How to make a decorative gift for dolls. Making textile packaging for a doll

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I want to tell you and show you how quickly, in 10 minutes, you can assemble a doll for the road. I am posting my master class to help beginners, maybe someone will find it useful.

When I first started making dolls, I kept stumbling over the problem of how to send them. Having tried many packages, complex and simple, expensive and cheap, I came to two conclusions.

1. Durable, beautiful industrial packaging costs money. Naturally, this price will need to be included in the cost of the products. Naturally, I don’t want to do this, because then the cost of my dolls will increase by 10 percent. In the current economic reality, such moves can upset the price-quality balance, but I don’t need that. That’s why I gave up expensive packaging and haven’t bought it for a long time.

2. You can make exclusive packaging with your own hands, as some craftsmen do. I respect them very much for this and look at them with sacred horror. In my case - no, no and no! I am absolutely not ready to spend 3 hours creating such a hand-made masterpiece. I feel even more sorry for the time than for the money in point 1.

Packaging is still needed, there’s no way around it, I can’t wrap the doll in newspapers or rags when sending it and ruin the whole impression for the buyer. Therefore, I presented only one requirement for the container I needed, but the main requirement was strength. I found everything I needed in an industrial area of ​​the city at an enterprise that produces self-assembled boxes in bulk, in small wholesale, and in general, one at a time. As a result, I now have cardboard cutouts in three sizes: for the smallest parcels, for sets and for finished dolls. I buy these cuttings in small wholesale, the price for such packaging is from 14 to 40 rubles per piece. Almost for nothing, and I suspect that if you buy cardboard in a store and glue the box yourself, its cost will be higher. And also draw, cut, glue... In general, it’s easier and cheaper to take a ready-made construction set. I really wanted black boxes, but they can only be ordered in large quantities, I can’t make that many dolls in a year, and I didn’t like the white boxes. Therefore, I settled on gray-brown, the color of kraft paper. The wall thickness is 3 mm, which is very pleasing.

It’s also very nice that such a box can be decorated in any way you like. Due to lack of time, I am not particularly zealous in this direction. Although I need to finally order a stamp and think about the external design of the packaging, at the moment I am operating under the motto “fast, durable, aesthetically pleasing.” The packaging performs its function well and delivers the dolls intact. So far the whole process is going like this and I needed:

Cardboard box cutout;

Satin ribbon;

Kraft paper;

Glue "Moment";

Acrylic outline;

Label paper (adhesive);

Filler (sesal, wood shavings or any other);

Ruler, pencil, cutter, scissors.

First, I print a picture on sticky paper to stick on the box. Well, at the same time, labels, so there’s no wasted space.

Then I assemble the box, and from a roll of kraft paper I cut out a rectangle to fit the bottom of the box with long edges that will then overlap. I coat the bottom of the box with glue.

And I glue the paper to the bottom, the edges of the paper stick out freely.

Then, on the back of the box in the middle, I mark two lines equal in width to the width of the satin ribbon.

I cut these lines with a cutter and insert the ends of the tape into the holes.

From the outside and inside it looks like this:

Now it's time for the doll. I put it in a box and tie a bow. The bow is only delicate in appearance, it is tied very tightly and covers the doll’s arms, which are pressed tightly to the sides. At first, in my experiments, I tried to tie the arms and legs with two bows, but for this size of the doll, one bow is enough. Sometimes, if the doll is bulky and takes up the entire space of the box, I don’t glue paper to the bottom, but simply cut holes and tie a bow. In this case, the shavings cannot be used later.

Then I cover the doll with the edges of the paper, they should be long enough, it’s better to tuck them in deeper. You can put a small present for the buyer, usually a set of postcards with my dolls or drawings.

After everything is laid, I cover the surface with wood shavings and close the box.

I take the cut out sticker and stick it in the center of the box. Then I apply the pattern using an acrylic outline. Dots are the fastest and easiest way, but in general you can dream up any decor you like. I would like to paint it, cover it with lace, rhinestones, bows and curlicues.

The packaging is ready, I put it in mailbox No. 4. The empty space can be filled with any lightweight material: paper shavings, polystyrene foam or paper. The main thing is that no sounds come from the parcel when shaking. This is an indicator that everything is well packaged.

For a long time I wondered how to pack my dolls. The boxes are difficult to find; ordinary textile bags have a soft bottom and when you lift the bag, the doll falls into the hammock. Suddenly I came across a flower arrangement, where the flowers stood on a hard stand, and the stand itself was in a bag. And today I did something similar.

For work we will need:

1. Medium density fabric (I used calico according to GOST) In my case, 68 * 50 cm + 40 * 17 for the bottom.

2. Thick cardboard

3. Lace (any)

4. Satin ribbon at least 50 cm long (3 cm wide)

5. Eyelets (14 pieces) and tools for their installation. But you can do without eyelets.

6. Sewing machine and thread.

I completed it in 2 hours, it’s possible that a beginner will need more time.

I will be packing a doll like this, sewn according to Elena Voinatovskaya’s original patterns. The doll's height is 54 cm.

But the doll’s knees are very high and the doll can be laid either in an L shape or in a column. I chose the column.

