How to care for your bikini area. How to care for pubic hair Walnut shell tincture

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Now more than ever, procedures to help get rid of unwanted body hair are relevant. The widespread demand for hair removal forces the creation of new methods of hair removal.

Smooth skin in the bikini area and thighs looks neat and allows you to wear swimsuits without embarrassment. Many representatives of the fair sex prefer a deep bikini. This is a procedure for complete hair removal from the intimate area (pubic area, labia, perineal area).

The name “deep bikini” comes from Brazil, since this country is the origin of epilation of the bikini area.

It is better to carry out the procedure in special salons, with an experienced specialist, to obtain the best result. But you can also get rid of unwanted hair at home, you just have to figure out which method is right for you.

Epilation and depilation: is there a difference?

There are two types of hair removal procedure: hair removal and depilation. Those who believe that there is no difference between them are greatly mistaken.

Epilation is the complete removal of hair along with hair follicles.

After this procedure, hair growth in the epilated area completely stops.

It is impossible to do it at home. Special salons provide this service using special equipment, and it is called laser hair removal. Its cost is high, but you can get rid of unwanted hair forever.

Depilation is the removal of the body of hair located on the surface of the skin. It does not imply a long-term effect, so the hair grows back over time. However, the time for prolonged skin smoothness depends on the chosen depilation method. You can depilate the deep bikini area at home.

Procedure at home - what you need to know?

How to make a deep bikini yourself? For those who, for whatever reason, are planning to depilate the bikini area at home, it is worth preparing for this procedure and taking into account a couple of tips.

  1. Before preparing, you should choose the method by which the hair removal procedure will be carried out. There are several of them: waxing, sugaring, hair removal with tweezers or an epilator, shaving. We'll look at all the methods in more detail later;
  2. The first thing to do is take a shower, or simply wash your bikini area using a scrub containing salicylic acid. It will help to better clean and open pores;
  3. No cosmetic products for moisturizing or nourishing the skin should be applied to the epilated area, otherwise the effect will be unsuccessful;
  4. For those who are sensitive to pain, you can take a painkiller half an hour before the procedure (just not aspirin, otherwise bruises will appear);
  5. The convenience of a deep bikini procedure will depend on the correct position chosen. The best option would be a standing position with one leg placed on a chair;
  6. After a deep bikini, you should not visit the beach, pool, or gym for a couple of days.

Methods of depilation at home

For preparation you will need: 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 teaspoon of citric acid (these proportions are designed for depilation of the deep bikini area).

The resulting mixture is placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom and placed on low heat. It should not bubble; it is necessary to control so that the mixture melts evenly.

During simmering, the mixture will turn from light yellow to brown. As soon as this becomes noticeable, you must immediately remove the mixture from the heat and pour it into another container to cool.

If the paste sticks to your hands, it is not prepared correctly.

Now you need to take another container of water to wet your hands. Apply the paste to the deep bikini area in the direction of hair growth; this should be done with little force so that the paste adheres tightly to the skin.

Then you need to wait 10 seconds, grab the edge of the paste and sharply pull in the opposite direction. You should not depilate a large area of ​​skin at once, otherwise painful sensations cannot be avoided, and in the deep bikini area it will be even more painful.

The result is effective, all hair is completely removed. Sugaring will need to be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Deep bikini hair removal methods

  • Waxing.

Otherwise called waxing. The procedure helps to achieve excellent hair removal results, but requires a certain skill. The length of the hair in the deep bikini area should be at least 5 mm and no more than 7. If the hair is longer, it should be carefully shortened with scissors, and if it is shorter, then you should wait until it grows to the required length.

When waxing, liquid wax is applied to the skin, after it hardens, it is sharply torn from the skin area. The procedure is painful, so you should prepare for it. For hair removal with wax, 2 types are used: hard (hot) and soft (warm).

For bikinis, the best option is to use hot wax. This way the procedure will be less painful, because the hot wax will steam the skin well, the pores will expand better, and the removal will be better.

Apply a layer of wax in the direction of hair growth. A special strip of fabric is glued on top of it, pressed tightly, and then sharply torn off in the direction of hair growth. Repeat the procedure until hair is completely removed.

In the deep bikini area, wax must be applied to all areas. At the end of waxing, the skin to be epilated is disinfected with an antiseptic, and then a softening cream is applied. The effect of wax hair removal lasts about 2 weeks;

  • Electric epilator.

