion of his studies, he must be awarded a military rank, for example, “reserve lieutenant.” If these two conditions are met, the employee’s years of study at a civilian educational institution are counted with a reduction factor of 1 to 2.

For example, studying at a medical college lasted three years; upon completion, a paramedic receives a military specialty and rank. When entering military service under a contract, he will be credited with one and a half years of special experience.

The same rule also applies if the student did not complete his studies at a civilian educational institution, but during his studies transferred to a similar course at a specialized departmental institute.

Years of study at a regular university with a military department will be counted toward his length of military service with a ratio of 1 to 2.

Receiving a specialized education can be included in the insurance period for subsequent receipt of a pension benefit for old age or long service. In addition to combining study with work or being on maternity leave, there are other reasons that allow you to do this. One of them may be the voluntary payment by the student or his relatives of contributions to the pension fund while studying full-time. In addition, completing specialization at the end of the main course, industrial practice and part-time work during the holidays will also be included in the pensionable service if an employment contract is concluded with the future specialist for this period. Years of study at the correspondence department or at some departmental educational institutions are also included in the pension calculation.

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