Celebrating the new. How to celebrate the New Year correctly. What to wear, what to cook. Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Dog sign

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New Year is a special holiday, because thanks to it, a friendly family, friends and relatives gather around the same table in anticipation of a wonderful and bright future. Unfortunately, celebrations of this event in recent years have become mundane and boring in most companies: watching TV, eating Olivier and emptying glasses of champagne. But what should lovers of fun and noise do, how to entertain a dull and sleepy gala party, bringing into it a spark of forgotten joy, enthusiasm and laughter? Believe me, by listening to our advice, you, your children and friends will definitely remember the New Year 2018 celebration.

Ideas for New Year 2018

  1. As you know, 2018 is the Year of the Dog, and the most famous four-legged character is Scooby Doo. Celebration in this style involves some kind of adventure game: various cards, drawings, webs of threads, and portraits of this animal are placed around the entire perimeter of the room. Each picture contains some kind of clue to answer the questions asked by the presenter. All questions lead to the main treasure, the one who gives the largest number of correct answers the fastest will receive it.
  2. A theme party is the key to a successful, fun, colorful and memorable celebration of the New Year 2018. Disco - party, vampire ball, oriental or Latin style, gangster party, visiting Santa Claus, Alice in Wonderland, etc. - choose any theme that suits you best suitable for your company.
  3. Romantic setting. This holiday is an excellent reason to “give up the whole world” and be alone with your soulmate. Some will spend it quietly and peacefully, relaxing in bed with a glass of champagne, while others, on the contrary, will rush headlong into a new journey or hold their own theme party - most importantly, just the two of them. A special feature of such a celebration is a huge flow of positive emotions and energy directed to a loved one. This type of celebration is special, aimed at maintaining the love feelings of partners.
  4. “Every year it’s the same thing, the same faces and places.” On the eve of the New Year, this phrase sounds from the lips of almost every person on Earth. So what’s stopping you from changing everything upside down? We advise you to organize a trip for yourself as a celebration option. New faces, places, nature - all these are key factors for an unforgettable atmosphere. Our planet is large and vast, so if you like this option for celebrating, feel free to plan a trip to a new country next year.
  5. More and more often, every year, we forget about those with whom we undoubtedly shared all the first victories and defeats - our parents. They are always pleased to see you on their doorstep. A festive atmosphere, snow and loved ones nearby - this is real happiness.

Main stages of preparation

Having taken over the “reins” of this event, it is worth starting to prepare in advance, about a couple of months in advance. During this period, you will be able to find out all the main questions related to the holiday:

  • final location of the event
  • number of people
  • exact age level of people (children’s party, adult party, corporate party of parents with children, etc.)
  • presentation of gifts
  • holiday menu.

The initial element in preparing for this celebration is to accurately determine the circle of guests: their interests, age, gender, etc. It is much easier to plan a holiday scenario if one company gathers: everyone knows each other, personal habits, who is unpleasant to whom, the main ringleader and quiet one are clearly defined. The main goal for which a celebration plan is drawn up is the general unification of the gathered company into a single whole. Therefore, during preparation, create a celebration scenario that is comfortable for everyone present: not too sluggish, but not intrusive. Give guests the opportunity to “feel at ease.” But still, do not forget the true rule of celebrating the New Year - first the feast, then the entertainment.

Competitions for the New Year 2018

The chimes struck 12 o'clock, the guests ate deliciously and drank a little, but have you noticed that some people are not interested, and what's more, your guests are starting to yawn and fall asleep? It's time to cheer them up with competitions. We hope the list of these entertainments will give you an answer to the question: how interesting is it to celebrate the 2018 New Year?

  1. Dog. The presenter calls the person who wishes, blindfolds him, and then hides the main attribute of the coming year, a stuffed dog, wherever he wishes. The player is spun around his axis several times. The rest of the guests remain in their places and help the player to see if he is moving in the right direction towards the desired object. If the player finds a toy, he takes it for himself as a trophy.
  2. Release of the captive. A wonderful, adult competition, especially popular among friends and colleagues. Players are divided into pairs, man + woman. The latter's legs are wrapped in tinsel around the knees. The man's task is simple: to free his lady's legs faster than his opponent. The difficulty of this competition is that the partner must untie the tinsel without hands.
  3. Burst the ball. 5 pairs of men and women are participating. They stand with their backs to each other. There is a ball between them. To the accompaniment of loud, cheerful music, the contestants, remaining in the original position, must burst the ball. The couple that does it faster than others wins.
  4. "Mind-blowing football." The funny and lively competition is especially popular among men. The idea is simple: a soccer ball is placed in the middle of the room. The player, positioned a few meters in front of him, at the command of the leader, quickly spins around his axis. On command, he stops spinning and must hit the ball in the place where the leader previously indicated. It is noteworthy that many of the competitors, after spinning, do not even hit the ball, let alone the target.
  5. Draw a symbol for the coming year. It would seem like an elementary and banal competition - what’s so complicated about drawing a dog? But. Not many of the guests may know what sign the upcoming New Year has.
  6. Words and films on the New Year theme. As an alternative to active and incendiary competitions, offer to participate in a mental quiz. The one who does not come up with a word corresponding to the topic loses.
  7. "Taster". The competition corresponds to the main image of the coming year - the Dog. More precisely, her subtle, precise sense of smell. Blindfolded competitors must identify a dish or drink by smell.
  8. When relaxing with your family, a competition is great entertainment "What? Where? When?". You can create questions for both adults and children.
  9. The symbol of the New Year holiday is telling rhymes. Everyone can participate: children, parents, grandparents, guests.
  10. Cutting out snowflakes- a wonderful competition that all children adore. The results of your labor can be used to decorate your apartment windows or Christmas tree.

