Water symbol tattoo. Aquarius sign tattoo. Aquarius tattoo options

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Richard Hale is a tattoo enthusiast who studies and researches tattoo symbolism, meaning and history.


The meaning and symbolism of water

When it comes to life, nothing can survive without water. Every living animal, human and plant needs it to live. As humans, our bodies are made of water. In the world of tattoos, this can be very symbolic. In this article, you will learn what symbols are associated with water and what they can represent.

  • In many cultures, ancient and modern, water is believed to be connected and associated with the soul. They believe that it has the ability to purify the body, soul and mind.
  • It has always been one of the most important elements and building blocks of life for every person, plant and animal. Life is not possible without it.
  • It is also one of the four basic elements of the world, along with fire, air and earth.
  • Ancient cultures knew the importance of the early stage. They knew it was important to every living thing. They also believed that he had the ability to wash away evil and nothing bad. No other culture can be shown this more ancient than the Celts.
  • It can also be seen as a Christian symbol that signifies purification or purity. In Christianity, holy water is used to cleanse the body and soul. It is also used during baptism, for prayer, for healing, and to ward off evil spirits. For these reasons, water tattoos can also represent protection, healing and purity.
  • It can also symbolize rebirth and regeneration. This could be due to many different reasons. In Christianity, as already mentioned, since you use holy water in baptism to cleanse your body and soul and receive forgiveness for your sins, you will eventually be born again in the name of Jesus Christ. Since she also brings life to all living things, it can mean creation to others. Water has the ability to bring back living things on the brink of death.
  • As you read earlier, it is one of the four basic elements of the world. Additionally, it can also be associated with the moon and femininity. The moon actually controls the movements of the oceans. Since the power of water is undeniable, the tattoo version can represent power and strength. You can see some tattoos of the moon passing through water, for example.
  • While he has the ability to create life, he can also take life. Water is powerful and can be destructive, as seen in hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis.

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There are many different water tattoos to choose from.

  • You can have it so that it appears to splash your skin, or you can get one that depicts waves or ripples.
  • Some people may choose to get a full ocean back design, while others may choose a pond, lake, or some other type of still water.

There are also such symbols and animals that can be associated with it.

  • Sharks, whales, dolphins, turtles, starfish, and koi can all be made with water designs.
  • Marine symbols, ships and boats were also depicted with it.
  • Lotus and other flowers can also be seen.
  • Some tattoo artists may have put their own creative twist on this for you, such as skulls and water, or a moon made of water.

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Meanings and ideas

There is a huge array of meanings. In cases where another symbol is added, such as shark or dolphin, the meaning changes. However, when it is presented as a splash, wave, or standing, it may be due to:

  • Spirituality
  • Cleansing
  • Purity
  • Peaceful
  • Serenity
  • Power
  • Calm
  • Strong
  • Renaissance
  • Regeneration
  • Life
  • Creation

It can also represent peace, tranquility and tranquility . From a nice hot bath to the sounds of a peaceful waterfall, it brought the opportunity to relax your body, soul and mind.

In the Western Zodiac, the signs Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are all associated with water, so these signs can play a role in tattoos as well. The possibilities are endless.

Depending on what symbol is associated with water, the meaning of your tattoo may differ from pure water. The most common meanings of purity and purification. It is used to represent many things in life, so at the end of the day, your tattoo represents what you want.

Important Tip

You should always take your time and research several tattoo symbols, designs, and meanings. You want to allow yourself the time to understand what your design represents and stands for. Remember, take your time and don't rush into getting a tattoo.

If you feel that design water is not for you, there are plenty of other options out there.

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Tattoo Sea always evokes positive emotions and memories among others. Tattoos depicting the water element are usually chosen by romantics and people prone to contemplation. Also, marine-themed tattoos are chosen by people whose occupation or hobby is related to the sea: sailors, surfers, rescuers. The sea symbolizes infinity and the creation of the world. Water is always associated with creation, creation.

Meaning of Sea Tattoo

Sea tattoo means infinity, time, eternity. The sea contains many mysteries and secrets; it can be quiet, or it can rage in a storm. An analogy is often drawn with human life, which can also be changeable.

A sea tattoo can mean struggle, internal battle of a person. The old proverb says that “water wears away stone”, through internal battles people can overcome their shortcomings.

A Sea tattoo can simply be a pleasant memory of time spent at the seaside. Such a tattoo will always evoke pleasant emotions in a person.

Sea - mother image, symbol of transformation and rebirth. It is also a sign of the infinity of knowledge, and in psychology - the subconscious.

Popular Subjects and Places for Sea Tattoos

Wave Tattoo

The wave symbolizes eternal movement, struggle, and the power of the elements. Waves can have both creative and destructive energy. It is worth noting that marine themes almost always have a dual interpretation.

Black and White Sea Tattoo

Black and white tattoos depicting the sea, as a rule, are small drawings of waves, although it is possible that you decide to get a large tattoo in the style of realism in black and white.

Tattoo Compass and Sea

Finding the right path, a clear course in life and loyalty to your principles. Since ancient times, the compass has helped people find the exact direction in the sea and thereby saved them from death.

Tattoo Sea and Lighthouse

If the sea means vastness, eternal search and struggle, then the lighthouse is a symbol of guiding light. If you want to show in your tattoo that you will never go astray, you will always see a way out and salvation in any situation, then the image of a lighthouse and the sea is very suitable for such a tattoo.