This is a good option for those who save their time. Deep epilation of the bikini area with such a device is painful, although there are now epilators on sale with attachments that can reduce pain after hair removal.

This is especially good for a deep bikini. But you should still take a hot bath before the procedure to steam the skin.

When using the epilator, it is directed against hair growth, while pulling the skin in the opposite direction. After hair removal is completed, the skin is lubricated with an antimicrobial agent and then with a nourishing cream. Smooth, hair-free skin lasts for two weeks.

How to care for your skin after hair removal?

After hair removal and depilation, the deep bikini area needs careful care. The hair of this part of the body performs a protective function. They prevent the penetration of microbes and dirt into the mucous membrane, which disrupt the microflora. After getting rid of hair, hygiene procedures should be carried out in the bikini area to preserve the natural environment of the mucous membrane and health, respectively.

The epilated area requires good and constant hydration. For this purpose, various water-based cosmetics are used.

Immediately after epilation, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with cream to avoid irritation.

It is worth remembering that the skin after hair removal should not be allowed to get wet for several hours. Saunas, baths, and swimming in the sea should be avoided. To avoid ingrown hairs, you must regularly use treasures and then creams for sensitive skin.

How quickly new hairs grow is influenced by both the woman’s physiology and the chosen hair removal method. But still, each time after removal, the hair that grows back will be thinner in structure. And in order for the regrowth process to slow down, immediately after hair removal you need to use a special cream for slow hair growth.

Are there any contraindications for depilation, and what are the indications?

Even for depilation, there are situations when it is contraindicated:

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  3. Diabetes mellitus of any type;
  4. Various inflammatory formations on the skin, especially ulcerative or purulent in nature;
  5. Viral diseases;
  6. Presence of herpes virus;
  7. Allergic reaction, including to components used for hair removal procedures.

If the listed diseases are absent, you can safely proceed to depilation. For hair removal, in addition to contraindications, there are a couple of indications:

  1. The presence of unwanted vegetation on the skin;
  2. Special requirements related to professional activities, both for women and men, can also serve as an indication. This applies to athletes and models.

No woman will refuse smooth and beautiful skin, unless there are special contraindications. Therefore, before any type of depilation, the skin needs careful preparation to possibly prevent an undesirable effect.

It is worth considering the length of the hairs in the deep bikini area to be epilated; they should not be too long or too short, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

In addition, pre-procedure preparation requires compliance with hygiene standards, that is, the bikini area must be clean to prevent dirt from entering and infecting the skin and mucous membranes. And after hair removal, the bikini area needs to be dried and disinfected. By following these simple recommendations, you can achieve smooth and clear skin in a deep bikini. Being beautiful is not so easy, but the result is worth the effort.

For more information about hair removal with sugar paste, watch the following video.

Pubic hair can be difficult to deal with sometimes. Firstly, it's awkward and awkward to ask your friends or family for advice - you can't just walk up and ask, "Wax or shave?" And secondly, you need to know how to care for these delicate areas, as mishandling your pubic hair can cause razor burn, ingrown hairs and other problems. Luckily, this handy guide will walk you through the ins and outs of caring for those pesky pubic hairs, whether you're a girl or a boy.


Part 1

How to keep your hair clean and well-groomed

    Wash your hair with mild soap. It's not just the hair on your head that needs washing—your pubic hair needs love and attention, too. Every time you shower or bathe, use a mild, unscented soap to wash your pubic hair. Be careful - if you pull the hair at the bottom, it will hurt!

    Keep your hair short. Even if you don't remove hair, you should keep it clean. The best way to do this is by cutting your hair! The best tool is small nail scissors, preferably with blunt ends. This will give you maneuverability and reduce the chances of cutting yourself. Just set them aside somewhere private to be used only for trimming your pubic hair.

    • Avoid using large scissors as they are difficult (and dangerous) to use. You can use an ear or nose clipper, but make sure you use a blade protector. Never use an electric razor with rotating heads, as they cause pain in the groin area.
    • To trim pubic hair, pull the hair away from the body and trim slowly and carefully as close to the skin as possible. If you want, you can comb your hair first, then trim the hair by pulling it out with a comb. You should rely on your feelings during this process, although it is worth checking your progress with a hand mirror from time to time.
    • Make sure you remove all hair after you've finished cutting, as it's tactless to leave hair all over the bathroom (especially if it's a shared one). If possible, cut your hair over a bowl so that you can easily rinse off any loose hair after the cut is finished.