The ideas for celebrating the New Year 2018 described in this article are suitable for both adults and children. Remember that this holiday only happens once a year. Spend it fun, colorfully and unforgettably with your family, loved ones and friends.

The best impromptu is a carefully prepared one. This is especially true during the holidays. There is nothing sadder when guests don’t know what to do with themselves. To prevent this from happening, you should worry about the program in advance. Let the script for celebrating the New Year 2018 help the owners of the house and their friends to celebrate it with pleasure and joy.

It is customary to celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Celebrating at home makes adjustments to the scenario. A costume ball is not necessary here, and moving competitions are difficult. But if you approach the process creatively, then no one will be bored - neither parents nor children. Everyone will be successful as a leader. The most fun holiday is the one in which everyone takes an active part.

New Year 2018 scenario for adults

The host and hostess greet arriving guests.

Leading: Dear guests, good evening!
We have been waiting for you for so long today,
The table is set, and the candles are already burning -
Their fire will dispel all sorrows!

Presenter: Dear guests, we are glad to see you -
Look how their faces shine!
Surprises, competitions, awards await you,
Let's sing and have fun together!

Near the entrance there is a tin can with a slot and the inscription “Start-up capital”. You can complement the design with a drawing of a dog as a symbol of the house guard and invite those who come to place coins and/or bills there. The owners also get in on the action.

Leading: Just wait a moment:
In a moment, a fairy tale will open the doors.
Place a coin here.
For what? There is an inscription there - a hint.

Guests and their hosts go into a decorated room, where refreshments await them. When the culinary masterpieces have been sampled and everyone has relaxed, the presenter steps forward:

Presenter: The New Year is not only new happiness, meetings, acquisitions, but also fresh news. Now everyone can act as a television reporter and report the hottest news from what happened on the eve (or first hours) of the year.

The presenters hand out cards with a set of 5 words that are in no way related to each other in meaning. From them you need to make a sentence describing some event. Words are used in every way, inflected and changed in any way. For more intrigue, you can give it a limited time to complete. The winner is the one who, in the general opinion, came up with the funniest phrase. He gets a forfeit. After a break at the feast, the host announces the next competition.

Leading: There is no Maria without Ivan,
A musician without a button accordion,
Early dawns without dew,
And without songs there is no Rus'.

And a holiday without songs is not very fun. Song Contest Announced!

It can be done as a team or individually. After writing words from New Year's or simply well-known songs on postcards, mix them up and offer to collect them for a while. You can complicate the task and play the game “Guess the melody”. To do this, use a sound editor to cut up fragments of melodies and ask the teams to answer what they sound like. To confuse the situation, it is better to cut out pieces from the middle, rather than the beginning. To those who correctly named, give out forfeits, and then reward the winner with a small “musical” prize, for example, a can of canned peas.

Without allowing those present to relax, the presenter seizes the initiative.

Presenter: Where there are choruses there is dancing
It's no secret to you!
Come on, come out people!
My prize for the bravest! Here!

The prize can be anything, for example, an exotic fruit if a woman comes out first, and a bottle of beer if a man comes out first. After a short warm-up, the presenter holds a dance competition in which all couples present can take part. It begins on an unfolded newspaper. During the process, breaks are taken and the newspaper is folded. The couple that dances on the smallest piece of paper wins. The winners receive a prize.

After another pause, the next proposal comes from the presenter.

Leading: Friends, let’s take a group photo while we’re still not tired and sleepy. We just need to get ready for it and dress up.

The presenter hands over a bag filled with various things and items of clothing. Everyone takes turns pulling out of it what they grab and puts it on themselves. Having “dressed up” in this way, guests and hosts take pictures together.

Presenter: Today's holiday is immortalized, the photo shoot was a success. But that is not all. Since the new year 2018 is the year of the Dog, this is reflected in the script by the competition. Divided into 2 teams, we will draw the symbol of the coming year!

A sheet of whatman paper is fixed, team members come up one by one, blindfolded, and begin to draw: first the body, then the head, eyes, nose, ears, paws, tail. Everyone draws one element. Sick team members can help the artist with tips. The team whose drawing is most similar to the given animal wins. For extra fun, you can take a photo of the participants with their “work.”

After rest and a snack - an intellectual competition. The presenter distributes snowflakes to those present, on which numbers from one to the number of those present are written.

Leading: New competition: wishes.
Make an effort
And come up with it quickly
The verse is short. You can not? –
Can you speak in prose?
Without losing the thread!

In turn, from number one onwards, each person present makes an impromptu wish. Poetic ones are especially highly valued. Those who made them up on the fly should definitely be rewarded. The prize could be a pen, a notepad and a wish for further success in your work.

Presenter: And now we also wish:
Happy New Year!
Let the snowflakes dance
Will bring joy to the heart!

Guests are invited to remove snowflakes from the Christmas tree and find their room. Attach a wish to each of them. If funds allow, then gifts marked with corresponding numbers are placed under the tree. The presentations can be played in another, more fun way: they are all hung by a thread on a rope held by the presenters. Each person present, blindfolded, cuts off a prize for themselves. To make it even more fun, the rope can be raised and lowered. At this time, fans guide the “blind”, telling them: up, down, right, left.

After the guests have strengthened their strength, the last competition is held. This is a drawing of the contents of the piggy bank, in which all adults, including the presenters, take part. The “starting capital” for the new year will be received by the one who most accurately guesses the amount of money collected. To avoid confusion, you can make a statement in advance, entering the names of the expected guests and hosts. Before counting, everyone will enter the estimated amount.