She raised both legs and fixed them with her arms. Pippi does yoga with me.

Let's get to work.

1. Now take measurements of the bottom of the bag. With a ruler. I got 19*15 cm.

2. Cut out a rectangle of the required size from thick cardboard. (This can be a circle or a square, whichever you prefer)

3. Cut out a pocket from a rectangle of fabric, the future bottom of the bag. Fold the fabric in half, trace around the cardboard, machine sew with a straight stitch, leaving a little less than 1 cm for the hem on both sides.

4. Fold the edges, turn the envelope inside out, iron.

5. Insert cardboard inside and sew it all up with a hidden seam (by hand, of course)

6. Measure the length of the lace. I just wrapped them around the bottom.

7. Now cut the fabric to a width equal to the length of the prepared lace.

8. Fold the bottom of the bag (the part that will be sewn to the bottom) once and machine sew it with a straight stitch.

10. Stepping back 10 cm from the bottom edge, place our lace horizontally. Secure with pins. Sew using a straight stitch on a machine.

11. Finish the top of the bag with a fine zigzag stitch.

12. Using a ruler, measure the distance between the eyelets. Fold the fabric in half vertically. I retreated 1 cm from the left edge. Then every 5 cm. Total 7 marks. We will punch holes on the fabric folded in half, right through, in the end there will be 14 holes.

13. I punch special holes. tool, I use it to plant the eyelets. If you don't have eyelets, you can punch shirt buttonholes on a machine. Not big, but definitely vertical.

14. Insert eyelets. There should be 14 of them.

15. General view, where I only have 2 eyelets left to punch at the edges.

16. Fold the fabric in half again and pin it at the edge with a needle. Now insert the bottom into it to measure the desired length. If everything fits, make a mark on the fabric and pull out the bottom.

17. We sew the fabric along the edge with a straight stitch, then we process the fabric with a zigzag.

18. Now we will sew the fabric to the bottom. I placed the seam of the fabric in the center of the long part of the bottom.

19. I turned the fabric “on its face”, inserted the bottom and began sewing it to the fabric with a hidden seam along the very edge (by hand)

20. No matter how hard I tried to measure, I still missed. Not scary. I made a fold and sewed it on.

22. Insert ribbon into the eyelets and place the doll in the bag

Tighten the ribbon, tie a bow and admire the result

There was a small influx of readers, it’s nice, everyone is welcome) From such pleasantness, my good mood became even “good” E e". And it was good because they recognized me as a miracle storyteller (today we had a small and cozy lecture on layout for new layout designers for a student newspaper, I had to try out the role of a lecturer, and with my asociality and inability to express thoughts.. but it didn’t work out. as bad as it turned out).

Well, let's move on to the topic of the post. I've been meaning to write this post for a long time (I don't know why for a long time). I want to show you how my dolls are packaged.

When I came up with the name for my assault, I, of course, did not think about the fact that it would one day limit me and push me into a rather narrow and rigid framework. And no matter how much I love stripes (raccoons in particular), sympathy alone cannot explain why this place is called “The Striped Box.” And, in short, I came up with a cunning plan!

“Let the dolls be handed over to the customer in a striped box,” I decided. It took me a very, very long time to reach such a simple and seemingly obvious conclusion.

At first, the packaging was organza bags. Then I tried corrugated cardboard and craft paper: this turned out to be a brown miracle box with twine. And somewhere here I finally remembered and realized that I called everything that was happening “ Striped Box." And then one day I received a package wrapped in striped wrapping paper from IKEA. And I was determined to find the same one, or at least very similar.

I don’t know where they even find this (I suspect that you can get striped designer paper somewhere). I looked through everything I could think of. I was getting more and more desperate, my hands were already giving up when I finally found the striped piece of paper on Taobao of my dreams! In reality, it turned out to be a little more orange, I'm still thinking about whether this can be changed somehow (for example, color it with coffee... yes, I'm a masochist). In the meantime, I came up with this rather simple option:

Nothing super-duper unusual, but it’s striped and generally looks nice. True, ever since I saw this beauty on Natalya’s blog, I haven’t been able to sleep peacefully: D I’m lying, actually I can, but how wonderful it is. This kind of hinted to me that we need to improve the packaging further. Maybe we should move away from the Striped Box altogether (surely this will happen one day).

A closer look shows that the box is indeed striped:

And now, I have a huge roll of such sheets lying in my house right now, waiting for me to make enough boxes (and sew enough dolls). I also decided that I could make tags from the same piece of paper (why not, actually).

Here the inscription looks rather crooked (it was 4 o’clock in the morning... well, there’s no need to explain further). Ideally, of course, it is better to first print this thing on kraft paper, and then cut it out and stick it on striped paper. The “experimental” doll is, as you might guess, Lisa , the one with the laptop.

In general, the design of my assault slowly migrated from “extremely amateur” (old logo with a box + crooked organza bags) to simply amateur and rather mediocre. One day I hope to reach the “super-duper” level, but for now I will be content with the current result.

I also have some in store for you utility. Here at this link you can read an interesting article about how craftswoman Katerina packages her products. I love reading this, maybe you do too?

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