Part 2

  1. Shave your hair. Shaving is the most popular method when it comes to removing pubic hair, as it is cheap, easy, relatively painless and free of awkwardness. You'll need a mild shaving cream or unscented gel (both men and women should use women's shaving cream as it's the gentlest), preferably one made specifically for removing pubic hair, and a new razor (dull blades are less effective and may cause skin irritation).

    Try depilatory cream. Depilatory creams are a great option for those who want to tidy up their bikini area with minimal pain. These hair removal creams work by using harsh chemicals to dissolve the hair so that it can be easily removed from the skin.

    • Since these chemicals are very harsh (as indicated by their strong odor), it is not recommended to use depilatory creams to remove all pubic hair because they can cause skin irritation and even chemical burns.
    • Before using depilatory cream, it is worth trimming the hair you want to get rid of. This will reduce the consumption of funds. Wear old underwear that you are not afraid of getting stained with cream. Use underwear to define the boundaries of the cream application so that the cream does not get on your delicate parts of the body.
    • Leave the cream on your bikini or panty line for the time indicated on the package. Never Do not leave the cream on the skin for longer than recommended on the packaging as this may cause harm to the skin. Once the time is up, wipe off or rinse off the cream as directed on the package. Unwanted hair will be removed along with the cream.
  2. Do waxing. Waxing is an effective hair removal method that eliminates unwanted hair for 2-4 weeks. There are many ways to remove hair: you can remove hair from the lingerie area, leave a strip, or remove all hair using Brazilian hair removal. This applies to both men and women, although it is not recommended to wax hair in the sensitive area of ​​the testicles.

    • Waxing is the application of hot, sticky wax to the areas where you want to remove hair. A cloth strip is placed over the wax and then torn off, removing the wax and hair along with it.
    • Because the hair is removed from the root, it takes much longer to grow back than with other hair removal methods such as shaving, which cuts the hair above the skin. However, waxing can be expensive, so despite the long periods of time between treatments, it's not the cheapest solution.
    • Although it is possible to do waxing at home, if you have never waxed before, it is better to visit a professional salon for this procedure. It is worth noting that waxing is painful, especially in such a sensitive area, although over time hair growth will slow down and pain will decrease.
  3. Consider electrolysis or laser hair removal. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are two procedures that can permanently remove or reduce the amount of pubic hair. Electrolysis is the only way to completely remove hair. An electrical current is passed through the hair follicle, destroying the hair root and preventing new hair from growing.

  4. Think about the image a la naturel. It is important to understand that the decision to remove pubic hair is a personal decision. So while full groin hair removal is becoming increasingly popular these days, you shouldn't give in to the pressure if it's not what you really want.

    • If you keep the area clean and cared for, there is no reason to remove pubic hair for hygienic reasons. Many people remove hair solely for aesthetic reasons.
    • It's important to know that many men and women choose the natural approach and allow their hair to grow the way they want. So, whichever option you choose, always remember that it is completely normal!

Part 3

how to deal with other problems
  1. Get rid of irritation. Irritation is an integral part of the hair removal process, and no matter which option you choose, you will have to deal with irritation at least initially. To minimize the number of red dots, you can:

    • Exfoliate the area using a gentle sugar scrub. It will help you get rid of dead skin cells and allow your skin to breathe. If you don't have a sugar scrub on hand, simply mix baking soda and water to create a paste that has a similar effect.
    • Moisturize the area with a mild, unscented lotion. Baby lotions and oils, as well as moisturizers with aloe vera, are popular products that soothe the skin.
    • Wear loose clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Your skin needs air to repair itself, so don't wear leather pants immediately after waxing or shaving. Try wearing cotton underwear and skirts or loose pants for the first few days after hair removal.
  2. Get rid of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can be painful and even lead to infection if left untreated. They appear during the growth phase of new hair after shaving or waxing. If you have ingrown hairs in the groin area, you can get rid of them as follows:

    • Take a hot shower or bath to soften the skin around your hair and open up your pores. Pat the area dry with a clean towel, then take sterilized tweezers and, using pressure on the other end, pull out the hair.
    • Apply a small amount of astringent, let it dry, and then put on breathable cotton underwear. Continue applying the astringent over the next few days until the skin recovers.

Hair removal in the bikini area is carried out to maintain aesthetic appearance and hygiene. In addition, the intimate area becomes more sexually attractive. Depilation is characterized by plucking the hair with various tools, such as thread, wax, tweezers or an epilator, i.e. cutaneous relief. The hair follicle is injured and the root is partially removed. The result is short-lived and lasts for 7-10 days. An absolute contraindication is pregnancy and breastfeeding. You will learn more about tidying up your bikini area in today's article.

