The process of removing varnish in hard-to-reach places. Master Class. How to remove varnish from wood and then apply a new one: a review of technologies and step-by-step instructions Removing varnish from furniture

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Varnish is used for decorative finishing of walls and other wood parts. It reliably protects surfaces from destruction and harmful climatic influences, which significantly increases the service life of the painted part.

In addition, the varnish additionally creates an attractive appearance for the products. But over time, the wood surface may need to be refinished, and then you need to learn how to remove old varnish from a wood surface. In this article we will look at the process of removing varnish from wood.

All varnishes for wooden surfaces are divided into categories, depending on their properties and chemical composition. Before painting wood, you need to become familiar with the types of varnishes and the purposes for which they are intended.

Wood varnish can be:

  • Water-based or water-based. This is a one-component varnish, odorless, can be applied in any way, diluted with water. Used for:
    1. furniture coverings;
    2. gender;
    3. outdoor works.

    Advantages of the material:

    1. non-toxic;
    2. simply applied.


    1. It takes a long time to dry, about a day.
  • Polyurethane. This is the most common varnish. It gained its popularity due to its optimal ratio of durability, drying time and cost. Such materials are one-component and two-component, which require the application of primer or are self-priming. These varnishes are diluted with solvents and have a pungent odor.
    It is applied for:
    1. all types of furniture;
    2. flooring, especially if increased abrasion resistance is required.

    Benefits of coverage:

    1. dries relatively quickly;
    2. easy to apply;
    3. low price.


    1. contains toxic solvents.
  • Nitrocellulose or nitro varnish. This is a popular type of varnish used for a wide range of technical works. Nitrovarnishes are used to coat mass-produced products that do not require increased wear resistance requirements.
    It is applied for:
    1. economy class furniture;
    2. small parts and products produced in large quantities.


    1. lowest cost;
    2. shortest drying time.


    1. not high wear resistance;
    2. low light fastness;
    3. The varnish peels off over time.
  • Acrylov. This is a fairly popular type of varnish, used in industrial production, in works related to art, decoupage.
    1. for furniture;
    2. for surfaces requiring high gloss;
    3. for manual work;
    4. for works of art.

    Advantages of varnish:

    1. excellent light fastness;
    2. large selection of gloss finishes;
    3. increased strength.

    Disadvantages include:

    1. high price;
    2. long drying time.
  • Polyester. Very rarely used. The varnish contains several components. It can only be applied by spraying using a paint gun.
    It is applied for:
    1. musical instruments;
    2. covering surfaces that require a paint film of great thickness and gloss.

    Advantages: Large thicknesses of coating can be applied.

    Disadvantages: difficult to apply, high toxicity.

  • Shellac varnish. It is based on a special resin, which is left by insects on trees, and then the composition is assembled. To prepare the varnish, this resin is diluted with alcohol and then left to settle.
    It is applied for:
    1. furniture restoration;
    2. high gloss products.


    1. this is a unique coating that is used in the manufacture of antique furniture; – has no toxic elements;
    2. can cook with his own hands.


    1. low wear resistance;
    2. very high cost;
    3. only high gloss execution;
    4. very complex application technology.

Everyone chooses for themselves what paint to choose for applying to wood.

How to remove old varnish from wood

Before applying a new varnish coating to a wooden surface, it is necessary to remove the old varnish from the wooden surface.

There are several ways to remove varnish, and it depends on many factors:

  • Base type– will it be furniture or parquet on the floor.
  • Varnish composition.
  • Layer thickness. It is much easier to remove one layer than a large number of old coatings.

Chemical method of removing varnish

To remove varnish, you can use wood treatment with chemical compounds or remover. This is the most popular method for removing coatings from delicate surfaces on furniture or other delicate objects.

The chemical composition may be:

  • Powder.
  • Gel.
  • Specialized liquid.
  • Common solvent.

The specific option for removing nail polish depends on the task being performed.

For example:

  • Denatured alcohol is used to remove shellac.
  • Liquids are more suitable for surfaces with more than three layers applied. This is due to the fact that the liquid quickly evaporates from the surface, which is why it cannot be absorbed deeply enough.
  • For large-scale work, powder chemistry would be the best choice - such materials can be preserved for a long time.
  • To remove large numbers of layers of paint or varnish, it is best to use paste-like materials and gels.

