Spring applique lesson. Application on the theme “Spring” for kindergarten. Relaxation exercise

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Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (application) in the preparatory group.

Theme: "Spring".

Software tasks: Teach children to independently select the content of their work and carry out the plan, using early acquired skills and abilities;

Z strengthen a variety of cutting techniques;

develop visual control over hand movements, compositional skills, imagination;

foster creative activity and independence.

Material: colored paper of different colors, shapes and sizes, scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloths, waste baskets, presentation “Spring” (with illustrations from painting material by V.V. Konovalenko), equipment for displaying the presentation, tape recorder with audio recordings of classical music ( P. Tchaikovsky “April”, etc.).

Previous work: looking at illustrations, reproductions, reading poetry, singing songs about spring, observing seasonal changes in nature, reading A. Volkov’s work “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:- Guys, I received a message from Ellie. Do you remember which fairy tale it is from? (“The Wizard of the Emerald City”). The message is very alarming. Listen, please: the inhabitants of the country of Munchkins are in trouble. The evil sorceress Gingema has bewitched the spring and there will be no warmth in their country. Therefore, munchkins have been living in a frosty, cold country for several months. Can you imagine what is happening there now? They may die from the cold. Since Ellie returned home to her Kansas, she asks you and me to help the freezing inhabitants of a fairyland. The Scarecrow, who became the ruler of the Emerald City, suggested that if the residents had pictures depicting all the signs of spring, then they would be able to resist the witch’s spell and spring would come into its own.” This is the message I received from Ellie. I don’t know, children, how we can help the inhabitants of a magical land. (Children voice their suggestions, if they propose to write or draw signs, the teacher replies that there is a note in the message that Gingema provided for this and all the drawings made with paints and inscriptions disappear; thus lead them to the fact that they need to make applicative work.)

Educator: - It’s a very good idea to cut out and paste all the signs of spring, and then we’ll send them by magic mail. Let's remember and list all the signs of spring. ( Children list: birds return from warm countries, build nests, lay eggs, bears, hedgehogs and other animals wake up after hibernation, buds bloom on trees, etc.)

Educator: I suggest you look at the screen and carefully check that we haven’t forgotten anything?

(the presentation “Spring” is shown on multimedia equipment; children look at it and note that all the signs have been named)

Educator: - Now let's agree which of you will depict which spring sign. I just ask you not to repeat yourself. (Children name what they decided to choose, take their seats, having chosen the necessary material for cutting. They begin to work. The calm music of P. Tchaikovsky “April” sounds, etc.)

Educator: - Guys, before you get started, let's remember some cutting techniques. For example, if we need to cut out several shapes of the same size and shape, what should we do? ( give children the opportunity to offer their own options). Correctly, we fold a strip of paper like an accordion and cut out several identical parts at once. If we cut a person out, what is the best way to do it? ( children's answers) In order to cut out a person, you need to use a symmetrical cutting method, fold a sheet of paper in half and cut out only half at the fold line. (the teacher accompanies all his words with a visual demonstration of actions)

The children do the work. The teacher provides individual assistance. As work progresses, the teacher invites the children to take a dynamic break.

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you gain magical powers from the rainbow so that your landscapes will break the spell of the evil Gingema. ( The teacher conducts breathing exercises “Rainbow, hug me”)

Rainbow, hug me.

I.p. – o.s.
1 – full inhalation through the nose with arms extended to the sides;
2 – hold your breath for 3-4 seconds;
3 – stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “s”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. First point your arms forward, then cross them in front of your chest, as if raising your shoulders: one hand goes under the armpit, the other on the shoulder.

Once completed, all work is posted on a board for review.

Educator: - You guys are so great. Your work will help the munchkins and spring will come to their amazing country. ( The last slide with the image of spring is shown on the multimedia equipment.)

A child prepared in advance reads a poem:

Irina Gurina “April”.

April walked through the forests,

The drops have already ended,

The snow has melted, it's warm,

And it became light in the evening.

In a sun-warmed lowland

The first blades of grass appeared.

In deep puddles on the path

The bear and the wolf cub washed their feet.

The rays of the sun are getting hotter,

The merry rooks are screaming,

In the forest there is a carpet of snowdrops,

The forest rustles in the April wind.

The jackdaws flocked to the fields,

The warm earth sighs.

And coltsfoot buds

The slopes are ready to be gilded.

List of used literature:

1. Z.A. Bogateeva “Applique classes in kindergarten.” Moscow "Enlightenment", 1998.

2. T.S. Komarova. “Lessons in visual arts in a kindergarten preparatory group.” Publishing house MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS. Moscow, 2011.