Differences between epilation and depilation

It is worth abandoning this method in case of ingrowth, constant irritation, hypersensitivity of the skin, and also if there are more hard formations than vellus ones.

Epilation implies long-term relief. From a few months to a lifelong effect. The hair is destroyed along with the follicle.

Types of hair removal in the bikini area

Depending on the volume of unwanted vegetation, removal can be:

  • Classic. Only along the edge of the panties, i.e. from non-overlapping areas.
  • Deep. From the pubis and inner thigh.
  • Intergluteal. Often comes as a complement to the first two types.
  • Total. This means “cleaning” the pubis, the folds between the buttocks, the buttocks themselves and the labia. The Brazilian bikini is made with intimate haircuts or tattoos in order not to interrupt the design.

Preparatory stage

It is important that the skin is not damaged. Two weeks before epilation of the bikini area, you need to start growing your hair. The required length is 4-5 mm for better grip of the rod.

During the same period, you should stop tanning sessions, both in a solarium and in the open sun.

You should not apply any cosmetics the day before to avoid burns. Prohibitions also include any plucking or pulling.


For women with a reduced sensitivity threshold, as well as during menstruation, the procedure is most painful. In addition, the pain intensifies when treating the area where the skin meets the mucous membrane.

At the client’s request, the master uses local anesthetics based on lidocaine in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, etc. The most famous brands are Emla 5%, Xylocaine, Anestol. In the bikini area, creams are more convenient because they do not get on the labia minora.

Depending on the amount applied and the waiting time, the intensity of anesthesia changes. You need to understand that the remedy will not completely relieve pain, but will only reduce its manifestation by 50%.

With each subsequent session, the discomfort decreases and in the future you can do without this stage.

Epilation during menstruation

Many women are concerned about whether hair removal in the bikini area is allowed during menstruation. Yes, provided you use a sanitary tampon or menstrual cup. However, during this period, for some women, sensitivity increases, while for others, on the contrary, it decreases, which is worth taking into account.

Depilation methods

You can quickly and painlessly remove unwanted vegetation as follows:

  • Shaving

Today it is the most popular method. Manufacturers have released a special line of machines for the bikini area. It is characterized by a shortened blade and defined sliding stripes. Shaving, unfortunately, causes stiffness and darkening of the hedgehog. If the skin is sensitive, then there is a high probability of ingrown hairs.

The very next day prickliness appears.

  • Chemicals

Available in the form of lotions, creams, sprays. The principle of operation is based on applying a thin layer and removing it with a special device after some time. The substance dissolves the outer part of the stumps.

The duration of the effect is 5-10 days.

  • Epilators

An electrical device with many built-in tweezers pulls out the rod. Many models are equipped with different attachments and trimmers to reduce discomfort.

The results last for a maximum of two weeks.

Available in the form of ready-made strips and solid gel. Using a spatula, apply the heated liquid mass and harden. After a few minutes, the film is torn off along with the hairs with a sharp movement. The method copes well with density. Depilation can be carried out both at home and in a cosmetology office.

The warm variety of wax is much more effective and painless. Cold ready-made devices are not able to cope with the tough vegetation of a deep bikini.

Waxing lasts for a month.

  • Sugaring

The main ingredient used is sugar paste. The caramel spreads over the bikini in a thin layer and comes off immediately.

The effect lasts about three weeks.

  • Phytoresin

The principle is similar to sugaring. The only difference is in the product - it uses a soft composition of natural ingredients (honey, walnut extract, lemon juice, etc.).

The result lasts about 14 days.

Hair removal methods

Long-term interruption of hair growth guarantees:

  • Laser ray

Light, affecting melanin, destroys hair follicles. In order not to injure the epidermis, sessions are required at intervals of at least a month.

It comes in alexandrite, diode and ruby. The first is used if the vegetation is darker than a light blond shade. The latter type is only used for dark, black fuzz on dark-skinned clients. The most efficient diode.

The result is permanent smoothness with a one-time maintenance procedure once a year.

  • Electrolysis

The device processes each hair. An electric current passes through the rod and destroys it, so a lot of time is wasted

The method is not suitable for many girls due to increased sensitivity in the pubic and perineal area.

After completing the full course, the bikini area remains smooth forever, but in case of hormonal changes, exceptions are possible.