Leading: Finally, the highlight of the program!
Come on, guests, sit up straight,
And after thinking, decide
Write on a piece of paper -
How much money do we have?
And then we’ll count them all at once.

After recalculating the funds extracted and checking the amounts on the statement, the money is transferred to the winner.

When seeing off guests, the hosts say goodbye to them:

Presenter: Today we drank, ate,
They danced as best they could
We sang songs, congratulated
They wished for happiness and joy.

Leading: The countdown has started again
The very best New Year
Don't forget us in it.
Goodbye! Good morning!

Scenario for the New Year 2018 for the family

The program proposed above can easily be adapted to celebrate a holiday with children. You just need to add the appropriate competitions to it.

In a singing competition prepare a block of cuts from works familiar to children. These could be songs of cartoon or movie characters familiar to young participants. Second round of the competition – songs about dogs. There are two options: invite children to sing those that they know or, choosing on the Internet, give them a chance to guess. The winner will be awarded a children's musical instrument.

In a drawing competition prepare another sheet of whatman paper and offer to draw, blindfolded, a snowman with a bucket, carrot, stick hands, eyes and a smile.

Presenter: A cry was heard in the yard:
A snowman grew overnight!
There is no sweeter friend in winter!
Draw it quickly!

A separate quiz for younger children. You need to guess the riddles in which New Year's decorations and surprises are “hidden”. They are easy to find on the Internet. Here are a few exclusive ones:

  • Like a hedgehog's needle,
    But not a hedgehog! This is (Christmas tree).
  • He hisses like a cat
    And then it gives a spark.
    Don't touch him with your finger,
    Because he is (fire).
  • Spins, sparkles,
    Faces reflect
    And the candles are on fire.
    It is a glass (ball).
  • Looks like a barrel with a tail,
    But he scares the girls!
    Very loud toy
    It's called (cracker).

Contest of wishes not closed to children. Give prizes to the smallest and wittiest ones and invite everyone to cut a gift for themselves. The conditions are simplified: do not move the rope and guide your hand if the child categorically misses the rope. Hang gifts one at a time, according to age.

When the “highlight of the program” is played for adults, a bag of sweets is played in a similar way for children, which must be hidden under the tree in advance and well camouflaged so that it is not discovered ahead of time.

Presenter: Look under the tree:
Santa Claus left there...
No, not a stick, not a needle -
He brought you candy.

Who will answer me correctly?
How many of them are inside now?
He will get everything. Come on, children,
I count: one, two, three!

When counting “three,” children who can write write the number on paper. Parents do it instead of little ones. Each piece of paper is signed with the child's name. The candies are counted and the quantity is checked according to what is written. The winner gets the whole bag, and the rest of the kids are given sweet consolation prizes before saying goodbye.

Winter came to our country with a light snowy tread, covering the streets, alleys and boulevards with a white fluffy blanket. Frosty and sunny days bring us closer to the most anticipated event - New Year 2018. On the eve of this amazing holiday, everyone is busy with pleasant chores: choosing gifts and outfits, purchasing groceries, decorating the home and, of course, the main beauty of the New Year tree. But what does the year of the yellow earthen Dog have in store for us? What to expect from a four-legged patroness, what are her habits, morals and habits? Many people are probably asking similar questions. In order for fortune to always be on your side in 2018, your health to only get stronger, your relationship with your partner to only improve, and financial issues to be resolved easily and without delay, you need to tame and appease the mistress of the year.

What will 2018 bring?

The New Year 2018 is good for establishing relationships, creating a family, and having children. Changes in your personal life can be felt in February, since according to the eastern horoscope, the year of the yellow earth Dog starts exactly on the 16th of the indicated month. The influence of the elements of the year will be so powerful that many people will display qualities that are unusual for them. For example, avid bachelors will want to formalize their relationship with their significant other, and those who have not sought to have children will certainly want to become parents.

For lonely people who have not found a life partner, the Dog will give a wonderful opportunity to find true love and plunge headlong into the abyss of passionate emotions. This year is also unique in that relationships with a new candidate for the role of spouse can be deliberately rushed. The patroness of the year will do her best to smooth out “acute” situations and help accelerate events leading to the creation of a family.

The element of earth symbolizes fertility, so farmers, agronomists and everyone who is in any way connected with working on the land will feel the favor of the Year of the Dog. Hardworking people will be able to reap a rich harvest in due time. The four-legged patroness, on the contrary, will punish idlers with a lack of financial stability, perhaps even depriving them of sources of income that were previously available. The Dog will bestow eloquence and the gift of persuasion on anyone who wants to reconcile with someone. This year you can regain the favor of people with whom you had a major quarrel in the past. Old grievances will quickly be forgotten, and not a trace will remain of mental wounds.

In some cultures, the Year of the Dog is called the “year of forgiveness,” and the element of Earth and the color yellow enhance this property a hundredfold. People endowed with power will feel the special influence of the elements of the Earth. These are business leaders, politicians, owners of various companies, etc. If they behave appropriately: show justice, provide assistance to the best of their ability, fight for a just cause and defend reasonable ideas, the Dog will bring unprecedented luck to them and their families.

Characteristics of 2018

Due to the fact that the ruling element in the coming year will be the Earth, the Dog calls for following established stereotypes, established rules and canons, as well as honoring any traditions, including family ones. The year will be extremely stable, balanced, and calm. Such influence of the elements and color of the year will affect literally everything: politics, economics, behavior and character of people, personal life and even natural phenomena.

