Magic bag game for kids. Magic bags - a game for sensory development. Game "Magic bag"

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Magic bags - a game for sensory development

Magic bags - a game for sensory development

This very simple game will teach your baby to remember the shape and properties of an object with his fingers, recognize it by touch, think, see with his eyes closed, develop speech, vocabulary, and the tactile abilities of small fingers.

How to make this educational toy?

From red material I sewed 2 small identical bags with an elastic band. I sewed shiny butterflies, flowers and circles on them; children generally like everything shiny.

In the apartment I found pairs of identical small-sized objects, different in properties - smooth, rough, round, sharp, soft.
In total, I found paired items:
- big and small rings
- balls of the same size, but one is smooth, the other is rough
- bottle caps of different sizes
- kinder toy
- scrunchy
- pacifier
- and other little things...
I put this stuff into two bags.

You can play like this:

Mom puts her hand into the bag and takes out an item. Names its properties and lets the child touch it if necessary. And then he will forgive you for finding the same one in your bag. But with one condition: don’t peek into the bag! We play until all the items are out of the bag. If the child does not guess the item, we return it back to the bag and try again.
It is very important to play not only with your right hand, but also with your left hand.

You can play differently - mom puts her hand into the bag, feels for the object, names it, takes it out of the bag and shows it. So we take out all the items and then put them back. And your baby must then repeat everything himself. This is an option for older children.

What other items can be put in a magic bag:
- eraser (round, triangular, square, rectangular)
- pencil
- ball of thread
- AA battery
- magnetic letters, magnetic numbers
- geometric volumetric figures, flat geometric figures
- a piece of leather (usually such pieces hang on leather bags, when purchased, along with the price tag)
- a piece of fur
- a rope
- fridge magnets
- perfume bottles
- coins
- sweets
- cube
- pebble
- small toys (car, matryoshka, dog)
- comb for a doll
- toy spoon
- buttons (round or square)
- natural material (shells, cones, acorns, chestnuts)
Etc. and so on. - the list can be continued endlessly.

The easiest way to play with babies is with one bag. Place figures of animals known to the child - a cow, a giraffe, a snake. Ask to pull out the snake. Then a giraffe, then a cow. You can ask them to guess what kind of animals are hidden in the bag. Children two or three years old enjoy the very process of animals appearing from a mysterious bag.

For experienced players, we continue the game - we train not only tactile, but also visual memory - we invite our favorite doll or any other toy to play with us, and we display in front of it all the objects taken out of the bag. The child tells the horse what objects were taken out, they are remembered, and you can even count everything. Then the child closes his eyes, and meanwhile the doll hides one object in the bag. We must name the missing item. Gradually the number of items must be increased.
Now you can change places, the mother closes her eyes, and the baby hides the toy.

In stores you can find ready-made sets with cubes, balls, cylinders, etc. We suggest that the little ones arrange the figures in pairs, and the older ones - take out a specific figure, find objects near them that are similar in shape. Identical figures can be of different sizes - one is larger, the other is smaller. The figures can also be divided into two halves; when you take out one half, you need to find the other half by touch.

Another version of the game is competitive. Suitable for playing with several children. We give each child a bag and put identical sets of objects. The presenter pulls out, say, a cylinder and shows it to all participants. Whoever pulls out the same figurine faster is the winner.

The “magic bag” game can be used to develop speech, in particular, to expand a child’s vocabulary and develop thinking.
First, try to feel one of the geometric shapes in the bag, now describe it in words. “I came across a figure that doesn’t have a single corner.” The guys guess what kind of figure this is. They especially like to change.
The older the children, the more complex the descriptions can be. It is important that all the guys be in the place of the leader in this game. After all, for some it is easy to describe objects and tell stories, but for others it is difficult. The skill appears during training.

By playing with bags with your child, you will develop his memory, logic, observation, fine motor skills, speech, and vocabulary. This simple game directs the child to active activity, perfectly develops sensory abilities, trains visual memory, teaches counting, and introduces the properties of an object. Besides all of the above, this is simply an interesting and exciting game.

To play we need a magic bag. A small handbag or a regular sock (preferably large) is suitable for this. You will need to put small items in the bag (small toys, Kinder Surprise figurines, eraser, buttons, etc.). Now let the child try to determine by touch what he is holding in his hands.

What does it develop?

Speech, imagination, improves tactile sensations, spatial perception, memory, visual representation and expressive speech.

To play you will need:

  1. magic bag;
  2. small objects of various shapes and sizes. Number of items – at least 20 (based on at least 5-6 items per participant).

How to play (rules)

Step 1.

Step 2. How to choose items for the bag

Step 3. Give the magic bag to the child.

Step 4. If the child immediately names the object from the bag

Step 5. How to continue the game

Step 6. When all the children have learned what is in the bag, the game can be continued in a different way.

Important to remember!

This game is suitable for children from 3 years of age, when they can already speak and name an object in at least one word.

This game develops attention and memory, as well as tactile sensations. Forms elementary mathematical concepts: counting from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, ordinal counting. Teaches how to write a description based on the characteristics of an object: color, shape, material, texture.

1. We start the game with 5 items of different properties, later you can add up to 10.

2. One by one, the teacher pulls out an object and asks the children: “What is this?”

3. We lay out all the objects pulled out of the bag in front of the children and together count how many there are.

4. The teacher asks what this or that subject is.

5. Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 or 2 objects and asks what is missing.

