The New Year has not yet arrived. What to do if your New Year is canceled at the last minute? For those who are a holiday in themselves

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There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year that must be observed. Don't lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday, because it’s this event that we begin to prepare for just a few weeks in advance. To make New Year's Eve unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because over many years this has become a real tradition.

Don't forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us about important events that will soon happen in life. The site team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that are important for everyone to know.

New Year traditions

New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially moved to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. As the chimes strike, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must leave well-fed, otherwise poverty will inevitably happen next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: “Olivier”, “Herring under a fur coat” and jellied fish must be present on your table.

If you saw your enemy before the New Year, it means that next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so carried away by New Year's troubles that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happens to you, a traitor will appear among your friends. To avoid this problem, call your loved ones and congratulate them.

If you meet a blind man on the street on December 31, expect global changes. You may look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, little troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will have conflicts with your loved one.

Many people prefer to celebrate New Year in the company of friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chimes strike should be of the opposite sex.

There must be a candle burning on the New Year's table, and then in the future harmony will always reign in your home.

To ensure that you have a stable financial situation in the New Year, hang a few bills on the tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

Alas, we are losing weight, losing weight, we are already seeing a positive result, but the New Year holidays are approaching. At this time, temptation is everywhere - from bowls of sweets on the table of colleagues - to a giant New Year's dinner. How can you not let your diet go to waste and at the same time not ruin your holiday celebrations?

These tips will help you not to “go off the rails” and celebrate the New Year without denying yourself anything.

What to make low-calorie New Year's snacks from

One of the best ways to keep yourself on track is to make healthy New Year's snacks. To do this, you can make New Year's dishes low in calories and invite guests to your place. Most likely they will be grateful to you.

What menu should you create for the New Year in order to move away from the usual pattern of New Year’s Eve, but the next day you won’t suffer from overeating and be in a wonderful mood throughout the holidays.

  • Meat. If you don’t want to give up meat, then, of course, you shouldn’t steam meatless dishes from it, but it’s better to choose a middle ground and stew the meat, bake it in foil or in a baking bag. It turns out to be an excellent alternative to fried meat. In such dishes, all the juices lost during frying are preserved, and the taste will become even better. You can prepare boiled jellied meat, which is ceremonial and also very tasty.

  • Delicacies. The New Year's table is not complete without caviar. Caviar is a healthy product, but it does not combine well with fatty and smoked foods.

  • Fruits. But there should be a lot of fruit on the New Year's table.

What to do if you are on a diet and you are invited to visit. There are many high-calorie, but very appetizing dishes on the table and you want to try each of them.

How to avoid overeating? Here's an original tip: take a large plate and put a little of everything on it. This way you will eat much less.

  • Attention! It is not advisable to mix fish and meat dishes.

Try to avoid fatty foods: sausage, cakes.

Participate in all competitions and do not sit at the table all night.

If there are no competitions in sight, become a toastmaster yourself and announce some kind of active competition. Fun and dancing will prevent you from overeating.

And after the holiday, you must definitely arrange a fasting day to cleanse the body.

The most family-friendly of all holidays - Christmas and New Year - are a very difficult period for single people. The absence of the other half is then felt most painfully. Many single people, who are not in a permanent relationship by their own free will, also feel not entirely comfortable at this time. What can you do to make the holidays a success, no matter what? Where and how to celebrate New Year and Christmas for a lonely person - a woman or a man?

Lonely New Year

The sight of happy couples making massive purchases, cheerful calls, songs, carols heard from everywhere, all this holiday bustle mercilessly reminds single people that the closeness of another person is what is really very important. The abundance of information related to holidays in the media, memories from childhood and social models of behavior accepted in society make it so that unmet needs now make themselves felt most painfully. This applies not only to the turn of the year and Christmas, but also to other holidays that are usually celebrated in the family and in the company of loved ones.

This problem - having no one to celebrate the New Year with - is faced mainly by people who became lonely against their will: someone close to them died or left (for example, a couple got divorced). If there is still mourning, the sadness and despair are so great that even a house full of people will not fill the emptiness.

It’s also difficult for those who don’t yet have a family life. Loneliness is painfully experienced by people living in love triangles. Some people have been lonely for many years because they have no one close to them. And this applies not only to elderly and seriously ill people. What can I say - many single people, who are quite comfortable and even feel great in everyday life, also feel lonely on holidays.

What to do alone during the holidays?

Some take shifts at work, others go skiing or to warm countries with the company. Someone visits distant relatives because among closer relatives they feel completely alone in this world. Someone else is “sewn up” within their own four walls. These are mostly young people who do not have a partner due to their own choice, and who have concentrated their lives around their careers. The holidays are a time for them to finally do something for themselves. They read books that they didn’t have time to read, make up for the lack of sleep, do what they like. And since such people, as a rule, have many friends, after a family Christmas and the wishes of “well-wishing” aunties to “finally arrange their personal life,” they arrange holiday meetings with friends.