Despite the fact that the dog's disposition is characterized by friendliness, sincerity and fairness, the owner of the year can behave unpredictably and even capriciously. Because of this, many people may feel low energy and laziness from time to time. You should not give in to such moods; they will be short-lived. At the same time, these qualities will manifest themselves only in those who do not have clear life goals and are extremely pessimistic.

Generally speaking, 2018 promises to please humanity with important discoveries on a global scale that will affect the spheres of medicine, politics, and economics. According to statistics, major wars, uprisings, revolutions, and coups d'etat never began in the year of the Dog. Such events, on the contrary, ended in the years when the four-legged mistress was the patron. In addition, during the reign of the Dog, the birth rate and the number of registered marriages always increased sharply.

Astrologers confidently associate this with the fact that the element of Earth is a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and abundance. Those who manage to win over the Dog on New Year's Eve 2018 and throughout the year will not only receive support from her in all areas of life, but will also be able to change their character for the better, as well as discover new talents in themselves.

How and where to celebrate the New Year 2018?

It is best to celebrate the New Year holiday with close people. It’s good if the whole family gathers at the New Year’s table. You can invite your closest friends. You need to celebrate the Year of the Dog without much pomp; it is better if the atmosphere is not solemn, but more homely and cozy. Reckless and frivolous behavior, loud chants, dancing until you drop, and being heavily intoxicated are strictly prohibited. Try to drink low-alcohol drinks. If you prefer strong alcoholic drinks, follow your “own” limit, controlling the degree of hopping.

It is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2018 at home. If your home does not have enough rooms to comfortably accommodate all invited guests, you can rent a cozy banquet hall, the interior of which is decorated in yellow, brown and white colors. Traditional restaurants, cafeterias, saunas, ships, noisy nightclubs and other entertainment venues are not suitable for celebrating the Year of the Dog.

Choosing an outfit for 2018

First you need to decide on a color scheme, which must be strictly adhered to. It is best to choose an outfit from one or two primary colors, as well as one auxiliary shade. Mixing colors is also acceptable, the main thing is that the outfit is not tacky and tasteless.

The traditional colors of 2018 are: yellow; sand; olive; golden; brown; coffee; ocher; khaki. White, cream, champagne and milky - these colors are neutral for the Dog. You can also keep them in mind when choosing a New Year's outfit. But it is better, of course, to give preference to traditional colors and shades close to them. Another feature of the color scheme for clothes for the New Year 2018 is that the colors of the chosen clothes should not be too bright, but soft, muted, pastel. New Year's outfit should not be vulgar. The Dog does not tolerate any deep necklines, high slits or translucent “revealing” fabrics. After all, one of her main qualities is restraint and chastity.

This does not mean that the four-legged mistress of the year does not like beautiful things. He loves it so much! Only this is more manifested in sophistication, grace and sophistication of style. You can choose a “savory” outfit with a twist, but not frank, vulgar or hinting at intimacy. Jewelry for your outfit should also be modest. No diamond jewelry! The Dog does not accept pomp and outright pretentiousness. You can opt for elegant jewelry that is well matched to your clothing style. This unspoken rule does not apply only to heirlooms. If you have similar jewelry, be sure to wear it on New Year's Eve.

It’s great if your outfit is decorated with various fur elements. For example, the cuffs, collar and hem of clothing can be edged with fur strips. As additional accessories that will emphasize the sophistication of the style, you can choose a muff for your outfit; gloves; cape; shawl; handkerchief; belt (belt).

What dishes to cook for New Year 2018?

Considering that the Dog is unpretentious in food, in any case, he is not a gourmet and is not interested in delicacies, New Year's dishes should be the most ordinary. Of course, it is possible and even necessary to decorate them with herbs, vegetables and fruits, but the presence of any expensive gastronomic delights will be unnecessary. Another tip that applies to all dishes except desserts: cook as many meat dishes as possible. After all, dogs are crazy about this product.

First meal

A great option is to make soup with meatballs and chicken hearts, shurpa or rassolnik with pork. A hodgepodge with various types of sausages and meat is also suitable. Borscht with veal will look no less successful on the holiday table.

Hot appetizers

The most acceptable main courses made from meat are meatballs with rice, beef liver, cutlets, chops and goulash. You can serve boiled potatoes, buckwheat, wheat porridge or pasta as a side dish. Here, be guided by your taste.

Cold appetizers

Firstly, there must be various cuts of meat and sausage on the table. Don't forget about lard with layers of meat, beef heart and tongue. Secondly, prepare simple salads, for example, Olivier salad, mimosa or herring under a fur coat. An excellent option for a cold appetizer would be jellied meat. You can also prepare meat or fish rolls, canapés with slices of ham and olives.


This category of dishes is also not particularly sophisticated. Feel free to display traditional desserts on your holiday table - gingerbread cookies, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries and fruit salads. If you have free time, make your own gingerbread cookies, cookies or other sweets in the form of dog figurines. This will help establish contact with the patroness of the year.


As for alcohol, there are no restrictions, but the only rule that must be strictly observed is vigilance. In other words, know when to limit when consuming alcohol-containing products. It is unacceptable to be in a state of extreme intoxication during the celebration. The Mistress of the Year may be offended by only all sorts of benefits - stable profits, health, strong relationships between partners and relatives, success in the professional field. From sweet drinks, you can put compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, jelly, and mousses on the table. It’s better to prepare them yourself, garnishing them with cinnamon, powdered sugar, pomegranate seeds and citrus zest.

Decorating the table for New Year 2018

Treats for the hostess of the year. The main decoration of the New Year's table should, of course, be a delicacy for the patroness. What do dogs like? That's right, bones, meat, offal. These products should be placed in a beautiful bowl, which has the traditional color of the year, and placed in the place of honor - in the center of the table. By doing this you will tame your mistress and thereby win her over. As a result, the whole year will be successful.

