How can you remove fuel oil stains from jeans, jackets or down jackets, and work clothes at home? How and with what to wash fuel oil from clothes at home

home / Dream Interpretation

Some jobs involve contaminating clothing with fuel oil or other parts of the oil industry. Trouble in the form of a stain can occur to any of us. Is it necessary to go to dry cleaning in this case? How to remove fuel oil from clothes at home?

If a thing is loved, and a stain appears on it, this, of course, will upset everyone. It is also difficult to come to terms with the fact that it is almost impossible to return things to their original appearance. A fuel oil stain is considered just such a complex contamination.

An adult can become dirty with fuel oil in public transport. The child will easily find it on the swings and other elements of the playground. Throughout the day, a car repair shop worker encounters fuel oil contamination on car parts. A working person can get dirty from an office chair.

Fuel oil contains many types of resins and asphaltenes. They are poorly soluble in gasoline, alcohol or acetone. A rhetorical question arises: is it even possible to clean a fuel oil stain?

It is clear that during normal machine washing the fuel oil stain will not come off. To remove it you need to use a trick or some home remedies. Of course, there are no universal preparations that act on fuel oil stains, but any housewife can find several remedies in her arsenal. You can try using them to clean your favorite item.

List of products that can remove fuel oil stains. How to wash fuel oil?

You can wash fuel oil with products that have properties that affect the dissolution of resins and oils. Such substances include ordinary acetone, ammonia, aviation gasoline, baking soda, and turpentine.

  • Cleaning oil stains is possible using car shampoo. The product is available for free sale in specialty stores. You can also clean fuel oil with shampoo using a cotton pad. If you use this method for heavily soiled clothes, you can soak the whole thing in shampoo. Using this product, car parts are cleaned of fuel oil.
  • At home, fuel oil stains can be removed using a blotter. To do this, place blotting paper on both sides of the stain. You need to iron it with a hot iron. The fuel oil will be imprinted on the paper, but the entire stain will not go away. For further processing, you can take eucalyptus oil or ammonia. The product should be selected depending on the composition of the fabric.
  • To remove fuel oil stains from clothes, you will need white clay and starch. At home, these components are diluted in equal parts using ammonia. The mixture is then applied to the stain and the clothes are left until the substance dries. Then the fuel oil and mixture of starch and clay are easily cleaned with a brush. You can easily wash off fuel oil treated in this way using ordinary means.
  • The drug toluene dissolves fuel oil well. It is used in laboratories to remove any oil origin. Toluene in its pure form cannot be found on the open market, but there are many cleaning products based on it. Use extreme caution when using these cleaners. The stain remover contains chemical components that affect the respiratory system and human skin. Safety precautions include protecting your hands with gloves and your face with a mask.

Of course, it is better to wash off the fuel oil as soon as it is planted. Deeply dried oil stains are unlikely to be removed even with dry cleaning of clothing.

Taking into account the fact that fuel oil stains are difficult to remove, you must always be prepared for the fact that even after using all the methods, the stains will remain. For better results, some rules will help you.

  1. Before using your solution on clothing, test it on a small area of ​​similar fabric.
  2. You need to be very careful when using acetone to clean any fabrics.
  3. The cleaning solution should be applied from the edge of the stain to the center. This will help avoid streaks on the fabric.
  4. If solvents are used for cleaning, use rubber gloves to apply them.
  5. To avoid leaving an outline of the stain on the fabric, apply the solvent, touching a little on the area near the stain.
  6. If gasoline or alcohol is used to remove fuel oil stains, you need to dry the treated item as far as possible from open fire.
  7. To prevent the fuel oil stain from remaining on another part of the clothing, a clean, dense cloth should be placed under it.

If all the above procedures did not help, and the stain still does not come out, it is better to take the clothes to the dry cleaner.

There, specialists use special products that are not widely available. Professional equipment is also used to remove stains. Dry cleaning will return your clothes to their original appearance.