Tattoo Inscription about the Sea

As a rule, girls choose an inscription with a marine theme. Most often this is a short, succinct expression that means love and commitment to the sea.

Small Sea Tattoos

Minimalist sea symbols are very popular in a nautical theme. For example, you can get a small schematic wave tattoo on your wrist. Small tattoos are less about aesthetics and attracting attention, but have an equal meaning with a large image.

Tattoo Sea Sleeve

Sleeves with the sea are an image of a raging sea or a bright underwater world. The sea holds many secrets and riches. The underwater world of the sea is full of bright colors, beautiful inhabitants, and unusual reliefs. A sleeve in the style of realism with a nautical theme will not leave anyone indifferent to your tattoo.

Tattoo Sea in a Circle

Sea tattoos are often performed in geometric shapes. Tattoos in a circle are especially popular, since the circle is close in meaning to the sea. The circle is a symbol of infinity and perpetual motion. The combination of the sea and the round shape enhances the meaning of the tattoo.

Sea Tattoo for Two

A tattoo for a couple, a symbol of love and fidelity, can be dedicated to the sea. This can carry different messages, for example, you admit to a person that your feelings for him are as endless as the sea. Or you met by the sea, and then such tattoos will have a special meaning for your couple.

Men's Sea Tattoos - Sea Tattoo Sketches for Men

Women's Sea Tattoos - Sea Tattoo Sketches for Girls

Tattoos with zodiac signs are now gaining more and more popularity, and it is no coincidence that many people decorate their bodies with them. But whether you will regret getting a tattoo or not depends on your attitude to astrology, but, in any case, your zodiac sign will not change during your life.

The word zodiac comes from the Latin word zodiacus, which means "circle of animals." People have always been fascinated by the stars and it is no wonder that zodiac tattoos have gained so much popularity.

We offer you several ideas for tattoos with zodiac signs:

  • Zodiac Sign: Use your zodiac sign as the basis for your tattoo. Most often, zodiac tattoos use simple symbols that are filled with symbolism.
  • Flowers and Animals: You can use images of flowers or animals that relate to your constellation.
  • Element: Each zodiac sign is associated with one of 4 elements: water, earth, wind or fire. You can combine a zodiac symbol and one of the elements. For example, the element of Sagittarius is fire, so an archer with arrows can be used in a tattoo. Other obvious examples are fish in water or a lion with a mane of fire.
  • Color: Each zodiac sign is associated with a color. You can add more symbolism to your tattoo by making your desired color the dominant one.
  • Body Part: You can add even more symbolism to the tattoo by placing it on an appropriate part of the body.
  • Translation: You can translate the name of your constellation into an exotic language. Sanskrit and Tibetan are perfect for this, since both the system of zodiac signs and these languages ​​appeared around the same time. Moreover, these are very beautiful and elegant fonts that will be a great base for your tattoo.

A tattoo depicting water means mystery, life and death, change, purity, baptism, the ability to adapt to circumstances, attitude to maritime professions, peace, tranquility, enlightenment, spiritual loss, protection from envy and bad thoughts, a desire for self-development, faith in fate , variability of character.

Meaning of water tattoo

Water is an indispensable symbol of life. Not a single living creature on earth can live without it. Most of the planet is occupied by bodies of water, and even the human body consists mainly of water. This is why this phenomenon is so common in the art of tattooing.

There is a certain mystery in water: while giving life to a person, it can drag him into the abyss. Water rules over the element of fire, but like a tsunami it can cause destruction. Such contradictions constitute the meaning of water. In addition, its ability to take any shape depending on the container in which it is located is very symbolic.

In some cases, tattoos depicting water are quite unambiguous, but sometimes, on the contrary, they look quite mysterious, so it is impossible to immediately understand their entire deep meaning.

Applying various water symbols to your body is dictated by different purposes. Some people want to emphasize their water hobbies or professions, while others choose such tattoos for a special expression of their own self. The image of water as a whole represents silence, peace and enlightenment.

Tattoos in which water is the center of the plot have been applied to the body since ancient times, however, they do not lose popularity today. Thus, the water dragon protects streams and rivers. In Asia, waves are often depicted on the body.

Water by its nature embodies the movement of life, the change of events and purity. Most cultures in their legends claim that the origin of the world is directly related to water. The cleansing properties of water led to the fact that it began to be identified with the rite of baptism, delivering people from sins, and motivating them to new achievements.

The fact that water is able to overcome any obstacles in its path, in the world of tattoos gives it the meaning of wisdom, intelligence, the ability to get out of any difficult situation, contemplation.

Drawings made in the form of such water elements as rain, dew, waves have a special meaning. These phenomena were sent to earth from heaven.

Thus, rain represents blessing, purification, intelligence and health descending from above.

A tattoo with an image of dew also says a lot about a person. Morning droplets on the grass are a sign of a new day and enlightenment. Dew embodies unprecedented purity. Its image on the human body speaks of success in all endeavors of its owner. Such a person will prefer a peaceful outcome of events to any showdown. However, dew can also indicate losses and emotional trauma in a person’s destiny.

As for the image of waves, this is a talisman that protects its owner from stupid thoughts, aggression, envy, and is a symbol of self-development, faith in fate, changeability of character.

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