Creative decorations. Figurines of dogs and puppies made with your own hands will look very stylish. For this you can use fabric, wood, polystyrene foam, cardboard, colored paper, plasticine. Show your imagination, the Dog encourages resourcefulness and ingenuity. Place the prepared figures between the plates. You can also make a miniature booth house with your own hands for your four-legged patroness and place it next to a bowl of treats.

Kitchen utensils and cutlery. Since the Dog loves simplicity and does not accept chic, you can use wooden or clay dishes. If this is not possible, use regular dishes. Of course, it is desirable that it be yellow or brown, but classic white will also work. Tie each fork and spoon with a ribbon of the appropriate color. Also select a tablecloth for the table based on the color scheme of the year. Napkins for guests can be decorated with images of a dog. And to make it doubly pleasant for your guests, surprise them with the presence of personal napkins. Prepare a personalized napkin for each guest. The inscription can be made using floss threads.

What would New Year be without candles?! Be sure to decorate your New Year's table with them. In the center of the table, near the dog treats and the booth, you can place three tall candles of white, yellow or golden color. Place the remaining candles (small size) among the dishes. Don't forget about stylish candlesticks.

How to decorate an apartment or house for New Year 2018?

In the first place among home decorations are, of course, things and objects that are valuable to the family. This could be: old portraits and photographs; letters and greeting cards from relatives; little things dear to the heart, for example, photo frames, boxes, amulets, amulets; Jewelry; household items. The indicated things must be used to decorate the interior of the house. Unfortunately, some families did not have many such relics left, or none at all. Therefore, objects from the past can act as attributes symbolizing family traditions. Every family probably has old things lying around in the pantry, on the balcony or at the dacha: a samovar with a set; felt boots and other shoes; buckets and jars of preserves; cast iron pots, plates, teapots; spoons, ladles, forks; sleds, skis, skates; blankets, scarves, scarves. As decorative elements designed to decorate the house for the New Year 2018, things made during the existence of the USSR are of particular value. These are various household items and kitchen utensils. Also useful are October, pioneer, Komsomol and party paraphernalia: badges; forges; party cards; certificates; ties, banners.

Things coming from the USSR can be of any color, because they themselves carry a meaning. But as for other decorations, they must have the classic colors for the year of the yellow earthen Dog. Another significant distinguishing feature of interior decor elements for the coming year is that traditional decorations (garlands, streamers, confetti, etc.) are auxiliary and are designed to complement the main artistic concept. The main decor remains things from the past.

When preparing for the New Year 2018, for example, by decorating your home and holiday table, as well as choosing a New Year's outfit, do not be afraid to show your imagination. After all, the Dog loves creative and creatively developed people, favors them and helps them in every possible way. Despite some quarrelsomeness and capriciousness of character, the Dog is kind, generous and fair. She will never offend those who treated her kindly. The patroness of the year will definitely reward you for your efforts!

Spectacularly decorated, the brilliant green beauty immediately creates an upbeat atmosphere in the house and gives a feeling of celebration long before the chimes strike. Knowing simple secrets of how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year in a creative and special way, bright and beautiful, you can create a pre-holiday high mood in advance, get rid of sadness and spleen, and add fabulous comfort and warmth to your home, which is so often lacking in the winter .


Each New Year has its own bright patron, according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar. If you believe traditions, the totem animal gives the coming year a special character, so it doesn’t hurt to appease the patron of the year and start choosing an outfit now. This article will tell you what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2018.


New Year's gifts will always delight anyone. And it doesn’t matter what status and age he is. However, it is necessary to choose gifts taking into account the characteristics inherent in the animal ruler of the year. It is important to take into account his character, habits and habits. A friendly, chaste and peace-loving Dog will be in charge in 2018.


New Year is a holiday of miracles, a time of gifts, colorful fireworks and fireworks. In the middle of winter comes a magical time of fulfillment of desires and general fun. Both adults and children look forward to the holiday, because everyone has the belief that the next year will definitely be better than the previous one, and all adversity will remain in the past. Having found out in advance how we will relax for the New Year 2018, you can carefully prepare, plan a trip, or simply spend time with family and friends.


On the eve of New Year's Eve, every housewife dreams of one thing: to have a self-assembled tablecloth that will quickly and skillfully set the festive table. Unfortunately or fortunately, everyone’s tablecloths are very ordinary, not magical. Therefore, first on the agenda is the eternal question: what to cook for the New Year 2018?


Despite the fact that childhood has long passed, we never stop believing in miracles. As once upon a time, as children, we again and again plunge into the sweet memories of the magic that the main night of the year can give. Undoubtedly, every person has many happy moments in life associated with the meeting of this long-awaited holiday. And we strive to celebrate the next New Year's Eve not only fun, but also somehow special. Where to go for the New Year 2018 to make the winter holidays memorable for a long time? We will talk about this in this article.


The patroness of 2018 is the Dog, and it is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of friendship and fidelity. She values ​​​​reliability and comfort, and, without a doubt, will happily take care of a clean and beautiful house, where a friendly family lives, sincerity and mutual understanding reign. Therefore, before the New Year holidays, first of all, it is important to get rid of long-standing conflicts, reconcile with household members, and restore order in your thoughts and home. The dog will appreciate the atmosphere of love and warmth, which will be emphasized by thematic decorative elements and New Year's symbols.


The ancient New Year's custom of appeasing forest spirits with various gifts still lives in our homes. True, now many people are trying for symbolic animals from Eastern mythology. To please the Yellow Earth Dog, the mistress of 2018, you should decorate the main holiday attribute in accordance with the characteristics and character of the patroness who is preparing to take the reins of government.