3. I.A. Lykova. “Art activities in kindergarten. School preparatory group." "Karapuz - didactics." Creative center Sfera. Moscow 2008.

4. I.A.Lykova “Is it really made of paper. ABC of appliqué."

5. T.M. Bondarenko “Ecological activities with children 6-7 years old.” Shopping center "Teacher" 2009

Summary of an open lesson on artistic creativity (application) in the preparatory group.

"Spring is Red"

Program content:

Expand children's ideas about early spring;

Activate children's vocabulary;

Develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestation of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas, help the child demonstrate his artistic abilities;

Create an emotionally positive attitude in children, develop aesthetic feelings

Continue to introduce children to the features of color, create color shades;

Involve children in working with a variety of materials;

Improve children's motor activity;

Cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Materials: colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, Springfly doll, scissors, napkins, oilcloth.

Preliminary work: familiarization with F. Tyutchev’s poem “It’s not for nothing that Winter is angry...”, learning poems, riddles, signs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations of seasonal changes in nature.

Hello guys! Let's all say hello to each other together. . Now hold hands and smile and share your good mood with each other. (Children pass the Heart with affectionate words.)

Oh, guys, when I went to our kindergarten, I met, and guess who:

She opens her buds into green leaves,

Dresses the trees, waters the crops,

It’s full of movement, but its name is... (spring) (riddles)

That's right, guys, spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring!). Spring is an amazing time of year. The spring warmth makes everyone feel very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring has many faces. This includes beautiful nature, the arrival of birds, flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling covers all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now we will listen to a poem by the Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters". Listen carefully, there may be unfamiliar words.

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They shout all over the place;

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead. (F. Tyutchev)


Guys, how do you understand the expression “they are shouting all over the place” (Addressing someone with words; speaking, reporting, announcing), and “Sleepy shore” (sleepy shore)

What kind of spring did you see? What mood did the poets convey? (Cheerful, joyful, beautiful, young.)

Look how bright she is, today we will make her sisters, and please tell me what the three months of spring are called (the children answer correctly)

Game "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom, (children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clearly, so that it doesn’t go out!

A stream ran in the garden (children run in a circle).

A hundred rooks flew in (children wave their hands while standing still).

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (children crouch in place).

And the flowers are growing. (children get up slowly).

And now we have an interesting task to depict the image of spring. So let us, together with me, depict such a multifaceted image of Spring.

Children's creative work:

(children start working using previously prepared material)

Guys, look what a beautiful spring we have had. Now let's give our beauties names (children name names)

Well done, guys!



Summary of an open lesson on artistic creativity (application) in the preparatory group.

"Spring is Red"

Program content:

  • -expand children's ideas about early spring;
  • -activate children's vocabulary;
  • - develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestation of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas, and help the child demonstrate his artistic abilities;
  • -create an emotionally positive attitude in children, develop aesthetic feelings
  • -continue to introduce children to the features of color, compose color shades;
  • -involve children in working with a variety of materials;
  • -improving motor activity of children;
  • -- to cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Materials: colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, Springfly doll, scissors, napkins, oilcloth.

Preliminary work:acquaintance with F. Tyutchev’s poem “It’s not for nothing that Winter is angry...”, learning poems, riddles, signs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations of seasonal changes in nature.

Hello guys! Let's all say hello to each other together. . Now hold hands and smile and share your good mood with each other. (Children pass the Heart with affectionate words.)

Oh, guys, when I went to our kindergarten, I met, and guess who:

She opens her buds into green leaves,

Dresses the trees, waters the crops,

It’s full of movement, but its name is... (spring) (riddles)

That's right, guys, spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring!). Spring is an amazing time of year. The spring warmth makes everyone feel very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring has many faces. This includes beautiful nature, the arrival of birds, flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling covers all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now we will listen to a poem by the Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters". Listen carefully, there may be unfamiliar words.

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They shout all over the place;

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead. (F. Tyutchev)


Guys, how do you understand the expression “they are shouting all over the place” (Addressing someone with words; speaking, reporting, announcing), and “Sleepy shore” (sleepy shore)

What kind of spring did you see? What mood did the poets convey? (Cheerful, joyful, beautiful, young.)

Look how bright she is, today we will make her sisters, and please tell me what the three months of spring are called (the children answer correctly)

Game "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom, (children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clearly, so that it doesn’t go out!

A stream ran in the garden (children run in a circle).

A hundred rooks flew in (children wave their hands while standing still).