Fuel oil is a dark brown oily liquid that is a residual product of oil refining. It consists of hydrocarbons, resins, organic compounds, carbenes, asphaltenes and carboids. Fuel oil is used as fuel and also for the production of lubricants and bitumen. Most often, workers in factories and car service centers deal with it, but you can get dirty in it by riding on public transport or riding on a swing. Let's figure out how to wash fuel oil from clothes at home?

When figuring out how to remove fuel oil stains from clothes, you need to know that this type of stain is considered one of the most difficult. But there are a number of ways to return things to their original appearance. When choosing a cleaning method, you should focus on the type of fabric and the characteristics of the stain (age, size). In any case, it’s easier to deal with fresh dirt, which means you shouldn’t delay washing. All recipes for removing fuel oil stains are based on substances that have the ability to disaggregate (break down) resins and oils.

Dish detergent

How to remove fuel oil stains from delicate fabric (synthetic or thin natural material)? In this case, it is advisable to use a gentle product, for example, cutlery washing liquid (AOS, Fairy).

  1. Rub the concentrated product into the stain and leave the item in warm water for 30 minutes.
  2. Wash off the stain or brush it and soak for another 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the item of clothing in water to remove residual fuel oil.
  4. Wash with powder by hand or in a machine in a suitable mode.

If the stain is old, then before cleaning you need to apply butter to it for several hours. Then carry out processing according to the described scheme.

Flammable substances and solvents

How to remove fuel oil stains on jeans? Refined gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel or toluene are suitable for processing coarse material. All these substances belong to light hydrocarbons that break down resins. Toluene itself is almost never sold, but it is included in solvents for paints and varnishes.

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Soak a cotton pad (a piece of gauze) in a flammable substance and rub the stain.
  3. Leave the item for 60 minutes if the stain is not removed immediately.
  4. Rinse the product, wash it with powder or laundry soap by hand, and then in the machine.

Acetone can be used for stains in the same way. If the item is very dirty, you should completely soak it in gasoline or another substance for 30-60 minutes.

Important: Removing stains with gasoline, toluene, diesel fuel, kerosene or acetone is unacceptable for delicate materials (silk, chiffon, synthetics). It is advisable to use this method only for cleaning workwear and denim items. Acetone and toluene (a solvent) may discolor fabric.

Essential oils

A safe way to clean things from fuel oil is to use essential oils. Extracts from eucalyptus, fir and pine are most suitable for these purposes. They can be safely applied to synthetic and delicate natural materials. An important advantage of oils over flammable substances is their pleasant aroma. But they may not be able to cope with long-standing and large-scale pollution.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in oil and place it under the contaminated cloth.
  2. Using a second disc soaked in oil, carefully rub the stain until it is completely removed. Change cotton wool whenever it gets dirty.
  3. Wash the item in the washing machine.

If the contamination cannot be removed, you can use turpentine. First, the stain must be generously moistened with oil, and after 5 minutes, wipe off the fuel oil with cotton wool soaked in turpentine. It is recommended to carry out manipulations with gloves.


Speaking about how else you can wash fuel oil from clothes, it should be noted that there are several effective and relatively non-aggressive recipes based on ammonia:

  1. Moisten the stain with alcohol, leave for 30 minutes, rinse and wash.
  2. Combine equal parts alcohol and turpentine. Soak a sponge in the liquid and wipe the stain. Wash by hand in soapy water, then in a washing machine.
  3. Mix equal amounts of clay (white), starch and ammonia. Apply the paste to the stain. After it dries (after 2-3 hours), clean the dirt with a brush. Wash the item.

Caustic soda

Unlike baking soda, caustic soda is a very toxic substance. When working with it, you should use protective equipment and prevent it from coming into contact with the skin and epithelial membranes.