The New Year's scenario “In the Family Circle” is intended for family celebrations.
Suitable for any generation: from young to old. The entertainment program is designed in such a way that no family member is left without attention and, of course, a gift. Official awards for successes in the outgoing year, competitions, games and gifts - all this will allow you to spend the outgoing year positively and celebrate the New Year 2018.

Any adult who will take on the responsibilities of the organizer can act as a presenter. The presenter will conduct competitions, games and present gifts. For the best effect, it is advisable that the presenter wear a Santa Claus costume or a Dog costume - the symbol of the coming 2018.

Musical accompaniment

The scenario contains music and dance competitions, for which you need to prepare a playlist in advance.
For the first one - music competition- where teams must guess the name of the song, you can take several familiar compositions:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
If only it weren't winter.
New Year's toys.
Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!
Sorcerers - Three white horses.
Five minutes.
Jingle Bells.
Happy New Year.

For a dance competition you need to prepare energetic New Year's compositions to suit your taste.


1. Certificates or medals for successes and achievements in the past year.
2. Music playlist for competitions.
3. New Year's letter.
4. Punch Box with gifts.
5. Blank bones for wishes.
6. Preparations for the “Understand Me” competition.
7. Christmas tree decorations for a competition of dexterity and intelligence.


Leading: New Year is coming soon. Is everyone ready to meet him? According to the good old tradition, let's remember what good happened in the past year?

(All family members remember funny stories, successes and simply memorable moments. The presenter should prepare certificates or medals in advance to reward everyone for something good that they did in the past year.)

Leading: And I haven’t forgotten about myself. Who will remember what my greatest achievement was? (everyone begins to remember and offer options; the presenter can choose any of the options or name his own). It is for this feat that I award myself a medal of honor! And now I propose to play one very interesting game.

Musical competition
Family members are divided into two teams. The presenter plays a musical composition and the team that is the first to guess the name or what movie/cartoon this song is from receives 1 point in the form of a marshmallow or candy.
The team with the most marshmallows at the end of the game wins.

Leading: On New Year’s Eve there is a tradition: to thank the outgoing year for all the good things and to meet the coming year with a smile and great ambitions.

Letter with “closed” eyes
You need to prepare a text message for the New Year 2018 in advance. Those places where adjectives should be remain empty. The rest of the text is hidden so that only spaces for adjectives remain. The task of everyone is to put in the empty space any adjective he wants. At the end, the presenter opens the rest of the text and reads the resulting message out loud.

For example:

New Year 2018 is coming. This is the year... of the Dog. We, ... family (last name), are sure that each of us will have ... a year ahead. It cannot be otherwise, because we ..., ... and ... . We thank the passing year for all the...events,...successes and...achievements that happened to us. We take all the good things with us, leaving the bad ones in the outgoing year.

Leading: What is New Year without gifts? Who wants to be the first to receive a gift from Santa Claus?

Game "Gift for almost nothing"
From a large box you need to make a so-called Punch Box with an even number of cells in which gifts will lie. Each cell is covered with paper or opaque film so that you cannot see what is in it. The presenter offers to receive a gift for everyone who wants it for a small action. When a person leaves, he pulls out a piece of paper with a task from the bag. If he fulfills it, then he breaks through the cell's barrier and takes out his gift.

The tasks can be varied, but are designed in such a way that any family member can complete them.

For example:

1. Tell a New Year's poem.
2. Promise to do something good in the new year.
3. Confess something you haven’t told anyone yet.
4. Give everyone present a kiss on the cheek or a hug.

Leading: There is almost nothing left until the New Year. It's time to make a wish.

Leading: People, as a rule, do not understand dog language and the poor animals need to try very hard to explain what they want. Now you need to divide into teams and choose a captain.

Competition "Understand Me"
The teams draw lots to see who starts first. The presenter has several pieces of paper in his hands, each with 1 word written on a New Year's theme. The captain’s task is to explain to his team, without words, what word is written on the piece of paper. The captain explains the words for a while. The more words his team guesses, the greater the chance of winning. The winning team gets to be the first to open their gifts when the New Year arrives.

Word options for guessing:
Christmas tree;
A bag with presents;
champagne cork;
Christmas tree decoration;
Olivier salad;
Snow Maiden;
Father Frost;

Dance competition
You need to break up into child-adult pairs.
The host plays a song for each couple, to which they must perform the best dance.
The winning couple receives a reward in the form of a diploma or medal.

Leading: The gifts don't end there. For the next competition, I ask you to divide into teams.

Competition for dexterity and intelligence
The presenter divides everyone present into 2 teams. If the family is large, there may be more teams.
Each team chooses a captain, who selects 1 package from the leader.
The bag contains improvised means with which the rest of the team will decorate the captain, making a Christmas tree out of him.
Each bag should contain different items (tinsel, toilet paper, Christmas tree decorations, etc.).
The more complex the means at hand, the more interesting the result will be, but you can also use ordinary Christmas tree supplies.

If time and desire allow, you can add a few more games and competitions to the entertainment program.

Game of predictions
The presenter invites everyone to take out the first thing they can get their hands on from the magic bag.

This will be the prediction for next year:
A chocolate coin means money.
Mirror - you will shine with indescribable beauty.
Keychain “Sneakers” or “Globe” - for unforgettable trips.
Chewing gum - get ready for passionate kisses.
A pen is success in any endeavor.
Candy - the year will be sweet.

The number of predictions depends on the number of people. Each person present should receive a mini-gift.