Tip: Powders in this consistency are created for convenient storage and transportation. Before use, they should be diluted with water until a thick paste-like mass is formed.

It is best to apply the mixture to the surface in a vertical position. This is correct in technology and more convenient. Pastes and gels can remove up to ten layers of old varnish at a time.

Instructions for removing varnish from wood:

  • The wash is applied. For this:
    1. the brush is wetted in the prepared chemical composition;
    2. the desired layer is applied to the surface. In this case, the brush must be applied to one place only once, without repetition.
  • A polyethylene film is applied, which enhances the washing effect. The average time to obtain the effect of the compress depends on the number of layers of removal; it can range from one to 4 hours. If the remover has changed color or the varnish has turned dark brown or brownish, this indicates that it has begun to swell.
  • The varnish is removed.

When the coating has become softer, it is removed with a spatula.

Tip: The new spatula has too sharp edges. Therefore, before use, they should be slightly rounded on a sharpening stone. After this, it will be possible to work with wood more carefully.

Press on the swollen material carefully. Most likely, it will not be possible to completely remove the varnish in one approach. In this case, you will need to repeat the operation again. Sometimes, to remove the remaining varnish film, it is enough to just walk over the surface with sandpaper.

  • Neutralization of chemical composition.

The chemical composition remaining on the tree is washed off with ordinary clean water or a solution of vinegar in a ratio of 5:1. Residues of chemicals should be washed off thoroughly, but not for very long - moisture is harmful to wood. After washing, the surface is thoroughly wiped, and the product is transferred to a dry and well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight. After drying, the surfaces can be re-varnished.

In addition to liquids, sprays in cans are used. After spraying them, a foam layer is obtained on the surface to be treated. Sprays are more convenient to use, but their disadvantage is that only minor layers can be washed off.

Advice: When working with chemical compounds, you should follow safety rules and organize good ventilation and ventilation in the room. To protect humans, gloves and respirators must be used.

Acetone is also used as a solvent. To do this, make a compress from a cloth that is thoroughly soaked in acetone. It is applied to the areas where the surface is cleaned. The compress is covered with plastic wrap and left for about 15 minutes.

Mechanical way to remove varnish

This method involves scraping the surface or removing a layer of varnish using a construction tool - a scraper, which is a sharpened steel plate with a handle. When working, the handle is located at an angle, which allows you to increase the pressure on the surface.

In addition, the varnish can be removed:

    • Glass, but it quickly becomes dull, and when working it is necessary to protect your eyes with glasses.
    • The thin varnish layer is removed with regular sandpaper. You can use it manually, or attach it to an angle grinder.
    • Grinding machine. She may be:
      1. tape;
      2. vibration. This is the most affordable tool. It can be used when cleaning furniture;
      3. eccentric.

When working: sandpaper is attached to the “sole”, which will be used to process the surface. This method of removing varnish is very dusty, but the surface after treatment, compared to the manual version, is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Tip: Don’t forget to protect your furnishings from dust. Regular plastic film is suitable for this.

The advantages of mechanical processing compared to chemicals are the absence of toxic and unpleasant-smelling substances. And when performing work, this cleaning method is more gentle on wood than chemical compounds. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Thermal nail polish remover

This process heats up the wood surface, which reduces the adhesion of the varnish to it. The coating begins to crack, and after prying it with a tool, chisel or spatula, the varnish is slowly removed, as can be seen in the photo.

When removing varnish using this method, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • When performing work, you need to use protective equipment, gloves and goggles, and be sure to ventilate the room. This is due to the fact that when heated, the paint coating releases harmful toxic substances, and when the material is separated from the surface, pieces can bounce off. Don't forget about fire safety.
  • After heating, if the varnish does not peel off, but only chars, you will need to change the cleaning method - in this case, you cannot do without chemicals.

To work you will need:

  • Gas or petrol burner. The devices are not too expensive. But they must be used very carefully - the work is carried out with an open flame.
  • Construction hairdryer. According to the principle of operation, it resembles an ordinary household one, but has greater temperature capabilities and can heat up to 600°C.

The advantage of the thermal method is its high speed. But if overheated, the wooden surface can ignite, which requires careful handling of the burner. In order to better understand the methods of removing varnish from a wooden surface, watch the video in this article.

In this master class I want to talk about how to make a new one from an old beech bureau, pay attention to special attention to the nail polish removal process and how to do it in hard-to-reach places.