Caustic soda effectively dissolves fuel oil stains, ensuring fabric cleansing. But it cannot process cotton and wool. Options for using caustic soda (they can be combined):

  1. Place the item in the basin. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain. After 20 minutes, rinse and machine wash.
  2. Dilute baking soda in water (1 tablespoon of the substance per 2 cups of liquid). Soak clothes for 2 hours. Machine wash.

other methods

Here are some more ways to remove fuel oil stains from clothes:

How to remove fuel oil from clothes if there are no chemicals on hand? You can resort to hot treatment of the fabric, but only in case of fresh, small contamination.

  1. Place blotting paper (toilet paper, napkins, paper towels) under and on the contaminated area.
  2. Heat the iron and iron the stain through the paper several times. The fuel oil should begin to be absorbed into it. The sheets should be changed as they become dirty.
  3. Wipe the remaining mark on the fabric with essential oil. Wash the item in the machine.

Tip: When final washing the item in the machine, it is recommended to add a stain remover to the appropriate compartment, selected depending on the type of material. It will help get rid of streaks and greasy marks. Popular products are Frau Schmidt, Vanish, Amway Pre Wash.

To remove a fuel oil stain without spoiling the item or harming your health, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Use protective equipment - gloves and a respirator (when working with toxic chemicals).
  2. Process the material away from sources of fire in a ventilated room.
  3. Before applying any substance to a stain, test its effect on the fabric in an inconspicuous area on the reverse side.
  4. To prevent the spread of contamination, place several sheets of thick paper or cotton cloth under the material.
  5. Apply cleaning agents from the center to the edges of the stain. To prevent a contamination contour from forming, you can lightly treat the clean cloth adjacent to it. In addition, it is worth moistening it with water.
  6. Delicate materials should not be rubbed or wrinkled too much.
  7. If a fuel oil stain appears on a down jacket, coat or winter jacket, only the top layer of fabric can be treated.
  8. After removing the dirt, it is important to rinse the item thoroughly in water, removing any remaining chemicals, hand wash it with powder, and finally use a washing machine. If you load clothes with traces of fuel oil into the machine, the residue may stain the drum.
  9. Dry clean clothes outdoors, especially after using strong chemicals.

Removing oil stains from items is a difficult task. The earlier the cleaning is done, the greater the chance of getting rid of contamination. You can prevent the appearance of stains by wearing protective clothing when carrying out various types of work using fuel oil, as well as by observing the rules of caution. If you are unable to clean the stain yourself, you should take the item of clothing to the dry cleaner. If stains appear on, or clothes made of very delicate fabric, it is recommended to resort to the services of professionals immediately.


Not only men whose work involves machinery can stain their clothes with fuel oil. Such a nuisance can happen to anyone while traveling in public transport or in a neighbor’s old Moskvich, or while riding on a children’s swing or ride. This type of stain cannot be cleaned with ordinary powders, but do not rush to take your clothes to the dry cleaner. Let's talk about how to remove fuel oil from clothes at home and how to do it.

Removing fuel oil from clothes: where to start

Getting rid of the stain is quite possible; simple remedies and a little trick will help you. Remember, never, under any circumstances, try to wash an item in a washing machine without additional treatment of the oil stain.

This event will lead nowhere, but will only complicate the process of removing contamination.

First you need to understand how much fuel oil has ingrained itself into your clothes. If the degree of contamination is light, it is enough to apply the product of your choice to the stain, otherwise you need to place the entire garment in the solution.

Features of cleaning natural and delicate fabrics from fuel oil at home

  • Delicate fabrics include the following:
  • viscose;
  • Tencel;
  • wool;
  • silk;
  • polyamide;
  • polyester;


Below are the most effective ways to remove stains from these types of fabrics.

Homemade pasta

  • It consists of:
  • white clay,
  • turpentine,
  • ammonia,


Mix all the ingredients in equal parts, then apply the resulting product to the contaminated area of ​​clothing. Leave it for an hour or two. After this time, clean off the dried mass with a brush. Along with the paste, the fuel oil will also go away. The last stage will be performed by an automatic washing machine - this is washing with the usual products that will help to completely remove the stain.