  • Photoepilation

A pulsed beam of light destroys the bulb containing the melanin pigment at any depth. At the same time, the beam “seals” the vessels feeding the hair root.

A course of 6-10 sessions is required.

  • Enzymatic destruction

The idea is to apply an enzyme substance to the bikini area and expose it to elevated temperatures. After waiting, the area is treated with cold wax.

Among the contraindications, individual intolerance to the drugs used should be highlighted.

The follicle is destroyed under the influence of an ultrasound beam that combines electromagnetic and light waves.

A course of 7-12 procedures is required.

The result will last a lifetime with rare manipulations twice a year.

The nuances of epilation of male intimate places

The fight against unwanted hair in men is also popular. Due to the fact that the hair is thicker and coarser than that of women, the stronger half of humanity is more prone to waxing.

Among the subtleties of depilation, excess skin in the genital area should be highlighted, which increases the likelihood of damage to the scrotum. Often during the session, an erection of the penis occurs, which is why you need to use a contraceptive.

Because the hair is thicker and the area removed is larger, prices are often double that.

Negative consequences

Follow-up skin care

Immediately after epilating the bikini area, you should wear loose underwear made from natural materials to prevent irritation.

  • During the first 24 hours, frequently apply a healing cream, for example, Bepanten.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse or take a hot bath for two days.
  • Do not rub the treated area.
  • On the 4th day, scrub the skin and moisturize it.

Fighting ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are a common problem after removing unwanted growth from such a delicate area. If pustules appear, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Take a five-minute bath with a few drops of tea tree oil and a handful of sea salt.
  2. Douche with intimate hygiene product and thoroughly dry the pubis and perineum.
  3. Treat the ingrown hair and thin needle with alcohol.
  4. Use the tool to pry up the tubercle and pull it out with tweezers.
  5. Wipe the wound with an antiseptic (for example, Miramistin).


Average prices in Moscow:

*prices are indicated in rubles for one procedure.

None of us are surprised anymore by the speed with which fashion or beauty trends emerge. What about bikini area trends? Imagine, they not only exist, but also change from season to season. To keep up with fashion, the site studied the most innovative, strange, and sometimes dangerous approaches to intimate hygiene and asked a specialist for his opinion on this matter.

Dye your hair a new color or cover yourself in glitter - why not? Organizing a steam bath with wormwood and then applying a whitening mask is easy! And if earlier we considered such rituals in relation only to our face or hair, today these techniques are successfully used in the area, let’s say, below the belt.

Yes, yes, all of the above beauty manipulations can be performed to please your own... vagina. To make their intimate area attractive, women really go to all sorts of tricks - and we’re not talking about banal Brazilian hair removal. There are more exotic and even radical trends, and we will talk about them in this material.

It makes sense to take note of some of these methods of caring for the bikini area, but we do not recommend repeating some tricks on your own. A gynecologist will help us figure out what’s what, as well as separate effective advice from absurd and even dangerous ones.

Pubic hair coloring

Dyeing hair on the head and even in the armpit area (Miley Cyrus was guilty of this a couple of years ago) is no longer so interesting. Today it's time for pubic hair. Initially, this beauty procedure was done by women after forty years of age, who had already begun to show gray hairs. For this, manufacturers have developed a dye with a special gentle composition, which differs from hair dye on the head.

Remember the episode from Sex and the City when Samantha decided to paint over her gray pubic hair, but ended up with an unexpected red color.

However, now the younger generation is also interested in “upgrading”. True, pink, blue and other unexpected colors are now trending.

Dagmara Kolgaeva, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Center for Gynecology, Reproductive and Aesthetic Medicine at the MEDSI Clinical Hospital on Pyatnitskoye Highway, claims that the procedure for dyeing pubic hair is relatively safe, but the rules must be followed. “Firstly, you need to use special paint intended for the intimate area. Regular hair dye can cause severe irritation and even chemical burns. Secondly, it is necessary to conduct a test on a small area of ​​skin to check if there is an allergic reaction,” warns the specialist.

Multi-stage care

Comprehensive care for the bikini area is no less important than for the face. Cleansing gel, cleansing scrub, acid peeling, toner, soothing mask and moisturizer. It is recommended to finish the procedure by applying hygienic lipstick for the vagina (yes, yes, there is such a thing!). Some cosmetologists insist that only such multi-stage care will help the skin in the intimate area remain tightened and moisturized.