First, let's disassemble the bureau down to the last screw. If you are afraid of not remembering which part was attached where
- mark the fastening points with a pencil in Latin letters or numbers.

After disassembly, you can remove the varnish from each part separately. Which will subsequently improve the quality of painting.

To remove paint I use BOSNY remover. It penetrates into the varnish faster and has less consumption per m2.

Apply the remover composition with a brush, in a layer of up to 5-7 mm. After application, wait 15-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the varnish layer). During this time, the remover penetrates the composition of the varnish, as if “liquefing” it. It is convenient to remove with a spatula. As you can see in the photo, the old varnish comes off easily, evenly peeling off the wood in a uniform film.

If the varnish does not come off completely, the procedure can be repeated.

This is what the surface looks like after washing. When there are minor stains of remover and varnish residue on the surface of the wood, acetone comes into play.

Apply acetone to a rag (I use pieces of terry towel) and remove unnecessary residue from the wood, wiping the surface lengthwise and crosswise.

The clean and smooth surface is ready for painting.

How to clean varnish from a carved baluster if you don’t have a lathe?

We place the baluster on a cotton fabric (I have an old sheet), pour it generously with acetone, and wrap it in this fabric. Wet it again with acetone so that the entire fabric is wet. Then wrap it in cellophane and leave it for 20 minutes.

Next you will need a bolt with the same diameter as the baluster fastening to the base of the table. A nut is screwed into the bolt so that it does not go deeper than necessary into the base of the baluster. The head of the bolt is pre-sawed off for attaching the bolt to the drill chuck.

We also need a metal sponge for washing dishes.

Screw the nut into the baluster. In this case, a low-power cordless drill and screwdriver will not work; there is a chance that it will burn out. Take a regular corded drill that is more powerful. While turning the baluster, grab the baluster with a metal sponge with your other hand and remove the varnish soaked in acetone. Next, remove the baluster from the drill and sand it by hand with 320 sandpaper.

This is how the uncleaned one differs from the purified one. The balusters are ready for painting, without streaks or scratches from sandpaper.

After this procedure, the balusters will make you smile.

The bureau is cleaned and ready for painting. Let's start painting. Apply candle wax to the places where you want to make abrasions. After painting, the paint will be easily removed from these areas.
We paint with acrylic paint in several stages. The paint is diluted with water and applied in 3 layers. Each layer dries in 1 - 1.5 hours. After drying, each layer is sanded with 320 sandpaper.

The parts are ready for assembly. Everything is simple here, we insert the dowels into the grooves, having previously coated them with glue. We fasten with clamps.

We wait.

While the glue dries, we can decorate the handles for the drawers. You will need glue for gold leaf, gold leaf and a little patience. Apply glue to the handle and wait 20 minutes. Apply gold leaf carefully and smooth with a dry brush. Remove the remaining gold leaf and the handle is ready.

Creative success!

Before processing a wooden product, you need to remove the old varnish from it. This can be done in several ways, but if you don’t know the nuances and start doing the work without theoretical preparation, you can ruin the wooden thing irrevocably.


There are three main ways to remove varnish.

  1. Using chemical compounds
  2. Mechanical impact
  3. Heating to high temperature

Each of them has its pros and cons. This is not to say that there is a universal solution. For each specific case, a different method of cleaning the surface is selected. The choice depends on the composition of the varnish with which the wooden surface was coated and on the thickness of the layer. The type of wood base is also important, for example, different methods are used to treat wood floors and wood chairs.

Chemical compositions

Another name for removing varnish using chemicals is stripping. This is the most common method for processing small areas of wood. Used for furniture, figurines and other products where the varnish layer is quite thin, and its removal must be delicate.

There are three types of chemicals designed to remove old varnish from wood.

  1. Liquid. Used if a thin layer of varnish is applied to the product. Liquid is a substance that quickly evaporates from the surface. thus, it can only be absorbed into the very top layer of varnish, but does not penetrate deeper. If you use liquid products on furniture that has more than three coats of varnish on it, it may not work.
  2. Spray. The main advantage is ease of use. The product is sold in a can; you simply need to spray it onto the surface you want to clean. In this case, the substance is converted into foam, which is actively absorbed into the varnished surface and corrodes it. On the other hand, a spray can only remove a few thin layers, so it is only effective on delicate items.
  3. Gel or paste. They are used when it is necessary to treat a large area, for example, a parquet floor. Suitable for removing thick layers of varnish and can even be used for paint.
  4. Powder. The properties of the powder composition are identical to gels. The fact is that before use, the powder must be diluted with water to a paste. And in bulk form, the product is made only for ease of storage and transportation. Thus, if you have large-scale work ahead that requires a lot of chemicals, powder will be the best solution.