It is difficult to give universal advice on where and how to celebrate New Year and Christmas to a single woman or man. One thing is clear: for the holidays to be a success, you need to relax. And how exactly a lonely person will conduct them largely depends on themselves. It is important to understand that, despite the magical atmosphere of this period, you will not be able to change your life situation in just a couple of days. We won't find the prince from the fairy tale under the tree, so we must make good use of what we have. According to the crisis theory used in psychology, every crisis can give rise to some kind of development. Let's proceed from this!

Don't pretend there's no holiday

  • If you have no one to celebrate the New Year with, do not think of the holiday as something bad, as a test that you will have to endure. Stop telling yourself that these days will be painful because without a partner you will feel like a fifth wheel at the table. After all, you are probably not a weak-willed person - instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it’s better to try to “fit in” with the group you want to be with these days. Say openly that you have no one to spend New Year or Christmas with, ask if you can come. Surely there will be friends who will be happy to invite you to their place, they just themselves cannot guess your secret expectations. And at the table, the hosts will make sure that you don’t feel lonely among the guests and that you have someone to talk to.
  • If you are facing a lonely New Year, decorate a Christmas tree at home - for yourself, not for anyone else. Invite your friends or a person like you who does not have company. Even though these are family holidays, you don’t necessarily have to sit at the table with your family, surrounded by a bunch of children and aunties. You can propose a holiday gathering that does not conform to tradition = stereotypes, for example, wearing sportswear during a long walk in the woods.
  • An alternative is also to go to a recreation center in some good place. Although the same families will be there, there is still hope of meeting a kindred spirit and “brothers in loneliness.” Or you can look for special away offers: now many companies are organizing the New Year specifically for single people.
  • You can get involved in charity events, help prepare holidays in an orphanage or a home for the elderly/disabled, organize a collection of gifts, make colorful bags and take them to the hospital for children. Or maybe it is during these holidays that something will happen that will change your life in the most unexpected (and, it would seem, most inappropriate environment) situation? And your holidays will no longer be lonely...

They live next to us

It’s worth looking around - maybe in your environment there is a lonely elderly person, sick, deprived of support. It’s worth considering inviting him to your Christmas or New Year’s table or going to him yourself with holiday treats and a symbolic gift.

Some of these people actually have families, but for various reasons end up in nursing homes or hospitals where they will be for the holidays. It's not true that old people don't care anymore. Feelings of loneliness and moral suffering worsen their well-being and health. We need to remember this.

How to spend the holidays when someone close to you has passed away?

New Year's and other family holidays are especially difficult for lonely people who have lost someone close. How difficult it is depends on the strength of mutual feelings and relationships. Psychologists advise not to avoid meeting with relatives or friends. Sometimes people want to, but are embarrassed to invite a person in mourning because they are afraid of refusal or some kind of negative manifestations. Then it’s worth coming up with a proposal to organize joint holidays.

People in mourning often say that they will not spoil someone’s celebration with their sadness. It is up to them what to do with this grief. It is difficult to “turn off” grief, but at the table you don’t have to talk about these topics.

If lonely holidays stem from divorce, then memories and associated emotions also interfere with good mood. When someone is sad, you cannot command them to comfort themselves, and they cannot give such a command to themselves. Some people prefer to be alone with their grief and emotions, and people inviting them should respect this. But, without insisting, leave a “loophole”, saying that the guest can come to them at any time. If you yourself are in the role of such a guest, then also do not categorically and irrevocably refuse the invitation: it is possible that at the last moment you will change your mind or in the midst of New Year's Eve or at another time you will feel a strong desire to be among other people.

Christmas and New Year are a time for thought and reflection

On holidays we take stock. So it’s worth thinking about our existence - whether we really lead a lifestyle that suits us internally. Are you a convinced loner who only experiences a little discomfort on holidays, or have you found yourself alone against your will? If you don't want to be alone, then why are you still alone? Maybe you have distanced yourself from people, maybe you have difficulty making contacts, you are afraid or ashamed of them. Some people want to be alone - both on holidays and on weekdays, but this is unnatural when people do not strive for close relationships. Then, as a rule, there is a bottom to the situation that needs to be looked for: bad relationships in the family, disappointment in friendship, love, low self-esteem. This needs to change so that the next holidays will no longer be lonely, but completely different.
If you are in conflict with your family, think about how to resolve it. If you don't have friends, what can you do to find them? You are afraid of new relationships - how to open up to them. Women who spend the holidays alone because they are having an affair with a married man should think about what they expect from this arrangement. When there is no future, they block their own path to another, full-fledged connection. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, seek the help of a psychologist. Sometimes just a frank conversation is enough, and sometimes therapy is necessary.