All these manipulations also exfoliate the skin and help prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. According to Dr. Kolgaeva, there is nothing harmful from a medical point of view in the procedure. The only thing worth paying attention to is individual sensitivity to certain components - the skin and mucous membranes of the intimate area are characterized by increased sensitivity.

Hair transplantation in the pubic area

It seems that the Brazilian hair removal craze is gradually becoming a thing of the past. How else can we explain the fact that Asian women often prefer to have hair transplants in the intimate area? The fact is that after several decades of continuous removal of vegetation in the bikini area, the hair there begins to grow very poorly. That is why it is possible to acquire them again only by transplanting bulbs from the head.

Supposedly in Asia, pubic hair is considered a sign of sexual health.

However, Dagmara does not advise carrying out the procedure, because it is quite traumatic. In addition, there is a high risk of inflammatory processes. Often the consequences of surgery are scars and scars that can remain for life.

Dye for... clitoris

With age, the vaginal mucosa, labia minora and clitoris become pale in color because the natural pigment is washed out. Many ladies are not at all happy with this arrangement of things and they use genital dye.

The at-home blending kit, called My New Pink Button, comes in several shades and promises to "bring back the glow and pinkness of your vagina to make it look like a young woman." Doctors do not advise being fooled by tempting slogans, because there is a risk of irritation and allergies.

Infrared steam baths with wormwood

“You sit on a kind of throne, and the combination of infrared waves with the steam from the brewed mugwort cleanses the uterus. This is not just an analogue of a shower: this procedure balances estrogen levels, helps fight painful periods and even treats infertility,” teaches the recently greatly enlightened Gwyneth Paltrow. It turns out that they have been doing this in Korea for hundreds of years, and the actress is sure that hundreds of thousands of women cannot be wrong. In fact, such steam baths are a dubious idea. Not only does the procedure dry out the mucous membrane, but it can also lead to the proliferation of bacteria and yeast in the vagina. “The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of vaginitis, but can only be carried out in complex therapy with suppositories,” insists the gynecologist.

Whitening intimate areas

If many have heard about anal bleaching, then the same procedure, but in the bikini area, became popular relatively recently. The causes of darkening of the skin of the intimate area may be a violation of pigment metabolism, insolation, hormonal changes, and frequent hair removal. The most effective way to solve the problem is laser whitening or laser depigmentation.

According to Dagmara, the procedure is completely safe, but only if performed by a qualified doctor in a specialized clinic using modern equipment. The process involves evaporation of hypermented areas of skin with a laser, followed by exfoliation. There are also various whitening creams, but experts do not recommend using them due to the risk of burns.

Intimate capsules with glitter

“Do you want to surprise your loved one? Add a little sparkle!” - urges American Lola Von-Kerius, creator of special capsules with glitter. They need to be placed inside the vagina several hours before sex. They are otherwise called “Dust of Passion”. The “pill” shell dissolves under the influence of body heat, releasing sparkles that not only make a woman literally glow from the inside, but also add natural lubricant taste and aroma. At the same time, the manufacturer assures that this innovation is completely safe for health.

“Natural lubrication is a good environment for glitter; you don’t have to worry about the sharp edges of the glitter damaging your vaginal walls,” Lola says. However, our expert does not share the opinion of the entrepreneur. According to Dr. Kolgaeva, placing a foreign body in the vagina, which also dissolves under the influence of heat, is not a good idea. The risk of microcenosis disturbance, changes in acidity, damage to the mucous membrane and, as a result, infection with various infections increases.

Virginity restoration

In the twenty-first century, hymenoplasty is not considered something unusual. Mostly, Muslim women from Orthodox families decide to undergo the operation: before the wedding, it may be necessary to restore the hymen, so as not to present an unpleasant surprise to the husband.

Sometimes women who have already given birth or married couples come to the appointment, for whom this is a kind of game of self-purification, an opportunity to start all over again.

In our material about hymenoplasty, we said that there are two types of surgery: short-term (under local anesthesia) and long-term (under general anesthesia). The first option is carried out when there are only a few weeks (or even days) left before sexual intercourse. In this case, only the petals of the torn hymen are sewn together. If sex is planned in about three months, then a long-term option is made - a fold is formed from the walls of the vagina using a three-layer plastic procedure (from the mucous, submucosal and muscular layers). Dagmara assures that this is a fairly simple and safe procedure. The skill of the doctor is important here: in addition to surgery, he must also have a gynecological education.