Zulfiya Gubaidullova
Summary of a lesson on applique in the senior group using non-traditional techniques “Landscape “Spring”

Summary of a lesson on application in the senior group using non-traditional techniques on the topic: « Scenery"Spring.


1. Continue learning non-traditional appliqué technique.

2. Develop creative imagination, attentiveness, perseverance, fine motor skills.

3. Cultivate interest in understanding the world around us.



Continuing to teach children to work with paper, perform appliqués in various ways (sprinkles, crumpled paper, torn paper);

Training in working with glue.


Development of fine motor skills of the fingers, spatial imagination, eye, abstract thinking, development of the ability to follow oral instructions;

Learning to solve riddles;

Learning to perceive poetic text by ear;

Development of creative interest in work, logical thinking;

Development of fantasy.


Cultivating patience, perseverance, hard work;

Cultivating neatness, taste, and other aesthetic feelings.


Development of sensorimotor skills - coordination in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions;

Development of auditory attention.

Form classes: educational and playful, independent and creative.

Duration: 30 minutes

Participants: senior group.

Age of students: from 5 to 6 years.

Equipment: typesetting cloth with technological maps, glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, rags or napkins for glue, prepared background for crafts, green paper sprinkles in jars, details appliques on plates.

Preliminary work:

Preparing the background pattern (gluing green paper onto blue cardboard - "clearing", gluing a cut out tree trunk, cutting out a circle from yellow paper – "Sun");

preparing the sprinkles: colored double-sided paper is first cut into strips, the narrower the better, then the strips are cut crosswise as finely as possible.

Vocabulary work:

Agreement of nouns with adjectives by gender.

Active Dictionary: leaves, grass, spring, come, warm, warm.

Passive dictionary: teach children to express their thoughts in complete sentences.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: conversation, survey.

Gaming: surprise moment, physical education minute.

Visual: use of paintings, part templates.

Structure classes:

The postman brought a letter.

Reading a letter from Spring.

Explanation of the algorithm for performing the work

Riddles. Reasoning. Explanation of the algorithm for performing the work. Operating rules

Physical education minute


Securing the sequence of work

Consolidation of the algorithm and work sequence.

Practical part

Getting the job done (crafts) to the music

Job Analysis

Show all works.

Summing up classes

Telegram from spring.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The necessary tools and materials are laid out on the tables by the attendants. The teacher gathers the children on the carpet in a circle. The postman enters.

Postman: Hello! Is this a kindergarten? I brought a letter to your children groups.

Educator: Hello! Yes, kindergarten. Thank you, postman, for your letter!

Children: Thank you!

The teacher takes a letter from the postman. The postman leaves. The teacher opens the letter.

Educator: Guys, the person about whom the mystery is sending us a letter.

“The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day is coming. When does this happen?

Children: Spring.

Educator: That's right, that's Spring sent a letter. Listen to what she writes:

“Dear guys! I am turning to you for help. I came to earth, driving away winter. It was very difficult, winter did not want to go away, I had to fight it. I have little strength left, and I don’t have time to awaken all of nature, to grow flowers and leaves on all the trees. If I don't have time, many trees will be left without leaves and will stand bare all summer. Many clearings will be without flowers, and butterflies will have nowhere to perch. Help me.

I know if you try, you can do it. I count on you. SPRING»

Educator: Guys, what? We'll help Spring?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's sit down at the tables with you.

2. Explanation of the work.

Educator: Here we have blanks in these pictures spring has not yet come.

What do you see in the paintings that are on your tables?

Children's answers.

Educator: But we can change everything. I will now ask you riddles, and you will tell me what must appear in our paintings in order for it to come to them. spring.

*The fire moves slowly here,

He goes around Mother Earth.

There's a cheerful light shining in the window,

Well of course it is...

Children: Sun.

Educator: Isn’t it the sun’s fault?

What's hanging in the sky?

Children: Clouds.

Educator: *Green beaks appeared in the spring,

They turned into green palms by summer.

The breeze will blow a little,

And green hands will clap.

Children: Leaves.

Educator: We are growing green in the open space,

We grow under the warm rain,

The sun is shining - we are blooming.

Children: Flowers.

Educator: How can we help spring? What can we do, do you think?

Children: Glue a bright sun and clouds, make green leaves on the tree, and grass, and flowers.

Educator: How do we depict a bright sunny day?

Children: We will paste the sun and white clouds.

Educator: What shape and color did we prepare the sun?

Children: Yellow circle.

Educator: What will we make clouds from?

Children: Using a white napkin, use the tearing technique to make an oval shape.