Tar soap

Essential oils of conifers (eucalyptus, pine, fir)

Place one clean cotton pad under the stain, and with a second pad soaked in the oil of your choice, wipe the stained area until completely clean. Remember that the disk should be changed as it becomes dirty. Wash the item with laundry soap and start automatic washing at a temperature that is acceptable for the material of your clothing. Repeat if necessary. This working method is suitable for fresh stains.

Dishwashing liquid

A small amount of it can save your favorite trousers or shirt from fuel oil. To do this, thoroughly rub the liquid into the stain and leave for 30 minutes. in warm water, and then rub the dirty area with a brush or just your hands and for another 10 minutes. leave in water. Afterwards, rinse the item thoroughly and proceed to machine wash. Wash as usual and don't forget to add stain remover powder. This method is suitable for all types of fabric.

We remove fuel oil from dense fabrics (robes, jeans, etc.)

We offer two effective ways:

  • Using an iron and blotter. Place paper on the soiled area on the outside and inside of the item and iron the item with a hot iron (use several sheets of paper if necessary). The fuel oil from the fabric should be absorbed into the paper;
  • Using gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel. Apply one of the following products to a cotton pad (note: not on clothing!), wipe the stained area, and then carefully remove the stain. Discs should be changed when they become dirty. If you need to clean, for example, a robe, then soak it entirely and leave it for 2 hours (maximum 3). Hang the robe outside to air and only then send it to the automatic wash. After this, wash the product in a washing machine.

Gasoline and turpentine for denim and 100% cotton

Gasoline and turpentine are excellent tools for removing old stains from fabrics such as denim and cotton.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that these products are quite aggressive on fabrics, so they should only be used on denim and 100% cotton, otherwise you will get a stain.

Regular gasoline from a gas station will not work, as it leaves stains due to the presence of various impurities. You need to have clean gasoline on hand, which can be purchased at a hardware store. It can be purchased in solvent form.

Whether it’s everyday clothing or workwear, before removing a stain with gasoline, you need to turn the item inside out. Then place blotting paper under the stain. Soak cotton wool in gasoline and gently wipe the stain. Next, the product must be rinsed well and washed in a washing machine using powder. Be careful, this item must be washed separately from others.

To remove fuel oil stains, use special purified gasoline.


This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. In order to remove contaminants using turpentine, it must be mixed with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting product is applied with a soft cloth, after which the stain must be gently rubbed. Next, apply a layer of baking soda to the stain using a rubbing motion and rinse with water. After which the product is washed in the usual way.

Gasoline and turpentine are excellent products that will help remove fuel oil from your favorite jeans. If your casual clothes or overalls are made of 100% cotton, you can clean them without any problems.

How to remove a stain on outerwear

First, use more gentle methods and products, such as tar soap or dishwashing liquid, and only then resort to car shampoos and homemade paste.

Car shampoos are suitable for jackets and down jackets

Car shampoos are used to clean fuel oil in cars, but they can also be used to remove it from clothes. To do this, you need to soak the product in a shampoo solution, and then wash it as usual.

Just keep in mind: when cleaning a thin demi-season jacket, soaking is possible, but if you are dealing with a winter down jacket, then this procedure is unacceptable. Limit yourself to surface treatment only, followed by automatic washing in a mode suitable for washing down jackets. Otherwise, you will irreversibly damage the item. In order to remove a stain from a down jacket, just drop in eucalyptus oil and then wash the clothes.

Laundry soap will remove stains from a Bologna jacket

To get rid of stains, we suggest using laundry soap with glycerin or spreading butter on the contaminated area, then rubbing with laundry soap, rubbing well and rinsing. Repeat the procedure if necessary. This method is not suitable for a down jacket, as the filling can be ruined.

You shouldn’t take risks and try to restore a presentable appearance to a fur coat or sheepskin coat with your own hands. The best solution is to immediately take it to dry cleaning, because no one can cope with such a task better than professionals.