After this, the host offers to spend the outgoing year, toast to the New Year, to all the good things, and so that all your dreams come true in the New Year 2018.
Everyone prepares pieces of paper, writes wishes, burns them, pours the ashes into glasses with drinks and drinks them while the chimes strike.

The host offers to continue the holiday with fun outdoor games.

Winter quest
The game is suitable for children and parents, especially for owners of private houses.
The leader gives the team the first clue, which will encrypt where the second clue lies. And so, having guessed all the riddles, the players will get to the treasure - it could be a bag of gifts, for example. Children really like this game, but adults won’t mind taking part either.

Let's decorate everything around
Entertainment is only suitable on a private area and with a lot of snow. To paint on snow you need food coloring and water. You can first decorate the snow, and then all together make a large multi-colored snowman.

snow shot
We draw a huge target on the fence. Snowballs act as darts.
Instead of a fence, the targets could be balloons suspended lightly from trees.
The team that knocks down the most balls wins.

Sled racing
A true family entertainment suitable for parents and their children.
All participants are divided into teams. Children sit in the sled, and adults will drive. On command, players must run a certain distance faster and return to their place. This is a very fun and active entertainment that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The fastest janitor
A great competition that will amuse everyone and help clear the snow from the paths. For this competition you will need as many shovels as there are people participating. On command, each participant must clean a certain area faster than the others using a child’s shovel.

Competition "Filmography"
All guests are invited to remember films/cartoons with a New Year's plot. The participant or team with the most points wins.
Using the same principle, you can make a music competition. Players must remember songs that mention the words “new”, “year” or “dog”.

Sleight of hand and no fraud
You need to lay out various objects on the table. It is advisable that the table be round, so that it will be comfortable for all participants to walk around it.
Music plays, the presenter loudly names the object, and the one who manages to grab it faster than the others wins.
The one who collects the most items wins.

Guess who am I
It is best to use a tantamaresque, where you can insert a face so that the guesser cannot see which character he needs to guess. This will be even funnier than writing the name on your forehead or on paper.
The guesser's task is to ask the guests clarifying questions that can only be answered yes/no. The characters must be associated with the New Year: snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, New Year's toy, cracker, etc.

Excellent sense of smell
The participant is blindfolded and must rely only on his sense of smell. The presenter brings a certain object to him, the player will have to guess what is in front of him. Several players can participate at once. Then the winner will be the one who guesses the most items. You can use: fir branch, pine cone, champagne, sparklers, canned peas, tangerine.

Snow Maiden's braid
The competition is suitable for families with girls with long hair. They will act as the Snow Maiden. And the men will have to braid their Snow Maiden’s hair. The one who handles it more accurately and faster than the rest wins.

Not suitable for everyone, because... you need to dodge.
Players are divided into teams. Each team stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter makes it as difficult as possible to confuse each team. The captains' task is to untangle their team as quickly as possible, but they cannot unclasp their hands.

Tangerine mood
For this competition you will need two bags or buckets into which teams will throw tangerines from a distance. To make the task more difficult, each participant throws a tangerine on the leader's whistle. The team with the most tangerines in their bucket or bag wins.
You can change the conditions a little by blindfolding the participant.

Round dance
What would New Year be without a round dance! All participants must gather around the Christmas tree and dance in a circle.
Meanwhile, the presenter sings the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” but changes the verbs.
For example, a Christmas tree was born in the forest, it lay down in the forest... After that, all guests must quickly lie down. The one who lies down last is eliminated.

In order for there to be more people willing to participate in New Year’s competitions, you definitely need to take care of the awards. It may be a small thing, but it's still nice to get rewards for your efforts.

The New Year will be fun and interesting if all family members are active. The proposed New Year's scenario is suitable for every family. All that remains is to choose those games and competitions that will especially appeal to your family members.

Happy New Year 2018, with new happiness!

New Year's holidays began to be perceived as a kind of powerful recharge for the whole year. The question arises about how to spend the New Year 2018 bright and special, what ideas and tips to use, where to spend these magical days?

We will also try to somewhat systematize the general approach to celebrating the New Year. It is quite possible that these discussions will help someone with organizing a holiday and will become the basis for their own creative ideas.

General approach

Despite the fact that New Year's holidays from the very beginning of their history, and these are the times of Peter the Great, have been considered home holidays, modernity presents a lot of other options. The variety of choices always advantageously differs from a certain attitude, however, it sharply raises the question of an alternative.

Before you start looking for how and with whom to spend the New Year, it is necessary to conduct some analysis of the current circumstances:

- your status;

After all, if you are a happy member of a happy family, then the question of who to celebrate the holidays with disappears by itself. This issue is just as easily resolved for lovers, as well as best friends, etc. It is somewhat more difficult for people who are temporarily in a state of loneliness to decide, but they have their own recommendations.

— financial capabilities;

This is an important factor that greatly influences all our desires. Moreover, you should not “jump out of yourself”, forgetting that after the holidays the “carriage” usually turns into a “pumpkin”.

— consideration of counter offers that may be made for you.

In addition to the previous thoughts, it is necessary to decide how all three phases of the New Year holidays will take place, namely:

  • New Year's preparations;

No one disputes the assertion that preparing for a holiday is also a holiday, giving us a huge amount of emotions, high spirits and expectation of a miracle. How to spend the New Year 2018 will be helped by some popular and well-known ideas and tips, collected together to make the choice easier.

  • New year's night;

The culmination of the upcoming holiday, and this is how the festive night is perceived, should be truly magical. Which doesn't just mean unbridled fun, there are other options.