Educator: What can you easily use to make leaves on a tree, grass in a clearing?

Children: Made from green sprinkles.

Educator: How should you work with sprinkles?

Children: Carefully, try not to blow on her.

Educator: How much glue do you need to use so that all the sprinkles stick?

Children: A lot of glue, you need to apply it randomly over all the branches.

Educator: How can we make flowers?

Children: From a crumpled colored napkin.

Along with the discussion, the teacher shows how all the elements are made crafts: sticks on the sun, uses a tearing technique to make an oval from a rectangle napkin and sticks on a cloud, glues leaves on a tree and grass from green sprinkles and makes spots of flowers in a clearing from a colored crumpled napkin.

3. Physical education minute.

Educator: Well, before we start work, let's take a little walk into the spring forest.

Everyone stand behind their own chair.

Together with me we repeat the words and movement:

"We came to the spring forest (children walk in place)

There are many miracles around here! (spread arms to the sides)

To the right are slender birch trees, (right hand is moved to the side)

On the left, the Christmas trees are looking at us. (left hand is moved to the side)

The leaves are turning green on the trees, (raise hands up, shaking)

And flowers are blooming in the grass!" (raise their folded hands

palms up to face level).

Well done, sit down at the tables.

4. Consolidating the sequence of work.

Educator: So, let's remember in what order we will do our paintings.

(During the enumeration, the teacher displays on the typesetting canvas technological cards - the sequence of work).

First we glue the sun (the card is placed - the sun).

Then we glue a white napkin to the sky - this is a cloud (map - cloud).

After this, we smear glue on the branches of the tree and sprinkle with green sprinkles; leaves grow on the tree (map – leaves on a tree).

Press the sprinkles with a napkin, then shake them into trays.

We smear the green meadow with glue and sprinkle with sprinkles (the card is grass, press it with a napkin and shake off the excess into the trays.

We make flowers from crumpled colored napkins and glue them to the clearing (card - flowers).

5. Practical part

Doing crafts. Children do work to music (spring forest music).

6. Analysis of work.

All works are exhibited on typesetting canvas. (Appendix 1).

Educator: What kind of work did we get? (Children's answers).

What do you like about your work? (Children's answers)

What kind of work do you like best? Why? (Children's answers)

7. Summing up classes.

There's a knock on the door and the postman comes in.

Postman: Telegram for you.

Educator: Thank you.

The teacher reads out telegram: “Thank you guys,

you helped me a lot. Well done to all of you! Yours Spring».

Educator: Y'all tried, and you did some wonderful work. Our class is over, the attendants will clear the tables.

List literature used:

1. Dolzhenko G. I. "100 paper crafts" Yaroslavl, "Development Academy", 1999.

2. Komarova T. S. "Children in the world of creativity" Moscow, "Mnemosyne", 1995.

3. Lykova L. S. “Art activities in kindergarten” Moscow, "Karapuz-didactics", 2007.

4. Malysheva A. N., Ermolaeva N. V. « Application in kindergarten» Yaroslavl, "Development Academy", 2006.

5. Rumyantseva E. R. « Application. Simple crafts" Moscow, "IRIS-press", 2008.

All children love to make appliques from an early age. In addition, this type of artistic creativity is also a very useful activity for kids. So, while cutting out various parts from paper, cardboard and other materials, gluing them onto a base and creating a composition, the child noticeably develops fine motor skills of his fingers, thinking, imagination, concentration and other skills.

The application can captivate even a hyperactive baby for a long time, so it is often used to calm the baby and channel his energy into a creative direction. In addition, using this technique, a child can make beautiful gifts with his own hands for parents and other loved ones or decorate useful items.

Due to their incredible benefits, applications are also very widespread in kindergartens. During group classes, children with interest and enthusiasm perform beautiful compositions under the guidance of a teacher, and sometimes bring their works to an exhibition dedicated to a particular event.

In particular, with the arrival of a new season, for example, spring, a child in kindergarten may be tasked with making an application on a corresponding topic. Of course, the youngest children will be helped by their parents to complete their first masterpiece, but older children are quite capable of completing this task on their own. In this article we will tell you what spring applications for kindergarten can be like, and how you can make them yourself.

Spring applications in kindergarten

The simplest applique on a spring theme that can be made in kindergarten is all kinds of flowers, bouquets and trees made from colored paper using the cutting technique. This option is usually used by the youngest children who are not yet very good with scissors. To help your child, you can draw a tree trunk on a large sheet of paper and invite your little one to make leaves for it.