6. In a circle, children pass one object to each other, touch it and determine its properties (warm/cold, soft/hard, smooth/rough, etc.)

7. The teacher puts all the objects in a bag and pronounces their names.

8. Shake the bag with the words: “I twist and twist, I want to confuse.” Children take turns, without looking into the bag, pull out given objects from it by touch. You can give hints (what it consists of).

9. If there are pairs of objects in the bag, then the children pull out both objects in a row. If the second item is taken out from another pair, then both items are returned to the bag.

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municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Firebird" r.p. Ust-Donetsk, Rostov region

Summary of physical education activities in the fresh air for children of senior preschool age.


"Magic bag"

Prepared and carried out

physical education instructor I.V. Stovbur


Creating a positive mood in children, creating conditions for the development of moral and moral values ​​in the child through the use of outdoor games.


1. Wellness:

· help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;

· develop finger mobility.

2. Educational:

· improve ball handling technique.

· consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales and games.

· practice walking on bent legs,

· establish rules for safe movement on the sports ground.

3. Developmental:

· develop physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility;

· develop coordination of movements based on the experience already accumulated by children.

4. Educational:

· cultivate a sense of empathy, mutual assistance, and goodwill towards peers;

· cultivate a conscious attitude towards one’s health, promote the formation of positive emotions.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales.

Equipment: Sports ground, hats for the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”, toys – goose, gnome, turnip, wolf cap, ball, bag.

(Children enter the playground and line up.)

Hello guys! I have a magic bag in my hands, do you want to know what’s in there?

Yes (Children's answers)

The physical education instructor calls one of the children and he takes out one of the objects from the bag without looking. The tasks are completed depending on what object the child pulls out.

turnip: The fairy tale “Turnip” is being staged.

Goose: Walking in a circle with a goose step.

Ball: The game is played with a ball of your choice.

Wolf cap: The game is played: “Wolf in the Moat”

Dwarf: a physical education instructor reads a poem and the children show it with their hands .

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome

With round ears (we show big ears with our hands).

He's under the sugar mountain

He slept under the gate (we depict a sleeping gnome).

Suddenly out of nowhere

The giant appeared (we stand on our tiptoes, spread our arms, imitating a giant).

He wanted to eat the mountain, but he just choked (we show how a gnome eats).

Well, what about the cheerful gnome?

So he sleeps in a deep sleep (we depict a sleeping gnome).

Physical education instructor: Our fun is over, next time I will bring a bag with other items and we will play again.

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Didactic game "Magic bag"

Summary of a didactic game for speech development for primary preschool age. It uses health-saving technologies....

Goal: to teach children to name the quality and characteristics of objects (size, color). Answer questions correctly and, with the help of an adult, write a short descriptive story about the toy. Develop the articulatory apparatus. Cultivate perseverance, love and care for toys.

View document contents
"Synopsis of GCD didactic game "Magic Bag" 2nd junior group."


Didactic game "Magic Bag".

Goal: to teach children to name the quality and characteristics of objects (size, color). Answer questions correctly and, with the help of an adult, write a short descriptive story about the toy. Develop the articulatory apparatus. Cultivate perseverance, love and care for toys.

Vocabulary work: Polar bear.

Individual work: activate Lena, Olesya, Vadim in class.


    Bear (adult).

    Magic bag.

Toys: matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Children sit opposite the teacher

Gymnastics for the tongue.

There's a knock on the door. The Polar Bear enters (he has a bag in his hands)

Bear: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, a polar bear came to us today. Look, the bear brought us a magic bag. How handsome he is.

What's in your bag?

Bear: I brought toys for the children.

The teacher offers to look at the toys. Children take turns taking toys out of the bag, examining and answering questions, and placing them on the table.

Educator: What is this Vova?

Vova: Matryoshka.

Educator: How beautiful and elegant she is. Do you like her?

Educator: What's inside the nesting doll?

Vova: Another matryoshka.

Educator: This is a nesting doll... and this is...

Educator: Now Olesya will take out the toy.

Olesya: Pyramid.

Educator: Show me where the yellow ring is on the pyramid. What can you do with a pyramid?

Olesya: Disassemble, assemble.

Educator: Lena, look, what else is in the bag?

Lena: Car

Educator: Lena, what color is the body of the car?

Lena: Blue.

Educator: What color is the cab of the car?

Lena: Yellow.

Educator: What else did the bear bring us? Who is this?

Children: Horse.

Educator: Vadim, show the horse the tail, legs, mane.

The teacher takes a ball out of the bear. What is this?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What color is the ball?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What can you do with a ball?

Children: Roll, throw.

Educator: What toys did the bear bring?

Children: Matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Physical education minute.

A clubfooted bear walks through the group.

Collects toys

And he puts it in a bag.

Suddenly the bear tripped

Yes, how it will roar.

The teacher says that the Bear has prepared an interesting game for the children and wants to play with you. The bear will hide toys, and the children must say which toys are missing. All the toys remain on the table.

    I'm removing the pyramid. Educator: Which toy is missing?

    I'm putting away the matryoshka. Educator: Which toy is missing? Etc.

I put away all the toys. What's missing?

Children: toys.

Educator: Which ones?

Children: Matryoshka dolls, pyramids, cars, horses, balls.

Educator: Who brought us toys?

Children: Polar bear.

Educator: Let's thank Mishka for the interesting game and for the toys he brought us.

Children: Thank you.

Bear: Goodbye guys.

The teacher reminds you what you did in class. Guys, you are so great!

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