How to remove a stain from shoes

There are not so many ways to clean shoes from fuel oil, but we will share them with you. So, if your shoes are made of genuine leather, then makeup remover milk and a piece of clean cloth will help you (it is advisable to use natural materials), and if there is a problem with shoes made of artificial leather, use acetone. Apply a little acetone to a clean cloth and wipe gently.

Video: how to quickly remove fuel oil stains from clothes

Darina Kataeva

Fuel oil on clothes is a common problem, and not only for people in working professions. It is found on children's swings, amusement rides, vehicles and other places where lubrication was required. If you accidentally get dirty and unsightly stains of fuel oil appear on your clothes, don’t despair. Use proven methods that quickly get rid of black traces of fuel oil.

How to remove a fresh fuel oil stain?

As soon as you see a fresh stain of heating oil on your clothes, act without delay! When the mark has just been left, it is much easier to remove it and return the clothes to their previous appearance. The following folk recipes have proven themselves to be excellent:

Essential oil.

You can choose fir or. Apply it to a cotton swab and then rub the stain thoroughly until it disappears.

The effect of oil against oil is amazing, which is why ethers are great for removing oil stains.

Laundry soap.

If you do not have stain removers and cleaning products, then use ordinary laundry soap, which is found in every home. Wash the stain thoroughly and soak the material in hot water.

Margarine or butter.

This method shows the same effect as. Your task is to rub the stain with margarine and leave it for 15-20 minutes so that the fat saturates the material. Then wash the item with soap and powder separately from other clothes and dry it outside.

Caustic soda.

Wash the stain and the entire item completely. However, do not rub the material too hard, as such a product can do more than just remove fuel oil. It can completely change the color of your clothes.

Starch with chalk.

Mix starch and chalk in equal proportions, then add 2 drops of ammonia and turpentine to this mixture. If you get a homogeneous mass, carefully rub the oil stain with it. When it disappears, shake off the mixture and wash your clothes as usual.

Wash clothes immediately when you see stains on them, do not let the fuel oil dry out.

Using the temperature of the iron, you can easily get rid of fuel oil on clothes. For this you will need a good layer of paper napkins. Scrub the stain with them, and then iron the material at medium heat. Notice if the black mark disappears. Change wipes as needed.

How to remove an old fuel oil stain?

This product is effective, but it can also negatively affect the color of clothes. Therefore, first experiment in an area that is not visible to others, and only then use acetone to remove fuel oil. Remember also about the property of acetone to influence the structure of the material.

If the stain has been on the clothing for a long time, then you should try using gasoline to clean it. Be sure to carry out this procedure from the wrong side so that the product does not penetrate deep into the fabric and change its shade. To achieve an even better effect, use ammonia! Constantly change the cotton swab to prevent black streaks from appearing on the fabric.

Car shampoo.

This product is unique in composition, because it contains toluene, which has cleansing properties. With this shampoo you will get rid of even the most stubborn and stubborn stains on your clothes. The method of application is simple: lather the stain with this shampoo, leave for half an hour until completely absorbed, and then wash the clothes as usual.

These products are quite strong and destructive, so be careful when using them. Carry out all stages of their use away from children, and work only with gloves.

How to wash fuel oil from jeans?

Jeans is a dense fabric that makes stains and dirt the most difficult to remove. Therefore, it is important to know the secrets of using proven traditional methods. This way you will avoid going to the dry cleaner, save your money and at the same time return your clothes to their original appearance.

Light carbohydrates.

Fuel oil dissolves only when light carbohydrates are used. These include gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel. It is not recommended to completely wash the item in them. It is better to wet a cotton swab and rub it on the stain. Then leave for 15 minutes and wash the clothes completely, but with laundry soap, powder or stain remover.

This solvent allows you to get rid of even the most stubborn stains on denim. It is quite difficult to acquire, but the result will justify your search. Use it in the same way as gasoline: soak cotton wool in it and rub the stain, then use it as usual.

Fuel oil is cleaned off better if you start from the edges and gradually move towards the center.