Thanks to the gel or paste obtained from the powder, you can remove ten layers of varnish in one application.

Follow the safety precautions indicated on the product packaging!


This option involves scraping, that is, you will need to literally tear off the varnish layer. Several types of devices are used for this.

  • Cycle. It is a pointed metal plate with a comfortable handle. Thanks to its special structure, it provides a strong impact on the surface. This means work efficiency increases.
  • If there is no cycle, ordinary glass will do. However, there are two disadvantages here. Firstly, the glass should be constantly replaced, as it quickly becomes dull. Secondly, you can only work with gloves.
  • Sandpaper. Used when you need to remove a thin layer of varnish from a small product. A very small thing can be processed by hand. If it is a piece of furniture, such as an old chest of drawers or a cabinet, then you can use a sander.

Any of the selected mechanical processing methods is very dirty and dusty. This is especially noticeable if you use a sander. But there are many more advantages here. Firstly, you won’t have to breathe in chemicals, the odor of which can remain on the wood product even longer. Secondly, this method is much better for the tree itself.

If you need to remove varnish from a large area of ​​the floor, it is better to call professional repairmen with special equipment and skills to carry out the work.

How to quickly remove nail polish using a thermal method

This is truly the fastest way to remove polish. But it requires a certain skill and dexterity. The varnished surface heats up to such an extent that it begins to swell and slowly fall off. At this point, it must be pryed off with a spatula and removed.

You can use a torch or a professional hair dryer to heat the varnish. The burner will allow you to melt the varnish faster, but its use is considered dangerous, because the work is carried out with an open fire. If a wooden surface overheats, it may well catch fire.

Using a hair dryer is preferable. But such equipment costs much more than a conventional gas burner. Do not confuse a construction hair dryer with a household hair dryer. A household hair dryer will never be able to heat up to such a temperature as to melt the varnish. A hair dryer heats the air to such an extent that the varnish cracks and comes off the wood quite quickly.

Heating should be carried out in a ventilated area - during heat treatment, the varnish releases toxic substances into the air.

How to remove acrylic varnish

Acrylic varnish forms a beautiful matte or glossy film on wood. If you want to refinish the floors, the acrylic varnish will need to be removed. The fact is that over time, the old varnish will begin to swell and move away from the freshly treated surface. Consequently, the top coating will peel off in ugly pieces.

  • The mechanical method is excellent for removing acrylic varnish. In general, this is an almost universal option, as it has a gentle effect on the tree.
  • When heated, the acrylic composition is also easily removed. It begins to crack and shrink, all that remains is to lightly pry it with an old chisel or spatula.
  • When choosing a chemical, make sure that it is suitable specifically for acrylic-based varnish.

Required tools and materials

The easiest way is to remove the varnish yourself. For this you will need:

  • Chemical composition in liquid, powder or gel form
  • Brush for applying the composition to the surface
  • Container for diluting the product (if you are using powder)
  • Old nail polish remover
  • Individual protection means

Do not neglect personal protective equipment; all products use very strong chemicals. Be sure to use gloves and a mask.

How to remove varnish from wood with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

When using a chemical agent to remove varnish from wood, you need to follow a certain algorithm.

Stage 1. Applying the chemical

A simple and easy procedure that anyone can do. You need to generously moisten the brush in the prepared or diluted composition and apply the product to the surface. When applying, one rule should be strictly observed: brush over one area only once. It is necessary to achieve a uniform layer.

Stage 2. Strengthening the effect

If you want the chemical to work as quickly as possible, create a compress effect. Regular polyethylene is suitable for this. Cover the treated surface and leave it in this condition for at least 1-4 hours. If the film is transparent, then it will be clearly visible underneath it when the varnish begins to swell. If the chemical remover changes color, it means it has begun to work.

Stage 3. Mechanical nail polish removal

When the chemicals have corroded all the layers, all that remains is to remove the soft varnish with a spatula. Carefully remove the loose layer of wood from the floor or furniture. If necessary, repeat the procedure until all the varnish is removed.