Also, together with your child, you can cut out a trunk from brown colored paper and use it as the main element of a future application. Flowers are made in a similar way - long stems are usually painted with a brush or felt-tip pen, and bright petals are made from plain or corrugated paper.

For older children, it is already becoming possible to make crafts using the “cutting” technique or Both of them require the presence of a pencil, onto which the main material for making the applique must be wound in a certain way, and then the composition must be assembled, correctly placing the parts on the base. To make it a little easier for the child, and he can easily cope with completing crafts using rather complex techniques, before starting work, it is recommended to draw the outline of the future masterpiece onto the base.

In addition to paper and cardboard, children today use any, even the most incredible, materials in their work. These include pieces of various fabrics, pieces of rubber, plastic film, all kinds of buttons, beads, seed beads and glass beads, cereals, pasta and nuts. By and large, when making a spring-themed appliqué, anything that, in one way or another, fits the intended composition can be used.

Of course, the “flower” theme is the leading one among all children's applications made in connection with the arrival of spring. This is quite natural, because at this time of year all nature comes to life, fresh green grass appears, and all the flowers gradually begin to bloom.

Meanwhile, other themes can be used to create applications - the bright spring sun and improving weather in general, the return of birds to their native places, the melting of snow and ice, or various symbols associated with Maslenitsa, a holiday during which all people say goodbye to winter cold and rejoice at the coming of spring.

Some ideas for making your own children's appliqués on a spring theme are presented in our photo gallery.

A application I

"Spring. Signs of spring."

Target: Strengthen the skills of cutting and making collective appliqué.


    consolidate the ability to identify signs of spring;

    continue to develop children’s coherent speech, thinking, and memory;

    consolidate the ability to cut corners of a square to obtain a rounded shape, cut a sheet of paper along a planned and imaginary line, carefully glue parts, work with different types of paper in different ways;

    consolidate the ability to hold scissors correctly and operate safely with them.

    cultivate interest in the world around us and the changes taking place in it.

Material: blanks for collective applique, glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins for glue, prepared background for crafts, object pictures, plot pictures for the game.


Org. moment :


Guys, what time of year is it now? Why? Name the signs of spring (children, looking out the window, name the signs of spring). Remember the name of the spring months.

And now I will show you a picture. What time of year does it depict? Notice how sad and cheerless she is. Let's take a look and think about what is missing there?

(children look at the “Spring” background and offer to add the missing spring details).

Let's revive this picture and make it beautiful and colorful together.

I have prepared paper blanks, and we will depict the signs of spring that we have listed on paper using appliqué.

(Children choose what details of the picture they will create).

(repetition orally of ways to create selected parts of the picture)

First, let's repeat the rules for working with scissors.

Before starting work, let's stretch our fingers:

Our scarlet flowers

( Place your palms together in front of you.)

The petals are blooming,

(One at a time, starting with the thumb, spread your fingers apart. Leave your wrists connected .)

The breeze breathes a little,

( Blow flowers on your hands.)

The petals are swaying.

(Move your fingers back and forth.)

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close.

( Place your fingers one by one, cupping your palms together.)

They shake their heads,

( Shake your palms left and right.)

They fall asleep quietly.

( Place your head on your folded palms.)

Carrying out teamwork and mutual assistance.

(cutting birch leaves from a rectangle, bending it in half and cutting an arc along an imaginary line;

Composing a “dandelion” flower from napkins - volumetric applique;

The sun is cutting out a circle from a square, the rays are made into loops from strips of paper, which are measured by folding;

Clouds are crumpled paper).

During the work, the game “Name it affectionately” is played (sun, leaf, cloud, thawed patch, flower, bird), the formation of diminutive nouns.

And now we will play a game called"Spring words" . I will name the words, and you guess what I'm talking about.

1. Blue, clear, cloudless, pure... (sky)

2. Long, transparent, cold, sparkling... (icicle)

3. Bright, affectionate, golden, radiant... (sun)

4. Light, spring, sunny, fine... (day)

5. Warm, pleasant, light, fresh... (wind)

6. Dirty, loose, cold, melted... (snow)

7. Young, green, fresh, tender, first (grass).

Educator: Let's add butterflies and birds made in advance. Which birds are wintering and which are migratory?

I prepared pictures with children. You need to choose: which pictures are spring, which are summer and which are winter, explain why you decided so. Let's put them in our picture too.

Conclusion (work analysis):

Educator: How did the picture turn out? Do you like it? What exactly? What worked best? Well done, everyone worked well, and we will hang our picture in the group. Now let's clean up our workplaces.

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