Jade eggs for vagina

Gwyneth Paltrow did not stop at calling for steam baths with wormwood as often as possible. The actress suggests placing a jade egg the size of a golf ball into the vagina and walking around with it for several hours a day. In this way, the woman allegedly feeds on the energy of jade, gets rid of negativity with the help of the stone, not to mention the fact that the pelvic floor muscles are seriously pumped up.

In addition, reproductive health, the quality of orgasms, the tone of the vaginal muscles are improved and a balance of female energy is achieved. According to Gwyneth, the method was used by concubines in Ancient China to stay “in shape.” But according to gynecologists, this can lead to infection and even toxic shock. The vaginal muscles are not designed to be in constant contact with any object.

Intimate plastic surgery

Many people believe that aesthetic gynecology is just a tribute to fashion. However, according to our expert, this is not a whim, but a necessity - you should not perceive it as some kind of excess. 80% of patients want to tone the vaginal muscles after childbirth and narrow the entrance to it. In addition, after the birth of a child, a young mother may experience discomfort during sex. This likely means that she was left with a painful scar in a hurry during childbirth, which could have a negative impact on marital life. It is polished with a laser in three minutes.

Complaints about the unaesthetic appearance of the intimate area are also a good reason for a visit to a plastic surgeon-gynecologist.

Dr. Kolgaeva confirms that one of the most common operations in intimate gynecology is the correction of hypertrophy of the labia minora. Very often, an increase in their size leads to discomfort, stiffness, psychological problems, and discord in relationships between partners. In her medical practice, she also met women who needed plastic surgery due to serious medical problems. “For example, a gaping genital slit, in addition to sexual discomfort, increases the risk of developing infections and disrupting microcenosis. Weakening of the perineal muscles leads to prolapse of the genital organs. We help patients not only improve their health, but also begin to enjoy sex again,” said the gynecologist.

If you believe all the old descriptions, then removing unwanted body hair was more reminiscent of sophisticated torture than an ordinary cosmetic procedure. Modern removal methods can also be called a pleasure only with a very big stretch, but fortunately every year new techniques appear that allow you to minimize all the unpleasant sensations from this procedure.

We bring to your attention an overview of a variety of methods for caring for the bikini area, so that you can independently evaluate both their pros and cons.

Not all methods are suitable for hair removal in such a delicate area as the bikini. All this, of course, is purely individual, and in many ways, tolerance to such methods completely depends on your pain threshold. But only real heroines can decide to remove hair in the bikini area using tweezers or an electric epilator. What's the point of enduring such intense pain? Also, experts do not recommend removing hair in the bikini area using cold wax. Let’s look at the most common and most suitable methods, which you can use both in the salon and at home.

The simplest and most proven method of caring for the bikini area is shaving the hairs with a razor. In this case, the hair is simply cut off from the surface of the skin, while its bulb is always preserved, unlike hair removal. The popularity of the method lies in its accessibility, and the use of various cosmetics that slow down hair growth can significantly prolong its effect. You can carry out the procedure before your vacation and repeat it as needed throughout the swimming season.

The advantages of the method lie in its simplicity and absolute cost-effectiveness, both in terms of time and money. Moreover, this is probably the only method that is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

The disadvantage is that hair grows back literally the next day. It is also often quite difficult to completely and accurately remove all hairs, especially in the deep bikini area. Redness and irritation of the skin are quite common, which can be avoided by applying emollients and soothing products after shaving.

Lotions and creams
These products, which temporarily eliminate excess body hair as an alternative to scarce razor blades, appeared back in the 40s of the last century. Since then, they have improved and become less aggressive in their effects. They are produced for a variety of parts of the body, including bikinis. The cream must be applied to the skin and carefully distributed with a special spatula. And after the time required for hair removal has passed, simply rinse with water. After this, the hair grows back quite quickly, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person and takes 1-3 days.

Emollients will help to avoid possible skin irritation in the bikini area after depilatory cream. You can depilate with cream immediately before going on vacation. The most important thing is not to forget to take any skin soothing product with you. You should not sunbathe immediately after the procedure. The main thing to remember is that for the bikini area you can only use a cream that is specifically designed for this - a cream for leg depilation is absolutely not suitable for this.

The advantages include, as in the previous method, simplicity, accessibility and low cost. Moreover, this method allows you to achieve thorough hair removal even in all hard-to-reach places of the bikini area. The hair that grows back will be much softer and cause much less discomfort.