You can clearly see the process of removing varnish after washing in the video

Stage 4. Neutralization of the remover

After removing all layers of varnish, some of the chemical composition will still remain on the surface of the wood. in order to proceed with subsequent finishing, it is necessary to neutralize the chemicals. To do this, use a weak vinegar solution. Another option is to rinse off the product with plain water. It is important not to overdo it, as wood does not like moisture.

Stage 5. Drying

After all procedures, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room if you treated the floors, or place the piece of furniture in a ventilated, dry room. Direct sunlight should be avoided.

After all the work has been completed, the wood will be ready to apply new layers of varnish.

  • Do not try to remove varnish on chipboard panels, as this will only damage the surface. Removing varnish layers is only possible from natural wood products.
  • If you decide to choose a thermal method of removing varnish, then pay attention to how it behaves when heated. If the varnish does not crack or swell, char or begin to burn, use a chemical remover.
  • When removing a softened varnish layer from a wooden surface, do not use new tools and the point is not at all that they will be damaged. A new putty knife has sharp edges that can damage the wood. If you don’t have an old spatula on hand, then blunt the edges of the new tool so as not to ruin things.

Removing varnish from the surface of wood will not be difficult if you strictly follow all the instructions. Give your floors or furniture new life!

All photos from the article

As you know, wooden products require periodic maintenance and treatment by painting or varnishing. However, before applying a new layer of composition, it is necessary to remove the old one, which is often problematic.

In this article we will look at several ways to remove old varnish from a wooden surface.

Why remove old varnish

First of all, let's decide why remove the varnish at all? This need is due to the fact that over time, many microcracks, chips and other defects appear on the old varnish coating.

If you apply new paintwork to such a surface, it will look unattractive. In addition, the adhesion of varnish to the old coating will be worse than to wood, as a result of which it will quickly begin to peel.

Therefore, in most cases, removing the old layer is a necessary procedure.

Varnish removal options

Conventionally, all methods of removing an old layer of paintwork from a surface can be divided into three types:

  • Mechanical;
  • Chemical;
  • Thermal.

Modern technologies allow old furniture to be given a second life. Craftsmen manage to completely repaint it. But to do this, it is necessary to prepare pieces of furniture for this process by removing the previous coating. This is a time consuming process that needs to be done correctly. Otherwise, the material can be irrevocably damaged. How to remove old varnish from a wooden surface is the main question that we will try to answer in this article.

There are several ways to remove the old layer of varnish from wood: mechanical, thermal and chemical. They should be used depending on personal preferences and the condition of the material itself.

Mechanical method

The most common method of removing varnish from furniture or other objects is mechanical. It consists in performing scraping, that is, mechanical removal of the old coating using various tools. These include:

  • a slightly sharpened metal plate;

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of grain;

  • grinding machine;

  • grinder with a special attachment.

All of the above methods are used to treat surfaces on which a small layer of varnish or paint has been applied. When using electrical appliances, care must be taken not to overdo it and damage the structure of the wood.

The positive characteristics of mechanical processing include the complete absence of chemical compounds that adversely affect the human body. The structure of the material itself is also preserved. All you have to do is sand it thoroughly, and you get an almost brand new piece of furniture. The disadvantages are that this is a rather long and grueling process that requires considerable effort and patience. Especially if you don’t use technology, but do everything manually.

It is worth considering that when scraping or grinding a lot of fine dust is generated. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out work wearing a mask and safety glasses.

Execution technology

Let's take a closer look at how to remove varnish from wood mechanically. So, first, let's stock up on materials:

  • wooden block;
  • sandpaper of varying degrees of abrasiveness;
  • brush with metal bristles.

The process should begin with preparing the product. If this is a piece of furniture, then you should first disassemble it into separate elements for ease of work. Then we carry out the work according to the following instructions:

  • rough the old varnish on the surface with a wire brush;
  • then take coarse-grained sandpaper, having previously secured it to a wooden block, and gradually remove the old layer with longitudinal movements over the area of ​​the product;
  • after the varnish is completely removed, change the sandpaper to another with fine abrasiveness, and carefully sand the surface to a perfectly smooth state;
  • Finally, we carefully clean the wooden object from fine dust and proceed to other types of work.

Please note that when processing surfaces with a large area, for example, parquet boards, it is better to use scraping machines.