Dishwashing liquid.

This option is especially good for removing fresh fuel oil stains from clothes. Pour it onto the material and wash it well by hand. Then leave the denim for half an hour, after which wash it as usual. When doing this, dry things naturally, without using dryers, otherwise you will only fix the fuel oil on the fabric.

Tar soap.

This remedy is often used by women. This soap has good disinfectant and cleansing properties. At the same time, it is harmless when removing stains from clothes. When you have stained your jeans with fuel oil, rub the stain with tar soap, leave the product on for 15-20 minutes, and then wash the item completely. If this option does not have the desired effect, use more severe methods for cleaning jeans from fuel oil.

If you use harsh methods for removing fuel oil from clothes, be sure to wash the stains separately, and then rinse the clothes completely.
Since fuel oil has a specific smell, your task is to both remove the stain and return a pleasant aroma to your clothes.
To avoid the appearance of clear outlines of the stain even after it is removed, immediately wet the edges with water.
Never wash clothes stained with fuel oil with other items, as you may damage other materials.
Proper drying is one of the... Therefore, remember that it should be carried out in the fresh air and preferably in sunlight. Thanks to this method, many stains will be removed without your participation.
Pay attention to the labels on clothing, as elevated temperatures for some fabrics are unacceptable.
Take precautions if you work on a vehicle. Wear work clothes that you don’t mind getting ruined.
If you cannot remove fuel oil from your clothes, then take them to a dry cleaner, where specialists will use their proven cleaning methods.

If you accidentally stain your clothes with fuel oil, don’t despair. Numerous proven methods will help you restore the original shade of the fabric, while the stain will disappear as if it was never there. Take precautions and be careful especially with new and expensive clothes. Try different products first on a small piece of fabric, and then proceed to full cleaning.

2 January 2014, 12:12

When fuel oil gets on your clothes, it becomes a big problem. Firstly, it is very unaesthetic, and even a beautiful thing looks stained, dirty and greasy. Secondly, wearing such clothes is very unpleasant, and no one would do it. It is necessary to get rid of fuel oil stains, and as soon as possible, otherwise they will penetrate into the fibers of the fabric and will be impossible to remove. But how to do this with the least loss to the material itself? Well, let's look at the issue from all sides.

Fuel oil and fabric: how the interaction occurs

Fuel oil itself is a residual product of oil refining. It is black in color, quite fluid, with a very oily consistency and a sharp, recognizable odor. Once on clothing, such a stain is absorbed quite quickly, but remains slightly damp for a long time. Not only its outline and smell remain on the item, but also an oily feeling that is very unpleasant to the touch. In addition, there is one more feature. If you do not remove such a nuisance from the surface of your clothes as quickly as possible, then it will not be possible to get rid of it. The liquid will soak all fabric fibers so deeply that it can no longer be removed.

Therefore, the first rule: in order for not a trace to remain (such a tautology), it is necessary to start the fight as soon as possible, ideally - immediately. And not with water, because it is not an assistant in this matter. But what and how – let’s talk about it right now.

The best allies in the fight against fuel oil stains

So, fuel oil itself is a heavy residue in the distillation of oil. Therefore, it is best if you use the following substances to combat it:

  1. Petrol. Also an oil product, and a good solvent. In some cases, it copes with the task perfectly well.
  2. Any solvents for toluene-based paints or varnishes.
  3. Dishwashing detergent (the common “Fairy” liquid is quite sufficient). Useful only in cases of light, fresh contamination.
  4. Fir oil. Excellent if the area of ​​the fuel oil stain is very small; another plus is that it is completely environmentally safe.
  5. Special shampoos at gas stations. Quite a specific, but sometimes simply irreplaceable tool.
  6. A solution of ammonia and turpentine, as well as tar soap.

Sometimes an ordinary household iron does the job well, but again, if the stain is very small. In addition, you must be prepared that you may not be able to deal with the problem on your own, and if the area of ​​contamination is large and you are not confident in your own abilities, take the item to the dry cleaner. It’s better to spend a certain amount than to completely and hopelessly ruin your clothes.