The disadvantage is the possibility of new hair growing too quickly and skin irritation. It is worth especially noting that depilatory creams are among those cosmetic products that cause the most allergic reactions. Therefore, they should be avoided by allergy sufferers and a skin reaction test must be carried out first. It is recommended to do it at least 48 hours before the procedure.

Bioepilation (waxing)
According to legend, Nefertiti herself invented hair removal using wax. Currently, wax depilation is quite accessible both in the salon and at home. There is warm and hot wax, which is more suitable for the bikini area. In salons, the most common depilation involves removing hair in all areas that can be seen when you are wearing bikini panties. In the case of a “deep bikini”, all hairs are completely removed, including those located around the labia, as well as between the buttocks. The effect of wax depilation will be greatly enhanced by the use of special products that slow down hair growth and prevent ingrown hairs.

The advantage of this method is thorough hair removal for a longer period of time (at least two to three weeks). At the same time, the hairs subsequently become thinner, becoming softer and less noticeable over time, appearing more and more slowly each time.

Disadvantages: this is a rather painful procedure, in addition, it has a number of contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance. These are pregnancy and epilepsy, various skin diseases of benign origin and some others. When performing the procedure at home, there is a high probability of getting burned from too hot wax. You must be extremely careful and carefully study the instructions.

During this procedure, hair is destroyed due to the fact that an electrical impulse passes through a thin needle, which is inserted under the skin, as a result of which the hair is literally destroyed by electric current “at the root.” After such hair removal, a crust forms on the skin, which heals in one to three weeks. That is why this method is unacceptable in cases where you have tickets to warmer climes.

The advantage of this method is that with one course of such hair removal you can get rid of and even forget about unwanted hairs forever. Moreover, today this is the only method in which there are no restrictions not only on hair color, but also skin color.

Disadvantages: this is a very painful procedure, although anesthesia can partially smooth out these sensations. Also, the procedure will take a lot of time. In addition, the procedure is fraught with various complications. Quite often, scars and micro burns, pigmentation and swelling are formed. The salon should familiarize you with the full list of contraindications.

In this case, hair removal occurs under the influence of heat and light, with the destruction of hair pigment and coagulation of the vessels that carry nutrition to the hair follicles. To completely get rid of hair using photoepilation, you will need at least ten procedures, which should be carried out at intervals of two or even three months. If the beach season is just around the corner, then a one-time photoepilation session will not help you get your bikini area in order. The cost of this procedure depends on the number of flashes produced. For the bikini area, you will need from twenty to sixty such flashes. Anesthesia is also considered separately.

The advantages of this method of caring for the bikini area include the possibility of almost complete, but gradual, removal of unwanted hair. To do this you will need to be patient and have a sufficient amount of money. More recently, technology has emerged that combines light and vacuum to provide a procedure that is almost completely free of discomfort.

Disadvantages: the procedure itself is painful, the redness caused by it does not go away within several days. Blonde and red hair cannot be photoepilated. The list of contraindications is quite large, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the procedure. You should also avoid exposure to the sun to avoid burns 5-6 days before the procedure and at least 3-4 days after its completion. In addition, try to avoid visiting a solarium and do not use self-tanning - all of this irritates the skin.

Laser hair removal
The method is based on the ability of a laser to penetrate into the hair and destroy the hair follicle by applying heat to it. This type of hair removal gives the best effect on dark hair and pale skin. In this case, only those hairs that are visible on the body are removed. At the end of the procedure, subcutaneous hair comes to the surface on its own and gradually falls out over the course of one and a half to two weeks.

After a full course of laser hair removal, which can be, depending on the individual characteristics of a particular organism, from 3 to 4 sessions, and also in the absence of various hormonal disorders in the body, hair growth stops. To completely get rid of unwanted hair, repeat sessions are performed at intervals of two to three months. If you are already going on vacation, then come up with another way to take care of your bikini area, and postpone laser hair removal until next year.

Advantages: this is a fairly painless procedure, however, everyone is recommended to treat the area affected by the laser with anesthesia. The session time is short - it will take no more than 10 minutes to treat the bikini area. Typically, laser treatment leaves no marks on the skin: after the procedure, perfectly smooth and delicate skin remains.

Disadvantages: quite expensive procedure. Considering it only from a cosmetic point of view is not entirely correct. This type of hair removal is a cross between hardware cosmetology and plastic surgery. This allows you to treat it with full responsibility, having previously studied the list of contraindications. Just like photoepilation, laser hair removal does not affect red and blond hair.

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