  • 10 holidays of the new year;

During this holiday period, you should also not sit at home, although no one has canceled warm, cozy evenings with your family. Thinking through an entertainment program for this period is an even more difficult task than deciding where to spend New Year's Eve; more on that below.

New Year's Eve at home

No matter how many options life and civilization offer us, this one will still remain the most desirable.

Pros of New Year's Eve at home:

  • rest and relaxation;
  • special aura and comfort;
  • the ability to behave as casually as possible;
  • the duration of the holiday is not limited in any way;
  • saving money;
  • enjoying home-cooked dishes;
  • choice of a more relaxed entertainment program.

You can spend the New Year's holiday at home not only with your family, although this option is traditionally a priority for everyone. Let's consider other ideas for celebrating the New Year 2018!

With relatives

This option is also traditionally considered one of the first, but there are small “buts” that must be approached with all seriousness:

- with which ones exactly;

This is a very important question, because folk wisdom has long stated the fact that close friends are always like relatives to us, but relatives are not always friends.

- dimensions of the apartment;

“In cramped conditions, but not offended” is not always comfortable. In addition, it is quite possible that you will have to accommodate guests for the night.

- your invited relatives will take part in the preparation of the holiday or not;

To avoid grievances that often spoil family relationships, it is better to agree “on the shore”, resolving everyday issues before the holiday, who, what, and for how much.

— the issue of gifts is discussed in advance so that the holiday passes without offense or awkwardness;

— The dress code is also negotiable.

With friends

If you are on fairly close terms with some friends, then celebrating the New Year together fits perfectly into the original history of the holiday, as a home holiday.

The different compositions of such a company dictate their own requirements for taking into account certain nuances. So, similar to the options described above, you need to think through everything in advance, taking into account the fact that:

  • a company of two or more families gathers;
  • families with or without children;
  • whether they will stay overnight or not;
  • a youth company is gathering.

Alternative options for celebrating the New Year

Our life is structured in such a way that we relax and celebrate holidays in three social environments:

  • your own family, a unit of society;
  • relatives;
  • Friends.

We have already discussed options for traditional New Year celebrations in this composition. How to spend the New Year 2018 in the company of these people, using other ideas and tips, we will consider separately.

The most popular include:

  • cafe Restaurant;
  • travel outside the city to cottages in forest park areas, as well as to holiday homes;
  • extreme New Year's holiday in the wild;

If you don’t know how to spend the New Year 2018, use extreme ideas and tips. However, with this choice of option for celebrating the New Year, a fairly large company is required, solely for safety.

- at the hotel;

You should reserve a room well before the holidays. In addition, you should ask in advance whether there will be a festive program on New Year's Eve.

— at the skating rink, near the city Christmas tree;

The impressions from such an active New Year's Eve will last for more than one year; it will become one of the most exciting events in your life. By the way, this option can be perfectly combined with both a home celebration and a celebration in a cafe. You can visit the ice show and be a participant in it either before the start of the festive feast or closer to the chimes, after taking a short break.

— while traveling around the country or abroad.

Discos and nightclubs

Surely a very large number of young people, not burdened by family ties, will make just such a choice. These establishments have long become an integral part of the everyday life of modern youth. It is quite reasonable to expect that discos and nightclubs will not be excluded from the list of options for celebrating the New Year 2018.

However, if you decide not to cheat on yourself, or, on the contrary, to do it for the first time (and when else, if not on New Year’s Eve), then you must fulfill several conditions for a safe holiday. So, before you book entrance tickets for December 31 to an unknown club or disco, you need to:

— carefully and comprehensively check the reputation of the chosen institution;

You can also make a choice of a disco or nightclub, using the list of already proven and reliable ones. The reputation of an establishment can also be tracked by reviews on social networks.

— girls definitely need male accompaniment;

The best option would be to go to a nightlife entertainment venue to celebrate the New Year with a small group of close friends or relatives.

Corporate event

As a rule, the New Year is not celebrated so often with co-workers, unless it is a small group of like-minded people and close friends, as well as a group of co-workers who are relatives.

The fact is that just socializing outside of work is quite normal, but to celebrate the New Year you need to be a member of one of the three listed groups. However, for a number of reasons and life circumstances, there are also night New Year’s corporate parties, if there is a preliminary agreement for this.

For a lonely person, this option for celebrating the New Year is a lifeline so as not to drown in melancholy when everyone around is celebrating and having fun.

It should be noted that we begin to celebrate on the morning of December 31st, so it is quite possible to fill this day with different options for entertainment events. This marathon can also be considered a creative way to celebrate the New Year.

Continuation of the holiday

When deciding how to spend the New Year 2018, using various ideas and tips, do not forget to create an entertainment program for the next 10 holiday days.

It doesn’t have to be boredom at home with overeating and too much sleep. The most popular holiday options on this longest weekend of the year are:

— organizing travel is a great idea for celebrating the New Year 2018;

In recent years, an increasing number of Russians prefer this type of New Year's holiday. You can visit a fairly large number of interesting tourist places in our country, or you can go on a trip abroad if you haven’t already planned it for New Year’s Eve.

— visiting cultural and entertainment events in your city;

In our city or region, we are not able to visit all the attractions; workload on weekdays is always the reason for this. You don’t have to plan long trips for the holiday weekend; every city has something to see.

— dedicating holidays to health;

Such a simple idea finds more and more adherents every year. Fashion to look good and be healthy requires you not to relax even on holidays. Moreover, the mood, lightness and high spirits that simple walks or jogging in the fresh air bring are comparable only to the very anticipation of the New Year's holiday.

Skating rinks and ski tracks await their visitors in the coming year - this is the most valuable advice for spending the New Year holidays in 2018.

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