Heat treatment

You can also remove varnish from a wooden surface using a thermal method. The process is carried out by heating the varnish layer. As a result of an increase in temperature, the paint and varnish material melts, and its adhesion to the wooden surface decreases. This method has several important nuances:

  • The work must be done carefully. It is necessary to use special gloves that will protect the skin of your hands. The room must be ventilated to prevent the accumulation of toxic and carbon monoxide gases during processing. You should also consider wearing eye protection, as removing polish with a spatula can create shards that can accidentally damage your vision.
  • Sometimes during heat treatment the coating does not melt, but begins to char. In this case, it is better to choose another method for removing varnish from wood. This varnish coating is best removed using a chemical remover.

Important! Be sure to adhere to all necessary fire safety regulations.

On video: removing factory varnish.

Related article: Impregnation of plywood for moisture resistance: 4 proven methods

Heat treatment instructions

Before removing varnish from a wooden door, for example, by heat treatment, you should decide on the tools that are used in this process. Experts advise paying attention to two of them:

1. At home, a gas or gasoline burner is very often used. This is the best option, it is affordable, its price is not high and refueling costs also do not cause difficulties. The disadvantage of this method is the increased degree of fire and burns. That is, work with a burner if you have at least a little experience.

2. A more modern way is to use a hair dryer. Working with it is quite simple. The temperature that a hair dryer can produce reaches 600 C.

The heat treatment process is very simple. To begin with, a certain part of the surface is heated until bubbles appear, and then carefully lifted and removed using a metal spatula. The advantage of this method is its high processing speed, but it requires some skill.

After the removal of the coating by heat treatment is completed, the surface must be sanded using sandpaper. We pay special attention to the end parts of objects.

Chemical method

Let's talk about how to remove old varnish from wooden surfaces using chemical treatment. This method is often used when removing varnish from wooden objects that have an uneven texture. To implement this process, different chemical compositions are used: powder, gel, liquid and solvent.

It is advisable to use a product for removing old coating in the form of a liquid if up to three layers of paint and varnish have been applied to wooden objects. This is justified by the fact that wood varnish remover has a high degree of volatility, and it is not able to quickly and deeply absorb into layers of paint.

Related article: How to protect wood with natural drying oil

The best wash option for items that have a multi-layer old coating are gels and varnishes. But it is better to use powders when performing work with a large area of ​​​​processed surfaces.

Advice! Powdered remover will work more effectively if you add a small amount of water to it and make it into a paste. Gel and powder removers can remove up to ten layers of paint in one use.

Washing technology

Now we will tell you in detail how to remove varnish using chemicals. We note that it consists of four stages. And with any of them, a high degree of protection for the skin, eyes and respiratory organs should be adhered to. Here's an example of how you can remove varnish from a wooden door:

  1. Using regular paint brushes, apply the wash evenly to the surface of the door. Application should be done so that the product is applied to the surface in only one layer.
  2. Work is carried out to enhance the effect of varnish dissolution and prevent evaporation of the composition. To do this, experts recommend “wrapping” the door with plastic film. The time for which the door must be left in this state is about 3 hours. If the number of layers is large, then exposure to the solvent can be extended up to 4 hours.
  3. It is necessary to remove the dissolved layers of varnish using a metal spatula. In order not to damage the structure of the wood and not leave a large number of dents, a spatula should be prepared for such work. Its edges need to be sharpened a little to round them. You don't need to press the spatula too hard.
  4. It is necessary to wash off any remaining chemical solvents from the surface of the door. Use ordinary water for this. For the best effect, rinse off the compositions using a vinegar solution in the ratio: 5 parts water to 1 part vinegar. The work should be carried out carefully, but in a short time, after which the product is coated with a new varnish.

Related article: Changing the interior by patination of wooden furniture

Most often, it is not possible to achieve the desired result in one go. In this case, the process must be repeated. If after the first treatment there are small areas of varnish left, they can be removed with sandpaper.

This method of removing varnish from a wooden surface can be used for both large and small elements. For example, you can wash off acrylic varnish from decorative interior items or remove varnish from lining in a bathhouse. It is not recommended to wash off chipboard varnish with chemical compounds, as chemical elements can ruin its structure. Only products made from natural wood are suitable for this process.

In all of the above technologies for removing old varnish from wood, there are no particular difficulties, which allows you to do the process yourself. But the work must be carried out with all necessary precautions. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, then it’s better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Removing old varnish using a torch (1 video)

Removers for paint and varnish coatings (21 photos)

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