Well, if you are determined and want to win the fight against the spotty problem, then here are detailed instructions for using each remedy listed above.

Instruction 1: gasoline
So, let's say right away: regular gasoline from gas stations will not work. We need a pure, high-quality product that you can be 100 percent confident in its ingredients. This is sold in specialized stores, and can also be found in hardware stores. Gently moisten the cotton wool and rub over the stained area. As soon as it gets completely dark, replace it with another one. The procedure is carried out several times, especially if the problem has already become deep.

Important point! Gasoline is a strong solvent. Therefore, he can take brightly colored things with him. Before you begin the cleansing procedure, test the effect of the substance by rubbing a small area that is not visible to the eye. If the color “drips”, it is better to resort to another method.

Instruction 2: Toluene
Toluene is an extremely toxic substance that is also released from oil. It has a pungent, unpleasant odor, and if the substance is used indoors, a person can easily feel dizzy or even pass out. That is why the most important condition is open windows if you are going to treat an item with a toluene-based solvent.

We also recommend that you first test the effect of the product on a separate, hidden from view, area of ​​​​the fabric. If, again, the colors do not run anywhere, you can safely treat the surface affected by the fuel oil. Dampen the stain with solvent and gently rub it until the problem goes away. We recommend that you carry out the work wearing protective gloves.

Instruction 3: dishwashing detergent
This is a less aggressive substance, but the effect may not be as pronounced, and a trace, a weak reminder that fuel oil once settled in this place, will still remain. However, sometimes dishwashing detergent can completely remove the problem, especially if you use it as soon as possible and the area of ​​contamination is small. How to proceed with this choice: generously fill the unsightly stain with the same “Fairy”, or soak in a saturated “Vanisha” solution for a couple of hours. Then rinse and wash normally if necessary. Usually the tools cope with the task. Moreover, they can be used on almost any thing, even quite delicate ones.

Instruction 4: fir oil
An excellent option, if only because it has a pleasant smell and is completely environmentally safe. It works much like gasoline, with only one problem: it takes much longer because it dissolves the stain more slowly. Drop a few drops onto the problem area. Begin to gently wipe it away, trying to remove the fuel oil rather than rubbing it in. You will have to change more than one napkin before the stain begins to lighten and gradually disappear. Important: before starting the procedure, place a cotton swab or sponge under the surface to be treated so that it absorbs excess oily liquid.

Instruction 5: special shampoo at gas stations
A more exotic, but very effective method. At gas stations it is customary to use a special car shampoo, which easily cleans the car of any contamination, including fuel oil. The use is simple: prepare a solution of this product, not too saturated, and soak the affected item in it. Not even a hint of the problem will remain.

Instruction 6: solution of ammonia and turpentine

This recipe has been known for a long time, and it has magical powers against oil stains. Application is as simple as possible: prepare the product by mixing both ingredients in approximately equal proportions, the volume depends on the area of ​​the oily problem. Then we begin to gently rub the stain with light movements, working with a soft cloth. If the problem has existed for a long time and has become ingrained, treat it with heated turpentine, and then with regular baking soda. Rinse off with water.

Instruction 7: tar soap
It is rightfully considered the least damaging product for clothing. At the same time, it is quite effective, especially in the fight against fresh stains. Application consists of simply washing the affected item using soap. The fuel oil will go away quickly enough.

Instruction 8: Iron
Finally, if you do not want to expose your clothes to various types of liquids and substances, use a regular household iron. It is especially effective when the area of ​​contamination is minimal. Take any absorbent paper, especially blotter, and place it under the stain. Run a slightly heated iron over the problem. The fuel oil will leave the surface of the clothing and be absorbed into the paper.

There are quite a few ways to deal with fuel oil stains on clothes. And only you can choose which one to choose.

Video: how to remove difficult stains

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