If you can't give up gatherings at home, at least diversify the table with treats that you've never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish or drink on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other peoples, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you chose?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, or matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year on the spot. On the contrary, on the dates of the holidays themselves, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save on travel and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the greater your chances of a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

Celebrating the New Year usually looks like this: we meet with our loved ones, sum up the results of the outgoing year, make bright plans, have noisy fun, rejoice and believe in a miracle.

Where should those who fall out of this scenario and are not happy about the upcoming holidays go? The psychologist helped us figure out why the New Year might not be a joy and what to do about it.

No one to celebrate with

“Who are you going to celebrate the New Year with?” - a painful question for single girls. Nobody wants to feel like Chandler in that episode of Friends where he's desperately trying to find someone to give him a good luck kiss as the clock ticks down the final seconds of the old year. On New Year's Eve, it seems that all the girlfriends are “in pairs” and only I am alone, like that same pine tree in the wild north. And then there are all these holiday films, where every Boyarskaya gets a Khabensky on New Year’s Day.

The psychologist suggests switching gears and thinking: not with whom to celebrate, but where. At home, in the center near the city Christmas tree, in a restaurant, at a country club, visiting friends. This will help you realize your own capabilities and freedom of choice. And then ask yourself the question: “What’s wrong with celebrating New Year’s alone?” Try to name at least two serious consequences for your health and peace of mind. Is there any fundamental difference between being alone on New Year's Day and being alone on Bastille Day?

Many people are accustomed to thinking that loneliness is the absence of a beloved man. No, loneliness, as they say in one optimistic joke, is when there is no one to take your body from the morgue. As long as you are surrounded by family and friends, loneliness will not reach you.


There's nothing to celebrate

On the Internet you can find a lot of tips from the series “How to make a million salads and Napoleon cake from nothing.” You can make gifts with your own hands, perform New Year's performances for children, and decorate the Christmas tree with homemade garlands. All these exciting activities do not solve the main problem: if you are overcome by financial difficulties on New Year's Eve, it is not easy to get rid of the thought that you are a loser. Others at this age become directors of large corporations and run their own successful startups.

You need to start by comparing yourself not with heroes from social networks and from the pages of Forbes, but with real people around you, then your sense of self-worth will noticeably change.

To cheer yourself up, use the New Year for its intended purpose - make plans.

Ask yourself a global question: how can I earn more? How can I advance my career?

List your tasks from complex to simple, and take the very first step right now, without waiting for the New Year. This could be an updated resume or your own social media page that represents you as a professional.


There is no strength to celebrate

Buy gifts, do some general cleaning, sign up for a manicure, submit reports, congratulate all your clients on the holiday, learn the good news from your boss that you will have to go to the office for half a day on the third - this is exactly what December looks like for many. By the end of the month, the fighting spirit fades completely, but you still need to find the strength to cut a bucket of salad and pretend to have fun on this most important night of the year. But in reality, I want to crawl headlong under the covers and not come out until spring.

Think about Cinderella. Not in the sense that you need to run barefoot up the stairs, but in the sense that you need to learn to delegate authority. Otherwise, there was no way she would have been able to sort through seven bags of beans, weed the beds, whitewash the kitchens and what else? So you won’t be able to hold out until midnight if you don’t tell your family: do you want to see me and the Napoleon cake on New Year’s Day? Help me do this and that and that too!


There's nothing to celebrate

We are accustomed to the fact that the New Year is a time to take stock. And then it turns out that the year didn’t go at all as you planned - there was no promotion at work, the man you loved still hasn’t proposed, the renovations in the apartment haven’t been completed, you haven’t managed to improve your English to the upper-intermediate level. It turns out that the main failure of the year overshadows all other pleasant events.

To get out of this trap of unfulfilled expectations, shift your focus to achievements and pleasant surprises. You can, for example, create an “event calendar” and list by month what good, good, or even wonderful things happened to you this year. It can also be useful not to be afraid of your melancholy, but, on the contrary, to allow yourself to be properly sad, to grieve for those things that did not happen or did not happen as expected.

If you don’t try to mask sadness with false optimism, but experience this feeling to the fullest, until it goes away, you can say goodbye to this sadness and approach the New Year as a much calmer person.


There's no need to celebrate

And this is like in that joke: “Take away your defective Christmas tree decorations!” - “What’s wrong with them?” - “They don’t make me happy...” When there is no obvious reason for melancholy, but you still can’t enjoy the holiday, try to forget about yourself for a while. Think about someone else and give them a holiday. Sign up for a group of volunteers who deliver gifts to nursing homes, transfer money to a fund to help orphans, call a homeless animal shelter and ask how a person who has a car and a few free hours a week can help.

Why go far - take your mother to the theater, arrange a grand celebration for your niece with the Snow Maiden with a hunt for gifts. Someone else's joy is contagious. Before you know it, the magic of the holiday will cover you completely, because now you yourself are a bit of a sorceress.

Source: Lady mail ru

Psychologist Margarita Kuznetsova

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